t of tije AwPhiidde/phta Daily Adverii££t* IVvmbek 17 13. J FOR SALE, Weft Indian, 1 Philadelphia built, live oak and ee Star, Joseph Woodman, master, Intended to fail on the 18th inft. ipJ+isL. ABOUT 59 tons on freight * will be received, if immediate ap plication is made to the master on l>card, at Wal nut street wharf, or to Thomas & John Ketland. , 50 totu Gravel Ballail forfale sa board laid (hip. march t. SALT. 3500 to 4000 bushels of largq grained SALT, From St. Martin's on hoard the Spy, at the Still House wharf—for fdle by Stephen Kingston, 46, Walnut Street. SAID SHIP Will fail in a few days For a\tvannahin Georgia —For freight or apply as above, or to the Captai o r .i board. . Felifuary *7 *eod3t for Hamburgh, THE SHIP Dominlick Terry, Jacob Dkhart, Maficr, Having great part of her cargo en gagtd.—For freight apply to JeJfe b* Robert Wain. February jfi Nicklin Griffith, At their Store on Walnut Strett Wharf— HAVE FOR SALIi, 58 hhds. of Jaimaica Rum Madeira Wine in pipes and hhds. Tenerrffe do. rn pipes Old Port do. in hhds. Imperial Tea in quarters and eighths ef thefts x. to S DirflitLes, Ginghams, ges suitable for the Weft-India market ——- Slails affjrted bottles >ueeus ware in hhds. and erates r ellow ochre dry in caflts ; at New-York, on board the ihip Diana, from Liverpool, expe&ed round as soon as the navigation is opea, : ine Liverpool Salt Joals Spanilh Brown ' \ Venetian Red : fS&S \ rA,NT * White Lead | Red Lead J F.i'.cothar vitriol 160 bundles Sheathing paper Beaming Twine Ship Diana, For Sale or Chatter. ALSO, N. B. The late firm of Philip Nicklin & Go. J now changed to NTCKLIN W GRIFFITH, January I. eodtf I For Sale or Charter, 7 he Snow MggU GOOD HOPE • itMfer&A Will carry about izoo barrels, and is ready t« take in a eargo. For terms Pr^ No. iji, South Second-flreet. Who have f«r sale—prime St. Croix Sugar lid Rum, Madera, Lilbon, and Teneriffe win*. November 7. dtf "" Three ar four Single Gentleman, may be accommodated with Jenteel Boarding and Lodging, On readable term?, by applying at No. 31, orth-Rreet, between fifth and Sixth-streets. February 13* eod3t St. Croix Sugars. i 5 hogsHeads heft ST. CROIX SUGAR, FOR SALE BY JOHN NIXON iff Co. Feb. 9. fm&wtf VV anted, An sr&ite, cleanly, industrious woman to cook ido the business of the kitchen. Su«h a <*ie Jl.be allowed good wages, and no other need ap y.—Enquire of the Printer. February 7 § Twenty t)ollars Reward, i noR taking up a runaway servant Girl, named L rt bigail Mil'er, latterly calling herfelf Betsey mith, and feniiagher to North Front-street, No. ] J. ihe is of a chunky make, and very dark amplexion, with round featarcs, and black bulhy air; probably much altered by paint and pow ers, as (he is luppofed to befecretedin houses of 1 We, though no more than fifteen years of age. f'Vuary 19. s eoiw ~~IN THE PRESS, A>) WILL BE PUBLISHED* (Price 25 Ccntt) lefleaceBt one to the corner of occupied by Its eligible fitaation is well known—The rooms ar t spacious and con venient, and finilhtd in ahandfome flile—lt has a double Kitchen, and excellent Cellars, with aa Ice House and rain water Cistern, and there is a Fump of good water near the kitchen door. For terms app r y to GARRETT COTTRINGER. *• §IW TO LET, And may bt rninreA on A good dry Store, Three (tori 's hij>h, and in ?n excellent fland for Jmfiufs. Apply to . Thomas tf JoJiua Fiber, march I. < No t. Docl'- r^et Red Clover Seed of the best quality. MADEIRA IVIKE, Old, ard fit for immediate us«, m pipe*, half pipes and Quarter calks. Tencriffe Wine, And, Window Glaf-—all of which wiH be fold on very reafaaable terms, by John Crxig, No. 1%, Dock