Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, May 19, 1798, Image 4

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    Ihe Subscribers
havi tor sale,
Six Tons of Cordage,
Two hundred weight of firft fort Isinglass.
Philips, Cramond Us Co.
may r8 jc
Madras and Ventapaulcm
Searfaukers and Carradarries,
of the oeweft and mod approved patterns, entitled
to the drawback, just received,
Alex. J. Miller & Co.
No. 64, South Front street.
may 18. $
WITHIN a few miles of T«wn|(for a Lady,late
ly from Board and Lodging, in a quiet
reputable family—would engage so* five or fix
months, and give very little trouble. A line di
reiled to J. S. and left at the Printing Office will
he attended to immediately.
may 18 *3t
This Day Publi/hed;
By J. O A M X 0 D,
No. 41, Chefr.ut-ftreet, (price cents),
A SERMON Pleached in Chrtfl Church and
St. Peter's, Philadelphia ; on Wednesday
May 9, 1798, being the day appointed by
the President as a day of falling, humiliation
and prayer, throughout the United States of
Nerth America. By James Abercrombie, a.m.
ene of the assistant mimfters of Christ Church
and St. Peter's.
A ferunon delivered by the Rev. Doc.
Green, «n the fame occasion, will be publiihed
on Monday next.
raiy 18 3t_
Country Residence.
A FAMILY who live Six Miles from the City,
xvifl) to receive two or three genteel boaid
ers. The Houfc is handsomely iurniihed; the
Gardens, Meadows and Lawn are beiutifully laid
out, and well (locked with thceheiceft Fruit.
There arefeveTal Musical Inflrumeilts, amongst
which is a mod excellent patent Piano Forte. The
Family have a handfoire Coach, which may be at
the service of the Whole.
The Coach House and Stables are mod excellent
—thfi Water good—and the Air unequalled in the
environs of the Town.
For particulars enquire at the office of this Ga
zette. dtf
may T6.
A Morning School,
From fix till eight o'clock, is opened at
The New School Room,
Back of N«. 147, in Chcfout Street, for the Edu
cation of Boys and Young Men in the Englilh and
French Lcnguages, Writing, Accounts, &c.
may 14. Iff j. WATERMAN.
A few boxes of Umbrellas
To be Sold cheap—by
Mordecai Lewis.
may 17 daw
A THREE Story Brick House, on the north i
fide of Spruce-street near Second-street, J
adjoining the wall of Mr. Jones's garden and !
formerly occupied by David Lenox, efq.—Thk; 1
house is in compleat repair frith badk buildings,
confiding of a Piazza, Kitchen and a handsome
Dining Room over the Kitchen.
As any Person inclined to purchase will view
the premifes,a more particular description iscon
lidered unneceflary.
The terms of payment will be one third ealh,
one third in 6 months and the remainder in 12
months with interest. For further information,
Enquire of JOHN CRAIG,
N: X a lyaek-flt-rrt.
may 16 §
A Black Man,
WHO has five years and a half to serve, is a
good coachman, an, excellent waiter, and
has been accuftomtd to marketing for a family—
-Ims age about thirty two years. For fu ther parti
culars, apply at the office ef this Gazette.
may T5. _
Furnished Chambers---lo Let.
THOSE Gentlemen, Members of Congref- and
others, wiffiingto engage for the nextfeffion
of Congress, Chambers, fnrni(hed in a modern
fiyle, and in a very pleasant and central part of
the city, may hear of them by applying at the
office of this Gazette. ee»w ma T '°'
APPROVED BILLS on Amflerdam —for which
cash will be given at the rate of thirty seven cents
per guilder. Enquire of the Calhier of the Bank
of the United States. § april 23.
Cedar Posts, Rails and Shingles
THEY will be delivered to any place in Mary
land, Pennsylvania, New-Jersey, or New-
York, where boats drawing fix lett water can go
irom this place. It will often suit the feller to
4-eceive in return corn, provisions, wet or dry
goods. Letters dire&ed to the fubferiher at this
place, and put into any post office in the United
States, will be regularly received and carefnlly at
tended to. Thole who wilh to contrail in Phila
delphia, will please to apply to Gimon Hill
Wills, No. 135, Market-ftreot. The fubferiber
is desirous of contra&ing with some responsible
perfen in Philadelphia, to receive and dispose of for
him, on commission, a quantity of two feet Shin
gles, for home use, and of two feet and eighteen
inehes, for exportation.
