Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, October 20, 1798, Image 4

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    ft' • "* " J e(
BY THE ' ! n
Insurance Company of North America.!
For Insdramci against Fia», on Dwelling- 1 f
Houses, Ware-Hcufcs, and other Buildings (and • "
on Goods contained in such Buildings) difiant from j P
Philadelphia, ill the United States. I 11
I. Common lufurance*, on hazards of the firft 1 (
class, will be undertaken at a premium of ahout p
hali per cent. per annum. For'extra hazardous ' t
rifq»es a larger prrrrinm will be required, which o
will vaiy according to circunftances, fcidom ex- j d
teeding one per cent, per annum ; but in some i-n- c
fiances, where the property insured is not only in
itfelf extra hazardous, but rendered still more so t
by the vicinity of extra hazardous buildings and j
occupations, the premium demanded be railed f
according to rircumftanc&s.
Houses and Ware-Hc,ufes, the vails and pcrti- t
tions of which arc wholly »f ft one or brick, well
conftru&ed, so as t» be guarded as well as may be
against fires from within, and tree from extra ha
zardous buildings and occupations in their neigh-
borhood, will be deemed hazardous of the firft
class, and may be insured to their full value.
Also Good* and Merchandize, not o! an extra _
hj7n r dcus kind, in calks, bales, or packages, 4e-
Ktpofitcd in such buildings, to an ameunt not ex
ceeding 4000 dollars ; bat if more than thisfum 1
■Required to be insured in one tenement, an sjdic
TWR<wal premium will be required, in proportion to t
11. Insurances will also be made on buildings and J
good* extra hazardous, at premiums proportioned (
to thri risque. But it is not e:.fy to arrange these (
under particular heads cr classes, so as to describe f
each with the necessary accuracy. Bach cat- niuft
therefore be decided upop according to thecireum- r
fiances a tending it ; and these circumstances wili, a
in general, appear from the description accotnpa- f
uymg t'eapplication. a
Buildings partly conftrucled of brick or stone, f
are preferable to thofo wholly wooden. And in
both cases, the stile of buiWin~, how they are oc- i
cupied, how they are fitunted, the neighboring a
buildings, and how occupied, arc considerations to a
be taken into view. And with refpeA t# goods, -
their tendency, whether from their nature, or r
from the rnanoer in which they are exposed, c ther t
to commence or to increase an accidental fire, and i
tlicir liability in such state to receive damage by i
wet, or by sudden and hasty removal, or to be fto- 1
len iu time of confufion and hufry, are all cir- c
cumft&nces of weight; and the premiums mutt be 1
proportioned accordingly. i
HI. The fallowing conditiont are to be under- ,
flood hy the parlies. ' t
:f:. The Insurance is not binding till the ftipu
latsjpremium belaid ; but it (hall be deemed ef- i
fedlual from the time of such payment and accep- 1
'.••dice thereof, whether the policy be immediately c
finned or not.
ad. Infurincts may be renewed at the expira- <
tion of the term of the policy, without further ex- 1
petlfes than the payment of the premium of the re
newed term, the circumstances continuing the fame t
as they were underilood by the Infurtrs at the time J
the former insurance was made ; but the payment c
of the premium is eflential to such renewal; and I
it the party insured fuffers any time to elapfc after j
the expiration ef the former insurance, before he
pays a premium for the renewal, he is not insured j
during such time ; nor can the insurance be renew- c
eel on the former policy but by computing the t
conimtr.ceir.ent of the renewal from the expiration c
of the former insurance. The lubjedl of ihfur- j
a'ice may nc'.erthclcls be open to treaty for a new (
insurance. \
jd. If spy other insurance he made on the fame 1
property ; itmuft be made known at the time of (
application, otherwise the policy made on such ap
plication will be void. i
jth Goods held in trust, or on consignment, i
ray be insured as such in a separate policy; but t
th\> are not Wbe'cohljderefi Ss irifufed vtheraafe. j
Jth, This cotnpany will not liahiu or aeceun- <
tabk'for any loss or damage occafiorvrd by any for- r
invafion, or ty any military or usurped force
or hy pc.,fon of any ci\il commotion ; oroccafion, t
eel. by gunpowder, aquafortis dr other thing of th» c
like kind kept in the building, or amonglt the pro
perty insured. t
fcln. Bills of Exchange, Bonds and other Secu
rities Title Deads, Money. Bank and other pro- c
mifiory Notes, are not included in any insurance ; f
nor are paißtings, medals, jewels, gems, antique
curio'itios, or mirrors exceeding the value of twen
ty-live dollars-each, to be considered as insured une i
less particularly mentioned and by special agree
Jsh. No insurance will be made foraftorter
term than one year, nor for a longer term than fe- ~
yeii years. Persons chooling to insure fbr seven
years fnall b eallowed one year's premium by way
of difeount: One third of a years premium fliall
be abated in like manner on an insurance for
tfcree years.
