3Domemr:#rtielesv CHARLESTON, November 19. L A U N C H. ' On Saturday afternoon, at half after 3 o\i sF. m. the United States Brig South- Cartdtn'., built by Mr. Paul Pritchard, and ' iut-nded f >r the Revenue Cutter of thy> port, was launched from b's yard. She is a beau- 1 tifu'i vet ß :l, will mount 14. guns atld it is ex j>ec\ed w'.il be tomtnanded by James Pain?, 1 Esquire. She ii hxty-thret ieet keel, 96 upon deck, and 1 a feet beam, built cf our own Live Oik, to be coppered, handfom lv moulled and coiifmi&ed, and judges fay wifl fail remarkably faft. Her launch was conduced with /kill and regularity ; she travelled majestically and 1 with rapidity into her element as soon as Ihe ■ was relcafed from the blocks, without acci dent. A great number of gentlemen went up to view the pleasing f ene, and were highly gratified.—There would doubtlcfs have been a very great concourse of fpedators hnsl < timely notice been given, but from so me ac cident this vvas omitted, ind it was therefore 1 not so generally known as it fliould have i been. One of the G-Hi's hte'y built, comman- 1 by Capt. Hayward, failed up the river with a party of lemen, and fired a 1 lute 1 a» soon as Ihe ornamented the water, and were fiicceeded by thc hearty federal huzzas \ ' of Ihe citizens. 1 ' i SMITH'.', MOUNT, (Vir.) Nov. 10. | MR. GRKKK, IT is a matter of little consequence to the i j public, or thc citizens of Weßmnreland ' 4 whether in f.'ft, I was the firft, or the !aft j jiei lbii, who fi:;ned,the address of that coun- 1 ty to the Prefiuent ; nor jhould I ever have . j troubled inyfclf with renderiuj a ftatem-nt j , of th': tranl'iftion, had it net been extorted from 111 c by a wanton, and infamous mitre- \ ]«ffentation which appeared in a Frederick 1 burg paper, which was re-publi)lied in • the Times, aboyt the 20U1 of July, in which 1 l.iflpiper it was fir ft presented to my kiiowf- 6 edge. I still remain ignorant of the Author [ of this nioft impudent and wicked attempt to impcie upon the public, at the expenfe"of my fellow citizens of Weftmoreland, nor lhall Icverbeftir myfelf to dilcover him : It ! is enough that near 500 of the'moft refpeft- ' able citizens of that county fiqjned this affee- . tionate, and patriotic address to their illus trious and beloved chief magistrate, and that 1 (no matter whether) 11 or 15 iigned the i. counter-resolutions. * This is a truth which, I believe will not r now be contested by the effrontery and duoli- c City even of jacobinic violence and intrigue. r To prove to you that the Herald has not 1 been in the whole courfa of my publications) and to afford you, and those who may be curs- ! ' ous enough to examine them, a specimen of n jacobinic veracity I now take the liberty to " ~ tranlmit ut youi papers, upon 1 whichmy defence of the caivfe of my country ti h3S been condufted; the one is Mr. Porter's lift given in at Stafford on the 30th June, h npon which my statement was founded, as n far as it related to the very unimportant Y particular of the nuraber of fubferibers on ; c the lift, bearing my name, which you will observe precisely to. correspond with my 1 fcregoirg communications : The other is an j original paper containing fubferibers, of whom ligned on the 25th June, being j court day. Now add to these 37, the num ber admitted by Mr. Parker to have signed on court day upon the other iill attcJed 'oy his friend Jultice Tcmpleman, and you will find the rcfult to be 72 Yet the whole of this (hameful eontroverfy has been grafted upon my contradiction of the anonymous statement of the fiegle fad, that " sot more than between 40 ai d 50 perfnus could