Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, April 18, 1798, Image 1

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    Wtttl) ahb Philadelphia Dally Advertiser.
Number 1749.J
For Sale, at the Stores of the Sub
scriber*, on Walnut street Wharf, -
195 casks of nails assorted
*0 bales <fi( fail caovafs, from No. x to 8
53 calks yrflnw ochre
1 5 tierces bottled porter, 6 to 14 dor. each
W» 4 3r'"i M.deita Wine.
Teneriffedo. in hogsheads and pipes
Old Port do. in hhds.
Empty Claret bottles
6 cases of Ginghams, Dimities, Muflinets &c.
assorted for the Weft-India "market
4, 10, and 9 inch cables and to toils of cordage
Writing fiates, ink Hands and presses /
30 purcheons Jamaica rum
I bale Teaming twine
X6O bundles sheathing paper
ilTTWrlnr Fnr Sale, or Charter.
Nicklin (3* Griffith.
April 7 tuth&
Freight Wanted.
1 Hambtir'h Brig
H E N R 1 E TT A ,
Peter P. Schmidt, Majler y
NOW lying at Jeffe and R. Wain's wharf—A
stout, ftronjr velTel, of about 270 tons bur
then, in good order ; has two thirds of her cargo
teady to go on board, and begins to load to-morrow.
For Freight ohly, to
No. 9?, North Water-street.
12 bales Tickleburgs and Oznabrigs
a do. Patterbornes
J do. bleached HcHians
U package Oil Cloth
l: rheft and 8 barrels Snuff Boxes
3© Liquor Cases
29 anchors pearl Barylc, and
4 cases elegant Carriage Harness, Whips,
Spurs, &c.
Claret in cases, Port Wine in pipes, Ruflia Soap
in fmallboxes, Rice, BriTiftone, Tumblers, Win
dow Glass, Slates, a cargo of excellent Mahoga
ny, Heflians, Brown Rolls, Polifti Linens, empty
Coffee Bags, See &c. all entitled to the drawback,
march 20 tu'hsiw
aoo Hides
Will bq landed to-morrow, at Willingsand Fran
cis's -wharf, from on board the brig A&ive, Will
iam Williams, master.
The faidßrigforfale,
T&M' And may take in immedi
ately after discharged.
Apply to
Jehu HoU'ingJworth & Co.
march 30. §
For Hamburgh,
Dominick Terry,
John Fleming, Majler,
** i! ~^~S!fe ;:^Having great partof her cargoen*
gagsd.—For freight apply to
JeJJe is" Robert Wain.
February 26 $
t or Sale or Charter,
Will carry about tzoo barrels, and
is ready totake in a eargo. Forterms
apply to
Pragers £s* Co.
No. 151, South Second-street.
Who hav: fer sale—prime St. Croix Sugar
and Rum, Madera, Lisbon, and Teneriffe win».
November 7. dtf
To be Let,
(And pofTcflioO given on the Ifl of May)
A genteel three Itory brick House,
feet front, aiad 4c feet deep, with back buildings
and stables, at prrfent in the teuure of Major J ck
«ow. Enquire at 187 South Third street.
apfil 2. £
For Puhlijbing by Subscription,
THE Letters to Dr. Currie, which I puhliihed
tafl autumn, led me to an invelligation of
th« origin and phenomena of peftiluntial diseases
in other countries, as well as in the United St tes.
In the profrcutioi, of the fubjeiSt, new fadts and
principles continually opened to my view, and fi
nally determined me to trace back the history of
such diseases as far as the records of history ex
tend. For this purpose, I have examined the pub
lic libraries in Njcw-York, Ntw-Havea, Cam.
bridge and Boston, with a view to obtain all the
material which can'illuftrate the fubj«<st,and
1 have nearly collected ill the materials for the
proposed work.
