of ti)c Dally Advertiser: Number 1740.J For Savannah, (To fail on Saturday the *]th of April) A THE SHIP .p&Mr SWIFT PACKET, ! P AT * ICK Okiibim, Mailer. >! If- A regular eftablilhedPacket with Vj&Ugfzg- elegant accommodation!.—For freight or paflage apply io the Mailer on board at I Rof>'« wharf, or to N. & J. Frazier, No. 95, South Front Street. Who have for sale a quantity of prime new Rice by said vefiel. march • Ajl FOE SALE. rUtlHavannah Sugar 200 H ides Will b« landed to morrow, at Willingsand Fran- wharf, frona on board the brig A&ive, Will iam Williams, master. faid Brigforfale, T.' , . t r And may tike in inimedi ■■ ately after difchargcd. Apply to Jehu HollingJworlh £3* Co. march 30. § This Day will be Landed, At Morrin's wharf, just above the Drawbridge, from on board thc-brig Eliza, capt. Vaughan, from Malaga— Fresh Fruits, Wine and Brandy Lemons in chells and half chests Raisins of Sun in kegs Figs in do. Soft fhell'd Almonds in sacks Grapes and Olives in jars Bloom and Muscatel Raisins in boxes Anchovies in kegs Jordan and Bitter Alaiorkls in boxes Old Mountain Wine in qr. calks Brandy in butts, &c. See. For Sale by PETER KUHN. P. s. —* gv f faj ' immediately applied for ; {he wj&r jg a remarkable fine faft failing veffe 1, having made her paffagc to and from Malaga in littiemore than 60 days, march 26. lot Freight Wanted. FOR BREMEN, Hamburgh Brig HENRIETTA, Peter P. Schmidt, Master, NOW lying at Jeffe and R. Waln't wharf—A stout, strong vessel, of about 27° tons th«n, in good order ; has two thirds of her cargo ready to goon board, and begins to load to-morrow. For Freight only, apply to PRATT £3* KINTZING, No. 9;, North Water-ftteet. IVbo bavs JUST RECEIVED, a„J FOtt SALS, 11 bale. Tickleburg. and Oznabrigs • do. Vatterbornes X do. bleached Heflians I package Oil Cloth I chest and 8 barrels Snuff Boxei 30 Liquor Cases 99 anciiors pearl Baryle, -ind 4 cases elegant Carriage Harnels, Whips, Spurs, &c. t THtr HAVE For SAL* Claret in cases, Port Wine in pipes, Ruflia .Soap in fniallboies, Rice, Brirnftone, Tumblers, Win dow Glass, Slates, a cargo of excellent Mahoga ny, HelCans, Brown Rolls, Polish Linens, empty Coffee Bags, &c &'c. all entitled to the drawback, march «o. tuthitw For Hamburgh, THE SHIP Dominick Terry, J 0 * 1 " Majler, partof her cargo en" gaged.—For freight appiy to -Jeffe & Robert Wain. February 26 Nicklin Griffith, At their Store on Walnut Strett Wharf—» HAV* FOR SALE, 5.8 hhd«. of Jamaica Rnm Madeira Wine in pipes andhhds. Teneriffe do. in pipes Old Port do. in hhd«. Imperial Tea in quarters and eighths ®f cheftj Sai! Canvass, No. 1, to 8 'Dimities, Ginghams, and Muflinets, in pacKa ge« suitable for the Weft-hxlia market Nails ifTorted Black quart bottles Queens ware in hhds. and crates Yellow ochre dry in casks ; And at New-York, on board the lhip Diana, from Liverpool, expedled round as fooi) as the navigation is open, fine Liverpool Salt Coals Spanifti Brown Venetian Red I Purple Brown ! Pitent White { White V id Red Lead J Coleothar vitriol t6o bundles Sheithiflg paper v Seaming Twine For Sale or Chatter. ALSO, m. firm of Philijf Nicklin 8c Co. i« now cha»p«d to , NICKLIN fc? GRIFFITH. January I. eotlt^ For Sale or Charter, goodhope ' y Will carry about tioo barrels, and Z- -is ready if lake in a cargo. Forterms •fP'y W r. cj r< Pragert (s Co. No. tji, South Second-flreet. Who have for fale—primr St. Croix Supr and Kum, Madera, Liftroo, and Teneriffe win., November j. PHILADELPHIA: SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 7, 1798. On Tuesday, the ioth day of April next, at 7 o'clock in the evening, at the City Tavern, Second Street, in the City of Philadelphia, WILL be exposed to public fa!?, fevenctcn trafts or parcels of land situate J in Point townfliip in the county of Northumberland, and containing in the whole fix thousand seven hun dred and sixty-sour acres and three quarters, j with the ufnal allowance for roads. Terms of file, 1-3 of the pnrchafe money on j the execution of the deed, 1-3 in three months, 1 and 1-3 in fix months, in good notes or other , approved fecarity. CONNELLY & Co. Auß. March 9. iawtii dti-a For Sale, By Elliston fcf John