"'rS ; » 0 Unites —Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. * Rv foHN Ward Fenno, N°* no Cbe[nut Street. Isvmbeh 1919.3 " C?" The -price of this Gazette is Eight dollars per annum to Subfcri bsrs refilling in the city of Pbiladel- ' phia. All others pay one dollar ad- * diUonalt-fur enclojing and direfting; J and unless fomeperfon in this city will r " become answerable for the fubfcrip 'thn, it must be paid Six Months in advance. | Tor 9ALE or CHARTER, * THE SHIP M ° L L Y ' jSV Burthen 4-2 CO barrels of Flour, ffuwtgPhiladelphia built, well found fitted, and may be ready to receive a cargo in a few daye—(he is pierced 1 g gun*, and mounts 12 lie* fix pounders, with small arms in proportion. J » THE SHIP U D I A N A,. ■ Burthen 2,100 barrels of Flour, Philadelphia built of live oak "and c«dar, i» pierced for four teen puns, rnd mounts ten ne* four pounders, with in:all arras in proportion. THE BRIG A AMAZON, A Burthen 1,300 barrels of Flour, built, has lately been completely fitted, and may be ready forfea in a few days. For terms apply to NIC Kim £3* GRIFFITH. Who have for Sale j Oil boatdfuntlry vc/fel* at M/sßcvt-Hoo*. , £ M.ooo buihrf»of Liverpool fine fatt 1,100 bulhels of coals w 356 crates ef qu4ens wate affbße€ 7 tierces of bottled porter 10 barrels of coleothard paint 4 do. of purple brown do. a quantity ofyellnw ocre in calks 6 barrels pondered Venetian red paint 6 birrels mineral black do. 15 barreb SpaniOi brown do. 35 boxes of pipes 9 i boxes white ) HAVANA SUGARS - 89 do. brown j j,jotolb». ptime cochineal $ barrels New Orleans indigo 4 puncheons Jamaica spirits ao biles of fail canvjfs ft 379 (heets of copper, asserted from 48 by 24 q to 60 by 48 inches 1 C Twf woollens 'JSnglifh nails affined. Oflober27. fri.&rat. tf. For Sale. THE SußSCßtasii, intending to decline the DRUG BUSINESS, offers For Sale, the -whole Stbck of Drugs and Medicines, Instruments, 8(1. < The (hop is elegant, commodious, and fulßci- J ently known for the exterffive hufinefs Gone in the j, tvholefale and retail line ; the situation «qnal to [ any in the city, being at the coiner of Walnut and , Seaond ftrcets. The whole, or any par- of th? ; sock, will be fold, as will belt suit the putchafer. Thu terms may be krr Her cargo, of about 2,000 bushels of St. Martin's Salt. 10 mo. "98 - Pai ALSO fourteen 6 ponn- Bo ders, copp.red and fails remarkably faft—buuhen Co about I coo barrels. Gu Foa TiaMS APPLY TO I " JVilliugs & Francis. Penn Street. norember 9 £a: For London, THI SHIP Captain Daniel M'Puerson, ILL be ready to take her car go on board by the I jth inft.—For terms apply to Fl Rofs £s* Simfon. WHO HAVE FOR SALE, Superior TenerilFe Wine, *3 In quarter cases 2 Bengal Sugar, firft quality, in boxes and bag*. A few bales of Mullins. a Rice in Tierces, % And a small cargo of St. Martin's SALT. ndvember 9 dtf Tor Sale or Charter, ] TUB ship, A COMMERCE, Joh" ma/ftr. _ This (hip is burthen as ptrre«iflerj»3o T 6 -"- will be fold o» moderate terms or take freight for Europe 01 the Well-Indies. ( Applv to the Captain on board at Latimer s> Wharf/or mLUNGS & FRANCIS. FOR SALE, C On board /aid Ship, 16 Tons of Liverpool house Goal. nov 9 (^IW Elliston Ssf John Perot, Have for Sale, at No. 41, North Water-Street, Muscovado Sugar Bandana Handkercbiefc Copper in fheetsSc nails Madeira w|ne Copper Ore Soal Leather and J Lig.jrmV.tE A few barrels Shad and Sail Canvass Herri ; Oznabngs Also Tor Sale, BERMUDA-PACKET, Burthen 108 tons—Bcrmu da built, fails remarkably faft and is well found, nov 8 *&fjw ~ Tor Sale, At the Merchant's Coffee Houft, on WedneJdaj A the 14tb infl. at 7 o'clock in the evening, The fall failing smr, M