FOR SALE. u By George Plumsted, u No. 166,Soutm Front STant. 1 ->SO whole 1 irrce. < R j c Et 100 half do. ) 35 Box,» white Havasna Sugars, entitled to drawback a,OOO pieces Kankeene, do. do. * Anchora weighing 17cwt. and »6cwt. pn 160 boxes containing tea fetta ot China cit 31 boxes of bl»e and white table fetta of do. thi ALSO, co Boies containing breaktafl, coffee and even ing cups and saucers ; tea pots, cream pots, fu- of gar dimes, pint bowls, custard cups, flat and be soup plates and dishes. You tig Hyson Tea tK Fans CaHia. Nov. 13 3tawaw u mfiCE. ALL persons who have any demands against the estate of she late William Cliftom, deceased.and who have not alrcadv produeed their their accounts, &?e requeued to fend them to the p subscriber at no 17a, north Second street. ELIZABETH TUCKER, Adm'x Philadelphia, nov. 19, m&th4W Efhraim Clark, I CLOCK tf WAtCH MAKER, «< Corner of Front and Market streets, Philadelphia, HAS JUST RECEIVED, h; Yy V tfie different arrivals, a large supply of Clock a Jj and Watch makers and Silver Smi'hs Tool*, N files ani materials, CON S tST INC OF Rowling Mills, Urge and small Bench and Hand | Vices, Turftbenches, Plyern, Sliding Tongs, Bra- It ces and Bitts, Grooving tools, Saws,.Scratch brash- | e?, Blow pipes, Screw and Otayv plates,large and j small Hammets, Clock dials, cast hraf. Bells, for- j C ged w-.rk and pinions, KTiery, Rotten (tone, Pu mice Hone, Borax, Spelter Sorder, Brass, Steel and C Iron wire, (beet Brai«, main springs ani glades R gold, g'lt, and ftrel chains,feals an.l keys, &c. &c. P cO-ClocksandWatches carefully repaired 710 V. 11 Charles Campbell, £ w AT C H-M A K E R. £ HAS removed to the Shop formerly occupied -j by Mr. John Wood, Np. SJ. coiner of , Front and Chefnut-ftreets ; wbere he will thank- t fuJiv receive and execute orders with neatness and dispatch F HI HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, A Neat and Large AfTortment of Clocks & Watches. WAN TED, A JOURNEYMAN; jtLSO, ore or two Apprentices of refpedti. J ble parents. FOR SALE, c A large quantity of Watch GlafTes JVbokfah and Retail. nov 14 3 awtf Dancing School. _ _ -r'LI.l AM M'OCUGALL presents his res- V'V peiSful compliments to the public : takes tbe liberty of informing tbcm, that at the requefl of many of his former employers he will open his SCHOOI, at hi' Ball Room, in Fourth, bet ween Chefnut and Wal»ut streets, on the firft Mon day of December— Foe Young Ladies at ten ~'clock in the morning—and for Gentlemen, at tVe evenings of Mondays, Wednesdays and J Fridays. ( 1 „o foim 1 TIOV. N O T I C E, ! ALL Persons having claims upon the Eflate o'f James Thorhurn, Stonecutter, deceaf cd, are desired to present them for payment and those indebted to pay their rcfpeiftive ba lances to ! Benjamin IV. Morris, admmtjlratar. nov 14 3 aw 3 w Bank of the United States , November 19, NOTICE, STOCKHOLDERS of the Bank of the 1 X United States are informed,that accordingto the Statute of Incorporation, a GeneralEle&ion for twenty-five Dire&ors will be held at the Bank of the United States, in the City of Philadelphia, on Monday, the 7th of January neit, at ioo'clockm the forenoon. , ... And pursuant to the eleventh feition of the bye laws, the Stockholders of the laid Bank are also notified to assemble in general meeting, at the fame place, on I'uefday, the 6th of January next, at 6 o'clock in ihe evening. G. Simpson, Cashitr. Second Fundamental Article. Not more than three fourths of the Dire&ers in office, cxclufive of the President, lhall be eligible Jor the next ensuing year, but the Dire&or who -fr.all be President at the time oi an eleSion, may always be re.