Bth. Losses fuftainedby fireon property insured, r
lhallbe paid in thirty days after due proof and li- j
■quidation thereof, without deehi&ion.
A defci iption of the property to be infurod will a
he expected with each application, to be made by £
a mailer carpenter and signed by him, as well as
hy the owner of the building oi applicant for in, and attested before a Notary or principal j
Magistrate, who will certify his knowledge of the
parties and Jieir credibility.
With relpeiSl to Houfe9 and other Buildings,
jft. The site and position; defcribiag the j
■firm or road on or near which the building ,
italics; its contiguity to water, and other cir- (
cumftances relative to the extinguifhinent Ci fire
in cafe of accident; and particularly whether t
any and what fire companies are eftabliihed, and 1
engines provided> in the place or neighbourhood. ]
zd. The materials of which it is built, whe
ther of briek, stone or wood, and what part of
eath, as well as to the outlide walls as inside or
paitition walls, and their refpeflive height and
thfekneft ; ihe style of the roof and of what
materials; howfecured by battlements or par
tj; \\a" 3 » what kind of acccfs to the top of the '
house andtp the ch'imnies ; whether any and
what eleftric rods ; the number and kind of .
fire places ; and the kind of deposit for alhes.
3d. Ihe dimensions of the building and how
divided, and the style in whiph it is finilhed so
as to enable indifferent persons to judge in what
nunncrit is to be repaired or rebuilt in cafe of
injury ; the age and condition of the building,
and how occupied, whether merely a 9 a dwel
ling house, or for any other, and for what pur
pole ; also an estimate of the value of thehoule
or building independent of the ground.
4th. The fituatiorf withrefpe<S to other build
ings or back buildings, whether adjoining or
not, comprehending at leall one hundred feet
each way : what kind of buildings are within
that distance, how built, of what materials, and
bow occupied or improved, whether as dwel
ling! for private families or otherwise: whe
ther any and what trade or manufactory is car
ried on, and particularly whether there be any
».-.Tirrlous articles used, or usually.depo
sited in the house, or within the distance afore
faid, and of What kind.
ltefpedlinggoods in Houses, Warehouses, &c.
1. A fciieiai description of the building in
which they arc kept will be expedlcd, similar in
all relpeisis,as to the danger from fiir, with that
required for Insurance on the buildings them
j, A defcripticn of the kinds and nature of
the good», whether in casts or other packages,
or opened ; and whether displayed in whole
pitcci cr in tli« ulu»l form for retailing. And
I' if the goods rsry materially in kind, a general
eliimare oftht value of each kind propefet! to
be insured ; but in the last particular minute-
J ness of description is not expelled.
• 3. Articles of the following kinds are deem
!ed e \tra hazardous, though in various degrees,
in "vhatever baiUing they may be placed, viz. c
j j pitr h, tar,turpentine, rolin, wax, tallow, oil, 1
1 inflammable spirits, sulphur, hemp, flax, cotton, '
1 dry goods of an inflammable kind open'ed.—
t J Glass, china ware or porcelain, especially un- (
: packed; Looking glarfcs, jewelery ; and alio- (
5 ' ther articles mors than commonly inflammable, j
1 or more than commonly liable to injury by fud- ]
- den removal) or by moiflures, or particularly
- obnoxious to theft on an alarm of fire.
1 Letters post paid, direitod to the Secretary of
' the Board of DireiSors, will be duly attended
' to. An order for Insurance accompanied by the
means of payirig the premium, will be imme
diately tkepremium being paid. If
J the application contain an enquiry only, it will
By order of the Board,
EBEnezer hazard, Stc'ry.
j Office of the Infurapce Company o/"Nortii )
Americi ; Philcd. Feb. 1, 5798. )
a Feb. 14. ialmtf
I Mills, Portage, &:c.
0 ' I 'O be leafed, for a term not lcf» than three,
1 nor more than seven years, a V ALUABLE
PROPERTY at the Sencca-Falls, in the county of
Onondago, a nd Hate of New-York, on the Banks
e of the Seneca-river, two miles wetlof thg Cayuga
c ferry, and eleven miles east ot Geneva.
