7*- . stttt of A«n Philadelphia By John Fenno, N°- ii 9 Chef,rut Street. Number 1711.J SALT. 3500 to 4000 bushels of large grained SALT, From St. Martin's on Hoard the ftip Spy, at the Still House wharf—for f»le by Stephen Kingston, 46, Walnut Straet. rt-i uib imr Will fail in a few days For SarafinahinGeorgia For freight ifc "lij* or passage apply aa above, or to the Captain on board. February a 7 'eedjt For Hamburgh, THE SHIP Dominick Terry, J ac °B Dehart, Majltr, X3*£is4£ss-n av j n gg re;lt partofher cargo en gaged—For freight apply to Jejfe & Robert Wain. February %(, For Savannah, The Jafl failing Ship SWIFi JACKET, (* r,l ?ul-r trader) Patrick Gribbes,mafltr, (WILL fail on the 10th inlt. ice permitting) has handfnme accommodations or paflengers. For freight or paflage apply to the master on borrd, at fiickley'j wharf, above Market-ltreet, or iV* £3" J. Fraxier, No. 95, South Front hreet. February t. 4 1 ' —... .7, , £or Sale or Charter, gooi/hope carry about faoo barrels, and isready totake in a cargo. For terms fppJy to Pragers Ss* Co. No. 151, South Second-street. Who havs for sale—prime St. Croix Sugar Hum, Madera, Lisbon, and Teneriffe win». Nov-mher 7. dtf Edward Dunant, . No 14J, South Front-street, Has still remaining of the Cargo of the Johanna, from Malaga, 66 kegs Sun Raisins 91 Jars fine Bloom ditto « hhds. } fu P ßrior Catalonia Wine Mountain and Malaga Wine, in hoglheads and quarter calks And a few qr. calks fine old Colemenar Win*. He km tdft, a few packages «J Calcutta and Madrafs Goods, Confiding of Humhoms, Ticktries, PatnaChintz, Bandanna, Pullicar and Barhar Handkerchiefs, Choppa Romals, black and coloured Persians, and black Pepper. £5" Wanted—A Male and Female ■SERVANT, of unexceptionable charaflers. march I. ' *,«eod At a Meeting of the President . and Managers of the Delaware and Scau vlkijj. Canal Company, February 17th, 1798, RefolveJ, That ten dollarson each of Stock be called for ; and that the Treasurer give pu. lic notice thereof agre«able to law. , Extraflfrom the Minntes. GEORGE WORtALI , Secretory. AGREEABLE to a resolution o ihn Prefidifnt and Managers of the Delaware and Schuylkill Canal Company, the Stockholders are hereby requ red to make a payment of ten dollars on each of their refpe&ive shares on or before the ill of pril next, to WM. GOVETT, Treasurer. February 18. lawtA Canal Lottery —No. 11. WILL commence drawing Monday, thessth inft- Tickets for Sale in this Lottery, at Seven Dollars, at WM. BI.ACKBURN's Lottery and Brokers Office, No. 64, South Second-street Tickets in the Schuylkill Bridge Lottery, at Ten Ibliars, where check books are kept for register ing and examining in these, the City of Walhing ttyi, No ll.and Patterfon Lotteries, and informa tion where tickets maybe had in moft'of the Lotte ries authorised by law in any of the States of the Union. N. B. The bafinefsof a Broker, inbuyingand felling all kinds of Public Stock and Securities, difcoMßting Bills and Notes of Hand, file of Lands, Houses, &e. &c. will be duly attended to, by WM. BLACKBURN. § St. Croix Sugars. 26 hoglheads best ST. CKOIX SUGAR, FOR sale by . - JCHN NIXON & Co. Feb. 9. fm&wtf W anted, An aflive, cleanly, industrious woman to cook Yid do the business of the kftchen. Such a one ill be allowed good wages, and no other needap y.—Enquire of the Printer. February 7 § Twenty Dollars Reward, FOR taking up a runaway servant Girl, named j Abigail Miller, latterly calling herfelf Betsey ' Smith, and feniing her to North Front-llroet, No. I 45- She is of a chunky make, and very dark complexion, withrt»und features, and black buftiy hair; probably much altered by paint and pow ders, as (he is luppofed to be secreted in houses of ill fame, though no more than fifteen years of age. February 19. eoaw I IN THE PRESS, AND SPEED! LY WILL BE PUBLISHtD, (Price 15 Cents J Refle&ions on Monroe's View t or TUB CONDUCT or TBS BXECVTirt, As publilhed in the GAZETTE of the UNITED STATES, Under the figuature ef SCIPIO, In which thee ommercial warfare of France is traced to the French failion iA this country as its fonrce, and the motives of the opposition to ths measures of the United States are exposed. Fek. 8. PHILADELPHIA: MONDAT KVENING, MARCH 5, 1798 To be fold at Veridue, » At the Coffee House, at 7 o'clock ,n Xb< eveniosr on the s th of March next, *' : Ship" JOHN, jSSSemj&f , AS fl>e lies, and three Andiers „ " ' 'T in E under the bow, cut aw»v af ke Stfan l ded as te month ofC J^n e rcck - Sl,e **» built ia Newbnryporc aikaat , ve years ago, was coppered U£t futaiuer m Ham burg, snd measures about 500 torn. ' a e / L, ° AT THI H»< Tiar, : P a Ttion r r o g n ° w «*not yet got out her, fay, 4 boxes oF (hect Copper 70 b A °^ e " of window and hollow Glafj 1 ' of tke c " n cerned. JOHN CONNELLY Co. Auttrs. February ,8 _ A M landing, From on board the Ship Sally, from Calcutta, ANO FOR lALI «y THE »T BSC KIBIK, i 000 bags prime Suerar, 800 da. Ginger 30 bales low priced piece G«ods. John Miller, 7un. march 3 J . I " t t K * ?rmo f. Co-paxtnerfliip between the lub- L lcribert, trading under the firm of John Mil ler, jun. and Co. expire* this dav, and by muMai consent wiH not be renewed- The dehts and con tern, of :he fem- will be fettled by John Miller, Jun. to whom al) those indebted to thepartnerfhip are earnestly requeued ts make payment to, with, out delay. JOHN MILLER, J lin . ALEXANDER J. MIiLLER, February 19 FOR-SALE, bt John Miller, j(Jn. N®. 8, Chtfnut-ftreet, A quantity BENGAL GOODS, ANONtIT WHICH Gurrahs Mamaodiee Baftas Sannas Guzzenas Tanda Coffaes Guzzies Emertica Blue Clotht Calicaes Palamjoors Romall Handkerchief, Amongst them are a great proportion of the ma nufactures of Patna, British Dry Goods, Alio, Forty puncheons of high proof Rum. February 19 Alex• J. Miller & James Davis, Having entered into partuerfhip under the firm *f Alexander J..Miller Co. INFORM their friends in town and country, that they have opened a Wholesale Dry Good Store, at No. 64, South Front Street, Philadelphia; whera ' they now have, and intend keeeping a general as. » fcutment of India, Ctrman, Jrijb y French and Bri m \ iijb Mannfa&ures for sale, on advantageous termr 1 for eafc or a (hart credit. ( February 1, } t f I For Sale by the Subscriber, Forty-nine bales of Muslins, being the re- J mains of the (hip India's last cargo from ( Calcutta, and will be fold low, I 7 Boxes of Umbrellas f 2 J Pipes of fineft particular Madeira wine, ' of, the vintage of 1795. * Mordeca't Lewis. February 13 four FOR SALE, By WHARTON y LEWIS, < No 115 South Front Strcek c A quantity of Tannr's Oil, t 4th proof Jamaica Rum, ") entitled to id and »d proof Brandy, j drawback. g Madeira Wine, Juniper Berries &c. &«. Fel'. 9. rodtf Landing this day, j From on boasd th« ftliooner Two Friends, Dan tel Crawley, Master, Jamaica RUM, FOR SALE .BY Qetrge Latimer & Son. nrvemher 9. i ' Ross iff simson;- HAVE FOR SALE, A few bales Baftas, Coflas, and a quantity of Bengal COTTON Bengal SUGAR, in bags and boxes Jamaica, St. Vincents, > RUM. and Bengal J 300 calks RICE, and A parcel of (hip building RE© CEDAR, oa.* 7 . §_ James C. Samuel W. FUher, at the r store, Na.513, corner of Arch and Front street. HAVE TOR SALE, Cotton and worded Hosiery in trunks, alfored A few bales red, white, and yellow Flannel Ditto futty romall Handkerchiefs Ditto Pullicat silk ditto _ Ditto Pondioherry and Madrafs ditto Ditto Gurraha Bengal black Taffeties » 4000 pieces Nankeens, and Few chests bed Hyson Tea j Alfo—lsoo boxfs best London Window Glass, .. | from Bby6,to 19 by 14— ind 15 hhds. Glass | Ware affortad, which they will difpefj of cheaper j' than any in the city. < Kov 18 e ' Just Publilhed, t b ' And to be had at the Book-ftoras of Meflrs-Cos- t i, son, Campbell, Younc and Oauxon, t1 in Philadelphia, {( OBSERVATIONS a On the Causes and Cure of Remitting or JKlious v | Fevers. ej To vthkb is annextd, 01 AN ABSTRACT of the op nions and praSiceof q, different authors : and an APPENDIX, exhib- t r iting intcrefling fait' and rsfleilion< relative to t J, the Symrxbus IBncid.t, or Yellow Fever, which has occasioned so much diftref* and mortality, at different periods, in fever.il of the fesport q towns of the United States of America. bv WILLIAM CURRIE, Fe'ow of the Philadelphia College of ! hyf cians, snd Member of the American Philosophical So- ti c;»ry. * cb - l ~*3 m J "> For Sale, • By Elliston -J John Perot, A'. 