Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, March 30, 1798, Image 3

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    77/w'XS 7VJr£S.
Fifth Congrcfi of the United Statu :
Begun and held at the CHty of Philadelphia,
in the State of Pennsylvania, on Mon»"
day, the thirteenth of November,
one thousand seven hundred
and ninety-seven.
Declaring the consent of Congress to an etS of
the Commonwealth of Majfachufetts.
BE it enußed by the Senile and House of
Representatives of the United Stales of
America, in Congress assembled, That the con
sent of C'ongrtfs be and hereby is granted
and declared to the operation of an a«£t of J
the Legiftatttre of the Commonwealth of l
Mafiachufetts made and passed the fecoud I
day of February one thousand seven hun
dred and ninety eight, intituled " an aft to
incorporate Tobias Lord, Oliver Keating,
Thatcher Godard and others for the purpose i
of keeping in repair a piir, at the mouth
of Kennrbunk rivtr and to grant them aduty
for reimbursing the expend of ereftine the
Speaker of the House of Rebnfentatives
Vice President of the United States
and President of ihe Senate.
United St tes, 7
Approved* March tj, j
Prcjidcnt of the United States.
Declaring the consent if Congress to an ad of j
the State of Maryland, pajfed the twenty j
eighth of December, one thousand seven hun- j
dred and ninety three, for the appointment
of a health officer.
Sec. i.
JL3 House of Representatives of the
United States of America, in Congress cijfm
bled, That the consent of Congress be, and :
is hereby granted and declared, to the ope- \
ration of an aft of the general aflembly of !
Maryland, palled the twenty-eighth of De- j
cember one thousand seven hundred and
ninety three, intituled ".an aft .to appoint i
a health officer for the port of Baltimore, in
Baltimore county," so far as to enable the
State aforefaid, to collefta duty of one cent
per ton, on all vefleis coming into the dif
trift of Baltimore, from a foreign voyage,
for thepurpjfes in said aft intended.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That i
this aft {hall be in force for one year from the -
pa fling-thereof, and fronr-thtnc<rtbTTle end
of the next ftflion of Congress thereafter,
and no longer.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Vice President of the United States, '
and President of the Senate. '
United States," 1 '
Approved, March 27, 1798. f
President of the United States. <
To continue in force the fifth feilion of an aS I
intituled "an aS( in addition to the alt, inti- '
tuled "anaß to tjlahhjh the pojl-ofjice and j.
poff-roads within the United States." (
BE it entitled by the Senate and House of |
eprefentatives, of the United States of t
Am 7, in Congress assembled, That the r
' r> . ftion of the aft, intituled "an aft in
■ld> n to the aft, intituled "an aft to e- \
the poft-office and pod-roads within '
lited States," which feliou will ex- ;
pirc 1 the thirty-firft day of March, one 'u
t<> id seven hundred and ninety-eight, g
'hall e, and the fame is hereby continued d
1: terra to the third day of March next. ''
'aker of the House of Representatives.
"ice President of the United States,
and President of the Senate.
United States, 1
. >ved, March 28, 1798. j
President of the United States.
For an additional appropriation to provide and I
support a Naval Armament.
Sec 1 XJ lt cnaded by the Senate and
Jl> House of R,p, efentatives of the
United States of America, in Congress affem
uled, That there be, and there hereby are
appropriated a further sum, not exceeding
one hundred and fifteen thoufand,eight hun
dred and thirty-three collars, to complete
and equip for sea with all convenient speed,
the Frigates, the United States, the Cori
flitution aHd the Conlkllationand a far
ther sum, not exceeding two hundred and
sixteen thousand fix hundred and feventy
nine dollars for the pay and subsistence, for
the term of one year of the officers and
crews which are, c>r shall be engaged'in the
service ofthe United States on board the said
fiigates, in addition to the sums heretofore
appropriated for those purposes, refpeftive
iy» remaining unexpended ; also, a sum, n
not exceeding sixty thousand dollars,
fray 'Tie wear, leffe*, expenditures of am
munition, and otbcrcurrent and contingent
citpences of the naval ai"mament ; also a sum, (
not exceeding two thousand two hundred
dollars, to defray the salaries of persons
havipg charge of the navy yaids at Norfolk, Im ,
New-York, and Portfmontb ; r.nd for the a
lentscf the feme. 'n
S ? c - 2 j 4nd If it furthy eriaSed, That
aii/l'n 'r p?roptiatd| Mbe paid
a d j.,,,,, d f tJ)c P
and mcom; of the current year, Bo t before
Speaker ofthe ftovfi of Representatives.
