m • #EfottS »ttje Philadelphia Daily Adveriisefi By John Ward Fenmo, N 0- i —yy *jt .- • i —;—• i ■ • . i r , hvMBMM c, 9 3 7*] PHILADELPHIA}: TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 20, .798. \VOLUMS XIV. "*''— ; ' ■ < S3- 'The price of this Gazette is Eight dollars per annum to Subscri bers rejidingin the city of Philadel phia. All others pay one dollar ad ditional, for enclojbig and directing; and unless fame perfsn in this city will become answerable for the fubfcr'tp iion, it v\u(t he paid Six Months in advance. For Sate, ' THE SHIT lesSS ® 0 sT 0 N rAcK ET ' ' Huuncs CowptnTHWAiT, Master, ?EUrVhSN a!>»ut a.joo barrels, a gosdflrong Ship—has excellent aceommodationsfor paflingers, hi ? v be rent to sea v,„h small «*pence. SVs is lay at 'Mifflin's wharf. For further part.cular en quire of Isaac H'arvey, jun, or Smith 8c Ridgway. * november 16 I2t " Tor salX - jf*** THR ship PERSEVERANCE, J ames WlUiarnJan, majler. Tuft arrived from St Domingo, built in Phi rtßclphh, ' f live Oak and Cedar, copper flieath ed in London, burthen 320 tons mounting 16 guns And may he pre irare-.i tor sea in a ;ew days, With her Cargo, Now on Board, ceNM«Ti nc or 15 j Hogsheads and 50 barrels Sugar 460,000 Weight of prim? Coffee in hhds. bkis and bags & 31 Pwncheons of Jamaica Rum. ALSO, Williamson, Majter. ftoM br. Oor. ingo, w'rh her cargo, confining of 43 hogsheads of Sugar, And 40,000 weight of prime Coffee. likewise, TUE BKI6 AMIABLE MATILDA, MOUN ING 11 Guns, burthen two tboufand two hundred barrels of jomf leat order.—Apply to Thcmcis John Ketland. fcoyember 13 S tor London, * —J* THE SHIP >£Mr JEAN, tUKMti-M Captain Daniel M'Pserson, WILL be ready to take her ear go till b« of Moflns. Rice in Tierces, And a finall cargo of St. Martin's SALT. November 9 dtf For Sale or Charter, COMMERCE, John Wood, majler. This (hip is burthen as ptrregifler 230 Tons, will be fold on moderate terms or take freight for Europe or the Weft-Indies. Apply to the Captain on board at Latimer's Wharf, or WILLINGS & FRANCIS. FOR SALE, On board [aid Ship, 16 Tons of Liverpool house Coal. TIOV 9 dlw . Elliston & John Perot, Hat>a for Sale, at No. 41, North Water-Street, Muleo\acto Sugar Bandana Handkerchiefs Copper in sheets & na.U Midc - rJ winc opper v re leather and SaTcTnvaff A £ w ! >arre,s Shad aHd Ozrtabrigi Hernn 8 s Also For Sale, BERMUDA-PACKET, Burthen 10S tom--Bermij «Ia built, fails remarkably taltand is well found. nov ?. xv&f3\y For Sale. •IPHE Sußscßiatu, intending 'o decline the t DRUG BUSINESS, offers For Sale, the *'hole Stock of Drugs and Medicines, Instruments, &•_ is elegant, commodious, and falici xrnly tnown for the extensive business Cone in the whol. sale and retail line ; the situation equal to, any in the city, being at the col ncr of Walnut and Second flrccts. The whole, or any part of the wiHbefold, as will bell suit the purchaser. '1 h j terms may be known, by applying to JAMES MOORE, jun. IVlo hat For Sale, U'ell calculated tor the The Peggy, about 3otonsburthen, Mulberry and KedGed r frame, and remarkably stout, of au ejfy draught «f Water, rigging in good order. The Sally, about 30 tons, fails we'.!, and in complete order forchelumberbuGnefs. All perlbtis indebted to the lat« 6rm oi GoUthiuait (5* r,.iUtL in, H r . B. GolJtbivait, Gi.il.