William Hill Wells,
Dagfborosgh, (late of Delaware;
april 28. "»4»
" iSotice is hereby Given,
TH AT application has been made at the Bank of
the United States, for the renewal of the fol
lowing five Certificates of Bank Stock, loft by the
capture of the Britiffi Packet, Countess of Leices
ter —viz.
N0.3 70»,containing 5 (hares "> Ifiued to Henry Ca
-733 I do. issued to Edwerds
and Co.
3188 5 do. issued (in lien of
6joo to 6513) to Samuel and Henry Waddington.
1918 4 do. issued to Phyn, El
lice and Inglis. .
All persons concerned are therefore called upon
to (hew cause why new Certificates (hould nojjbe
issued agreeably to the said application.
April 14 eoCw
For Sale,
A Fapm and QovNTJtr Seat,
SITUATED on the weft fide of the Schuylkill op
pofue to Norris-town, feventecn miles from Phi
ladelphia—the farm contains 195 aces of land, 50
0 J which are woodland, about 40 of meadow, and
the xetl arable land. The houfc and garden which is
laite and well paled, Hard in the molt pleifani fix
ation, commanding a view of tho river, an island
which is opposite. and the village of Norris-town—
There is a shad filhery belonging, to the place.—En
quiie in Philadelphia, No. 96, Third Street,
o, on the premises.
ypril 16
MARCTI i, I 79 8 -
IN purfuwjce of the A<a of Ongrefs passed on the sixth day of Jthy one thousand seven hundred and
ninety-seven, ev.titlcd " An Adl laying duties on Stamped Vellum, Parchment and Paper , and the
A<Sl paflkd on the fifteenth day of December, «ne thousand seven hundred and m-nety-feven, entitled
i< An A<l to postpone for a limited time the commencement of, tie duties imposed by the Act enti
tled "An Act'laying Duties on Stamped Vellum, Parchment and Paper", that from and after the
firft dayaf July enfoing, the feveralStamped Dutieshereafter enu»erated, will be levied aud collec
ted throughout the United States.
For every (kin or piece of Vellum or Parchment, or (beet of Paper, upon which (hall be
written or printed any or cither of the instruments ar writings 1 olio wi«g—to wit:
r ' >Dh Cts. | Mis
Any Certificate of Naturalization, ..... 5
Any Licence to praflice.or Certificate of the adrni (lion,enrolment or registry of
any Councilor, Solicitor, Attorney, Advocate orProdor, in any Court of the
United States, ... - - 10
Provided, that a Cerdficite in any one of the Courts of the United States
for one of the said Officei, (hall so far as relates to the payment of the
dilty aforel'aid, be a fufficient ad million in mil the Courts of the United
States, fore«ch and every of thefaid offices.
Any Grant or Letters Patent, under the seal or avsthority of the United States
(except for landß granted for military services) , - - 4
Any exemplification or certified copy of any such grant or letters patent, (ex
cept for lands granted for military services) - - - 2
Any Charter-Party, Bottomry, or Refpondentia Bond, - *
Any Receipt or discharge for or on accountof anyl<tgacyleftby any Will or 9-
ther testamentary inftrument,or for any (hare or part of a eilatt? di
vided by force ot any statute of diftributi»ns, other than to the Wife, Chil
dren or Grand Children of the person deceased, the amount whereotfhall be
above the value of Fifty Dollars, and (ball not exceed the value of One Hun- .