be prevailed on to (i-»n the address to the pre lidenton the 25th of June." ! c The papers which I now forward you ! " with a requell that they may be dspofited j U . in your office, I obtained from Col. Willi- | am Auguftinc Wafhingttfn, with whom the j u authentic documents relatii gto the address l ' were lodged, for the avowed purpose of be- J ing rtforted to in cale any attempts might | be made by the paltry agents in this coun- ] I! try of the diabolical F ench faftion, to mis- i reprefenr that honorable, salutary, a- d pa triotic meaftire. '• HENRY SMITH TURNER. f.' _ Ii- Mr. Green, is In y ur paper of the 27th inft. I fee a Memorial from thc county of Caroline, to j ta the Gei era! AtTembly. This Memorial, it is ; C ' < Lid, received the fantlion of a numerous : mcu them, to inflame their passions, and to mis £ ** leii] (iniKflanci'tijs.. 'l'lir gs, however, are ( rij-Jit ! 4 h formation is iflifftiling over | the country; t' l c«. yes o; rhc people /reopen | h'h( fad, aii-1 tli' li who have been chiefly in- j fir u mental in deluding them, are finking j fad in the public eftimatirn. r Let it be known, tir, a Counter-Memori ith- a' 13 preparing, which will be presented at r, u d the next Court, for the lignatures of those ort who, like myfelf. approve of all the measures •au- of the Federal Government which hear any ex- fort of relation to th: French Dire&ory, or in?, to the partizans, agents and spies of the 96 French Directory. our A Federal Freeholder , i v of Caroline. fav E \STON, (£. S. M.) Dec. 4. and At the cki'.'e of the Polls in the diftrift, and on Thurfdav evening last, the votes, as far 1 fl>e as ws I 1 1"*'"-' been able to understand, stood as ICC ;. follows : In Talbot for Mr. G. C3O— for Mr. N. 356 ( U p la Oueen Ann's foi'-do. 4.17—f0r do. 641 ; -h!y In Cirolitie the majority for do. 121. j )Cfn So that Mr. Nicholfo-i appears to be eleft- . cd by a majority of 74 votes only. This . ac . happ.', a;ii vti w;M veuture to aifert, this {till f are change ii: the fentiinents if th. , lave peopk', proves tint the cause of anti-federal- j ifni, which had mod luiexpect.dly ta :m a ( ian- foot-liyll in the J.flrict, is declin.ng atace, c ver and forebodes th - ? triumph ai Fe.leralifm at t |, ttc tlye next trial. Indeed, vc are perfua Jed, j 3Bc j that the people in ivraj, are very faithful :zas i ly attached to 'their government, and hold the hoflility and infolen:.' ei" the French in j utter detelia.tion ; and the v. :me:it thev fee how fiTfely the friends r.f Mr. G/ildlborough ' have b T *en Kcrtfed rf inIHV-is deltas again,'! t . the;r- country, and how uiijuftlv they have al 'j j h.'en treat"J by the champions of oppcfition, I ?hey will know in whom they to con- 1 j fide, and a,;iinft whom t;i level their well I grounded resentments. They have the b -fl j hearts in the world ; but they, have not fuf- . , j 1 ficiently the means of information. A FEDERALIST. p NEW-YORK, December 6. | ; c , i | A writer in Europe predifts fume good w , efFefts from the French taking Malta. He 1. remarks that the Algcrines Jiave always al- tt(j ledged, in excuse of their piracies, that j"; > o j- they could not alter' their piratical way of ; nor life, whiL- the Maltcfe were cruising against 1 them. As this reason no longer exists, he is inclined to think they may quit the pro- . session; especially as the French infill on it. 1 luf- g'o r iou< times for trade, when the hat Algerines and French quit piracy ! The French pirates, which for a long pe- ! not riod had infellcd the poii of Havanna, be- j p|j_ came at length so that the govern- ! n ue. ment Cuba has given orders