Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, February 05, 1798, Image 1

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    ° f and
*». ,« 7 . 3 — N " 11 9 Cbeftiut Street. .
NVJIT3£2 1687. J
Ar.d to be feld by WILLIAM WQODHOUSE
Ns. 6, fouth'Etem flfeet, Philadelphia, '
The Young Chemist's Pocket
Companion ;
A Pbilofopbical Apparatus, and * frcut number of Ghe-
Mat Agenti ;
£jr which any perton may perfonrf an radlafs va
rieff * ari nfing and isftruAiag experiments ;
intended to promote the cmitivation of the Sci
ence of Chemistry,
- pirtfijfor ef Cbewrijlry in the University of Fcnnfylnn
■ifriijli,ey on Air.
THE chest connoted with Ais book is-one Foot
'■ 4 * h«!t oar fjat-icosfci, uid ~4ko»t (be
attn-fc'inhr.. Itcenfift .o, two »p*rm>e--*; T>r
f~* «'«cjui»in»twe*cytwcbottleswith the
tolLwi-ag tests, in a, puie a state as pdSble.
I. Sulphuric Mid
%. Nitric acid
3. Mtfc-iatic aeid i
4. Carbonic acid
j. Oxalic acid
t. Aelohol of galls
1. Solution of pot afti
8. Pot aft in powder
9. A X'T'
xo. Solution of the fulphats of iron
il. Solution of the iulphate of copper
i». Solution of mercury in the nitric acid
it. Solution of Giver in the nitric acid
14. Solution of cortofive fublirnate
IJT. Solution of the acetate of lead
16. Solution of arsenic
17. Solution of the muriated barytes
it!. Sulphate of^^agnsfia
19. Lime w«*rv*
I®. Prtffiata of lime
*l. Prufliate of pot ash
si. Ammoniate of eopper
The lower apartment is a drawer, in which the
philosophical apparatus is placed, and a number of
agents folded up in paper, as
I. Strips of paper Hawed bine by the tinfture
of litmus
1. Litmus paper turned red in an acid
3. A small bag, containing genuine litmus
4. Paper, dyed yellow by turmeric
J. Turmeric paper, turned brown by an alkkli
6. Paper, dyed red by Brazil wood
7. Brazil tyeod paper, ftiu- .jd purple !>y an al
8. Zinc, in small pieces
9. Copper, in small piece*
If. red lead
11. Iron filings
11. Sulphate of copper
13- Nitrata of copper
14. of ammoniac
IJ. Acetate of lead
16. Carbonate of litis
'"%?■ Sulphur
The Apparatus eonfiib of
1. Glass fjphons
* blow-pipe, of tin, eopoer, or ftlver
T- "* KMU'iCX "
4. TnrrtmaniHUßl&ai pmwt -
5, a glass funnel
t>. a measure for liquid*
7. a fraall pestle aiid mortar
g. Scales and weights
The book is a duodecimo of 5$ pages; contain
ing a method of performing one hundred experi
ments, tbe greater part of which are made in a
common wine-glais, and many of which are the
uofl brilliant which occur in the fcicnce of Che- 1
miftry. An explanation is given of the pheuome- J
na which take place in eaeh experiment, and a sim- r
pie manner is laid down of preparing rrtoft of the f
'tegs when expended. f
By means of this Chemical Companion ami Port
able Laboratory, gentlemen who have not had an
opportunity of attending an experimental course
of Chemillry, may themfelrea, and pen
form, -with ahe greatest cafe, lh« celebrated exjieri
ments of Frieftley, Prouil, Bergman, Scheale,
Maequer, 'and the firft Cheg.ifU of the age.