-leited. novensber 16 WILLIAM M'DOUG ALL, AT HIS STORE, No. 134. Market Street, T_TAS JUST OI'ENED, in addition,to his for- JLJ. mer stock, a very extensive adortment of Men's, Women's, and Children's Hats, and all kinds of Stockings—particularly a quantity of A berdeen knit Hose, suitable for the present season. nov, 23 co ' m Notice is hereby Given, TH/VT application will bemadest theTrea fury of the United States for the renewal of the following certificates of Six per Cents, funded debt—standing in the name of Robert Wilson of Calcutta in Bengal, Snrgeon in the fcrvice of the honorable United Company of merchants of England trading" the East-In dies, which were loft from on board the Swal low-Packet, capt Kidd, fram Falinouth to New York. Dolls. Cts. No 10,444, Peg. office T4OI Dec. 1793, one certificate for 173 i 33 No 10,478, Re* office 17th Dee. 1793, one certificate for * ifs9 so Ellijion (5* John Perot. nov n eod6w Whereas the certificate of two shares of the Bank of the United States in the name of Samuel Amorj, of London, banker, No-3ißi,iffued in lieu of 11593, 11594, were forwarded from London by the BritiFh packet Counted, of Leicester, rapt. Dodd, bound for New-Y<*k, which packet was captured by the French, and'the fa>R certificate loft ; and for the renewal of which, application is made at said Bank, and all persons concerned are desired to take notice. CLEMENT DIDDLE. Phjl*. Oft. at, *798. eo6w John shieldSa BROKER., tmbraeej this ifi'ortJnitj to present his thanks j to his fello-wciiizens for their pa ft favors and arquaint? them that he is return' it from 1 Chefmit HiU, to his former reftttencr, the 1 Houje A«. ti CW'niit between Front Iyp i and Serond-ftreet, WHERE he holds hirafelf ready to execute I their commands in every branch ot his I profefßiin, tnjfting that from » refideßce in this I « city of 3 5 years he has it in his power to render I them effer.tial ferviee, a (Turing them that his I commiflion lhall be is lew as any in I ow yV Lotts, Lands, Houses, Vessels, Certificates I - of every description and B:1U of Exchange, 1 <■ J bought and fold, thedocketts carefully exam c ined and clear titles made upon the Ihorteft no- I tice, by the public's humble fervatit, I ' ' John Shields. £ Good negotiable Note* difconnted I M a low premium. I R, november 7 Jawtt Ip * To be Sold, |j e ir OR EXCHANGED, v £ For property in the Citv, or within Thirty I miles of it, I j A Valuable Plantation, I s. ~ TN Tufcorora Valley, Mifflin county, containing I 1 A ab»ut three hundred acres, the whole capable I of cultivation. At present there is about 50 *cres I a cleared, 10 of which is a rich bottom of Meadow I Ground, enriched by a never failing stream, that I 3* has fall enough for all the purposes of I k a Country Mill. For further information apply at I j*' *> No. 68, Market flreet. I no*-mber 10 I d 'Just Imported, I a 1 • Iron cannon, double fortified, Woolwich proof, I 1- | with their carriages complete— 3, 4, 6 and 9 I id pounders. r- Carronadcs, Woolwljh proof, with carriages, See. I - i- complete— I», 18 aRd 14pounders, d Cannon powder in kegs of 15 