are small detachments continually palSng on their way to the head-quarters at Rimi ni learn that the commander in chief 01 tlieGernuanforcss, is tofend 20,000 troops towards, Rome, We are fnformed this week, that the head-quarters of Ber thier, general in chief, are to be fixed here. VIENNA,Jan.B. JEWS turning CHRISTIANS. It is certain thdt all the Jews established in the States of the Emperor, have agreed to celebrate their Sablath in future ori Sun day. •EOSTON, Aprii. 9. FROM LISBON. Capt. Lajhy and P.uJfeU', arrived at Mar blehead 011 Friday from Lisbon, in 40 days The verbal intellieence by them is, That the Spanilh fleet, of 27 fail of the line, under Dim M.ijfcraHo, had failed from Cadiy., were out three days, and had retur ned into port. Thai Lord St. Vincent, \\ith 11 fa:' of t;e line, and Sir Orde, with 6 fail, were at sea.Hut had not efib -id 1 junftion ;or fa!.en in with the Spanilh ar mada ; That the report at Lilbon, was that the American Extra Envoys, at Paris, were to leave France, the latter end of February ; and t!sat twei ty French privateers had been brought into Lifron, by Englilh a d Porttigoefe vefills, duri g the they were at that p->rt. PHILADELPHIA, ' MONDAV EVENING, April 16. The merchants, underwriters and tra ders of this city, will meet at the Cof fee-houfe to-morrow, at 12 o'clock, for the purpose of presenting their Address to the President of the. United States. The reports in circulation this day, ref pefling the receipt of dispatches at the Se cretary of State's office, from our Envoys in France, are void of foundation,—no dis patches having been received. A new edition of jacobiu lies is now runn ing through the Aurora. Publicity is all the cry with the anti-ame riean-gjillic fa&ion ; when they fuppojt or know that'a diltlofure involves a derdifti or.'c.f ail principle-—but, puliliu!y wfiicli cx pofts tlic conduit of their employers in its true colors, is an abomination that their foul bateth. The anti-americo-gallieo faflimn have long piirfued ttieTame coiirfe that the torie3 did at the commencement cf the American ' revolution. The t.ories re.presented ttiis ci.untry as divided, so gallic faiflion. The tories faio the people conlidered t'le in terest of Great Britain and that of Ameri ca, as the fame ; the gailic faftion have gone further, and t >ld the French that the people of theU'iited States would factifiee their own iutereft to that of France. The paral'el might b.; puriued to a preat length ; but the above are fufheient. Their fate will doubtless be th.» fame with that of their predecessors the tories. have a prefsin France devoted to the cause of this country, but that France ha 3 prefles in the United States devoted to her interest is moll true. This is nqt fdir play ; the French papers in this country ought to be silent, till we get one at least eltablifhed in France. The public arc congratulated on tbe firm nefs and confidency of the aurora man. It wa« feared by some, from the allusions to a providence in a late .lumber of Ihe Aurora that like his countrymen the French he •would adume for a time at lead, ail appear a-ce of candor and friendfliip to the Unit-, ed States, in order to wheedle and deceive. From this apprehenlion we are however ful ly relieved by his Nejior and Sidney, publi cations which contain a repetition of the vile falihoods that have so long abused the public. ♦ M. LTON! Extraß of a letter from Connecticut, dated A pril 9, " He wrote to Capt. Chittendon, his uncle by marriage, covering some of BACHES's PAPERS. The frfl letter the old gentkmari defp'tfed and drjlroyed Yesterday he received another with its ap purtenances. He immediately enclosed it in a wrapper, with the seals unbrolen : and, in the good old famion of New-England, quot ing a very pertinent text of scripture, direct ed it " to M. Lyon," and lodged it in the „ poll-office for Philadelphi. You fee how Jacobinism flourilnes in Conneflicut 1" ExtraS of a letter from Majfachufetts. " Every man of principle here that used to think of the anti-fadtion