dred Dollars, - - - *_ 2 S
When the amount thereof {hall exceed the value of One Hundred Dollars and
(h»lt not exceed five hundred dollars, - . , r "
And for every further sum of Five Hundred Dollars, the additional lum of j
Any Policy oflnfurance or inftrnment in Rature thereof, on any (hip, veffei or
goods insured from one diftriiSl to another in the United States, _ *5
From the United States to any foreign port or place, when the sum for whirfi
Insurance is made (hall not exceed five hundred dollars, -
When the sum insured (hall exceed five hundred dollars, - I
Any Exemplification, of what nature soever, that (hall pass the seal of any
Court, other thaß such as it may be the duty of the Clerk of such Court to
furnifh for the ul'e of the United States or some particular Rite, - 5°
Any Ron 3, bill single or penal, foreign or inland bill of exchange, promiflory
note or other note, other thau any recognizance, bill, bond, or ot>er obliga
tion or contrail, made to or with the UniteiPStates or arty fttte, or for their
use refpeilively, - - - - " "
If above twenty dollars and not exceeding one hundred dollars, - 10
If above: one hundred dollars and not exceeding five handred dollars, 25
If above five hundred dollars and pot exceeding one thousand dollars, 5®
And if above one thousand dollars, - - -
Provided, that if any bonds or notes (hall be payable at or within Cxty days,
such bonds or notes (ball be fubjefl to only two fifth parts of the duty t
aforefaid —viz. -
Jf .above twenty dollars and not exceeding one hundred dolU«» - 4
If aboveone hundred dollars and not exceeding five hundred doljat s, 10
If above five hundred dollars and not exceeding one thousand dollars, ao
If above one thousand dollars, - - ' r C av. 30
Any Notes issued bv the banks now established, or that may hereafter be eftab
lilheil within the' United States, other than the not6s of such of the said Banks
as (hall agree to an annual composition, ot one per centum on the annnal di
vidends made by such Banks, to their Stockholders rel'peflively, according to
thfc following scale. - *' t,
On all notes not exceeding fifty dollars, for each dollar,
On all notes above fifty dollars, and not exceeding oue hundred dollars, 50
On all notes above ,one hundred dollars and not exceeding five hundred
dollars, - - - ' 1
On all notes above five handred dollars, - *
Any Protest or other Notarial ail, - - - /„ „ r **
Any Letter of Attorney, except for an invalid pension, or to obtain or fell War
rants for Land granted by the United States as bounty for military services
performed in the late war, - •
Any Certificate or Debenture for drawback of Customs or duties, for less than
five hundred dollars, c* • 1
For five hundred dollars and»hot exceeding two thousand dollars, 2
For more than two thousand dollars, ... 3
Any note or bill of lading for goods or merchandize to be exported,
K from one diftriift to another diftriA of the United States, not being in the
fame State, - - • 10
If from the United States to any foreign port or plage, - • xj
Any Inventory or Catalogue of any furniture, goods or effedls, made in -any
oafe required by law, (except in cases of goods and chattels distrained for
rent or taxes, and poods taken in virtue of any legal process by any officer,) 50
Any Certificate of a Share in any Insurance Company, of a (hare in the Bank of
the United States, or of any State or other Bank,
If above twenty dollars and not exceeding one hundred dollars, - 10
If above one hundred dollars, - - * A
If under twenty dollars, at the rate often cents for one f
The dutiesaforelaid will be colle&ed and received by the Supervisors, Infpefiors aud other Officers
of Infpeition, in the several Diltri<fts, Survey® and Divisions of the United States, and by such other
persons as (hall from t« time be specially appointed and employed by the Supervisors of Diftrifts for
that purpose.
r 111.
The Supervisors of the several Diftridts will, prior to the firft day of July ensuing, and as soon as
may be pra<Slicable, mark or (lamp, without fee or reward, any quantities or parcels of Vellum, Parch
ment or Paper, with any of the rates of duties before enumerated, on payment of thefaid duties ; Or
(lamped vellum, parchment and paper n.ay at the option of the Citiaens of the United States, be ob
tained at the rates prescribed bylaw, by application to any Supervilor, Infpedcr, Officer of Inlpe&ien,
or other psrfoa appointed for the diftribntion of Stamps, by the Supervisors of Diftrids
GIVEN under my Haud ,jit Philadelphia
the day and year abovementioned.
Marcb 10. Secretary of the Treasury.
Marth 30th. 1798.
Public Notice is hereby given,
THAT byanafl of Congress palled on the
19th day of March, 1798, the following
alterations and amendments have been made to
the aft parted on tbe 6th day of July 1797, en
titled "An a& laying duties on Damped vcl
" lum, parchment and paper."
. i
The ilamp duties on debentures or certifi
cates for the drawback of Customs or duties on
Imports are repealed.
