and on the north fiie of high ftr.ect faiiftg the fouthw&rd of and adjoining the potts between the weft line o,f third street and theeaft line of fourth street for the use of such butchers ascannotbeaccommodated with (lands in the spaces herein before -allot ted to them openings being left ot the breadth of fifteen feet in the .range of said (talis at the distance of every thirty feet Pro vided always neverthelcfs that nothing here in contained (hall be taken or construed to allow any butcher to occupy any stall or spaCe within the said market free of rent. Sec. 7. And be it further ordiiined and en aßed That if any person. or persons after the pafling of this ordinance (hall wantonfy wil fully or raalicioufly break or otherwise in jure the moveable or other (tails which the commissioners are by this ordinance author ized or directed to place or which may have been heretofore placed in the said mar ket every person so offending and every per son aiding and concerned in such offende lhall ferfeit and pay for every such offence a fine of five dollars to be recovered with colts in the manner and for the use herein before njentioned. Sec. 8. - And be it further ordained and en « Bed That all and every the spaces within the limits of the market not .herein above appropriated as (lands for carts carriages and horses ar.d for exposing goods and country produce for sale (hall be and they are here by declared to be open and free paflages within the said market and the fame (hall be kept open and free from all obftrudtions whatsoever for the more easy paiTage of the citizens and others during the hours of mar ket and if any person (hall keep or place a ny thing therein to hinder the free passage of the citizens and.qtljers a,| d (hall not forthwith remove such obftrudtions upon request every person so offending (hall for feit and pay the sum of two dollars to be recovered with colts in the manner and for thg use hefein before rrientioncd. See. <■). Stud be it farther ordained and e naSed That no butcher or other person (hall (laughter or kill any beast within, the limits of the said market nor lay any.garbage dung or offal therein under the penalty of forfeit ing the fum.of five dollars for every such of fence to be recovered with cods in the man ner and fpr the use herein before mentioned. ■ Sec. io.- And it is further ordained aiid enacted That no person whatever (hail at any time fell or expose to sals any beer cider or fpiritnons of any kind mixed or un mixed by retail within the limits ef the said market under the penalty of forfeiting the sum of five dollars for every offence to be recovered and appropriated as-herein before diredlea Sec. 11. And it is further ordained and tnaded That no (teelyards (hall be used with in the limits of the said market and that all provilions of every kind fpld by weight or reeafure fnall T>e weighed and nreafured by weights and measures duly regulated and stamped by the effic«r legally appointed for that purpose atjd if any person (hall be guil ty of felling by (teelyards or by weights or measures not regulated and (tamped as afore faid or by scales falfly balanced he or (he (hall forfeit fueh (teelyards weights measures or scales and pay the sum of live dollars to be recovered and appropriated as herein be fore diredled Sec. 12. /nd it is further ordained and enaSed That all blocks benches tubs or other things used in the market for the accomoda. tion of butchers and ethers whiltl occupying the (hambles (hall be placed and kept with in the limits of the (ta'i3 by them occupied in such manner as not to extend into the market houses fr.rther than two feet fix inch es beyond the inner edgfc of the said (tails refpedtively and all perfops who (hall use or oScupy any of the (hambles aforefaid fhali immediately after market hours on market day's & on other d?ys before they leave the market place or cause to be placed all blocks and benches used by them in the market un der the planks of their refpeaive (tails and' there cause the fame to be secured by strong chains arid locks so that the said blocks or benches fiiall not extend in any way bevond the edges of the said plonks to the interrup tion of the citizens pafling within the market and if any owner or occupier of any block bench tub or other thing used as aforefaid fliall cause or fuffer the be placed or remain otherwise than is;herein before menti oned and diredled such person so offending (hall forfeit aad pay for every such offence the sum of two dollars to be recovered and appropriated as herein before directed Sec. 13. And it is further ordained and enacted That no person or persons (hall bring or use any wheel-barrow within the