Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, December 19, 1798, Image 3

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    J__— If ll *iW»" ■" ■
foreign %ztitltß.
VIENNA, September 20:
Oiii cotirt continues its warlike preparati
ons with encrjuferi vigor, fsnce the news of
the? of the French fleet.
The Ruffians march in twa columns, one
of which proceeds from Kaminiek, and the
rtt'rer from Brotli. Several Ruffian officers
a-e already arrived at Ltraberg, to make
the neceuary preparations for the march of
thrfe column*, one of which is to proceed
to Cafcfaq Hungary, and the other to
Tefehen and Moravia.
PARIS, October 8-
The minider plenipotentiary of Portu- 1
gal has set out on his return to Madrid. *
He was not in podeffion of fufficient pow- '•
ers, but it he received those of a more ex- ' nature from his court, and more 1
conformabl to the toMes of the French go- 1
vernment, it is probable enough that the '
negnciiiUon will be earned on through the
channel of the Spanish cabinet.
LONDON. Oaober 9. I
The Declaration ofW.t by he Ottoman '
Porte agaiu't the French republic, is a moll
import mt event in the present co; vulfcd F
da:e of Europe. It.opens * new fi.-ld for u
speculation on the probable corfequence cf 11
t' e revolutionary fylterti. The lu kis in- r
volved in it, and fatally fc.r himfclf, perhaps,
has invited hi word enemy to protcft him 11
from his old friend. The French e.ideavor-
• ed in vain to reconcile tlie Porte to the me- f
ditated descent upon Egypt. All their de- 11
elarations of fiiendfhip were unavailing, and j
the minitUr of the Grand Seignior, at St.
Peterfourgh, was directed to apply to the '
Emperor in the threatened criiis. and to '
express a hope, that if the Ottoman force
fhou'd be removed from guarding the Rufii
an irontirrs. in order to repel the uifprov k
wl of the French, no advantage . '
•.vouldbe takenoftheirabfenee by that court. ,n
To this application tVe emperor is said to
have repli. ti by his miuiftcr, pot only that no
advantage wott'd be taken of an txcrtion
that ought to be conl dered by every Sove
reign Power us an effort for commondeftnce; ®" u
but that so perfectly Ud he enter into the !'
feelings of the G raj i Seignior, that a fleet Jj 1
of (hips, and a hody of 60,000 mrn, Ihould
be at the commandos (he-Sublime
the mere condition of their maintenance
whileinthe Turkifli service. Iti6 added,that ar
Paul having pledged his royal wo'd, which
in no in/lanee has been forfeited, the Divan '
was induced to conclude a fubiidiary treaty, .
upen the (trength of which war is declared
againd the French. tc
The Fn'ncefs Royal of France, is about
to be married to the Duke of Agouleme,
elded son of le Cour.t d'Artois, brother to
late and present King of France. '! he f-
Emperor of Germany fut nifties her with a
revenue of a million tournois ; and the Em
peror of Russia is to be ac the cxpencc of
the nuptial feftival.
Lord Bridport has dispatched four fail of ''
the line after the Bred fleet a sea. Several te
squadrons are on the fame business. Some J",
personS luppofe this fleet bound to New
feundland. We mult soon hear of it ' l:
ihe Emperor of Germany has feat a V
comniifl'arv to the Ruffian auxiliary army ,a
that has entered Gallicia. with orders to ar
fupp'y it with every necessary of which it
may lland in need.
I he young King of Sweden's time is ?,1-
most entire'y dev.,te«l to the arrangement of
finance, che increafeof his navy.
The intelligence of admiral Nelson's vie- tu
tory was received i:> Dublin with the mod "
genera! emoiions of joy. The '
illuminations were highly splendid, and a all
pu-dtjuit wai fired by the troops in garri- " c
The Brazil fleet, 117 fail, is fafdy arriv- j!'
cd Lisbon, except a few that arc miffing. e
All the firll lieutenants who served in the r ?
aftion of the Nik are promoted to the rank
of commanders in the navy. at
Extract of a Inter from Weymou h, Oft. 8. 'P.