Jaiijar.y 19 mtictjt
James Humphreys,
North Third-Jirect, the corner of
Cherry -My,
(Priceone Dollar neatlv bound ar.d lettered)
An ENQUIRY into the DUTIES of the
Female Sex. 1
The following among others are the principal
Snbje&s of this ufeful Work.
temalc Education. Of t»e mode-tf intrtduc
ing Toting tVamtn into general Society. Female
Cor.verfatisn and Epijlolary Corre/pondence.— R
Dre/i. Amufementi. Excess in the pitrfuit of
Amusements. Employment of Time. Confeder
ation) antecedent te marriage. Duties of tn'at
rimanial Life, <zuith a view to different Situations
and Circumflances. Parental Duties. Duties
qf the middle period Life. Duties of the De
(line of Life. ' , J
£S* From the title oi the foregoing work it f
may perhaps be imagined, tlut the Enquiry is '
altogether arid exclufi*e!y direilfd to the duties S;
of the Female Sex : it tbjjfrfore, may not b» un- P
nectflary, or unufeful, so remark, that many of
the chapters contain matter relative to the c»n
<Juft of both I'exes, and particularly those which
relate to the duties of Matrimonial Life—Parental
Duties : —Duties of thf Middle Period—and of ■*"
the Decline of Life. —And the reader of either
fe* that peruses this work with a view of gain- A
itig information leading to fubilantial pleafore,
will assuredly not be disappointed. .In fad, it
is a wark interesting to the happiness of Socie
ty, and mult be ufipful wherever read j tending 0
not only to point out in easy and engaging lan
guage, the piths that lead the youthful mind to
Ifappinefs and comfort, but those alio, in the a
walk of which, theparent and the middle period
ofHfefcall find sincere delight, and declining
years render themselves comfortable and happy
with all around them.
Philad. faa. 29. *jt
ALL persons who ha*e any demands against ■ p e
the estate of WILLIAM CO MP TON, late
°' the city of Philadelphia, deceased, are requeft
«£i to furn : fli their accounts, duly atceftedy And
tdoie who are indebted to said estate, are earneft
iy folisited to make immediate payment, to either
o; the Aibfcribers. 1.
Isaac Cathral!, 1
yohn Haiuorth, > Administrator. , n
Samuel fVikox. J Ea
January ey, 0 ws4w
—" ' | ' 111 fr '' J- ~ '--j- * ' Y / * *
PHILAB ELP W1 j „ —— — .... .1 _j„
—: ; •• Monday evening, FEBRU4RT a< 1793.
ior Savannah. nm _ ' • — — _______
hse, For Savannah,
Tt regular trader)
w[LL C f lt l Gt, . BBEN ' maJlcr > '
• Permitting) has h» H Hr " the (ice ■
Piffen»,r« F „rP " ? a^ommodatin„ 9 f„ r ,
Itet-ftreet, or - j
'i-1 s; J- Frazier, !
;S -" i - February v No - -W h hrout-llreet. ,
For Savannah, '
by- L JT 51 THe £nft failing lliip
■V ® >ATRICK Gribsin, Master !
k SBS®«bS!
■- 1 -™ i-s-rS;-
rt/y i y Soutn Front Street.
Wr» hav-c on band, and far Sale
December ly
——irr —— 3tawtf.
Nicklin & Griffith,
At then- Store on Walnut StreetWharf
,s n i c t HArn FOR SA «.
,?8 hiids. of Jamaica Rum
M.ideira Wine in pipes and hhds.
1 etieriifc do. in pipee
Old Port do. m hhds.
slnrln T r' i? qUarWr6 and ei ghths of chests
Sail Ca.nvafs, No. i, to 8
Dimities, Ginghams, and Muflinets, in packa
"•Ami c WdU "* j " m « k »
Blaek quart bottles
Queens ware in hhds. and crates
Tellow ochre dry m calks ; (•
rof And at New-York, onboard the f 1
ftip Diana, from Liverpool, ercjSejfted round '!
ure ** '• on as 'he navigation is open,
Fine Liverpool Salt
Coals a
Spanifli Brown
Venetian Red j *
tan Purple Brown I -,.- Kj _ s t 'j
Patent white F AINTS
al- White ,V a d
Red le4d j i r
Coleothar vitriol 1(
160 bundles Sheathing paper ti
Seaming twine p
Ship Diana, s
r Sale or Charter.
L S O, p
January i. eodtf 1
For Arnfterdam, w
The Skip in
a FARMER, la,
John M'Cctllom, Mailer; he
lc * WTLi. fail in a few days, the pu
ie " renter part of her cargo being
ready. For freiglrt of fifty tons of Coffse, or pas- Gi
sage, apply to the matter oa board, at Walnut
ftreet wharf, or to
Who it Landing, ont of the said Ship, from fiotir- M
deaux, and For Sole, 3
ti. in hhds.