The faiSts e.lLileil will enable me to demon
strate that many of the common ideas refpe&ing
pestilential epidemics, are nnfounded or extreme
ly in correct ; and this in consequence of ir.edica!
writers considering an epidemic disease as a detach
ed or isolated phenomenon in a particular 'coun
try ; rather thaa as connected with other epide
mics or other phenomena of nature in various
parts of the world. The fa<9s I have collected
lead to certain dedttiSions which are furprifingto
jnyfell, and whic-h will probably be new to many
others. Much light will h« thrown on this dark
and perplexing fubjeA, as well as on natural phi
lofffphy. j
The propofet}-vorlc wiil make a full sized o«5la- c
sro volume ; and execute* well on fine paper, can- ,
not be afforded at li:ls than two dollars, bound, ,
with the usual allowance to book fellers. As th« t
compilation will cost not only great laber.but con- c
Cderable expence, n-> more copies will be printed c
than tofnpplyfobfcrlbcrs. The hook will be rea- j,
dy for fuMcriber searly iu the coming summer, and t
the holders of propofalt will be good tnough to ,
retqrn them to No. 40, Pine-street, by the firflof |
SoßSC«ifTio*s received by the book-fellers in j
New-York, Philadelphia, AlSany, New-Haveo, t
Hartford, New-London, Providence, Boston, Bal- f
tiatorc and Charlefto*. .
march 18.
Thomas Joshua Fisher,
At No. 5, Dock-itrcct,ncarfheDn.\vbridgc,
China ware nankeen dining fctts, tea and colfec
caps and faucets
Nankeens, black fattins and taflities
Pungem cloths, choppah romalls, and bandannoes
China and En>(li(b umbrellas,
Together 'with a general ajfortmenl of European
Goods— among which are
Seots thread in boxes
• 6d. Bd. iod. iid and 20<J.nail«
Shot—T. Crowley steel, Spanilh brown and white
e lead
Englilh fcythes42 to 50 inches
IT! barrcllsof kiln dryei Indian corn meal.
No. 7, to be let, three {lorict high, suitable for
any business.
4th mo. sth §tf
Jull Landing
From the brig Harmony from the Isle of France,
And for sale By
Joseph Anthony £3* Co.
to bales Bourbon cotton of a fuptrior quality
150 bags do. coffee
14 calks do. Indigo
april 3 diot
just Received;
> 110 lihds. Coffee
46 tierces do. x
100 barrels do.
100 bags do.
110 hogfheadsof Muscovado Sugar
9 80 barrels of do.
40 hogsheads of Molafies
4 bales of Cotton
1 hogsheads of Cocoa
march 11, § I
A Nurse Child Wanted.
ANY person who may want to put a child out,
may, hear of a place, by enquiring of Conrad
Baker, neaf the town house, in the Northern Li
berties. 3t april 12.
In pipes, hoglheads and quarter casks,
Just imported, in the Henrietta, P. P. Schmidt,
master, from Oporto,
300 bbls. New-York and Boston Beef
Queens' Ware in crates
Blankets in bales
Guns assorted in cases, Cutlasses, Swords, &c.
For Sale by
Walnut ftreet-wharf.
April ir- ict
Pennsylvania Hospital,
4th mo. 7 thy 1798.
rHE Contributors to the Pennliylvania Hospi
tal, are to meet on the seventh day of next
Month, being the second day of the week, at the
said Hospital at three o'clock in the afternoon, to
eled twelve Managers and a Treasurer, for the
ensuing year.
By order of a board of Managers.
April 7 dtE
Cafl) will be given for any quantity of low
priced SILVER WATCHES, by applying im
mediately at No. T5 South Fifth street, between
Market and Chtfnot streets.
April 10. * 6t
Now Opening,
At Willia m M'L A ws Saddle Manufaftory,
No. 72, Chef nut Street,
A general assortment of Horseman's
Piilols, from the Manufacturers in London.
Saddles, Bridles, Holders, Half Covers, Light
Horseman's Caps. Swords, Cartou h B><xes, Va
lices, Saddle Bags, Portmanteau's, Hard Leather
Trunks, Carriage and Chair Harness, &c.
April 9 dtf
And for faieby W.Yuung, corner of Second
and Chefnut-ftreet, M. Carey 118 High-flreet
T. Dobfon, 4! South Second-flreet and the
Boekfellers generally,
(Price 5-Bths of a Dollar.)
