' and Ital Tby, t|)iS Dnv'S spail. si'S: C to that j NEW YORK, O&ober 29, „ The following is not only intercfting to our farmers, but to every geademan, of science, as controverting a long eftjblillicd Cff3 of , uofition in the piiilofophy of animal lite- _ diterra*. At the m-ettrg of the Holdernefs Agrt- Th „ cultural Bo' iety, holden at Hedon on Wcd- the corr nrfu-v sennight, -he qneaion, " Whether so far p there is any solid obj.aion against breeding to turn from cattle, however near their confangutm- P. Tv » was difcufTed bv a numerous Meeting of the society, confiding of several rfredtcal A gentlemen, and of gentlemen and grazier, of haj th| ereat expen'e. ce in the breeding ot cattle ; dued „ w hen the unanimous opinion of the meeting e g . n was," That there is not any fohd rcalon raised whatever a gain ft breeding from cattle of the ; nto t ; fame family, was treated as mere vulgar pre- , ft ; ng iudice, proceeding, perhaps, from incestuous batch , intercourse, being oonfidered (and for very Versa ; good reasons, but which do not appear to the brute creation) highly improper amongit y the human fcecies. It (hould seem that it Y e J is the intered of breeders of cstth to breed drrfs> from the best males and female they have Uighl] o,- caii procure, however near of kin. as was , alld ; n {he pradice ofd.at celebrated breeder, the : L *vlr i':i tee well. ai:d as is recommended f wafi v( bv that able writer and igric'iituraiift, M.. | )ou f e Marshall, in his Rural Eo-jnomy of the j lr) t j,j Midland Counties, vol. 1. p. 300. j et j f ro The Prufiian mir.iftry .have detr.andet! a 1 categorical anfw.-r from the F cnch Minister i Mr Sieyes to this quellion —" Does the Di- 1 dam; ,' redory intend to take General Kofciufco, j ;nft the Chief of the Polilh revolution, under j their proteftion ?" , prcm j the ft Those who grumble at our Land Ta*, i &c. Ihould In in their eyes abroad, and fee p how the Republ'cans under the French f ¥ yoke are obliged to contribute to the tie- v ; c ; n ceflities of the state. In the Roman Repub- Gem lie, the fotiowir^is the rate at which peo- a fl-„,r pie of property are tp pay for the eofuing year : it w: Those who are of a revenue of j Q e „ from thr;e to fixthoufand crowns, one third • p ro b t)f their income. j the 1 Those havii g from fix to ten tboufand, < two thirds. Rev And those enjoying an income of ten g toc thousand an upwards, the whole amount for r the year ! 1 ton, - Hot A Spanish 80 gun (hip, from the Havaa- errp na, having fourteen millions of dollars, and [| the governor of the Havanna, who is bro- j , w j ther to the Prince of Peace, on board, has, it appears, eluded the vigilance of our cru- f 0 eiers, and arrived fafe at Vigo. C Lon. Pap. j, 1 General Humbert, who commands the French republicans landed at Killala, was, previous t© the revolution, a ferjeant in the p r ; Berne regiment of foot. He was there con sidered as a very indifferent, but intrepid fel- 1 low. the cor Paul the firft, seems now seriously deter- po { mined to begin the war which the Ruffian hai Empire declared again it France so many p £ ( years ago. frit - . ■ t!l{ Tljc King of Sardinia is now exptatirg, f ur in a mod l.imentable manner, the weakness 0 f and imprudence which induced him, on the 0 f French entering Italy „to deliver up to them co: his fortreffes, whereby they were enabled to va i penetrate without danger, into the very £ UI hea't of that country. If that ill