/ Iftliiift Philadelph la Daily Advertiser. ■ " '*''* ■ * ' • "■ ■ i By John Fen no, N O, 119 Cbefnnt Street. Number 1773.J PHILADELPHIA: THURSDAY EVENING, MAT 17,1798. [VOLUME XIII. 7£TS7" ARRIVED, In tke brig Gay ofo, capt.Gingham, from St. Martins A quantity of SALT, of »i> exccdlrnt -> Hides Will be landed to morrow, at Willingsand Fran cis's wharf, from on hoard the brig Adive, Will iam Williams, master. And may take in immedi «*S9iflßtt2aw' ately after discharged. Apply to Jehu Hollingfivorth & Co. march 30. For Hamburgh, THE SHIP Dominick Terry, J°hn Fleming, Majkr, M*SG: to pub lic falc at. the Merchants' Co!fe»-Hottfcij> the City ol Philadelphia on Wedflefday !be of May ii l>ant,*t 1 o'clock in th= ovtiiirJ, _ \ FafV failing bnilt vessel, not JI2SI33ShT-. £\ year eld, butthen 63 tons, and can be sent to sea witJ« a trifling exptnee; . with all and lingular tVe Tack| Where gentlemen will be taught the manual '• Exercise and made completely acquainted with j all the duties of officers, I ficers and private soldiers in camp, garrison and j Quarters; the forms of regimental and field re e turns, detachments, rosters &c. &c also the h art of drawing plans, feiSions and geometrical " elevations, the elements of tactics, gu»nery and fortification.—A fubfeription lift is left at the bar of the City-Tavern, where the terms and j the outlines of the proposed regulations may be , seen. The fitnation is extremely well adapted j • to the undertaking and eight acres of ground are .. set apart for the purpol'e. N. 3. Gentlemen from the Cbnstry boarded in the house if required. ■j' may 10. diw2»wim Military Colours. A At C. GULLAGER's Portrait and Ornamental Painting Rooms, No. 50, south Fourth, next to Cbe/iMir street, oppoUte the Friend*' MeeWnjfO ». PAINTING on silks for Military and other or namental purposes (in a manner peculiar to himfelf) durable, not to be injured by the weather, which for elegance of design, truth an4,beauty of h colouring, neatness and masterly exertion, has ■ t not been equalled by George Rutter and Co. FLAGS and DRUMS r Furnished with all polliMe dispatch, on the most reasonable terms. Ornamental Painting, Signs, Fire Buck ets, Cornices, &c. &c. executed in stile (not that superb stile of modern elegance peculiar to G. R.) but in a workman like manner, peculiar to an ar 'tift master of h'is pfofeflion. Mr. Gulla*:er, from a number of year's expe rience in Europe and this country, flatters himfelf that profcflional talehts, punctuality, and reason able demands, will me«t the entire approbation of those gentlemen who willpleafe to CjII at his Paint ing Rooms. §6\v may 5. NOTICE. P. S. Gentlemen in town and country, wishing for a supply of Colours and Drums, painted in a maflerly manne*, will no doubt feel themselves obliged for the kind caution given by George Rutter and Co. not to trust feff flattering advertisements, but examine the work executed by both parties One view will fatif fy where^ the r .ve tbo fpoil dilcover the requisites for the Cuntra-SHng talents of Henry Frailey, at Germantown. may 10. , Military Colours, PAINTED ON SILK— by 1 George Rutter Co, Portrait and Ornamental Painters, IN a stile which will endure the hardships of the weather without injury, and which for neatness and exactitude of colouring cannot be furpafled in this,eijy. , ' FLAGS and DRUMS .Turnifhed with dispatch, 011 the-moft moderate rerms. Portraits, Ornamental Paintings, Signs, fire-hncken, &c. acoomplifhe-l in that superb stile of modern elegance, which, Mr. Rnrter »ledgc» himfelf from 20 years experience iu this city will meet the entire approbatiou of hi* friends ani the public. In the Military Line, A variety of specimen's may be seen at their Painting Room, Norris'sCourt, back of the Naw Library. may 3 d6w NOTICE. HAVING observed an advertifemert of C. Gullager, in