in Congress with ' some charity now give* them up as rfepro- : .bates. It has been pretty generajly said, the party wars are not to be much regarded < for if danger (hould arise, they will unite, and the antis will prove as forward and zea- ' lous to support the government and to stand ' up boldly for the honor of the coi.ntry as , the Federalists. Tt has ever be:n so, they a have added in England. Jf Mr. Jeffcrfon. a were Prelident ar.d his friends in office, they ' would not dissolve the braces and tics of 1 government, for they love power more ar- jdently, and are higher toned and more uftd f jand inclined to domineer than the federal d party. But the late most extraordinary toftduil of the French fadtion has blalled tbem as men and as patriots ; and every re flecting man, every man that loves his coun try and its liberty thinks of them with dread and abhorrence. Their attempt to repeal S the (lamp adt u well underllood ; and con- I fideripg the time and the ciroumfUtnces of the roeafure, it looks exceedingly as if the ; party wifiicd to fee w whiilty poles eredt" erf against the Ihe eternal boad o* i theVir inians that they < bey the laws agrees 3 very ill with the obvious tendency and design 1 <;f that repeal. And -now in the name of our dear country, li t the Virginians alk themselves, and may k nd heaven put it in to the hearts ©ftheir constituents toa(k,why do you oppose government at this time, when firm united cou:ifs!s are so necelTary ? 3 Is is vain to fav, government is wrong, yet 1 to deitroy it and the country by divifiou and - untimely opposition is nof he duty of any hor.eft man who thinks wrong measures have been purured. Wien the firftCongrefshad independence to gain, such an oppoiition as the Virgini ■ ans now make would have l»!t that invalu -3 able hltffing. It wds then won by union, and 'o again brought into danger by the en e couragement their fadtictis opposition has > given tie French to invade it. We are told that thr psople of Virginia I are at least as Well disposed as their members, II and that they have scores of men at home 1 who will not serve in Cougrefs as refpedtable ■ as the most refpethble of the'ir delegation ; a pity they will not come forward and ci ufh e the serpent of fadtion which has stung o;ir 0 peace. If truth Ihould make its way in that > (late our affairs might be retrieved, ouruni ' on. preserved and foreign foes repelled. That ' state has already sent some federal and verv Y excellent members, who love America bet ter than Fiance. But hbwever ourjefpect ■ ed filter Virginia may finally adt, rely upon it the notheni dates are firm and to support the government. lathe hour of; Val danger, our rioify jacobins would fiirink j into hiding 'places. They are few in num", j ber, puor in spirit as wefl as in purse, Mail ed in private character and held in derision - and contempt even by the common people. T. he general hope and expeftation it that _ some few anti-members may be found even i r yft sensible to patriotism, and though it is i . now the eleventh hieur, ii is not too lata to j s renounce th.e p.inciples of the party which ' they cannot pursue any further without i plunging into the wide yawning pit of de - flrudtion. The citizens of Virginia too, - though afudden people and open to violent s impressions yet they have a bottom of good - sense and attachment to the union and con (titution. They will surely change tlieirpo iiticj and their members as soon at the awful I - hazard to which we are at this moment ex posed in confeqaeaee of the opposition of - their leaders fiiali be duly examined and e»n fidcred. If indeed the (late cf Virginia lighs and pants to be a French colony, if • ihe :s weary of independence, and willing to lee French commissaries arrive to give the j plantation: and the white girls tothe blacks, if Monroe's project of loans and taxes on A mei icans to supply the French treasury, should suit better than a (lamp aft to furnilh our own, why then farewell, dear filter Virginia, we have miltaken your charadter." HARTFORD, (Can.) April 9 . hxtratfl of 2 letter from 3 gentleman in Wind hum, to his frier.d in this city. " 1 om Paine's superior fugacity lately discov ered that the Bible is full of lies—lug disci,: 1c Quiotte, by a like sagacity, more recently dif rovered that President Adams's Beolc is full of the principles of Monarchy and Arijlocrary.