CHARLOTTE, r ' J'/ Of about 204 tons burthen, . c - is a well found VefTel, hav e ing lately had a very compleat repair both in r ° Hull and Rigging, the inventory may be seen at any time previous to the sale by applying at the L \ Audlion room of Si RICHARD FOO7 MAN'd Co. i< nov 8 ' 3t AVIS AUX FRANCOIS, f-xs. Le Parl^mentaire ' LA VICTOIRE, ft k d'une marche fuptrieure partira n 151 prefix, direflement pour lc J Port Republican), ceux qui si ' y prendre pafTage font pries de fe rendre a C Philadelphie avant la dite epoque. f S'adrefler a New York chez Meflieurs Blanche- f reau and Cazeneuve, James ttreet, No 10, and a r( S Philadelphie chez Fs. Brenil, Armateur du dit j batiment Sprnce street.No. iij. t . Le 5 Novembre, * dj' y AVIS AUX FRANCAIS. Le Parlementaire le Mfk BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Capt. Jones, c Conau par fa marche lupericure, par- r l tira le it prefix, diredement p«ur J Jerimie; ceux qui defirent y prendre palfage font pries de fe rendre a Philadelphie avant la dite - epoque. 1 S'adrefler a New York chez Messieurs Blanche rcau and Cazeneuve, James street, No. 40, and a r Philadelphie chez Fis. Breuil, irmateur dudit ba '• timent Spruce street, N®. I [5. le j nov. 1798 * with balls Carronades, 12 lbs. J suitable. _ Mu'fquets, Mufquetoons.Cutlafl'es and"! W Piflols, for (hips use, I ~ Rifiad barreled Gubs, Fowling Pieces, I § S" I and Horfcmnn's Vifiols, f -^"S ' 400,000 Flints, chiefly for muflcets, in j g kesjs. J w 1 Regulation Light Dragoon Sabres, with Iron Scab c bards, in cases of 5s each, - Light Cavalry Swords in Cases Sabres, Swords and Cutlaffea, with plated mounting a Ironmongery and Cutlery in calks, a general as- C fortment—For Sale by o Thomas is" J*o. Ketland, Philad. o&obsr 25. Whereas the certificate of two 1 , lhares of the Bank of the United States in the a name of Samuel Amory, of London, banker, c No 3182, issued in lieu of 11593, Ii ;q4,were li forwarded from London by the B'ritilh packet a Countess, of Leicctter, capt. Dodd, bound for New-York, which packet was captured by the ■; French, and the fairt certificate loft ; and for the ' r * renewal of uliich, applicalkm is cnade at said lt Bank, and all persons concerned are defned to take notice. CLEMENT BIDDLE. Fhila. Oil. x 6, 1798. C o6w ToTfi, ; THE house, No, 78, North Se- , csnd street, with or without a store and ftabL— '• The fcjufe is large and convenient ; enquire of ir John Litle, No. 40, North futh street. it Oflober 31. w&fa. tf :e ; —— Last Notice to the Creditors and : : Debtors of John Shields. ' I 'HE firft are Kquefted to render their Ac- ' X counts against him, made up to the 23d j day of AuguJt, 1797, the date of his Affign _ ment, that a Dividtwtl may be promptly made. The last to pay off their Accounts, Notes, and Bonds, before the firft day of Drcembw ensuing. IP Any that remain Unfetiled after that period, will be put into the hands of an Attorney at Law, for recovery. ' DAVID M. SHIELDS, Attorney, (in fa&) to the AfTn>nees and Trustees of J. Shields. Chefiiut-ftreet, No, 22. November I, 1798. dtf. A CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. JOHN A. SHAEFFER, «f Philadelphia, who has for a few years pall been in the fouihern Ststes, ha* had the effrontery to draw fevcral Bills of Ex >r change on' Timothy Pickafing, Esq. Secretary of State, and myielf.and by that means has defrauded a number «f persons of their money, deceiving them by an exhibitiotrof letters anil papers with the 'S names affixed of divers public chara&eis and repu- P* table merchants highly recommendatory of said Shaeffer; to one of tbefe papers I find my' name or fubferibed, but Ido not know the man ; these are villainous forgeries! To prevent further imposition, °f I have to request the printers of Newspapers in the n * United States to publilb this for the bentfit of their | fellow-citizens. SAMUEL MEREDITH, Trjttfurer tf the Unit*! Stain. 