to expel them p not therefrom. ith | December 8. ln( j There are letters in town to French gen. ln ". ! tlemen of diltinftion, that induce us to an- C( 0 f nouHce with certainty, the approach of the v t0 mod violent commotions in France daring v iafo t | ie coming year—unhappy country ! def- £ tr y 1 tined to eternal convulsions and fufferings— t j ;r > s One revolution takes place after another ne, i but it is to you only a change of masters, tl as i not of condition. It is still slavery, that ant ■ y° u are doomed to—Yet there are Arotri- n on ! ea ns to be found, who admire and envy p rill French freedom—ls this ignorance, or the (j my ; basest hypoc.ify ? n an j tl 37 J By the POUJII, from Hamburg, ive have been 0 ng | favored papers to the fixteentli of Oc i m- toher, b rom being dijappointed by the b led translator. tve are unablejogive any lengthy g u y extracts this day—ij possible we mill be more \ w v ;il copious on Mom!dy, 1 of u J TRANSLATED FOR THE D. ADVERTISER. ' - , , «.» )re HAMBURG, Oflober ij. j r< be i Let r '? rs f rom penna, dated Sept. 29, fays— ! at re Ihe latest intelligence from Egypt, re- c ] | ceived by the way of Constantinople, do not ct , Qu ! mention any new battles having recently t i :ed | ta ' 4en pl ace . in 'hat quarter—but mention, [ K Hi- 1 the situation of Buonaparte was ve>y j le ' unfavorable, and that an army of 60 or 70 ess J thousand men were marching to surround 6l be- ' bim ' . k ,ht I We are anxious to be informed of the te in- | re '"' t tlle propositions made by the Ij n iff- | Fre=ich minister at Raftadt, which were said , ft, sa- to have actually taken place, intimating, | it: that peace should be made with all the pow- ra ers aflually at war with the French Repub- de li<-, considering that the situation of Europe fe. is fucb, that the general wilh is that war co ;a lol, 'd be at an end. They positively afcer- m to 1 taln a ""°> that the Ottoman Ministry are te is determined, if this happy event should be p'u us i a & u P on i t0 participate. lis | NOTICE. ch at THE COP ART N CR ? HI P OF Ot HUDSON Ssf YORKE, in [, e " thi< day dilFolveri by mutual confjnt. All per- r ' r x mdebted tp fii'! firm are rcquedod so make B' a immediate payment—a»d those whh h iv'e any de- VV re< ro prefe»r them for T-ttkment an >£ ttWII UAM HUDSON, ~h-« ,« drly authorifad f OJ y. to arfjutt the lame. er WII.I.IAM HUDSON, an r J SAMUEL YORK.E. trw a . WILLIAM HUDSON, th< NO. 54, NORTH PSONT STREET, le ; or ' a '* : 011 the usual terms, a very ' s extenlive afTortment of a;l d DRY GOODS. If 10 D,c - '°- ?!] [' To the Creditors of Nathan tiv a | Cob b, of the city of Philadelphia, Black- f ' smith. -t Gentlemen, P" ;a d I MKE that I I ave applied f0 the Court 1- oC, ? I S° mrnon the rity ai.d tourty of thc rnilaoclphia, for tli; Uai.-fit of the f veral hws a J> D 1- ma te for the rtrli.f of the mWv.-nt .Lbtcrs, a„d aft tl that the emir, 1..-, v; appoint d th- 17th hf Drc m r,,,. |i oer, 111., ant, t ■ hear me arid mjr creditors -c th ■ 11 * Caid court, in the f,id city, at which time and'plac • you are defirtd to attc id tini NATHAN C 683. tol< doc - 6 bit lilt e e ; | <2>asette. Jjj j PHILA7) FLP HIA , ri- TUE-5P * Y PVENING, DF.CEMRF.R 11. ife es of a Setter froiiir. gent! 