Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, November 08, 1798, Image 2

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    bamuci hotter, VViiiiaih Page aiiu
'lhomas Price,
Are now opening a very exterifive ujfortment of
Suitable to the present Teafon,
Which they have just received per
Ships Fa&or, Boyne,Otiego & Independence,
(via Nfw Torkj from LONDON *
110, prr (hips William Penn & Amiable from
London, and (hips Sally and Thomas from
IVh 'tch ihey will fell on very low terms for
cajh or approved notes, tiiz.
Common and fuperfine 7-8 fancy and chinz cal
cloths j licoe*
Plain 8c fancy coatings 7 8 common and chintz
Plain and fir pad furnitures
meres \ very large quantify of
Swartfdowns cbirtttfi
Rofc ind duffill Hlinke's i-'urf le and chintz ftawls
Red and yellow flannels Lin»n and lawn pocket
Fi#e Welch fliiineW f andkerrhiefs
and carpeting C amels' hair awls j
Jrannttts If tabby cord* a v ry large aflbrtmtfnt of t
Velvmens & velveretts ribbonds (
Thickletts> Britifliplain checked,flri
( alhmancoes, durants & pedand tambourM muf
jcans fins of all dtferiptions
and worsted . olored bordered (hawls^
hose a great variety
Cotton, callicoe, & twist 5-4 and 6-4 conjevcrams f
eh**ikti and betr* U<*r s <
I>irnitirs India book & jaconet muf
3 4 and 7-8 !im
Daniufh table liner. Laces and edging* "*■
4-4 and 6 4 (htetings Jlack and patmt iacc
Irifli line, s Lace v ils and figured
Ginghams clocks
Pulongs andfattins
A very quantity of Pcrfians ard farfan«ft 1
Fiik modes "
And a variety cf other' articles. f
Nov. 3 tu th
Smith & Rodman,
No. 49, South Front Greet,
Havejujl received per the William Penn, and £
Jane,/remLondon, Dianaant/Thomas E
from Liverpool, Kingfton,
froth Huli, _
Plain, twill'd and striped Crapes
Coatings Plain& striped Wildbores «
Fine white and red Welfl) Worsted, Yarn & Cotton 1
Flannels Hose
\ Do. yellow and scarlet do. Men and Boys Woollen
Superfine and low priced tyittent
s'4i 6-4, 7-4, cloths of 7"? ch ' d Irin > Dow - ~
all colors ,a( " s
Plains and Halfthicks 3~* brown In ft. Linen
Forest and Hunter Cloths b '° WD L
Greene Red Draper, O z „a- f
n Ba '* c , , burgh in bale, C ®
. S
Red & green Backing do. ~8 in d yard-wide lri(h blt
Swanfdowns Iff Toilanettsl Linens q u
Rose, Point and Duffill Printed Callicoes&Chin
an kefs tzes lor
Superfine London Caffi- Printed Linen and i
meres of the neweftand der'd Handkerchiefs
mod fafhionable colors Cottm& "allic-ie Checks
Low priced Yorkfliire do.'threat! * agi n £* & Laces
Plain and striped Calli-! 'M n '. s caver Gloves j
mancoes u ln ma " ca^€B J is <
Joa*i Spinnings &Durants "oJand Tapes 7y
Rauiactts & Shaliosns 1 n,ckft,s a « d Corduroys L ;
•w U
*m*£m ««1 C ~""j
VVi'f) a variety or other Articles on hand, for!
fa!e outhe mod redonable terms for cafli I Twi
or the afual credit. j q
Nev. 6
Just Imported,
Iron cannon, double fortified, Woolwich proof, I vj
with their carriages complete—3, 4, 6 and o „„
pounders. I *
Carronades, Woolwith proof, with carriages, &c. I
complete— 12, 18 ani 24 pounders. I Z!