A discount at the rate of seven and one half
per Centum, will be allowed by the Supervisors
or Infpeflorsrefpeflively, to any persons other
than Officers of the Revenue, who may por
chafe at one time or procure ta be (lamped, any
quantities of Vellum, Parchment or Paper, upon
which the duties (hall amount to Ten Dol
lars or upwards.
111. V
Stamped Paper, will be provided, and fold at
the rates prescribed by law, without any addi
tional charge or expense on account of the
price of Paper ; but for (lamped Parchment or
Vellum, in additional price will be demanded
at the rate of Fifty Cents for each (kin of Parch
ment, or Two Hundred Cents for each (kin of
Vellum of medium size, which may be furnilh
ed at the expense of the United States and pro.
portionally for anyleffer quantity.
Given under my band, at Philadelphia, the
day and ye tr abmiementioned.
Secretary of the Treasury.
To be Let,
(And possession given on the id of May)
A genteel three story brick House,
12 feet front, and 40 feet deep, with back buildings
and ftibles,at present in the tenure of Major Jack
son. Enquire at 187 South Third ftrect.
April % §
yusf~p UB I, ISHED,
(Price 25 Cents J
Reflexions on Monroe's View
As pnblithed in the
Gazette of the united states,
Under the (ignatute of
In •wlicb the Commercial Warfare ef France it triced
to the French Faction in this Country, at iti Source,
and lilt Afcth/et oj Qfrpofttivn, tjfe.
John Nixon s£f Co.
A quantity of very excellent LOG WOOD
may 10. 3awtf
Frefli Teas.
JuJl Imported, in the Jhip Delaware,
Captain Cooper, from Canton,
And For Salt, by
At his Co*npting House, No. 54, Chefnut-ftreet,
and sr
At his Compting House, Crooked billet wharf,
Bohea,Souchong,Hyfon,Y oung
Hyson, Hyson Skin, and Imperial TEAS.
China Ware, aflnted; black and coloured Lute
{lrings and Sattiiw, Nankeens, Cafiia, large garden
and common Fans, fattin and lutettring Umbrellas,
whale-bone sticks.
'They have alf* Ftr Sate,
Ell wide Persians, Bandanna Handkerchiefs,
French Cambricks and Umbrellas, Sugai ir boxes.
march 8. S
Now Opening,
At Wit n a m M'L a w s Saddle Manufa&ory,
No. 72, Chef nut Street,
A general aflortment of Horseman's
Pistols, direit from the Manufacturers in London.
Saddles, Bridles, Holders, Half Covers, Light
Horseman's Caps, Swords, Cartouch Boxes, Va
lices, Saddle Bags, Portmanteau's, Hard Leather
Trunks, Carriage and Chair Harness,
april 9 dtf
Canal Lottery —No. 11.
WILL commence drawing Monday, the2oth
inft. Tickets for Sale in this Lottery, at
Seven ■ Dollars, at W«, BLACKBURN's Lott.ry
and Brokers Office, No. 64, South Second-flreet—-
Tickets in the Schuylkill Bridge Lottery, at "Ten
Dtllan, where check books are kept ior rugifter
ing and examining in thefie, the City of Washing
ton, No. 11.and Pattsrfon Lotteries, and informa
tion where tickets maybe had in most of the Lotte
ries authorised by law in any of the States of the
N. B. The bnfinefsof a Broker, inbuyingand
felling all kinds of Public Stock and Sccuritier,
difcoanting Bills and Notes of Hand, sale of
Lands, Houses, &e. &c. will be duly attended to,
November 15. 5
The following Certificates of
STANDING on thelJwksof tfce treasury, were
forwarded for Lo*n by th. (hi, W.lWa
Pcnn, Captain Jofiah, *h»ch hath been captured,
and the Certificates fuppfed to be loft, viz s (
3164. Ba. Deferred «*bt, m the name of Re*.
E'lward Giddy, ofThredrea, in Cornwall,
Great Britain, datedjune », 1797- Certificate J
No. 10,071. ... r ,
ton. m. Six per C<nt. Stock, in the name at
Edward Home, of Sevis mount, Hants, Great
Britain, dated May3o, 1797. No. 15196. <
3610. Co. Deferred Debt, in the name of Will- <
iam Mantling, of Ormfby, in the county of Nor- '
folk, in England, dated July 10, *797- No. ]
*0199. , . ,
40183. 7». Three per Cent. Stock, m the name ,
of Jaanet Maths*', of Upper Seymonr street, ,
London, Widow,dated GAober 31 1797- No. |
118x0. i'-i -
For tfee renewal «f the above Certificate. »p- ;
plication V intended to be made at the fud office of ,
jhe Trcafury of the United Statss,—and all j>er- (
fans concerned aredefired to takj notice.
