Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, March 26, 1798, Image 4

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    To be Sold,
An elegant Country Seat,
Containing 6 acres and 40 perches, with a neat
twe story brick House and kitchenthereor, an ap
ple Orchard, &c (ituatc on the Irifli lane, in
the cowr.fhip of Moysmenfipg, about one mile from
the city of Philadelphia. Further particulars will
be made known upon application at the office of
the Pl.iladclphiaGazette.
The improvements upon this place, for taste and
elegance iiand unrivalled.
N. B. If tbe above place is not fold before the
loth inft. it will then be rented, for the Summer
season only. § march 5.
An a&ive, cleanly, industrious woman to cook
arid co the bufinef* of the kitchen. Such a one
will be allowed good and no other needap
|>ly.—Enquire of the Printer.
February 7 , §
Notice is hereby given,
THAT application will be made for the renewal
of a Certificate of a Share in the Bank of the
United States, {landing in the name of the Subscri
ber, No. 5004, and dated July XI, 1797— the fame
having Jieen loft.
march j ,6w
j4nJ may be entered on Immediately,
A good dry Store,
Three (lories high, and in an excellent Hand for
Apply to
Thomas & Jafhua Ft/her,
march I. $ No. 5, Dock-rtreet^
Wanted to live in the Countty,
About five miles from this city, a fuber flea
day Man who imderflaruls gardening and the
management of a few acres of land, and would
not i>lye£l to attend a couple of horses. Such
a one msy meet with liberal wages by applying
at the office of tbie Gazette.
N. B. Nose seed apply but those of unex
ceptionable chiiraiSers.
March 13. dtr
Custom House,
Diflritt of Pennsylvania, March Gih y 1797*
L who may have any account or knowledge of (
the capture or detention of any fbip or veflel, ear- j
go, or other property, belonging to citizens of the
United States, residing within thisdiftrid, by or
under tlie authority of foreign nation*, f:nce the
firfl day of O&ober, 1792, are particularly requef- ]
ted to give in information thereof, to the Collec
tor of the Port of Philadelphia, as foop as may ,
be convenient; fpccifyihg the name of the vessel,
the captain's name, t/ie number of tons, the efli
mr.ted value of the vessel, if condemned, the efti- {
mated value of her cargo, or ether property, whi
ther carried, and by, or under the authority of j
what nation captured, with such observations as
may be thought pecefiary upon the circunaflances
of each cafe, in order that statements thereof may
be tr nfmitted to the Secretaiy of theTreafury,
who is required to lay the fame before th? Senate
and House of Reprefcntatives of the United States.
march 7. »ot
A Gardener —a Single Mam.
None need apply, unlcf* he can bring good re
Enquire at No. 30 Market-flreet.
march 17. *>2w
zpn D Q /I I )7
No. 115 South Front Street.
A quantity of Tanner's Oil,
4th proof Jamaicaßum, entitled ro
, l£l amj jd proof Brandy, J drawbask.
Madeit a Wine,
Juniper Berriis, See. &c.
Feb. 9. , eodtf
Valuable Property for Sale.
THAT veil known Estate, called SHREWS
BURY FARM, formerly the residence of 1
General John Gadwaladcr, firuate on Saffafras Ri
ver, in Kent county* Maryland—containing a
bout 1900 acres of prime LAND, upwards of 500
of which are in woods. The Buildings are all ex
cellent, and confiftof ahandfome Dwelling House,
two large Barns with Cow houses, Stables for fifty
horses, a spacious treading floor undtr cover, a
granary, two Overseer's houses, two ran
ges of two story buildings for Negroes (one of
them new and 6f hritk), Corn house?, a Smoak
house , &c. &c.—The whole liftate being nearly
surrounded by water, k requires but little fencing,
and has a good Shad ar.d Herring fifhery. It is
conveniently fitaated for both the Philadelphia and I
Baltimore market?, with two landings on a navi
gable river but a Ihort fail from Baltimore. There
is a large Perch, and two large Apple Orchards on
the ptemiUs; also, a variety of excellent fruits of
different kind*. The foil is mostly a rich loom.—
The whole 1 will b« fold together, or divided into
frr*!ler farms (for which the buildings are conven
iently situated) as may suit the purchaser. The
Stock on said Farm, consisting of Horses, Cattle,
Sheep, &c. will also be difpofad of. For further
particulars apply to Georok Hastings, on the
prcmifes, or to the fubferiber, in Philadelphia.
