Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, November 13, 1798, Image 4

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    ' " ba
Just Imported >
Iron cannon, double fortified, Wootwich pr »of,
■with their carriages complete— 3, 4» 6
Ca jiiaut-s, W oWviah proof, with carriages, &c I
complete— 12, t8 an 4 24pounder«-
Cannon powder in of ajlbs. each
Round, do'itte h jdtJ,and
T rgr.t (hrathing copp'T. bright, affortcd 18, 20, g
24, 16 afjH 28 <-r per f(juar»i foot, fhects 4S
T>y 1 4 inch?*, fuitahle for veficis from 100 to
1000 tens
C' pfter nails, and spikes
Boarding Pikes.
Common cutlaGTcs, 11
Gunners (lores of aU Jrinch
'1 No I—l-31 —1-3 crofa
Patent (hot in of Jcwt. each
London porter and brown flout, in calks of 7 do», cl
bottled. l\*
Earth en ware in crates, aff= rted
For Sale tj
Pine near sth ft'reet. "
Oflohtr 19. c 0 tf ' pi'
To be Let, g
An airy three Story Brick Home, Ve
ON the South fide oI Filbert Street, between
Eighth and Ninth street, formerly occupied ( . a
as the Surveyor General's Olfiee—Enquire at No.
' 111, Chi fnut StreeJ.
a-y>Ml> 10 ' , °" ;r . Cc
Whereas the certificate of two c i
/hares of the Rank of the United States in the Di
nimr o S'fviiiel Amory, of London, banker, 3 ■
No 318J,iffned in lieu of U;94.were Da
forwarded from London by the British packet 4'
Counter., of Leiceiter, tapt Dodd, bound for
New-Yin*, which packft was captured by the
French, and the fat<l certificate loft ; and for the
renewal of which, application is mae'e at said
Bank, and all perl'ons concerned are defircd to
take notice.
Fhila. Ofl. >6, 1798- e<>6w .
To Let,
THE house, No. 78, North Se
csnd street, with or without a (lore and ftatle—-
The house is large and convenient ; enquire of
John I.itle, No. 40, North fixthftreet.
Jf'ober 31. w&fa ' tf
And immediate poffejjion given,
A LARGE convenient, wc-il finifhed house,
-f\ Ko. »if, High fircet, lately occupied "by
DosSor Wiftar, with coach house and Babies p|
No. 168, High ttreet. pj,
Nov. 2.
r l o Be .Let,
And immediate pcfftffion Given,
A COMMODIOUS Three Story Houfe
with convenient back buildings situated pi
at the north «eft corner of Walnut Fc
ilrettJ. —For terms apply to G:
Ne- v>, South Fourth Street. D
Oflober 19 " [ .
A" LL PERSONS having any legal demands a- R
ga nit the eftats of William ftriki, dece fad,
tet • pl'the city of Philadelphia, Tavern keeper, are S(
• re.;u iied -to furnifh their accounts properly au
th.-V.ticated, and all perforts indebted to said estate
are r.-quefted to make payment to the in L
Philaoelphia. t
o<9i her Jtft, 179S 'I ■
—z:TM P B lack. H
'A quantity of I.wwpblatlc was left during the N
Fever, at the Office of the Gazette of the Unit
' e.\ States,—supposed through mistake. The
owner 5s requelted to call and take it away. V
Nov. ■ I
District of Pennsylvania,to wrr*.