This eftablithment confiSs of an excellent grift
• mill, saw mill, dwelling houfc, bam, and a port
'> age or carrying place, with between thirty and
■ forty acres of land, under good improvement, and
as much more in the vicinity, as may be required
: > for futHre improvement.
n The grid mill is a handsome, new and well fin
- iflied building, of 50 b> 30 feet, 3 stories high
J and furuithed with a run of escellent'Burr ftoues '
0 and another of Efopus' stones, of the bell quality
'> —and the most approved boalts, Sic. ralcnlr.ted to
r make all the different qualities of flour for expor
r tation or for home coufuniption : Itis acceffiblc by
d water from every part of thcCayuga lake ami Se-
Y neca-river, as well as from the Seneca-lake—and
- fromite fituatiou, commands a veryextenfive and
- encreaiicg cnflota The Dream on which it stands,
e being the outlet of the Seneca-lake, the mill cau
never Vc in want of water- \ and as it has b«en kept
werkiojjdirting the severest Teafor: of thelaltwin- '
ter, it is not liable to be impeded by froft :
The saw mill is also new, fituateii on the fame
- flrcam, now furniflied with an ampla stock of
" log*, of which a fupoly may at all times be pro
y cured by lan 4or water, of th<? bell quality :
!'he dwelling house is well calculated for the use
" of the miller, u new, and fufficinntly latge : The
- barn is about 40 feet fquars, and entirely new :
The portage is 3-4thsof a mile in length, along
e the Sen'ica-faiis—over which were passed in tlio
e la* year, nearly two hundred boats with their
t contents ; this objefi is already pr.oduftive of a
a handsome income, which must be increasing and
r permanent:
e Among the tnanv advantages of thisfituation,
J must be numbered the fertility of thefunaunding
- country —being the best improved part of the coun
e ty of Onondaga-r-th« concentration of inter
a course by land and water, the GenefTee ftateroad
- palling through it, as well as all water carriage to
v Geneva, and the couijties of Ontario and Steuben ;
which renders it a most eligible stand for a Store or
e Tavern—The river and lakes abound in fiih and
f fowl, end the country with dc. r and other game.
Besides the mills aLready ei .-eied at this place, it
is calculated for any additional water works that
:, maybe found- neceflfary—Fulling mill, baik miii
t tannery, forgos, &c. maybe ere&ed at a fmail ex-,
pence—lron ore may be bronght in boats from the
- Cayuga lake ; and it is thought to abound in the
- neighkoduMKl,
■i he stock on hand w-li be fold to the ltffee, and
, the cattle, utensils, smith's forge, See. may be fold
* or let the premises.
If apurchafe should offer so the whole or an
undivided part of the premises it willbe fold.
F«r ten* of sale or lease, apply to mr. Wil
- HitLMusMrNDERSs, at the Seccca falls, or to the
; fubferiber, at Schene&ady.
- june t_; iaw2m
Federal Mills,
A DJOINiNG Georgetown, and the City of
r xX Wafnington, willbe offered at Puhlic Sale,
on the 10th day of September next, at the Union
1 Tavern, if not previously fold at Private sale.
1 Those mills in point of Ctuationfor bufinefsand
na'ural advantages are generally admitted to be
r eqsal to any in America. The Merchant Mill is
. a jarge brirk house, eighty feet by fifty, almost
' new, in which are ercfled four pair of Burr mill
fton«6 with elevators, hopperboys and bolting
. cloths, completely finiflied and conilrudled in such
a manner that the whole of the mills may manti-
failure flour at the fame time. The country "mill
5 which is cre&ed near the otlier, is entirely new,
" a strong stone building, containing one pair of
1 stones, and built in such a manner that the record
e pair may be put up with little cxpence. Thismiil
is conveniently finrlhed, and calculated to carry on
eitenfively, country work, of which it gets a con
e ftant supply. There is belonging to the said mills
E 174 acres of land, the whole of which will be
" fold with the mills.
e One third of the purchase money will be requir-'
i' ed in sixty days from the day of sale, and fjr the
tl balance a liberal credit will be givin. Further
1. particulars willbe made known on the day of sale.
if Surviving partner of
d Georgetown, july 13. vv—3»wts
e At South Street wharf, the cargo of the IhipCoa
neflicut, from Batavia—
,f About 300 tons of Java Coffee,
of thegtowth of I7t)4and 179J
" 0 Go tons of Java Sugar,
lt Incannifiers—for sale by
150 hhds. choice Jamaica Sugars
Jamaica rum in hhds
Brandy ift and 4[h proof in pipes, hhds.
