Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, October 16, 1798, Image 4

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Injur ance Company of North America.
For Insurance against Fiki, on Dwelling-
Houses, Ware-Houses, and other Buildings (am?
on Goods contained in such Building*) diflant from
PhiUdelphia, in the United States.
I* Common l'»rurancr«, on hazards of the firft
class, wili be undertaken at a premium of about
hall per cent, per annum. For extra hazardous
rifqaes a larger pretrium will be required, "which
will vaiy according to circu"*iftance», feidoai ex
ceeding one per cent, per annum ; bat in some i-n
---ftances, where the property insured U not only in
itfe'f extra hazardous, but rendered still more Co
by the tic in ity of r*tra hazardous buildings and
occupations, rhep»emium demanded will be raised
according to cirewmftanres.
Houses and 'Ware-Houses, the wall* and parti
tions of which are wholly of stone or brick, well
Conftru<sted, so as to b» guarded as well asmay be
against fires from within, and Iree from extra ha
zardous buildings and occupations in their neigh
borhood, will he deemed hazardous of the firft
class, i»d may be insured to their full value.
Also Goods and Merchandize, not ot an extra
hazardous kind, in eafks. bales, or packages, de
* port ted in such build' n g*> to an amount not ex
ceeding 4000 dollars ; but if more than this sum
is required to be insured in one- tenement, an addi>
tioaal premium will be required, in proportion -to
circumstances. '
11. 'rfuranee= will also be made on building? and
go<id< extra hazardous, at premiums proportioned
to th.i rifqu'. But it is not e=fy to arrange th.ffe
under j>nr*ieular heads or ciafTes, so as to defaibe
wch with the necelfary accuracy. Each cafe must
therefore he decided upon according to thecircum
ltaiices a-tending it ; and these circumstances wili,
in general, appear from the description accotnpa
uyTg tie application,
Buddings partly eonftrufled of brick or stone,
are preferable to those wholly wooden. And in i
both cases, the fiile of buiWing, how they are oc- i
cupled, how they are situated, the neighboring
buildings, and how'occupied, are eosfiderations to ,
be taken view. And with refpeft togoods,
their tendency, whether from their nat*re, or |
from the manner in which they are exposed, either
to commence or to Increase an accidental fire, aisd I
their liability jn such state to receive damage by i
wet, or by sudden and hasty removal, or to be ito-1
len in time of confufion and hurry, are all cir
propcrtioned accordingTyT~~"
l!l. The following conjitiont are to be under
stood 1 y the parties .
ifr. The Infu. ance isnct binding till the ftipu-
Ijti.-d jrem nrn I avai.l; but it fliall be deemed ef
fectual irom the tune of such payment and accep
tance. thereof, whether the policy be immediately
figncd or not.
fd. Insurances may be renewed at the expira
t'on cl the term of the policy, without furtherex
p-rfes than the payment of the premium of the re
new ed term, the circumftancescontinuing the fame
as they were under flood by the Infiirers at the time
t'l;former insurance was made ; but the payment
<»f the premium is elTentiul to such renewal ; ano
if the party insured fullers anytime to elapse after
the expiratiop of, before he
pays a premium for the renewal, he is not insured
durirg such H:i'e ; «or nthednfuranee be renew
ed en the fcrmer policy but hy computing the
commencement of the renewal from the expiration
of the former,infurance. The fubjefl of inlbr
ance-Jnay ne", :rvh-lefs be open to treaty for a new
3.1. f any other LTiirance be made on the fame
property ; it must he made known at the time of
«ppli(»t .. nthcrwife tiie policy made on such ap
plication will be void.
•yh G" >''» h»ld in trust, or on consignment,
T»ny b$ insured *s fiych in a separate policy; but
tht\ aren't fa : .>e corfulered ts infutedotherwafe.
5 ill,, This company will not be liable or accoun
table' -rtny lolsor damage occnDom d by any lor
f i'lvafion, cr by :» y military or usurped force
or by peafon of any ci\ commotion ; or occaiion,
eel by gunpowder, aquafortis or other thing of tii-
Jd;e kind kept in the building, or amongll the pro
perty insured.
f th. Hills of Exchange, Bqnds and other Secu
rities, Title Deeds, Money, Bank and other pro
mifiary Notes, are not included in any insurance ;
tier i:-e paintings, medals, jewels, gems, antique
curiosities, or mirrois exceeding the value of twen
ty-five dollarsench, tobeconfidered as insured une
I#rs particularly mentioned and by special agree
Jih. No insurance will be made forafhorter
term than ore year, nor for a longer term than fe
v-i years. Ft rfons choosing to infire for seven
years (ball be aliowed one year's premium by way
of dileount: One third ot a years premium fliall
be abated in like manner on an insurance for
tfcree years. ,
Bth. Lofles fuflained by fire su property injured,
fliall be paid in thirty days after due prouf and li
quidation thereof, without deduction.