terms derogatory of our pro- abilities, we have to request the public not to be imposed upon by foreign artifls ; but to decide upon the merits of «ach by a codiparifon ot the work executed by both, as it is a mode almost univcrfally adopted by them to invabdate the ta lents of ellablifhed artists, with a view of deceiv ing the public, and engrossing that business which their profefiional knowledge in no wife entitles them to. Well knowing that public opinion must govern, we flatter ourselves that the work execut ed by us will convince them of our great superio rity over Mr. Gullager in every branch of por trait and ornamental painting, and shew thenecef fity of judging for themselves. N. B. In future no attention will be paid to thj felf-flattering advertisements of Mr G. Any person wilhing a supply of FLAGS and DRUMS will please apply toGtO. Rutter and Co. Norris' Court, or Henry Frailey, GcrmaE ln"'n. §6w may 8. A Country Seat to Let. NEAR the Frankford road, about four and a half miles from Philadelphia— the situation remarkably pleasant and healthy. Immediate pofTefiion may be had Apply at No. 144 South Second Street. may 4 3tawtf New Tea Warehouse. No. 39, South Front Street, opposite PosT-orncE. THE Sabfcriber refpo&Hilly acquaintsherfriends and the public, that she has opened a Store for the faleiof all kinds of t*as, imported in the late arrivals at Bollon and Philadelphia, (as under) and which she is determined tofsll on reasonable terms. It will be hcrcontlantendeavour to give fatisfaihon to those who pfcafe to favor her with their custom. Country stores will fiad it their advantage to deal wi h her, as (lie can at a moment's notice |flort them any quantity wanted.and will allowareafon able credit on approved notes. Imperial, Hyl'on, Young Hyson, Souchong, Hyson Skin, and Bohea—Vlfo, Coffee and Loaf Sugar for sale. Sarah Eaton. A P r il U s&th by virtue of the Aft of (Ten era! A&mb!y ®/, the i6(h uir. for ineorpora ing the Company —hereby give notice agreeaUe t6 the $d fiction of (tie said law, that they havo and hereby fcq-icft a meeting of the fubfe/ibers at tVie State House in the City of William Nichols. Philadelphia, if! May, 1798, Se£lion 3; And be it father cizßedbj the authority aforejaidy That the fix Persons frft named in the Let ters Patent, lhall as soon as conveniently may be .as* ter fealingthe fame, give notice in two or more pub licJNews Papers in Philadelphia, whereof fiiall be in the German Language of a time and place by tbem to be appointed, no: left than thirty days from the time of ifTuing the firft notice, at which time and place the said fubfcribefs (hall proceed to organize the said Corporation and lhall choose by a majority of votes of the said fubfcribe»s by ballot, to be delivered in Person or by Proxy, duly authorized—one Prcfi dent, twelve DiVcftors, one Treafuier, and such other officers as thev ftlall think neceffjp/y to condu& the bu firefsol the said Compan v.for one year, and until o "her officers shall bcchofon, and may make such bye laws, rules, orders and regulations, not incontinent with the laws of this Commonwe Ith, as (hall b6 ne ccflfary for the well ordering the affairs of the faifl com pany : Provided always, that no person shall more than fifty votes at any cleftion or in determining any queft' oo arifttg a* such meetings whatever num ber of ftiares he or (h- be enitlcd to, and thrt each person (fcaH be entitled to one vote for every (hare bv him or fyfcr hslfl nder th* said number. ' ~A~ PerlcHi ~ Properly qualified, by applying at the Office of this Gazette, may meet with a Situation as a School Master, In a Country-Town, within a day's ride of Phil adelphia, may r.l p *eo3t TO BE LKT, And Poffiffion given Immediately. THAT well known Band called, Small's tavern, sign of the Black horfeat the east end of Bedford. This Ituid 19 