'nan in Vir ny ginbt, to l.ls fr'.eud 1:1 Philadelphia,datetl November 2~ s d, 1798. " J. Hracken'ridge made a journey last August, from K n:ucl;v to the Etftern parts os-Virginia, and brnarht back with him, penned, the nine rtfolutions, £t, that are now so much talked of, in the Weft'm Parts of the Country." as When General Washington came into 56 Congress Hall to hear the President's + 1 Speech, the members of both houses rose to him—•in honor never before paid to any but . the Frefident himfelf. lis _ V>"eare happy to learn that measures ari 'j ptirfui'ng to bring to justice the hardened I " villah who charged one of the moil illnttri- II ous charafters of our city, with the fiorrid L ' crime of MURDER Indeed it is high time this infamous Jafptr had refumcd that '.' iron situation which he fled from, tl -1 John Wife, Esquire, a f. . of Venice, G.nioa ilndSwitzer £• land with a vir.r to investigate the caufcs | which have induced their deftrudtionj we ; (Jiall find, that not so much the strength of their arms, as to the depth of their polit . j ical intrigues, can tlie rulers of the French ■ republic attribute their fucrefs in those coun | tries. It may indeed be laid down as an in | controvertabk truth, that before the French ! republic have employed the prowess of their c " I arms for the deftruftion country, they e " had, by means of their inlidious principles nearly secured the wiflied-for conquest. m From hence then it results, that the firft and ' greatest dangers any country can be exposed To from that nation, is not from their arms, n " but from their flow and certain intrigues. In corroboration of this, it may be alked, have ' e we not had our own country brought to the S verge of mil . and nearly " tottering to its fall" by thole »ery means ; anil is it not to ~ those intrigues that we alone can attribute the ~ oppolhion which is yet made to the late vir -3| tuous and pontic arts of our government! *} by these sentiments, it was with much concern I heard our truly patriotic )' Piefident, in his excellent communication to le Corigrefs, declare, as his opinion, that it re- I mains with France alone to determine, whe ther the United States (hill remain at peace, or Jliall embark herfelf in a war. c : Are not the injuries and inl'ults which have f j been heaped upon tts by that nation, fnfflci y ent to warrant in the opinion of the whole re ' world an immediate declaration of war ? A A war which, in my opinion is not Jo much to be waged tlie People cf France, .as *" agaitift their principles ; which is not so n-cef [ f-try to obtain a comp:nlation for injuries ol ) ready done us, as to prevent a ren-wal bf them " at a future day. Can the Unit<* Sf t:s j cherilh the expectation that ytly.W France * continues in her present ijiietftiotu of over- Y throwing every government in iuirojje, that » her distance is a fufficient protection for he r y against ol a limilar natnre ; 0 and that when (he affu-'es her of a wi(h to j cultivate harmony and mutu.ii interccurfe between the two nations, that hrr real in e temions are not again to obtain an inlhience e | 111 this count.y, and finally, thereby to de d | (troy our excellent conflitntion, and erect on I its ruins the detelbd fabrick of republican ty '■ ranny. No, although apparently (he may 1- dehit from her in Odious attacks, yet (he will e secretly pursue and ad in the fame line of r ' conduit ; and it an envoy is admitted into - I our country, it will much accelerate h.'r in e j tentions, and almost iniure their final com e pietion. A Friknd to Government. " SHEW VICE ITS OWN FEATURES." 1 he Governor, in his trimming speech, has owned that there is now a perfect unaniniitv in the people, to " m'aintain the dignity and . rl o hts our government against the arro s gance and the tore: of every foreign power." . We cannot fufficiently admire the candour, t and communicative wil'doni of him who comes . 