A description of the property to be infurod will
he expifltn wi.h «aeh application, to be made by
a maimer carpenter and ftgned by him, as well as
by tbr owner of the building 01 applicant for in
fviraV'Ce, and attested belorc a Notary or principal
IvLijdllrare, who will certify his knowledge of the
parties and their credibility. '
With refpe»!l to Houses and other Buildings. '
Jit. The site and poCtioß; describing the ]
fln-et or toaci on or near which the building ,
Itjiuls ; its contiguity to water, and other cir- |
cumil nces relative to the extingui(h;*.ent of fire
in tale of accident ; and particularly whether ,
any and what fire companies are eftablifl\ed, and I
engines provided, in the place or neighbourhood, j
2d." i'he materials of which it is built, whe
ther of brii k, stone or wood, and what part of
each, js well as to the outside walls as itifide or
partition walls, and their refpe "ive height and
thieki .'ls; the style of the roof and of what
materials; how secured by battlements or par
ty walli 1 what kind of aceffs to the top of the J
house to the ehimnies ; whether any and
what eic<£lric rods ; tliq number and kind of j
fire places ; and the kind of deposit for ashes.
3'l. Ihe dimenfiensof the building and how
dl> i'leil, and the style in which it is finilhed so
as to enable indifferent persons to judge in-what
manner it is to be repaired or rebuilt in cafe of
injury ; the age and condition of the building,
and how occupied, whether merely as a dwel
lin;; houfo, or for any other, and for what pnr
pofr , also an estimate of the value of thehoul'e .
ef budding independent of ttlie ground.
4 .h. The lituatioi: with refpefl to other build
ings or back buildings, vhether adjoining or
not, comprehending at least one hundred feet •
each way : what kind of bitildingt are within
that distance, how built, of what materials, and
ho\r occupied or improved, whether as dwel- (
lifigs for private families or otherwise : whe
ther any and what trade or manufaftory is car- ]
ried on, and particularly whether there be any s
extra hazardous articles used, or tif'iially depo
sited in the ho-ife, or within the diltance afore- '
f*id, and,of what kind.
Refpct)irg£c>9«'.< in Houses, Warehouses, *c.
I. A reneial deftription of the building in
w'uich they arc kept will be expected, similar in "
all rrfpe£ls,as to the danger from lire, with that
required tor Insurance 011 the buildings them
a. A description of the Lilids and nature of •
the goods, whether in calks or other packages,
or oj>em d ; and whether displayed in whole :i
yircts or in th« ufaal form for retailing. And '
>«*"»' f * 1 ' " \
~ m !if 'h* goods arc mnterta'iy in kind,- a general
J efimate <ll t-Vts value of each kind jfroppled'to
I he insured ; but in the last particular minute
j ness of description is not expeiied.
I 3. A ticks sf the follow ing kinds are deem-
T _ |ed extra hazardous, thuigh in various degrees,
1 in whatever hnilding they may 1* placed, viz.
m pit' h, tar, turpentine, rolm, wax, tallow, oil,
inflammable l'piritg, sulphur, hemp, flax, cotton,
dry good 3 of an inflammable kind opened.—
•ft Gkfs, china ware or porcelain, especially tin
ut paiked; Locking glafles, jewelery ; and all o
us ther articles mart than commonly inflammable,
eh or irore than commonly liable to injury by fud
x- i den removd ot by moiflures, or particularly
n- . obnoxious t9 theft on alarm of fire.
in ! I/etters post paid, direi!l»d to the Secretai yof
r " the Hoard of Direiiors, will be duly intended
to. ill ordtr for Insurance by the
means of paving the premium, will be imme
diately executed 011 the premium heing paid. If
"" tke application contain an enquiry only, it will
r : be.answered.