£■— THAT on the twelfth day
S) ofAugufl, in the twenty third yeas of
k" —A the Independence of the United States of
America, Benjamin Smith Barton, of the said dif- j
triel, hath deposited in this office the title of a |
book the right whereof he claims as author in the p
words following to wit : ~ _
"New Views of the Origin of the Tribes and
«' Nations of America—By Penjamin Smith Bar
" ton, M. D.Correfpondrnt Member ol theSocie- _
" ty of the Antiquaries of Scotland, Member of j
w the American Philosophical Society, Fellow of g
" the American Academy «f Arts and Sciences of a|
•' Boston, Correfpor.didg Member of the MafTa- w
'• chufetts Hifloriial Society, and ProfefTor of u
« Materia Medica, Natural Hißory and Botany
" in jhe UniverSty of Pennsylvania "
In conformity to the ail of the Congress of the
Urited States, intitled " An a 5 for the encourage
pant of learning ky securing the copies of maps,
<hart ind ooks. to the authors and proprietor,
of such (Of it s during the times ther.-n mentioned.'i
SAMUEL CALDWELL, C.erk, Dift. of Penn'
November I,
JiHN A SH AEFFER, of Philadelphia, who has 1 J
for a ft .v years p-aft heen in the fouihern Stntes, i
has had tlie effrontery to draw several Bills of Ex- ,
chan?..- on Timothy Picketing, Esq. Secretary of '
State, and mylelf.andby that means has defrandtd
a number of persons ef their ■ money, deceiving t
them hy an exhibition of fctrera and papers with the 1
nan.e, affixed of divers public charadeis and repu- t:
tafec merchants highly recommendatory of said
Sha ffer ;t» one of these papers I find my name
fubfi ribsd, hut Ido not k-osv the man ; thife are
villainous forgi-rit>! so prevent further impottion, ]
i have to requefl the jrrinttrs of Newspapers in the
Uiultd States topublilh this for the benefit of their
fetlow»ci:i?eu». SAMUEL MEREDI TH, j
Treafurcr of th: XJtiilti htate%.
TicUn, Km' J" fiy,l
C'SJitr 14. '79*- J - j
V ir\KSERTED last night, a second time, from
U the Marine Camp, Daunt Luprr, a fife-.
He had when he'went away, a plain lue jacket and j
Test lii'ht-blueovera!ls,a iound hat,which had been yellow, ar.d which he had ripped of»
in his fiilt defcrtioti, and a pair of new ftoes. he is
a Carpenter by trade, has grey eyes, far.dy bur
fillew complexion and a nitch in his upper lip
His back is ft! 11 fore from a Bogging he got a few
days ago He may bo discovered by his fifeing,
as he plays extremely well.
V.'. W. BURROWS Major C«m. of the
October i\. Marine Corp..
John Dobbin,
RESPECTFULLY informs his Friends and
the Public in general that he carries on bis
hufinefs at No 99 South Second-Jlreet, nearly op
polite the Mcrchmts Coffee hojife wh«re gen
tlemen maybe supplied in the ueatefl and bell
manner —he allures those who may please to fa
vor him with their commands that no attention
or exertion oil his fide (hall be wanting ta renter
him worthy Of their eneouragenx-iit.
N. B. Orders received will be punctually at
tended to. ,
r.ovember s *
I Samuel Potter, "William Page and
' Ihomas Price,
Ni. .11 CHI-sni-'T street, Emht
Are now opening a very extenjive nfjortment oj so
i) Rr govDS, «» c
Suitable to the preftnt season,
Which they have just received per
Ship, faflor/BoyDe.Otfego TY/
(via New York) from LONDOh ,
1 A llo, p-r (hi F « William Penn & Amiable from a
i,o Hoc*, and Uup. Saiiy aid! homas (torn
I.ivrKrotL, comr
Which they -will fell on very low terms for
cq/h or approved notes, viz. o. e
Common ar.d fuper6ne 7 « f » nc y * nd ch!nz cal "
cloth* li oes .
Plain & fancy coating? 7 8 common and chintz
Plain ani ftr:p«d caffi. furnitures
uteres A very large quantity of <L
Swaofdowns cliatxa St 3
Rose and duffill blanket* r'urpje and chintz fllawls no
Red and yellow flaunels l.intrn and lawn pocket
- Fine Welch flannels I andkerrhiefs'
Carpets and carpeting Camel*' hair shawls
Jeannetts k tabby cord" »v ry large aflortmentcf Froi
Velvetsens & velverttts nbbonds m
n Thi'-kjetts Sritillipliin checked,flri
j Callimancoes, durants & p«d and tam our'd muf-
: e a?.» linsof alldekriptiofls
i"lk. cotton, and worfled olored bordered shawls, C0(J1
hose a great variety br , k
- Cotton, callicoe, & twist 5-4 a«d 6-4 conjeverams
) checks and bett-Uees ~
e Dimities India bookit jaconet muf
'3 4 and 7-8 dowlafs lins %
e Darnafh table linen Laces and edgings "
t 4-4 and 6-4 sheetings jiack and patent lacc uu <
r Irilh line s Lace veils and figured J
e Ginghams clrralfs j»g<
Bamiannoes Pulongs and fattins bori
j A vcrv large quantity of Persians and farfansts rapt
d Si'k modes *
° And a variety of other articles. a P e '
Nov. 3 tttlth P|«
Smith & Rodman, [°™
N0.'49, South Front llreet', £
I Have jufl received per the William Penn, and ed
►f Jaue,/rto» Ltatoan, Dia.iaatid Thomas P cr
from LirswoQL, and Kinglton,
from Himi, ■ hen
dry goods, ablt
" Plain, twill'd and striped Crapes _n
Coatings plain&ftnprd Wildbores
'• Fine whUe and red WelftWoi lied, Yarn £#Couon
Da'yellow and scarlet do. Me " ""V Woollen ]V
Superfine and low price, Qw .