Perot, ; No- 41, North Water Street, London particular Madeira Wine, in pipes and quart r calks, 4 year 6 old and fit for immediate use. Inferior do. A few bales Allibad Coffes Bandanna Handkerchiefs Sail Canvais, No. 1, to 0 A few bags of Juniper Berries A parcel of Soal Leather, and A few boxes of China. ' march 3 tu3cf4W ; IMPORTED, In the Brig Benjamin Franklin, from Bourdeaux, AND F'iß. SALD BY THE SUBSCRIBER, Claret in casks White wine in half casks Sweet oil of a superior quality in boxes anugbafkets ■ Lunelle Sauterne ( Wines in Cases. Macarty, and ( Medoc j Thomas Murgatroyd, No. 11, Walnut Street. % WHO HAS ON HAND, Bourdeaux Erandy in pipes latitled IriHi market 7 -it- • r t0 Medoa, and Sau'erneJ 169 1 ' J drawback Cherry wine in pipes and quarter caiks Rota Pimento in bags Two trunks of Umbrellas, and About 40ooLufliels Liverpool Salt. march 19 mw&ftf Valuable Property for Sale. FOR SALE, THAT well known Estate, called SHREWS BURY FARM, formerly the residence of General John Cadwalader, situate on Saflafras Ri ver, in Kent county, Maryland—containing a bout 1900 acres of prifne LAND, upwards of 500 of which are in woods. The BuildiHgs are all ex cellent, and consist of a handsome Dwelling House, two large Barn* with Cow houses, Stables for fifty horse*, a fpaeions treading floor under cover, a granary, two Overseer's houses, two ran ges of two story buildings for Negroes (one of them new and of brick), Corn houses, a Smoak house ,&c. &c,—The whole Estate being nearly surrounded by water, it requires but little fencing, and has a good Shad and Herring fifhery. It is conveniently fit dated for both the Philadelphia and Baltimore market?, with two landings on a navi gable rivtr but a short fail from Baltimore. There is a large Peach, and two large Apple Orchards on thepiemifes; alio, a variety of excellent fruits of different kinds. The foil is meftly a rich loom.— The whole will be fold together, or divided into smaller farms (for which the buildings are conven iently situated) as may suit the purchaser. The Stock on said Farm, consisting of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, See. will also be disposed of.—For further particulars apply to Georoe Hastings, on the premises, or to the fubferiber, in Philadelphia. ARCHIBALD M'CALL, jun. February 24 aaw6w Escapes. ■ ■ BROKE ths Prison of Cumberland county, in New-Jersey, and made their escape, berWecn 1 and 2 o'clock, this mornin ; , two Men, who 1 were convicted of dealing—one of them calls him felf James Legg. the other Edward Hambleton—- Legg is a grey-headed Man. about ;o years old, 5 i feat 8 inches high, thick set, with a remarkable ' large head; Hambleton is abeu*: 26 years old, 5 | feet, 9 or IO inches high, black hair. Left the i prison in company with the above described thieves, a small man, who calk himfolf Matthew | Morrifon, about 24 years old, 5 feet 6 inches high, | light hair, fair complexion, fmiies when talking, i; a wheel-wright by trade Whoever will secure the thieves in any Gaol in New-Jersey or Pennsyl vania, (hall b* entitled to receive Ten Dollars for the old one, Fifteen for the young one, andTwen- ; ty for Matthew Morrifon GEORGE BURGIN, Sheriff. Bridgetown, march 15. 24. —mt&t.^w Law Book Store, No. 319, High-flreet. George Davis, IMPRESSED with the favors fhewmhim in his efforts toeftablifh a Store for the sale of Law Books only, brgs leave to inform the Gentlemen of the Bar generally throughout the United States, that in addition to his colle&ion now on hand, which he supposes to be more extensive, than in the poffeflion of anyoncptrfon for sale in Ameri ca, he expe&s daily very large supplies from Lon don & Dublin, particularly irom th« latter place, having chiefly confined his importations to those edi tions, a* being in his opinion equally correal with the London copies, and well known to be infinite ly lower charged. G. D. limiting himfelf, solely to the sale of Law Book*, it will appear obvious to profeffional gen tlemen the prrat advantages they havein purchasing from him, both as to fele&ion and price, of which the encouragement he has received for fevtralyenrs past, is the best testimony he can offer. *r arch 20. 