1 forward to tell what every one knew, and we are particularly itiuck with the acutenefs of 1 tne following obiervation : « this state of ' the public jentimept, bids defianc; to every ' danger from external outrage." But there < . is another cont'dfion more"aftonifhinr ft,ll. and which we fear we (hall not be able ex- I attly to comprehend till his Excellency will ' please to explain more particularly iz. * " the spirit of party, intolerant and vindic- 1 tive, has evidently raged too lon r tor the 1 peace and reputation of our country."' We I t know not what party spirit would injure the t peace and reputation of the country, but the f (pint of unoridled and licentioti, J the spirit of Jacobinism, the spirit of tSe apojlate lifhop and his agents, the spirit that actuated the I.ogan'uin r.mbajfy, tlie spirit that oppoled every mealurc wli;ch government took to produce this unanimous public f- n umsjit 1 ipint L is tviwrd itf.U' as in tolerant r<: 1 vindictive, as a Mind zeal for liberty, run mad, and Life piuiofophy cotili ' produce, or unlir.nly artifice asul impotent malice v.-buld permit ; never neglefiing an opportunity to " d',(colour the ctii/ritt of pub lic trailf.icVs®uv M and alio to 41 v.ndennir.: the ecu a] exercise of the rights of private opi nions i >'• what can tend more to under mine this right, than deftroyingtbe Hbertv of the pre is ? and who has attempted this but Jacobins ? If it this party spirit which has raged too long for the peace .- id reputation of the country, what atonement can they make In whom it was iirft generated, by whom it has be-n cherilhed, '< y whom i t was feduloufiy maintained as Ion.;- as they dared maintain it, and who, by the gradual, equivocal and re luctant manner in which they now let it Aide from them, Jhow how willing they "would be (till to prefcrve it ? MR. FE NX 3 Perhaps some friend to the Secretary, (I s do not presume to trouble his excellency j with th* question) may be induced to fur- nifh an explanation for weaker heads, of the concluding clause in his last speech— " If talents (hall be indifcriminntely ftleScd j and rewarded for their intrin/ie merit alone ; j and if in short the standard of political par- j _ ties shall eeofe to he a measure for moral per j fedtion, then we may long continue to be a , happy people, &c. . Miith was T confi'.fcd at the bare propo fiiion for this indlfcrlminat«feleclion of in'rin- Jjc merit, having alwayp heard from my . grand mother, that in order to I mult , always discriminate, Judge then wf the (late of my poor brain, when I came to the por tion that states, that by ceafmg to observe an important rule in life, we Hull therefore 3 continue to be happy. Yours, with impatience, } TIMO : QUID NUNC, f IVilmington, (Del.) Dec. 8, '9B. : MR. fENNO, THIS hopeless fink of Jacobinism has been honortfl with, a vilit from Logan and his wife Deborah. I apprehend the latter accompanied the former merely to save ap pearances. They put up at the old Jacobin and piddling geniiw'a. Dickinfon's house, - in the evening of th.? 28th ult. In the ; morning several of the leading members of the disorganizing fadtion were seen entering 1 the houf.- ; amorg the group was the noted Dodlor Tilton and Hamilton Rowan, the United Irishman and traiior. On this fel low's meeting Logan, they gave each other the fraternal hug. That night federal of the lower order of Jacobins met the envoy at Dr. Tilton's—lhut the door—and what fol lows time mud develope :—one ,thing is pretty evident ; those United Dagger men are plotting, and it requires no great sagaci ty to predidl, that if government does not pay some attention to Mr. Logan, fool as he may be, he will raise a dust—l mean as an inflrument for the