Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, January 22, 1798, Image 1

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ette of m tßnitets States, AND Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
By John Fen no, N° no Chefiml Street.
—i— . _____ .
' ——'— ; —— — —— : —r \ —~ * 11 .. . —— *
Custom-House Sales.
Philadelphia, January 13, 1798.
OV Monday, th,e 39th of January, 1798, at 1,2
o'clock, wtl! be 'old bypublic auttioa, at the
Cuflom-Jioule, in pDffoioce of the Jaws in that cafe
made aod provided; the following articles of mer
chandise., havisg bepn ftgred more than nice months
and not claimed by the owners or cor fiances thereof;
■which aiticles may be viewed during the of
three day# antecedent Jo J:h&£&y gf'Ju.c, beuvcuu
nwe-and fc.
FCP Two cafe#, Woollen Hats
Mp<i One cafc, coataniiug Books and Pamphlets
H P Three casks, containing Girth Web
(I>U) One cask, containing Specks and.Shovcli
W Four caik?> containing Garden Seeds, Peas
P and Beans
IS One keg of Red Lead,
<> AYC One crate of Earthen Ware
BTM Two do. do.
WL One do and two
onaments for buil3*«
[No me.-kj Two Hampers of Bottled Portfer
fcigbt Hampers of Empty Battles !
WB One cask of Bottled Porter
Tho's Ste r liens One bundle, containing pieces of
Mr.Scott. Orte box containing aid. Pamphlets
Ms Au'plsy One box of Pamphlets
WA ITiree pipes Madeira Wine
One box of Pewu.r Lamps
B One box containing
G. Eollar.d. One calk containing aod some
oitjneai , ( „, ir .
yR. One crate of Earthen Ware
K. Onecrareof Earthen Ware.
J*n» 13
Marfhai's Sales.
United States, \ ~
Pennfyhania Dtftria. J
.TOI'ICE is-hereby jfiveH, that ih purfuanee ps
CTf" a writ to ms directed, by the Hon. Richard
Peters, Esq. Judge of the DiftriA' Court of the
United States, in and for the Peonfylvanii I>if»
. ttiA, will be exposed to Public Sale at the Cnfloai
heufe, on Monday, the 19th day of January in!l.
jt.u o'clock at noon,
1 box of Sugar
2 bags of Coffee
1 barrel,
t half barrel, and £ of Limes
I tu4» j
zjwtof Heney
26 Pine Applea
» kegs of Spirit 3
1 keg. of Sugar, and
7 batrels and one half barret of Sugar
TJie fame having been- libelled against, prot
ested and condemned as forfeited, ia the said
Marftal's Office, ">
17th January, iroS. I - ZZZ
Philadelphia & Lancaster Turn-,
pike Company.
January 4, 1798.
At a meeting of the Prcjtdtnt and Managers,
' this day, a dividend of 5 dollars per share was
■ declar d far tbelafi half year, which will be by
them fetainf f, far the payment of the debts of
the Company, agreeable tea rffalutior. of the Slock
•holders the xith June I*ft.
Of the Philadelphia & Lancajler TurnpikeCom'py.
Jaruari S m&w&w
To be Exchanged tor
Britijh, German, or India Goods >
A trail of valuable Land
In Lycoming, joining that of the Holland co.
and containing io,cco Acres.
Inquire of the Printer.
J"i. 15. §
Just Published,
"And to be had at the Book-stores of iVJeflrs. Dob
son, Campbell, Young »nd Ormkod,
in Philadelphia,
On the Cautes and Cure of Remitting or Bilious
To •which is an vexed,
AN ABSTRACT of the opinion*and pra&ice of
different authors: and an APPENDIX, exhib
iting intereibng fads and reflexions relative to
the Syttcbuj Jcicroides, or Yellow Fever, which
lia« ocoaQoned so much diftrelsand mortality, at
daffo in ieveral of the seaport towns
of the United States of America.
Fellew of the Philadelphia College of Fhyficians,
and Member of the American Philosophical So
ciety, &c. *Sm^
Salisbury Estate.