Street, march 1 w&stf For Sale, A good situation for a Country Siat, FOR 1 Y aeres of land on the Old York Road, within fight of Germantown s.nd about five mile 6 from the City, the whole being under g**d fence, and in excellent order as paflure ground. For further information and terms, apply to Jonn Elliott Crssson, it his office for the sale of Real Estates, Conreyancinj, Btc. No. 54, High-street. ad mo. »6th. iawaw rn» Qytrv By WHARTON & LEWIS, No. 115 South Front Street . A quantity of Tanner's Oil, 4th proof Jamaica Rbm, 7 entitled to 1(1 -*nd id pro.f Brandy, J drav,'baek. Madeira Wine, Berries, &c. &•. Peh. g. eodtf ■ ■ - ■ 11 - James C. & Samuel VV. Fiiher, AT the;r stqre, Na4 l 3> corner of Arch and Front flreet. t!AVE FOR SAIS, Cotton and viorfted Hosiery in trunk»,artbred~ A few bales red, white, and yellow Flannel Ditto futty ronvall Handkerchiels Ditto F« 11 text silk ditto Ditto Pondicherry and Madrafs ditto Ditto Gurralw Bengil black Taffstie* 4000 pieces Nankcen6, and FeVv chests best Hyson Tea jflft—lsoo box s best London Window Glsf», from Bby6,to 19 by 14— a*d 15 hhds. Qla(s Ware afforttfd, tfhich they will dispose cf cheaper than any in the city. Nov 18 3ta*tf " JUST ARRIVED, tn the Ship Star, Joseph Woodman, master, from ■ London, 50 crates Queens' Ware, assort- ] ed to suit Weft (ndia market 40 h-'glheads Whiting bu(hth god House Coat* AISO —JUST LAKSID, 410 barrels prime Beef, Boston and New.York 50 barrels Fork I to hhd«. Havar.na Molasses Woolen Cloths ! Blauketa > aflbrled in packages t Hard Ware J \ Ravens Du-.k { Window Glass in boxcj, Bri.-iOi, of various C*e; 1 Black quart Bottles, in hampers of 1 groeeeich | A general affortmeHt of Qtfeens' Ware, in crates t Fowling Pieces and Fiftols, in cases , JJafcet fine Salt, in hoglheajs tot salx ay Thos. iif John Ketland. t february 1t {tlm By John Fenno, N°- 119 Chcfnut Street. LJNDIMC, AND rOR SALE, e The Cargo of tic ihip Flir American, Samcn Burke, mailer, from A ux-Cay£«, now ly ing at Brll's wharf, , CONJItTJMO or MolafTes, Cofiee, Sugar and Dye W.cd. Apply to ISAAC HARVEY, jvu. 5, South Water-street. 3 ™"- 6 ;iw Edwazd DUN ANT, No 149, South Front-fireet, Has dill remiinje?-of the Cargo of the Johanna, 1 from Malaga, , 66 kegs Sun Raiiins i 91 jars fine Woom ditto F 41 hhde! erior Catalonia Win* Mountain .and Malaga Wixic, in hogfteads and [ quarter calks And a few qr Chfks fine old Colemenar VViae. He bai aJfo % a few package: oj Calcutta and Madrafs Goods, ConjiftL g-of Humhums, Tickcr»cs,PatnaChio»z, Bandanna, Pullicac and Barhar HandkcrchUft, Choppa Romals, black and coloured Persians, and black Peppftr. £r Wanted—A Male and Female SERVANT, of- unexceptionable charaiiers. march I. *3teod 1 he Commiffiontrs FOR carrying into sffcA th- TWEN i Y-FIRST Arride oftheTreaty of Friendship, Limits,and N.ivigition, betwAn Hit Catholic Majesty and the United Statts of Amwrica, hereby givi inlorsnation to all perlons therein concerned— I hat in order to terminate all difference*, en account of tbeloif e* fuflaincd by the citiaens of the United States, in conlcquence of their Vt fTe's nd Cargoes having been taken by the Subjefts of His Catholic Majel ty, during the late war between Bpain and Francs, that they arc ready to receivt (at their Office, be tween the hours of ten and enc o'clock, daily) ail complaints and applications, authorized by the said Article, dur/ng eight EEN mdnths, from the day •f the date hereof, and that they have power to rxamine all such persons as c«rae before them, on oath or affirmation, touching the com' laint* in question, and also to receive in evidence, all writ ten