Cannon powder in kegs of 2(lbs. each
Round, double headed, and cannifter (hot I <->r •
Patent Ihca-hing copper, bright, affortcd 18,10,1 r
22, 24, and 28 or per square foot, fteets 48 1
by 14 inches, fuitalle for v«flels from 100 to J
1000 tens j r-j-i;
Copper nails, bolts and fpilces I
Boarding Pikes, « I Nort
Common cutlaffcs I p e
Gu tiers stores of 1 Debt
Tin-plates No I—l-3 cross Wes I po ; nt
Patent Ihct in calks of scwt. each I {n e tl
London porter and brown calks of 7 doi. r
bottled. I
Earthen ware in crates, alerted I w jjj c |
For Sale by they 1
Pine near cth street. |
October lg. I no ,
From on board the Brig Amiable Matilda, Of X
Richard Stites, Mailer, from Cape th
Nichola Mole. I St
»3 Baits Socks ani Flaunel Drawers "1 Srj cn\ A.
18 Do. Gaiters 5' o 1
2 Do. Rugs J on *• ="
I Do. lliTre Sacks r =' § I"\T/
1 Do. Flannel Trowftrs | 2 5* EJ I VV
4 Do. Tents, J n g j Court
Also just Imported, ' I
In the Ship Chesapeake, Captain, 'f.m
Liverpool, S ( I hj[(j
. 147 Crates of Queen's Ware, J next,
Affortcd particularly toTuit the Weft-India P L lea *'
Market—For Sale by I !^ c C<
' I place '
Thomas b* John Kctland.
November 7 $ I
Hories to
HORSES will be taken in to winter at Pus-I
Hill, at the 12 Mil# Stone, on the f
Bristol road ; they will be well fed with clever I
and tinisthy hay, well littered and cleaned, and I
will also have a large field to eiej-cife themselves Emir,
in when the weather is good—E«"l)uire of Mr. I to hi.
William Bell, merchant, Watet flreet, or on the I and
pCcmTfcs« I Qy
■ NOT - 1 wftf i;
Moon, jun'rs School, p ' ofe( |
IS open again, for in(ln>aing Girl, in Reading J '
Writing, Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography,' I Co ? m
including ihe Elements of Geometry, and the' use' I .
of the Globes.—From the great encouragement he I P evl
l.a» hitherto received, he refpeclfuiiy solicits a con- ? OU S , 'I
rinuantc of the favours of his Friends and the I 10ed 2
Public. ti«e, b
O An Evening School,
For B 0 r s—Kept at the fame place, it a lo^
unto. 6tL,'£3 J»W4W I novt
* rz ~.; *** The Offices of Government j
e aiw are tQ remove j f rom Trenton to
the City on l hurfday next.
ment of The Custom House is re
movedfrom Chester to the City, and
is again opened at the usual place. [
» , November j c
i per A— i
ence, %* The Consignees of Goods ,c
' on board the (hip Chmmibcs, capt. Wood, from
le from l.iverpi 01, are renuefted to fend their permtt* en
from board, as (be will commence dilchargicg on Thurf- '
day ne*t at Latimer's wharf. c
Nov. 7, 1-98. n
ms Jor f 1 -1 , jj
office j b
inz cal- of the State of Pennsylvania is removed
chintz t0 the f° ut b-eaft corner of Second and
Walnut streets.
a "' y ° f NOV.J. ' dlw n
pocket The Insurance Office of a
' . r » I P lm opened at ne. 19 north Water street— At.
tendance wtll also be given at their room at the r
'A Or! c °Be e - h °nft as usual, from 11 'till 2 o'clock f
W-" J
[bawls. _ REMOVAL. P
'UBSCRIPERs h?veremov#d their Office lai
ireraim from the corner .Street, to their former a b
Counting House, No. 2i , Penn Srreet.
tmuf killings &P Francis. 5o
November 3 $
! NO. 96, north StXTH-ITaajT,
eft R ESI'ECrFULLY informs the Public that '^l
IV he continues to teach Ladies the Piano h
> Si Forte as usual.
.m Nov - (>• tuthia f
And immediate pojfejjion given, fur
A LARGE convenient, w«il finifhej house, Ire
No. »! <-, High flreet, lately occupied by lov
DoSor Wiftar, with coach ht>ufe and flable® 1
ian Enquire of WILLIAM SHEAF.F.
No* 168, High street.