" This morning the Royal Family and wl
Nobility, went 01 board the St. Florenzo a P
frigate, where Sir H. B Neale, her com- ro
mander, gave a grand nublic breakfafl, in tc<
honor of admiral Nelson's victory. The sri
gate and (hips in the road wee all, ot this
•'ccafi n, decora., d in the colours of differ-
ent nations. On their majsdies approach £ ' '
ing the ship, a-royal faiure'was fired." thl
CORK, Oflober 7. a S
This day an American Ihip has arrived at
the Cove, which had been captured by the " r
French fleer, bi.t recaptured by the Anfon,
in their view : the caotain report!, that
ffiortly after he fell in with a B.itiflj fqnad {<>r
ron, commanded by Sir J. IV Warren, con
fining «>f tlir cline ofbanle (hips and eight
frigates ; the Freich squadron were on* ret
ftip ot the hne, eight frigates, and a cutter,
Sir John wa- exactly in "their course. The " 1 '<
TejKirt is deemed here inconcedably authen- !lnt
*ic, and we are on the tip toe of expe&ati- nul
on of receiving the French fl et and Gen. P® 1
1 andy, in our harbour, with ihree cheT^.
~ 1 lie Anfon coiitiirurd dogging the 010
ricnch. Ed,
- . . _ . . - cd
Intercepted Letters from France the
to Dr. Priestley. f" r
ym-T nm.iifiEt),
A\'n TO EE S 01. D nV C3 F
.s'*® ffuAIPHRErS,
Sou 1 * ''nrtc-ji'ißEcr,
tlx P-»k <•/ the United States. | ,ur
•in ' ' T'." 0 *' vc pr»"V liiti] to I
t 'I <>l Original lj-rtrrs, recently writt 11 tao
"v « in l'.rK to Or. Pricf.iey „■ „f
; "7 ** '. v " l,n e a S ai "fi her, in tbc Hbh ' .?
Orrst I\frtam. I Clis
Cj' An Apprentice Wanted, by said 1 ftV
Jini,^)lir t y 6< ' ; jf.
\\ fa if u w i (u<
r":trnk ? >*.• i\t jss of The
Glorious BntilTi Naval Vidtory.
tr- LONDON, October 15.
of Account cf the battle of the Nde, fought 1
on the id and zd of August, 1798, be- 1
ne tween tlte Britilh fleet, commanded b\ '
he Rear-Admiral Sir Horatio Nelson, K: B.
:rs and the French fleet, commanded by Vice- '
ke admiral 1 rueys, 111 Dcquieres Bav, 011 the '
of roait <-f Iv-vpt. '
ed Ibe leadingd vfi >a, of the British headed '
to I'C Gurner, ti:e Van ihip of the French line, 1
Five of our Ihip,-. went a-head, and brought I
tip oil the land (id* of th; French. The ad- c
miral's own division anchored on the off lide *
11- ot the French—thus placing their line to the
Id. fird Blip a-ftern of L'Orient, which formed '
w- a centre and angle of the French line, be
x- tweerj two (ires.—The /hips in tlie rear in x
, re the French line were, for lome hours, mere '
o- idle IjieCtators of the action, until some of ' J
he our (hlpsdiftu;;aged in the van, led down to 1
he attack then*. e
Upon th_* Cnllodcn grounding, the Alex- 0
j jflMcr and L ander were sent to her affiltance,
to endeavor to get her od". Finding this '
jn inmracticable, the Alexander made fiiii, and
i!t -00K her datum 011 the fide of L'Orient, op
;(j pcfite to th- Bellefophon, and {he
j r I'oppf d her anchor in the middle of the ene-
B f my's line, two ships a-h:nd l.'Onsnt, and «
n . rak-d 011 each !"-.V.
is, Captain Darby, of the T-lleropllor., had
m '"tended Lying his fly.p npnn the bo'.Y of the
r . French admiral's ship L'Orient, but by some
e . accident !he swung upon her broadfido, and
in that {ituation !]>e sustained the heavy fire
J ! of I.'Orient, until that fliip ble.v un.
t< L'Oiient blew up about ten o'clock at
ie n'ght T'he Bellerophon was difmalle-.i.—
0 Ihe Alexander had fuffered much both in
, e the aftion and by the explosion, but nobly T ,
j_ bore up for the French fiiips in the lear of
. their line, which were attacked in fucceffi
,e nby oivr.diipa as their opponen'shad (truck
in the Van.