Ie and quarter calks
Madeira in pipes
Old Batavia Arrack
,r july 1 5
: n c " FOR SALE,
I A FARM on the road leading to State Island,
. jCJI within four halfiniic* of Philadelphia,
containing 45 acres in the highest Hate of cultivation
e " —2saeres of which is meadow, the remainder up
r" land. I here areon the premise«, a new frame Hbufe
y and Barn, with an excellent kilchen garden, contain
-- ing a e'eat number of frit Trees.—lmmediate poffef
fi»n will be given.
For terms apply to
Thomas W. Francis,
n julyiS- No. 98South Tbi'd llrect/
" To be Let,
An airy three Story Brick House,
if AN the South fide of Filbert Street, betwesn
v 7 Eighth and Ninth street, formerly Occupied
e ' as the Surveyor General's Office-—Enquire at No.
' augaftlo . eo j t
Notice is hereby given,
"PHAT agreeably to an as.i of Coujrrels of the
.A. United States of America, prided at Pukt- (
u delphia the aßth day of May, 1796, laying du- J t
ties o!*wriagc« for the conveyance of pcrf>ns, and ; {
repealing the former ails for that purpefe-»—That i r
_ there (hall be leried, colledled and paid, upon ail (
carn<g&> for the of'perfop.s, which ! .
shall Ve kept by or for any person, for his or her ,
owti uie, or to Ist out to hire, or for the convey- ,
ing of pafiengers, tke several duties and ratesf®i
lowing, vit. dolls. *
y For and upon every coach i's »
upon every chariot iz 1
3 * upon every post chariot II t
upon every ppft chaise 12
•e uponivcryph'Eton, wither without top 9
-- upon every cuachee 9
If upon other carriages, having
II work aliove, with blinds, glafics, y 9
or currains j
upon four-wheel carriage*, having')
frame posts and tops, with heel > 6
-fpriugs j
upon four-wheel top carriages, with
wooden or iron springs on jacks J" 1
upon ciirricles with tops 3
up<?n cftaifei with tops 3
upon chair? with tops 3
uponfulkies with t«ps 3
upon other two wheel top carriages 3
e» upon two wheel carriages wkh fleel")
E or iron springs 3
of For and upon all other two wheel carriages %
ks upon every soar wheeled carriage, "J
a- having framed posts and tops. C 2
and resting upon wooden fpara j
ft The ColleAor tf the revenue of the {irftciivifion
t of the firft survey of the diftrid of Pennsylvania,
d will attend daily until the 30th day of September
id nezt, for the purpofc of receiving the duties on
:d carriages, at Germantown, cn the Main street, a
little above the (igo of the King of Pruflia, of
1 which all persons pollefled of fiach carriages are
h desired to take notice.
es Notice is also given,
'J Q To all retail dealers in wines and foreign distilled
' fpicituous liquors, that licenses will be granted to
them ; one litcnce for carrying on the bufir.efs of
./ retailing of witusiin a lets quantity, or in less
uanlities, than 30 gallon'—and one lieenre for
i J arrying on the business us retailing spirituous li-
I tjuors in I<-Ts quantities than twenty gallons, at the
' Tame time and at the fame place, by
jj ColleiSlor of the Ift divlfion of the ill
Survey of thediftri.3 cf Pennsylvania.
le Office of InfpeiSlian at Germantown, ">
of .. zli A, 'g u st» 1793. J
o _ <J" Every denomination of Stamps to be had
at said ollice.
f c ' & The Stamp Press is removed
ie to the Office of Infr>gsion in Germantown, on the
Mais >: reet, a little above the f;ga of the King of
ig Pruffia,-»where attendance will be given fertile
1a accommodation oi thqle \vho wish any inftrnmcnts
ir ilampcd, on Tuesday*, Thursdays and fcaturdeys.