- ilnruit ts" i'A*»rt, or the are earneflly icijnefted t. make speedy payment to JAMSS MOORE, ju.v. »«g«st 3 $ 1 f ; u Ship Broker's Office, And CommiJJion St *■?, > . Ko. 1:9, South fu:'v , :r, ' n . Next doar to she Coftif i. TH" . r ,'«.rioer, eacuo«Kj*atyr sjt»ire of his friends, offers i:i» ftrfiot t<» «>.£ puWic as a Ship and Insurance Urukef.—2—H« jjfropof es to buy and fell veftels and every thing relat ing thereto—aflift masters of vefTels and others ', in entering and clearing at the Custom-House, procuring and (hipping freight, fettling Infur ' ance and all ether mercantile accounts, and . have on hand the seceflary Blanks and Stamp;. Papers in foreign languages translated, and Jn . formation given in general mercantile matters. —From a knowledge gained by long experience of every branch of business he hopes to be ufe ful to thole who please to favor him with their Commands. SAMUEL EMERV. November T9 $ FOIT~BELFAJT t THE SHIP Jlllk I° SEp H u S, Henry H. Kennedy, master, NOW lying at Mr. Doughty's wharf, i" Soutlnvark. This Jh'p is ii compleat order, and will be reidy to take in her cargo on Monday '' J next, and fail with all pojjible difpatcb ■■ For '» freight or pa/pjge apply to JOHN CRAIG, no. 12, Dock fleett . ■nov. 16 $ ' FOR WILMINGTON, s •_ * _ 7 Nfo eth-Car o l 1 k a, f >—THC SHIP COMN4ERCE, ; Cttptaii , Wo<»®, j WlLLtakeinfright on rery mo- { derate terms, aid fail -about the < a?th instant. Apply to the Capain on board at Latimei's wharf, or j if Willings Ssf Francis, , Penn Street. c november J FOR SALL, f AS (he arrived froito fea—Shfie a remarkably , faft failing vessel (juilt of Ceda- and live Oak, and completely armed. JAMES YARD, jtov 10 "\v For SALE or CHaK i . THE SHIP M °' , ' i LY » ( Burthen 4200 birreis of Flour, Philadelphia built, well found -* aaw^se * s^i and fitted, and tnay be ready ' to receive a cargo in a few daye*—(he rs pierced 18 gun»,jind mounts 12 uew fix pounders, with , small arms in proportion. • t) I A N 'k, Burthen 2,100 barrels of f lour, -flS*- i hilit'.elpliia built pi iiv'e oal^. ' and c*dar, is pierced for four teen guns, tnd mounts ten new four pounders, with small arms m proportion. THE BRIG AMAZON, Burthetl 1,5C6 birreis of Flour, New-England bu'rit, has lately been completely fitted, and may bt ready for sea ' in i few days. For terms apply to NICKL/A £s* GRIFFITH. Who have for Sale \ on boardfunchy vejfelt at Marcvs-Hook, • 12,000 bushels of Liverpool fine fait 1,100 bushels of coals 286 crates efqueens wait aflprted 7 tierces of bottled porter xo barrels of coleothard paint 4 do. df purple brown do. a quantity of yellaw ocfe in calks 6 barrels powdered Venetian red'paint 6 barrels mineral black -10. 15 barrels Spanish brown do. s boxes of pipes !{ b °dt bi } HAVANA sugars I 3,5001b5. pri-me cochineal 3 barreU New Orleans indigo 4 puncheons Jamaica Spirits 20 bales of fail aanvafs 379 fheetsof copper, afiierted from 48 by 24 to 60 by 48 inches 1 Two tubs raised still bottoms afTorted 36 fix pound g«as4§ feet, each 14 do. 4 feet, icwt and 4lbs each 50 barrels of gun powder 6 cases Manchester cotton checks 3 trunks mullins and (bawls 14 cases muflinets, dimities and ginghams ! 28 chests coloured nankeens, muflinets, &c. 1» trunks printed calicoes 6 bales of whits and coloured cafiimeres l bale of course woollens Erigiifh nails afTorted. s Oflaber 27. fri.