, . PC
l«i White Wine in quarter caflcs
Claret in casts, of a superior quality
Fontiniac, t j |(
Sauterne, > Wines in cases
LimiUe, S p°'
Prunes in boxes —-
Rovember 24. $
For Sale or Charter, Ti
The Snow -*-]
te /fltaar good hope, l
Will carry about 1100 barrels, and oh!
«i§ro%S§Ml is ready to take in a cargo. Fortcpns not
fci y apply to ire
Pragers tff Co. f,l ' r
o anc
e- No. 151, South Secend-llreet. j- n(
le Whd have for fale—£rime St. Croix Sugar and
Rnm, Madeira, Lisbon, and Tetieriffe wine.
of November 7. dtf*
r- 7 7 7 7
t- For Savannah, in Georgia,
' ls THI SHir
Sally Butler,
Captain Chi»holm,
ft A new vessel, with excelleftt
is ace<wnmodation» for paflengfers—
Sails 00 the 10th of December. For Freight or
1- Passage, apply to ROSS 15* SIMSON.
>f IVho kave to diffitfe of,
1- A small invoice *f GLAUBER SALTS J
h INDTGO, and a p«rccl of HOLLY WOOD.
a | novembur 18.
. 3
•r Just Publiflied, (
And to be had at the Book-stores of Meltrs. Dob-
>) son, Campbell, Young and OaMßon,
it in Philadelphia,
S On the Gaufes and Curs of Remitting or Bilious
1- Fevers.
O To which it annexedy I
e AN ABSTRACT of the' opinions and praAice of 3a j
J different authors : and an APPENDIX, etHib
? iting interesting fads and rcfle&ions relative to j
} thzSyn.cbu, 7/7«-r«V.-i, or Yellow Fercr, which _
has oceafioned so much diftrefsand mortality, at
different periods, in fevcralof the fcaport towns ril
of the United States of A merici.
L Fellow of the Philadelphia Colltge of PhyficjM",
e and Member of the American Plnlofophical So-
J ciety.&c. lh i
For Sale, ,
r A complete file of the Philadelphia Gazette for
the year 17*7. ... n , u.i,,
Also, fevera! other files of Gazettes, publ.flied
in this cky, for thelaft 9 mwith? of the year 1797.
Eequir'e at no. 94, north "Front-ftictt J J^
January 24. J
- * J * +-SJ.I lLi KJJ J
War-Office of the Un'ited States,
'«•» Coming
■' cc To Chech in future r v,°" instruments. j
f " r thought alvifea 'fc .Si it has been
the\'!.l sUb u aWiS 1 te fuA cW <"«. » OH3 obtrvanee „1
beWi/ the War Office will '
r ed by Ae'ivd 1 a " d J a dd(iltion to hit is
1 ' of r "n s ', th " ccn,ficst * ° f the »^oW
'» also set forth the T or ''"Wer Attorney, mull
ow „f.v i ° the-placc of refidentjl tad occupatio*
«- met .'t'Th "" r rI "" ackniwlcdg
•f- is by a whn f P '2. oi of kiwwledfe
is oy a wttntrfs or witncflW. tkrir pfoicaa r>W r - r.»
treSaenocmuft be fct /,„th i„
Jan. 7 . J AMSS > yof VV..r.
. d6«r
iria ti T _ T >o* SALE, r
Fff e ®y JOHN MILLER, £# Co.
No. 8, Ch.lnut-ilrecr,
One hundred and eighty bales
bengal goods,
- „ Amongst which are,
Gurrahs Mamoodies
Ba tas Sarnas
Cum nahs T an r«a Coffics
Guazi-s Entertrcs
B'ue Cloths Calicoes
l. . P:!an, poors Romall Handkeichiefs
Among-, them are a great proportion of the
of Patna,
ta- Dtiember i'.