Br order of the Board,
.n Office of the Insurance Company «/North 7
America ; Philad. Feb. 1, 179"* »
ra Feb. 14- "mtf
t Mills, Portage, <^c.
to nrO be hafed, for a term not left than three,
X. nor more than seven yenrs, a VALUABLE
PROPHRTY at the Seneca-Falls in the county ef
Onondajfo, a nd flato of New-York, on the
& of the SenecaVrlver, two jniles w&rf ths Cayvga
ferry, ®rtd eleven miles east of Geneva,
lft This eOablifhment consists of an excellent grift
n ; mill, saw mill, dwelling harn, aftd a port
li> age or cJTrying place, with between thirty and
a ~. forty acre® of land, under good irr.provement, and
as much more in the vicinity, a 9 may be required
,e ' for future improvement.
in The grift mill is a handsome, new and well fin
c " ifhed building, of 50 by 3° 3 high
an# t'urniftied with a run of excellent Burr stones
to and another of Efopus* (lones, ot the belt quality
—and the croft approved V)o*lt», &c. calculattd to
or male* all the different qualities of flour for expor
er taticn or for home consumption : ItU*ccclTible by
? d water from every part of the Cayuga lake aui fe
neca-»river, as well as from the Seneca-lake—and
P- from its fifuiti«n. veryeytenfiVe ati.l
---neTer Wt in wact of water ; at.d m it has been Kept
~~ workingdi-ring the fertreft season of the lait win
ter, it is not liable to'icimpeded by frufl :
The saw milt it also new, fitaateiJ on tjie fame
dream, now furnifhed with an amplt flttfk of
P" logs, of which a supply may it all times be pro
'y cured by land or water, of the be 4 quality r
The dwelling house is well calculated for the nfe
a * of the miller, is new, and f'ifSciently laige : The
K- barn is about 40 feet fouart, and entirely new :
e * The portage is j-4thsof a mile in length, along
ie the Seneca-falls—over which wer« palled in the
te lad year, nearly two hundred boars with their
it contents j this objeA is airea-ly productive of a
1(1 handsome income, which Biull be incrcaCng and
- r perrtianent:
Among the many advantages of thisCtuatioa,
d mud be numbered the fertility of thefurrcanding
country—being the b«ft improved part of the coun
ie ty ef Onondaga—tht concentration of inter
n cotirfe by lani and water, the Geneffee ftateroad
paffmg through it, as well as all water carriage to
" Geneva, ar.d the counties of Ontario and'Steuben ;
which renders it a mod eligible Hand for a Stor« or
e ' Tavern—The river and lalvs aiiound in fifh and
>f fowl, and the country with deer and o'her game.
'■ Sefides the millt already eredled at tliis place, it
is calculated for any additional water works that
t, maybe found ncccffary—Fulling mill, bark mill
t tannery, farces, &c. may be ereiled at a small ex
pence—lron e re may be brought in boats Irom the
- Cayu»a lake ; and it is'thwght to abound in tkf '
- The flock on hand w : ]|bt fold to the lessee, and
. the cattle, utensils, smith's forge, &c. may be fold
- or let the premises.
If apurchafe should offer for the whole or an 1
undivided part of the premises it will be fold. I
F*r term* of (ale or lease, apply to mr. Wil- '
- l'elmusMyndersi, at the Seneca falls, or to the
; fubferiber, at Schenedady.
: Federal Mills,
A DJOININ-G Georgetown, and the City of |
Xi- Washington, will be offered at Public Sale, ,
on theioth day of September next, at the Union ,
J Tavern, if not previously fold at Private sale.
I I'hofe millsin'point of situation for b-iCnefs and c
. na'ural advantages are generally admitted to be
e*ua! to any ir America. The Merchant Mill is
a large brirk house, eighty feet by fifty, almofl
' new, in which are erected foor pair of Burr mill
flones with eievators, hopperboys and b*lting '
, cloths, completely finifhed and coiiflrudcd m such E
| a manner that the whole of the mills may manu. 11
t failure flour at the fame time. The country mill f
which is created near the other, is entirely r.ew,
I a ilrong stone building, eontaining one pair of ?
stones, and built in such a manner that the fecoad "
pair may be put up with little cxpeace. Thismill P
is conveniently finifhed, and calculated to carry 011
extensively, country work, of which u gets a con- e
llant supply. There is belonging to the said mills 1
acres of land, the whole of which will be *
fold with the mills. b
One third of the purchase money will be require
ed ill sixty days from the day of sale, and for the
balance a liberal credit will be given. Further ?
particulars will be mad- known of ths day of file.