a ugu-ta 27,
id —— i
n For Sale at Public Auction,
tl _ "T'OIIRLOTS on Harper and Keith's wharf, in
r . -I- Alexandria, on tbs a6th day of O&ober
id ntxt ' I,ot at private sale before that time,
to *-' ne 'hefe lots is near the end of the wharf,
; . twenty feet beyond which the water is two fathsins
01 ! deep, about forty feet ifut three fathoms fifty feet
1( j out the \yatsr is four fathoms, and grows deeper
e until it come* to the channel, whi eh is about fev
er,ty sept from the end of the wha; t. There
3t as much dirt belonging to the bank as will level
ill tfe wharf, which tiiay r,-ant railing about a foot j
j. near the end. There is in this fa!e an half acfe lot
he »c>"y fit for a tavern ; it ii wall wsterexL afidan e-x
---cellent Hand lor chat business. This property will
be fold for ready money, and altogether or fepar
-1(j ate, ak may best suit the purchaser ;it lays 011 the
[j lower fide of Alexandria, which is now improving
very fad. Atk .tchof the ground may ba f»en in
ln the hinds of the Priater hereof. For terms at
private sale, apyly to Wm. Hartshorne, or to
L . the fubferiber, inAlexandrta.
September 3 lawßw
Wants Umploy merit,
A YOUNG MAN, who hasferved a regii-
XX apprenticeship to the mercantile busi
ness in this city, wishes ts engage in a Couuting
0 houi'e or office, write 3 a good hand and under-
e ' (lands accounts, can be well recommended ar.d
' n fccurity given if required. Enquire at the
j( j office of this Gazette.
' e j""g ii . 3»wtf
|f Baikenridge—for sale
'j TT consists of 9-40 acres, almost all of which is
X a fine rich Meadow, (the rcfidenceef the late
E«rl of Sterling). It may be conveniently dixided
into five farms, fourof which are bounded on the
East by the river Pafaick.
Th«rr are on it a number of buildings, forming
' afquare of nearly three acres—The dwelling house
° is a very convenientone.andjafmallcxpence would
put it in complete repair.
The orchard consists of t^oofinibcarir.j ertgraf
,n ed Apple Trees—and there is on other parts of said
"* trail near 300 other Apple Tree.—as also a great
, 3 variety of other fruits,partioilarly Carries of the
e best aai siolt delicious kinds.
Also, a great number of beautiful Exotics and
r " Forest Taeas, that add to tbs beauty and eonreni
-10 ence of the place. Ite situation is about ;8 miles
* r from tbe towns of Newark and Elizabeth :10 do.
e " frem Morris-Town, and 11 from Springfield—lt
is wooded and watered.
To favc trouble, the price is five pound pr. acre
iacafh, on delivery of the deed.. Pleale to »n
---_ quire of T. McEUEN & Co.
No. 78, Chefnut treet.
cbxiary 1. eodtf
Patent Ploughs,
' I 'O be fold for ca(h by JoXt-ph Salter at Atfior.
X Richard Wells, Cooper's Ferry—Jonathan
Harker, Woodbury—and JefTe Evans, Lumber
ten, Thr.fe who have used them give thrm the
preference to any other kind, as they lequire
less team, bream the ground better, are kept in
eirder at lei's cxpenee and are fold at ajcheaper
rate—the plan is much fimplified and conlifUof
Js. but one piece of call iron, with the handlej and
beam of wood ; they may befixed with wrought
layst and coulters to be put on with screws ajid
taken off at
_ Patent rights for fending with inftruflions for
making them may he )ud by applying to John
id, Newbold, or the fubferiber No. 2i» North
ia, Front-flreet.
Who has for Sale;
j? e Or to Lease for a term of Tears,
n _ A number of valuable trafts of Land, well
• c f. situated far Mills, Jron iVorksor Farms, moft
| ly iropraved, lying chifflv in the county of Hun
tingdon slate of Pennsylvania. Thole who may
incline to view them will please to apply to
r John Canan esq. near Huntingdon.
Claries Ncwlold.
ju'y «7 . lawtf
* o d 18 Bags Fresh Cloves.
Wiliings 1$ Francis.
June «g. - dtf
~ir the relief of th: Refugees frial the antifh
pr u and Noi'.i-Scotia.
BE I evaded by the Senate and Houje
o] IU-pre/entati-vfS of the United
: States if Ameicay in Congress ajembled, 1 at
\t j fatiitv ihe cliials yf certain .pci'loas claiming At
! lands V ntler tberi|Wuti«!M «rf CoOgrefe, ot the
1 twerivy-tbird of April, one thcufand leven hun
; ilred and eiglm-three, :r.d the thirteenth of
1 Apri}, one t;iotfand seven hundred and e , 11 '"
five, at reflect from the E.itiHi provinces ot .