market-houses or (hambles on market days and in market hours under the penalty of one dollar to be recovered and appropriated as h»;rein before dire died Sec. 14. /nd it is further ordained and tnaded That Bo person or persons (hall ride lead drive or bring any horse or horses on market days within the limits of the chains as prescribed by this ordinance during the time of the said chains remaining fixed under the penalty of forfeiting for every fueh of fence the sum of two dollars to be recover ed aixi appropriated as hereinbefore directed. Sec. 15. And it is further ordained and enacted That no person or persons attending the market for the purpose of vending any article or articles of provision fruit herbs roots garden feeds or of goods and wares the SmanuUdtures of America (hall use or occupy any othef place of (land withiii the limits of the said market than the space or (land spe cially appropriated to the feveraldelcriptions of persons mentioned in this ordinance un der the penalty of forfeiting for every of -tence the turn*of two dollars, to be recover ed aud 'appropriated as herein before diiect cd Sec. IC. And it tt further ordained and' enaßed r.;at no person who follows the bj fiiiefs of a nuckfter or of felling provisions 1 vegetables nuts or fruit at fecoud hand'fhall 1 at any time fell or offer for sale within the < limits of. the market any provilions vegeta- j fo'rs mitj r>r frcit of any feint! under the pe nalty of forfeiting for ever ytfuch offence the sum of five dollars to be recovered and ap propriated as herein before diredted Sec. 17. And it is further ordained and enaSed That no person or perfous (hall at any time except on market days and in mar ket hours fell or expafe to sale either on the (hambles or flails of the market or on the pavements within or surrounding the fame any soup or soups under the description of pepper-pot or any other name whatsoever or boiled Indian-corn pickled oyfleis or other drelfed victuals under the penalty of forfeit ing for every such offence the sum of one dollar to be recovered and appmpriated as herein before directed • »f>* c/ 1 » feec. 18. And it is further ohdaintd and enacted That the Clerk of the market (hall and he is hereby authorized and empowered tp provide effectual means that no horses or cattle be permitted to enter within the en closed market through any passage whatso ever and that no cattle of any kind (hall be brought or exposed to sale within the limits of the market herein before deferred Sect. 19. .'nd be it further orda'tned and enabled That it (hall be the duty of th«" clerk •r clerks of the market and his or their de puties to attend in the said market from the beginning to the end of the hours of mar ket on market days and at such other heurs as (hall be necefTary in order to enforce obe dience to all and every the rules and regula-, tions herein contained and such other rules and regulations as (hall from time t* time be ordained and enadted refpedling the said i market and ten minutes immediately before the fixing of the chains herein before diredt ed to be pfaced| to cause the court-house bell to be rung in order to give notice to the Butchers to remove their carts and car riages as herein before diredled To prevent all unfotlud and untf»holefome provisions from being fold Or expiifed to sale by seiz ing the fame and taking fuih order thereon as fliall be diredted by the Mayor or some one. of tlie Aldermen ai'id te weigh try and examine all bread butter lard and other arti cles of proviffons fold in loaves or in lumps of a given orjacfcultomed weight to fee that the lame are of due weight fsr which the fame are offered or ought to be and to try all scales weights and measures by whieh ' any provisions offered ft, rauft endeavor to compose the re quiQta majority, by fubferifeing in fuffieient num bers on rnonday next— one dollar mud be paid, in cap, for every (hare fubferibed, or the fubferip. tions will be void as to those not-coming prepared with money. April 3, T798 New-York, April 2. ARRIVED. bays Brig David and George, White, Antigua 17 Nancy, King, Bay of Honduras 27 (They were still in expectation of an invasion from the SpanHh at the Bay.) Sir John Wentworrh, Martinique 20 Schr. Elizabeth, Pigot, Norfolk 2 Neptune, Whi:!o t k, Martinique 21 S'oop Polly, Duncan, Richmond ro For;une, F.mle, N. Ca-olina 4 The Owners of 5982 Dollars Captured in the schooner Lovely Lady of New- Yt rlc, captain Edward Juhnfton, by the French privateer Revanche, captain Anteine Berard, on the 13th o laifjuly, are requetted to make imme diate application to the Department of otate re fpeiling the fame. Department ot State, 7 Philadelphia, April a, 