V V' 1 *' c fafs , b!e.
, all colors 0.4 brown liifli Linen ■■
d plains and Halfthicks white and b. own Ii- I j
it Forest an;d Hunter Cloths jh'eeiings
Green and Red Drapery f| JXt . u row Oznj-
Baize burgh in bales ~
t _ Do. 5-4,6-4, and 74, do D r „gj)eda £2 Itilh Silrfias n J
Red & green ,B >ckirg do. 7 .8 iod yaid-wide Irilh , we '
—■ SwanfdownsferToilanett- Lmenj ' lc
5" Rose, Point and Dulfill Ptinied Callicoes&Chir.- lo ™
' Blankets '
re Superfine London Caffi- Prinu-d Linen and bor- Uuj
u - meres or the oe weft awl; devM Handkerchiefs lilt.
te most fafhionable colors Cotto..&l. I.coe C.ieeks by
in Low priced Yoikiire do. Laces vvh
mi • j a o-Au-s licaverL,loves iari
Ph.O and striped f J
. Jo«>bpinni|.gs &purants. Thickrets jnJ Corduroys
Ratfinctts & Shal oons I and tanev Cords , ri
ic Norwich Cambieis, sot, Ve l,e« and VeKe'tecns g.
Cloak 3 | mack and olive Cotton- '
1. Bomb..ze-tt» and Blaclii adt ,
i.-c aw
With a variety of other Articles on halld, for bol
sale on the most reifonable terms for cafli
or the usual credir. ing
N«v 6 ab<
y " R. I'A\LOR, ~" q
if- -p ESl'Ev TFULLY informs the Public that
a JLV. he continues to teach Ladies the Piano
Forte as usual.
d Nov. 6. tuthsa p
r- Hories to Winter.
Ie " T TORSF.S will be taken in to winter at P« 0- his
°l O. spect Hill, at the 11 Mile Stone, on the he
Bristol road ; they will be well fed with tlover e f c
of and timothy hay, well littered and cleaned, and p c
" will also have a large field to exercise themselves s et
0 in when the weather is good.—Enquire of Mr. ge
-y William Belt, merchant, Watet flreet, or on the ; 31
. premifss. vei
he Nov. 7 wf tf as
;«• th
f lß ' NOTICE w:
l.'i To Owners of Carriages, and
ln ' Retailers of Wine fcf Shuts. co
_ TN conloquench of the late Epidemic in this j„
J. City, i>umber» have negledfed to enter their (h
Carriages, also the retailers of Wine and Spi- he
rits to call and take oi>* their Licences. The
; as returning health of the City, the Office is re- th
moved from Germantown to its former place, b<
No. 49 North Third-street, -vhere those who bi
J( j have neglefled mi/ft call and pay the duty on in
ul g their Carriages, and those retailers take out theii th
the Licences —Their ready compliance will prevent *
)u- incurring the penaltv of the Law.
aid JAMES ASH, Collector
me 'of the \fi Sur-vey of the \JI - n
are Dii'ifion of Pennsylvania.
on > Philadelphia, Office of Infpeflion ) _ -
c ' ie No. 49, North Third-ilrcet. S
ltir " nov g mw&fjw
At the Store No. 22 ( 'hef ut-flreet. s '
Begs have to inform his friends & cujlomers that 1,
I he has removed his goods front Chefniit-Hil!, bi
i &isno w ready to accommodate them with, F
and fine white, red'dgreen Baizes
| ( j in half pieces—Coarf; and fine white Flan
e"n ' nells from ifsd t to 6/. a yard He expedfs a
of},' further fUpplyby thefirft arrivals from Scotland,
>e is Ireland and England, and is determined to fell
b iir low for Cash or a lhort credit,
lip nov 7 jawtf
in s. Cook Wanted. 0
the W a smalt regular family, a Wo-
VV man cook, who is a thorough miflrtfs of i
J her business and can prod«ce fatisfa&ory rccom- '
mendation. Aay perfun answering the above <■
description, will meet with constant empWy and
generous wages. Application to be made at ths *
, office of this gazette.