Surviving partner of ls
Georgetown, july t.q. n— r .wts "
At South Street wharf, the cargo of the (hip Coß
neiflicut, from Batavia—
About 300 tons of Java Coffee, r
of the growth of 1794 and 1795
60 tons oi Java Sugar, i
Incannifters—for sale ky t(
150 hhds. choice [amaica Sugars
Jamaica rum in lihds r
Brandy lft and 4th proof ia pipes, hhds. b
and quarter calks
Madeira in pipes
Old Batavia Arrack \
iu'v 1 § si
A I FARM on the road leading to State Island, !•
within four and an haltmilea of PhiladelpWia, p
containing 4 j acres in the highett state of cultivation
—9satres of which ijmoadow, the remainder up
land. 1 here areon the premises, a new frame House
and Baro, w'th an eXcellen?kilch«fn garden, contain
ing a grdat cumber of frit Treea.—lmmediate posses- si
fion will be given, j,
For terma apply to
Thomas IV. Francis y ir
julvifc- No. 98 South Third itrect/ Ji
To be Let,
All airy three Story Brick House, I "
ON the south fide of Filbert Street, bet we. n a
Eighth ind Ninth street. formerly occu-iad
as the Surveyor General's Office-—Encoire at No
iTJ, Chcfmst Street.
f i r
Nolice is hereby given,
THAT agrceaMy to an a# ot C<roffre6, of.the
United Statrs of Amerte*; pa'led nt T"«la
delphin the -23th.4ay of May, 179;- dtt "
ties on carriage's for the cocvey«*nce of pcrfons, ana
' repealing the former ail* for that puvpofe— 1 flat
' t lucre £•! I be levied, eolle<3c<l an r ' J> 1 *» upon i I
carriage* for the «anv*yauce »>f revfoas, which
I kept by or for ary person, for his or her
" own use, or to let out to hire, or for the convey
jl ing of passengers, the several duties and rates Ul
iowi*"J viz. dol's.
y For ancl upon every ceach 15
upon every chariot
apon every post chariot f
d upon every ; oft ehaife tz
e aponcveryphrston.withor withont top 9
upon every coachce 9
'f upon other carriages, having pannel "S
II work above, with blinds glaffvs, > 9
or currains j
upon four-wheel carriages hiving S
frame polls and tops, with fieel C 6
upon four-wh»e! top carriages, with ">
wooden or iron firings on jacks 3 •*
upon curricles with tops 3
upon chaile* with, tops 3
upon chair* with tops 3
'• upon sulkies with top® 3
upon other two wheel top carriages 3
?, ipon two wheel carriages with Heel")
£ or iron fprii)gs 5 *'
•f Tor and upon all other two wheel carriages 2
ft upon every soar wheeled qirriagQi")
having framed poils and tops, C 2
and reding upon wouden spar« j
i The Collector of the revenue of the firft diviHon
of the fir ft survey of the dillri<st of Pennsylvania,
1 will attend daily until the 30th day of September
4 next, for the puiSofe of receiving the duties on
d carriages, at Germantown, on the Main Greet, a
little above the fjjn of the King of Prussia, of
which all persons potfeffed ©f such carriages are
desired to take notice.
Notice is also given,
To all retail dealers in wines and foreign distilled j
spirituous liquors, that licences will be granted to ;
them ; one licence for carrying on the business of ;
J retailing of win.sjjn a kfs quantity, or in less
" uantitiei, than %o gallons—and one lieence for j
arrying on tie bufincf- ©f retailing spirituous li*
quors in less quantities than twenty gallons, at the
u ? PJ*" *t the fmriU Jriuco, by
CoUe&or of the iTt division of the ift I
Survey of the diftriift of Pennsylvania.
e Office Of. Fpfpe&ibn at Germintown, ")
f 22d August, 1798. j
denomination of Stamps to be had
at laid office.
e gr The Stamp Press is removed
- to the Office of InfpcCtion in Gernuntown, on the
44ai*» Areet, a little alSove the figu of the King ol
Prufiia,—-where attendance will be given for the
e accommodatij» ol those who.wish any inllr«mwnts
r stamped, on 1 uefdays, Thursdays and Saturdeys.
1 ugufta 22
For Sale at Public Audiion,
FOUR LOTS on Harper and Keith's wharf, in
Alexandria, on the 26th day of osober
[ next, if not fold-at private sale before that time.