0 When Le Guillaume Tell and Le Gener-
D eaux, with the two frigates, fled from the ' *
n scene of aflion, the Zealous, commanded j v
by Captain Hood, with a noble ardor pur-
sued them, and was actually firing upon both ! l ' c
e ' the line of battle ships, when the Admiral j
t judged it prudmt to call him back to the
j flee'. |ba
n The engagement commenced at five o' ,
e clock in the afternoon of the id of Augult,
t and continued, with little abatement, until ! S
between one and two next morning; from I
n this time until five the firing on both fides ;
slackened very considerably, when the con- !
j fli(ft was renewed ; and Aeon after the scene '
terminated in the glory and triumph of the
( British fleet, the deflruftion of two French
(hips of the line and two frigates. . t ' l
e [The following further partifiulars are giv
-3 en by a gentemai'l, who had an oppor
tunily of colleSing much information tr f
f rtfpefting this ever memorable event.] 1 1 j
The reason of Admiral Nelson's miffing 01
£ the French fleet originally, was the falfe in- j lc
1 tel'igence given to him by a neutral vedel, 'Ji
. or, perhap«, one sent on purpose to deceive
him. He was told that the French fleet
had left Malta three days earlier than the lt
truth; and therefore, fappofing them to be
far advanced, he made a diredt cut to Alex- t( !
andria, whillt Buonaparte went round bv ?"
t Candia. '
Leaving Sicilv the second time, he touch
ed at the Morea, (Greece;) and learning
f that the enemy had passed Candia, about 'T
33 days before, and had dood from whence,
to the South ead, he again fleered a direst »'
courfe for Alexandria, though in little hopes t
, "f finding them, lie locked into that port, |
a and favv it crowded with French (hips, but \l,
no Admiral or capital (hip. His despair ?•"
•vas now at its height, when the enemy's
_ fleet was described from the isad-head. a
few leagues to rhe Ea - ward, in the bay or ° n
e road flf Aboukier. lie initanlly directed
. his-courfe towards them, and found them
at anchor, in a line extending from N. W.
to S. E. They were at fmgle anchor, with
springs on their cables, and riding head to
, wind, which was fiom the North-wed- To }-[,
( approach them, it was necessary to fail j m '
round an iflarid and a re?l, which prnjrc
t ted from it, to the distance of several miles r. ,
from the point- on which the small fort of ][,
Alooukeir Hands. The wind was perfed
ly fair, both fr»r thid, and for approaching i le;
the fleet ; but Unfortunately, in rounding ani
the reef, the Culloden, the leading ship,
commanded by the gallant Troubridge, ran f ro
aground, and could not be got at all into f !X ,
aftion. After this accidt nt, Nelson found He
himfclf with ten ships only (three having op;
fillen several leagues adern) to fig\t 13 of He
;he enemy, and several of those of superior tlie
tore- to ary cf his.
The enemy began firing as soon as our
(hips came within (hot'; but the fire was not thj
returned till we clr.fed with them. The fro
Zealous difmaded the Gnerrier (headmod poi
(hip of the enemy's line) in three broadsides, thi
and she was completely bcated in five mi- per
nutei [he fix headmyll ships were.taken to
psffeffionof the hrlt night, (cemaining ddl the
at anchor) and L'Orient ble,w up. Next tio
morning at day l>ght the action recommenc- can
ed, and other (hipi were taken and dedroy. A\ii
ed ; nor did the battle en ! until the fore- the
noon of the third day, (Aug. 3.) when con
the enemy's rear was com p.-Heel either to this
fnrrender or run. fwo ship* of the Ine and nio
two frigates, by their less aifabled in it w
their mads and rigging than our ships, ef. son
caped, although pursued. All the captur- poi
ed (hips were dilVnafted. The Timoleon afi
fharcd the fa e of L'Otitct ; and those of the
! ,ur crew w ' l9 swam to the (hore, were aid j tive
jto be mrfTacred by th- Arabs. The advan- e.l
1 tages h, hi out ro Nelson ly the French ad- : son
mi al were great indeed; so that we hope afiij
I that the Almighty had confounded the coun- be
j cils of tin c»emy, both in the expedition it- I
j fell, aid in the manner of conducting i>.