fated prince has been pofltffed of fufficient forti- he tude to die in the breach, he would not r.ow be reduced j ''nger out a miserable existence pi-oftrate at t)ie feet of bis barbarous vigors. » j, a May his fate, at lea ft, afford a ufeful lei Ton a „ to other Sovereigss, not to be deceived by a lure of a treaty of peace with a Govern-. co aient which is conllantly laying snares for | l; princes and nations, to despoil them ot their dignity, and to accomplilh their deftru&ion. w h< Thc-»hole ff riie once valuable property f£ of the Daily Advertiser of Hull has fceen , v fold at G arraway's Coffee house, by public ; f e auftion, for two hundred and ten pounds ; e f ths Auctioneer declared, that in the year d( 1792, he fold, bv the fame mode, one twen- t j tieth fhate of the I'ime property, for one C( thousand and ninety two pounds. a , A There are two Mrs. Sid don's—Jive Gar. rick'« four Miss Farren's—-/even Eslwii's— and thirteen Stotaces—ill engaging and of- Q fering themselves at Drury Eane a'ld Co- t( vent Garden theatres. c . The four fjmous antique bronze horf:s taken by the Freriih from Venice havebeen great trav ellers. Th. ir firft journey was from Greece to . afterwards from iiome to Couftantino 11 pie —from Conltantinople to Venice— and from I v Venice—to Paris. p Several Opera Rinpers in France h.'ving lately applied, in vtvy prelfing terms, to the present minister of Finances, for payment of arrears he Snfvvered rather (hreivdly—" we do not pav those who cry (the annuitants) how can you b expeft we lhnuid pay those The Plague rages atConftantinoplewith great violence and mortality. The EnjliOi, puWuStit to their harrafTisg fyf- J te j >j, are eterna'fy oft" the Oitend and Blanksn bergcoafts with troopj of debatkstimj, for what t purpose we know n»t, hut they oblige us to keep a «r>tifid:rah!e body of troops conllantly on c thecoafi. (Druflels paper.) , The Treaty cf Alliance, rffenfive and defen- ; five, between Frame and has been publilhed . The articles, of which fix have ap peared, fay—that thtre (hall he pe;c:, under itanding and amity Iwrtwcen the two reuuh lic»—that whatever aids stall he cai ed lor (hah be mutually repaid—that the Independence and government of Switzerland fhal! he guaranteed by France, and her artil'ery replacedi that the Bif/ioprick, of Bsfe.and (he I'liiieipaHty I'area rui, fnall besttarhed to the French territory; that the rommsnicatiin of France with Germany ant'. Italy (hall be through Switzerlan 1; To P 1 " damaged bra mob oi villains on the r3tb co ' I illft. mmtf < * iT j N. B. Mr. Cooi was a caadid, but , premj/t witness against Matthrw Lyou on j the state trial before the circuit court. ,== 'ax-, i fee PRINCETON, (N. J.) 03oicr 2 9 ._ nch inhabitants of Princeton and its ,ie * vicinity, being informed r.f the arrival of iub " General Charles C. ''iiekney, in the village, aflVmbled in town meeting, where, having > in g called to the cnair Robert Stockton, Esq. it was unanim rnfly refolv.