3aw3w AT LAST. This Day is Publiflied, by William Cob be tt, OPPOSITE CHRIST CHURCH. 7be Democratic Judge, OR THR EQUAL LIBERTY of the PRESS,' As exhibited, explained and expufed, in the prosecution of WILLIAM COBBETT, FOR A TRtTINDID LIBK L «C«f*lT Tht King of Spain and kis EmbnJf.nlor, Irfore THOMAS M-KP.ANt Chk'T Juflice of the State Penr! r y!van:2.- By Peter Porcupine. By John Fenno, N°* 119 Cbefnut Street. FORGERIES. WHEREAS fpveral forgeries have been commit ted in this city and New-York andcther olac es by 3 or 4 men, 2 are now confined in New-York goal tor life, one of thefn by name Dr. G «nt, ali?s Smith White ; another by name Dr. Gilb-rt, alias Lewis; forged a hill of exchange on Nicholas Cook ot New York with a letter of advice from "MefTrs. Bcnfon & Ives of I'rovidrnce, they also forg ed 3 checks in the name of Nicholas t, ook,a!ant is a bout 24 years old, light complexion, long favored, his countenance by no means expreflive, but rather filly or unmeaning; breathes uncommonly hard, and fre quently heaves a sigh, r-ither thia built, slender convo lution,has a hacking cough.confiipiptive loyk. wore a green cloth coat in July '96, has a defeft intone fir both front teeth, lived sometime clerk with Nicholas Cook in New-York—Gilberl, alias Lewis is rather tat or luftvt has a fear over one of his Grant & Gilbert in June 1796 forged letters ot and credit so this city,from J. Rathbonc,Nicholas Cook, Hoyt & Tom, Pell & Mellick, John kathbone's was well executed, Grant boarded at Mr. Grimes' Tavarn the Gtorge, corner of Mulberry and Second-street ; Gilbert in 7th ftrcet, and kept a t>ne horse chaise. Grant fleptina room with Mr. Robert Bicknell, and broke open his bureau, while Mr. B. was at Baltimore, and ftolc a bill of exchange for 120 dollars, from the figpatuve he forned 2 drafts on the Pennlylyania bank, da:ed 6 July '96, one for four hundred and forty-two dollars, and gave it to Mr. Wilcox's black boy to re etive. the B.ink being shut the boy was taken intocuf tody bv Mefher a constable, the draft hys at the Mav 01's ofhee ; the o:her draft for 225 dollars was paid by the B:nk soon in the morning of the 71!) July— on the 9th, Saturday afternoon,.he received through the hands of Meflrs. DebauffVe and Goodwin a c raft of William PrieftmanN, dated 8 'n July on the United States Bank for 100 dollars. B*»ng too late to receive it that night, he forged another from the fijoa ureon the United States Bank tor 446 dollars dated 10th July, Sunday, which was paid on Monday morning, early. 13th or 14th July he appeared in a new dirts new boots, See. and removed to a more retired lodg ing, at Mrs. Smith's between Arch arid Race-streets, 3 days after, he set out for Virginia Spriogs, but upon the road he fl-pt ; n a room with a geii'leman and robbed his faddie bags of some watches for which he was 'enienced at Baltimore to the wheel b *r*ow, but lately released, having very good friends in Connecti cut,—-—Any person who can prove his writing upon conviftion of the offender, shall receive ico dollars re ' ward, as the United States Bank have ieiufed 10 pay the money, appiy to William Prietkman, No. 1,5 south sth-ftreet Philadelphia, In a few days the 3 checks evidently wrote by the fame Gra t, 2 gentlemen having fwornto his writing, will be left at the Mayor's ofhee for infpe&ion. April 2. 6t. , Treasury Department, March 19, 1798. NOTIpE IS HEREBY GIVEN, will be received at the Office of JL the Secretary of the Treasury until the expi ration of the i*th day of July next ensuing, for thefupply of all rations which may be required for the use of the United States, fromthe firil day of Qdlober 1798, to the thirtieth day of September 1799, both days inclusive, at the places and within ! the diftri£ hereafter mentioned, viz. At Ofwego; at Niagara ; at Prefque Isle ; at Michilimackinac ; at Fort Franklin ;at Pittsburgh ;at Le Beuf; at Cincinnati; at Greenville; atPicque Town and Loramie's Store; at Fort Wayne ; at Fort Defi ance ; at p.ny place below Fort Defiance cn the Mi ami River to Lake Erie ; at Fort Knox and Oua tanon on the River Wabafh; at Maflac; at any place or places on thecaft fide of the River