Vice President of the United States,
and President of the Sennit.
United States, "I
Approved March 27, 1798. j
President of the United Stales.
Deposited among the Rolls in the office of
the Department of State.
iia, Timothy Pickerino,
Secretary of State.
„ Wl| «•
House of Reprrfentative t ofthe United States.
1 his morning Mr. Allen moved in the
Jrloule of Representatives, that the Prefi
inf d L ent " 10U r ld veiled to communicate to
J House the Diipatches he has received
trom our Envoys at Parii, or so much there
/ or as is, hi .nsopiaion, confident with the
J iiitcreff fafety of the cotintry,
iTd 1 ■ M '"' S " ®f th raovtd to a! "end, by stri
king out the Utter words which give a dif
°r j cretlc f to Prelident as to what part of
•°H 1 di[patches fhail be Communicate.d
Mr. Gilc» moved another amendment, to
un - wit, to include in the.rcjueft a call for the
V> inuruftions to the envxy a -On motion, the
j further of the fubjeft was poft
poncd until Monday.
Jt}' —~
the HARRISBURGH, Mjrch2i t
At a court of Oyrr arid Terminer and
General Goal Delivery for the couwy of
Dauphin, held in thfc town last week, Sarah
Taylor, was eonvifted under the aft of as
sembly, of secreting the death of a bastard
child, and fentenccd to one years imptifon
Elizabeth oojivifted of the
like crime, received the fatoe fentcnce.
Susannah KeatOn, eonvifted of larceny,
was sentenced to pay a fine of 6 dollars and
undergo one year's imprisonment.
of \ Cornelius Stegor, coovifted of palling
„ty | counterfeit bank notes of the branch bank
in- ) of New-York, was sentenced to fifteen years |
snt impriionroent and pay a fine of 50c dol- .
nd The trial of John Hauer, and the others
the charged with the murder of Francis Shitz,
m . was unavoidably poitponed. Hauer could
nd . net be put on trial until the Friday of the
>e- \ court, and after that day had been wearly
of j consumed in the business, he proprofed ma
le- ; king ample confeffion, which, it is said,
nd P"t matters in a new train, and rendered it
nt : necefiary to defur the prolecution of their
," n trials until the nexPterm.
nt CAR LI L '. Mar h 21.
if. Yeflenlay'i mail brought us Kentucky papers
frum the 15th Novembe to the 13th Jan.—No
' material news is cun'aine 1i i tl.em. The best
hirmony seems tp prevail tet.vcen th' officers
at of the Span lb eovtrnment, and Mr. Ellirott,
he cipt. them?n uncierjhe r command
-;a «irest cwmpiainri"as, ro rne irr (Ttrtarity if the
, r miilp, t etween Pittsburgh and Kentucky, in ev
' try paper.
BxtrnS of a letter from a gentleman dated
Cbtckafqiv Bluffs, OH, 23, 1797, to his cor
respondent in this town.
•' We (ha!l n a few days emba'k far Natch
ez as the fort at this place, the ere&ion of which
detained us, was fort p ■ ate ! yefttrdav, and at
iwelve o'clock the American fl.rg was'difplayed
accompanied with 15 d»fch.'rges of cannon, it
which tine it received its name from capt. G«i
" n —FORI AJO A MS—There will be an offi
cer and a detachment f men left.