Canada and Novi-Scotia, the Secretary for the
Department of Var, be, and is hereby autho
: ized ar.d direilcJ to give notice in one or more
' of the (Hiblic P4>trs of each ot the States ot
| Vermont, Mtflichuletts, Ni>w-\ork, New-
Hjnriplhire and T'ennlyivania, to all perlons b-.v
---ing chinis ,wk r ,f»>4 refoljiti°Bt»» to ' r a n >*
mit to tlte within two .years ; ;ter
the p;:sing of this r.cO,' a full and true account
of thei? piairm to tie bounty iff Coagrt!?.
Sec. 2. Atul he it further enabled, i hat no _
other persons (hall be entitled to the benefit or the 'j 1
provifions»f this s>sl, thanthofeef the [low
ing (Jelfcriptions, or their widows ar.d heirs, viz.
First, thqfe heads of families, and single per-
j foil *, not members ot ar.y tuc!> families, who
| were residents in one of the provinces aiorefaid, ((
prior to" the fourth day of jQ'y> one tliouland «
seven hundred and seventy-six, and who aban- , i<
doned their fetilemcnts, in co iieq'ience of j,
ing given aid to the United Colonies or States,
in the revolutionary War asaijil Grcal Britain, Ci
or with intentio.i fuch aid, and qoptmu- £1
ed in the United States, or in their service, dur- fe
ing the said war, .and did not return to reOde in Ju
the dominions of the king of Great-Britain, hti
pr'wr to the twenty-fifth of November, cne
tlioufihd seven hundred and eighty-three. Se- jjj l
condly, the widows and heirs of all such per
lons as were a6lual residents, as aforefaid, who
abandoned thtir ftttlements, as jfojcfaid, and
died within the United States, or i» their ler-
vice during the said war : andthudfy, all per
fens wl»o were members of families at the time
of their coming into the United Stales, and who
during the war, entered into their service. ( j.
Sec. 3. And ts it further enabled, That the £.
pro»>f of the several circum'Vances ntceffa r y to c v
entitle tlie applicants to the benefits of this ail,
may be taken before a judge of the supreme c.r p.
diftriiSt court of the United States, or a judge j, ;
of the fupreit Isr superior towrt, cr the full jB. fV f u
rice or fii ft j-.iUge of'the court of cowinion pleus so
or county t-ourt of any State. ir
Sec. 4. And be it further enabled, That at \ h
rhe expiration of fifteen mont)!» from and after St
the passing of tKs afl, and from time to time fu
thareafter, it ftiall be the duty of the Secretary b<
for the Department ot War, to lay such evi
dence of claims as he may have received, before
the Secretary and Comptroller ot the Trcaftiry,
and with them, proceed to examine the testi
mony, Jnd give their judgment what quantity
of land oueht to be allowed to the individual 1
claimants, in proportion to the degree of their -*
refpeiJlive services, facrifices and lufferings,
consequence of their attachment to the caute of
the United States ; allowing to these of the firft
ciufs a quantfty not exceeding one thottfandacres; u
and to the lalt class, a quantity not exceeding "
one hundred, making luch intermediate clalTes 01
34 the rtfolutions aforefaid, and diilributive jus
tice, may, in their judgment require, snd
report thereof, to Congress. And in cafe any
fut h claimant (hall have sustained such lofleS and A
fuflfcrings, or performed such services for the 1
United States, that he cannot jutlly be tlaffed
in any one general class, a fepar(te report (hall C
be made of Ms circuoiitances, together with the 1 f
quantity of land that to be allowed him, 1
having referenae so foregoing ratio : Pro
vided, tha* in considering what compeiif-ti,»n >
QDfhtto he made by virtue of this «S, a'l grants
exfept military grants, which may ha-.e been s
made by-the United States, or ind.ivid-aa! States, 8
fliail be considered at the just value thereof, at
the time the fame were made, respectively, ei- si
ther in whole er in part, as the c*!e may be, a '
latisfaiflion to those who may have received the b
fame : Provided also, that no claim under this
law, shall be aflignable until after report made b
to Congress, as aforefaid, and until the said
lands be granted to the persons sntitied to the
benefit of this a<sl.
Sec. 5. Beit farther enured, That all claims
in virtue of laid resolutions of Congress, which
(hall not be exhibited aa aforefaid, within the
time by this a<sl limited, fiiall forever thereafter
be barred.
Speaker of the House sf Representatives
Vift-Prefidetii of the United States,
and Prefdent of the Senate. '
Approved, 7, 1798.