Mifhf fippi above the mouth of the River Ohio, and up. on the Illinois River ; at any place orplace9on the east fide of the Mifiiflippi River below the mouth of the River Ohio to the southern boundary of the State of Kentucky, and within the faidStatt; at Knoxville, Tellico Block House, and at all other Posts in the State of i ennefTee ; at any place or places on the east fide of the River Miffiflippi, be low the southern boundary of the State of Fennef fee, to the southern boundary of the United States. If supplies fiiall be required for any posts or places not mentioned in this notice,all fuchfupplies shall be furnifhed at prices proportioned to those to the posts before redted, as may be agreed on be tween the United States and the contractor. The rations to be supplied to confik of th* fol lowing articles, viz. One pound of bread or flour One pound of beef or twelve ounces of pork or bacon Half a jill of rum, brandy or whif-""\ ky, one quart of Salt, two quarts / of vinegar, two pounds of soap, f nation's one pound of candlc« j The rations areto he furniflied in such quantities, as that there fba.ll at all times during the said term, be fuificient for the coni'jmption of the troops at Michilimackinac, Detroit, Niagara, and Ofwego 1 for the term of fix months in advance, and at each of the other posts, for the term of at least three months i:» advance, in good and wholcfomc provi sions, if the fame shall be required. It is t» be un dcrftood, that the contrader is to be at the ex pence and rilk of ifTuing the supplies to the troops at each post, and that all losses faftained by the de predations of an enemy, or by means of the troops of the United States, fliallbe paid for at the price of the articles captured or destroyed, on the depositions of two or more persons of credita«» hie charatfters, 2nd the certificate of a commifiion ed officer, ascertaining the circunxfiances of the loss and the amount of the articles f#r whieh com pensation shall be claimed. The priviledge is reserved to the United States of requiring that none of the supplies which may be furnifned under the proposed contrail, shall he ifilied, until the supplies which have or may be furnifhed under the contra*ff now in f.Tte have been consumed. OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of the Treasury. m*rch 27. 2awtr> fv FOK SALiI, ALL that elegant three Pory Brick House, brick Kitchen and Lot of Ground situate on the south weft corner of Fourth and Prune streets, containing in front on Fourth street 33 feet, and in on Prune ftre«t 98 feet, to a four feet al ley intended to be left open with common privi lege cf the fame. Also, a two story brick House ami Lot of Ground situate on the weft fide *>f Fourth street and ad joining the above, containing in breadth «n Fourth street 15 feet 6 inches, and in depth y8 feet oa tht said four feet alley, with the common privileges of the f«*me. And aifo, all lhat Lot of Ground situate on the weft fide of Fourth street and adjoining the la ft described lot, containing in breadth on Fourth street 25 feet 6 inches, and in depth on the north fide 102 feet, thence running south ward 11 feet 6 inches, thence further westward S2 feet, thence itill further fcuthward 14 feet, and thence by the Chapel ground 114 feet to Fourth street, with the common use of the said four feet alley leading in to Pruqe street The whole will be fold together if more agreeable to the pvchafer. For firms, enquire of the fubferiber, at his of fice, So, lid South Foarthftreet. ABRAHAM SHOEMAKER. march 31. 3 »wtf Thomas if Joshua Fisher, HAVE FOR SALE, At No. 5, >ck-ftreet,:iear the Drawl)ridge, China v. are nankeen dining felts, tc£ and coifec 1 caps and fauccrs Nankeens, black fattins and taftities Pun gem cloths, choppah romalls, and bandannoes China and Kngliih umbrellas, Together with a general affbrtment of European Goods— among which are Scots thread in boxes 6d, Bd. iod. lad and aod. nail* Shot—T. Crowley steel, Spanifti brown and white lead English lcythes 4s to 50 inches ALSO, ITI harrellsof kiln riryed Indian corn meal. A commodious StoreinDock-ftreet, No. 7, to he let, three stories high, suitable for any business. 