41, S..H, W,Ur S.rnl, London particular M .id * Wmc. m pip.s cjuAk r caiis, 4 year* old lad fit fur ir:noc«ijt£ uL g Inferior do. A few b*le, Aliibad Codes HanJkerchf-i. t Sail C«a,aO, No i, t»« A fewbsgs of Juniper Berriei A parcel of Soal Leather,-aud ✓ A few boxes of Cfeina. . march 3 tu&f4w for sale; — ■ The Houle in Chefnut-ftreet, NEXT door but one to the corner ol Fifth-ftreet. occupied by the fubferiber. Its eligible fi'uation i» well kmown—The rooms are fpaciuus and con venient, and fini(b«d"in ahaadfome (lile—lt has a double Kitchen, and excellent Cellars, with an _ce Houfe-and rain water Cistern, and th;re is a Pump of good water near the kitchee door. For terms annly to GARRETT COTTRINGER. »• _ §IW TO LET, ~ ~ And may be entered on imrnediattij, A good dry Store, Three ft ories high, and in an excellent (land for bnfuefj. Apply to Thomas £sf Jofhva Fifber, march t. $ No t, Dock-ltreeti JUST ARRIVED, In the Ship Star, Joseph Woodman, master, from London, 50 crates Queens' Ware, abort ed to suit Weir India market 40 billheads Whiting Zjoo bufiu.lt g -od House Coals A*set— put UKOID. 4*o barrels prime Beef, 801 l on and Nc W.York JO ba;reh Pork l.?o hhds. Havaina Molafles W'oolen Cloths } Blaukete > afforled in package Hard Ware J Ravens Duck Window Glass in boxes, Bri;ifli, of rarious files Black quart Bottles, in hampersof i groce each A general assortment of Qoeens' Wre, in crates Fowling Pieces and Pistols, in cafe Baflcct fine Salt, in hoglheads to* SALE BY Tbos. is? John Ketland. February i s ■ ?tIM FOR SALE, BY the subscribers, No. 11, Penn-ftreet, The Cargo of the Ship Ganges, John Green, commander, fron Bengal, Ctnfijiing of Baftas, of various qualities and prices, Coflaes JPunjum Clotht ■ Sanahi Guzaeydo. I Humhunas Charconaa Dorca Blye Cl. th Tanjibs Chiatz and Calicoes Mulmtils Mamondys Checks Maharagonget Patna Hkf«. Ginghams • Mulmu d«. Guzzenas Bandannoes Gurrahs Siflerfoy Piniafcoea Choppa Romals Salgatchys Sooty do. Gillie Romals Persians of various eol. Mock Pulicats »oo tons SUGAR 50,000 lb. PEPPEU. Willings & Frantis. The Piece Geods Of the Ganges are now open to sale at that commodious store the north welt corner of Market and Fourth-ftreete. Also—A few Bales of Madrafi Hkfs. of ele gant patterns and best colours. February 8. dtf Landing From on board the Snow Maria,from Copen hagen, A few Tons Russia Clean Hemp 3<:o pieces Ravens Duik 150 pieces RufCa Sheeting joo bolts RuiTia Duck, and A quantity of Swedes Iron For Sale by JOSEPH ANTHON'f £C Co. IVk. have on Hand, iftand id proof Bourdeaux Brapdy 4th procf Spanish ditto New-E'.'gland Rum London^ Particular mne p . pM London Market > Csfl " Old Claret in Cases 34 Wills. Coffee just arrived Best Boston Beef in barrels Mackrell in do. Halifax Salmon is do. A small invoice of Rhode-lilajidSheefe Sperraaciti Oil Tanners ditto No. 1, z, j, Boston Sail Duck Russia Cordage, and An Invoice of Catch Hollow Glass Ware. March 1. daw The Comnnffion r rs FOR carrying inte «ffe& th» TWF.NI Y-FIRST Article of the Treaty of Friendlhip, Limits, and Navigation, betwei-n His Catholic Majesty andths United St atss of Am.rica, hereby give information to all Persons therein canaerned—l hat in ordci to turminate all differences, on account of theloff es fuflained by the citizens of the United States, in coniequence »f their VeffeiS :■ nd Cargoes having been taken by the Subjects of His Ca'helic Majel ty, during the late war between Spain and Franc.-, that they are reedy to receive (at their Office, be tween the hours of ten and enc o'clock, da.ly) all cemplaints and applications, authorized by ihe said Article, during EieiuTtiN months, frem the day •f the date hereof, and that they have power to examine allfuch persons as ceme btfore them, on oath «r affirmation, touching the coin hints ill qutftion, and also to receive in evidence, all writ ten testimony, authenticated in such manner as they ihall think proper to require or admit. £y Order of the Commiffio' ers, PETER LOHRA, Secretary. Commissioners OJfice, No.' 109, Mulberry ft rent, Mai 17 tb, 179 7. Feb. zB, *9B 'im • 4 * Those Printers in the several States who pub/fe ed the above advertisement lajl Spring, are reyuejleJ to ie-pul'lipi it memo'lb, and fend their Mounts to P. L. CONGRESS. > HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. FOREIGN INTERCOURSE. TWESDAY— FEBRUARY 27. f Coi:i» ..