-d to present to the ' ! General an aJdrefs, teftifying their high ap- 10 ; hird ! probation of his conduft as Env«v from Citi i the United States to Fr»*c»: Fur this pur- TJj ' pole, the chairman, Mr. Enos Kelfey, the e( I Rev. Dr. S. 8. Smith, the Hon. Richard ' * en Stockton, Esq. Tli#mas P. Johnfun, Efq, : for Mr. John Harrifon, Dr. Ebensr.er Stock- the ton, Dr. John Maclean, and Mr. Thomas im Howe,were appointed a committee who were ,aa * empowered to wait upon hitn in the name anr ' of the citizens, and pr.rfent to him the iol bro" 1 iwinr CC has, ADD RESS cru- jj' ls Excellency GENEaAL Charles t CoTESWORTH PINCKNEY, latt EftVOJ j from the American Republic to the French Nation. ' the SIR - aU was, YOUR fellow citiz;ns, inhabitauts of cl a 'J I6 Princeton and it« vicinity, congratulate y«u ea con- w j l { l fjneerity and ardor, o* your fafe ret«rn P c dfel to the bosom of your country. Although j a " the objc& of your milfiurrhas *of been ac- complifhed, yet we believe that it could not 0 Icter- pofiibly have hsd a nsorc fortunate ifftie. It ufiian fervn the 0 f p r a n ce changed their language and their them con du£l. We k now. howev r, the infinite j]e led to va riety of fliapes which gallic pelicy can as- tl v " r y fume, and shall not fail to ellimate praperly f fated t {, Q f e a flj of tpparenl juSice, which it has w forti- j, een forced to adopt. The citisees of a >t now America are too enlightened to be now de- b iftence ce j ve d by such hypocritical ans, a»d tliey c iftors. | i, ave too mU ch spirit not t» resent fa 'grots [ I lei Ton a „ j n f u lt to their country. S red by We h aV e seen with indignation, your d overn-. countr y insulted in your person ; but we 1, es for h ave also fee l with idmiration, the inflcsi- t f their b i«, fi r the republican dignity, vith ] iClion. w i u - c h y OU have aiTerted and liaintained her r honour; the integriry-with which you have operty rc fltlcd corruption, and the talents with < 1 teen y OB have baffled intrigue ;we have public s een Wl 'th the exultation of patriotism, the ( >unds ; effefts produced by your clear and manly e y ear developement of the arts and haftile difpofi twen- t ; onSiP f a government as insolent as h is r one oorrU p t ed. You have opened the eyes and awakened the energies of voHr countrymen. Americans, Sir, would fcohi to purclmfe j 1 hit the "John McLean, f Tarea- Richard Stockton, •*r< tUr ' ' Tboms T. How. 5 Princeton, o£t. 29. , ; ; . H. 'To wf.ilh the Ge*;r:ti rr.urf.iJ the fallowing **!** ahswer. . , (J THE very indulgent ma-tner in which my attempts to serve my country, as one i f ~ the lste Envoys to the French government, have been received by my fello*.citizens, upr% has amply componfated all the Chagrin and h e l) o i anxiety I experienced in my million. If g the eye» of my countrymen are at Wngth e , opened, if their virtuous energies are n«w yy fe| awakened, and if nq rrlax .tion is permitted [WC) in actual preparation for war, their liberties aV£ . and independence will be fafe. But any fu- m . pinenefs in carryiug into execution tn« vigor- rj -^ ous tneafures decreed by oar country, or r any remiSton from energetic conduft will, } lr [j " in my opinion, endangsf our natioaal free- dom. I mo't (incetely congratulate you, s my friends, that you are no longer Uie in- j jj j c (truaient* of Gallic delusion. It is time 101 " that America liiould be fdf-deptndant. If j; £y c Hie is united and firm (he is able to maintain q q| ' her own sovereignty againtj the attempts of s ou any nation in the univerfc,— And white she j ow recolle£ts, and recollefting afts in conformi ty to your real republican fentimsnt " that a^ s the ravages of war mav be repaired, but the s loss ef honor i 3 a loss which freemen have no j n j n , rules to eftiniate," she mult inevitably be ,r fttccefsfal. Receive my mod grateful thanks j a[) for your very kind and affcftionate tellimo- r. '' ny of regard ; and be allured that when mv at?