teflimony, authenticated in such manner u they shall think proper to recipe or admit. By Order of the CommiJJtu ere, PETER LOHRA, Stentary. Commiffioneri Office, No. 109, Mulberry /rat, May ljtb, 1797. Feb. 18, '98 —' Itn Those Printers in the several States rciapublijb \ ed the above adtiertifemenl taj} Sprinf, art rcquijtij to j Tt~puiiji jj our month, and fend their a:counts to P. L. At a Meeting of the President and Managers ot the Delaware aad Schuylkill Canal Company, February Refolmd, l'hat ten dollars on each (hare of Stock be called for ; and that the Treasurer give public notice thereof agreeable to law. Extra* from ii« ? i <»ntc. ' TnjftffJn:!., Secretary. AGREEABLE to a refutation oi iht* President and Managers of the Delaware and ScbuylMl Canal Company, the Stockholders are hereby required to make a payment of ten dollars on each of their refpe&ive lhares on or before the ill of pril next, to WM. GOVETT, Treasurer. February 18. aawtA NOTICE IS hereby given, that the Subscriber, an insol vent debtor, confined in the csmmsn foal of the County of Cape May in the state of New- Jel-fey, hath presented his petition to the Judges of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, m and for the said county, praying that they would attend to hear what cin be alledged for or a gaind his librration, purluan: to an ail of the Legislature of this State,entitled "an aS for tb relief of infoltfent debtors," paflVd the 26th day of Jaiuary 1798—And the the fa d court did appoint Vlonday the i*th day of March next for the pilrpofe dforefaid ; to meet at the Court House in the Middle Precinct, at eleven o'clock, in the forenoon of the said day, ef which his creditor* are requested to take notice. CHARLES ALLEN. Cape M»y, Feb. 8, 1798. Feb. 14 —r awj w Boston Glals Manufactory. THE citizens of the United States are hereby informed, that the minufaAure of Window Glass is now commenced at the Glass House iu Boston. It is needlefc to fay any thing of the excellent qu-diry of the Boft .n Glaf«, as it isfo well known throughout the Ut,ited States to be in every rtf. ped greatly superior to any ever imported irom Europe. It will be cut to any size commonly used ; and may be conflantiy had by applying to Charkt F. Kupfer, at the Glaf, Koule Orders fjviAthe distant States to be addressed to Mr. Simirt Gcfre, Court-ftrai-t, Boston. jjf" Two or thre.. tjooJ Olafi inak-rJ are Want ed at the above works; fijeh as can produce rs commendatioas for good behavior, may br lure ol eciploy, by appl,cation to Mr. George L. Lindt, at the works. Men without lannlies will be pre ferred However unacquainted with tfeemethed of reikking Crown Window Glass, they wi'.l meet with ths fame es^ouragemem. Bo' 1 on . laiiuiiry'l6 I —lttwfcw For. iale or to be let on g#ound rent, A 'valuable Ltt if Grtur. J ; ' SITUA !'f. on the north-cast corner of Wal nut and Fifth street*, fr nting the State- House square This lot ts fi'ty-one feet front en V. alilut ftieet, ar.d one h'judred and thirteen j fee t and an half on Fifth ltreet ; there are at present two small two flory br'.ck houlea, and a number cf fmatl tenements thereon. ' A If), for Sale, t Two three story Brick Houses ' With convenient ftnres, wharf, &e. fi'.uatr «n I Water l}re*t, between Mulberry an ] Saflafras ' Streete, containing in fiont on Water flreet sis- e ty-Four feet, and containing that breadth call- ' ward ninety-five feet, the* widening ta the c , fouih thirteen feet lix i»ches. These houses { have the convenience of a publ'c alley adj in- Ing «n the north fide, and area very defirabiefit- r nation for a a merchant, flour faflor, or others t who may hive occalicn for storage cf goods. This property will be fold on very reafcnable r terras ra(h. For further irforrnition apply si to the printer. ' •» u >' !'