" I dare fay you have heard many various re
ports refpecling and the Dons, but mutua
\8 p ace and harmony has fuhfined ever (ince our
a rival at this place, and the fame good difpofi-
.'ion obtains at the Natchez. Biron de Ca on
rielet, the commandant thsre, wrote to capt 1
Guion expreffinjj great friendlhipi and offering ,
y houfei for the aceomnioHation of the American ,
if troops when they fhali arrive at that place, bu' \
le no alfurance of a relinaiaiffiment of" the f»rt. ,
| n " When col. H 'wari. failed with his gal ie t
from the garrison on the opposite shore, rrci- t
procal faliitcs were exchanged from thegmip rn a
■«r foit and their yalleygurts The day priced 0
c " ing their departure, the coloi.ei and offi ers gave c
ie 'ut an elegant dinner, nothing hut the r
t, greatefl hilarity and Tocul harmony prevailed a
d during our flay. The claret which was liberal- r
ly d'ftufed seemed to absorb all national anitnof- t
ities and to inspire fentimer.ts totally repugnant t
to political bickerings and maiignmt afper- e
fions " t
To be fold at Public Vendue, "
On SATURDAY, the 31ft of Marchinit. ut it e
o'clock, at Chifnut flreet wharf, for the benefit n
of the concerned.
Sundries favedfrom the wreck of theJhip John, v
5 coils of Cordage 0
16 boxes Window Glass tl
J I ditto hollow ditto ei
4s Sraws ol ! uinblers * a
1 pipes of Holland Gin p
® 162 (tiee s of Copper c ,
c I barrel of newr t'opper Nails, No. 169
Half a keg of old ditto
6 pair of lower Shrouds c(
1 old Sail ;
j 5 Cabbin Windows, with Glafles
S ditto with Blinds
: 7 iron hooped Water Calks
2 Hen « oops
2 ncwPump? with copper or brass chambers
Pump Gcer for ditto P (
I nchor, weight about 2700 lb.
I distq, about 1600
28 (beett of Copper
About two tons and half of Swedes bar Iron
I 2 Iron I'fne-s ■
CONNELLY fc? Co. Auctioneers. P 1
marcli : : •;
(Price 25 Cents)
Refie&ions on Monroe's View ™
As pnblifhed in the q
GAZET I oi t-;,. CJM'I I'!' STATES,.
Under the signature of
SCI F 1 0, 5
In ivbicb tb ■ Comn-ercia! V am re of France is traced
to FaAron in tliia Counirj» as Us Sovtxc, £
and He Motives of Off-ft ion, tsTc.
"march 30. W
ore -i" t. .. . .m-w—r ii i i.
1 1
The acknowledgment, of a Deity and a
luperintending providence is so contrary to
the pradieeof the rulers of Fraw, Tom
I atne nnd his ft'low-laborers in the cause of
• atheism, anarchy, and defpotiiin, Bache
o anu Callsnder, that blafphimy and (Zander,
r'.peeing the Ptefident's-proclamation from
t -ru r >S " P ' SC " tS °f conrle.
The following i* a fpecinu-a from tlu
Aurora of the 29th infant which,ought to
tes. • mOTe '-* tenflvf iT Uwn than the ciWula
the t,on ° l^at P a P er allow—ir fofloVrsi
e {-,. 'Fo. fcarleft Ornnifcie ce should wat.t in
to , '^! lce ' refpe&ing Federal purity, "and
, e; j Jacobin guilt, our prefideot "haa issued a pro-
Te _ clamation for a fad and thanksgiving both in
the u" e day she fay " that we are " P laccd in a
hazardous nnd afflidive frtiiation by the un-
Iri- fnend]y difpbfition" &c. of a foreign pow
iif- fr ' lorl ' r " Adams wants to have
. the firft hearing ; and to roakf every pulpit
resound with declamations againtt France."