diredtory of France and America ; for that a directory esifts here, as well at in France, I have no donbt. N- B. Last night a secret meeting of a fcledt club of Jacobins alfembled at the house of Isaac Starr, tanner, of famous Jacobin memory—the old fox, Tilton, prefent— the door fliut. Friends to government look out ! the storm is gathering ! CONGRESS. In Senate th's day, the answer to the Preiident's Speech was agreei to, and the committee who prepared it, appointed to wait upon the Prelident to know at what time it would be convenient for him to re ceive it. In tne House of Representatives, the committee of revifal and imfinifhed bulinefs reported in pa: t. Mr. Harper moved, that a committee be appointed to prejtffre and bring in a bill for eftabliftllnan uniform system of bankrupt- • cy throughout the United States. . Mr. Harper also laid on the table a refo lntion, the object of which was to authorile the Secretary of State to cavife to be printed copies of the Alien and Sedition law's, to be diftnbmed grati. throughout the United States. To this he was induced, he said, from ob lerving the unceasing. efforts which w?re mad»' by a cert an class of men to bring these ads into odium among the people—Misre presentation.had been used, in order to ex cite an armed oppofitian to the government. dsasette sparine JLift. New-York, December 6 ARRIVED. DAYS Brig Bellona, Harding, Savannah 9 Schooner Fanny, Savnners, Laguira 43 . Mafiachufetts, Hitchcock. Havanna 21 Tlie Sheperdef* has arriyed at Savanna in 10 days from this port. This day came up the armed (h : p Citizen, I captain Hubbell, of 18 guns, 19 days from the Havanna, whocameout with 36 Ame- 1 rican vessels under convoy, and parted with ' them on our coast. Two davs after he left 1 Havatina Spoke Baltimore (loop of war, J Captain Phelpr, with a number of American h vefTels under convoy, for the Havanna, all well—The Confti'ution frigate parted con- - c >nvoy, a few days ago spoke armed (hip Deborah, of 20 guns, pith a numb rof vef ( fels under her protedtion, bound up the De laware, wind blowing fre(h, could not learn woere they were from. American produce low at the Havanna, flour dollars per barrel, Sugar from 6to 71, per cwt. cot- ton goods prohibited. Four French priva teers laying at the Havanna, tut did not C seem disposed to go to sea. Printing Work* * Of Every Kind, EXECUTED AT THE SHORTEST ' NOTICE, F At tie Orricfc cf the Gailtte cf the Ukit;o STATts, OS. ;j. dtf . 5 - . FOR SAI ; E ' ' The fajl failing Schomtr % THREE SISTERS, r- -w is no'.c ready to take a 6a*-go on of boaru, luppofcd wilfcirry 600 or iro barrels. lit AL.SO, A SMALL I*VOICP JAVA COFFEE, SidjeS to drawback, l,c Enquire of ■n JEnU HOLLINGSWORTH W Co. as A'o. 47, Ptnn Street lv dec?mber it dtf it, THE CARGO,' e- Ok thk. Ship INDIA, ie Ciptain Asiiuead, from 13ATAVIA, je Consisting of JAVA COFFEE, Of the Fit ft Quality—to he Sold, hy MORDEC'aI lewis. 'I risc " daw :y THE SUBSCRIBERS, r- Of the City Dancing Assembly of ARK informed, that thcFirft AffhnUy will be held onThurlrfaytl c *o'h iaft. atCELLF»j Hotel. cd Thomas IV. Francis 'James Gibfon : j Thomas Ketland Jonathan Williamt ir. Mathew Peart: Stephen Kingston r- IViUiam Matphtrfon Samuel Murgatroyd TO BE LET, 0 A NE AT. coaTMj-ent two-story frame HOUSE n _ lA.:n J E MCE-KOUSE,fituated 'n south Faurtli ft reft, below German Brest—The houfc is incom 1* ! plete or J ec, having two rooms on a floor, with a spacious giftet; the lot is 19 1-1 ieet ftont on te fourth (tree, anil in i-afect deep. si- ■Ari ,l y to VK CHRISTIAN EETZ, ro 1:5, Mulberry flrcer. re N B —A< the property belong* to orohan chil dren, it i? expeiied that good fecutiy will bo given for the rent. decemher u. *798 GOOD IVsIGES A\ ILL b;- givih to a frrvant Mar, who can brlnj a good Kcraracndation, ai d will as ap"lv at No. 13 t Walnut-street. id dec. it. dtf — p- Wants a Place, j rt A WOMAN with a good Bread of Milk, Enquire at No. 58 South Front street. is Dec. 10. ,g Ship Caffius at Au&ion. •d On WEDNESD\Y next, the i.