February 24. zaw6w
Bafkenridge—for sale
IT confifls of 920 acres, .lmoft all of which is
a fine rich Meadaw, (the residence of the late
Esrl of Sterling). It may be conveniently dixided
into five farms, four of which arc bounded on the
East by the river Pafaick.
Ther* are on it a number of buildings, forming
afquare of nearly three aercs—The dwelling house
is a very convenient oae and k a fniallexpence would
put it it) complete repair.
The orchard coniids of 150® fin«bearing engraf
ed Apple Trees—and there is on other parts olfaid
trait near 300 other Apfle Trees—as also a great
variety of ocher fruits.particularly Cherries of the
bed and s»o2 delicious kinds.
Also, a great number of beautiful Exotics and
ForellTrcos, that add to th.' beauty and conveni
ence cf the place Its fituatiou is ibcut 18 miles
from the towns of Newark and Elizabeth : 10 do.
from Morris-Town, and 12 from Springfield—-Tt
is wooded and watered,
To favc trouble, the price is five pound pr. acre
in calh, on delivery of the deeds. Please to en
quire of T. McEUEN & Co.
No. 78, Chefnut
February a. toijtf
Canal Lottery—No. 11.
WILL commence drawing Monday, the 20th
inft. Tickets for Sale in this Lottery, at
Seven Dollars, at Wm. BLACKBURN's Lottery
and Brokers Office, No. 64, South Second-flreet—
Tickets iathe Schuyik II Bridge Lottery, at Tern
CoUari, where check booksarj kept lor r#gifter
illg -,r.d examining in tljffe, the City of Waihing
ton, No. 11.and Pattirfoii Lotteries, and informa
tion wh«re tickets m"y be had ill mcftjof the Lotte
rics authcrifed by law in any of the States of the
N. B. The b*fmefs©f a Bpokhk, inbuyingand
fellirg all kinds of Pvblic Stock anri Securities,
difcoKSting Bilk and Nct-s of Hand, sale of
l ands, llcu.'es, &c.&c. will be duly attended to,
Novcn:biriJ. J
Injurance Company of North America.
For Insor\nce apainft Fire, on Dwtilling-
Houses, Ware-Houses, and other Buildings (and
on Goods contained in such Buildings) distant from
Philadelphia, in the United Stat-..
T. Common lufurancei, on hazards of the SrJl
class, will be undertaken at a premium of ahout
halt per cent, per annum. For extra hazardous
rifqoes a larger premium will be required, which
will vaiy according to circunsftances, fridom ex
ceeding one per cent, per annum ; but in some i«-
stances, where the property insured i-s not only in
itfclf extrahazardous, but rendered ftiil morefo
by the vicinity of extra hazardous buddings and
occupations, the premium demanded will be railed
according to circumstances.
Howies and Ware-Houses, the walls and parti
tions of which are wholly of stone or brick, well
conftrnilfed, so as to li t guarded as well as may be
against fires from within, and iree lrom extra ha
zardous buildings and occcupations in.their neigh
borhood, will be deemed hazardous of the firft
class, and may be insured to their full value.