( ie sword fliall drawn in support oi the jutt j u p ■" rig ta and claims of our country, the re- U p , membrance of my reception by my tellow- j e ] citizens ofPrincetun will mi»ie me drive to t j Q " r deserve ths conti"ii*acce ut t; eir good opini :jl oh. th< Charles Cot'esworth Pincknby j g . "n Sfeffiaseste* PHTLJDK LPH IA , W TUS»D 5V EVENING, QCT-OBEJt JO- by —; tin re, A lucceflion of icvere frofts ftrOtnifes m ' »g the- fpt«ly eradication of the larking feeds of that fatal contagion which has ra ,p. so long confined our unfortunate fellow- of jm citizens in gloonr/exild from their homes. "" jr- The'\t*eath£r yesterday and to-day has been as favorable as coukt be willed*, • and should not our hopes be cut off by (I ,1c- the return of heat, which, however, is nas improbable, contidering the advanced ere state of the season, there is little doubt <, ,™j C that the city may be considered as per fectly fafe,, sifter ths close of this week. S Es The chattering Genevefe is, it seems, 5 ' vr) « ! acain to bore cur ear* with hi* outlandilh s n ' c j } j dialeft, and never-tiring patriotism. He appears to have a lease hold of his feat ; audhis conflituents seem proud to be " his 0 f creatures." His lingua franca possesses an t l yeu enchanting influence over them, and inter. t Bru pofei a cloud between their miry intelledts k and thr sdasoniti ns of that better Genius ,i g C . which eould rell them that their Patriot is a J not foreigner, and of course unwtarthy their j t fuffrages ; a preftituted and venal eiiiifTary, t lie ((. and of course the general ?nemy -of their onal j peace | ths feryant and flS*e of their dead oeft 'y ar covenanted so?, and therefore th« fit Bea- °kj their deteftatioa aM> NOGUES. True copy. xiton, BALGNERIE, fits, President. PAGtS, Chief Sesrttary. ■jjyljjtfi 1-in i■■ - "" L C Com mit nu at i ons. I «* Let frveur bt Jhvw-d ths wicled, yet Cathi •wilt be not Itnrn righttoufvef:i in the bind of Cath uprightnefi will be deal uuiuflly, and will net behold the maje/ly of the Lord." '' r ' SURELY we must acknowledge the pro- Mar) phet Isaiah to be poffefled of great forelight. Who thought that a man, nearly hundred years hack, should have depidted so plainly, the charaQer of an American jacobin. " Yet will he not learn R' righteoufntftTruth is the cUcotial of 11 ai rigliteoufnef*; truth has ' e?n continually ' hrtd up to thtir v,c«rl *hd yet, let trie alk, what jacobin ii there who has committed its g ' leflbns to memory ? If men's minds would bi searched, I fear the answer to this quef '■ tion would indeed be melancholy; for 1 be lieve the prcfent calm to be only deceitful. £ ' Confounded by the raajefty of truth—con- f eve , founded at feeing it rife superior to their j a fl e low-minded schemes, they remain almoll i inaftive and fiUnt. But should the French ! E 1 again prove fucCefsful in de&roying the hap- ; ing I e pinefs of aaotfaer people; or by their cunning, Eng 0 in injuriug us, we (hall then hear their yells , ten i e from Mane to Georgia, and from the At- s lantic to the Pacific ocean. "Jn the land, prev of uprightnefi will be deal twjuflly." Little of C If seed be laid to prove the jacobin horde un- j just ; for rnen whose principles are founded prev "" upon the "fimplc'vjrluci ' which the Fteneh dau delight in, cannot be othervrife. Detrac- of N ? tio:i mult be acknowledged to be an uujutl T? ! principle; it is one of the leading traits in List the jacobifiic chara&er. America mult, and 2 f is allowed by all the world, to be an upright J, 51 land ; but could jacobini have b. en believ.d. £ how icfaniom would 'he now appear. " And r^ o = \uVl nst behold the majjlj of the 1 o-d."