j If the French admiral could not have made wo
' fuel) a disposition cf his fleet at ar.chor as to tria
™ ~ crmma:.d (he Buy of Aboufcciiy he fliould
hdve got his fleet under fail, so that every i
y Ihip might have I)a-] a chance of coming in i
to action. As it was, his line wis so difpof I
ed a' to he in the direflion of the wi'id, I
wHrtft Neifon had the option of attacking
the line t-i windward, and, of conrfe, of t
ie- growingr>«ti of the action, ail the leeward
Ijv A' P s « which being tied down at 'iichor, r
by thtir faulty could not come e
x . U P to the afii.iante of those which were ?.t- i
he tac ked ; f<> that' the different part of their p
line were beaten in fncctffion ; and on this
?c j matter the- decisive nature of (he viftory n:
e. tui "ed. Had they bcea call loose, in all fe
lit probability many would have escaped ; nor
i- could Neifon have ventured to attack them tc
k with his ten ships that evening. m
ic It mar be added, that had Neifon fallen fy
, f j in with the enemy on the way from Malta E
e- 'to Alexandria, the utinoit he could havedone in
, n was to beat or destroy their Ihips of war : th
re ' )ut the tianfports, See. would have efcapcd T
)f back to France and Italy ; for not one of jdr
;o them could in all probability have been tal;- 'an
en, as our fleet would have had work enough ' up
of a different kind. As the matter now is! w
f) the French army runs a risk of in j
is 'X-Jypt ol ' Syr ia, and the enemy may bid a- in
d c '''* u to their Mediterranean fleet, k pc
). °f their be ft tfoops and seamen ; belides til
T having 1 wantonly converted r.n old and ufe
fu? ally into an inveterate arid mischievous ftj
d eneni >-- ta:
c xl)c oasette. t
-1 — l,ll 1 ■ -' c
c SF.IfATF., DKCZ'.uJieji j3.
The Senate having, bv taking the oath re- H
. quired by lav/, formed 'into a 'Court wi
B < f 'nipsaicliineat for the purpose of tryinf--' De .
1 William Blount, charged by tiie Howie of
, Representatives with high crimes and mif
-1 dcme.inors aifainft the United States, 0 f
I A letter was received from MelFrs. Dal- ft|,
e ; li,s Hntl i I'lgerl'eil, deiiring to be heard at the pa
! bar of the Senate as Counitt for William
> : Blount.
> j O.i motion, leave was granted, and the
1 j Secretary ordered to notify the House of u s.
1 j Representatives thereof.
s ! A little after twelve,, the Managers of the r '° t
_ i House of Representatives, as well as the
„ j Counsel of the defendant, appeared at the p j'
. 1 Bar of the Senate; when the President of the
j Senate pro tern. (Mr. Laurance) addressed
the Managers to the following effeft ;
| " Gentlemen, . mt
_ 1 » " The Senate being formed into a Court
_ of Impeachment, are ready to proceed in the
trial of illiam Blount,Tate a Senator of J-'
• tlje United States, impeached by. the House
. of Representatives of high crimes and mis-
L tl( -'mcanors against the United-States. It will pfl
be neeefiary yew flisjild be informed, tiwu - ,
; Mr. Dallas and Mr. Ingcrfoll have applied -
t to be heafd as Gounfel' in behalf of the de
fendant, and that leave has been give-n tha'pi t
_ to t en:l in that capacity. I fliall proceed j;
. t( ' rea '' the articles of impeachment exhibit
cd against the defendant. [The Pielident
here read the articles of impeachment.] A ,
copy of theft; articles (continued the I'refi- p '
. dent)- together with a summons for his ap- "
pearance before the bar of the Senate on the ° ff
f Monday in this present was T
; rvcd U P°'\ ti,,; defendant by the Serjeant at
i -• rrns ' and a due return made thereof
[ was alio read]. Notwithftandin- Bc
tins, the laid William Blount has not ;n>
peared before the Senate « required. The
Court are, however, now ready to hear tlie
Managers of the House of Representatives Ur
on this trial." foh
Mr. jHarper (as Chairuiau of the Man
agers of the House of Representati ves in the
ablence oi Mr. Bayard) then addreftd the — 1
v-.ourt to the following" efF*£t : wa;
4 a J ft please tins Honorable Court,
it" - a? ? Uire^e dbv the Managers of the '
Houie of Representatives for conduain? thr the
impeachwht against William Blount/and his
a o b\ the. House of Representatives, to
r the ®°ti»» which have induced the
Houle of Representatives to apply for the ap
pointment of a future day, on which to be
heard on the fubjeft 0 f lh , ir impeachment lig=
again ft \\ illiam Blour.t. The time being
so Ihort betwixt the receipt of the A
from the Honorable Senate, and the hour ,
hxed for receiving the Managers before this h:u
Honorable Court, it did no V allow them an ftlf
opportunity to receive direftions from the ha,
House of Representatives with refpeft to mt
fl,ture proceeding 0 n this trial.