Fifteen (bares Storkof the Bankof United States in
thename of William Manning, ef Ornvfcy, coun
ty of Norfolk, England, viz. Three Certificates
for five (hares each, dated January I, 1797-
No. 15981, 15083, 15984.
Fomhc renewal of which,application is meant to
be made to thi said Bank of the United Mates, .
and all persons concerned therein arc delired to ,
take notice. .. 1
Philadelphia? may 4. (
the following Certificatesof Shares J
IN the North American Land Company, standing
on the Books of said Company in the name of ,
Daniel Lifter, of Hackney, in the coynty of Mid- ]
dleftx, England—viz. No. HJI. 'representing ,
1309610 13105, ten (hares—No. tijo—l3o66 to
13075, ten ill arcs —No. 1149~" to 13065, (
ten (hares—No. 5148—11509 to 11518, ten (hares
—No. 1147—H471 to 11480—Amounting to
Forty Shares, were forwarded for London by the
(hp William Pern, which having been captured, .
said certificates are supposed to be loft ; for the re
newal ef which, applicsjion will be made to the
Board of th« said company.
Daniel Neal Lijler.
may 1 *H6w
New Tea Warehouse.
tfo. 39, Sooth -Front Street, ~
THE Subfcribcr refpsafully acquaintsherfricads
and tht public, that (be has opened a Store for
the sale of allkinds of teas, imported in the late
arrivals at Bolun and Philadelphia, (as under) and
which (he is determined to fell om reasonable terms.
It will be hcrcoiftant endeavour to give fatisiadion
to those who please to favor her with their cttftonl.
Country ftoreswill find it their advantage to deal
wi h her, as (he can at a moment's notice assort
them any quantity wanted, and will allow a reason
able credit on approved notes.
Imperial, Hyibn, Young Hyson, Souchong,
Hyson Skin, and Bohe*—Alfo, Coffee and Loaf
Sugar for sale.
Sarah Eaton.
April il * »&th.6w
And for sale by W.Young, corner of Second
and Chefnut-ftreet. M. Carey lit High-ftrect
T. Dobfon, 41 South Second-flreet and the
Boekfellers geoerilly,
(Price ;-Bths #f a Dollar.)
A Local Pom, historic and deforiptive 1
By a Lady of 80/leit.
'analysis of book 1.
Allusion to the surrounding Prol'peift— Invocation
to the River and sylvan Deities—to the Historic
Mufe—Fi&iun ilifcarded—Dedication to Walb
ington—The A&ion opens axthe Retreat of the
—Bunker's Hill Own
ren—Perfenification of Fortune and Fame—
Wafliington at Mount Vernon—called to the
chief Command—Formation of tha Columbian
Camp at Cambri Ige—Natural, moral, or poli
tical History of the several States—Their com
manding Officers—Siege of Bofton—lts Suffer
ings—Negotiation for the fafe Retreat of the
British Army—Us Departure—Appointment of
Congrefa—Declaration of Independence—Cha
raAer of the Columbian Sc.klies—The Pact's
prophetic Apostrophe to the Progress of Free
dom throughout the World,
march 30. §
Valuable Stands for Bufinels.
FOR SALE—by the Svbfcriber,
Two Lots of Ground,
Situate on the south fide of Chefnut-ftreet, be
tween Second and Third streets : —one containing
eighteen feet, and the other seventeen feet, more or
e fa, on the said 1* cet, and both extending, the
lf'me breadth, one hundred and forty-eight, more
or less, to Carter's alley.
There are, on Chefnut-ftreet, two two-story
(Numbers 80 and 81)
Which may readily be made into one ; and, oh
Carter's alley, there is a convenient, well built
Brick. House and Kitchen,
Aim oft new, which has two rooms on a floor
and a front of eighteen feet on said alley.