Also Goods and Merchandize, not o» an extra
hazardous kin*d, in calks, biles, or pack-agas, dc
pofitcd in such buildings, to an amount not .ex
ceeding 4000 dollars ; but if more than thisfum.
is required to be insured in one tenemcat, an addi
tional premium will be required, in proportion to
11. lnfurances will also be made on buildings ana
goods extra hazardous, at premiums proportioned
to th# risque. But it is not easy to arrange these
under particular heads or clafies, so as to dcfcribe
each with tbe necessary accuracy. Each cafe mull
therefore be decidedupon accordingto the circum
stances attending it ; and these circumstances wili,
in general, appear from the description accompa
uy:ng the application.
Buddings partly conftru&ed of brick or flone,
are preferaliie to those wholly wooder. _ And in
both cases, the stile of building, how they are oc
cupied, how they are fituited, the neighboring
buildings, and how occupied, are considerations to
be taken into view. And with refj>e£l tegood|,
theii'tendnncy, whether from their nature, or
from the manner in which they are exposed, ether
to commence or to increase an accidental lire, and
their liability in such state to receive damage by
wet, or by sudden andhally removal, or to be fro
len in time of confuficn and hurry, are all cir
cumstances of weight ; and the premiums n.ufl be (
proportioned accordingly.
111. The following conditiont are to be under
ftoed by the parties.
ift. The Inftirance is not binding till the ftipu
latedjiremiura be paid ; but it shall be deemed ef
feclual from the time cf such payment and accep
tance thereof, whether the poiicy be immediately
ftgned or not.
2d. lnfurances rcay be renewed at the expira
tion of the term of the policy, without further ex
perfes than the payment of thu premium of the re
newed term, the circumstances continuing the sam«
as they were anderftood by the Insurers at the time
the former insurance was mads ; but the payment
of the premium is clTential to such renewal ; and
if the party insured fuffers any time to elapse after
the expiration o( the former insurance, before he
pays a premium for the renewal, he is not insured
during such time ; nor can the insurance be renew
ed an the former policy but by computing the
commencement of the renewal the expiration
of the former Infuranr.e. The lubjeil of insur
ance may nevertheless be open to treaty for a new
3d- If ary other insurance bemadeon the fame
property ; it must be made known at the time of
application, otherwif's the policy made on such ap
plication will be void.
4th Goods held in trufl, or nn consignment
raay be insured as such in a fenarate policy; but
they are not to be considered as infuied stherwife.
5 th. This comjwny will not be liable or accoun
table for any loss or damagf occasioned by any for
eign invasion, or by any military or uf«rped force,
or by peafon of any civil commotion ; or occasion
ed by gunpowder, aquafortis or other thing cf the
likekind kept in the building, or amongtt the pro
perty iul'ured.
6th. Bills of Exchange, Bonds »nd other Secu
rities, Title Desds, Money, Bank and other pro
miffery Notes, are not included in any insurance ;
nor are paintings, -iledal-, jewels, gems, antique
curiosities, or mirrors exceeding the value of twen
ty-five dollars each, to be considered as insured un
less particularly mentioned and by special agree
7th. No insurance will be made for a ftiorter
term than one year, nor for a longer term than fe
ve.ll years. Persons choosing to insure for seven
years (hall be allowed one year's premium by way
of difeount: Oce third of a years premium (hall
be abated in like manner on an insurance for
tkrec year?.
Bth. I.olTet sustained by fire en property injured,
shall be paid in thirty days after due prouf and li
quidation thereof, without dedijet ion.
A defciiption of the property to be infurod will
be expefted with each application, to be made by
a master carpenter and signed by him, as well as
by the owner cf the building 01 applicant for in
surance, and attested before a Notary or principal
Magistrate, who will certily his knowledge of the
parties, and their credibility.
With refpeil. to Houses and other Buildings,
ift. The site and poGtkn ; delcribing the
street or road on or near which the building
stands ; its contiguity to water, and other cir
cumitaoces relative to the extinguilhment of fire
in cafe of accident; and particularly whether
any and what fire companies are ellahliflied, and
engines provided,in the place or neighbourhood.