Nov - »• dtf
01 To Let,
And. immediate poffejfton Given,
A COMMODIOUSThreeStory Brick House r
■L V with convenient back buildings, filiated
Ibo res I* Ue norrtl corner of Th*d and Walnut
otton ltrtels -—For terms apply to
,o " en No. to, South Fourth Street.
dcloher 19 dtf
" cn . (4nd immediate pvJMon given,)
" A AKGE thre ® stor y BRICK HOUSE, I
zna- 'nVValnut-ftreet—The rooms are
commodious, airy and private—from which,and I j
lefias !\ s f cmril position, it is thought to be an eligi- I
Irish hkfituatton for a Public Office. For terms, en- n
quire ot BENJ. W. MORRIS.
'hi"- , A Ware House, iu Tav- I
lor's Ailey. 7 I
eft'' oaober »9- jtawaw
eck, ~ ~~~NOTICE. ~
.aces QAMUEL RICHARDET, informs the GentU- I
U men Subfcribcrs, that tht E XCH A N G E I
binj II { °' lh r rece P-' ,on i and the C/T r I
ri f J f Ge " tl<men and Tnvellets x
■"ds '; sriP S a <Ji'ed an addition of twtlve Bed r „ .
ns Cha >"iff» to 'he fide building, which make, it rV
ton- I convenient. I toll °
november 6 I
~YT - L®n<
fori Virginia Tobacco,
i Twenty four hogQicads, old, and of an excellent Fate
I quality, ]\
James Murland,
, 0 f „ „ r No. 97, south Front flreet.
Ia I N l B — 1 few t> o «s of LINEN CHECKS, and ps
I"f° r rentT ent °* B ® OTS and shoes, which win
I bclold cheap apply b» above,
nov - 7 I TI
I i | flodtr I
To the Creditors " i Hg c !
j Of Will'm M'Clelland, of Northumberlaad ia ' h<
8 ' I County, in the State of Pennsylvania. wh ~
I 'T'HAT I have applied to the Judges ofthe Court I N0.3
I 1 ol Common Pleas, in and for the County «f J 13,
I Northumberland, for the benefit of the several laws I
Jof Pennsylvania, pal Ted foi the relief of Insolvent I o<£
I Debtors; and the Judges of the said Co*rt have ap-
r pointed the Thirtieth day of November inft. it be- I
ing the Friday of the couri ef Common Pleas for I _ _ .
*• I the County of Northumberland, to heai me and I \A/
my Creditors at the Court House in Sunbury, at L 1
I which time and place my Creditors may attend if I ,
they think proper. 7 m£Dd;
Wm. Mc. CLELAND. vencri
J Northumberlaad, November 1, 1798. I
_| november 7. lawjw To
The Creditors I -," 0T
a, Of William Steedman and John Smith, 6f I
the County of Northumberland, in the I
State of Pennsylvania, lately trading un
? I der the Firm of I EX
Steedman fcf Smith, l At
- AX/' I u LTAKENOT,CE ' the 'ubferibers
? L. c.* a PP licati#n to the Judges of the I 0«,
- I Court of Common Pleas for the County of Nor- I ' * i!
thimberlind aforefaid.for he benefit ofthe several At
laws of the State of Peanfylvaah' pasTed for the iatT o f'
rehefof mfolv«.nt Bebt.r s ,a B d that the said Court
hath appointed the Thirtieth dty of November
next being the Friday of the Court erf Common £e r'q
Pleas, to usand our Creditor, a , Sunbury, in phiW
the County ot NorjhuniberUnd, at which time aad
pl»ce you may attend if you think proper. r,
"I Northuniberlaß4, November 1, tjog
[ -■ novcmb "7 rawjw
d| P' R. OKE R ( Woven,
Embraces this to present hij thank, CarUr
'I n J feUow-cdizens for their pa/l fa-vor,
C I "rl m tbat **" re turned from Wil
Chefnut-rtu. to his former refijencc the e JA
House No. tl Cbefnut between Front J
I ami Secolid-ftreet,
I he holds h'mftlf readv to execute A 1
Drofpflif n l l C T min , d ' l" br ' ,nch 0f h" w °uld ;
» dtv of , c'„ i 4• f '°T- 1 refideHc e >n this of lady"
then ,llin r r - ii n power to render er to a
I them effcntial ferviee, afKinng them that his A goo<
■ j commiluon (hall be as lew as any in Town. ol
: 'lof r l " Ho " fcs ' VelTels, Certificates For P ar
, of every defenption and B : lla of Enhance this Ga
bought and fold, tbedoeketts carefully exarr- oa °
, toed and clear titles made upon the Ihorteft no- /
1 ti«e, by the public s humble servant, .