—What a pity tis our democrats do not better agree "with their fwerthcarts in France,! ! ! When republican 'deas* were at their height in th .t regenerated country, thsir l>e ; l men read this fame Book and ,iir.bibed its principles with avidity—tranfl-ited it i.lto French—Sketched its wh»le principles in in introductory piece, that those notr ac the whole, might yet become ac'duainteji with the outline' of fp tifeSlenta work—and, finally,pro nennced i- the ball treatise th»y had found on the fubjefil of gewtioe iepuhlicaniftn. But as out de mo.: follow the clue of their transatlantic brethren j with the utmoll fervllity in every other refpt Si, ffbo knows but they niHy soon in this." Holt, the Nrw-I.oodon Bee, having b;eo hardly pivffeci about , some of his jaco'jfnic tricks lately, by Mr. Springsr, has adopts . the common way with his clan to cxtricite himfetf, viz. by lwearing. lie ha# affirmed, which means the fame thing as fvvearing, that he has na connexion with 1 Greenleaf, and docs not give away his papers. If Jacobins can get cut of scrapes by they will forever go clear. There is only one defeat in that mode of doing the bufincf,—Nohdy believes 1 them. , Jacobisr AZODEsrr. i The Jacobins who met in Hartford a week or > tw« since, formed a nomination, which their emif- c fariea are scattering all about. I have seen one of them in the hand writing of one of the candidates, in which, the firll names after Mr. Coit's, which is placed at the head,aar t Gid«on Granger, jun. Alexander Wolcott, Ephraim Kirhy, and William Judd. These good men were all in t®wn, oa the week when the clab met. Perhaps they blufied, apd agread to set themselves up- 'This is as modest 0 as opening other peoples letters. ~ A To the Freemei ef Conncflicvt. You will thiis day, have to give in your votes wr t8 persons, for a Coagrifr Nomination. It is a matter of great importance, that you choose ' uch persons, as will not betray your interests. We nave feve:i members already inCongrefs, men of s he belt characters and abilities. Great pains are >aken, in the Grft place to make you change them Cor others. What is the difficulty with them ? F' i'hey nre all native citizen;, with whom We are acquitted They are men of the firft reputations. They tire not demagogues, nor speculators, nor men of DrsPFR.sTE portu ss. They arie lovers of peace, and have every thisgat hazard, m cafe of a war. Who arc the men let nn in opposition to them ? Look over the nominations which the Ja- .. | cfebin Club thnt met at Hartford on the ?X)th of I v.urch made out, a»d havs circulating. Whoßr set up -it th'in ? First, a member of Congress, just to blind your eyes. But look at the next four names Are thty such men as we want ? I need * not answer.- Everyone knows them. Ther are « all frur LAN* speculators, head and ears deep ; t ), and thnt is enough. BefitTes, when we reflect 4111 f, the'r fituatipns, will you not uflr, why they are pulhing so hard to get into the offices, vhich oth er men, at least as g'.od as thraifclves, hold.— Withold your votctfrom mcp whotake such mea sures to procure their own elcflion. Put them down to the bottom of the hill where thty belong. SO, RATES. Q GAZETTE MARINE LIST. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. ! h ARRIVED bays. Ship Tho*. Wilfun, Jervii, *;Mataga 63 w Brig' urricr, M'Keever, C. N. Mole Z2 1 IfabeHa & Ann, Keen, P. dc Paix 29 Gayofo, Liughain, St. Martins 35 I I" Fanny, Wade, St. J >li:is 17 ) Swift, Bonr:»e, St. Croix 15 s ' 35etfjty, Cox, C. N. M01e.22 ;n Suecefs, LocLley, Cliarlelton 10 )f Orlando, Prince, Boflon 20 1c Sthr. Orion, Pryor, Aux-Caves 30 1- Ranger. Lane, Bolton 30 y Dove, Potter, Richmond 4 Sukey, Jamts, yFredtrkkfburgh 4 > Wm. & Joseph, Rhodes, Bolton 35 :t Venus, Hammond, Savannah 14 d Trial, Hand, Virginia 15 y Mahaley, Robbie*, do. 12 e Sloop Betfe'y, Btifher, Alexandria 14 Peggy, Ntw-York 13 e Abigail, Bowie, Alexandria 22 i- Unity, HnfTey., Nantucket 12 1- Little Pull, Clark, Alexandria 2C 1, Nancy, Wider, Virginia 4 1- Sea Flower, Cumftock, N. London 21 ;8 Sally, Crofley, Virginia 4 Betsey, Fitch, Nantucket 14 a Trimmer, Douty, North Carolina 13 i, Braridywine, Btirdor., P.. Island 19 e Captain Cox of the brig Betsey informs, e that lie left at Jeremie the 1 sth ult. the ship ; Jofephus, Kennedy of this port ; Brig h Fricudflnp, Gallagher, do ; fehr. Poll, r Higgins, do. t Brig Polly, Senky was at Caymctes. Sloop Polly, "Hwpt, fai'lJti f- on Jeremie t in company with the Betsey for jhe Mole, v and had not arrived the aid. Two fqtiare tigged vefifels were feenftand - ing in for the capes en Friday afternoon, n 0 Ntw-Tart slprtl 14. f> Arrived, Days. ; : Ship Perfevtrance, Weatland, Canton 130 I Lujjer Hermoine, Price, St. Thomas 12 . Brig Franklin, Ward, Bonrdr-aux. 62 1 Hnifon, Fanning, do. 44 Lave, French, St. Bartholomews 15 t , Abbe, Eaftburn, do 22 t j Prudence, Willis, New-Orleans 30 9 ! Sclir. Prudent Hughes, Port dj paix 18 j i Sloop Three Sitters, Biihop, E ennuda io j ! "be fclij. Vulpes, Smith, cfthisport, is t j oft on the rocks near Bermuda—crew and . part of the cargo saved. | jxjst Arrived, In the ship Phcenix, C3pt. Grice, from Amsterdam, - % bov-sShtoEois 1 1)1)4. Hogs Brifilcs, ill 3 do. Haarlem Stripes quality [ 3 • 1 chest aflbrted Quills - 6 .bales Writing Paper 10 thefts Slates and Pencils. 29.trunks Mens' and W W? Silver Watches » hhtVCoHee Mii?s 2 do 2 chcfts Nuremberg Toys A few Demijohns A quan ityof ftonc pickling Pot? 4 boxes of ling! I IU Chariot and Chariot Harnett, with plated ornaments in complete fettsfor 2, 4, or 6 horfes,alfo Whips; Spurs, &c. iThe above Goods are generally entitled to draw- Lack,,arc suitable for the Fftft-Fndia market, and wili be fold at reasonable prices and at the usual credit, by * PRATT KINTZING, No. 95, North Water-street. April 16. t&fut The Subscribers, J Are landing at Willing's wharf, from on board ( of the ship Elizabeth, Captain Pcaflec, from Ba- < tavia, 400,000 lbs. of best Java Coffee, « 292 Caniftersof Sugar I A few toas of Sapan wood FOR SALE BY Philips y Cramond & Co april 16 1 w This Day will be Landed\ From the brig Orlando, lying at Chefnut-ftreei f wharf, and for file by the maitcr era board, c 200 barrels Beef i 100 do. N. Jt. Rum of a /uperior quality ! 22 hogifaeads of Codfilh ' zoo bundles Codfiih also, f On a credit of 3 and 6 months, with undoubted I f curity, the J:!KT Brig Orlando, t And appurtenances, burthen Jv one hundred and thirty tons, fait i ■ sailer, two-years old, built on <1 the Merriqiae river, in the (late of Maflachufetts. H Fer inventory apply t - the malt«r ob board f april 16 • i, fl For Sale, . c A Fakm ai:d Country Seat, SITUATED Jn the weft fide of the Schuylkill op polite »o Norris-town, fcventccn miles from Phi- ladclphii—ihe farm ccntaim 195 tc es 6f land, 50 of which are woodland, about 40 of meadow, a/id the rcil?rable land. The houfc and garden which is large and well paled, fund ,n the njolb p!e*fatit filu ation, commaridiiig a vi?w of fh© river, an island which is oppofi e and of Morris town— 'l he»c is a fliad {ifkery l'<4onging 10 the place—En- a ruuc in lH)ihr!rlphi», Nu. g6, No:ih Third Street, v or on the prcmifr*. p rpnl 16 sawtf NEW-THEATRH. 3 MR, MARSHALL'S NIGHT. 3 T'l'lo Evening -will be prcfen'ej, a celeliratcd 3 X Comedy (not performed tliefe three' years; ? The Belle's Stratagvn. Doricourt, Mr. Bernjrd. j. H:irdy, Morris, p Flutter,!. Conrtal), Harwojd. Villers, Fox. f Gibfon, W-arren. 2 Dick, ' Bliflett, j. Sir Gqorge Touchwood, Warren. 5 Paville, Fdnnell. , Savilte's Servant, I-I;inter. , Letitia Hardy, (that night only,with a fongin character) Mrs. Marfhali. Mrs. Racket, Oldmixon. }• j Miss Mil's L'Efirange. 