4thmo.srh §tf Manchefler Goods. Received by the latest arrivals from Liverpool, se veral trunks, suitable for the pr:fi-nt and ap proaching season, which will be fold very low for cafii or on a (hort credit, viz. 7-8 and 9-8 Printed Calicoes Fancy Waiftcoating in Marf.illes, &c. Cotton and silk and cotton Hoficry, Pantaloons, &c. A variety of (F.nglifhJ Umbrellas Nankeens, cotton Hhkfs. Shoe binding, N. B. A cafe of printed Muflincts, and a trunk of Pi'llicat Bangalore Handkerchiefs, entitled to drawback, and very suitable for the App'y No. 35 South Water and corner of Chef nut street. 4mo. 4 —slw Madeira Wine. A few pipes of remarkably fine Madeira, fit for immediate use, and at a reduced nrice—For file by JAMES YARD. April 4. d2w Just. Received, AND FOR SALE BY IS4AC HARVETyJuN. (No. 5, South Water Street,) A Quantity of Georgia Cotton. ALSO, Prime Aux-Cayes MolafTes Raisins in kegs Sugar in barrels—and A few tons $f Nicaragua wood. 4th mo. 4th §aw Just Landing From the brig Harmony from the Isle of Ffance, And for fali By Joseph Anthony & Co. Lao bales Bourbon cotton of a superior quality 50 bags do. coffee 14 calks do. Indigo april 3 diot ROSS SIMSON, HAVi FOR SALE, A small invoice of best Triage COFPUE, in barrels and bags la bales superior Madraf».Blue Cloths Carolina Indigo firft quality A few baies Baftas, Coflas, and a quantity of Bengal COTTON Bengal SUGAR, in bags and boxes ™.j itUM. April 4. § to beTet\ And pafjejjron given immediately, Agenteei three story brick House, N >. 7, North Eighth street, 24 feet front an.-l 55 feet deq>, with a handsome Garden. Enquire at No. 128 Spruce street. April 4 § To the Afflicted with NERVOUS Disorders, loss of appetite, female complainfs, debilitated conftifutions, inward weakncflcs, lownefs of spirits, seminal weaknefle?, | indigeilion, decayed, weak or relaxed constitutions, 1 pains in the limbs, poverty of blood, finking anx ieties, and tremors, which so dreadfully affe Two cord. 2383 20i 2384. 20 2385 20 i J The above reward is offered, for the discovery of the perpetrators of this robbery, so that they be apprehended, and made amenable to juflice ; further reward will be paid, for the recovery of any part of the goods stolen, ou delivery of tl»e fame to JOHN HARRIS, Keeper Military Stores, april 2. Iw israel Morris 1 againfl | Maryland. Thomas Margatroyd, James Bell, j InChancery, Marfkall and Benjamin Smith, r March 8, Executors of Samuel Tucker, | 1798. deeeafed. J •"I.'HE objeit of the bill, is for the Complain- X nant, Israel Morri*, to obtain relief againfl a judgment on a bond by him executed, on the 31ft day of December, 178:, to the said Samu el Tucker, for the sum of £■ 200 principal.— The relief is prayed on the ground, that the Complainant afiigned, by way of security for the said money, a bond to him the Complain ant, executed by Samue! Downing, for the sum of £ that the fakl Tucker received of the money due on the said lad mentioned bond the lum of jC' lo ° and negle&ed to take.steps for obtaining the residue, until the said Downing became insolvent. The bill state? that all the defendants are now residents of the State. It is therefore, on his motion, adjudged and ordered, thai he cause a copy of this order to.be inserted, three weeks fucceflively, in some newspaper of Phila delphia, in or near which the defendants reside, at any time before the firft day of May next, or served upon each of the defendants general ly, before the said day ; to the intent that they have notice of the complainants application to this court and of the fubflance and objedl of hi? bill and may be warned to appear here on or before the third T«cfday in September next, to (hew cause, wherefore a decree fnouid not pass as priyed. Attefi. SAMUEL HARVEY HOWARD, Keg. Cur. C?H. April 3 CO3W For Sale, A good situation for a Country Seat,, Forty acres of Land, On the OJd York road, within fight of Ger mantown, end about five mi!e» from the city ; th* whole being under good fence, and in ex cellent otSei as pasture ground. For further information and terms, apply to John Elliott at his Oilier forthe sale of Real Eflates, Conveyancing, &e. No. 54, High-flreet. 4th mo. 3d. tu&fut