-d /rjm San dsf s '•«» ftr ) Mr. J. Wieliams (New-York) said that though the fatigne from the long discussion already had, on the amendment propufcd, must be sensibly felt, yet, ss it was * qnef tion of great magnitude because its conse quences affefted the constitution of thecoun try, by a new conflrudion of its refpeftive 1 powers ; he Aoped to he permitted to take some view of the fubjed, and here he would 1 remark* when the amendment was firll pro pofed,he had not then re3e&e4 as much up on the doArine to which it led, as he had finee done. If it had been the objedl of the gentleman who introduced the amendment, to bring hack the fsrtiga inttrcourfe to the ground on which it Hood in the year 1796, be woutd undoubtedly have paiTed over the firll fe&i ---•n of the bill and mevedafubftituteforthe third section, which would have contained the new system he has advanced ; because the firlji feiftion of the bill was the fame as wasena&ed in the year 179 c, and re-enaft cd by every new Congreli fincc that time. And the like salaries were to be continued as given in the year 1790. But that gentleman has since said, he in tended to do away all the foreign intercourse and thereby vesta power inthis,houfe, '.vhicb the people by the conftitutioa has f&ctd in another branch of the legislature ; which principle, said Mr Williams, once fined in » this house, would render the present confti tutioa inactive ; and if the mover of the a mendment had intended thereby to save ex pence (which was a desirable objeA) he would have moved to lefTen the present sala ries, but inflead »f doing this, the gentle man ha* brought forward a proportion, which tho' in a different garb, is the fame in substance, as had been difcuflcd about two years since for fix or seven weeks—at the last fefEoa about two or three weeks, and now about four or five weeks more. Is this the mode said he, for gentleman to save es sences in government ? No 1 th* expeaces incurred by the present debate, amounted to more than it was contemplated to save. He would a(k, how came this propofitiou to be now brought forward i Was it to mar the harmony of that house, at a period when unanimity of sentiment and cool deli beration were lo much wanted. That gen tleman's goo4 t fenfe must have led him to : suppose that the proposition would as ufwal have drawn fcrth a warm debate ; and vio- ' lence in debate en the one fide would always ! induce violence on the other, and coafe- ; quently irritate the party spirit so prevalent, • the greatest curse which could happen to a j 1 nation, more especially at the present crisis of our affairs, and had a tendency to ef- , trange the minds of the people from the | government which they had set up. He ! 1 was sorry to fee hi» friend from Georgia j (Mr. Baldwin) the other day had de- ! - parted from his usual cool deliberation and j 1 had wrought up his mind to an extremity,in i 1 which he drew inferences from the Prefi- ' , dent's speech in the year 1790, which on a j re-consideration he would find were no way ) ] applicable to the doctrine he had endeavour* \ ed to maintain. (Here Mr. Williams read I that part of the President's speech alluded to, and animadverted op Mr. Baldwin's ob servations,) But that gentleman had said he was for doing away hostility from among 1 the different branches of government and cultivating harmony, notwithstanding which ' in the next breath he said he would vote for 1 the amendment. He would alk that gentle- 1 man what harmony could be expected from 1 such proceedings i the Prufident nominated j a person as minister, agreeably to the con- i ftitution, the Senate concur, and we refufe i to appropriate, Mr. W. said he did not believe gentlemen sincere when they advan- j ced this doftrine, and if they were, they had not reflected where it would lead them. If the check was in that house which was contended for, the Senate would have the ' fame check, and this would permit the Se- I nate and execntivc to fead frum this house j all members who could not from their pri vate fortunes defray theii own expcnces and support their families ; Or would the gentle- j men who were advocates for this doCfrine, ! have the members of this honfe like those in the House of Commons in England, per sons of great interell and depending on pa tronage. But, said he, I (hall be told that the members of the legislature have too high 'wages. This he said was admitted, as he thought, at the time the wages were fixed by the firft Congress, twice the sum neces sary was allowed, but the high prices of ar ticles finee had brought it right, and when