• gtkwtf FOR SALE, »r William Priestman, i» So. If, Seuth Fifth-£lre ,'t, next doqrte th» War ' Ofjce, ■ • A large aHortmeW of Silver Watches Time Keeper, by Arsold 2 G )IJ Watch, by Mudgde and 1 "utton Ditto, Elhcoit Dit'«, H»lu.ci> Double barrellod Gun, Mottir.ier Bittu, Patker P:-ir Pistol', Kaublcy 60 lb. Scotch Thread Two groce Watch Dials, and Some gold Watch Hani's 1 Ready money giver\ for any quir.tity of .il ver or other watcher. march t— *6t THE Subscriber informs thole to whom he is indebted, that a person will attend every day, Sunday* excepted, uqtil the ift of April PfXt, from the hours of 10 o'clock in the 1 morning till 1 o'cioek in the afternoon, at the house • formerly «f:ctip;ed by him in ChelAnt-flreet, for the putpole of ihcwingall books, papers aad let. ters pall comn:-rcial tranfa&ions to such of his creditor? is may thiuk proper to attend and examine them. JAMES GREENJLEAF. march 1. eoti. \ Thick Medium Paper, ! fjitihle for copptr-plate printing Engl fa and American WRITING PAPE3. PARCHMENT and VELLUM For Sale by Jafiph and James Crulfiiini, v No. 17, High-street. mar'h 3. *eo3t ~~YO~IeT, "" And poffeflion given the ill April next, The House No. 258 High-street, At present occupied by P. Bvtlek, Esq. Applyto jEdward Shoemaker, No. Ia 7, High street. February 24 eod3w NOTICE. WHEREAS a Certificate to Hannah Shel ly , of Oxted Cottage, in the Cousty of Surrey, in Great-Britain, Spinller, or her alligns, for two thousand five hundred and sixty-two dol lars twenty-three cents, in the deferred stock of the United States, was loft in the (hip Peggy, Capt. Hycr. bound from Philadelphia to London ia the year 1796. The (uVfcriher, the said Han nah Shelly, intends to apply to the Treafsry of the United States, lor a renewal of the said Cer tificate. HANNAH SHELLY. Feb. law6w. OVAL BOTTLESr " Quart and half gallon in crates— jnd a quaati ty of Claret Boflles »f a right fize—F«r sale at No. 13, Church Alley. JOHN DORSEY. Jinuary 11 3taw6w. " Canal Lottery—No. 11. "TTTILL commence drawing Monday, the lath V\'—rarrt." xicttets n>r*SaTe In this Lottery, at Seven Dollan, at Wm. BLACKBURN's Lottery and Brokers Office, No. 64, South Second-ftreet— -1 ickets in the Schuylk.ll Bridge Lottery, at Ten PtUars, where check books are kept lor register ing and examining in these, the City of Waffiing ton, No 11. and Pattsrfon Lotteries, and informa tion where tickets may be bad in moft'of the Latte ries authorised I>y law in any of the States of the Union. N. B. The bafinefsef a Broker, inbuyingand felling all kinds of Public Stock and Securitiee, . difcosMting EJls and Notes of Hand, sale of Lands, Houses, &e. &c. will be duly attended to, by WM. BLACKBURN. J November tj. .$ French Circulating Library. JOVEPH E. G, M. De La GRANGE, No. ris Walnut ftr«et, INFORMS thofti who wiflj to recur to the only meant of fceeotaing perfeA in the Frenth Lan p«age,that he ha? jud opened his I ibkart, corv- Ufting of upwards of 1500 volumes, the btll cal culated to afford either ufeful inftrudion, or sure, Ihe conditions, together with a catalogue of the Library, may be fceu at every book-fclier\> m town. n. b. All tranflatioßs from and into the French, Bngliih and Spanish Languages, eiCecucei. with ao curac> and difpatcb. eom nm>. 