2d. The materials of which it is built, whe
' ther of brick, flone or wood, and what part of
I each, as well as to theoutfide walls as infideor
, partition walls, and their refpeftive height and
thickness ; the ltyle of the roof and of what
, materials ; how secured by battlements or par
; ty walls ; what kind of arcefs to the top of the
I house and to the chimnies ; whether any and
what eleflric rods ; the number a«d kind of
. fire places ; and the kind of deposit for afnes*
! 3d. Ihe dimensions of {he building and how
t divided, and tbe style in which it is finifhed so
: as to enable indifferent persons to judge in what
mannerit is to be repaired or rebuilt in cafe of
1 injury; the age and condition of the building,
- and how occepied, whether merely as a dwel
i ling house, or for any other, and for what pur
• pose , also an estimate of the value of the house
' or building independent of the ground.
4th. Ttie lituation with refpecft to other build
: ings or back buildings, whether adjoining or
Dot, comprehending at leall one hundred feet
each way : what kind qf buildings are within
' j th»t diilance, how built, of what materials,and
- how f Occupied or improved, whether as dwel
lings for private families or otherwise : whe
ther any and what trade or mamifadWy is car-
I ried on, and particularly whether there be any
' extra hazardous articles used, or usually depo
sited ill the house, or within the distance afore
,faid, and of what kind.
Relpedling goods in Houfis, Warehouses, Ac.
1. A fene/al description of the building in
which they are kept will btexpeiled, limilar j n
all refpeds, as to the danger from {ire, with that
required for Insurance on the buildings them
2. A description of the kinds and nature of
the goods, whether in cases or other packages,
or opened ; and whether displayed in whole'
pieces or iri tin ul'ual form for retailing. And
if the goods vary materially in kind, a" general
il'.imite of the value tf oich kind prspofed 10
be insured j but in the last particular mi.. "
ness of description is not expelled.
3. Articles of the following kinds are ccem
ed extra haxardous, thwugh in various decrees,
in whatever building thty may be placed, viz.
pitch, tar, turpentihe, rof'n, .wax, tallow, oil,
inflammable spirits, sulphur, hemp, flax, cotton,
dry goods of an inflammable kind opened.
Glass, china ware or porcelain, efpecial.y un
pa. ked; Looking glaflVs, jewelery ; and all o
ther articles more than commonly inflammable,
or n ore than commonly liable to injury by fyd
den removal or by moifiuresj or particularly
obnoxious t«> theft on an alarm of fire.
Letters pest paid, directed to the Secretary of
the Board of Directors, will be duly attended
to. i« order for Infrrance accompanied by the
means of payiag the premium, will be imme
diately executed on the premium being paid. If
the application contain an enquiry only, it will
be answered.
By orrkr of the Board,
Office of the Jnfurance Company b/*NortV >
America ; Philad. Feb. 1, 1798- 5
Feb. ia-
llouie and Lots, in Bordeniown.
BE SOLD, a handsome two story House,
with the Lot on which ii is erefled, situat
ed abottt the middle of the beautiful and healthy
Village of Bordentown. The house is forty
two fret in front, and in neat order. Tfce lot
contains one acre, ar dis one hundred feet,oll
the main street, and extends with the (atr.e
breadth to back flreet. Alio, a large Lot, eon
taining nearly four acres, i'eparated from the
fesrmer by back flreet. One third only of tha
purchase money will be rtquifed upon execut
ing a deed, ard for the remainder, such credit
w 11 be as the purchaser may chufe. This
property will be fold free of all incumbrances,
and ap ipdifputabie title given
For further particulars enquire either of Dr.
William Burnes, residing in Bordentown, near
the prtmifes, who will shew the fame, or of
Conveyancer, No. 43, Muiberry-ftreet.
December 2. 3awtf
Boston Glass Manufactory.
