of tfje and Philadelphia Daily Advertiser: Nomb£S 1709.J SALT. 3500 to 4000 bulhels of large grained SALT, Fr.m St. Martin's on beard the (hip Spy, at the Still Heufc wharf—far file by Stephen Kingston, 46, Walnut Street. SAID SHI? fail in a few days For Savannah in Georgia For freight or paflagc apply at above, or to the Captain oti board. February >7 *eod3t For Hamburgh, TH B SHIP Dominick Terry, Jacob Dbhart, Master, '■"''Havinggreat part of her cargo en- ] fagad.—For freight apply to Jejfe is" Robert Wain. 1 F.hnsary 16 > $ Nicklin fc? Griffith, At their Store on Walnut Street Wharf— HATI FOR SALS) ; 8 hhdi. of Jamaica Rum f.Jsdeira Wine in pipes and hhds. Teneriffe do. in pipes OM Port do. in hh"1». Imperial Te» in quarters and eighths ef chefls Sail Canvass, No. I, to 8 Dimities, Ginghams, aad Muftinets, in packa ges suitable for tho Welt-India market Nails afforied Black quart bottles Queens ware in hhds. and crates Yellow ochre dry in caflcs j And at New-York, on board the ship Diana, from Liverpool, expelled round as Toon as the tuivigatloa is epes, "Tiae Liverpool Salt Coals Spinifh Brown "j Venetian Red Purple Brown f PA INT 6 Patent White f White Lead Ued Lead J vitriol 160 bandies Sheathing paper Seaming Twine Skip Diana, Far Sale or Charter. ALIO, Brij Amazon. N. B. The late firm of Philip Nicklin & Co. is now changed to NICKLIN 8? GRIFFITH. January I. eodtf for Savannah, Thefajl failing Ship SWIF r PACKET, (* regular trader) Patrick Gai bben, master, WILL ftil on the 10th inft. (ice permitting) has handsome accommodations for passengers. For freight or paflage apply to the master on borrd, at Bicklay's wharf, above Markst-fireet, or N. a* J. Frazier, No. 9J, South Front-street. February 1. i For Amiterdarh, «—*. The Ship FARMER, ffggifijMV John M'Collom, Master ; my WILL fail in a ft-w days, the L'-Tg"?greater part of her cargo being ready. For freight of fifty tons of Coffer, or paflage, apply to the master on board, at Wal out-Jlreet Wnarf, or to JOHN SAVAGE. Who i» landing, out of the said Ship, from Bouriic-aux, and for sale, Claret in hhds. White Wine in quarter cafcs Claret in cases, of a superior quality Fontinia.c, > Santerne, > Wines in cafe* Lunille, .1 Prunes in bones Novembe 14. For Sale or Charter, GOOD HOPE ' Will carry about 1100 barrels, and iaroadv to take in a cargo. For terms apply to % Pragers & Co. No. is j, S#uth Second-street. Who have for sale—prime St Croix Sugar and Rum, Madera, Liflton,«nd Teneriffe win®. November y. dtf At a Meeting of the Prefident and Managers of the DttAWAtiaad Schuylkill Canal Company, February 17th, 1798, Ittfj.tr4, That ten dollarson each (hare of Stock be railed for ; and that the Treasurer give pnblic notice thereof agreeable 91 law. £*trad fr*m lie Minntll. GVORGK WORT ALL, SureUry. AGREEABLE to a resolution of iho PreCdsnt nod Managers of the ZW«Tiwr« and SetuyUitt Canal CiMfary, the Stockholders ari her.by required to make a payment of ten dollrrs oa each of their refpe&ivc lhares on or before the ift of > pril next, 1 WM. COVBTT, Trtaftrtr. February aB. _ aawt A AND SPtEDILY WILL BI PUBLISHED, (frit» 15 Cmtl) Refle&ions on Monroe's View of r*s conduct or ran tzicrrtrt. As published in the CA2.ETTt of the UNITED STATES, Under the fignatuio of SCIPIO, Jn which thei oramr-cial warfare of France is uaceJ the French taflion ir. this country its lource, anil the motives of tie opposition to the meiiuiet of th« United Stilts we expofr J. Feb. *• PHILADELPHIA: FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 2, 1798. To be fold at Vendue, At the Coffee House, at 7 o'clock in the eveaing, on the of larch next, f—The Hull of the AS she lies, and three Anchors lying under the bow, cut away *£• ter file bilged. Stranded at he mouth of Cohan ft c creek. She was built iu Newburypor: about five years ago, was coppered U£t summer in Ham burg, and mca'ur's about 500 tons. LSO AT Till SAME TIME, Apart of the Cargo whish isnot yet got out her, fay, 19 tons of Iron 4 boxes o fhcet Copper 70 boxes of window and hollow Glifs