To save trouble, no Irilh woman need ay ply.
* hls hot. 6 f n
gen- NOTICE.
befl QAMUEL RICHARDET, informs the Gentle
d fa- O men Subfcribcrs, that the EXCH AN G E
it ion is opened for their recep.ion; and the CITY
TAVERN, for Gentlemen and Travellers
Last Spring added an addition of twelve Bed
at- Chambers to the tide building, which makes it
perfeflly convenient.
November 6 taw
B R O K. E K,
Embraces this op *ortunhy to present Us thanks (M }
to his fellczv citizens for their pall jsvor s
and acquaints them that he is returned from
Chcfnut Hill, to his former reftdence, the
House Ac. tl Cbefnnt between Front 7-8 &
and Second-street, Scarle
WHF.RE he holds himfelf ready to execute ats ;
their commands in evtry branch of tus Qhina
profeflion, trusting that from a residence in this
city of 35 years he has it in bis power to render p un?
them essential ferviee, assuring them that his Cq
commission fhsll be js'U as any in Town. Chin:
Lo.ts, Lards, Houses, Vessels, Certificates r C|
of every description and Bills of Exchange, -j>| n [
bought a»d fold, thedpeketts carefully exain- skotj
ined and clear titles made upon the fhortett no- 4(J) j
tise. by the public's humble servant, u
' ' 1 John Shields. -
(jj* Good negotiable Notes discounted
at a low premium.
November 7 , T -
Forty Dollars Reward. W
from a Detachment of Men under my com- lams
mand, at Camp Wejl Schuylkill, viz. Banl
Oolober 29. '
GEORGE KELLER, yeart of age, 5 1
feet 6 inches in height, dark hair and
' complexion, born in Holland, no Trade, fpealcs
bn k%i Er.glifh asd very talkative, has a dimple
in his chin. c
November 6. John Murphy, 17 years of
■ age, 5 feet 7 i inches in height, grey eyes, dark «o
hair and eomplexion, born in Ireland, city of
Dub in, by trade a Hozier. •
1 Jacob Iden, 34 years of age, 5 feet 6 inch®
high, grey eyes, sandy hair, frefh complexion,
born in New-England, state ct Conneaicut, a
r.peated deserter, by trade a Biacklmi'.h.
November 7.' William-Collins, 3oyeais ot
age, 5 feet 6 inches high, sandy hair, Irefh com
plexion, grey eyes, born in Ireland, county of V ■
Wexford, by trade a Gardner, has worked for •
some time about Philadelphia, he is very fond «cn
to hear himfelf Sing. H
All the above deserters are very much addul- "
I ed to liquor, and will take other people's pro- Ot,
perty if in their power, are artificially marktd
on their backs, had on, when they went away, u
their retimental clothing. Whcfbever appre- 'ere
bends said deserters, lb all receive forty dollars
reward, or tea dollars for each, with all reason
able exoe-rrs, by app' >'"g to me as above,
id regiment of I far,try commanding.
nnv 10 _ - : . ' | v
' Sixty Dollars Reward.
MADE their'efcape from the Gaol in the bo-
rough of Lancalier, on Saturday evening
lift., ostween the hours ef 8 and 9 0 c ' twu
rrench prisoners, part of the crew of La Croya
bie. # O
The one nanted Etienne Aujlfa, a native of Frer
r * deaux in France, 26 years oi age, a out 5 feet 6 ajtei
inches r dirk eyes and complexion, by trade Sfat<
a carpenter,fup.pofcd to be unacquainted with the [ n q
Js English or German language. Had on when he s ent
went atray, a white hat, pantaloons, and short
jacket, tight made, and probably took with him
fome other clothes. • -j
The other named Peter Duprieux, a native of
r . Gujoin in France, 20 years of age, about 5 feet 8
inches high,grey ©yes, dark complexion, a lcaman
cs by occupation, a dirty ill-looking fellow. Had on
when he went away, a blue sailor's jjeket, with
tow trowfers, an old wool hat,ipeaks imper-
seA German.