( One of these lots is .near the end of the wharf,
. twenty feet beyond which the water is two fathoms
. about forty feet cut three fathoms, fifty feet
I out the water is four fathoms, and grows deeper
until it comes to the channel, which is aboHt fev
. enty feet from the end of the wharf. There ir
as-much dirt belonging to the bank as will level
the whaff, which rtay want railing about a foot
near the end. There is in this falc an half acre lot
very Jit for a tavern ; it i*. Wull watered* and an ex
, cellent (land for that business. This property will
be fold for ready money, and altogether or separ
ate, as may best suit the purchaser ; it lays on the
lower fide of Alexandria, which is now improving
very faft. A Scotch of the ground may bj f-en in
the hands of the Printer.hereof. For terms at
private sale, apyly to Wm Hartshorne, or to
the fubferiber, in Alexandria.
September 3 fawßw
Wants Jtmployment,
A YOIJNG MAN, who has served a regu
-L J- lar apprenticeship to the mercantile busi
ness in this city, willies t» engage in a Coimting
house or.offic*. writes a good !und and nnder
uands accounts, can be well recommended ar.d
Security given if required. Enquire at the
office of this Gazette.
' une " .Mwtf
Bafkenridge—-for iaie
IT consists of 920 acres, .lmofl: all of which i»
'a fine rich Meadow, (the refldenceof the late
of Sterling). It may be conveniently dixided
mto hve farms, four of which are bounded on the
Eail by the river Pafaick.
Th»rr are on it a number of buildings, forming
afquarc ol nearly three aeres—The dwelling house
11 a very convenient one and;afmallexpence would
put it in complete repair.
The orchard connfl, of i JOO fin»bearing emrraf
ed Apple Trees—and there is on other partsotfofd
traft near 300 other Apple Trees—hs also a m-eat
wie-yof-mhetfr,,it*,particularly Ghtrries of the
belt and snoft delicious kinds.
Also a great number of beautiful' Exotics and
ForellTaeas, that add to the beauty and eonveni
ence of the place. Its (ituation i» abcut 18 miles
from the towns of Newark and Elizabeth : to do.
frem N.orris- Town, and 12 from Springfield—lt
is wooded and watered. ,
To favc trouble, the price is five pound pr. acre
.a calh, on delivery of the deeds. Please to en
quire 0$ T. McEUEN & Co.
No. 78, Chsfnut trcct.
Patent Ploughs,
wfs ash . Jofe P h Salt « Atfion
H w w r ' Coo P er 8 F err y—Jonathan
Harker, Wo°<W—and JelTe Evans, Lumber
ton Thtfe who have uftd them give them the
preference to any other kind, as tfcey require
.ess team, breaK the ground better are kept in
erder at less expence and are (bid at a cheaper
rate the plan is much fimphfied and consists of
but one piece of cast iron, with the handles and '
beam of wood ; they may besxed with wrought ■
lays and coulter, to be put on with (brews a»d 1
taken off a£pleafure.
Patent rights for vending with inftrntfions for 1
m 1 m . ay be hid b y applying to John ;
E-te'et" Übrtriher N °- N °" h '
Who has far Sale^
Or to Leafc for n term of rears,
A number or valuable trafts of Land «,»u
filiated fer Mi!!,, Iron .York, or Farms,,
y improved, lying in the county of Hun,
tingdon state ot Pennsylvania. Those who may ' to v.ew rtem will please to apply '
j John Canan esq. near Huntingdon. 1
Claries Ncuboid I
J' J ' y ' 7 2awtf «
for sale, ~ '
18 Bags Fresh Cloves.
Wil'ingt Is? Francis.
June ,3. da
' i
AN ACT , _ .
for tb'.lvlhf "f th.- -Refugees 'from tueßnUp
proi' nccs tf Canada ctnd Nova-Scotia.
T> E it e:ia3ed ky the Senate and Ihnft
ie Src ' •' D 9/ Reprefeniatii'ts of the United
1- ' States 9/° America, in Congress ajp > lied, T hat
1- to larisfy thecU'rfls of certain pet-lons claiming
d ' lands mider the of Congress ol the
1C twenty-third of April, one tboiifaud kven hun
' dred ai!rl eighty-three, end the thirtetn'.h of
1 April, on* thousand fiven hundred and eighty
:r v five, as refuses from tfit 3ritilh provinces of
| C,.;acU. and Nova-Scotia, the Secretary for the
| Departrnent of War, be, an 1 is he,rtby autho
s" i rized ami dire<S\ed to give ncitice in one or more
■ of the public papers of each of the States of
* | Vj-rmort, M^j!3(Jiii r 3tts, New-York, New
, i Hjnrefbiro and Pennsylvania, to all perJons hav
ing claims under the fiid refolutior.s, to tranl
' to rhe War-olfice, within two years ;ftei»-
the nalTing of this aft, a just aiid tr\ie sccuunt
„ of their (Jaima ttrfts (loutity of Cosgrefs.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, '! hat 110
other person* Ihal! be ei>tit!ed to the"oenefit oi the
6 provisions of this aol, than those ef the fallow
ing descriptions, or their widows and treirs, viz.