lb«s. each I p :s Round, double headed, and cannift»r (hot c. Patent ftieathing copper, bright, aflortcd 18,10, I J 41, 14, 16 and 18 or per square foot, fkeets 48 I by 14 inches, suitable for vessels from too to I Copper nails, bolii allfl spikes Boarding Pikes, 1 , Common cutlalfc* , Gunners llores of all kinds j Tin-plates No I—l-3 cross boxes Vattnt shot in calks of jewt. each k" London porter and *»rown (taut, in calks *f 7 doz. 1 ' s bottled. Earthen ware in c.ates, asserted For Sale by 3JMON WALKER, Pine near sth street. I O&ober 19. I FOR SALE. 1. Rice, in whole and half Tierces. I TeneTwe" 4 } W,NES ' Caro'inaaud Georgia Indigo. . s AND A PARCEL OF Shipping Furs and Skins. Apply to I N. J. Frazicr, j No. 95, So. Front Street* I J november 13 3 taw 3 w 1 tf- « Tea Warehouse, :b No rjl, South Side of Mariet-Zlreet, between I !t " Thiid and Fourth-Jlreets. £ SARAH EATON, , at TJ ESPECTTCELLV-faformj her friends and the I id IV. public, that {he has removed from no 39, I ] south Front street, t« Market street, where her I friends and the public mar depend on being sup- I ] ~ plied with ail kinds of TEAS of the firft qualities I < at moderate prices, te n«v. 17 I t EDUCATION. || Samuel Moon, jun'rs School, , IN CHURCH ALLEY, j | TS open again, for inflrufling Girls in Reading. I ' ,c A Writing, Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography,! ] including the Element* of Geometry, and the use I of the Globes.—From-the great encouragement he 1 ! has hitherto received, he refpedtfully solicits a con- | j, e tinuance of the favours of his Friends and the I ;t0 Public. I ] for c 3» An Evening School, For BOY S— Kept at the fame place I • n 11 mo 6th,'9B iaW4w I ; , ye Imported j[° In the last arrivals from Bremen, I it, Hamburg and Amsterdam, AND FOR SALE, AT RE A SON ABLE FRICES AND ON A LIBIRAt I CREDIT, BY PRATT V KINTZING, I * n N0,95, North Water street. I b h '* 215 bales & boies Ticklenburghs, ,ay . hempen linens and oznabrigs from 1/5 to 1 if per ell L 7° d°. bleached and brown hessians ~ 40 do. brown rolls suitable for cof fee bag» 20 do. strong do. do. for cotton do. or j 30 chests platillas a do. sealing-wax 3 do. dowlas 3 packages oil-cloth . 30 ds. creas ala Morlaix 4 do. fail -twine . li do. eftopaill»s I do. watches 0 ' Ij do. Bielefield linen 14 pipes Port wine " ... 90 do. patterbornes 91 cases claret 45 do Brittanias 130 do. fine long corked I do. Holhnd canvass claret rea- 1 do. Russia do. 1600 bufliels fine &!t wal 3 do. Ruflia (hectings 40 caiksofroll brimstone nt», 1 do. ravens duck aoo calks of naval Sores. Bert % do. Ruflia drillens jo logs-prime mahogany the I do. brown holiand 4 hhds. coffee mills rof * do. Silesia rouans ft bundles German steel -In- I d&.Wahrendrop linen 10 chefti of slates and VJ |. 1 do. Caraudoles pencils ew . I do. Flemilh linens A packageof flcates t< I do. cambricks and A do. wqolen caps, &c. lawns 4 chests of Nurenberg I do diaper toys I» do. stripes 40 kcj, of yellow ochre 18 do. checks 3 khds. Glee 1 do. fiamiis g barrel, of Lentilies I do. Arabia stripe 5 chests of prime red ■v ' do. bunting for colors crust Holland cheefc I packa. Madras hand- 30 kegs of pearl barley WO kerchiefs 60 boxes of capers the * do. Turkey yarn 400 fides of upper and ker, 6 hale" empty bags foal leather rere 1 chest hairribliand 300 boxes window glafi :ket ; 3 boiet tapes, affortcd 800 