Also, made his elcape the fame day, about sine _
Y s o'clock in the morning, from the fame gao.i, ane-
man named Piter Hufon, about 5 feet 4 inches
high, ofafmilmg c utitcnance, lafcly oi
n ' a teiony in this county. Had on when he went
away, a lo;:g blue coat, a pair of white trowfers, .
>r botn ragged, and a black hat. j ovv
Twenty-five dollars will be paid for apprehend
ing and fectiring in any goal, each or ether of the
above named Frenchmen, and Ten dollars for the
"""* negro, by
Christian Carpenter, jun. Jhertff.
Lancafier, Od. to, ry. 8 j' ou
at Forty Dollars Reward
BY name Georgi or Gkorge Park«r, the
pro| erty of the fubfcril'er, who ha thought
proper on the night ot the 21K inll. to elop» from
9 " his matter without any provocation or just cause ;
he h: was formerly the property ofßeckwith Butler,
er esq. an 1 lived a contiderable time with
Hottenger,w hokept tavern in Frederickbarg,having
es seen much company and travelled with several
r - gentlemen through different parts ol this (late, he
be is much known. It is therelore conjeilured he
will pu(h for some of the northern cities pr towns
as hehas discovered an r.vtrfion toplantation work, Fo
though he may perhaps have crossed the ridge
where he has a brother belonging to major Bu ler.
Thisfellow is about five, feet seven ikclv h high,
well proportioned and walks ve and brilk, his
countenance is open and agreeable enough when of
'J* in good humour ;he can hardiy be furpaft in wi
cir (hrewdfl'-fs, and is a vcrjTi cupibie waiting-map, ne
31- house servant, barber, &c To defepbe drdf. ca
he _would be ne poffefied a variety of clothes, lit
re- theugh when drelfed lately, he wore a green coat wi
:e, bound with white ferreting and fpotte l jacket atjd de
ho breeihei. Who«ver br ngs him home or secures
on in goal in this or tiny other state the said Have, so
eii that I may get him again-, (hall have the above re- r
fa'mouth, Oit. 23, 1798.
W. B.—Mailers of vessels and Stage Drivers rc
are requefled to beware of fuffering faiil fellow to
impose on them hy aflifting his escape. A. V.
Nov tnber 3 W&I.4W j! 1
Notice is hereby given,
THAT application will be made to the Treafn
ry of the United States, for the renewal of the
following Certificates of Six Per Ce"t Funded O
Stock, Handing in the name of 'Jvh : Carbonelt, of
:a t Lendon, the said Certificates having en loft on
1) board the Swallow Packet, Capta'n Kild. from a i
1 Falmouth to New-York
z " 8 No. 3072 I Cert, for 2000 dolls. ~l
m ' 2964 I do. 5000 S- r
nd, 10 >577 I 3 000 J
f c ll . Willing* &Ft am is. I:
Philadelphia august 30. eo6w t<
Notice is hereby given, ' 1,
THAT application wili be madi to the treasury <■>
of the United ■ tor the renewal of the follow- r
Ivo- Certificates of fix per cents funded debts, !tand- b
sos » B the name of Jane GaLrulle Kigaud, of Geneva, [.
sm . which were,loft from on board the Swallow Pick- j
ovc ct, Capt. Kidd, from Falmouth to New-Yoik. . (
and Dolts.
th« No. 3195. Reg. office I9thMay'9s, icerr. for ioco j f
13,181. do. 14th do. do. r do. for 3"(00
f. Willitigf Francis.
it OSober 24. eod6w.
Printing Work,
gf. Of Every Kind,
_ Ue . d At the Office of the Gazette of the
" United STATES,
o<a. 13. . dtf.
' •
Thomas £ Joshua Fisher,
No. 5. Dock-Street,
[ m pour 2D if different vessels,
A geieral afforlment of
Coarse. aid line Woolens, Auhe
7-8 & 4-4 Irifli linens, Shaetings, Tickcns &c. verf
Scarlet and Clotl colored Cardinal,.