THF. fitizens of the United States are hereby
informed, that the manufacture of Window
Glass is now commMcrd at the Glass House iiT"
It is netdl-efs to fay any thing of the. excellent
quality of the J3ofi-n Glass, as it is so well known
throughout the United States to be in every rcf
pe& gteatly superior to any ever imported from
It will be cut to any size commonly used 5 and
may be conttantly had by applying to Charles F.
Kupfcr, at theGlafi House,
Orders frc'm the distant States to be addressed to
.Mr. Samuel <S»rc, Court ftrset, jB often.
Two or three good Glafsmakers are want
ed at the above works; such as can produce rs
commcndktions for good behavior, maybe fureof
employ, by appl'cation to Mr. George L. Lindt, at
the works. Men without families w ill be pre
ferred. However unacquainted with themeth»d
of r. aking Crown ISVindow Glass, they will meet
with the fame encouragement.
Bollon, January 16 2 —iaw6w
New-Tort, February, 179.8.
A New and Valuable Work, which has been ex
tant only fix manths—entitled
ail the Religions an i Governments of EU
ROPE, carried 011 in the secret meetings of Free
Masons, Illuminati, and Reading Societies. C»l
---le&ed from good authorities,
Prtfejj'or of Natural Philosophy, and Secretary to the
Royal Soeiety qf Edinburgh.
Nam tua res agitur pariei cum proximus ardet.
THIS \vork will be put to prefsas soon as
400 fubferibers are obtained, and no money requi r
ed until the work is completed.—lt shall be print
ed with an elegant new type, and on paper of su
perior quality, which will coniprile about 400
pages neat oilavo, handsomely bound and lettered
—the price will be oae dollar and fifty cents.
.Thofewho procure rz fubferibers, and become
accountable, (hall have a 13th gratis—and the u
sual allowance to booksellers.
*»* The above woik comes from the pen of J.
Robifon, of Editiborough, a gentleman in high
eftimatioH ; n the lit -riry world—the facsts therein
recorded are well fut (Initiate, and the reasoning
and arguments thence deduced, while they djfeo
ver the found judgment and penetration of the
writer, are calculated to amuse as well as to in
ftrudt. A fcciie of villainy is developed by the
author fufficient to appal the floutefl heart.—The
danger to be apprehended from fee ret focietius is
clearly pointed out ; the degeneracy of human na
ture awfully illuftratad, and the hazard of every
deviation (rem the straight path of religion and
of virtue, inconteftibly proved both to the politi
cian and the christian by stubborn and incontro
vertable flit?.
tit Subscription! talen in by G. Formal!, A r o. 46,
William-fit eet, opposite the Pujl- Office, and by the rcfpec
tine boolfcellers in New-Tori and Philadelphia.
February aB.
AViv- Torky Janttarj 2 u 1798
By Arondt V«an Hook,
Proprietor of the Reading Room ;
For Publifliing by Subscription,
An Appeal to Impartial Posterity,
By Madame Roland ;
Wife of the Mmiller of the Interior in France.
Thefc scarce and very valuable Historical Me
moirs, (which ran through two London edi
tions in a few months,) will be comprised in a
vols, oilivo, of 4go pages each.
They will be printed on Ene paper and a' mw
. type, and delivered to Subscribers, neatly bound
and lettered, at 1 dollar and 50 cents per vol
ume—one third of the Subscription moheytobe
paid on delivery of the firft volume—the re
mainder when the v.-ork iscompleat.
To Printers, Booksellers, and others, who
acquire Subscriptions, the usual allowance will
be made.
£s° Subscriptions are taken at the Reading-
Room, No. 149, Water street the Printing-
Office, 149, Pearl-street—and at the different
in New-Ycrk- Also, by William
Younjr, corner < f Sfcondand Chefnut street, and
the Editor of the Gazette »f the United States,
As soon as a fufficient number of Subscribers
are obtainAd, the work will he put to press, and
compleated with the utmost dispatch.