Prefdent of the United States. '
Deposited among the Rolls in the office of the
Department of' State,
TIMOTHY Pickhring, j
Secretary as State. a
cd" Purfuaiit to tlx'' above A3, No- 1
tice is hereby given to all perfens hav- r
ing claims under the refohitions'bf Con- '
grefs, of the 23d of April, 1783, and j
the 13d! of April, 1785, to tranfmitto <
the War-Office within two years after J;
the passing of the said Aft, u/z. the 7th f
day of April, 1798, a just and trueac' j'
count of their claims to the bounty of j ,
In the proof of Claims, a Uriel atten- t
tion mull be paid to the requilitions of [
the 2d and 3d Sections of the Aft. t
Secretary of War.
July 19 jjaw6w
October 10, 1798. •
Reports having been circulated
that THE AURORA was not to be rc-pub!ifhcd, 1
■ —The public are hereby refpe&fully informed '
i that the want of hands alone K s prjvtnted its re- '
publication several days ago ; but that fad* ar- '
, range-meDts are now making as will assure ths ao- *
ptarance of the papT in the course of the prcfent, '
or the firft week of the ftext-(Month.
' « 8t
cAurroir. _
WHEREAS a certain perfonfwindled
from me on the lirlt itift. by giving
■ mc inlieuthereof afcrged check on the Bank '
; of North America.aiioteof that date,drawn ,
| in my favour by Mr. John Travis; and pay- ,
able in fix months, for three thousand fotir i
hundred ard fifty seven dollars and forty-fi* i
cents. ALL persons .are delircd not to re
- ctive any transfer of -it, as it will not be
paid by either the drawer or endorser unless
• recovered by law.
Race Hi reet.
august 6.
This Day Publijhed,
And for sale at tlie Office of the Editor, ffc,
119 ChefiiHt-ftreet,
' (Price \-%tb of a Dollar,)
PrOHuunced July 4,1798,
At therequeft of the Inhabitants of the Town of
BOSTON, in comtncimration of the ami;-
. verfary of American Independence.
By 'Jouah QytNcr.
p " The inro*ds upon our public liberty, call
, for reparation—The wrongs we have fufhined,
call for—Justice. That Reparation and that
, Justice, may yet be obtained, by Union, Spirit,
p and Firmness • But to divide and conquer was
_ the maxim of the Devil in the garden of Ederf,
and to disunite and enslave hath been the princi
ple of all his votaries from that period to the
\ present."
t O&ser-vaiistu on the Boston Port-Bill, Isic.p. 78
by the late J. Jun.
3 august
June 27, j 79 g.
tue of an ait,, parted during the present fef
-0 fion ef Congress, so much of the ail entituled
' " An Ait making further provision for the sup-
J " port cl public credit, and for the redemption
l " 1 " of the public debt"—palled the third day of
" I March, one thousand fe\en hundred and Binety
b five, as bars from fettleijient or allowance,
Certificates, cowmouly called Loan Office and
final feitlcment Certificates, and Indents of In
■- ferefls, is fufpeuded until the twelfth day a
II June, which will be in the year one thousand (even
1, hundred and ninety ninj.
e That on the liquidation and fettlementof the
said Certificates, and Indents of Intcreft, at the
r . Trcafury, the Creditors'will be entitled to receive
0 Certificates of funded Three Per Cent.Stockcqual
j to the'amount of the said Indents, and the arrcar
._ ages of intercfl due on their said Certificates, prior
to the firO day of January one thcufand seven
hundred and ninety one.
That the principal funis of the said Loan Office
and final fettlcment Certificates, with the interest
thereon, since the.firft day ot January, one thou
e fsnd seven hundred and ninety one. will be dif
-0 clnrgi-d after liquidation at the Treasury, by the
'' payment of interest and reimburUnsent of princi
*r pal, equal to the funis which would have been
:e payable thereon, if the said Certificates had been
fubferibed, pursuant to the Ails making provision
'* for the debts of the Uuited States, contracted dur
ing the late war, and by the payment of other
it t sums, equal to the market vilue of the remaining
r Stock, which would have been created by such
K fubferiptions acaforcfaid, which market value will
y be determined by the Comptroller <;f theTreafury.