&fat. tf. ' For Sale, cr Charter. MOUNTING fourteen 6 poun ders, coppered and fails remarkably fad—burthen about iooo barrels. * »'o* TERMS APPLY TO Witlings (s* Francis. ' Penn Street. November » daw For Sale, or Charter. 1 TBI SHIP j° sephus > t ENNtDY - Majler, NOW lying at Doughty'j wharf, Furthep about Two Ihoufand Barrels, is in com pleat order, and ready to receivff a cargo, for terms aptly to JOHN .CRAIG, INo. k, Dock Street noveßiber 14 5 FOR PORTSMOUTH, JfcV-HAMUHIItI, The fall farlisrg Schooner ' UNION, Captain Gunnison, at Chcfiiut firm wharf—*will fail on Friday u«&t. Ftvr n light cr p.flage, having ex cel cur accjitonbtSotittaf, apply at "Mr. Wel'h'v Core, 011 ia'.d vtbfcff, or to the niaiier *ja board.. Forfait on hcirdja'4jfkb*&v. r» jo bbls. New-England Cyder. novembrr rS *en.yt FOR LONDON, To return early in the Spring, 4®; AMY Ab LE, jjflfifcifiljfuu C. Tillinciiast, Maitfcr." l-> expeited to depart about the si.th *>f Decern ber. Per'freight or pilTage apply to the tejfer on board, or to JEREMIAH WARDER, N». li, North Third Street. WHN HAS ON HAN'D, 8 by 10 Window Glass, And a quantity of Paper Maker's Rags. November 19 CQ3 C Far Sale, THE SHIP LENNOX, NOW lying at Penrose's wharf SrS!S3®BSbetweeri South Almond streets. This wfel hat only inade two Whaling voyages, Was drrginally Ihcathed, and since her arrival In this port has been completely ckufked arte! fteathed anew, new Msfts have alio been p«t into her, and her rigging completely ovtr hai'-'J, of ctwrfe her Hull and Rigging are in perfedt order —and it is -presumed from her liav ing been employed in the Whaling business and her timbers conspletely filled with oil, the will be as durable as any vessel. An inventory of t the flrip and her 'materials may be feed at the Coffee-Houfc, or it the honfe of the Subfcrrtrcr, j Souih-eatt comer of Arch-ftrtet and Sixth-street. If the above vefTel is not fold at private Sale j immediately, fee will be expo fed to Public Sale on Wednelday evening the 21ft instant at seven , o'clock, at the City Tavern in Stcond-ftrett. The Subfcribcr has also for sale, 1 A Cargo of excellent Whale Oil 2 In calks proper for expurtation, being full bound c with Iron Hodjps, which is an advantage n6t j covnirton in Cargoes of Oil at tltrt Aarket. ALSO, A small quantity of Whaleßon'e. JOSEPH BALL. nny. 19 djt To be Sold, 1 BT PUB LIC VEND UE, On next, the «tth ftiira , Street, to No 91, South fid* rf KH-irket-Rrm, near J the corner of Third Street, ;id is now opening A a very extonfive alfortment ol DRY GOODS, SUI7 ABLE FOR THE PRESE NT SE A SON, WHICH «» HAS }«»! R ECE TV EIJ, Per the (hips William Penn, Amiable, a,id Jane, from London, and per Oiefapeak and Thomas from LiverpotH, and wll bo fold IcW for c!!(h or approved notes at afli.rt date, viz, London 7-4 Superfine Cloths and - Cafßmeres, f&lhionablcctitoutt York (hire 7 4 do. am do. Mixed and plain coativs / Welchflaimefs Kersey beav»r, for.