Demijohns for 1 bobbin, aflbrted jo boxes glmft tumblers ,^ e I box threads & tapes assorted t(le I do. fine hl»e liftados » lihds. pumice stone said J chests men's flippers 1 box of mill saws j fu Jdo bed ticks I calk of cutlery » cads hog's bridles A quantity of flone jugs 6 chests writiag paper and pickling pots ' * quill l fsw ihips anchors, f I Thickfetts ;Briti£hplain checked,ftri ' I Callimancoes, durants & pedand tam.iour d mul jeans l in » of »" dcfcnptions I Silk, cotton, and worfteJ ..olorad bordered lhawls, I hose a great variety I Cotton, callicoe, & twiH 5-4 aisd 6-4 conjeverams >s I checks and bett.llees w I OimitVs India book&jaconet muf [t I 3-4 and 7-8 dowlafs lins ,r I Damalh table linen Laces and edgings „ I 4-4 and 6-4 (heelings Black and patent lace I Irilh linens Lace veils and figured I Ginghams cloaks _ I Bandannoes Pulongs and fattins I A very large quantity of Pcrfians and forfanets t f I 6ilk modes 9 I And a variety of other articles. I Nov. 1 fa.lm B: c - .IMP O R i ED, I I From Hamburgh, Bremen, and London, ANO roK SALE >Y THt IDSICSIHSS, I An alfortment of German Linens, {r ' [0 I coNtisriNO or Ticklenbutgs Ir OCnaburgs Ir I Wefcr linen gf Checks and stripes I Bielefeld linen Brown filefias q I Silesia lawns q z. I Eiamois, &cs See. 150 Boxes of Claret. a I 5 Boxes of hollow glass wart In I* calks of Ruflia briflles Li ALSO ON HAND, H i Box of Irilh Linens. | I rrunk fiik goods ' I I Box of Oingham, And a complete assortment of English Buttons. t Erich is? Lewis Bollman, ~ No. Too, Spruce street. I noven beri 9 eoiot j ■ 1 1 a« Smith Sc Rodman, E No. 49, South Front street, J Have just received per the William Penn, and I Jausr, from London, Dianaam/Thoma* " I from LirEkpoot, *nd Kingston, from Hull, "1 A LARGE a GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF 1 DRYGOODS, I among which a*» I Plalh, twill'd and striped Crapes be T Coatings TTaTiwS ftrifrra WTT3B»re« 71 !9' I Fine white and red Wellh Worfted,Yarn (3 Cotton ' r >er I Flannels Hose d '.P- I Do. yellow and scarlet do. Men and Boys Woollen ' es I Superfine and low price. l M'trirt k-e ---5-4, 6-4, 7-4, cloth, of 7"® each d ,nfl> Dow * V all colors laf L s , w Plains and Halfthicks 3" 4 bro-n f,,fh L,nen Forest and Hunter Cloths 9 f„ wh '" " n d^ roW ° lr * " Green and Red Drapery F | aX( . n & T^w Ozna- _ ] Baize , )Urßh in bj]e , Do. J-4, 6-4, and Dtogheda & Irilh Silefias I Red & green B,eking do. 8 an d yaid-wide Irilh ng. j Swanfiowns WToilanett.' Linens hy I Rose, Point and DulHll Primed Callicoes&Chin. r use I Blankets tzes he I Superfine London Cafii- Printed Linen and bor c 5n- I meres of the newest and der'd Handkerchiefs s e the I most falhionable colors Cottonic Cillicoe Checks I Low priced Yorklhire do. Thread Edging, & Lace- Plain and striped Calli- Mrn '* BeavcrGloves I mancoes p,ns In frr "" cafc4 :e I Joan Spinnings &Durant, "° lta " d T "P e »" Bobbin. Rattinetts & Shalloons Th.ckfcw s nd Corduroys N».« k C.mblet.. (.■SrSVSSV'' I With a variety of other Articles on hand, fo r 1 sale on the most reasonable terms for calh I or the usual credit. 