All for the ben fit of the concerned. JOHN CONNELLY U Co. AuS'rs. February »8 dt3M To be Sold at Public Vendue, At Chefnut-ftreet Wharf, On Monday, the sth March next, at 11 o'clock, The following Articles, saved from the wreck of the ship John, znd fold for the benefit of the concerned : Ii Bolis of Canvass I Main Top Sail I Fore Sail i.Main Top Gal. Sail i Fore Top Sail i large new Cable 1 Jib j bb!s. of Pork 244 Sheets of Copper Half a bbl. Btef 1 Ship Bell A few bbls. Flour, Peas ai.d Bread A quantity of Chain Bolts, Rings, and sun dry Iron, with a large aflortment of all kinds of Rigging, Blocks, Hooks and Eyes and Thim bles, &c. 2 small Copper Boilers 3c Water Calks 4 Compares 7 Glass Windows 2 Lamhorri* I Towline 11 Spars I Hawser 1 Iron Caniboufe A quantity old Junk x bbl. Tar I large Wheel I bbl. Copper Nails I small Anchor jt boxes Window Glass 3 old Cables 41 draws of Tumblers 1 chell with Medic. 1 brsfs Stove » bbls. Pork t Tables 3 Chairs Andfundrv other articles. JOHN CONNELLY Gf Co. MB'r*. Feb. t8 dtsm Public Sale of Real Ellates. On THURSDAY Everting, the 15th of February next, will be exposed to Public Sale, at the Merchants' Coflfee-houfe in Second-street, at 6 o'clock in the evening, the following ESTATES. No. 1. A two (lory brick House, with t two story frame Buildings, on a lot 20 feet front and ioc feet deep ; also, a vacant Lot of 40 feet iquare, with the privilege ef aD alley to go thereto. This intered has lately been let for too dollars per an num, and is fitua'ted in Chri.lian-ftreet, between Front and Second llreats, the fecoad house from Mr. Caleb Afli's. No 2. A three story brick House, fi.tuate at the north raft corner of Chefnut fireets, being 14 fe«t on Second-street, and to ftet on Chefnut ftreet, now in the tenure of Mr. Morange, at the s)fearly rent of 400 dollars, and is deemed one of the belt Hands for the sale of dry goods in this city. No. 3. A handsome well finilhed three story brick House, 20 feet front and 100 feet deep, situ ate in Fifth-ftreet, between Market and Arch ftreets, No. 40 This oufe is built and finilhed in the modern style, is in complete repair, with double cellars under the whole. Thei eis a ciflern of rain v »"r in the yard ; and the house is at pre fer t let for 600 dollars per annum with the taxes. No. 4. A three story brick House, situate in Pljimb street, between Second and Third ftrret, being 20 feet front and 130 feet deep, at present occupied by Robert Kenny. No 5. A thr. c story brick House, on the bank Cde of Front-street, No. 171 North, goiag thro' to Water street, where it is five story. It is 20 feet front and 48 feet deep, in complete repair, and i» rented for 600 dollars per annum. The conditions ol Sale are, one quarter calh, one quarter in 6 months, one quarter in 9 months, and one quarter in 12 months. Philadelphia, Jan 12,171/8. 3aw £3" On account of the present bad weather, the above falei> poltponed »ntil Thurtday evening, the firft day of March, at 6 o,clock Feb. 16. Hyson and Young Hyson Tea. A few cl ells of excellent quality, for sale, cor ner of Second and Pine streets. Dsc 26—eotf Valuable Property for Sale. FOli SALE, THAT well known Estate, called SHREWS BURY FARM, formerly the residence of Central John Gadwalader, situate on SalTafras Ri ver, in Kent county, a bout 1900 acres of prime LAND, upwards of 500 of which are in woods. The Buildings are all ex cellent, and consist of a handsome Dwelling House, two large Barns with Cow hou r es, Stables for fifty horses, a spacious treading floor under cover, a granary, two Overfeer'a houfet, two ran ges of two story buildings for Negroes (one of them new and of brick), Corn houles, a Smoak house , &c. &c.—The whole Btlate being nearly surrounded by water, it requires hut 'ittle fencing, and has a good Shad and Herringfi(h iy. It is conveniently fit jaced for both the Philadelphia and Baltimore market*, with two landings on a navi gable rivtr butaihort fail from Baltimore. There is a large Peach, and two large Apple Orchards on the ptentiles; also, a variety of vxcellrnt fruits of different kinds. The foil is mostly a rich loom.