To Bg Sold,
A GREEABLY tot'he lad: will ar.d tefha*nt of
p w >iWAM HrriuAU, deceased, and poffef
ion given immediately, a valuable property inArch
ie between Third and Fsurth streets, confift
nd the house. No. 107, wnhthelot oh which
" ls , e .' a and other i.nprovemenU.—
haufc is lift feet front, and contains ten pood
apartments. The lot is of the fame breadth as the
house and jdj feet deep, with a well of water and
a very capacious walled cifterfi, both with pumps
Wffoop repair. The liable Hands on the rear at
the loj and will aecommodr.'r four holies and a ear
nage. ; hi» property perpetual privilege
of a2O ieet court aadan alley, g f : . c wide,extend
ing to C.isrry Street. Its central p<. fition and the
advantages it poffefTes with refpeil to free ventila
tion, renders it well worthy the attention of any
perfan wishing to possess in eligible property in Phi
1 or further particulars enquire at No 88, Vine
_ or Exeautors.
Fiawcis Bowes Sayrs, )
January II 5
Delineator of Z)ra-u.-inr—f London,
-l- t r Ylfk<»«i h n 1n» -m- •- - - - - - ■>. a. mm
tmm.nt mailers in that fcieiice)
"INFORMS hi» friends, that he has re-commenc- I
X od his private tuition.—Terms, us ufuai, Sir ,
Dollart per month, for atteiidai)64» three times a
week. Likewise, all kinds of Ornamental Paint-
ing, fruit, flowers, &c. on the above terms. 1
W. H. flattens himftlf his terms will be particu- {
larly advantageous to those that employ him, as 1
he makes no additional ehafge if there aft two
e pupils hi one famijy.
A line direA«d to W. H. left at the office of thii
Gazette, will be immediately attended to.
January 9.
The owners of the Brigantiae i
. Mercury, Wi'liam Uron, master, captured by '
a Spanilh privateer and Wei at Ceuta m last De C
cember, may receive iaterellipg informaci'pn r<f- 1
peeling her, by applying to the Department of 1
* The Primers in th« sea-port towns of '
the United States .will remief a fer»ice to the
concerned, by iolerting tiis above ia tbeit'Eewfj ,
papers. Jan j. i,
v > NOT I C ¥.. h °
To holders of J.-IMES GREENLEAF's R
and EDWARD FOX's Engagement*,
IN consequence of iviaaiv living>>een prevent
ed, from late unavoidable tircumftances from
I obtaining their Certificates, agreeable to former *
•, notice. The Trustees now inform them, they f<
are ready to iflue the lame to tbofe who may ap- c
ply within Cxtydays, at No. 8 Chel'nut Street,
and those who do no!, wi[l be confidercd as re
linquilhing .their claim on the Aggregate Fund
provided for tliei' paymeur.
December ij. dtct
A few bales Baftas, Cofias, and
a quantity of Bengal COI'TON J
Bengal SUGAR., in bags and boxes {
Jamaica, ce
St. Vincents, > RUM.
and B. ngal J t
joocaflts RJCE, 2nd
A parcel of (hip building RED CEDAR.
■ o<a.a 7 .- .
To be Exchanged for
BrUlJhy German, or India Goods,
A tracl of valuable Land k,
In Lycoming, joining that of the Hollaad co. hr
anJ containing 10,000 Acres. he
Inquire »f the Printer. an
Philadelphia &Lancaster Turn- »»
pike Gompany.
January 4, 1798. £
At a meeting of the Prefdent and Managers, fto
th'ts day, a dividend oC 5 dollars per share was Gr
declared for tkelafl half year, Iwhich <wiil be by tol
them returned, f»r the payment if the debts of tht
the Company, agreeable toa rcfolplicn oftbeStock
holders the \ith June la/l. ' she
Of thePbiladehbta& LancaJlcrTurnpikeCom'py. ele
Januaryt' m&ww
es, The holders of the accep
tances, enJorfeuifnts snd ofhtr engagements
.| n of Edward T6x, for account of
nta! rceo ' ea f> a , r « hereby notified, that Wed-.