■ Ihe town of Roiibury in MafTachufetts,
is from 6 to 8 miles square, the number of
voters in the most fettled part, and where
the late meeting was held, is probably from
6 to 900.
Bache, inftrused by ths principal mover
nd of «'£ puppets, tells Caltender to dubb the
friends of the conilitution and government
•ah 0 the United States—Tories— -but, I would
a s" £ rtilt man al, d theft- uaderii rappers ;
ird 111 diforganikation,' if they are lobefotted as
}». to fupppfe; the people of the United States
will ever believe that the present, or late
he President of tjie United .States, and a long
lift of iSt»tefmen and heroes, who effected
ly, independent# of this country,areTorics J
„d 1 his is one.of the mod pitiful expedients the
faction have ever had recourse to—with re- '
n g fpeft to the friends of their country it is
nk harmlefs-fc-but as it affe£ts many of thecham
ars | P'°nsof the Jacobin party, it is cruel, in- j
ol- deed it is—for they were Tories, and glori- ,
ed in the appellation.
tz, ' strati of a tetter from Mafiachufetts, dited j
,ltj March 2i, 1798.
. " The situation of our tommillioners in '
f France must be disagreeable, for I can hardlv 1
'y of any one more f», than to tie in a con
la- fpicuous flation without the relpefl and confe
id, quenre which are eommon'y attached to it. A
[t man in fnch cafe must be every moment fubjeft
£ ; r to mortification and it would be better for him "■
to be undiftinguilhed ; but the intijgnitiei thev •
may fufler will probably have a good effefl on '
their countrymen. When we have taken every *
honorable course to fatisfy the French govern- 1
ment, and they hive in every initSnce treated t
our overtures with contempt, it is hardly pofii- ]
e " b!e that hoacft men of any party can long con
crs tinue te oppose the measures, which national \
''!» honor and l'afety may demand. Perhaps there
will he no tjnascr'jatcJj- 1
"e the members of congrefn, far after they have *
v been together th-ee or four months, and have a
became heated by party difpntes, they forget
the fentimencs of the people that sent them, and
entertain views and p.-ojeifts to which their cen- !
ftituents are entire strangers ; befid -s, they have ■,
" taken fides, and it woulfl be unreafonabie to ex-
c " pe£l that political conversions (hould be inftan- '
at taneous
- J
>/ henfions of achangeinthe government of
country, or the relations «f its several pa>ts ; j
" but 1 hope there is no danger of this at ptvfent ;
and I flatter myfelf that the condiift of the "
e " French, which lieretofort has pradoced our
,a most dangerous diflentions, will now serve to
Ur uniteuo. At the commencement of their revo-
ft- lution, perhaps no part of the United States
» was more eothufiaflically attached to their cause °
" thin the people of N*ew-E»gland : they eonfid- n
ered them as opprefled, and rejr iced m the pr»f
pei£l »f their deliverance : this-attachment con- . b
u ' tinued so long as the measures of the French ,Ii
were defenfive, and for some time afterwards ; j ft
e and the many proofs that were given ot this at- j.i
tachrnent, probably oecafioned the Britilh fpoli- j j
l: ' at ions. But when the French aflumed the fiyle | ,
of a conquering republic, the people in this part ri
' e of the Union began to fufpefl thepurity of tiieii
"* motives ; add when they proceeded to violate a<
'' all the principles of society at home, and over
'• run or insulted every state in Europe which bad j?
the name of a republic, or the femblarrce of iib
■t erty, tnd efpeehily when they wantonly attack- ! Cc
r ' ed us, and have treated our endeavors to appeal? i or
them, with insult; almost every one here is pt
convinced that the government of France is the tb
most unprincipled and the molt dangerous on re
( earth ; and it would now be difficult to find i re
. man who will judity their measures. But the
change has been gradual here, and the fame ,
, will happen I presume in the souther* states, .