I r-v C .1 -V, y°hn Shields. Fever'"
«ft • nfgotlab , le Not " difcounled ed '
(it a low premium. 8 .
novewher 7 , owner i
1 Nov.
L/ » K >.
Into I Dr. Yeatman's
1 Prefervative and
j - ( anti-bilious Pills,
> r £- I \RE earnellly recommended at this Season,
, and ' L\. ?gainft the Fevers that prevail. Prepared
and fold only by the Subscriber, who feels it ne- j
" cefTary to embrace this opportunity of acquaint-
J ing the Public, thst he received areguUredu
j Lcation in the different Branches of
Physick, Surgery, & Midwifery, i
>it» en Under his Father, and other eminent men in e
Ihurf- the cities of London and Bristol, and (in the '
cpurfe of twenty-eight years) has seen the ma- 1
t ny good effects of this incoirparable medicine, a
■, in Bilious, Jaundice, or Hepatic cases, Droply 1
j Rheumatism, Lues-Venerea, Sctirvy, Worm ca- v
■ ! fes? Malignant and other Difeafet, proceeding
• from and obflruillon.
Are prepared according to true medical prin- ft
w elplej, and may be fafely taken by the mofl de- hi
licate In boxes <f a quarter dollar, and half v
a dollar, with directions, fea'ed with his
crest, cypher, ahd motto. None elfc are Ge- bo
1 , nuine. Lr
-<y- N. B, The anti-pestilential pre- t T
<■ tl.e WJ , u | cc i wth gftat s ucce s s a , L nn . £
w don, Varleilles, Bristol, and other Cities,
when they were rifpeflively visited with the
~ PLAGUE. ar ,
/In bottles of a quarter dollar and half i dal- ,'ni
Wee lar, with Directions, and the Corks sealed as
n-mer above.
Charletojt Yeatma.v. A
SouthEaftcornerofLpmbard and Second ftrcets,
_j_ New Manet.
oflober i , aw . tu | \
At the Stori A'o. 23 Chefout-ftreet. rei
that B'S* l eave "> '"form bis friends cujlomers that tlO .
'iano he . bas removed bis go.ods from Chefnut-Hill, I "
&is now ready to accommodate them with, 1
j a OARSE and fine white, red & green Baizes
s —Coarse and fine white Flan- 1 w j.
Nells from afid, to fj. a yard He experts aj ; m
further fupplyby thefirft arrivals from Scotland, du
">ufe, Ireland and England, and is determined to fell thi
I by low for Cash or a short credit. or
nov 7 j 3awtf j lru
tf By the Subscribers, §£
The Car go \7,
,use r • % ths /\'P Loiufd,
ited Captain Lhamplin from St. Petersburg, J9 t<
j pro
ect. j In the Jhip Difpalch, ' : i
I Captain Benners, from Hamburg,
15 boxes Linens,
and a quantity of j _^ s
J Sheathing Copper, ftu;
arc I ' ing
I gt I the remainder of Jhip Rich- I jj r u^
en-1 mood's CARGO, from Calcutta,
j containing a variety of
,y " Coarse and fine Muslins, rho
and an elegant alTortment of j
I Madras Handkerchiefs. No.
I Mordecai Lewis.