Firit, those heads of families, ami finale per-
fons, not members ot ar.y such families, woo
3 vs :re rtfidents in one of the provinces alorcAid,
3 prior to the fourth day of July, one ihouland
3 ieven hundred and seventy-six, and who aban
-3 doned their settlements, in comfequcnce of hav.-
3 ing given aid t-> the United Colonies or States,
, in the revolutionary War Great-Britain,
or with intention to give fpch aid, and continu
-1 ed in the United or in their service, dur
ing the said war, and did not return to reside in
2 the dominions of the king of Great-Britain, i
prior to the twenty-fifth of November, one
" thnnfarid seven hundred and eighty-three. Se- 1
' condly, the widows and heirs of a,)l such pcr
fons as were ailual residents, as aforelaid, who 1
a abandoned their settlements, as aforefaid, and 1
,f !du d within the United States, or in their fer- ;
. vice during the said war : and thirdly, all per- j
fens who were members of families at the tjme
of theirccmingintotheUnited States, 2nd who
. during the war, entered into their service.
Sec. 3. And he it further enabled, That the j
° prn»f of the fevtral circumllances necefiary to (
j-. entitle the applicants to the benefit of this ail,
r may be taken before a judge of the supreme or j
diftridl court cf the United States, or a judge (
e of the supreme »r fiipcrior court, or the firlt juP (
tice or firft judge of the court ot ccjnmon pleas (
or county court of any State. i
t Sec. 4. And be it further enaflrd, That at> |
(lie exvira; : .on of fifteen months from and after <
the palling of this a<sl, from time tr. lirrve (
thereafter, it lhal! be tke duty of the Secretary t
1 for the Department of War, to lay such evi
dence of cliims as he may have received, before
1 the Secretary and Comptroller of the Treasury,
e and with tham, proceed to examine the tefti
[ monV, and give their judgment what quantity
e of land ought to betllowedto tire individual
, claimants, in praportion to the degree of their -
1. refpedUve services, facrifices and I', in
confequcncj of their attachment t9 the catife of '
the United States fallowing to those of the firft
cUft a quantrtynotexceeliiigone thouflndacres;
and to the iaft class,- a quantity not exceeding f
one hundred, making such intermediate cUsses 0
' as the resolutions aforefaid, and diflributive jus
tice, may, in their judgment require, and make a
report thereof, to Congress. Atwi in cafe any
J such claimant fnal! have fufeined such losses and *■
t lufferings, or performed such fervices'for the I
r United States, that he cannot justly be clafied
. in any one general clifs, a separate report (hill C
f be made rtf his circumllances, together with the '
1 quantity of land that ought to be allowed him, 1
t having reference to the foregoing ratio': Pro
t vided, that in considering what compesfiti«n a
. ought to be made by virtue of this afl, all grants
I except military grants, which may have been 2
- made by the Upited States, or individual States, 8
: shall be ccnfidered at the jnft valuu thereof, at
f the time the fame were made, refpecftively, ei- si
' ther in whole or in part, as the cil'e be, a '
l'atisfaflion to ihofe who mav have received the »
' fame : Provided also, that no claim under this
law, ftiall be afiignablc until after report rmde b
to Congress, as aforefaid, and until the Taid
lands he granted to the persons entitled to the
benefit of this adl.
_ Sec. j. Be it further enacted, That al! cl«ims
in virtue of said resolutions i f Cor.grel's, which
(h-all not be exhibited as aforefaid, within the
time by this aft limited, lhall forever thereafter
be barred. E
Speaker of the House cf Reprefntati-ves
Vice-President of the United States,
and Preftdent of the Senate.
Approved, 7, 1798. "
Pref.dent of the United States. "
Deposited among the Rolls m the office of the 01
Department of State, v;
Timothy Pickkring,
Secretary of State.