' when the people have had opportunities for in- l "
formation, and leisure to refleft Our opinions be
of the views of France have otily altered a lit- an
tie sooner than theirs ; but they must be allow- an
ed time for the change, we mutt exerrift
a great deal of patience until that change takes
place. After ail, if we (hould be obliged to no
contend with France, or with any o'.her power, r°
after proper attempts for accommodation have ex
faired, I hope and trust that the people of this an
eoiintry wibbc found as national and as well u thi
n«ted as those of any other. Perhaps there will
fee j few that will prefer the interrfrs of the en
emy, for there are some traitors in all ceuntriet, f
but f am inclined to think that among the na
g tive Americans wc (hall not find an unusual pro- *°
portion of them."
For the Gazette of tht United States. on
A ptrody on the much celebrated speech Er
1 of Logan. The blanks may be filled up at
pleasure, with any suitable name, from the an
l.yono—Gallico—Anarchio FaStion. (See for
letter to Mazzti). fle«
I appeal to any Frenchman to fay, if c
ver he committed murder or aiTaffination, dec
and gave hiin not praise, if ever he wh
•outraged America, and he commended him —i
not. During the long snd iteady course of to ]
Gallic depredation, remained idle in fro
his feat, an advocate for France. Such was a g
my love fur the French, that my country- caj
men pointed as 1 pafT-d, and fa id, " <
is the fri«nd »f Frenchmen." T would even der
have fratetnized with you, but for the he- Bo
teSti of one rr.An. General WaHiitigton,
••• ' » i ' «
5? at cne daft, in cold blaot? and uaprovaketJ,
of al! the fraternal prqjeflj of .
' IHe ligned the damned treaty with England
not sparing him, even the fight ot a paper
or document. There ru.;s not new, 3 drop
of American blood, in the veins of one of
his parly,
I his called on me for revenge. I have
fought it * I have gu'led many. 1 have
id a part.y. glutted my vengeance. For my
rto country, I rejoice in the hope of her con
'om tulion. But do not harbor a thought tfiat
:of I blulh for my conduit. ■ never felt a
che blnlh. He will not turn on his heel, to
ler, save him from shame. Who it there to 1
-om .Bourn for i not one.
r ' C " ' (
anc Schr Weymouth, Guthrie, N*w>York 4 I
,r ?" Hannah, Brady, PafTrftnaqunddy '5
I The (loop Betfry, Masse/, fmm hence to
II a St. Croix, has put back, having loft one of .
un " her rudders irons.
Capt. Foller of the Angeljca, failed from
ave Curracoa, Feb. J4. Of Acquaiu.fell in with
P* the British frigate Aquiion. of 32 guns, capt
e • Craycroft, who sent an officer on board, and „
after cxamiaing the vcflLl's papers, politely n
difmiifed her. —The Aquilon in coiar j n
0 pany the following vessels : f<
e^ C Sb'p Jane, Wallace, of Baltimore, and L
° n fchr,Fanny, Dennis of Newhuryport, both
from Jacquernel, brtund to Acqitin, and the
fchr Frieudfllip, Odlin of Phihdclphta. from v
*. er i Curracoa to Jacquernel, which vcflels went fl
le into the Mole on the 6th ipft. Marih 2d
8 ?j fell in with the British (hip Stag of 18 guns v
11 capt. Kelly, from Jamaica W Norfolk with i\
," rs ' the followiii* vefleb under convoy —Brig
a * Nonpareil, Martin, of Norfolk j Nancy,' d -
Luve, of Portfinouth, for Ponlan<t ■ —fchr.
c Patty, Gr«:j, of unj for SO.-in :C jaiinerce
Hammond, of Saiulwicb, for fiatannab, aotl
j a brig for Halifax, (N. 8.) " n
March 25, lar 36, 50, N. 72, 40, ' l
,spoke the (hip Stagagain, who had parted
le ~ with her convny.