"May it pleaft this Honorable Court, ho
" The Committee of Managers conceive, gy
that m consequence of the meiTage received hor
from the Honorable the Serrate, a very im , n ,
portant prehminary question will arise in ' n
this bt.finefg, and upon which the Mana- 3Ct
pers of this impeachment cannot presume thii
toaftuntfl they have been inflruaed by latf
the House of Representatives. This quef- a llv
tion is, " Whether this Honorable Court ft '
can proc.-ed to the trial of William Blount, ,
.without his pcrfonal appearance before ho I
them." Conceiving this point to be of moi
confidersble magnitude, the Managers of and
this impeachment reported it as th' ir opi- _ n ,.
nion to the House of Representatives, that
it would be proper for them to appear be- WOl
fore yen HouorabU Court at the timeap- am l
poi itcd, for the purpose of requefling that pari
a further day may he afEgnrd for hearing jr w
! them in behalf of the House of Reprefema
ti\ts on this trial. The Managers(con(inu- Ut
ed Mr. H.)d» r:ow, therefore, appear be- enci
fo:e this Honorable Court to requeil the ty a
jiflignment of a future diyon which they may by f
be liearj on this important question," . '
liead wished the Chairman of the
Managers would name a day to which he
would wish the further prwcdings on this b - ei
trial to b? poflponed. " Jou
1 i
uld Mr. Hsrper hoped the M.iilagers of this I
cry impeachment would be *ble to receive the |
in inflruftions of the House of Repref-nta- 1
of tives, so as to appear and proceed in thii i
bufinrfs before the Senate oil Monday ne*t. |
np Tlie president was about to put the queL !
of tion on a pollponement; when
ird Mr. D-dlas wiflied to know whether any j
ir, record had been made of the non appearance j
*ie ot Mr, Blount. This, he conceived, ought
at- not to be done, as he and Mr Ingtrfoll ap- ■
eir peared as Counsel in his behalf,
lis The President answered that Mr. Blount's [
ry name had yesterday been called, and his ab- j
all fence barely noted.
or Mr. Ingerfoll Hated, that he had applied
m to the Clerk of the Senate at the commence-
ment of the Seflion, and informed him that
.11 Mr. Blount had appointed himfelf and Mr.
ta Dnllas his Counsel, and requested he would
lie inform him wheu any fttps were taken in
: the Senate relative to the impeachment.
:d | I hat they had taken the further step of ad-,
of j dressing a letter to the Senate on the fabjedl
- j and as thev had been always ready to titter
" I upon the business, he milled their client
is ( would not fuffer on account of his absence.
"j . "^ he PrffitJ ent said the Senate had been
1- informed by the Clerk of Counsel being ap
-9 pointed, but had not a&ed upon the buiinefi
*s till this day.
The Prelident was about to take the que
ls flion on a postponement in the usual way of
taking qseftians in the Senate ; » hen
» Mr. Read hoped the qneftion cn this, and
all other fu jeifls which might come before
the Court, might bc decided by each Mem
her being aflced his opinion separately, as
was the custom in all other Courts of lu
Ihe President said, as no order had been n
made to the contrary, he fliould proceed to -I
take this queflion according to the usual f«
mode of taking questions in the Senate.
The queilion for poftponeirent was then (
put and carried nem. con. vi
The President then informed the Mana
gurs of the impeachment on the part of the
- House of Representatives, that this Court
t will be ready to receive them oa Monday
* next at twelve o'clock. a |
1 she Managers then withdrew ; when h
Mr. Read rose, and said the impropriety
of taking tli<s sense of the Court #n the que
flion which had been decided, must be ap
parent to all. It was lowering the dignity
™ and solemnity of so high a Court, to proceed -
in the decision of quellions, as if the Senate
were in their legislative capacity. It
1 usual, in Courts of Jultice of every descrip
tion, for the Judges to be applied to fepa
; ratcly for their apinions ; and that in all fu
* ture proceedings this mode might be adopt*
ed, he made a motion to that efFeft.