G> Purfuivit to the above Aft, No- w
ticc is hereby given to all persons hav-
ing claims under the resolutions of Xon- ri
grefs, of the 23d of April, 1783, and ™
the 13th of April, 1785, to tranfmitto O
the V/ar-Office within two years after t0
the palling of the said Aft, viz. the 7th h
day of April, 1798, a just and true ac-
count of their claims to the bounty of vi
Congress. th
In the proof of Claims, a ftrifk atten- co
tion must be paid to the requilitions of ! Jo
the 2d and 3d Sections of the Aft,
Secretary of TVar.
_WL r 9 S aw6w
aurora office; -
October ip, 1798. - <
Reports having been circulated
that THE AURORA wis nbt to be rc-piibiidied. Un
—1 he puuhc .-re hereby refpeflft.l'y informed cal
that the want of hands a'.one has prevented its re- zel
publication several days ago ; but that such ar- «'
rangements are now making as will alTure the an- sll
S tf »= paper in the course of the, h,r
or the firft week ps the next morth.
WHEREAS a certain perfonfwindled I
from me on the firft inft. by givi r ~ A
Uic H.lteuihereof aforged check on the Bank a "
of North America, a note of that dare, drawn 5
.n mv favour by Mr. John Travis; and pay - r '
ble in fix months, for three thcufand tour pr.'
hundred and fifty seven dollars and forty-fix
cents. ALL persons are desired not to re ,vr
eeive a„y transfer of it. a, it will not be
paid by est. tr the drawer or endorfcr unit fa Wl
recovered by law. P°
. , Race Street.
august 6. ■
. This Day Publijhed,
• J And for sale at the Office of the Editor, No.
. 1:9 Chefnntftreet,
(Price i-Ztb of a Dollar.)
Pronounced July 4,1)98,
° At therequed of/he.lnhabitants of the Town of
BOSTON, in commem ration of the anni-
verfary of American Independence.
By JoSiah S>u7Ncr.
as " The inroads upon our public liberty, call
)e for reparation—The wrongs we havefuftained,
v call frx—Justice. That Reparation and that
re Jufti"''. may yet be obtained, by Union, Spirit,
and Firmness. But to divide and conquer was
' v _ the maxim of the Devil fn the garden of Eden,
and to disunite and enslave hath been the princi
j-_ pie of all bis votaries from that period to the
en- P ,erent '".
|)t Observations on the Boston Port-Bill, (Sfc.p. 78
by the late J. putney, jun.
J ON * »7. 1798.
r- "\T OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That by vir,
;r> In cue of an asft, paffedduring the prarent fef-
Ron ef Conn-refs, so much of the a<ft entituled
; ; "An Ail making further provision for the sup.
10 " port cf public credit, arid for the redemption
n " "of the public debt"—palled the third day of
'*•- March, one thcufand {even hundred and ninety
s» five, as bars from settlement or allowance,
'> Certificates, commonly called Loan Office and
J- final settlement Certificates, and Indents of In
r- ferefls, is suspended unfil the twelfth day o
in June, which will be in the year one thousand seven
1, hundred and ninety nini.
le That 011 the liquidation and settlement of the
e- fid Certificates, and Indents of Interest, ot the
r- i'reafury, the Creditors will be entitled to receive
o Certificates of funded Three Per Cent. Stockeqnal
<J to the amount of the said I:\lents, and the arrear
r_ a K es of jntereft due on their laid Certificates, prior
- tf> 'be firft day of January one thousand Seven
ie bundled and ninety one. f
0 Th« the principal fiimsof the Did Loan Office
and final settlement Certificates, with the interelk
thereon, since the of January, one thou
' sand seven hundred and ninety one, will be dis
charged after liquidation at the Treasury, by the
' payment of interefl and reimburfiraent of princi*
pal, equal to the sums which would have been
£ payab'a thereon, if the said Certificates- had been
fubferibed, pursuant to the A&s making provision
18 for th ' debts of the United Statas, cor,traced dur
ing thj, )ate war, and by the payment of other
it l films, equal to the market value of the remaining
r Stock, which would have been created by such
c fublci ipticns asaforefaid, which market value will
y be determined by the Comptroller of theTreafury.
r Secretary of tic Trtafury,
> j™ e -3 ' lawtf
y ' General Poft-«>ffice,
11 PROPOSALS for carrying the mails ef the
r IT United States on the following routes will
a be received at this office until the 20th day of
,f September next inc'ufive.