-,th ir.ftant, at: ]e 6 o'clock in the evening, will he fold by auc j_ tion, at the merchant's coffee houle— -5 ' The fti P Caflius, Iyj"S " the na*y-yard, with her 1 *&&&& yards, as they now ire, fails, >1- Ayi-tmja as per inventory, which will be is produced at the time effale ; anchors, rigging, ;n and cable, as they now lay at Smith's llorei a bove Rice street. This ship is copper bolted, and coppered up to light-water mark. This ship is a faft sailer and is pierced for 18 as guns. « FOOTMAN & Co. autfisneer.. id dec. 8 , w e > To the Creditors of the Subscribers. PLEASE TO TAKE NOTICE, that we have ap plied to the judges of the Court of Comm-11 fe Pleas, for the benefit of an aft of aflcmbly, pass d ihe in £?. d, y °f April lad; and they have ippdnted THURSDAY the 27th inft. to hear us and our Crc — ditors, in the city of Philadelphia, at fnch place k w here the Court may be held, ana wncre you msy attend if you please. PATRK K C*V*NAUGH, James Dougherty, PETER G. ROSE, JOHN' GREENE, le LEWIS £). GRAFF, ie JAMES M'CALLEY- Q d:c ' 8 »' 3 w 3* lt ; This Day is Publiihed, ■- ANP ro* SAL IBY J.FENNO, UQ.CH KS N U T-S"> *I»T AN ADDRESS 5 To the People of Maryland, s ON the origin, progress and prelVst slate of French aggrellion, with a sketch of the infamous € attempts to degrade the Government of the United State;, and some reflection son the late proceeding* ' iu Conyelsj wri:ten the last of April in the pre ' " Tent year, by a Member of the Houre of Reprefen t.tivss. $ junen [• This Day Publifbea, c And for fate at the Ojfice of r(,s Editor, No. d 119 CheJiiut-fl ctt, 0 (Price I-ith rf a J)ol ar,J d N ORAT 10 N, Pronouiiffcil Julv 4,1798, _ At therequeft of the Inhabliacts of the Town of e BOSTON, in of th,e *nni . vcrfarv of American Independence. By jostah Sli'TNcr. " The inroads upon our public liVerty, call for reparation—The wronjrs we havefuftaineiJ, ciil for Justice. That Reparation and tint Jnftire, may yst he obtained, by Union, Spirit, and Firmness But to divide and conquer was the maxim of the Devil in the garden of Eden, and to disunite fcnd enslave hath been the princi ple of all bis votaries from that period to the present." 5 Observations on the Boston Port-Bill, I3c.fi. 78 ) h thtiate J. Qtiicj, jun, 5 "'fft 11 1 Mrs. Spurrier, MIDWIFE, From tin cityof London lying-in Hospital. ' Tj 1 this opportunity of returning h»r 1 .LLj lincere thanks to those ladies whom she has - had the honor to attend, and moil cefpeflfnUy in ( forms th«m and her other friends tSa'. (he has re moved to sou h Sixth street two doors from Chef nut street, oppolite Cangref, Hall, *Hierefteflat -1 tenberfelf by careful att«nt : on to the duties of her profeflian to merit their future favors. nov fw&fa.ira The Creditors Of William Steedtnan and John Smith, of the County of Northumberland, iri'tl le State of PeHHfylvania, lately trading un der the Firm of Stefdman £sf Smith W^ L ' AK | E NO X'9 E > th4t f h" Suhbribers » V have made application to the Judges of the Court of Common Ple?s for the County cf N or thamberland aforefaid, (or he benefit of the fevcral - the Stat(! of ''ennfylvania* passe.i f w r r|.» relief ot infolvsnt Bebtors, .nd -hit the fiid ( ourr hath appointed the Thirtieth