1 Trenton, Nr".v - CMer 24, 179b. £ The Subscribers "j » Are now funding—For Sd(e t 1 St. Croix Rum—Muscovado Su?ar Red J'ort Wine, , In pipes hogiheads and quarter Casks. Two thousand bushels of Salt, Eighteen Iron Sax poundrt*' proved at Woolwich. Phiiift, Cremand, is" Co. Sc . | November 3 lot jj a Just Arrived, In this Bcig fwKn the Mediterranean, and rjow la'niing at V/alnut Street whurf, Foucdi proof Brandy in Pipes. Ch Brioiftone. \ ' T An assortment of valuable DRUGS, Tii CONSISTING OF sill Opiim, Aloes, Cantharides, Camphire, Senna, 6d, Cremor Tartar, &c. &c. Effencesof Lemon rnd Bergamo t Writing paper Sweet oil in bottles anH flaOts M Olives, anchovies'and capers or Juniper berries A L S o.—ltalian lutellrings B1 , Satins ct Crapes Umbrellas M 3 Remaining on Hand, p , St. Croix Sugars, Claret in cases Old Madeira Wins of the firft.quality. O JAMES YARD. E] November 3 J AMtb k RICH AKD SlVil itl, HAVE thisday returned from the country to their "STORE, No. 54- South Ftont-ftreet, where they have for sale, as ulual, a l-rge and ge a ncral assortment of European and Ealt-India DRT GOODS i mod of which have son arrived and are landing, filial the different ve&'ch, from Hamburgh, Lon don, Liverpool and Hull. Their Customers by applying will find almost every article generally imported, ar.! at as hw prices for cash or credit, as ihey can bi had else- Q ; where. -p. N. B A few Cases of Nurenbergl TOYS, a : consignment, to be fold by the cafe oulp. Philadelphia, Nov. 1, 1798. dtf The Subscribers i n < H AVE JUST RECMVID AW INVOICE OF Choice Cheshire Double Gloucester CHEESE. [Per the Chesapeake f'om Liverpool.] 100 Boxes of Window Glass, Ofvarious sizes, per the Ja»e, from London. They have also fir Sale, zoo Calks of Refined Salt-Petre, AND A QUANTITY OF f Fine Castor Oil. d c fames C. isf Stmuel IV. Fijher. Ell November i dtf JAMAICA RUM, - A Cargo now landing at South fireet wharf, FOR SALE BV PETER BLIGHT, / Apply at Store* on the Wharf, WHO ALSO OFFZaS SALE, a t BRANDV, ift and 4th proof ft' 1. Madeira and Port WWES, &c. &c. N»v. r. dtf 'ROBERT SMITH iff Co. ' Have returned to the City, andare now open ing at their Store, No 58, So. Front-flreet, A large and General t h ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, ft; Suitable to the Seafoo, Wiuch they have j[uft received per the late __ ig arrivals from London, Hull, Liverpool and f- Glafgour (via New York) and will dispose of on very low terms for Calh or short credit. TO BE LEI, , A House in Fourth-ftrcet, next door to \ to the Isidian Queen —:enquire as above. a* novtmber 6 514t le ' re FOR SALE, et AT THIS OFFICE, or \ FEW Copies of an interesting Work,, in ' e IX. French, entitled a lli'lory of x id The Adntmiftratipn of the French b t0 Fu fences, ft JtURING THE TEAR 1796. n Also, An Hiflorical and Political View of the v Adminiftrationof tht French Republic, during " the y«ar 1797, —of the causes which produc- 1 -- e d th * tl - Revolution of the 4th September — of . And of the results of that Revolution. _ PRICE I DOLLAR EACH. { ttl These two political trafls, are from the pen r of the celebrated d'lvernois»and contain athon- 1 sand irterefling difclnfnres of the folly,.venality ® c j and profligacy of the different Ufvrpers who 3 have reigned in Erance du ing the latter flagep I ' of the horrible Revolution now pending in that j mif-rable and depraved country. n Nov. 3. 