Hats in boxes of 12 dozen each „ r]
China, Nankeen Dining fe U and cup. & Queers
Black Luteftringi, Taffatys and S * mns . , ca H f<
Punfrem Cloths ,nd Humhonts Bine and Red
Cotton, Chappy and Pmlicat Komalla p
China and Enjjlifh Umbrellas t j le m
T Cro . ley Millingtoil Steel and tn
Tin in Boxes i-3. x plf of
Shot, FryHig Pans, and W Ceding: Hoee eR
6d, Bd, iod. ud Nwls, Jc. 13c.
nth moflth 8
™ ~. aug
Bank of Penn/yLvania,
September ,'d, 179^-
WIIEUEAS the Houle ar prefect occupied
bv the Bank of Pennsylvania w?s enter- M
ed-on the mgfct of ihefirft iarftant, by fomC Vil-
. la ins, who robbed the mflitution of sundry „ An
Bank Notes, amongst which were the follow
inK port notes of the Bank of Nov York, v«. ()f ,
No ioo2 f dated 13d of August, 1 79°» s Mafcl
I iflued in favor ut SeabHng & five,
Van Wyck, for Certif
- No 1003, dated 2;thr.f Aup-ift, 179*» final I
issued in favor of Montgom- f pr efti
f ery and Newbold f<rr 115° June,
t No loc6, 2 7th do. do. do. 2000 hundr
f lOO'/i do. do. do. do. 2000 !h;
10c 8, do. do do. do. »000 said C
io'Q, do. do. do. do. 100 a Treat
101 o, 28th do. do. do. 2000 Certil
, OII> do. do. do do. 2000 totht
' j0.2, 30th do. do. do. 1500 ages,
f Aim, fl". do. do «o. icpo
Also futidry poit notes of the Bank of Penn- u1 ?...
f fylvania, dated 23d July 1797. issued in favor
r of George Hughes, for one thouland dollars
i each, and sundry pofl notes of said Bank, da- ■
ted Ijtb of July, 1797, in favor of Geo.
Hughes, Ir five hundred dollars each rnd in ®
, dorfed by him. The puWic are hereby caution- . (
i ed aeainft receiving the said no:es. and a re-
ward of TirO THQUSAXD DOLLARS >* j- tJ ;, fc
' hereby offered for th- discovery and conviction forth
Jof the villains'who perpetrated or are concern ; ng
ed'in the said robbery, in addition to the rt w.ird j ums
offered by the Governor of the Commonwealth gtod
in his Proclamation of this Jav. fubfc
liy order of the Board, be dt
This Day is Public ed, Ji
7o the People of Maryland, v
ON the origin, pnjgrcfs and pref. ut ' ate of
French aggreflion. with a iketch of the infamous
alteopts to degrade the Government of United 4
e States, and some refleelio. ■&oq the ja'.e proceedings
e in Cor.grefs; written the last of April in the pre
e s ent year, by a Member of the Honfe of Reprefein
's tativ»s. 5 jun^il
n . Notice is hereby given,
" q-THAT agreeably to an ail of Congress of the c
1 Unit d Sta.te6 of America, passed at Phila
r" del-ihia the 28th day of May, 1796, laying du- ot
Hies on carriage* (or the conveyance of perfens, and
!e rtpeaiing tlw ror«er aa> for that purpose—That
e " there lhall be.levied, collefied and paid, upon all
e ! carri?gcs' for the ctirvveyauce _of jecfom. which
fhallbe kept hy or for any person, for hls h
nt ownufe, or to Ut out to hire, or for the convey-
s ' ing of pafTcngers, the several duties and rates fal
lowing, viz. " dolls.
For aud upoo every coach IS
upon every chariot li V'l
upon every post chariot 12
upon every pod cluifs 14 ' 1 *•'
uponevcry phsefpn, with or without top 9 ! n ' ,s
upon every cdacbee 9 '
upon other carriages, having panne! i nlt ,
work above, with blinds, glafleS, >9 1
or curtains J w 1
upon four-wheel carriages, n.rvmg rc l
he frame polls and tops, with steel > 6 Pf 0
;ht fpriugs 5 N °.