:nts. ' !R fday, the 14th February next, is the lift
>een ; a y» on which they caa adroit fubfcriptious
tiros to the fund assigned to them for the pay
raent«f said cugagfctaMU 5 and-ihat those
i»ir rs > u 'ho d» (tot on or before that day
•'are ma ke thor fiiWrriptioi»& ) wiU be excluded
uch frorfi the benefit thereof.
tcr " Henry .Pratt,
. 7~. W. Francis,
W ,U ' John Miiltr, jun.
uir j jf u^n -'filly*
5W * Jacob itaker.
W* Jaiiy 29. dt£ •
| <dndfpftdijf will Pubhfhtd.
. U eftablifbiDga mmeral MAKING-SOCIETY,
r ! and ii;{V«fri* of
Now printed for the benefit of, that Inftitmioh,
n A NAT? would be maintained bpt to an alnicft
ulelris purpefe which taking the teamen kept the
merchantmen idle in purr, and traii:ȣ veflete
would be as unprofirably employed, if they took
all thofefcamen whofe(k< 11 and courage onb- ard lhip,-
ot war, would giVe them pr ceil ion aadfecitre*
their fafcty. We hav enough for both pur-poses,
and the cultivating hand •/ attention alone iswatat
ing to multiply theirnuraber. " Money may buy
" all naval stores, eltcpt mariners; but, unless a
s " iupply of them is wealth will be
the " able to proeuhe them "
January jo. §
Surveyor General's Office.
■j December 2, 17,97.
tof f\ N a releaft of survey of 453 acres, £8 perches
M- yj of land, lijuatt in lower Smithfield tmvnfkip
rch Northampton county, surVeyed to William "Wills,
5a- per warrant of March, 17S&, the. Deputy Sur
ich veyor hath mad« the following uote, viz,
• This land claimed by heirs of Lewis Gordon and
iod George Taylor, not known by what right.—-C«r
the t'fied for Daniel Broad head, El'q. Surveyor Gene
,ad ral—William Varter.
Ips The firft Monday in March next is appointed fcr
of » hearing of th« parties «n the a ove fctreat, or any
ir- others interested or ctmcernad therein, they having
:*re at leaf) thirty days notice for John Hall, Secretary
id- of the Land Office.
, h , c iv. Lufborough.
n ~ January 26 §tiFzwWn
hi- Copper for Sheathing,
. For Sale, by
Pine-street, near Fifth.
r«. January 29 , diw
- Genteel Boarding and Lodging,
To be had as a moderate price—inquire at
N«. 138, Arcli-ftreet.
ft —Mi
—The Subfcriberj
ix Informs those to whoa he is indebted, that his
i a book;, which have been kept open for their infpec
i6 _ fion since December 1796 are balanced to the j1 ft
19. u ' t- and wi " during the prelent month remain
Open at his CountiHg-houfe in Chtefnut Street for
as t ' leir further inveitigatioo r.ud fcrut ny.
Philadelphia, Jan. til 17518.
The Subscriber
INFORMS thofi whom it may intereil or con
_ cern, thac the Judg.s of the Cuurt »f Common
e l'leas have appointed MM*y, the t-wenty jixtb Jay of
t y February ntxt, to hear him and his Creditors, at the
e . Court-house in this city, on the fufejeft of his peti
f. or the benefit of the Infolveftt Law—-and
r that (heir attendance i? desired.
»f ' Jan, r6. eotlitllF
le The Subscriber Intends to make
application for the renewal of 1 Certificate ofrSh*re
in the Bank of the Unilfd States, {landing >"' he name
ofA.B. dated July it. 1797. tbe f»mc I
hiving*been lolt. JOHN Git AH AM.
j- Richmond, Dec. t. 5,6w '
t. ' PROPOSAL. •
n TTAVfNG met with a liberal pafronage, thp
r -t-L Subscriber is emboldened to issue proposals
y for printing liy fuhf;ription, the JOURNALS OF -V
CONGRESS, from their firft meeting in 177 cto I
the present time.