1 j Kitty Willis, Mrs. Doctor, j. I I.ady Touchwood, Hardmge. j, j In aft 4—A GRAND MASQUERADE ; , In which will be introduced a Cotillion, under the - "Dire&ion of Mr. Byrne—and a Minuet, by Mr, ' Warrell, jun. Mrs. Marlhalf. > End of the Comedy, a Dance, called 1 The Sailor's. Landlady ; ■ Or, JACK IN DIS TRESS. ' Jack, Mr. Warrell-, jun. Midshipman, T. Warrcl . Ned Hawlyard, with " Cease Rude Boreas; or The Storm, Mr. MarflialL Sailors, MefT. liunter,l.avancy,Lafferty. &c. ' Lasses, Mrs. DoJo. ?, to q A lewlngsof Junip f Berries ' A parcel of Soal Leatlier, a:id A few boxes ofjChiiia. 1 march- 3 tu&f4w * TO BE SOLD, ' > A Very Valuable Farm, | SITUATE theNefhaminy dreek, BuckNcoun ty, containi* g about 148 acres* of which about 30 acre? arc excellent woorf-iand ; the remainder mva- . dbw and plough land, and in a highly cultivated Hate ; the whole wnder port and rail fence, chiefly r new last summer. On the premises are a log-house and barn. The situation for a couutry feat is per haps one of .the most eligible in the vicinity of Phi- \ ladelphia, lying on the Neihaminy, with the ad vantage of a landing place within ioo yards of the J farm-houfc, and commanding a very excenrive view of the lurrounding country : it is about three quart ers of a mile from the floating bridge, 17 3-4 miles from Philadelphia, and 2 1-2 miles from Bris tol. For terms of sale and further information ap ply to Thomas Benjer, Esq. ia Briflol, or WILLIAM WALN, f No. 144, South Second street. April 7. 3tawtf FOR SALE, ALt that elegant three flory Brick House, brick Kitchen and Lot of Ground situate on the foutli weft corner of Fourth and Prune streets, j containing in front on Fourth street 33 feet, and * in length on Prune ftrert 98 feet, to a four feet al ley intended to be left open with cgmmon privi lege of the fame. Also, a two story brick House and Lot of Ground situate on the weft fide #f Fourth street and ad joining thi above, containing in breadth on Fourth street 15 feet 6 inches, and in depth 98 faet oh the said four feet alley; with the coaicion privileges of A the fame. And also, all that Lot of Grcsnd situate on the C: weft fide of Fourth street and adjoining the last Fl dcfcribed lot, containing i« breadth on Fourth O street 25 feet 6 inches, and in depth on the north $\ fide iC2feet, thence running southward 11 feet 6 A inches, thence farther westward 12 feet, thcuce ft ill further fcutliward 14 feet, and thence by the Chapel ground 114 feet to Fourth street, with the common use of the said four feet alley leading in to Prune street The whole wiii be i'old together a : if xn»rc agreeable to the pwrchafer. For terms, enquire of the fubferiber, at his of. m sice. No. 124 South Fourth street. ABRAHAM SHOEMAKER. - march u. sawtf W ant *l, i An aisli*e, cleanly, induftriom worran tocook bl a/id do the bufincfc of ttie kitchen. Such a one F.i will be allowed good wajre.«, and tio oth'-r needap- .Ai ply—Enquire of thi Pn.iicr. February y § Seafarer of the Library JL ComMMgtff l'li:ij.! ./ h 1 1, wi'i be \\ KI ,itt: « Übrary, St gifth ftfiJL on MmJhiv, th« 7th .? -d May next, {n the afrrrnoon, w?l the '.y:il 'Hnd the A« there arc T'Vfrfil (harec on which fine- ara due. the owners ol t':e-rj, or their repref.-rt.itivca, are hereby notified, that t-icy will be forfeited, a greeab'y to the Ja-wsof th# unlefs thd arrears arc paid off OF. the f.tii 7th day of May, or within ten days after. By ord-rof th« D.'re.^ors, B2NJ.-\MIN R. MORGAN, Secretary. A f 'l 7 . __ 3»« _ Interpreter'.fForeign Languages. ; n JOSEPH E. G. M. de LA GRANGE, Walnut-street, No. 110, BEING July commilliorjed and sworn m the a« bove capacity, offers to travflate the French, Engiifh, Spanifc, Porturufr and Italian Langua-* ges : he flatters himfclf that his former profellion, as advocate, both in France and St.Comingo, has ? well qualified him to tranfl »te any Court 'proctcd . ings or other Judiciary inllrttmert*. r ' N. S. The FRENCH CI.IC'.T. \TING LI BRARY continues open at the above placu. Ma ny valuable additions having teen made to this