;E I Phn»delp)»ia,noT. 7 d 3 w Gee
~f_ j Notice is hereby gfven, c
l-j j THAT appliwtion will be made 10 the Treafii- |
• I 01 United States, for the renewal of the 1 ■
folioaing Certificate . of Six Pci Cent Funded
Stock, fianding in the flame of John Carbotitll, of
I London, the faij Certificates having been loft on |
board the Swallow Packet, Captain Kidd. from
, nt Falmouth to New-York. |
Ae. 3072 1 Cert, -for 2000 dolls. "I j c9n
2964 1 do. 5000 i J ;ht
10 >577 1 do. 3000 J J Join
I Willings & Francis. I 9
nd I Philadelphia, aaguft 30. e o6w J
i! 1 Notice is hereby given, (bar
I THAT application will be made to die treasury I nam
_ of the United States for the renewal of the follow- | No.
i»g certificates of Gx per cents, funded debts, fland- I forw
id I IH name of June GaVrielle Rigaud t of Geneva, j Con
I which were loft from on board the Swallow PaU:- | \ r ev
I et, Capt. Kidd, from Falmouth to New-York. I p rer
Ikt _ _ Soils. I ,cnc
rc I No.3tps.Reg. office IpthMay '95, icert. for iocc i « lrl i
•f I do. 14th do. do. I do. for 3500 I M i.
Killings Ssf Francis.
Nt o<aober a 4. eod6w. J F]
H Cook Wanted.
ij I IXTANTED, by a small regular family, a wo- J «
it L i r n)an co °k. who is a thorough millre<s of I A
. f ncr oufinc& and can produce fatisfadbory recom.
I T r - at '-° n ' P er^cn answering the above | fcribi
I Oolcrxption, will meet with conltant amplay and I me n,
I wages. Application to be made at th» I bo
I oUice of this gaaette. I ing j
_ I To save trouble, no Irifli woman need apply. j aged
I — l !* OV- I mer ']
f Printing Work,
! Of Every Kind, " JCi
NOTICE, them
At the Office tf the Gazette of the I
' I KnitedStates, * I Sol
! oa -»3- dtf.
i A LL - ft 11 ? 50 / 16 havin « aa >' demands a
-1 5 a , inft ! he eftate . of wuh**, p„ kint , a CCCjfedi TC
I late of tht city of Philadelphia. Tavern keeper are I WIW
re,uefied to fumilh the ."account, propedyau! . W,!
thenticated, and all perfonk indebted to said ettate mi IT
PhiSlphiif W makc *P aj ' me " t to the fubferiber in
October 31 It, 1798. I
female Education.
James A. Neal's School, Los
Will rc-commenct on Monday, the 12th of Gcrm ~
* sM
c?The Evening School
November 3
A young woman from England", in th,
would wilh to engage with a lady in th? capacitv future
of lady s-maid, or m the Ctuation of « fcoafe keen
A t ln/ en ' eel fin,,l 7' ° r t0 a fv S lc gcntl««ianZ „ M ar
A good recommendation can be procured fr«m
some of the most refjeilable familS in cUy ZZ,
6D<lUire " the P offi « ° "bufinef
Odlober 31. ternw,
f ■ —-z-i —n —n c *^ t mericai
LAMPBLACK. the;r c
A quantity ofLawpblaf 1c was left during the men ' ol
Fever, at the Ofißct of the Gazette of the Unit- not b °
ed States,—supposed through milUke. Tbe a ? y . p: "
owner i> requested to caU and rake it awav f
Nov. 3. /* In ' ei
v I june
Forty Dollars Reward* ,
!afon, XJYime Geo*ci or Giorqe Parkir, the
pared P[ erty of the fubferi' er, who has thought
it ne prcpetn the night of the Jift inft. to elops from
jaii t- $ mier without any provocation or just cause ;
. c j u hi wafcrmerly the property of 8.-cltwith Butler,
esq. ai lived a considerable time with
Pottena-.whoiept tavern in Fredcrickbarjf.hsving
y, seen nch company and travelled with several
en in gentler.* through different parti of this (late, h{
n the is mnclkno,wn. It is therefore conjeiiured he
; ma- pu for some of the northern cities or towns ,
j 4 .; nf ( as hehidifcovered ai toplantation work,
•opfy 'houghie may perhaps have crofll-d the ridge 1
m ca- "''"re " has a brother belonging to major BuMer. j
dine ThufeMow is about five feet seven inch s high,
" well proportioned and walks ailive and briflc, his
countejante' ij open and agreeab'e enough wbea
in good humour ; he can hardly be l'arpaft in
3rin- IbrfViin ii, and is a very c pable wa:ti«g-man,
I de- hoife Icrvant, b«rbcr, &c. To describe liis dress
half vould be ufejef., he poffeJTed a variety of clothes,
his -hrugh when JrefTed lately, he vore a green coat
Q e . bound with white ferreting and fpotteJ jacket and
breeches. Whoever brings him home or secures
ire . in g° al in this or any other state the fiid (l ive, so
I may get him again, (hall have the above re
[les i Fa'mouth, OS. 23,
'he N. B.—Mailers of velfelsand Stage Drivers
are requested to beware of fuiTering said fellow to
Jol- .'maofeon them by alliftinghis escape. A. V.
las November 3 »&f.4iv
A French Classical Si? Matfjvmatical
ets > SCHOOL."