— ; The whole will b« f Id together, or divided into smaller farms (for which the buildings are conven iently situated) as may suit the purchaser. The Stock on said Farm, consisting of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, &e. will also be disposed of.——For further | particulars apply to George Hastings, on the premiies, or to the fubferiber. in Philadelphia. ARCHIBALD M'CALL, juh. February 24. 2aw6w Surreyor General's Office, December 2, 1797. ON a release of survey of 433 acres,Cß perches of land, fnuate in lower Smithfield townlkip Northampton county, surveyed to William Wills, per warrant »f id March, 1786, the Deputy Sur veyor hat>h made the following note, viz, Tbisland claimed by heirs Lewis Oordon and George Taylor, not known by what right.—Cer tified for Daaiel Broadhead, F.ty. Surveyor Gene ral—William Parker. The firft Monday in March next is appointed for a hearing of the parties on the caveat, or any others interested or concerned therein, they having at leafl thirty days notice for John Hall, .Secretary of the Land Offcce. N. Lufborough. By John Fenno, N O, NOTICE. WHEREAS a Certificate to Hannah Siiil- IT, of Oxted Cottage, in the Counry of Surrey, in Great-Britain, SpiniUr, or her afiign., for two thousand five hundred and sixty-two dol lars twenty-three cents, in the deferred llock of the United Sti'.es, was loft in the (hip Peggy, Capt. Hyer, hound from Philadelphia to London is the year 1796. The fuhfcril-.er, the said Han nah Shelly, intends to apply to the Treasury of the United States, lor a renewal of the said Cer tificate. HANNAH SHELLY. Feb. 23. iaw6w. ' P'HE term of Co-partnership between the sub- L fcribers, trading under the firm of John Mil ler, jun.and Co. expires this day, and by mut al consent w>l4 not be renewed* The debts and con cerns of the fame will be fettled by John Miller, Jun. to whom all those indebted to the partnership, are earnestly requested to make payment to, with out delay. JOHN MILLER, Jun. ALEXANDER J. MILLER. February tq stf FOR SALE, »Y John Miller, jun. No. 8, Chrfiut street, A quantity BENG AL GOODS, AMONGST WHIOS A*l Gurrahs ' M. meodies Baftas Sannas Guzzenas I'anda Coflaes Guzzies 1 Emertics Blue Cloths Calicoes Palamcoors Rotnall Handkerchiefs Anvmgft them ar« a great proportion of the ma nufaftures of Patni. British Dry Goods, ALSO, Forty puncheons of high proof Rum. February T9 Alex. J. Miller iff James Davis, Having entered into partuerfbip under the firm of Alexander J. Miller Ess Co. INFORM their friends in town and country, that th' 7 have opened a Wholefile Dry Good Store, at No. 64, South Front S/reet, Philadelphia; where they now have, and intend kceeping a general af fojtment of India y German, Ir'jb, French and Bri tifb MannfaAures for sale, on advantageous terme for cafli or a (hort credit. February 19 §tf For Sale by the Subscriber, Forty-nine bales of Muslins, being the re mains of the {hip India's last carg6 from Calcutta, and will be fold low, 7 Boxes of Umbrellas 25 Pipes of fineft particular Madeira wine, of the vintage of 1795. Mordecai Lewis. February 19 d2w PRINT. rHE Print, representing General Washing ton and his family, all whole lengths in one groupe, will be ready tor delivery by the asth of March next. An unfinifhed impreflion is to be seen at Mr. M'El wees's looking-glass (tor# No. 70 South Fourth Street. The fubfeription will close on the 10th of March next. Sub r oiberg may depend on having the b«ft Prints at one guinea and an half. To non-fubferibers, the price will be two guineas. February 19. ~FOR SALE, A quantity of CALF SKiNS, in the rough, and feme horse leather. Apply to ROHERT SMITH £5" Co. N». 