A Local Poem, historic and deforiptive :
By a Lady of Boflon.
Allusion to the furroundin); Profpeet—lnvocation
to the Riv'.r and Deities—to the Historic
Mufe—Fiilion dif'carded—Dedication to Wash
ington—The Aflion opens at the Retreat of the
Columbiansfrom Bunker's Hill—General Howe
The Memory of his Brother—Death of War- i
ren—Perfonificatipn of Fortune and Fame
Wafhing'on at Mount Vernon—called to the
chief Command—Formation, of th« Columbian i
Camp at Cambridge—Natural, moral, or poli- <
tical Hiilory of the several States—Their com- '
manding Officers—Siegs of Bofton—lts Suffer- 1
ings—Negotiation for the fafe Retreat of the I <
Btitifh Army—lts Departure—Appointment of
Congress—Declaration of Independence—Cha- "
raSer of the Columbian Soldies—The Poet's
prophetic Apofcrophe to the Progress of Free
dom throughcut the World.
march 30. 5 f
Law Book Store, I
No. 319, High-flreet.
George Davis,
IMPRESSED with the favors fhewn'him in his
efforts toeftablifh a Stor? for the sale of Law ji
Books only, bigs leave to inform the Gentlemen (I
of the Bar generally throughout the United States, f;
that in addition to his colle&ion now on hand, t]
which he supposes to be more extensive, than in
the poficflion of any one person for sale in Ameri- v
ca, expe&s daily very large supplies from Lon- d
don & Dublin, particularly from th. latter place, (1
havingchicfly confinedhisimportations to 'hofeedi- si
tion*, as being in his opinion equally correit with ii
the London copies, and well known to be infinite, ft
ly lower charged.
G. D. limiting himfelf, solely to the sale of Law ci
Books, it will appear obvious to profeflianal pen- t<
tlemen the jrreat ad varies they havein purchasing if
from him, both as to feledion and price, «f which
the encouragement he has received for several years si
past, is the bed testimony he cm offer.
ir arch jo. , ]
By John Fenno, N°* 119 Chefnut Street.
, The Members of the Socie
ty of the Sons of GeorgC, c3abli(hed at Phila
dc»j>hia, for the advice and afliftance of Englifh
,c men indiftref*, —are requeued to attend an Anni
v.rfary Meeting of the said Society, at the City
I avern, on Monday, the 23d inft. at a o'clock
in the afternoon.
GEO. DAVIS, Secretary.
7 * t * Dinner to be on the table precisely at tour
o'clock. april 14
Schuylkill Permanent Bridge,
' PHE books for receiving Subscriptions will
1 be opened at the House of William pheaff,
as tlie corner of Marke: and Fifth Streets,
011 Monday the 16th influx, at j 0 O'clock,
a. M. and continue open till further notiee.
Richard Peters
' John Perot
Matthew M' Connell Commissioners
Godfrey Haga
IViiham Sheajf.
ipril 14 eats
' Notice is hereby Given,
TH AT application has been made at the Bank of
the United States, for the renewal of the fol
lowing five Certificates of Bank Steck, l»(l by the
capture -of the Britiih Packet, Countels of Lcicef
ter— viz.
No. i i7o»,containingsJhares"} l.Tued to Henry Ca
-3'03 5 do j zenove NephewScCo
731 I do. issued to Edwisrds
and Co
3*BB 5 do. siiTued (in lieu of
6509 to 6513) to Samuel and Henry Vaddington.
2928 4 do. issued to Phyn, El
lice and Inglis.
All persons concerned are therefore called upon
to ihew (aufe why new Certificates should not be
issued agreeably to the said application.
April 14 ec6w
Landing at Wain's wharf,
From on board the brig Enterprize, capt. 'Lang
don, from Jamaica.
6ohog(headsof good SUGAR, Entitled to
6o,ocowt.of prime green COFFEE J drawback.
And For Sale by
I No 11 .. South Front itrcef.
Who have like wife for sale,
A quantity of 4th p oef Jamaica Rum
Molasses, and
70 barrels of Tanners' Oil
april 14. coiot
INFORMS his Friends and the Public, that he
: has opened a
At his Circulating Library, No. 75 North Third
street, where he will be happy to execute their
Orders for fine-flavoured
HYSON-SKIN, t itAh '
On moderate terms.