This work lhall be printed with a new type, C
j made for the purpose ; and on jjood paper. It j
will be delivered at dollar per volume (oSta- ,
vo) in 6 vok.—eafh to fie paid on delivery
It isneedlefs to fay any thing of the merits of J
this undertaking—th-; fcarctty of '"the Jotiroals
throughout the United Spates, is fufficieht to jtjfli
fy th» printer in his hope of meeting with that „
success, which he is certain th» en'erpTize
J'tt.27. d«t< f
. NOTIC E. -
A I,L perfnns who have arty demands agamft I 1
th; estate of Willam Fleewtood, of
Liverpool, late of Philadelphia, nfterchant, de
ceafefl, are requested to exkibit their ac counts,
properly attested ; and those who are iudebted
to the fame, are detired to make immediate pj
paymeat, to
GEO. DOBSON, \ . .. ,
No. 25, So. Third-fli eet. j Adm " l^lr r '
January 4. dtf
All Persons
Having any demands aja : nft the Eflate of the v\
late Captain George Irwin, are reqtitfted to v\
■ bring in their accounts pi operty altefted, on or ft,
before the firft day of January next ensuing ty
and rfiofe who are indebted to fafd eftatt are so w
licited to make immediate payment to r-
SARAH IRWIN, Adminiftrairix. a
■ nrv.i 9 1797- $ or
To be fold, m
An ELEGANT COUNrRY SEAT, contain- pr
ing 6 acres and 40 perch-s, with a neat two foi
story brick House and Kitchen thereon, an apple pr
Orchard, <cc. situate on the Irilh trait lane, in the
townfrip of Moyaraenfihg, aboat one mile from
" the city of Philadelphia. FurtJier particulars will
be made known upon application at the office of
•he Philadelphia Gazette. In
The improvements upon this place, for tatte and go
, elegance, stand unrivalled. i 1
December 1. dtf
, N -» [Volume XIII.
■ ■■ »
p- Eafkeoridge—tor Sale.
■ uts f TwnCfts of 9»o acrei, zlmwft all cf which if
nc» a fii.c rish Mead "tit (the refiJesee of th«
'iitt Eal 9;' Sterling). It itfijr be conveniently
divided into five farnn, Fcur of which ire bound
ed or the L-ft hy tl: ntrir Pafaick.
ous Tkere are urt it a turnb.e'r of building*, form
ay- ir>g afqtiarr of near! three aeres—The dwel
offe boti.'e r» a very centerijet one, and a small
J ay r«pe«ee v. (io d'pm it in'complete repair.
{be Orchard confifh ofi.j 00 fine hearing tn
jrrafted Ajrm Tree?— and there i% <•» othor
pa fit of said trift near vio otiier /.'Jplt Trcee—
a; also a great variety of fruit*, particular
ly Chrrtiet of the beltand 121 oft delicious kinds.
Alfp, a great number ofbeautifu) jjxotice and
*creft that- ai/d ro the fctVfcty and conve
• m'tr.fce of rhe Ware. It* reflation is about i»
I .*»l ; £»-frenrtWt tjwostof Newark and Elizabeth ;
1_ joi do. ffciin »{loi r»-T#»«) sad ia fram Spring-*
'WH—It is vorfiied andVarered.
TTo five -trouble, i.y _pr,i v 'i &vc poueds pr.
aHe in caSi, on delivery of the det'bs. Pleale
r tb enquire of T. McRUFN & Co.
' 78, Chefnut Street.
February %. eodtf
• - - ' . 1 . 1
Insurance Office <of the Stare ot
kft Pennfyl^ahia.
the February 1, 1798.
feb TIfE Dir«i%)r>thave declared* dividend
>ok of seventy dollars oq eath iiiye of the q{ the
company, for the lust .fix months, which,-will he
l* re paid to the Stockholder® or their legal repfuenta*
fes, tivesafter the ffih inft.
>etru fy t .jijt
be- Flax Seed for Sale. ?
Apply to QEO. DOBSON,
No .2$ Sbuth Third street.
J» n - a' 7. . dtf
City Commissioner's Office,
lies January, 11th, ij 97.
Us, r T I HE following arrangement is made by the'
ttr - A- k'd Commiffionert, for cleaftfing the
ftrefcts, Sec.
"d piftri<S No. I. —From the nofih fide of Vine
er ~ ilreet to the south ftde of Mufcerry-flreet yto
le * be under the fuperintemlaace of Nicholas Hicka.