^erers Jeannets and Tab!.y crds Velvets a«d vslvetteen Velverets and thicksets 7, 8, 4 4 *nd 11 8 ctton and linJn chcfks 7 8 and 4 4 bed tics 6-4 and 7-4 bed bunts l'ondon chinti and ehitz furnitures Furniture cdtions Do. aimitiet Purple and chintz lha Is Silk d< Camels kair di Silk, cotton, ahd woled hose India and Britifli mulhs of every description Black and white vnj, balls Ca: roiiades, 12 lbs. J fui&He. r ' Mufquets, Mufquetooas.Cutlafles and") P> Pißols, for Ihips use, 'e Riflsd barrtledOuas, Fowling Pieces, g3" le and Horseman's ViOols, :n 400,000 Flints, chiefly for'rtiiHkets, in ' 3- kegs. J tS Regulation Light Dragoon Sabrej, with Iro'nSclb bards, in cases of .50 each, Light Cavalry Swords in Cases Sabres, Swords afrrd Cntisffes, wiA plated thountiig H Ironmongery and Cutlery in casts, a general :f ---fortment—For Sale by Thomas & Jno. Ketland, '. Philad.'Oitdber 25. ROBEkT SMITH & Co. - Have returned t# the City, and are now open ing at their Store, No 58, So. Front flreet, A large and General x ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, s Suitable to the Season, Y Which they have just received per the late arrivals frem London, Hull, Liverpool and Glasgow (via New-York) and will dispose of on very low terms for Calh or (hort credit "TO EE LEI, * A Hotife in Fourth-street, next door to to the Indian Queen —enquire as above. ' ritrvcirrher 6 4i4t Just Arrived, In the Brig Eliza, from the Mediterranean, an 3 now landing at Walnut Street wharf, Fourth proof Brandy in Pipes. Hrimfl.one. Anaflortment of valuable DRUGS, - consisting OF Opism, Aloes, Cahtharides, Ca'mphire, Senna, Cremor Tartar, &c. Sic. F.fle'rice" of Lemon rad feetgimot WribSi; paper I Swrttt)il in bottles and flalks , Olives, anchovies ar.d ciVeVs Jonif or ben ies A L S o.—Jtaiian luteftrtrgs ' Satins Crapes Umtreiiits , Rcnsaming on Hani, St. Groix Sugars, • Claret in cases Old Madeira Witw of the firft quality. James yard. November 3 £ >roTlcE. ALL Persons indebted to the Eltaft of DoAor Fra«cis BoSUGj4Ii 48 hhdj. dp So 3 y* l k:ch ar e how Landing atCh'.fiut-fire>t vVharf, from on board the tlrig George. -AIf2 for Salt, __ 100 hhds. of Prime Coffee, 4- ot lbc Cnarfe East India Sugara ifls Window Glaft e. Bandanoe Handkerchiefs £s* A quantity of India Muslins & Chintzes, fobn Craig No. I j Dock-ft reel. , 14 5 , b . Imported IN THE LAST ARRIVALS, , E Superfine, fine and common cloths Swandowns Baizes Velvetts Velveritts Printed calicoes Furniture & fancy dimities Hair ribbands •n. Sewing silk f, Bruflels and Persia caipctts Buttons For sale, for cajb or credit, ly SAMUEL MERRICK. no - *43 Arch llrcet. nd W»» >fe Imported, and tor sale by to Isaac Harvey, Jun» No. 9, South Watzr Striet, a QUAxrnr of - Surinam Cotton and Coffee. Infh linens, in whole and half boxes ,d Checks Drogheda linen Irilh hackled Flax Liverpool Salt and Goal. i **. , , » Al, ° A r *RCEI OF ' , Mc « s . and Women's Combs assorted. Scot s 1 hrcad—and a, One hundred hogsheads of prime Aux Caves MOLASSES, tltto.irth djw HUDSON y YORKE, NO. 54, NORTH FRONT STREET, HAVE JlhT RECEIVED, fr, ' a arr i Ta 's from Europe, A VERY COMPLETE ASSORTMENT UF DRY GOODS, Wick they W ill dispose of on readable terms, AMONGST WHICH ARE Superfine and coarse cloths, coatings. Elafticand fancy do. Caffimeres, plains, dulfcli Koft and flripe blankets *ell aWted m small bales ir ''"rniture chintxes, cottons and dimeties , Callimancoes, camblets, durants, moreens, and fc J oans j Mucins ol all kinds X* ID yel^re "> th "Mett, and fancy cords d j rihboni Red, white and yellow fl4«ncls Red and greea bockmg and wilfh baizes An invoice cutleTy and hardware - Cottonidis, lhawls, printed handkerchief 7-s 4 4 11-8 checks y-8 & j-4 cottoi ftrip«j Cotton, worsted and «lk hosiers