Coffee, Chocolate and Loaf Sugar.
April 13. V m&ftf
Joseph Ricardo,
OF this City, Merchant, has afligned his pro
perty for the benefit of his Creditors, te James
C. Fiflier, Samuel W. Fiftier, and Thomas Wilson.
All persons who have demands are re
quested to furnifh their accounts without delay—
and those indebted to make immediate payment to
the Subscribers, a&ing Aflignees.
James C. & Samuel IV, FiO:er.
No, 13, Arch Street,
march 31 4tawtf
One hundred kegs of refined Salt Petre,
For Sale by the Subscribers.
James C. & Samuel IV. Fijher,
No. 13, ArchStrect
march 31 4t.,wtf
For Sale,
By Elliston John Perot,
No 4T, North Water Street,
London particular Madeira Wine, in pipes and
quart r casks, 4 years ohi atid fit for immediate uffc.
Inferior do.
A few bales Allibad Coflfcs
Bandanna Handkerchiefs
Sail Canvals, No. 1, to o
A few bags of Juniper Berries
A parcel of Soal Leather, and
A few boxe9 of China.
march 3 tu&f4W
Interpreter of Foreign Languages.
Walnut-street, No. 110,
BEING duly commifiioned and sworn in the a- '
bove capacity, offers to tranftate the French, '
Engiifh, Spanifl*, Portuguefeand Italian Langua
ges : he flatters himfelf that his former profeifion,
as advocate, both in France and St. Domingo, has
well qualified him to tranihte any Court proceed
ings or other Jud ciary inflruments.
BRARY continues open at the above place. Ma
riy valuable additions having been made to this *
colIe&ioB, it confiftsnow of about 1500 volume*,, :
the best adapted to answer the purpose of those
who wish both to improve in the Language, and J
obtain ufeful inftro&ion and plcafnre. .
march 30. lawim 11
ALL that elegant three story Brick House, brick '
Kitchen and Lot of Ground situate on the
south well corner of Fourth and Prune flrects,
containing in front on Fourth street 32 feet, and
in length on Prune flreet 98 Icet, to a four feet al
ley intended to be left open with common privi
lege of the fame.
Also, a two story brick House and Lot of Ground
situate on the well fide «f Fourth street and ad
joining the above, containing in breadth en Fourth
street 15 feet 6 inches, and in depth 98 feet 08 the
said four feet alley, with the common privileges of "
the fame. b<
And also, all that Lot of Ground situate on the
weft fide of Fourth street and adjoining the last tl
described lot, containing in breadth on Fourth ft
street 15 feet 6 inches, and in depth on the north
fide ioafeet, thence running southward 11 feet 6 tl
inches, thence further westward u feet, thence ft
dill further southward 14 feet, and thence by the
Chapel ground 114 feet to Fourth llreet, with the so
commoft use of the said four feet alley leading in- p(
to Prune street The whole will be fold together
if more agreeable to the purchafcr. ji
For terms, enquire of the fuhferiker, at his of- co
sice, No. 114 South Foirth flreet. | e
nurch 31. , 3»wtf Hi
A Great Bargain.
._ In State of Virginia, and county of Northum-
h ~ bsrland,
ck A s keautiTul a Scat as any on the River, con
-1 A taiuing between seven and eight hundred a
eres of Land, which commands a moll delight {ill
profpefl of Coan Rivet, Potomac and the Bay
about a third part of which is low grounds, fur
_ rounded with Fish, Oysters, and Wild Fowl, with
a good harbor, and as convenient for trade and in
'll f° rrna tioa as any on the lower part of the river,
and liesfo compact, that abrut two miles of fenc
ii ing w.uld inclose the whole from river to river.
®> The Hon. Walter jones, Esq. now in Congress,
«, lives vrithm a few miles of the place,—who will
do me the favor to describe it, and make my terms
known to any gentleman inclining to purchase.