II W/" !f Lbe opened on Monday the a»d. instant
I V V at that largi commodious room formerly
I occupied by Mr. Leo in Norris's Alley, No. 15,
j neurly oppofitc the City Tavern 5 unlet the direc
at tion oi Meflrs. Snd:h and Chandler both of libe-
Ural education, and long experienced ill their n>
' I fpeflive proitflions—As they intend under, the
i'zes i' at ' ona - e of a <!ifcerring public, permanently
I to eflablifh themlelves in thi- undertaking, their
an " j whole study an.l a-.tention wd! be d.-voted to the
9 * imprcvement ef their pupils—l hele will be son-
upon the latest cni mpft approved plans,
lell through a complete course of academical iludits,
or tl.ofc farts only that maybe pointed ajore
£ I "n ; nedia;cly adapted to tbeirparticularviews in life
—■Certain portions of their time will he assigned for
I jrcugraphj .hilUry, extraAs, composition, and -de
clamations in French and Engliih, ia order to form
I early hibits of writing atJ speaking with propri-
I ety—Vifits from and iitcrarv charaAers,
I tending to excite a spirit oi'atios, will be
gratefslly r.ceivcd. Tnehcfurs of liudy are from
h j 9t012a. M. and from itos P. M.
j 1 hey t,ffcr to tranflatethe Englifti.French.Spanini
an. Portuguese languages; and to draw ia cheir
projvr ni. and Oile, all kinds of writii>|, wJic-
J th°r iCgal, commercial, or epillolary.
| Monday in Xjvember, they also pro-
I pone to open an evening school for French, aook
keeping, surveying and navigation, of which they
J have a praflical as well as theoretical know , dje.
J As a of French gentlemen will attend, the
1 uu.lents of their language, by continually coqverf
j ing with them, as well as their teachers, will ac
-1 quire, alon,; with the principle*, a facility of ex
I Mefl'rs Chandler et Smith out
1 hsnneuf prsyemr M.M. lee Francois, quils fc
j propofent c'et iblir une Academie en Norri* alley, {
No. 15; prefque vi<-a-vis la Bourse ; dans la- 1
quelle on enfeignera la langue Latine, Angloife et I
I Fraucaife : l'Arithinetique, la tenue des livres, la |
_ Oeographie, et les Mathematiques.
j On lait au.Ti routes fortes de tradu&ions danslcs
. f dates langucs: et dannelecons chez les particuliers. 1
Qu'on f'addrelfe a l'hotel de Mr. Vallate au I
I coin dc 4tne .rue et Chm r ailsy
ef Oaober 17. • oodtf
m I To Let, I
j T'TF hou<e 3 No. 78, North Se- ;
I r*ni ftr:ct, kitirof without a ftoje and ftabl:— '
I .he bouse is large ana ; enquire of '
I John I.ttle, No. 40, North (ixth Hreet.