>m VP°n four-wheel top carriage, with 7
e; wooden or iron springs on jacks j orc
er. Upon curricles with tops 3
upoiii chailet with tops 3
ng upon chairs with .tops 3
ral ppon sulkies with teps • 3
he upon,other two wheel top carriages 3
he »pon two wheel carriages wLh fieel") *
rns or iron springs J la,
k. For and upon all other two wheel carriages 2 ! ■** J
Ige upon, every fo»r wheeled sarriage, i TP
er. having framed polls tops, >*2 A
gh, and retting upon wooden spars j am
his The Colledlor of the revenue of the firft division on
lia of the firft l'urvey of the dlftriit of Pennsylvania,' C J
in will attend daily nntil ths 30th day of September 1
a(i, nexl, fbr the purpofa of receiving the d«tie« on 1 p a '
-cf> carriages, jit Germantorwn, cn the Main llreet, a ) et
ICS, littlo above the sign of the King of Pruflia, of wr
oat which all persons polfeffed of fnch carriages are W1
ifld desired to take t otice. 1
ir " Notice is also given, po
' Fo all retail dealers in wines and foreign ciflilled
spirituous liquofo., that will be granted to
them ; one licence for carrying on the bufir.efs of
rcrs tetailing of win sin a less quantity, or in less
f uantities, than 30 gallon,—and one for
arrying on the bufintfs of retailing fpirituoas li'
quors in less quantities than twenty gillons, at the
—. fame time and at the fame place, by
afn- Colleflor of the Ifk division of the id
the Survey of th.-district of Pennsylvania.
ded Office of InlpeSion at Germantown, ")
, of ajd August, 1798. j C(
oq %5" Eve i y denomination of Stamps to be had
:om a t laid office.
Patent Ploughs, a
TO be fold for cash by Jtjfeph Salter at Atfion
Rit fiard Wells* Cooper's Ferry—Jonathan
Harlcer, Woodbury—and Jefie Evans, Lumher
v (ten, Those who have used thpm give them the
j preference to any other kind, as they lequire
less team, breik the ground better are kept in ,
fury «rder at less expence and are fold at a cheaper *
ow- rate—the is much Amplified and cohfifts of
and- but one piecejf cast ir«n, with the handles and
iev £> beam nf woo<l ; fhey' may befixed with wrought
ack " lavs and coulters to be pot on with screws and
■ taken off at pleasure
1000 Patent tights for vending with inftruiSions for
I mjkin g tbem may be had by applying to John
: Newbold, or the fubferiber No. ai2 North
s ' Front-street.
—— Who has for Sale;
Or to Lease for a term of tears,
A number of valuable trails of Land, well
» fituited for Mills, Iron »Vorks or Farms, moll
;>j ly improved, lying chiefly in the county of Hun
tingdon flat* of Pennsylvania. Those who may
incline to view them will please to apply to
John Canan esq. near Huntingdon.
Charles Ntmtold.
July IT sawtf J
This Day Pubtr/hgj \
And for tale at the Office of the Editor N n
119 ChcXnut-ftreet, ' N ®'
(Prut 1 a Dollar,)
Pronounced July 4) ,-gg '
At therequea of she Inhabitants of the T
BOSTON, in J'Z 0 *"«
verfary of American Independence *
By Josiah gutter.
" The inroads upon ou. public liberty, ca ..
for reparation—The wrongs we have ■
call, for -Justice. 'lhat Reparation ft
Juft.ce. may yet be obtained, by Umo„, s *.
and Furmnta. But t*BW,. ind c, nq J ''
the maxjm ofr the Devil in the garden of V.a
and to disunite -nd enslave hath been the nri^'
preient tr ° m tkat Period to ths
Obscn/aiwns on the Boston Part-Bill i-i? *. J
by the lute J. Quhicy, j un [ ? S
august 11
i June in j-,,5, '
Notice is hereby given, That ll\
cue of sn aft, palled during the prcfent fef"
r fron »f Corurrtfs, so much of the adt entitled
" An \\& making furthe» provision for the fun
I" port cf public credit, and for the redemption,
"of the public debt"—pa (Ted the third di T 0 »
| March, one thousand fever hundred an! ninrtv.
five, as bark from settlement or allowance '
1 Certificates commonly called Loan Office and
final settlement Certificates, and Indents of In.
ferefls, if suspended until the twelfth c'sy 0 "
June, which will be in the year one thousand fet®
hundred and ninety nir.;.
That on the liquidation and settlement of the
said Certificates, and Indents ,of Intcreft, tt the
Treafurv, the Creditors will be entitled to receive
Certificates of funded I hrtrPer Cent Stockequil
to the amount of the said Indents, and the arrear.
ages of intcreft due .n their said Certificate, prior
to the firft day of January one thonrand teven
). hundred and ninety one
r That the principal Turns of the kid I.oan Office
■S and final settlement Certificates, with the intirefl
thw-eon, since the firft day ol January, one thou
-3 sand seven hundred and ninety one willbedif.
charged after liquidation at the 'l re,ifury, by the
J. payment of interest and reimburfemcat of princl.
e _ pal, ecjual to the sums which would have been
fu'Tcribed, purfuaM the vSTmaking provision
m for the debts of the United States, contracted dur.