-s Virginia, Urbanna, march 15. air—co3t
to be Sold,
A Very Valuable Farm,
- SI TUATE on theNefhaminy creek, Buck'scoun
ty, containi* g about 148 acr. s, of which abeut3©
acre? are excellent wood-land ; the remainder mea
-- dow and plough land, and in a highly cultivated
ie state ; the whole under pott and rail fence, chi< fly
f- new last summer. On the prcmifes are a log-house
and barn. The situation for a country feat is per
haps one of the mod eligible in the vicinity of Phi
o ladeiphia, lying on the Nefharainy, with the ad
is vantage of a landing plsce within 100 yards of the
farm-houfc, and commanding a very excenfive view
>f of the surrounding country :it is about three quart
t. ers of a mile from the floating bridge, 17 3-4
1- miles from Philadelphia, ;f.d 2 1-2 miles from Brif
toi. For terms of sale and further information ap
n ply to Thomas Benger, Ffq. in Bristol, or
No. T44, South Second street. 1
April 7. 3tawtf
For Sale,
A good situation for a Country Seat,
0 Forty acres of Land,
On the Old York road, within fight of Ger
mantown, tnd about five miles from the city;
the whole being under good fence, and ia ex
cellent order as pafturie ground.
For further information and terms, apply to
Jonn Elliott Cresson, at his Office for the
sale of Real filiates, Conveyancing, &c. No. 54,
4th mo. ?d. tu&'f 111
The Annual Ele&ion
FOR Dire&ors and a Treasurer of the Library
Company of Philadelphia, will be held at the
Library, in Fifth street, on M.nday, the 7th of
May next, at three o'clock in the afternoon, when
the Tieaforer will attend to receive the annual
1 payments.
r As there are several (hares on which finet are
due, the owners of them, or their repref«ntativcs,
are hereby notified, that they will be forfeited, a
greeably to the laws of the company, unless the
arrears are paid off on the said 7th day of May,
or within ten days after.
By ord'rof th« DireSors,
April 7 v 3aw
TJROKE the Prison of Cumberland county, in
s D New-Jersey, and made their escape, berween
1 and 2 o'clock, this two Men, who
were conviiled of dealing—one of them calls him
felf James Legg, the other Edward Hambleton—
j Lewis a grey-headed Man. about to years old, 5
feer<j inches high, thick set, with a remarkable
largehead; Hambleton is about 26 years old, 5
feet, 9 or 10 inchesTigh, black hair. Left the
prison in company with the above described
. thieves, a fmallman, who calls himfelf MattheW
Morrifon, about 24 y;'ars old, .5 feet 6 inches high,
light hair, fair complexion, smiles whed talking, is
, a wheel-Wright by trade -IVhoev *r will secure
the thieves in any Gaol in Nev,*-JeTfey or Pennlyl
vania, shall b? entitled to receive Ten Dollars for
the old o .e, Fifteen for the.young one, and Twe
nty for Ma»thew Morrifon.
Bridgetown, ma-rch rj. 24 —mt&fjw
IS hereby given, that the Subscriber, an infol
verit debtor, confined in the common goal of
the County of Cape May in the state of New-
Jersey, hath presented his petition to the Judges
of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, in and
for the said county, praying that they would
attend to hear what can be alledged for or a
gainll his liberation, pursuant to an adl of the
Legislature of this State,entitled "an adi for
the relief of insolvent debtors," pasTed the 16th
day of January 179S —And the the said court
did appoint Monday the 26th day of March
nrxt for the purpose aforefiiid ; to meet at the
Court House in the Middle Precindl, at eleven
o'clock, in the forenoon of the said day, of which
his creditors are request.d to take notice.
Cape May, Feb. 8, 1798.