I_ ° ohgr 31- w&fa tf '■
-J Whereas the certificate of two <
j (hares of the Ban!; ol ihe United Slates in the '
y 1 name of Saoiue! Aniory, of London, banker, 1
3-iß»,iirued in lieu of ir.uj, 11594,.were <
1- I TTwarded f.-em Lon.ipn by the B-itifh packet
a, I Coflntefs, of Leicester, capt. Dodd, bound for
- I Nt w-lcrk, -whicb. packet W2S captured by the c
I 11 erch, and ;he fai?l certificate loft ; and for the 1
c „ " e , wal I,;ch .- application is made at said '
j Dins, and ad perlons Concerned are desired to c
I take notice. 1
Fhila. Odl. >6, IJ9B. eo6w
I Eight Dollars Reward. r
,f A JOBBERY was committed on f
* L t . kc '7 th instant, at the house of the sub- P
e fcrucr in the tewnihip of solehury by two negro u
1 me "'~ tbc >" " rn -J a quantity of calh ; a Mck- p
, et boot, containing some valuable papers: wear- tl
I in g apparel, &c —One »f the negroes is a midHle
I aged man, known by the name of John White for- /
merly a rejident of Philadelphia, ha, an impedi- n
- r nient m bis speech—the other supposed to be ft
j a r run about "ghtecn years «f age, of „
los middle Hature. Whoever fecurcs the aforefaid ,
] V |ns ' hat ma y he broughr to juflice, shall r„
receive eight dollars reward, or four for either of
I them taken leparately. . c
Solcbury. 10 Mo. r 9 th, 1798.
«T-?, T HE print JNG BUSINESS w
VVUI be taken at this Office, if s<
immediate application be made /
. Nov 't" 6t K
Bank of the United States. m
T"! ~ Philadelphia, Septamber ar, 170J8. th
Ihe public is hereby informed, that w
an Office of Depolit and Discount will bf A V!
?n Monday , Jt, at the houftT. C bv T
Samuei. near the ® CC b T w;
tT-r Mhfle the bufirv:fs o( this inftiti" ri(
the ma'llnlnt f' faa<:d tfa! "'"inuance o. ke
r. KUHJ -"«5 f;
future •fftiedon nnder the firm of W '" ca
above the ,$j
to h,pe) th,ttheir'attentim, y an P d e k" me ! ( V
bufinefj, determination^^Sfjn"' Co
term*, and their knows attachment - 1
mencausto the Government an r \
their Country, will entitle them to^ ,tUt, ° n «
mentof a generous public A]i ' ' V,£
jane 1,6. 01
tuthstf in'
t!)is ®ap's ai( .
s Th! A F L r M ™s' fcvOTbe " ! -
■om * , er and Hero of on« r
fe; IwAsHI NG To N I
S ; good, left the City
™ ; morning, and is expend T~
X V*+ »m P J°, T 0 J W °. ,h »
he tt ' crs > horse and foot, and oth voluis
»! have gone forth to
gh .ineirjoy at once more bchoW '7
hi , ounder and prefervcr of our Count™'
t rt y and Independence.
rcf) PORTLAND, Oftobet 2q
ies, _ y
and r\ rr.. illainy.
On Thursday night fa ft, an attemni
,fo to burn a large (lore „ " i ? pt
re- Fox, situated in the enure of tl Mrs "
• part of which on the g ou n d fl tOWf "' ° n '
pied by Mr. Butler J X Z , '''' ° cc »-
■l: Book Binder ' s stop, another
ted to one Henry Hum Jif L ren *
/*»<!« „ f B„«„, „; "■
- and the chamber is the ' ftor f.
■a/ Meflrs. Rand and Buik 7, cf
hours of twelve and one, M 'r. ButC'd/ 1 *
vered that a fire had burnt through
rly tition, which separated his auarm - pw "
«5. Hunt's. The cry of fire was i'm V"* 1
instantly alarmed. Fortanately til °
:h c was remarkably dill, and bv the tim,l v W '" d
2 ed°. r3 c,tlZ£ " 8 ' (he fire wai "43:
>n- tar ?" ckit a » d a P 'il with tar t„ I, .
nSr gether with other comb„ftibl«, such ' 'fc°'
v.ngs, tarred rag gi &c . Wfcre
»rc in (eve. *1 parts *f theffort.t ort . arid f ev J f, Ctd
£ were covered with tar. A puce ri 1 "
te- " as r alfo f «" ,d before 'the g I 4 f s ° th
. m the frcut door. ° oV{ r
ri. When tlie fire was firft discovered ,U
rs, doors and widows were all fecun> , ' , e
£ from without could poffiblvh'
entered, .mlefs with a key Circumft
LOl eonfldered led to a suspicion that Hunfe
.-,r felt was (he guilty person. Hew?-;
» d; " d l :h - r = f '«»i«ni Mot ,i« o r*
not day ea.mmed before j ot| ' ,
$ r:hiSet Mo ' ~ot,h!p' '«-; «
be were iniLd ia aff
c " fnThe ft' W fIVC thoufa,,cl dol '»rs
x _ ntbe store. However, (he ,~oods found
there tfere to a very small amount. He al.