Fth. 20. eo J Jm
A good situation for a Country Seat,
. F , OR Ty acfes of land on the Old York Road,
within fight of Germantown and about five miles
from the City, the whole being under geed fence
and in excellent order as pasture ground.
For further information and terms, apply to
foNN Elliott Ckisson, at his office for the
tale of Real Estates, Conveyancing, &c. No. '4,
High-lireet. J
ad mo. aitb. sawj-.v
treasury department,
MARCH i, 1798.
IN pursuance of the Ad of Cengrefs pafied oh the sixth day of July one thousand seven hundred and
* mnety-feven, e.-titied " An A& laying duties on Stamped Vellum, Parchment and Paper", and the
Aft patTed on the fifteenth day of December, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, entitled
" An Ait to postpone for a limited time the commencement of the duties the Ad enti
tl-d " n Act laying Duties on Stamped Vellum, Parchment and Paper", that from and after the
firft day of July ensuing, the ftveral Stamped Duties hereafter enumerated, will be levied and collec
ted throughout the Umted Statss. / 4"->> fi'-g
For every skin or piece of Vellum or Parchment, or sheet or piece of Paper, upon which fiiall be
written or printed any or either of the instruments or writingslollowing— to wit :
Dls Cls. | Mlt
Any Certificate of Naturalization, - - _ - - - $
Ar.y Licence to practice,or Certificate of the admiftion,enrolment erregiftryof
inv Counsellor, Solicitor, Attorney .Advocate or Prod or, in any Court of the
United States, " . " . * , 10
Provided, that a Certificate in any one of the Courts of the United States
for ope of the said Offices, frialUb far as relates to the payment of the
duty Srfirefiid, be a 'fimcknt avlmifliort in all. the Courts of the United
States, for each and (ffiy of the laid offices.
Any Grant or Letters-Patent, under the seal or authority of the United States
(except for lands granted for military Cervices) - - 4
Any exemplification or certified copy of any such grant pr letters patent, (ex
cept for land* granted for military feryices) ... %
Any Chartcr-Party, Rottc mry, or Refpon,dentia Bond, - - ,
Any Receipt or discharge for or on accountof anyLegacyleftby any Will or 0-
tlier teftainentary ir.flrun.-ent, or for any fiiare or part of a personal estate di
vided by force oi afly flatutc of diftri"buti«ns, other than to the Wife, Chil
dren or Grand Chiidrcn of the perf'on deceafea.the amount whereof shall be
above the value of Fifty Dollars, and shall not exceed the value of One Hun
dred Dollars, .... - jj
Wh.n thc.amount thereof stall exceed the value of One Hundred Dollars and
shall not exceed five hundred dollars, - 50
And for every further sum of Five Hundred Dollars, the additional furn of t
Asy Policy of Jnfurance or mflrament in nature thereof, on any (hip, vessel or
goads insured from one diftri<S\ to another in the United States, 25
From the United States to any foreign port or place* when the sum for which
Insurance is made (hail not exceed five hundred dollars, -j 50
When the sum insured (hall exceed five hundrefl dollars, - j
Ary Exemplificaricn, of whit nature soever, that shall pass the seal of any
Court, other than such as it may be the duty of the Clerk of such Court -to
funiifh for the use of the United States or some particular fttte, - j 0
Any Pond, bill Angle or penal, foreign or inland bill of exchange, promiflory
note or other note, other than any recognizance, bill, bond, or other obliga
tion or contrail, itade to or with the United States or any slate, or for their
use refpec!\iveiy, ....
If above twenty dollars and npt exceeding one hundred dollars, - I 0
If above one hundred dollars and not exceeding five hundred dollars, 2S
If above live hundreddollars and net exceeding one thousand dollars,
And if above cne thousand dollars, - ~ ,
ii'any t-oiMjs or notes shall be payable at or within sixty days,
■ _£«cti hoodAjar.iic.tes (hall ih-- d»ty
aU},*»t*id—viz. - - ; t ....