1 L Nnv i J°hn J- Parry, is,| CLOCK & WATCHMAICER, to HAS a s ain «P en ed at his usual Stand, A T o. 38, South Secondftreet—where he has for Sale, Excellent Gold & Silver Watches, ' 1 # and anw Eight Day Cclocks, ;0. I Which will be warranted to give fatisjkaian. An assortment of 1 Gold, Steel and Gilt chains, Seals and Keys. All kinds of Clock and IVatch work done with particular attention as heretofore. gr An Appren'ice wanted. ked november ij m.wllSf.iw. NOTICE "—" one Owners of Carriages, and res. Retailers of Wine Shuts. any TN consequence of the late Epidemic in this A City, numbers have negle&ed to enter their leel Carnages, ilfo the retailers of Wine and Spi and fits to call and take out their Licences. The hcaJth of the City returning,.the Office « re moved from Germantown to its former place, Ne- v 49 North Third-street, where those who '"g have neg.efled must call and pay the duty on hre T^' r t - arr ' l ß e, ». ind retailers take out theii Licences—Their ready compliance will prevent , s incurring the pwialty of rhe Law. red JAMES ASH, Collector eef« of the if Divifon of lft Survey rl «y of thedifiriSofPennfylvani 'a. Philadelphia, Office of Infpe£lien ) and No. 49, North Third-llrcet. { la* os£: The STAMP PkESS " kept st ,V " . .9 mw&f.,w The time of an AQive Se BLACK BOY, •ITTHO is about Citeen year, old, and has five V «? fcrve . to be disposed of. He is ,ugs *ell acquainted with the bufincf, of a farm, and handy at cooking or waitirg in the heufe. F.n «c. quire at theeffice of thii Gazette. :f ncr. 1 eoiw Samuel b 5 Miers Filher, Nn. 97, Dock-Streit. Have received per the Mo-wing Star, from Tencriffe, Good Cargo Wine, In Pipes, Hojftieads and Qutrter Casks. Per the Pallas, froth Hamburgh, " German Oznabrigs ScTicklenburgs. And by the late arrivals ft om London, Livernonl, Bristol, Hull and lJuhltn, n ,1 GiMF.RAL ASSORTMENT Of WOOLEN GOODS, rItINCIFALLT ON CONSICNMINT. r Which they are desirous of felling by the Package, in which are separately made up the following articles|on low terms : Rase Blankets, 6 4, to 10-4 jljt j point blankets r Mottled and green Rugs 6-4 to .1-4 _J Mixt and drab Forreft cloths, lorted 1, Fearnoughts et Blue Plains , A Blue, mixt and drab plaint, lorted prices J. Mixt, tvrill'd, striped and blue coatings, do fin of Blue, mixt and brown kersey duffals, sorted ha colors and prices th< i- Mill'd drab Broadcloths, sorted price* f- Blue Broadcloths, do Low priced Broadcloths, colors neatly Ported '*> Swanl'down, striped and printed Kerfymeres Mixed and foned colored Kerseymeres 1,3 Meat super and fuperfine cloths, Elastics and BevereKs . ll " White, yellow andredFlannels, sorted prices Green and white Baize Yarn Hole and Caps d Coarse and fine Hats, in cases of 6 dozen each C a® pieces fuperfine wide Black RufleJs Joans Spinning and Camblets With an Invoice of common and fine drawn NAILS, fiatt and lharp points, well afibrted !They have al/o for Sale, Britifli Oznabrigs"} Ravens Duck. >' IN BALES. n Ruflla Sheetinga J ' Saxon and Bohemia iJowlas —in Cherts Brown quadruple Sitefias and white Platillas, do ® Irllh Linens, in Boxes p Irilh Oowlas, white and brown Irilh Sheetings, do Irittl Sacking Shot, aiTorted. Red and White Lead and Span- I ifl) Brown c( . T Crawley Millington Steel Queens ware, in Crates Glass ware, in Crates and hoglheads Newcastle Grindstones. Boxes tin plates A few pipes London market Teneriffe Wise < India RomaH Hdkfs.} T . Long Cloths f IN BALES, Humhums J Womans (hoes, iu barrels Spermaceti Candles, in boxes. 