| 1. From Pittfburg P. by Cannonfburg, Wash
; ington, Weft-Liberty, Wheeling and Wills
g town to ZjQv.cs at the mouth of Licking-creek,
s on tie Mulkiiigurc, estimated j^omiles.
h Leave Pittfburg every Friday at 2p. m. and
e arrive at Zanes the next Monday by BP. M.
y Returning—Leave Zanas every Tuesday at f
d a.m. and arrive at Pittfburg the next Friilav by
e 10 A. M
J 2. From Zanes. at the mouth of Licking
II Creek on the Mnlkingum, by Chilicothe and
e MafTey's to Mayfville in Kentucky ; estimated
, 140 miles.
Leave Zanes every Tfrefday at 5 a. m. and
11 arrive at Mayiville the next Friday by to A. M,
s Returning—Leave Mayfville every Friday by
t 2 P.M. and arrive at Zanesthe next MoHdavbir
, Bf. M. 7 '
t The carriage of the mails tocommer.ce on the
. firft day of November next and continue until
\ the firft day of OiSlyber 1800. Payments will
; be made quarterly.
s The ufur.l penalties for delays and failures will
: be stipulated in contrail.
] Joseph Habcrjham,
. PoJT-Mrfler General.
r .'nladelphia, July *3, 1798. m&'hf>w
r Philadelphia, if May, 1798.
Extract of an acS to alter and amend the Health
*of this Commonwealth, passed 4th <>pril
1798. *
SeA. 8- A b . e lC fur:! "- er er.acSted by the au
. . therity aforef'aid. That every house.
Keeper w.thin the city ef Philadelphia, the town-
IhiM of the Northern Liberties and Moyamtnfing,
and di!lri4 of Southwark, within a mile of the li
mits of the city, taltit g in boarders arriving bv sea
or by land, from any foreign port or place,'and ha
ving any hoarder inhir.or her family, whofhall be
taken sick o: any difeale whatsoever, bea-.r3en the
iirft day of May and the firft day of November in
T Y ' VV ' rhin twcnt r da )' $ after such boar
rier fliall cqnue to lodge in his or her house, fliall
• within 24 hours next after the knowledes of such '
sickness. make report at the Hcalth-OfEce of the
name of such sick period, the time of his or her ar
rival at the house and of his or her being taken sick,
and «f the name and p'acc of abode of such houfe
kcep r; whereupon the Phyficiait of the Health-
Oflice shall forthwith visit the patient, and report
to the office his opinion of the nature of such riif
eafe, that measures may be, taken to prevent the
spreading of tho-mfefi-on ; and if any houfekecper
ftad neglcift to give information in the mannerand
. within the time afofefaid, and fballhe thereof ron
vifled, in any court of criminal jurisdiction witliin
this Commonwealth upr>r iucUdtme-rt by verdift
or confeffion, he or she ikall forfeit and pay a fine
co the use of the said hospital.not less than twenty
doll.fts, nor more than one hundred dollars, tolw
impofed-at the diferetion of the court, according to
tne circumflances of greater or less aggravation at
tending each particular cafe.
By order of the Board of Health,
WiU.Af.LEM, Health Officer,
Taw;m of the Port of Philadelphia
The Public are hereby informed,
J "rfAl I did not n-ean to autliorife Col. WU
-1 iam Nichols to declare, that I would not pa
un'efs recovered by law, my note alluded to in hit
caution of tlae 6th of Augull, published in the Ga
zette of the United States.of laA evening. I sin
cerely lament his lois, and t*ld him I vvould do
all 1 could do confidently with my credit to serVe
him, hut went no further.
august 7 j
Maitli for South-Carciinais? Georgia,
T-* V,'m K rS a ' f L n ° W P rovic,c ' l f °' carrying tliei
ami ( ,' | c ® ll ' ,b y wlt ' r titt« , ttn Philadelphia "
and Charlt fton i hey will leave Philadelphia
on Friday s. The port by land will he enmim.-
rrpud\o a <V Un V) a " ex P frim *nt made in
n-cfei Tf " pt,<j!t ' orl and regularity of the
££?; , { * n J P crfo , n chur « to have their
wr tr th r ni! ° n,y ' thf y wi!l P ! «fe to
th "'nf nd " |,on th<! othrr
w a firft « " C , lcnt h V that conveyance which
joseph Haberfbajii,
Phil*J a ft-A'iafler Gemcrl.
Philadelphia, t ; , i; 95.