Feb. 14 —iawjw
N Oil C E. i
WHEREAS a Certificate to Hannah 'hel- i
ly, of Oxted Cottage, in the County of
Surrey, in Great-Britain, Spinster, or her afiigns,
for two thousand five hundred and fixty-tvvo dol
lars twenty-three cents, in the deferred stock of
the United States, was loft in the (hip Peggy,
Capt. Hyer, bound from Philadelphia to London a
iw the year 1796. The fubferiher, the said Han- v
nah Shelly, intends to apply to the Treasury of
the United States, ior a renewal of the said Cer
Feb. 23. iaw6w. I
City Commitlioner's Uliice, i
"January nth, 1798.
following arrangement h made by the 11
JL said commissioners, for cleansing the ?
flrects, See. ''
Diflriil No. I. —From the north fide of Vine
street, to the south fide of Mulberry flreet; to
be under the fuperintendance of Nicholas Hicks, j,
2 From the south fide of Mulbrry flreet, to
the south fide of Ckefnut ftrreet, to be under the
fupermtendance «f William Moulder. v
3; From the foufh fide of Chefnut street to fj
the north fide of Spruce street, to be under the in
fuperintendance of Jol'eph Claypoo.'e. cl
4. From the north fide of Spruce street, to the h;
south fide of Cedar flrtet, to be under the fu- cf
perintendance of Hugh Roberts. m
£fY When pumps are out of order south of f"
High-ftrcet, please apply to Thomas Dijry, at the el
corner of Sooth and Fifth-Hrscts, or Godfrey Geh- D
in Fourth, near Chcfnut-ftreet ; and north of
High ftrect, to Dixey and Dehavrn. in SalTafras
ftrect, bitween Sixth and Soventh-ftreus,
To be Sold by Au&ion, at the Cof
fee- House, at 6 o'clock, on the Ift May
i- next,
A NOTE drawn by Michael Kraft, of the
Custom-House, payable to William Love,
a chair-maker, 150, North I'ront street, for 250
jl do'lars, dated the.3<-th June 1797, due the jd of
Aug. but negle&ed to be prrfented or protested
r - till the 18th August by the Bank of Pennfylva
-1 nia, tor which the Bmk will become liable, if a
jury independent of Banks can be found.
c- * Pri ' '3- *6t
H IT appears evident, that the fur fort of Mr. William
ls Priefman's advertifmg my Note for falc at til Mer
cbants' Coffee house, M the fitjl of May next, it done
merely for tie furpofe of injuring my charaßer, —it re
mains only for me to convince the world, that /my intention,
to dijcharge the fame, are truly honorable and jufl. A-
Uut da y ! "ft" filing said note to Mr. Love, he callei
on me to Inoio if I could discount it : I anfviered I would
) do it the Saturday following— He not calling tit rue, as I
1- expelled, 1 called at his hcufe for the furpofe; linen he
0 informed me that it ivas in the poffefjion if M, . Wagner,
l- in Secondflreet, on -whom I called for the furpofe oftak
d mg it up, previous to leaving the city during the fever,
y who told me he knew nothing of the note ; I never learnt
fe where it ivas until my return to t'ue city, when a series of
> unparalleled misfortunes had tendered me incapable of
l- direbarging my jafl debts , I called on Mr. Priejlman, a,
1 well as my other creditors, and offered to pay them, by an
ie order for retJning a portion of my yearly falary,'until
" ""y wrc /«'</. convincing them that this was my only
t- resource, andproduced frotejled paper (which was, when
4 taken, deemed good) to thrice the amount of wv debts,
r- which was abandoned by Mr. Prirflmqn only,' to the un
>- feeling attack on my charaßcrJiyfubtifling „y note for fate.
Should any gentleman incline p rchaftitg my' note, be
may reft assured of my honejl dct, rmhatioo to the difcharer,
t ereof, b\> the ft off as I pyopofe here ; arid very pro
bably in a Jbort time, fbould I receive remittances which
are daily expelledftorn abroad, they will enable me amply
to discharge all the debt, due ,by
apnl 17. „ 3 ,
Imported in the ship America,
' and for sal*, by
3 At Mqflrs. Jos. Anthony (5 s Co s. Store,
e 3° bags heavy black Pepper
BookMuflm I 4 and 1-2 yard wide
Check Hhkfg. romalHhkfs.
Blue Percales and blue Socrotion
One bale bine Cloth 24 punj.