11 mo 17 3»w6w ALL PERSONS, " 1 HAVING demands agamft the Estate of P Henry Schafffr, deceased, lateofthe . City of Philadelphia, Malller and Shopkeeper are requested to jurnifh their accounts properly authenticated and all persons indebted to said Eft ate are desired to make speedy payment to CASPAR IV. HAINES, > . ■a r „ tnrs „ , FREDERICK GAUL,\ admwJl "th mo. 13 f h JAMES & RICHARD SMITH, r a HAVE this day returned from the country ta their STORE, No. 54, South-Front-street, where they hsve for sale, as usual, a large and ge neral aflbrcment of European and East-India DRT GOODS ,• (on from the ( differe»t veflelt, from Hamburgh, Lon don, Liverpool and Hull. 1 len Their Cuftomtrs by applying will find almost 1 every article generally imported, and at as low >w- prices for ca(h or credit,as they can be had else- - where. , n N. B. A few Cases of Nurenbergh TOYS, a j Jr* consignment, to be fold by the cafe only. 1 Philadelphia, Nov. a, 1798. dtf r na- _ t fias Millenery Room, j No. 136, Mar let Street. lin. ' I 'HREE orfour young women who are well ac 1. quainred with rhe Millenery bulinefs, and >er can bring good recommendations may be eroploy f« * ed tj applying as above to ■ ck ' D. CHRYSTAL. ( ,Cc " nov. «6 $ — | iin» Engliih wrought Nails. ■oyt 0 1 ns Imported in the ships Molly and D.ana, from tOfl- LIVERPOOL. 400 Casks of Nails, fo r /"Consisting of 6d, Bd, iod, ud, and h v-< aod, flat points fhitable for the southern market—6d, Bd, i«d f ud, andiod, finedrawn tf Sharps—also s, 3, 4, and 6 ciouts—fprigs— luck* —liuppcr nail? —fhcathmg nails, FOR ULt ST, t, Robert Deni/on, junr. jg, 1«7 Market-street. FOR SALE, CS he EXCHANGED for property within thirty ' of the city, or to let on ground-rent forever Several valuable building Lots, i on , In Philadelphia, Enquire of William M. Diddle, ne. 147, Chefnut ftreet. ■eys. Nov. it * uith - . _ For Sale,at the Stores oftheSub fcribert, on Walnut street 195 callcs of nails aiTorted »o bales »f fail canvass, from No. I to 8 [ 5 3 calks yellow ochre '5 tierces bottled porter, 6 to 14 doz. each London particular ) ~ , . India market 5 Madeira Wines c ■ Teneriße do. in hogfheadsand pip S? " Old Port do. in hhds. . re _ Empty Claret bottle* ace ' Ca^es o Q®jnghaiDs, Dimities, Muflinets &e. who aflbrted tor the Well-India market ,0 > and 9 inch eablfsand 10 coils oi cordage Writing fiates, ii.k flands and presses 11 10 purcheonb Jamaica rum ' cnt I bale teaming twine 160 bundles Iheatuing paper' rv . r Nici/M (3* Griffith. Z1 tuW Ironmongery, Cutlery, &c. ,1 *" THE SUBSCRIBERS TNTENDINC to decline chey- ptefent BnCaefs, „ oner for file, at reduced prices, a handsome alTortment ol Irormongery, Cutlery, &c. in lots to suit the purchasers. five John Green (s* Co. is No. 16, Second flreet. and c 3* Ironuiongers En- Will find the Goods not unvrorty fkeir attention. w Imported, In the Ships Aftive and Liberty, from Hsmburch. Ticklenburghs, Oznabrijs, White Platillas Brown Silefias Bretagnes Heflian Rolls Brown Ruflia Sheetings German Lindfeys, Bed Ticks, For Sale by GEORGE PEN NOCK. no. 103 Market-flreet . nov ao NOTICE. ALL Perrons indebted to the Estate of Wil.' liam Beauchamp, (ately deceased, arc 5 f eet 7 1 inches in height, grey eyes, dark hair and complexion, born in Ireland, city of Dublin, by trade a Hnzier. Jacob iden, 34 years of age, j feet 6 inches high, grpy eyes, sandy hair, i'rcfh complexion, born in New-England, state of Connecticut, a repeated deserter, by trade a Blacksmith. November 7. William