This property is clear of ground-rent, and an
indisputable title will be given to the purchaser.
The three Houses will be fold separately or toge
Further particulars may be known on applica
tion to
No. 80, Chefnut-ftreet, or at the Library.
march 13. jefißw
Salisbury Eft ate.
THE Subscriber, propoling to contrafi hii busi
ness. offers this Estate for sale, on moderate
terms. On it are one Blast and three Air Furnaces,
a complete Boreing Machine, and a very good grift
Mill, with two pair of stones ; also a good Forge, all
in perfeft repair, at are all the Water Works conneft
ed with these various branches. The Air Furnaces
were lately built for the purpose of calling Cannon
for this State. —There are about two thousand acres
of Land, one half of which is under wood, the other
very fine arable Land,'producing the belt Hay and
Pallure. The Cannon lately msnnfaflnred there,
fully proves the excellency of the metal, which is
(uperior to any in this country, and probably, equal
to any in the world ; fpr not one ®f (ixty-nine guns
lately made, although some of the 94 were' bored
into 32 pounders.have failed on proving. The situ
ation is very eligible, particularly for this branch of
manufafturr, aad a place ot arms lying in the date
of Connecticut, and only 30 miles from several land*
ings 00 the Hud Ton's river, anul having every advan
tage that can rcfult from a plenty of water iSuing
from a large natural pond, very oear the Furnace,
and which may be'converted into a variety of other
ufeful purposes. The purchaser can be accommodat
ed with all the (lock and utensils, and have poffefiion
on or before the firft of June next, and preparation
may be made in themeanwmefor gqinginto Blast im
mediately thereafter, for every part will be delivered
in good order, with Come coal, Ore, &c. Sec. For
terms, apply to Mr. Joseph Anthony, in Philadel
! phi a; David Brooks, Elq. one of the Representatives
in Congrefsfor this State ; Mr, David Waterman, on
' theprenwfes, ortotbepropiietor in New-York.
Dee. t, gawtf
By Order of the Honorable John LowHi,
Efquirc, Jsdge of the Diftria Court for
the Massachusetts Diflnil,
NOTICE is hereby given to all person*
concerned," That a Libel is filed in said
Court by Chriftlan G. Grutxmacher, late Com
raander of the Ihip Corona, of and from Ham
bureh, and Henry Andrew Heiasas agents for
the owners of said Ship, against sundry goods,
wares and merchandize, saved from laid ft-
Corona, wrecked on Cape Cod within laid Dif.
tria on the 16th March last—which goods,
wares and merchandize, were consigned to di
vers perfonsia Philadelphia, in the DiftrnS of
Pennlylvania, and elsewhere—and tint said Li
bel is filed as aforefaid, fqr the freight fa-d to be
due te the Libelants on said goods, wares and
merchandize, ai>d for neceflary expences paid
by them which have arisen upon the fame—
And that trial will be had upon the aforefaid
Libel at a Diftriift Court to be holdtn at the
Court-Houi'e ;in BtiJFon, on OTtftrdav rh e eigh
teenth day of June next, at u o clock, A. M.
" Marjhal" of Massachusetts!*
Dated at Boflen, Jlpril ( tawtf
ay?, 1798.
THE whole or one half of a PLANTATION
on ike river Delaware, between Burli-ngton
and Bordenton (two miles from the latter), con
taining about 4CO acres ; 60 of which are bottom
meadow, an 1 100 wood land ; there ate 30 acres
of red clovrr to cut this year (exclusive of mea
dow) but will exceed jc the next ; and any quan
tity of manure rrny be had for the upland from the
me&cow without injury.
An orchard of grafted fruit yielding between 60
and 70 hogsheads of excellent cider ; a dwelling
houfe with a barn, liable, granary and othtr n«-
cefTary buil ings go with one part in cafe of a di
vision ; on the other are no improvements, but has
one of the molt elegant fituttions for a house to be
seen on the river. The land is of good quality,,
suitable for grazing or agriculture, and convenient
to market by land or water. For terms apply to
the owner on the premises.
Thomas St- John.
May 5 eodtf
Germantown and Reading Turn
pike Road Company.