that the tar-backet was hi, as
lt he had picked u up several days before on
fc P s » ? nd car "«d it into the (tore. The
y. "''fj'"' {ka . rt * as so firong against l' m ,
a. thai he was ordered by the Court to give
ct bond for 5000 dollars, and h..d find fecuri.
ty for 50°° more, or be committed to pri
es too. Not biing able to 'si ,d bail, he Hand.
r> cornmitted for trial at the Snp eme Court
iu to be hOiden in this town in July next
_ BOSTON, November 1.
The partizan* of France are challenged !»
(hew cue i.nft.ance of a nation gettine libdtv ko
allowing anothu; nation .to intermeddle and to
_ Mate ,n itsaffair,. ] nd ependcn,-e ha, been of"
of ten loft in this way. but when was liberty Drc
ftrved by it. One might a 3 well , aHt P the
• ruedoai of a jail, lhe pretence therefore of
- the French that they offer this , 0 everv
O other people and flat,, is the grossest impaftare
,e i r eU CV ® r Wa * whatever
r, <,o(^or Logan and Vice Mazzei may lay to the
re contrary; 7 ; c
,r thedefpotsot France were (incere in their
)e oners ot peace, what would they do » Thev
le would acknowledge that they we.e much i, t h^
id wrong when they insulted USj andrefufedtore
;a ceive our mmifters of peace ; they would pro
r Jl lhey had robbed of. with
i eajonable-allowance tor our damages and losses •
and this they would engage and give security to
r i" Cy u ' ou do j ulllce when they profefsto
refpefl it, and finally they would take care to
prevent the repetition of injuries by difarmine
a their pirates >nd punilhing thofewho hive whin,
i- ped, murdered and robbed our citiarens It
o would be required by us that reparation fliould
- prove thefincenty of their sorrow for the wrone.
fchey have done us.
e If France is insincere, and means tD make
- Americans dupes, by a lullably offer of a new
- negociation, what would lhe do. Exaifllywhat
e the .. said to be doing. Give good words, to
turn away eurjutt wrath ; when that is allayed
under the matk of iriendlhip, renew the old
Icheme to divide and govern. We deferv'e
chains if we accept thsm again.
r '1 he Irish pitriots, after having set their own
- country entire, are running away by the light
of it, as wharf rats are said lo flee in troops
from one haufc where they have been baited
With rats bane, to another where they smell
good provisions ; and it feemi to be the unlucky
fame of America to be the home, the Jerufaiem,
tor runaways. What fort of society (hall w®
have -ho v (ball we be made up by the tim«
that diftrailed Europe gets fettled. All that
other States throw away we are to take, and fay '
. thank you. Their offal is to be our aliment.—
We are tofwellour pt pulatiou with the four lea
ven of Ireland, and the caustic spirit of France,
The witches cauldron, in the play of Macbeth,
was not filled with worfc ingredients Iban Ame
rica will be. Surely we need a Sedition lav to
keep our own rogues from cutting our throats,
snd an Alien law to prevent the iavafion hr a
hf.fl of foreign rogues to a (Tift them. Th# ir
ruption of the Goths and Vandals into the Ro
man Empire did not more seriously threaten it*
overthrow than the terrible preference all fo
rtign incendiaries indulge for our happy coun
try ; it lorebodes confulien and whitky irifur
reaion. France and Great Britain use Ameri
ca very I'curvily when they presume to make it a
Botany Bay for their convifis. a bettering house
for their knaves, and a bedlam for mad peeple.
The New-England states will hang tome of
rhem, and others Pennfylvank will feed to
It feenr\s as if America was already a di
vided people. The jacobin party has iti
ttnnifter in Paris, and ht is accredited by the
direftory ; probably inftcad of paying for
that houor, lie has iponey to take, and some
of it may be employed perhsp* to pay Ly
en's tine. As the p»rty thus exercise tht