~e Secretary of the Treasury:
iiine 28 lawtf
General Poft-Office, 7 <
a! T)R-('POSALS for carrying the mails ef the
; r JL United States on the following routes will
| n be received at this affice until the 20th day of
-,f September next inclulive.
ft i. From Pittfhurg P. by Canaonfourg, Walh
i; ington, Weft-Liberty, Wheeling and Wills
,g town to Zane9 at the mouth of Licking-creek*
i- s on Ue Miifkirigum, eftiwiated J4O miles,
f, Leave Pitt/burg every Friday at 2 p. M. and
jrrive at Zaaes the next Monday by 8 P. M.
fy Returning—Leave Zanes every Tuesday at 5
a.m. and arrive at Pittfburg the next Friday by
■jg 10 A» Mi
d 2. From Zanes, at the mouth of Licking
>ll Creek on the Mufkingum, by Chilicethe and
ne , Mafiey's to Mayfville m Kentucky ; estimated
140 miles
o- Leave Zvies every T*efday at 5 A. M. and
>n arrive at M yfville the next Friday by i>o A. M.
its HMUfnilf —J/Cjye MjyfyilleLCvery Friday by
sa 2P. M. and arrive at Zanesthe next Monday by
;l , BP. M.
at The carriage of the mails to commence on the
:i- firft day of November next and continue until
a the firfl day of October 1800. Payments will I
he be ntadcquarterly.
ijs The usual penalties for delays and failures .viU
Je be stipulated in the contrail.
M • Joseph Habcrjham,
' Jt Poji-Majler General.
Philadelphia, Julv I.?, 1708. m&thCiw
he 1
er Philadelphia, Tfi
Extrafl «f an a*sl to alter and the Health
Laws of this Commonwealth, pafied 41b April
1 1798.
Seil. 8- A '' furt, " er e n»<sl"ed by the au
XA_ therity'aforefaid, That every house.
Seepi r withm the city of Philadelphia, the town,
ships of the Northern Liberties and
and dillriil of Southwark, within a mil® of the li
mits o! the city, tai.iog in boardersarriviag by sea
, or by hiid, from any foreign port or place, and ha
ving any bonxlijr in his or her family, who fliall be
taken ficlc of aay difi-affi whntfoever, betwicn tlie
firft day of May and the firft day of November in
nr.y year, wirhin twenty days next aftenfuch boar
der fiiall come to lodge in his or her house, shall
O- within i\ hours next after the knowledge of such
sickness. make report at lhe Health-Office of the
name of such sick person, the time of his or her ar
il.- rival at the house and of hisor her being taken sick
lt J and of the na me and place of abode of such houfe
kcep r; whereupon the Phyiician of the'Health
tO Office tball forthwith visit the patient, and report
er to the office his opinion of the nature of such dif
cafs, that nieafures may be taken to prevent the
th (pleading of tho iufe&ion ; and if any housekeeper
, c . 0,311 ncgleil to give information in the manner and.
within the time aforcfaid, ar.d fliall he therfeqfton-
Of v'iited, in any court of criminal jurts.Ji&rtS wit:,in
this Commonwealth uporit»ilidfiii..t by vcrdid
or confc-ffion, he or (he ASTTforfeit and pay a fine
n- to the life of the said hofbital, not less than twenty
Q f dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars, to be
itnpofsd at the discretion of the court, according to
tlie circumflances of greater or less aggravation at
tending each particular cafe.
By order of the Board of Health,
WM . AI.LE N, Health Office,
_ liiWjm of the Port ot PhiladelniKa.
i he Public are hereby informed,
r ! "'HAT 1 did not mean to authorise Col. Wll-
A ,Nichols to declare, that I would not pav,
:d, un CiS recovered by law, my note alluded'to 1:1
ied caution of tfee 6th of Augoll, pabliffied in the Gi
re- zctte United States of lad evening, I fin
ar cerely lament his lois, and t*ld him I would do
all I could do"confidently with my credit to serve.
N t him, hut went no further. ■'
. a " Tust 7
' 1 'oils for bouib-Carylina iff Gcor^ia^
led D"CKETS'irenow provided for carrying the'
ng . water between
nk and r Ch / rl f«°«- They will leave Philadelphia
wn °!i F' ay y ,and wi!i be continn
tvvice a «'"il experiment m made in
iy- regard to the expedition and reeulan'ty of tbe
idr packets. If any person chnTcs to have their
fix letters sent by land only, they will pleale to
re- wr ' te tfle word Land upon the letters : other
fec v !ff sent b y that conveyance which
-fs W „ I" start after tlle letters are left ia the
fofeph Haberfljavi,
P"JI- Majter- Gemerl.
F".'iiadehhiti, Aup'f. ij, 1798. £