26th, at 8 P. M, spoke the ihip Caroline,
!"" Motley, from henceto Liverpool, Cape He- q
"■ lopen VVXS. distant Bor g lesgues.
u " j The fchr. Angelica, Foller, from Cur- j
J racoa, atid fchr. Weymouth, Guthrie, from
i New-York, are below. u
e Captain Williams, of the AAive, left at
in Cuba, on the2j h ult. the (hip Nancy, Har
j]v rifori, of Baltimore, to fail in ten days ;
m Atlantic, Smith, do. do. ; brig Gracy,
fe- Laurence, of New-York, on trial ; Amy,
A Burnham, of Stabrook, do.; fchr. John,
im Thomas, do. ; Happy Return,
leT Fifk, Baltimore, do. ; Yeatmai), Crance,
0 p Philadelphia, do. ; Paragon, (defined by
ry capt. and crew) N. York, cleared ; Hannah
■n- Barnes, for New-York, in 10 days; Neu- w
trality, Atwater, New-Haven ; Polly,
Booth, Baltimore ; Experiment, Bclding,
ial Ceres, Turner, Warren ; Ndly,
;rf Pease, Philadelphia, for Baltimore ; and ]
1- three others names unknown. On the 13th
ve was boarded by the Thetis British frigate,
ve and treated with civility.
" i New-Tort, March 29. j,
A«RIVi:D. u Y! 7
x _ Barque Guftava, Hicks Genoa 90
n- Jame3, Fitch Havre de Grace 51 |-
Lindeman, Barke Havannah 20 i
•e- Scb. Sally, Bings Charlellon 7 K "
1 " gei
t| # By this day's Mail.
he * in,
ur NEW-YORK, March 29. PB
to: Yeflerday arrived brig James, capt. Fitch n .
es rom Havre de Grace, which place (lie left col
fc on the sth February. By this vessel Rou;n the
newfpapcrs are reeeived to thu 4th ult wh
if- A gentleman pafTengcr arrived in the a
i- . bove vessel, informs that he saw a letter from ~
:h , Mr. Gerry, dated Paris, Feb 2d, which
t ' j stated " that the ajairs bettveenthe republic and A
j' the United States remained in ftatu quo. and c
l e that all the .-.merican commifftoncrs -were in Pa.
rt «f " ~h
ii This gentleman likewise adds, that very ">>
te adive preparations were ft ill carried on in all c<! . l
J the ports of the republic for an invasion of
England, that he did not learn any Aineri. p'" 0 '
t | can vefiels had been carried in under the new ri g<
, r i orders of the directory j and that it was are
is pretty generally thought, were Mr. Gerry
e tbe only negociator, matters between th« two j
n republics might be fettled amicably.—Thus far r 'ea]
4 report. [Daily Advertiser.
By this arrival we are verbally informed
. that the French still shew a serious design of n
invading England, as gun boat 6 to the nura
s ber of about 100 have been built at Havre, /
- and more building, which are to be manned and
- and manoeuvred agree bly to Tom Paine's T.
* plan, each carrying too men, and a can- Boe
* non, which cannon, by some machinery, is
to be launched on (here in a moment The A
- experiment has been made, and, we are told,
s answers ft> well, that the Frenchmen fay
they arc " fare of England!" A)!u
' Besides these boats, there were in the t0
port of Havre, two frigates with their fails
bent, and four more in great forwardnefs,
to aid in the expedition. _
We hear nothing of Buonaparte's difaf- re
feftion—but, it is said, " he is the onlt vv
one capable of introducing the Army of l |
England t« his Britannic Majesty."
On the 6th of Marfch, Capt. Fitch spoke m
an Englifti brig, which, a day or two be- in
fore, parted the homeward bound Jamaica Rl
fleet—all wdl.