attended with many advantages ; there are two houses, the one stone and the other frame adjoining each other,, well finifhed and upon a very convenient plan ; the stabling new and large and a pump at the door—besides, theri are but two taverns in the town. The terms and time of leafing will be made known by application to Dr. John Anderfon, of the. tinuri of Bedford. may 11. iaw6w The following Certificates of FUNDED DEBT OF THE UNITED STATES STANDING on the Books of thetreafury, were forwarded for London by the (hip William Penn, Captain Joliah, which hath been captured, and the Certificates supposed to be loft, viz : Vgl- nurne of .Rev. . Etlward C.iddy, of 1 hredrea, in Cornwall, Great Britain, dated June a, 1797. Certificate No. 10,07 a. Soar. i?. Six per Cent. Steels, in the name ef Edward Home, of Bevismouht, Hants, Great Britain, date*! May 30, 1797. No. 15196. 3610. 50. Deferred Debt, in the namp of Will iam Manning, of Ormfby, in the county of Nor folk, in England, dated July 10, 1797. No 1011)9. aoiß.t. 71. Three per Cent. S-i»:k, in the name I of Jannet Mathew, of Upper Seymour fireet, London, Widow, dated Ovlober 31 1797. No. 11820. For the renewal of thrabdve Certificates, ap ' plication is intended to be made at the f.id office of jhe Treasury of the United Statss, —and all per sons concerned aredefired to takj notice. , ALSO —IN THE SAME VESSEL, Fifteen fliares Storkof the Bank of UaitedStates in thenanie of William Manning,of Ormfby, crtnn ty oi Norfolk, England, viz. Three Certificates for five (hares each, dated January i, r'97. No. 2598 a, 25083, 25984. For the renewal of w'lich,application is meant to be made to the said Bank of the United State*, and all persons concerned therein arc defited to take notice. |- _ J'N. VAUGHAN. | Philadelphia, may 4. . The following Certificates of Shares IN the North American Land Company, (landing on the Books of said Company in the name of Daniel Lifter, of Hackney, in the county of-Mid illeftx, England—viz. No. ai?i, representing '3096 to 13105, ten (hares—No. 8150—13066 to 1 3°75> ten (hares—No. a 149 1305 6'to 13065, ten (hares—No. 2148 —1150910 Hsiß,ten (hares No. at 47 —1J471 to 11480 —Amounting to Forty Shares, were forwarded for London by the (hp William Penn, which having been captured, laid certificates are supposed to be loll; for the re' newal ef which, applicnjion will be made to the Board of th*; said company, Daniel Neal Lifter. ma T 1 *d6\v The Co-partnership of the Subscribers, TRADING UNDER THE FIRM OF Joseph Davidson Ess Co. IS this day dissolved by mutual consent, allthofe having claims against said firm, are desired to render th.ir accounts, and those indebted to make payment to Joseph Davidfon, who is duly autho rised tafettle the affairs of -.he concern. JOSEPH J. MILLER. JOSEPH DAVIDSON. N. B. The Stores at the cornet; «f Market and Fourth Streets are now to be let—Enquire ol lo feph Davidion. A P ril * 6 w&sim FOR SALE. SEVERAL very elpgant Situations for Sum mer Retreats, three and a half miles from the Court House, and on the Frankford Kojd ; the lots will be made tofu t the j.urvhafers.— Theife situations are conlidered in point of feealrh beauty and elegance, equal to any r.ejrthe city, and the road known to be Fafe and good at all seasons of the year. The title indisputable— A . plan of the grounds is in the hands of the sub scriber, who will make known the terms on ap plication to him at his office No. i 24 South Fourth Strcc. , auraiiam sbOSMAXEX. mi Y V. ,tawtf JUST RECEIVED, FROM PORT-AU PR'lNCfj Ani FOR SALE, by the SUBSCRIC 110 hhds. Coffee 46 tierces da. 100 barrels do. 100 bags do. •XIO hogfUeads. of M ofcovado Sugar 80 barrels o< dp. » 40 hogsheads of MoJaffet i 4 bale- rtf Cotton « 2 hogfheJds of Cocoa WILLINGS is* FRANCIS, Penn-ftreet. march 11. § FOR SALE, ' by the subscribers, No. 