If iwerjty dollars and nat exceeding one hundred dolla-rs,
If above one hundred dollars and not exceeding five hundred dollai s, j*
If above fivs hundred dollars and not exceeding one thousand dpllars, 2C
If above one thousand dollars, - - - -
Any Notes ifl'ued by the banks now established, or that may hereafter be estab
lished within the United States, other than the notos of such of the said Banks
rs shall agree to an 4Prtual cgmpofitipn, of one centum on the annual di-.
vidends made by fucbUapks. to their Stockholders refpeilively, according to
the folbwing scale. .....
On all notes not exceeding fifty dollars, for each dollar, - I
On all notes above fifty dollars, and not exceeding one hundred dollars, j0
C n all .iotes above one hundred dollars and not exceeding five hundred
dollars, - - ... j
On all nates above five hundred dollars, - %
Any Protefi or otfier
Any Letter of Attorney, except for an inralid to obtain or fell War
rants for Land granted hy t)ie United States as bounty for services
performed in the latp war, - - - 25
Any Certificate or Debenture for drawback of Customs or duties, for less than
five hundred dollars, - - - - j
For fiv,£ hundred dollars and not exceeding two thousand dollars, a
Fprrpore than two thousand dolUrs, - - - • 3
Any note or bill of lading for goods or merchandize to be exported,
If froip °ne dhflritS to another d'HriiSt of the United States, not being in tbe
fame State, - ro
If from the United States to any foreign port or place, - 25
Any Inventory or Catalogue of any furniture, goods or effefls, made in any
cafe required by law, (except in cases of goods and chattels distrained for
rent or taxej, goods taken in virtue of any legal process by any officer,) jo
Any Ccrtifi,cate o/_a Share in any Insurance Company, of afliare' in tU« Bank
the United States, or of afiyState or other Bank,
Ii above twenty dollars and exceeding one hundred dollars, - jo
If above one hundred dollars, - 2 j
If under twenty dollai s, at the rate of ten tents for one hundred dollars.
The dutiesaforefaid will be collefted and received by the Supcrvifors, Infpeclors aud other OfHceri
of Infpeftion, in the several Diftriib, Surveys and Divisions ef the United states, and by such other
persons as shall from t» time be specially appointed and employed by the Supervisors of Diflrids for
that purpose.
The Supervifmrs of the several Diflriils will, prior to the firft day of July enfiiing, and as soon is
may be practicable, mark or ilamp, without fee or reward, ffny quantities, or parcels of Vellum, Parch
ment or Paper, with tny of the rates of duties before enumerited, on payment of the said duties; Or
stamped vellum, parchment and paper n.ay at the option of the Citizens of the United States, be ob
tained at the rates prefcribcd by law, by application to any Supervilor, Infptiter, Officer of liifpedien,
or other paifon appointed for the distribution of Stamps, by the Supervisors of Didriils.
GIVEN under my Haud, at Philadelphia
the day and year tbovementiwed.
March 10. Secretary of the Treasury.
ALL persons who have any demands agaiuft
of Willam Fleewtood, of
Liverpoal, late of Philadelphia, merchant, de
ceased, are requested to exhibit their accounts,
properly attelled ; and tholi: who are indebted
to the fame, are desired lo make immediate
paymeni, to
C'£o. DOBS ON, }
No. aj, So. Third-flreet. $ Admint J^ r
January 4. dtf
Just Published,
And to be had at the Book-stores of Meflrs. Dob-
son, Campbell, Young and Ormrod,
in Phi!adelphia t
On the Caules and Cure of Remitting ©r Bilious
T9 'which is annexed, '
AN ABSTRACT of the op nions and pra&ice of
different authors : and an PPENDIX, exhib
iting interesting fa&s and refle&iens relative to
the Synoclus iSeroides, or Yellow Fever, which
has occafijried so much diftiefr and mortality,
at different periods, in several of the seaport
towns of the United Sfatcs of America.