15. Pril on Manufa£tory.. POR SALE, AtthePrifon of the City and County of Philadel phia, Cut Nails of all fixes, from 3dy to :ody ( Flooring Brads, Springs, saddle and card Tails t Oakum and chipped Logwrod ( Shoefnakeis an 1 Sadltrs Thread f —Sawed Marble, suitable for currier's tables, S tomb and hea Itoncs, hearths. chimney pieces, C plat'orms, flabs.lacia, window iieaii, liUs c . J All which may he had on reasonable terms, Shoes made and Weaving done at said Prison at a moderate price. Orders from a dillance, UireAcd to Dauiel Tho mas, ag;ent for the pcifon, will be attended to. Decern' » r 26. mth6m c Lately Published, c, And to be fold by WILLIAM YOUNG, earner of * Second and Chefnut it reefs, (Price 3 Btie of a dollar) g Cbftr vat ions on certain Documents - Contained in No. V and VI of " The History of the United States for the year 1796," n In which the cha*c«.ol spxcvlation aeiiaft ALEXANDER HAMILTON, L>te SiCRXTAav of the TatASVRv, ii FULLY REFUTED. F WRITTEN Err HIMSELF. This publication presents a corcife ftatemtnt of the base meacs praaifed by the Jacobins of the United State* to asperse the chara&ers cf thole persons who are considered as holiile their difor panizing fchehies. It also contains the correfpton dence between Mr. Hamilton am) Messrs. Monroe, ' Mihlenburg and Venable, on the fubjeift of the documents aforefaid, and a f-r e» of letters from James Reynolds and his Wife to Mr Hamilton, proving beyond the poffihility of a doubt, that the eonneilion between him and Reynolds was the re fultof a daring coufpiracy on the part of the iac ter and his aflociatet to extort money. £V A difconrit of one third from the retail price will he made in favor of wholefnle purcha frrs, for CASH. Order? to be addrelLd ta i.l; Yoo n 0 February 9. term of Co partnerfbip hrtweui the fuk- I J. fcribers, trading under th Srmj i John Mi!« kr, ju i.anj Go. expiresthis dav, by mutual ■ content wiH nof b * renewed* The debts and con cern* of the feme will be fettled by John Wilier, ; Jim. to whom all t'nofe indebted to thepartnerihip, are earneilly requeue.? to make pay meet to, wi. fa- Oat dcliy. JOHN MILLER, Jun. ALEXANDER J. MILLER. FrVritary •»'! LAND!NG, From on board the Ship S.uir, front Calcutta, AKD rOR SAL BY TUX SVBSC Rll IK , i6co bags prime Sugar, B©o do. GiAgcr 30 bales low priced »>ioce Goodi* John h(liller, Jun, march 3 . 5 ~~ FOR SALE, »r John Miller, jun. 8, Chtfnua-ftreet, A quantity BENGAL GOODS, AKDKOST WHICH ARE— Cur;ah» Vlanwodins Baitas ' Sann.ts Guzzenas randa Coflaej Guzziei Enie.-tics Blue Cloths Calicaes Palnmpoors Rorrafi Handkerchiefs Araongft then are a great proportion of Cm aiv nufaitme. of P*;n*. Britifk Dry Goods, A «. S •, Forty puncheons ai proof Sue. February 19. g Alex. J. Miller if James Davis, Havftig entered into pirtuerft.ip under the firm ol Alexander J. Miller iff Co. INFORM their frieodsin town and country, that th.y have opened a WhoJefcle Dry Good Store, at No. 64, South front Sfrcct, Philadelphia ; whet* they now have, and intend kcaeping a general a( faatmtnt of India, German, Irijb, fftneb and Br? lijb Manufactures for sale, on advantageous term*"' for eafh or a short creait. February 19 ' ftf * Landing From »n board the Snow Maria, from C»pOf hagtn, A few Tons Russia Clean Hemp 3 o pieces Ravens Duck 450 pieces RufSa Sheeting <2OO bolts Russia Duck, and A quantity of ,: wedes Iron For Salr ky JOSEPH ANTHONY" bf Co. Who Lave on Hand, ift and ad proof Bourdeaux Brandy 4th procf Spanish ditto • New-England Rum Particular Madeirl winc 5n p, pw London Market 5 Md C ** , • Old Claret in Cafca •4 Irfidb. Coffee just arrived Best Boston Beef in barrel* Mackrell in do. Halifax Salmon in do. A small invoice of Rhode Island Cheefc Spermaciti Oil Tanners ditto No. x, i, 3, Boflon Sail Duck Ruflia Cordage, and An Invoice of Dutch Hollow Glass Wart. March %.