1 ing the late war, and by the y.avment of other
"i fuir.s, equal to the market value of the remaining
L " Stock, which would have been created by such
fubferiptions asafortfaiJ, which market value will
be determined by the ComptrriHer r.f the! reafury
Secretary of the Treasury,
jgne 1$ ia»tf
The r 'argo of the Schr. Sincerity
Benjamin Montcith Mailer, from Laguita,
°f csNsisTiNc or
" s 94f Fenegas of Cocoa
ed 4000 lb. of Flora Indigo
g» aio Bars of Cotton
"e- 4 Packages of Goat Skins
n " 'By Wtilings &f Francis.
No. Lleveath ilrett.
july v. ' dtf
Madras gnd Ventapaulem
Searfaukers &nd Carradalrries,
; u . of the newest and most Approved patterns,entitled
n j tdthe drawback, juil received,
a ll Alex. J. Miller & Co.
j c h No. 64, South Front street.
aef fnay rj~. ~ ' $
-•y- —-—-—•— : 1 1
ills. _
J j Jam es Cumming Co. late ol
I 3 VV the dty ot Philadelphia, merchants, have
j j j assigned over all th-ir effeiis, real, perioral and
! „ , mixed, to the lubferibers, for t e benefit of all
„ their creditors, who f art fubferibe the said assign
. ment within fix months from the date hereof.
' j HO FfCt; IS 1-lER.ItBY CIVEN, to allperfons
t who are indebted to the said estate, that they are
reqoired to nuke immediate payment of their rel
' pedtive acconnts, to the Afiignees, at their office,
! No. 61, Dock (Veet, in failure whereof aitions
, will he for the recovery of such debts as
• 3 are not discharged accordingly.
j 4 ybhn Travis, . *1
3 Cornelius Comegys j
august 18 mwftiD
L j . :—7 . ' *
4 | Mails for Southsarclina& Georgia,
•) iT) ;VCKBTS at enow provided fdr carrying the
C*a i Public maiUbv water between Philadelphia
j ;tnd Charleston. Fhey will leave Philadelphia
ifion on Friday's. The polt by land will becuntinu
'nia, 1 ed twice a week until an experiment ii made in
r!i«r' expedition and regularity of the
on . packets. If any pwfan chufes to have their
:t > a letters sent by land only, they will please to
write the word Land upon the fetters : other
' are w jf e w jU c ent j,y conveyance which
will firft start after the letters are left in the
illed Joseph Haberjham,
£ l o ° f Pojl-Mqjler Gemerl.
l c f s Philadelphia, Augujl 13, 17,98.
is ii- Bengal Goods,
t'- 1 ® coMsisTiNo pi'
Chintz Coffas " Mabarazgungy
: . Chintz T'ookereys
lnia - Eliabad Baftas Wrought Muffins
Long Drawers
Coacfe Sugarrin bags, fit for the European markets
had also,
Carolina liidigo
Coffee In hoglheads
A few pipes of very old and very chaice Madeira
', For Sale, on reasonable terms, by
l ' hln John Craig,
No. i», Dock-ltreet.
quire J u, y **
eaper For Sale, at the Stores of the Sub
ifls of fcribers, on Walnut street Wharf,
1* and 195 ca(k» of nills aflorted
iughr 20 bales of Tall canvass, from No. Ito 8
sand 53 calks yellow ochre
1 j tierces bottled porter, 6 to 14 dez. each
ns for London particular > M3deira winei
John India market j
Horth Tereeriffe do. in hoglheadiand pip
Old Port do. in hhds. V,
Empty Claretbottles
6 cases of GTnghams, Dimities, MulHneti &c.
well afibrted for the Weft-IndU market
moil- 4, 10, and 9 inch cablesand 10 coils of cordage
K«n- Writing iiates, ink (lands aad prelfes
o may 2° purcheons Jamaica rum
jJ v jo I bale fearing twine
160 bsndles iheatbing paper
j NkhUn & Griffith.
,wtf j aprij 7