Felow of the Philadelphia College of I'hyficians,
and Member 6f the American Philosophical So
ciety- Feb. l—*3m§
For sale or to be let on ground
\ rent,
A valuable Lot of Ground ;
SITUATE on the north-east corner of Wal
nut and Fifth street-, fronting the State-
Hcufe square. This lot is fifty-one feet fror.t
on Walnut street, and one huudred and thirteen
feet and an half on Fifth fireet ; there are at
prtfent two fmalltwo story brick houses, and a '
number of small tenements thereon.
r . Also, far Sale,
Two three story Brick Houses
With convenient (lores, wharf, &c. fnuateon
Water street, between Mulberry an-J Saflafras
Streets, containing in front on Water street fif
ty-)oar feet, and containing that breadth east- .
ward ninety-five feet, then widening to the
fourh thirteen feet fix inches. These houses \
have the convenience of a publx alley adjoin
ing on the north fide, and area very defirablefit
uation for a a merchant, flour faiflor, or pth'ers
who may have occasion for storage of goods.
This property will be fold on very reasonable
terms for rash. For further information apply >
to the printer,
■J U 'V 3 1, m&vtf
Salisbury Estate.
rHE Subscriber, proposing to contra# his busi
ness, offers this Estate for sale, on moderate
terms. On it are one Blast and three Air Furnaces,
a corppJete Boreing Machine, and a very good grift
Mill, with two pair oi stones ; also a good Forge, all
in perfc& repair, as are all the Water Works conne£l
ed with these various branches. The Air Furnace#
were lately built for the purpose of calling Cannon
-for ttris Stalf.—Tlicrc art «bon- tvro thouVind acres
of Land, oneJjalfof which is under wood, theothci
very fine arable Land, producing the bed Hay and
Pasture. The Cannon lately mannfatiured there,
fully proyes the excellency of the metal, which is
luperior to any in this country, and probably, equal
ro any ir» the world ; for not one of sixty-nine gsns
lately made, although some of the 94 were bored
into 32 pounders, have tailed on proving. The situ
ation is very eligible, particularly for this branch of •
manufa&ure, and a place ot arms lying in the state
of Conne&icut, and only 30 miles from several land ■
ings on the Hudson's river, and having every advan
tage that can result from a plenty of water iffiiing
from a large natural pond, very near the Furnace,
and which may be converted into a variety of other
ulefuitpurpofes. The purchaser can be accommodat
ed with all the flock and utenfi'S, and have pofieflion
on or before the fjrft of Jjine next, and preparation
may be made in the meantime for going into ftJa(t im
mediately thereafter, for every part will be delivered
in good order, with some coal, Ore, &c. &c. For
terms, apply to Mr Joseph Anthony, in Philadel
phia ; David Brooks, Esq. one of the Representatives
in Congress for this State ; Mr, David Waterman, on
the prem-ifes. or to the proprietor in New-York.
Dee. i. 3* wlf
A 0 T 1 C~ET
A Matwfaftory of yellow and delft ivate,
Such as never was in this Country before, ha* cen
been lately ere&ed at Tivoli, Red Hopk
'onthe East Bank of Hudson's River, state of NewC
York, where any article of vatious forts and *P e *
may be executed, as well as eartbern stoves upC" *
new cpnflruftion, that saves three fourths Ic . used in calf iron stoves or open *
they are besides very wholesome and orname ta ,
Wanted a fkillful hand to atiend to the bikin *?
glazing part of the (aid ware. Generous appo
ment j will be given. Apply ajabave, or to
DAVIT) brooks, Esq.
;,'o. 71 South s th Street.
Feb. £l _
Wanted, to Hire,
Al.arge and convenient HOUSE, in or
the centre of the dty—for which a gen
rent will be given; to be taken for a T" r ; °
more for a longer teraa. Inquirecf the r*n •
Oct. J?.