58, South Front ftre:t. Feb. rftw NOTICE IS hereby given, that the Subscriber, an insol vent debtor, confined in the common foal of the County of Capt May in the Hate of Ne v* Jersey, hath presented his petition to the Judges of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, in and for the said county, prawng that they would attend to hear what can be alledged for or a gamft his liberation, pursuant to an ail of the Legislature of this State,entitled "an a<3 for th relief of insolvent debtors," pafltfd th; 26th day of Ja uary 1798 —And the the fa d court did appoint Monday next for the purpose aforefaid j to meet at the Court Hoi\fe in the Middle Precinfl, at eleven o'clock, in the forenoon of the said day, »f which his creditors are requeltod to take notice. CHARLtS ALLEN. Cape May, Feb. 8, J798- Feh. 14 —nwcw Prison Manufactory. » FOR SALF., At the Prison cvf the City and County of Philadel phia, Cut Nails of all Czes, from 3.na Molaflet Woolen Cloths Blaukete > ifToricd in packages Hard Ware j Ravens Dutk Window Glass in boxes, Bririfh, of various size* Black quart Bottles, in hampers of I groceeaeh A general affortmeut of Qiyetfti' Ware, in crates Fowling Piece*ai d Fiftols, in cases * Balket fine Salt, in hogflicadt FOR SALE BY Tbos. ciT John Ketland. February I j Notice. £5" The ship Star from London will commence difc'iarging to-morrow mwTning at Walnut flroet wharf, where coufignees »re reijueft-d to fend the«r permits immediately. February 26 ' - Landing this day, From on boacd the fchqoner Two Friend-s, Dan tel Crawley, Master, 80 M,d,. and/Jamaica RUM, ra pipes ) J 7 FOR SALE BY George Latimer & Son. nrvemher Q. $ ROSS Ssf SIMSON, HAVE FOR SALE, A few bales Baftas, Goflas, an>d a quantify of Bengal COTTON Bengal SUGAg., in hags and boxet Jamaica, ) St. Vincent?, ? RUM. and Bengal J 300 talks RICE, rnd A p.,reel of ship building RED CEDrVR. oa. ij. $ Thit Day it Published> By John Ormrod, No. 41, Chefnut-ftreet, Philadelphia, A PLAN FOR the CONDUCT OF FEMALE EDUCATION, In Boarding Schools, Private Families, and Public Seminaries. B7ERASMUS DARWIN, M.u.f.n.s. Autbtr of Zoenomia, and of the Botanic Garden, To which arc adde 1, RUDIMENTS OF, TASTE, IN A SKRtES OF LETTRRS. From a MOTHER to her DAUGHTERS. Hmbelliftied with an elegant Frontispiece. (Price, neatly hound, gilt and lettered, one duilar.J CONTENTS. The Female Chara&er, Music and Dancing Read ing, Writing. G ammar, Larguages, l'hyfiog nomy, Arithmetic Geography, Hi story, fJj u ! ral History, Rudiments 01 Taste. Beauty, Grace, | Drawi- g and Fml>r®i try Perfoe&ive H arhen Mythology, Polite Literature, Novels, Art- and 4 Sciences, Morals, Compaifio i Veracity, Pra- I dence, Jullice, Chaflity, Fortitude, Temperance, Religion, Addrefi, Conversation. Exereife, Dumb Bells, Air, Bed-rooms Firs grates, Care of the Shape, Cold Bath, Diefc, Ear rings, f owder, Chefs, Pu i)ilhn,*nts, Rewards, Motives, Lilp ng, Stam meri'g, Squinting, Involuntary Motiors Swel led Fingers, and Kibed Heels, Beds, Rheuma tism, Dicr, New Milk, Economy, School-eJu cation, uses of, Catalogue of suitable Bo.»ks. ALSO JUST PUB I.fS (! ED, The Looking Glass for the Mind, O R, The Juvenile Friend ; Being a valuable collei!lion of interesting and miscellaneous incidents, calculated to exhibit to young minds the happy eftedls of youthful in nocence and filial affViiion—ln prose and ver e. Dcfigncd to improve and amuse the rising gene ration. Embellished with an elegant Frotif piece and seventy-three Cuts. Price 75 cents. Feb. 16 .It Just Published, And to be had at the Book-stores of MeiTrs. Dob son, Campbell, Young and Ormrod, in Phi'sdelphia, OBSERVATIONS On the Cauies and Cure of Remitting or Bilious Fevers. 'To which is annexed', AN ABSTRACT of the opinions and pravSicc of rent authors: and an APPENDIX, exhib iting intcrcPing fa&s and refle&ions relative to the Synochus Itleroidtt, or Yellow Fever, which ha< occasioned so much diftref. and mortality, at different periods, in several of the fe«pOrt towns of the T'nited Spates of America. by WILLIAM QURRIE, Fclow of the Philadelphia College of hyfeians, and Member of the American Philoioph'Cctl So c:»»y. Feb. 1— Canal Lottery —No. 11. WILL comnence dravying Monday, the loth inft. Tickets for Sale in this Lottery, at Seven Dollar*, at Wm. BLACKBURN's Lottery and Brokers Oifice, No. 64, South Second-street