Subfetibers Corhmiflloners appointed bjr
-- JL kn Afl of Aflembly of tills Cummonvtealtli
entitled, "A n a& to enable the Governor of thi*
Commonwealth to incorporate a Company for
making an Artificial Road from the city of Ph -
ladelphia, through Germantown, by the rout
of Ckefnut Hill, to the twelve mil* floße on
the Heading Road, and thence to Reading in the
county ofßerks," hereby give notice, that book*
are provided as the law direits, and that we
will proceed to receive fubferiptions for the com
pany'# 1 flock on the aßth, 19th, and 30th day 9
of May next, at the City Hall, in the city of
Philadelphia,at the Tavern of William Buchois,
in Germjntown, at the Tavern of Jacob Berr,
in Reading in the county of Berks, and at the
Tavern of George Phleger, in Potts-Town in
the county of Montgomery, cn the fame days,
from ten o'clock in the morniag, until two 0'
clock, P. M- en each day, when and where cer
tain of the Comm'ffioners will attend to receive
fubferiptions accordingly.
April 14th, 1798-
N. B. Fifteen Dollars to be paid on each
lhare at the time of fubfci ibmg.
April 17 —eodt|?oM
Schuylkill Permanent Bridge.
THE Subscribers being the fi\ persons ft fit named
in the Letters Patent, ilTued by the Governor
of th'sCommonwealth, bv virtue of the Aft r>f Gen
eral AffemWy of the 16th ult. for incorporating thrr
Company —hereby give notice agreeable to the 3d
feftionof the laid law, that they have appointed, and
hereby request a meeting of the fubfcriberi at the
State House in the City of Philadelphia, on the thirty
firft day of this instant May, at ten o'clock in the
forenoon, for the purposes mentioned in the said 3d
feftion, which if hereafter published for the inform
ation ot the Stockholders.
Richard Peters,
John Perott,
Matthew M'Connell,
William Sheaff,
George Bickham,
WiUiam Nichols.
Philadelphia, Ift May, 1798.
Sefiion 3. And be it, further enabled by the autiurih
aforefaid. That the fix Perfont firft named in the Let
ters Patent, (hall as soon as conveniently may be af
ter fealingthe fame, give notice in two or more pub
lic' News Papers in Philadelphia, one whereof (ball
be in the German Language of a time and place by
them to be appointed, not less than thirty days from
the time »f issuing the firft notice, at which time and
said Corporation and shall choose by a majority of
votes of the said fubferibers by ballot, to be delivered
11J Person or by Proxy, duly authorized—one Presi
dent, twelve Direftors, one Treasurer, and such other
officers as they ftiall think neceflary to conduft the bn-
Gnefs ot the said Company for one year, and until 0-
her officers shall bechofan, and may make such bye
laws, rules, orders and regulations, not inconsistent
with the laws of this Commonwe • Ith, as shall be ne
ccfTary for the well ordering the affairs of the said com
pany: Provided always, that no person shall have
more than fifty votes at any eleftion or in determining
any question arising at such meetings whatever num
ber of fbares he or ft»e be enltlcd to, and thrt each
person (ball be entitled to one vote for every (bare
: by him or her held under the said number.
! FOR SALE, ~~
i Two three story Brick Houses
With convenient stores, wharf, &e. fituateon
| Water ltreet, between Mulberry and Safiafrau
, Streets, containing in front on ftreet fit
r ty-foiir feet, and containing that breadth east-
I ward ninety-five feet, then widening to the
, south thirteen feet fix inches. Thele houses
! have the convenience of a pubfc a " e y a°j°< n *
' ing on the north fide, and area very defirablefii-
J uatioa for a a merchant, flour faftor, or others
who may have occasion for ftarage of goo ».
f This property will be fold on very reafonabte
- terms for calh. For further information app y
• to the printer. . .
- april , H^lL
5 For Sale,
r A good situation for a Country Seat,
„ Forty acres of Land, /
r> On the Old York road, within fight of Ger
- mantown, *nd about five miles from the city.
d the whole being under good fence, and in ex
r cellent order as pasture ground.
" For further inforxnation and terms, app y
n Jonn Elliott Crksson, at his Office fortK
sale of Real Estates, Conveyancing, &c. No. S*t
High-llreet. .
4th mo. 3d. tu&ll