A few days out, and capt. F. was boar- j,*
ded by three French privateers, one of rlo
which was the Buonaparte from Bourdraux *»'■
—his papers llridMy examined—and fufftred
to proceed—telling him, t\at if he had hean
from an Englifti port, he would have been
a good prize, as their late orders '""wete to
capture all vessels from th ,fe port/.
Capt. F. left at Hsr-e, the ship Alexan- gath
der Hamilton, of Baltimore—(ln'p Tom, of for 1
Boston—and the snip , of Salem. delii
Daily Can. rn
- ' '-:4 <S • . \
tca > - 1 ...
JJ*p 'Mr. Mozdrox's
TI4IS EVENING, March r ,
L ••' ' ,f ptcfenied (no: pecfurincii thcfi-thrt*. \-e»n)
1 cele?)f«ied jVaStSj, Call*!.
h ;;; the ROMAN eathfr;
coil- CR * T!,S CFL ' yE ft-X OF HiS COV M Ti. v •
lul us H*itijiu<, mr Warren—Horstiti,
I tn Nnnrli-—l'a'diasKorat.U!!, mr
.IC a Mlrftai!—-Valerius, mr Pot—— Voifcituu*, mi*
,to Warreil. jun—Vendicius, mr i Warreil—ill .i
---r to l,z * : * r ** *rrcJJ— id Citiccu, mr BiiiTet;— 3 J
Cnijei*. Mr Hm tcr.
Valeria. ro*l»L'Kar»ajje—HorJiio, mrs Merry
(lirinp fcer firii appt-aranca i.l America in tha: c.'.a
InAA y. A GRAND OVATION, with the Tri
umph*! V'i&ory
frir.r the Curiatii.
'I he V«cal part* i y Melfr MjrOiall. Dsrlcy,
l "** V/wreU. Jiin. Airs., Mrs. Oldiniio.i, Mil.
4 MiWMjrhc, &c. See.
15 Knd of thr Tra< e<fy,
e us W • ll %*kcq ky 1r Wign. Ii
' ® which wii be a*,d. d, a Comrdy, ia two aifls,
(ji«vervfrfoui;-d hre--) cjlltn!,
'?T THE Honest THIEVES ;
Colovelcar.lel-, n,r U Manly,
®na mr Manfi,l!«.»,!r Story. Mr Fox—JuOic<- Dif
tcly mr Bern»r,i—Ohad.-h, mr Harwnod—BadW,
0111. nirflrs Warn I aim Hunter—Ci.achmsn, mr
fc-ry— («irh- a Song hi character) mr Har
, «inje
a '' t uth, nirs mr... Francis—
'«'-n Mrs Day, mr< Ol.iowxon
the ] icke*s to be !ijji at the of«at places, and 01
rom Mr NforcttM No . jy, South 1-ront-ftrect, oppo
nent y
■ ■s>' Monday, the celebrated Trasedy of
KINO 1 EAR ; wUhranvw F res, tailed the AO-
Uus VKRriSfcMENJ'-, IT. A NEW WAY £<) GET"
'itk M.-RB.II U—;rr tfic3,ncfit at Mr Fcnncix.
irig *»' Hitvtovo' will l*on Wedncf
iry, d3y ,v "
rc«r PhitaJttph'ia, March 30, t7gf?.
and Letters for Uie Bn'tifh Packet for Fit
mouth, will be rcteirodf at tliis OflSrc ; until
40, Tuclday, 3d of April, at 12 o'clock r.oon.
ted N. B. Inland postage mud be paid to
ne ' Muslins at Audion.
en ' On TUESDAY MORNING tht ;: ot April, at
II o'clock, will b.' ?t Pcblic Auction,
15 bales of Eafl India Muslins,
iiy the b.ilc, far approved endorsed notes at 60
and 90 days—confining of
: at Bafus
ar- ColTaes
. Gnzzeoas
' Handkerchiefs &c.