— Wlien we fee a nation or p o;t£c abolishing every principle which has bteh held sacred by all the world ; when we fee them tramp ling" an every moral.aod rel'gious ti*{ and, ', £ • more particularly, When wc hear their infa- j $ mous Utterances against the favioisr of man- ■ S *8 kind ; this aphorism of Ifaiah'n is reverbe-; F as rated with redoubled vigour: "In the land ,y- of uprightnefi Will be deal unjujlly. and will g not beheld the mojefly of the Lord." ■ Z _. A * 1 (Sajettc t]3arinc %i(i. \ is 5 ec j New Gaflle, 02. 26. , , ♦ ARRIVED. 1 Ship George, Gibfon, Bordeaux, 34 days, J er " no news. :k. Ship Chesapeake, Webb, Liverpool and Cork, (failed with the fleet) ns - Brig A. Matilda, {Stiles, Mole 23 lift* Schr. Regulator,Shockly,N.Providcace, 20 He Ann, Longhead, with the mail from it ; Charles, 10 hi' The A. Matilda failed from the Mole an the 3d inft. with the lad British vessels from ter- that port, the evacuation having finally ta- 1 :&» tea place that day ; mod of the flret went J lius up to Jamai. a amonjft them was the Snow di it a Po!!y, ier.kv, of Philadelphia. Capt. Stitcs p< heir in company with the fallowing failed for at iry, the continent : w heir Ship Melpomene, Majeftre, Philadelphia at ?ad (below) 1 2 fit Schr. Gen. White, Myrick, do nee. F>Ur Siftcl, Young, New-Yark ' x d > Neptune, Clark, do J x Capt. Denntnberger, from St. Übes, j 1 a ; s '.poke the I2th iuft. in lat. 38, 49, long, 67 ! 2 to f the fliip Juftioa, Mcrrot, of New, York, out | 2 10 days,from Baltimore, bcuniito Fa;mouth ! men alt upell. And in iat. 3S, 54, long 69, 20, ! t ltter the sloop Britania, Youag, and 4 days koo) | 1 ntr Bolton to Bnrb^does. | c A sloop belonging to Mr. Elder, from : 1 iPce Philadelphia, has been drove ash -re on the ; } ' 0 j- Caicos, nad deserted by captain aiwi crew, j 4 ' afterwards got off by some Bri i('n seamen 1 «'j, and carried into i|j: Mole. ! jjjij Brig Lovely Lass, Shields, for La Gui- b ra, went to sea on Wedntfday last. s'are ■ Camc l Sh'P Hamburg, Shcrtes, Hamburg a Liberty, Hamaje, do. from Fabius, Cormi) r.Jarfeira tted. Benjamin Franklin, Jones, Hourueaux - * Farmed, M'Collom, Cork t. by Tviton. 3c>elcher, Bremen part . Brig Susannah, Medlin, Arafter am I Amiable Adeel, B. own, Port'au-Printe 'j 0 D4l'gent, Crnnin, Jamaica ( ulon. lvj C pt U!l c, Walters, Aux Cayes ns Mtrpery, Trtieman, Nova Scotia, < l] iere Capt. Priur of t'h« Charleston packet," who ] r arrived at New-Gaftle on Friday 1 , reqnefts us to r " state—That he-spoke the Delaware (hop of w.ir, 1 c ° r " capt. ©ecatur, 011 the E 6th inft cruizing ess jrnv, Ciiincoteaguej all well. The packet being in a dif- want of l'everal anictej, w Ja (applied by eaptain I the Decatur.'^ its of J the We hear that the MEDICAL LEC -sno- TURES, in the Univerftty of Pennfylva ejifh ; nia, will commence on the fccond Wed rights nel'day of November next, dtory ' : line uoag DONATIONS, (hip, g_ ;ce ; ve d a t the Encampment at Matter's ll ' n3- place, for the use of the poor. b eerl ■ ,ft to Oftober 29. U nin<; A bundle of infants cloathing, from a per ,;s re . son unknown. •ifion ,vl ' o bundles cloathinp, _ from Mi Isaac I dc'- Wnlters, Great Valley. * n , on the 13th of September, of thtf 1 prevailing fever, Miss Deborah Sweitzer i dau'hter of Mr. Simon Swtitzer> and filter . of Mr. H. Svveiiz.r, printer of this Ci:y ---1 List of all the Burials in the fevrral Gr.'iv* 1 Yards of the City and Libert::s of Phila t delphia, as taken from the boohs kept by Clergymen, S. xtcr.s, [Collected for »!ir Osin rs oi ( : >e United l>y ROB f"RT T "" " - / *■" * -5 Xdn:es the Burial Grourds. . j* |3 !