" Mr. Bingham thought, if any regulations j!
were neceflary on this fubjed, it would be g ]
much mere proper to make th«m in their ni
legislative capacity, than in their capacity "
„ a .« Judges. He did not think it very dignified "
f to . r Judges to be arguing a question of this
kind. Mr. B. said, that the mode adopted
had been that which he had heretofore seen
j pra&ifed on a similar occasion.
- The motion not being seconded, the court
j adjoivned to Monday next.
~ The legislature of Virginia have re-tlefled
j J ames Woed Esq. Governor of that llate
foi the ensuing year.
t C
Part of the oargo of the New.Jersey has n
" been discharged into shallops and sent to in
Port Penn, 't s supposed the ship would get C
off on Monday lalt. w
. Brig Molly, Churnfide, of this port from th
t LaGuira to Nei» York, is taken by the St. w
P Albans, British man of war and sent into
Bermuda. _
: co Mix ess.
tln House of Representatives of the /
United States this day, the blink in the re
solution laid on the table by Mr. W. C. V]
- Claiborne, |for prntijig an edition of the ?.
federal Conflittition, wasfilled with 40,000. ft
—On motion of Mr. Hai'per, the resolution
was then referred to a feleit committee. t0
In Sennte, the hon. Mr. Davenport from
tlie slate ot New-Jersey, appeared aad t c ok aa
his feat.
Salem, December 11.
Our government is under a moral ob
ligation formally to DECLARE WAR Pe
against Finance—or the principles upon
which their late measures refpe&ing her
have been founded, must be abanded as "I
falfe. It is true those measures would #n|
have been fuflicient to have roused any on
nation, po fie fling one spark of national 0 c
ho or or felf-refpe«Tl, or feeling any ener
gy in her ftfources, either to propose an
honorable accommodation, or to declare E!<
an open and honorable war. But this last ih!
act is left for our government. It is true A
this formality *'ill not much alter our re
lations to France, but it will very materi- 1
ally affeft our internal situation ; for until
that is done, France will not abandon her
hopes here; her secret agci t. >vill be
more induftroufly employed than ever ; J
and divisions will be constantly excited of
and fomented i>y them. But that a£t Nc
would take us at once out of our present
amphibious situation, and crush the French A r ii
party in this country. At the fame time T r
. 1 * oir
it would not create an enemy, but only rv,
put us in a situation to aft with more anc
energy against the enemy that has alrea
ty attacked us.—Every nicafure yet taken r
by government against France, has been
opposed by men who have afterwards i
been convinced that it o ut ht to have Sta
b.en taken befcrj ; and this will tin- on !
doubtcdly Jliare the fate of the reft. d
M *> /
** f
s . . -> , /
j Nicklin & Griffith,
h,v | Sail Cloth by the bale or piece»
*t. | (No. i & ?,)
( One hale 6f fetmirg-twine
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,n y Two tubs railed copper fllll bottoms
ICC Queenr' ware, assorted in crates
rht London porter >n bottles, contained in cases
ID- . Empty port-wins bottle*
Yellow oehre in colics
f j Cochineal in feroni
' 8 < ludig lin do. Sc calks
•b* | 35 cafea and trunks of muslins, ginghams, dinii
lie», mullinets and puilicat ham.kerchiefs, irt
; C( ] small afforred packages, calculated for the
„ e> Weft lndis market
14 trunks printed callicoes
iat 4 bairs callimcres, aflorted
If- I do. coarse woolens
l!d "Id Madeira wine
i n Sheathing paper
r Englifli nails in calks, aflTorted,
id'- Th e Br 'g
nt December 19. m w.&
:f - IR 1S HL IN E~RTS,
en 4-4 and 7-Bth White Linens welK
P" alio etd I, Entitled
ifi 3-4 Brown ditt* ditto J> to the
,V 4 Irish Cfiecques fu it able for t'le 1 Drawback*
Well India Market. J
' FOR i-ALE,
ot On reasonable terras—by the Rox or Rale,
By Gamblr & Hklmuth,
'd No. 148, South s-coud-ltreet.
re dec 19 3ta.vtt
No. 123,
as The fouthcafi corner of Market and Fouib
11 " Jlrrits,
J A C O li COX.
" I 1 TLT 'jnlt received hv the late arrivals from
10 II Europe, a large, general and elegant aJ
aI fortment of "the molt
Fashionable Merchandize,
:n C«1 gent'emen's line)— The whole of wl 'c'i
will he uitpoled of, wholcfale and retail, at re
j. dticed prices forcafh.