From the south Cde of Mulberfy llreet, to
cr tl>< fsjyth Cde of CheHiut street to be ucder the
f fiiptmidarice of William Moulder.
r*i f From the south fide ot Chefnut flreef to
' the aorth fide of Spruce street, to be under th*
fuperintendance of Joseph Claypoole
4. From the north fide of Spruce street, to the
. south fide o£ Cedar street, to be under the fu
perintendance of Hugh Roberts. mwfim
Canal Lottery—No. 11.
WILL, commence drawing Monday, thezoth
inft. Tickets for Sale in tlils-Lottery, at
Seven Dalian, at Wm. BLACKBURN's Lottery
gr and Brokers Office, Nw. 64, South Second-flreet—
Tickets iu the Schuylkill Bridge Lottery, at Ten
at Dollrtrs, where clieSk books are kept ior regifter
iag and examining in these, th« C: y a'. Wafhjog
-tr~ p»i,^,■{„!, <toJ intcrm.i
tion where ticket* may be ha'i in most of the Lotte
. ries anthorifsd by law in any of the States of the
rft r ,r' B ' The business of aBRoKiK, in buying and
. felling all kinds of Public Stock and Securities
or difcounti ig Bills and Notes of Hand, sale of
Lards, Houses, &c. See. will te duly attended to,
novemter IJ.
- James C. & Samuel VV. Fisher,
4T THM.R storm,
a- No.;X3, corner of Arch and Front llreets,
rot s'4is,
Cotton and worlted Hosiery in trunks, alTorted
A few bales red, w bite, and yellbW Flannels
* Ditto futty romall Handkerchiefs
" XJjtto Pullic'at silk ditto
Ditto Pondicherry and Madrafs ditto
Ditto Qurrahs
bengal black Taffctles
g 4006 pieces Nankeens, jnd
Few beft Hyson Tea
f Also icso boxes best London Olafs,
, c from gby6,to 19 by 14—and ij hhds. Glar« '
'A re, assorted, which they Willdifpofe of cheaper
v than any in the city.
noverober «8. 3awtf
FOR SALE, at '
Wm. Young's Book S.tore,
P No. 51, Second street, the corner of Chefnut street,
3 1) EPORT of the Committee of the House of
JV Reprefentativesoftl ?United States, appoint
ed to prepare and report Articles of Impeachment
• again It W fLLI 4M BLOUNT, a Senator of rhf
United states, impeached of high crimes and Mii
demeanors, made in i-urfuarice of a resolution of
f the i iouftf of Re) rcfMitativei, authorizing the said
s Committee te fit during the recift of Congress, end
inftrailing thetn " ta eriqiiire, and, hy aH lawful
" means, todifcatver the whole nature and extent
" of the offence whereof the laid William Blount
" stands impeache , and who are the aarties and
" affociatestheriin."
Printed by irder of the House of licprefentati-ue,.
December la. j
i I 1 jt Jale or to be let on ground
rent, ■.
Avaluable Lotqf Ground y
| OITUATE on the north»e»ft corner of WaJ.
. r| ut and Fifth fhctts, fronting the State-
House ' Th'iefot is fifty-one feet front
on Walnut'ftreef, iild one hundred- and thirteen
feet and an hllf on' Fifth ftrefit ; there are at
present two small two story brtck houfej, and a.
ffumb'ef of small tenements thereon.
Also, for Salt,
Two'three story Brick Houses
With convenient stores, wharf, &c. fittiateon
Water-street, between Mulberry and Salfafras
containing in front on Water street fif
ty-four feet, and continuing that breadth east
ward nine:y-five feet, then widening to the
south thirteen feet fix inches. These hoafes
ave the convenience of a public alley adjoining
on .the north fide, and are a very desirable fixa
tion for a merchant, flour fadW,or others who
ntay haveoccafion for storage of good 9. Thi»
property will be fold on very riafonable terms
forcalh. Forfurther information apjily to the
J"*y it- m«cwtf
Tor sale, "
Several fonts of Types—half worn.
Including Long Primer, about 400 weight, in
good condition, and would aafwer thepurpol; cf
a country printer as well u Lt».
Enquire cf the Printer. uov. 30.