1798. J Jull Landkig From the brig Harmony from the Isle of Franc*, And for sale By Joseph Anthony £s* Co. 110 bales Bourbon cotton of a superior quality 350 bags do. coffee 24 r asks do J Indigo april 3 ' diet TO LET, AParlour and three Bed Chambers, Kitchen and Cellar. Enquire at No. 26, South Fifth flreet. ,qt apVil 3 Six Pence Reward. RAN AWAY from th« fubferiber on the K tfi March last, an apprentice Boy, na med Adair. Banian, hv trade a Baker, about 4 feet 10 irclits high, and has loft a finger on hi* left hand, en years of ap;e ; had on when he went away, blue jnckef, rel waificeai, coating trowrfer-s, a piir ot brse.filver buckles in his fn* s Whoever will apprehend said boy and bring him to his malier «g«k, {hall re-' ceive t! e-above rw.'.rd. and no charges paid by "if. CHVKJ'FS BASTIAN. . april 7 # lt NEW-THEATRE. Mr. Fen Nell's Night. THURSDAY EVENINd, April 5, , Will be prefixed (.for the firft time tUi> feafoa; 1 cerebrated Tragedy, called KING LEAR ; AND SIS THREE DAUGHTERS. txr, Mr. Fepnell , Burgundy, Warrell, jum Cornwall, Hardinge Albany, Fox GloSer, Warrell Kent, Warren E — THE WIDOW OF MALABAR; to which will be added, the Farce of the WANDERING JEW, for the Benefit of Mr. Harwood. 03" Sales of Muslins postponed, On account of the weather, Till TO-MORROW, j o'clock, P. M. 15 bales of East India Muslins, By the bale, for appraved endorsed notes at 60 and 90 days—confuting of Baftas ColTaes Guzzenas Handkerchiefs, See. The whola entitled to drawback. FOOTMAN £3" Co. Juß'rr. dt» NOW LANDING, Frwi on baaid the f C hr. Charlotte from Bolton, 30 chefta Bofcea 30 do. Hyson £ TEAS 36 do. Souchong j And from on board the ft hoonfr Favourite from *> Richmond (Vir.) 648 bWs. fuperfine ) „ T „ TTI> 66 do. fine j FLOUR # - And also a quantity of WHEAT For Sale on reasonable terms, by GEORGE PLUMSTED, N0...66, Soutk Front ftieet. »?"' 3 .raw,w NOTICE. THE Partnerlhip of the/übferibers, trading un der the firm of PAXSON & RICH/CRD SON, was dilTolved on the Cxih of rhe third mr-nth fall, by mutu 1 cunfent. All persons indebted thereto are earnestly requeued to make payment ; and those that have any demands againlt the famcj are desired to present their accounts for fettlemenc to cither of thefubferibers. Isaac Paxfon, Nathaniel Rithardfon. Philadelphia, 4th mo. 3d, 1798% isaac~paxson, Continues to carry 011 the bulinefs at the usual place, No. 10, South Third ttreet, where he has on hand a large afl'ortment of Ironmongery, Sad. dlcry, Cutlery and Brsfs Wares, which ht wi tfell vrhoUfale or retail, ou low terms, for c.dh or tha -usual credit He expefts to receive by the firft ve&els from London,, Liverpool and Hull, a large addition to his prefect assortment ; and will execute with pu'-etuality and care any order* from t,he former cuftojners, a d hi. friends in een For Sale, A good situation for a Country Seat, Forty acres of Land, On the Old York road, within fight of !Ger mantown, end about five miles from the city; the whole being under good fen-e, and in ex cellent order as pallure ground. For further information and terms, apply to Jonn Elmott Csxsson, at hi.s Office for the lale ot KealEftates, Conveyancing, &c. No. <4, High-llreet. J ' 4th mo. 3d. tu&fnt lira el Morris "j ' agafnft | Maryland. ThomasMargatroyd,James Bell, j liiChancer., Mar&sll ai.dßeiijamin Smith, r March B,' Executors of Samuel Tucker, j i7 gß. defeafed. o'Djea of the bill, is for the Complain- JL naift, Ifrae! Morris, to obtain relief ajainft a judgment on a bond by him executed, on the 31ft day of December, 1781, <0 the said Samu el Tucker, lor the sum of .£.200 principal.— Ih« relief is prayed on the ground, that the Conipiainart assigned, by. way of fecuntv for the laid money, a t*'nd , }0 him the Complain aet, executed by Samuel Downing, for the sum of £.350 that the said Tucker reedfved of the money due oti the said last mentioned band the and neglefted to take steps for obtaining the residue, until the said Downing became iiifolvent. j lie bili Mates that all the defendants are now residents of the State, ft is therefore, on his motion, adjudged and ordered, thai he cauf'e of this order to be inserted, three weeks rucfeffively, in Pome newspaper of Phila delphia, in or near which thedefen lants reside, at any time before the firft dav of May next, or served upon each of the defendants general ly, before the fa;d day ; to the intent tha;thev have notice of the complainants appl ca*ior, to this court and of the and obj-a of his bill and may he warned to appear here on or before the third Tucfday in September next, to csufe,' wherefcre 3 decree fl.ould not pals asyrayed. ' At'eft, BAMUEL HARVEY HOWARD, Reg. Cur. C 'u. 3 P r 3 co iw