collection, it eonfi.lsnow of about 1500 voiuma , the belt adapted to apfwer the purpose of thofo who wifli both to improve ?ti the Language, anj obtain ufeful inftruoHon and plcainrc. march 30. iiwlm NOT 1 C L 1 j HPHf. Partnership of the fubijriucrc, un- A dtr the firm of I'A'X.SON ARD >SON, was diflfolved on the sixth «,f the :h»rd m»nih I by r.mtu 1 con fiat All perform indebted * j thereto are earnellly refuelled to make pay, e::t ; lt ! | tbofe that have any fie.nati:% thr fame, | are or-fired to prefect their arcounts.fer set dement to either cf thefubferibcr- If'iac p/j xfon, Nathaniel JiuiardfonS y Philadelphia, 4th mo. 3d, -7^B. ISAAC _ PAXSON, Continues to carry on the bufirtef* at the usual place, No. to, Sruth.Third ftrcft, where he has on ha'nd a la»g<* auortmeut of ■ ad alery, Cut'ery and Brass Wares, which k-: wi 11-11 >vfioJrtme ;* ; 4 r . will execute with puriitoal : ry and care any orders , from lie former cuftomcrs, and his friends in gen- erai. ZSW4W [r A Great .Bargain.. FOR SALS OX PO TOMAC, In the State of Virginia, and county of Northum -1(j bcrland, : A S beautiful a Seat as any on the River, ton -LX. taining between fev-n and eignt hu-icr. • n 0 cres of Land,- which command a uu>li *de'; profpeft of Coan River, Potomac and t 1 about a third part of which is low gnumi . rounded with Fife, Oylleri, and Wild Fmil, a good harbor, and as convenient for trade a'-ri i::. formatioa as any on the lower part of the : : vjr, I. and licsfj compact, that abcut two mi'.e? of fenc ing w«uld inclose the wliole fron; river to river. r she.Hon. Walter Jonc, iifq. now in Con/, si, s lives within a few miles of the place,—who ,i!l 1 do me the favor to describe it, and make ~.y tef.-ns 1 known to any gentleci?.n inclining to putxbsfe. HUDSON MUSE. Virginia, Urbarma. zs- an—co^t For Sale, ' A. good situation for a Country Seat, . Forty, acres of Land,. On the Old Yorlt ro3d, within light of Cer mantown, rnd about five miles (rcrf the city; the whole being under good fence, and U ex cellent order as paflure ground. I'or further information and terms, apply to Jon;, Elliott Crksson, at his o."nc«- tor the ol KealEftates, Conveyancing, &c. No. ri High-street. 4t;i mo. -,d. ti:£it hair, four complexion,-fmiies when talking, is a wheel-wright by trade -■ Whocv- r will secure the thieves in any Gao.fin New-]<2rfey or Pennfy)- vania, shall ba entitled, to receive Icn Dollar* for the old ore, Fifteen for the young one, and Twen ty for Matthew Morrifon. GEORGE BURGIN, Sheriff. Biidgetown, march 15. 24 —nit&fjw For Sale, time of 3 NEGRO LAD, who has a. 1- bout three years to ferve —He is perfectly capable of and used to all kinds of houfc work ; has also been ficcuftomt'd to wait at table. A purchaser residing in the. country would be pr«- ' ferred. Enquire of trie Printer. April 12. eod.jw JUST PUBLISHED, ~ AND FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE, (Price I's Cents) Reflections on Monroe's View OF TITS CONDUCT OF THE FX CCT/rE, As published iu the GAZETT t of the UNITED STATES, Under the signature of scino, In ■wlicb lie Commercial Warfare of France it tracej to theFr: nrh Faflior. in thiiCountry, at itt Source, and the Motives of (Jppnjition, 15*.. march 3s. Prison Manufactory. FOR SALE* At the Prison of the City and County of Philadel* pi.ia, Cut Nails of allfizes, horn jdy to aody Flooring Brads, Spring*, fiddle and card Tft?ks Oakum and chipped Logw- od Shnemakexs end Threa l Also—Sawed Marble, fuitab'e/or turner's tables, tomb and hca : itoucs., hearth*, chimney pieces, platforms, fLbs, facia, wi.r' :w iicaJ*. il'As, c . All which may he had on reafonabis term , Shoes made and Weaving done 3t said Prison at a moderate price. Orders from a diftancc, JireAed te S N- \r icl The mai, agent for the prison, will be aiieiuiad to. 11e-::rmNr 16 mtbfim For haie, A" CONVENIENT well I u It f.-cond hand l.igl.t" Waggon, hung on Jack-"wt|b wUff.s juJ blinds in-the dcrors, with or without I arn. fs Enquire of Peer Umcr i\hi>u. ,*Ar:h, b-ow .ftiitli lirtet, or tiic fulj/cr'l