6 8- y , ill ! GEORGE DAVIS, ! "'AKES this opportunity of informing j, e J- his friends generally, that so soon as the pre 0j fcnt ficknefswill aimit it, he proposes to offer fpr sale, the most extenfiv? colleSicn of I LAW BOOKS, I he cvtr imported, or that was ever imported into I —■ the United States.—The la*e arrivals have brought i him a oumber of extremely valuable and lcarce t BOOKS, and those expe TEAS. Young Hyl'on J India Bandanna and Chepah Romal Silk Hand kerchiefs. Nankeens Blaik Sattin Black and coloured Lutestrings Black sowing Silk Garden Fanns, —Silk Umbrellas, &c. &c. November 5 TO BE LET And immediate pojfejjton given, A LARGE convenient, weil finifhed hoafe, No. 415, High llreet, lately occupied by DoSor Wiftar, with coach house and liable? . Enquire of WILLIAM SHF.AFF. No. 168, High street. Nov. a. dtf To Be Let, And immediate pojfeflim Given, \ COMiVlODlOUSThrecStoryßrickHoufe X\. with convenient back buildings, (United at the north weft corner of Third and Walnut ftree's.—For terms apply to Dr. THOMAS PARKE. No. 20, South fourth Street. Oflober iq dtf To be fold or Rented, THE hosfe, No. 78, Walnut street, with a callai and two ftablea—Poffefiion or the hosfe will be given early in November—.the ftables ar4 cellar immediately. GEORGE MEAD. f October 14, §tf * To be Let, An airy three Story Brick Bouse, ON the South fide of Filbert Street, between Eighth and Ninth flrett, formerly otcupind as the Surveyor Genenl's Offiee*—Enquire at No. ill, Cbefnut Street. / 10 e«ct John Dobbin, BOOT SHOEMAKER. n ESPECTFULLY informs his Friends and Jlx_ the Public in general that lie carries on his [} business at No 99 South Second jlrcet, nearly op posite the Merplrnts Coffee house wli#re gen tlemen may be supplied in the neatest and befl manner —lie assures :liole who may please to fa )C vor him with their commands that no attention or exertion on his fide shall be wanting to render g. hiro worthy of their encouragement. N. B. Orders received will be puncHujri.y at tended to. ricvember 5 J \ LL PERSON having any demands a gainst the eftaie of William Pirii*i, dec;* 'fed, late of the city of Philadelphia, Tavern keeper, arc requrfied to furnifli their accounts properly au n. thenticated, and all persons indebted to said eilate , are r.»q jelled to make payment to the fubferiber in Philaoelpbia. LEVI HOLLINGSWORTH Adininr. e ; Oflobcr lift, 1798. 1 "LAMPBLACK. A quantity of Lampblaek was left during the _ Fever, at the Office of the Gazette of the Unit ed States, —supposed through mistake. The owner is requested to call and take it away. ig Nov 3. $ -e- DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA,TO WIT: :or BE IT REMEMBERED, THAT on the twelfth day of August, in the twenty-third year of ito iL* —A the Independence of the United States of ;ht America, Benjamin Smith Barton, of cc tridl, hath deposited in this office the title of a to book the right whereof he claims as author in the words following to wit : «' New Views of the Origin of the Tribes and « Nations of America—By Uenjamin Smith Bar «' ton, M. D.Corr«fpondent Member of the Socic " ty of the Antiquaries of Scotland, Member of >m u the American Pbilofophical Society, Fellow of nd " Bolton, Correfpondidg M»mber of the MafTa en " chufetts Historical Society, and Proftffor of off " Materia Msdica, Natural History and Botany ;is " in the Univeraty at Pennfylvinia," air In conformity to the ail of the Congrsfj of the ip United States, intitled "An a A for th* encourage* cw m«nt of leirnicg ty securing the copies of maps, lg, charts.and bo ts, to th: authors and proprietor, of such copies durifltj the timesther.in mentioned.'* rhe SAMUEL CAIJJWELL, C.erk, Dift. of P«n»' November 1, I