* t Rlt '»; Cr.t-i.-t cuuivh T ... « o l " | St Peter's - o ° 1- j St. Pauls - « ;.! Fidt Prefoyterian - - c ® l( [ '■ Second Presbyterian -I - o " ■j. Third I'refijytenan ... : o 1 Sco:s Prefcyterian ... v o Aflociate Church ... 00 St. Mary's Church - - - C o Trinity Church - "or Friends' .... - 00 Free Quakers' ... oct Swedes' ..... 1 e German Lutheran - 1 - German Reformed Presbyterian 3 a • Moravians' - - - c <3 Baptifts' ... . 01 fs> Methodists' .... o 0 j Univerfalilts' .... c o Jews' ..... co City Hospital .... 71 2 3 Kenfmgton .... 10 20 Coates's ..... 00 jm j- -— 1 IO Tutalfor tht last 14 hours Its' 4 ole ■ Dm United Statis ") ta- PenHfylvanla DillriS. J '» , TN purfuanec of a writ to me dire&ed f.6ai tho 1 honorable Richard Peters, ef.jr. jii-ijre of the ow dillriii court of l!.e iiitJ-l Stare*, in »:>d so;- the tcs PenHfy vjit a d tirifl \villt>e <»xp'.ij6 ito public f.le, for at the b 'igh 01 Che.'er, in th. cocntf of Ue a vvare, on Mo iday the jth iron cranes ou[ % louudiiij line« of nn>, i new fia^ ; hundred ai-d fourteen 1 d». jick u ■ aod fifty (athoras I pt.naa.it 20, j main fail 4 ctpper kettles and liir roil) I 1 fpte-top.fail % tea kettle* ! 1 main-tee fail I coffee Ve: tic rom - ' f>* A small copper pot Sclid • | 1 uuin-tcpftay fail 4 cvmuaff » : 3 ftudding-iailj 1 [ma'.l anchor ew, 1 4 under ltuddiug fails Ji c-i&s of rum and aboit: men | I fun fail 19 cifci o'. sugar. The article aforefaid being now on b;.ari ths sui- brig Speciala3ioij at Chester, in the port of Philadelphia and dißriit of Pcmifylvania—l'he. fame having bees ftv-:d from the v.-re aof th&- Uaaith Ihip Den Godehenligh. at fca. ai d libelled 3ur S againtt for filvage. °\ WILI.I AM NICHOI.S, Maifhal. " tlli Marihal's office, Got, 35. ;aux ' POST OFFICE, -, m Philadelphia, 29th OBober, 1798. inte LETTERS for theßritifliPack jaiea et or F a l mout h) will be received, coiia. at this office until Tuesday the 7th who November, at 6 o'clock, P. M. N. B.—The inland to P off New-York must be paid at riis office. >g in ptain T q BE R£NTED, ( And immediate pojf-ffton given,,) EC- a LARGE three fio.-y BRICK IIOUSE« jf\. situate in \V r alnut-ftreet —The rooms are' Ved* commodious, airy and private —fr im which,and its central fituat on, it is thought to be an eligi ble situation far a Public Office. For terms, en quire of BENJ. iV, MORRIS- Atfo A commodious Ware Houle, in lay l,or'« Alley. Her's Oaobertj. juvivf Printing Work, p«r Q r y ver y Kind, rr aac EXECUTED AT THE SHORTEST llaac NOTICE, -c At the Office of the Gazette of the Efq* Unitfd States, ins. oa. 15. ™ Pax " &• The Subscribers have remove ed for the present from Penn street to Eievemh lan' street, betvvten i'ilbtrt and Iligh-ftreets. Willings Francis. a ߣ: «ft 9 * ,w John Madeira Wine. 'itus. A few pioes <>f remarkably fine MADEIRA '.VIN'E cks. lit for immediate use, and at a reduced pn c--for .erf. .aieby J ifant, - PETER BLIGHT 'om- HAS amoved his Cointicg Houfi to hit Hci'fe u.,, in the Ncrth-m Liberties neai Hue Vown, (»