Ie c * rc ' '9 mf'
rt To be Sold,
7 T'« time of a (lom healthy Lad, aped
about 17 year>, and bound to iferve until it ;
:n he is honest, unrlerftands the usual bullnefs of a
y family, and has beta aceu Homed to wait on
table—Applv to
No. 41, Arch ftrtct.
> december 19
d ~ THiS~DM--fUBUjH£D,
8 Correr of Chefnutr.ud Second-streets
>- JOANok AKC,
l - Ay Epic Poem,
1- fly Robert Southey ; Willi raits.
" WE do not hesitate to declare our opinion,
that the poetical powers displayed in it are of a
very superior kind—Conceptions more loity and
daring, sentiments more commanding, and Un
it guage more energetic, will not easily be found •
ir nor does scarcely any part of it link into languor,
y as thn glow of feelings and geniu- animates the
d whole. The language is, fjr the mod part, mo.
delled onthat of Milton) and not unfrequently, it
hasattrong reltfh of Shakefpearr."
Monthly Revitw, vol. 19, p. 361.
■ '■
rt 0R anecdotes of the
i( j Tranfhted from the French of M. dc Rulhicre;
With an cltfgant Head of the late Emprci's.
f[Thefecond edition, price 75 cents,]
1 he grounds of M. de Rulhierc's Inform at ion
fe-m m lifputablp, and hi« reader- appear to have
id every reafort to I c fatisfied with difcernnient,
in unfrldrng the motives a:;:i circumstances that
concurred in bringing about this flriking event,
" e only add, that we h«ve seldom met
with more intereUing wrigißal anecdotes, than
T\ those that are contained in the Jit tic work winch
wo have now reviewed. 1 '
0 AppenJixto Munthly Review, vol. 12.
. *^ ec I 9 Wi&min;
•rite caeoiTOßs,
or Pii! Ladelfhia.
e ARE hereby notified, that application (• the
•- Court of Common Pleas, for the county of
Philadelphia—for th« benefit »f tha Ail of the
] General Aifembly, »f the Commonwealth of Penn-
fylvarja, providing that the p-rfun of a Debtor
'• ft'.a 11 not be liable to imprisonment for debt, alter
[l delivering up his cPate for thebemlit of his credi
tors, &c—pafied the 4th day of April, anno do-
Mini, 1798; and that the Judges of hid Court
n have appointed Wedn<-fd:.y, the second day 9 f
January rezt for a hearing of fa:d John M'Donsld
v and his Creditors, where you may atteiri.
T 9 flwed
FLOUR\ FOR 5~717E~
DELIVERABLE at N f w-Caltle or Port
, Penn, by
1 __ dec '9 d 4 w
' Deleware y Schuylkill CanaU
i T""HE Stockholders are hereby notified, that the
, X Eleition for Prelidcnt and Manag r«. for the
•nfuing year, will be held at the Company's Office,
r on the firft le.ond-dsy in January mat, at ten
I o'clock in the forenoon.
Susquehanna & Schuylkill Cctial.
1 THE Stockholders are hereby notifeil, that the
> Election for President and Managers, for the ensu
ing year, will be held at the Co npany's Office, on
■ the flrft second-day in January next at ten o'aloc'c
. A. M.
Delaware 1$ Schuylkiil Ca id Compa>y.
■ '9 ,'t.-
; Bank of the United States.
November 14, 1708.
THAT application will be made at th'c Trea
sury of the United States for the. renewal
of aCcitiskate of Six perCent Funded Debt,
No. 15,548, for 18,;8i dollars, 13 cents, dated
Uegifter's Office, January Bth, 1798, iffi.ed in
the naroe? ot William Wiilink, fan Wtl.'mk
Nicholas iJ Jacob Van Staphor/i iff Huhbnni
Tr .llees for lundry m.-nry lenders in Amster
dam; which was for* arded the nth of Jat:ua
ry» 17<)8. under cover to Nicholas Ohln-s, ela.
and loft bv the capture of the (hip Columbus"
captain Skinner,from New-York tor Am ftrrdani
G.. Sinpfon, cqfh'r.
Jz 1 a A'f;W
An excellent Horse £s? Chair,
TO he fold on rtaCmai Je term* at the l'.iver»
Sta ie No. 18 North '1 hlrd-Strect,
on^n| E ,'b b. to a g-ntlemen in
on' 01 >he J roops 111 th;s Citv.
dee l)
' I