Vitepaleon Hhkfs, 18 nd 26 punj.
f One bale Betilhas—alfo,
; Four bbl«< Sago
f Eight logs Ebony
A f<;w hoards Sattinwood
1 a P ril 11 __ <foß
. Baikenridge—for l'ale
T T consists of 910 acres, almost all of which U
. A a fins rich Meadow, (the residence of the late
; Earl of Sterling). It may be conveniently dixided
, into five farms, four of which arc bounded on the
East by the river Pafaick.
There are on it a number of buildings, forming
. afquare of nearly three aeres—The dwelling house
is a vary convenient one and;a small expence would
put it in complete repair.
The orchard consists of i joo finsbearing engraft.
J ed Apple Trees—and there is on other pirtsoifaid
) traa near 300 other Apple Trees—as also a great
( variety of other fruits, particularly Cherries of the
best and most delicious kinds.
Also, a great number of beautiful Exotics and
FcreftTreos, that sdA to ths beauty and eonveni—
ence of the place. Its 1.» ation is about 18 miles
; from the towns of Newark and Elizabeth : 10 do.
, from Morris-Town, and 12 from Springfield It
| is wooded and watered.
To favc trouble, the price is five pound pr. acre
ineafh, on delivery of the deeds. Pieafe'to cn
| quire of T. McEUEN & Co.
Np. 78, Chefnut -trcet.
February z. eodtf
A House and Lot in Dover"
A LOT OF GROUNO, btuate on tht east CJ *
.LX. of the main (Ireet, running through the ton „
of Dover, in Kent county, in the Stat: of D; , a .
ware, about thirty, or'for-y yards below Ca ,i
Furbee'sTavtrn, containing in front on fait] ,f reet
thirty four feet, and extending in depth „ ar( j
twelve perches, together with die buildiogs t' ~r e.
011 created, wHich consist of a good brick T _ lol ,fJ
two flories high, well Gniihed, with two rj >mf 3 '
bout seventeen or eightsen (net square eaclr and a "
paflage eight or ten teet wide 0:1 the fir i 'fl nor .
three rooms with a pafTage.above, and go od gir'.
rets, the cellars are excellent, one of whic h is used"
asakitches; aback brick buildingwkb v ,vorooms
above and below about un or twelve ft t [ )y frur _
teen ; the tipper rooms of this building communU
cate above Hairs with the paflage of the house •
A brickfmoke house, and a good pun p 0 { watel !
in the yard, and a garden adjoining.
The House is in cv ry refpeib as°c-j mfortable an
any in Dover, i, in a got, 1 r, tuation
and now occupied by John Freema) . as a tavern
with tbe sign of the Eagle. '
The terms will be reafjnable. I \pply toDan
iel Mifflin, at Camden, near Dover , „rto thefuii
fcriber, No 60, North Eighth-rtree t, Phila.lelnh:/
n,;:r<rh tus4w '
An aflive, cleanly, industrious woman to cook
and do the bufmefs of the kifchen. Such a one
will be allowed good wages, and no other need an.
ply.—Enquire of the Printer.
February 7 .
Run away from the fubferiber
Oil she 14th inft. two indented Irifb Servant u,„'
Thomas M'Guire, about Ij years of a e e an,l e
feel: 8 inches high. rob-U, ftont, and well' made
fliort b';ck hair, remarkabl« for a frar on o-ie J
h» temples; he i, a forward, deceitful,
and unprincipled fellow, and Hccoved fr '
service jeffry Corbet, about .the " "J
height, but of a milder difpofitio,, a,,d more n"n.
dermake fliort brown ha,r ; th„V workin . app".
relwas blue cloth over jacket., lined with coarse
brown linen*check and-brown linen
yarn ?oek,ngs mixed twilled greyxloth tro'wfej
and ruffett leather hoes; they have other ctaerM«
which altogether gives tbem the appearand of f e f.
faring men but have been brought up to thefarm
ingbulmefs; no doubt will have forged parte, and
change their name, and apparel a, convenient and
have taken the pod road to Philarvlnh;, ,
more I will Fifty Dollar, for securing tb.m
so that I get them, and will pa V all tf c . • >
charges if brought home, or if fcparateH
Debars for Thomas, M d TwellX "ff /
rH-dof Wye, TelhotCouut^h,.