the articles came down to the old Harvard, he was persuaded the wages would be lefTen ed accordingly. But the very reason why Congress had erred on the one fide wa* a good argument why they might err on the other, especially when they had an objeil in view, he thought that the constitution had provided that a reasonable compensation should be allowed, so as the mediocrity of the people might lend such as they pleased, but the do&rine contended for would cause the republican principles contemplated by the constitution to be done away, and an a - riftocracy introduced. Bcfides it would do away the treaty making power, veiled by the constitution in the Prelident and Senate and give the sole power tn. the Horse of f representatives. For inftaoce, the Prefi- 1 dent, the other day, nominated three com. mi'fiioners to hald a treaty with the Indians, >• the fenatc concurred, :.od the appointment was made* The executive sent to this lioufe the proceedings, and required an appreci ation. But fuppofc, (aid be, we had dif. agreed, and made no appropriation, could the treaty be Md No y foin the eafcthc ' lad feffioti, the exeemivc informed us that ' he wati about to fend a miuiller to Berlin j > we made the appropriation ; a minider was appointed, and sent. And now an aft is tg be passed t«t recall him. He would put the quedion more home, and arte if the choice had fallen on one of those who advocated ' the amendment, and accepted the appoint -1 ment, arranged his affairs, and gone to the place affignrd him, but in tlx or seven month* thereafter, was recalled ; what would he fay? Would hejuflify such proceedings? Said he, the fecuricy of government cost- Allg in a liable and uniform cenduft, then those who are to be ruled by the laws would know how to aft. The gentleman (Mr. Nicholas) had said, he _was devoted to a republican form. of government 5 but said Mr. W. they had but one criterian to form their judgment by ; that was contained in the b«#ok of trutft " b *h<> r Ivor It yeJhall intte them." How can it be fnppofed that gentlemrn are sin cere when they talk of feeble minoritiej be ing necessary in eleftive governments, when the majnrty are to mle i In a A/n No. The cos flit »t ion of England was made up of usages, cudoms, &c. ours was written, and therefore the precedents would not apply, The house of commons in England had a right to originate all mo ney bills ; the house of lords had no right to alter or ataiend. But was this the cafe with ourfenate ? The senate under our eon ftitution has a right to alter, amend or re. jest. That gentleman had said (hat money had been made use of, in opposition to the sense of this to intimate that we contend that all mult agree to the principles of legislation adopt, ed by the executive ; and he instanced the cafe of the frigates ; but said Mr, W. thia was an unfortunate inference of His colleagn# because the legifiature had reduced the fri gates from fix In three, and he believed thit was not even the wish of the executive, and he was confident that no money had been expended, but what had been appropriated* As to the executive patronage, said Mr. W. in England the king has the disposal of all offices, and he is not responsible. Here it is otherwise { the President is elffted for four years, at the end of which he returns to the people and is impeachable. Whca there are more candidates, than one for an office, the disappointed will generally be opposed to the re-eleftion of the President, and may make iotered againd it by hit friends, and the one that is appointed will seldom trouble himfelf about it. He men tioned a cafe in the date of New-York, whose conditution relative to the appvint. ment of officers was ftmilar to that of the United States, It was a cafe refpefting the appointmenr of a ft-.riff, the one dis appointed, made great interest againd the governor's eleftion, while the man who ob. tained the appointment, had been inaftive, and the gov(£nor had nearly lod his eleftion; and he was persuaded the power of the President to nominate, would always ope. rate againd his influence. Gentlemen to support their position, that no foreign miniders are wanted, fay we ought to have no conneftionjwith Europe, only as buyers and venders of their ma no* faitures, if this was all we had to do, said Mr. "VVilliarta», we wanted 00 miqidcrt nmr IVeLim XIII.