Tickets in the Dollars, where check books are kept lor register ing and examining in these, the CJty o' Washing ton, No ll.and PatUrfon Lotteries, and informa tion where tickets maybe had in moft'oftJie Lotte rics authorised by law in any of the i-tatcs of the Union. N. B. The bvfinefsef a Buorfk, inbuyingand felling all kinds of Public Stock and Securities, difcornttng Bill? and Notes of Hand, iale of Lands, House*, ste. See. will be duly attended .to, by W\i. BLACK BURN. November 15- $ Landing From on hoard the Snow Maria, from Copm hagen, A few Tons Rufiia Clean Hemp 3<>o pieces Ravens Duck 150 pieces Russia Sheeting 200 bolts Russia Duck, and A quantity of Swedes Iron for Sale by JOSEPH ANTHONY V CV Wl'j hasten Hand, ift and :d pruuf Boucde*ax Uracdy 4tti procf Spaniih ditto New-England Rum London Particular £ MaJeirl wine in Pipe. London Market ) Md * UMter C '** Old Claret in Cases 24 hhds. Coffee just arrived Beit Helton Beef in brrrell Mackrell in do. Halifax Sainton in do. A fraall invo ce of Ktiede-lfiand Che»fe S. ermaciti Oil Tanacrt ditto No. i, 1, j, Boflon Sail Duck Ruflia Cordage, and An Invoice of Dutch Hollow Glass Ware. March J. diw 1 he rs FOR carrying into th* y Article of the Treaty of Iriendfhip, Limits,and Navigation, :> tvve n is Catholic Majesty and the United States of Am.rica, henbv give i"u>rsnat ion to all Pt-rfons therein concerned— ! hat in yrder to terminate all difference?, on account of rhe'olT e* !, y the c *r2 r.r of the United States, in conlequuicr of fheir VclTe's nd Canjoc having been t iktnhy the Su 1 jeil- of Hi* Caho ic Majes ty, durirg the late war between Spain *.nd Fraucj, that they are ready to receive (at their Office, be tween the hours of ten and ont o*clo. kda ly) all complaints and appication9 authori2< ti fy he fairj Article, during eight een months, from tie day •f the date hereof, and that they have power to examine allfuch persons a* e*mc before them, on oath or affirmation, touching; the com laint* in question, and also to receive in evidence /all writ ten testimony, authenticated in fach manner at they (hall think proper to require or admit. JBy Order of the Commi/jio' ers, PETER LOHRA, Secretary. CommiJJioncrs Office, No. 109, Mulberry- Jlrect, M#y lpb 9 1797. Feb. 28, *98 — 'im %* Tbofe Printers in the fever al States nlo publifo* ed the above advertisement las Spring, are requeued rc-publijb it one month, andJend their accounts to P, L, A Gardener wanted, TO move to the Diftridl of Columbia, one who understands his btifinefs well, to whom generous encouragement will be given. Application nud be made immediately, at No. 5, South Fourth ftreet, to GEORGE WALKER. Feb. *3t Three or four Single Gentlemen, may be accommodated with Genteel Boarding and Lodging, Or. reasonable terms, by applying at No. 31, North-street, between Fifth and Sinth-flrects. February 13. eodjt " ' FOR SALE, * by the subscriblrs, No. 21, Pcnn-ftreet, The Cargo of the Ship Ganges, John Green, commander,from Bengal, Con fifing of Baftas, of. various qualities and prices, Coflae* l J Miijiim Cloths Sanalu Guzzey do. Humhums Chnrcouaa Dorca Blue CI. th Tar.jibs x Chintz and Calicoes MulmuU Mamoodyj Checks Maharagonges Patnajfkfs. (iinjrh«nis M#lmu do. Guzzenas BanJannoes Gmiahs Siflerfoy Piniafcees p Choppa Uomals Salgatchys Sooty do. Gillie Romals Persians of variom col. Meek Pulicats »oo tons SUGAR 9®, 000 lb PEPPER. Willings ly Francis. The Piece Goods Of the Ganges are now open to sale at that commod ous ftcre the north weft corner of Market and Fourth-streets. Alft^ —A few Bales of Madrafs Hkfs. of ele gant patten s and belt colours, February 8. dtf FOR SALE, By WHARTON fcf LEWIS, No \ii 5 South Front Streefe A quantity of Tanner*! Oil, 4th proof Jamaica Rum, ") entitled to ift and ad proof Brandy, J drawbaok. t Madeira Wine, Juniper Berries, &c. &G. FeH. 9. eodtf St. Croix Sugars. a 6 hogtheadi bert ST. CKOIX SUGAR, For sale by JCHN NIXON & Co. Feb. 9. fm&wtf Wanted, An a *y . Afternoon—John Conu«lly. Saturday Afternoon—Peter BtnCuu. [Volume XIII.