21, Penn-ftreet, The Cargo of the Ship Ganges, John Green* commander,fropi Bengal, Conftjiing of Baftas, of various qualities and prices, Coflaes Punjum Cloths Sarahs Guzzeydo. Humhums Charconna Dore* Blue Cloth Tanjibs Chintz and Calicoes Mulmuls Mamoodys Cherks Maharagonges Patna Hkfs. Ginghams Mwlimi! do. Guzzenas Bamtannoes Gurrahs Siflerfoy I Piniafcoe* Choppa Ramals Sooty do. Gillie Romals PerQans of various col. Meek Pulicats 400 tons SUGAR 9®,000 lb. PEPPER Willings Francis. The Piece Goods Of.the Ganges are now open to sale at that commodious store the norih weft corner of Market and Fourth-streets. Also—A few Bales of Madrafs Hkfs- of ele gant patterns and best Colours. February 8. c'tf Ross i$ Simsoiv, HAVE FOR SALE, 22 bales fu peri or Madrafs blue Cloths Carolina Indigo, firit quality A few bales Baftas, Coflaes, and a quantify of Bengal COTTON Bengal SUGAR, in bags and boxes april no 5 . L~andYN~G,~ From on board the Ship Sally, from Calcutta, AND FOR SALE BY SUBSCRIBER, 1600 bags prime Sugar, 800 do. Ginger 30 bales low priced piece Goods. John Miller, Jun. march 3 5 JUST ARRIVED, In the (hip Phcenix, capc. Grice, from Amsterdam, 2 boxesSiamoi*. I hhd.Hogs Bridles, ill 3 do. Haarlem Stripes quality 3 do. Checks, No. a 2 do. do. 24 do. 9 do. Sealing Wax 3 do. Glue, and » ""Cram~Cheele"in prime t > chefta firft quality Red order for exportation Crust ALSO, Just Received, via Baltimore, &c. 50 bales brown Ticklenburgs and hempen Linens 10 bales German Oznabrigs 30 bales brown Rolls and Heftins 2J bales Polilh do. suitable for coffee and cottoa bags 20 bales empty Bags 1 bale bleached Heflans X package Turkey Yarn 54 pieces vladrafs Handkerchiefs , 1 «heltTapes, No. 13, 25, &c. 1 package cotton Lindfeys 250 boxes Window Olafj, 7 by 9, 8 by io, 9 hy 11, Joby 12, 14 by 16, 16 by 18, &c. 20 chefis plain and flowered half pint, pint md quart Tumblers chefis Looking GlafTes, alTorted 4 large elegant do. 30 travelling Liquor cases 1 chest and 8 barrels Snuff Boxes 400 fides upper and foal Leather A cargo of prime Mahogany Several Anchors, from 4 to 12 cwt. 20 pipes old Po't -) A few quaver calks Sherry/ WMa 60 cases White > WINES 200 boxes Cl-iret 3 80 boxes Capers 300 small boxes Ruflia Soap 30 tierces Rice 50 casks Roll Brimflone 40 kegs yellow stone Ochre 1$ k-gs Pearl Barley 2 hoglheads Madder « 1 chefi allotted Quills 6 hales Writing Paper 10 chefis Slates and Pencils 20 trunks Mens" and Womcns' Shoes bo Silver Watches 1 hhd Coffee Mills 2 do fifhing and blocking Twine 2 chefis Nuremberg toys A few Demijohns A quan ity of stone pickling Pots 4 boxes of EnghHi Chariot and Chariot Harneft, with plated ornaments in complete fettsfor 4 4 or 6 horses.also Whips, Spurs, Sic. The above Goods are generally entitled to-driw back, are suitable for the East India market, and will be fold at reasonable prices and at the usual « credit, by PRATT E£ KINTZIKG, No. 95, North Water nrcet. April 16. FOR SALE, THE whole or on« half of a PLANTATION nn the river Delaware, between Bui li.„ r ro« and Bwdenion (two miles from the latter) con taining about 400 acres ; 60 of which are bottom meadow, and 100 wood land ; there are 30 seres of red clover to cut this year (exclusive of mea dow) but will exceed 50 the next ; and any q „, n . tity of m inure may be had for the upland from the meadow without injury. An orchard of grafted fruit yielding between 60 and 70 hogsheads of excellent cider; a dweljinir houfe with a barn, stable, granary and other ni cefTary buil ings go with one part in cafe of a di vision ; on the other are no improvements, bur hi, one of the moll elegant fituati,ins for a houfeto be seen on the river. The la id is of good nudity suitable for grazing or agriculture, and cor.v-nieMt' to'markethy land or water. For terms apply t9 the owner on the premises. Thoma: St- John. * > todtf