' v The whole to drawback.
iy ' FOOTMAN Co. Jua'rs.
i 1 march <l^,
rn ' FOR SALE.
ce > 195 bones white > rj ,
by joy do. brown j
ijth 100 Hides
;u- WKI he landed to morrow, at Willings an I Fran-
I cis's Wharl.from on I oard the brig Aitive,
iam William-, mailer.
"d said rigforfale,
,may take in immedi
-1 ' ately after difcharued.
tc, Apply to
Jehn Hollingfwarth & Co.
march 30 j
y<l IntcpreterojForeign Languages*
Walnut-Afreet, N». no,
5 1 duly commissioned and fwoim in the a
-20 U bove capacity, offers to trar.ftate tlie French
<j ''"Kliih Spar.iHj. Portugu.itan l Italian I.anjrna
ge* : he flatters himf. Jf t? at his former profeflion
a- a'vc ate both in Frai.ce aud .St.Domingo, has
W!! fisd him to tranll te any Court proceed
ings or othei Jud ciary inltruments.
, BR- contiouts open at the above place. Ma
ch ny viluable additions liaving t-een ru -de to thi»
:fc coijedioa, it ponfidsnow ~f abnut 1500 volum*.
. B the baft adapted to answer the purpose of those
v>'ho wish both to improve iu the La!i k ua'e, and
obtain ufelul initruiftion and plca.'ure.
m 1 m:irch aawim
L h I en Dollars Reward.
1J A BSCONOED from the fubferiber, aiiindotit
-7d B ° r nsmed Utok, about 10
■m 7 » ag *' s . tcet 4or 7 inche ' mails,
thick Ihort hair, speaks remarkably fall Had on
« h n he went away, a fhori corduroy Jacket and
y trowfers, anJ round bat. All p rfons are c --. tion
ifl cii not to credit him on my account, zsl am deter-
mined not to pay ar.y debt of his contraflino-
and all pcrfons are delired not to harbor er em
'• ploy him as they will be profVcuted to the utmost
w rigor of the law. Mailers of veffcls anl other.
)5 are desired not to take him away at their peril
Any person apprehending tht f IM | runaway, and
' lodging him in Jail, so that his mailer may get
bin) again, shall receiv* the above reward, and all
lr realisable charges, by applvin s to
d 167 Arch, or 31 South l'hird-ftreet.
>f marc h 30- 3t
:> And f.r sale by W.Young, con er of Second
d and Chcfnut-ftreet, M. Carey n8 High- ireel
'» T. Dobfon, 41 South Second fireet and the
!_ Boekfellers generally,
e A Local Potm, historic and dafcriptive »
» By a Lady of Bojlon.
Y analysis or booki.
AlluCon to the surrounding Profp C a_l avocat j eB
. to the River ar-d sylvan Deities—to the Hi.loric
s Mufe—Fiaion discarded -Dedication to Wafb
ingten—The Ailion apemat the B.etr at of the
» Columbians from Bu-.ker's Hill—Genera! Howe
—'The Memory of his Brother—Death o' War
ren— Perfonification of Fcrtune an.-.- Fame—
r Walhiug-on at Mount Vernon—calle-i to the
f chiel Conlmaiid—Formation of tb» Columbian
Camp at Ca-nbri E c—Natural, mora! „r poli.
tical Hirtory of the ftveral States—Their Tom
- ■landing Offi er—Siege 0' Boston— It, S u ff er .
nigs - Wegoti n.on for the fafe Retreat of the
, Britifli Army—lts Departure—Appoinrm nt of
Locgrel- ition of Cha
railer of the Columbian Sohlie— I he Poet's
■ prophetic Apol'rophe to the Frogrefs of Free
t dom throii)'h»ut the World.
march y .
Wants to purchafc good G/.vsf.VG,
. gathered in season, and clear of damage—.
r for which a getrerous price will be given if
delivered any time before rbe 15th of ApriL