Collins, joyeais of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, sandy hair, frefh com plexion, grey eyes, born in Ireland* county of Wexford, by trade a Gardner, has worked for fr some time about Philadelphia, he is very fond 1 to hear bimfelf Sing. Ij All the above deserters are very much addict ed to liquor, and will take other peopled pro perty if in their poweT, are artificially marked •1. on their backs, had on, when they went away, th«ir regimental clothing. Whosoever appre — hends said deserters, lhali receive forty dollai* reward, or tea dollars for each, with all reafoo ' able expences, by applying to me as above, EDWARD MILLER, captain " e J id regiment of Infantry commanding. nov 10 $ Ti RJULASX n- A QUANTITY to brdifnofed of, if applied for XIl immediately, on board (he Ship Louifj, lyinj Ma. HUMPHREY'S Snip Yatd. , w novemberio. } "e- ALL PERSONS having any legal demands i gainfl the estate of William Pirlis, deceased, late of the city of Philadelphia, Tavern keeper, are tf requefied to furnifh their account* — theatitated, and all perlons indebted to IM estate are r.'qjefled to make payment to the fubferiber id Philadelphia. I.EVI HOLLINGSWORTH Adminr. lc _ Oi2obcr3t(l, 1798. nd >y- DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA.TO WIT: BE IT REMEMBERED. THAT on the twelfth day Sj of Attguft, in the twenty-third year of ~the Independence of the United Ststes of America, Benjamin Smith Barton, ef the laid dif tridl, hath deposited in this office the title of a book the right whereof he claims at author in the " words following to wit : " New Views of the Origin of the Trrbesar'i " Nations of America—By Vsnjamin Smith Baf nd " ton, M. D.Correspondent Member of the Socie ;rn " ty of the Antiquaries of Scotland, Member 0 wn " the American Philosophical Society, Fellow m 1 •' the ApieriCan Academy ot Arts and Science' 0 " Boflon, Correfpond'dg Member of the Mail l ' » ohufetts Hißorical Society, and ProfefTor ot " Materia M»dica, Natural Hifloryand Botany " in the University of Pennsylvania." * In conformity to the afl of the Congref- of t.< United States, imitled " An *& for th« encourage ment of learning by securing the copies of maps, rty charts,and books, to the authors proprietor, fcr of such copies during; the times ther*:n mention# J fg SAMUEL CALDWELL, Cicrk, Dill-os rew> ' November i, 1798< A Young Man, wri es a good hand, nnderflao» ~ W accounts and ean be well recommend, b- wants a Situation as Clerk or Affiilant in - Wholesale Store, or Conuti'\g-houfe. App J Cation to he made »t this Office. nov 14 • » A CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. TOHN A. SHAnFFER. ofrhiladelphia, whot" J for a few years pad been in the f° u ''' c ' n has had the effrontery to draw fejeral B.lh « change on Timothy Pickering, Esq. oecr ■ &c. State, and myielf.and by that meaa»nascetr*|* a number of persons of their age them by an exhibitiorrof letters and paps E names affiled of diver, publ.C charaae.s andJ-J table merchants highly Shaeffer ;to one of theft papers I find m y[ fubfcribsd.hut I do not know the mjH i villainous forgeries! To prevent furt ,u I hareto requeftthe pxintcrs of Newfp p • . rf , United States to publish this f«L, Trenton, |efs Oftoket 24, > 3me ' ~~~~~~ ,0 " To be Let, AND possessionf 7 OH THI 14TH THE CITY TAVERN, , • Now in of C be)r Apply at this oftce. / covambcr ij