THE Subscriber, to contra-5 his busi
ness, offers this ElUte for sale, on moderate
terms. On it are one Blast and three Air Furnaces,
a complete Boreing Machine, and a very good grift
Mill, with two pair of stones ; aMb a good Forge, all
in perfeft repair, as.are all the Water Works connect
ed with these various branches. The Air Furnaces
were lately built for the purpose of calling Cannon
for this State.—There are abow two thousand acres
of Larfd, •ne half of which is under wood, the other
very fine arable Land, producing the best Hay and
Paliure. Tne Cannon lately manufactured there,
fully proves the excellency of the metal, which is
Jwperior to any in this country, and probably, equal
to any iir the world ; for not cwie of fixry-ninc guns
lately made, although some of the 34 were bored
into 32 pounders, have faiUd on proving. The fru
ition is very eligible, particularly for this branch of
manufa&ure, and a place a* arms lying in the state
of Connefticut. and only 30 mile* from several land •
iugs on the Hud fan's river, and having every
tagfc that can result trom a plenty of water ifining
qui a large naiura! pond, very near the Furnace,
and which way be converted into a variety of other
ufeful purposes. The purchaser can be accommodat
ed with all the flock and u'.enfiis, and have pofTcOion
on or before the firU of June next, and preparution
may be made in the mean Lime for goinginto Blali im
mediaieiy there4<ter, for every pajt will be delivered
in good order, with some coal, Ore, Stc. See. For
'terms, apply to Mr. Joleph Antnony, in Philadel
phia; David Brooks, Ei<j. one ofxhe Reprefefitawvcs
in Congress for thisStaie; Mr, D vid Waterman, on
the premiieS) or to the proprietor in New-York.
Dcr*. 1 . 3»wtf
Several/onts of Types—half worn.
Including Long Primer, about 400 weight, in
£ood condition, and would answer the purpose of
a country printer as well as new.
finquireof the Printer. new. 30.
Public Sale of Real Estates.
On THURSDAY Evening, the 15th of
February new, will be exposed to Public Sale,
at the Merchants' Coffee-houfc in Second-flre<-t,
at 6 o'clock in'the the following
' No. t. A two (lory brick Hoafe, with t twtf
p story fraqie BuilJiasjs. 00 a,iot-40 uret
- ">oc fSStaeep 5 &Uo, a vacant scot of 40 frntyuK,
the to j»i. theret*.
intcreft l;u« lately been Jet Uir 100 Jollars per an-
I num, and is fituaced in Cliriiian-Areet, between
Front and Second' streets, the fecoßtJ- honfe from
Mr. Caleb Aft's. , .
No. a. A three story brick House, fifuate at
the north raft corner of Chefnut streets, being 14
' feet on Second-flreet, and 20 f«et on
ftrett, nojv in the tenure of Mr. Morange, at the
yearly reiit of 400 dollars, and is detmod one of
th= best, (lands lor the talc qf dry goods in this city.
No. y A luadfomq well finiftjed three ft<*y
bruk House, to seer front and 100 feet deep, fili
ate in Fifth-ftreet, between Market and Areh
ftreett, No. 40. This house is built and finilhed
in the ihodern style, is in complct.; repair, Wnh
t double cellars under the whole. Thei eis a cistern
of rain water in the yard ; and the house is at pre
fert let for CiOO dollar,', per annum with the taxes.
No. 4. A three story brick situate in
Plumb-llreet, between Second and Third-Arret,
being jo feet front and 130 feet deep, at prefer] t
occupied by Robert Kenny.
No. 5. A throe fiery brick Houf;, the bank
fide cf Froßt-flroet, No. 171 North, K<>iOg thro'
to Water-flrcet, where it is five story. It is 10
feet fruiit and 48 feet deep, in complete repair,
and it rent."J for 600 dollars per annum.
The conduions of Sale an;, owe quarter s»(h,
one quarter in 6 mouths, one quarter in 9 monxh»,
and »ne quarter in 11 months.
Philadelphia, Jan. it, 1798.
To be fold,
ing 6 acres and 40 perches, with a tw»
story btick House and Kitchen thereon, an apple
Orchard, &c. fisuate on the Irifti traifl lane, in the
townlbip of Moyamenling, about one mile from
the city of Philadelphia. Further particulars will
be made known upon application at the office of
tile Philadelphia Gazette.
The improvements upon this place, for tafle and
elegance, (land unrivalled.
December 1. dtf
The Subscriber intends to make
application for the renewal of a Certificate of a Share
in the Bank ofthe United States, landing in the name
of A. B, No. 5004, dated July n, 1797, the fame
having been loft. JOHN GRAHAM.
Richmond, Dec. ;•
A few hales Ra&«% Gtrffk^aad
a quantity of Bengal COTTON
Bengal SUGAR, in bags and boxes
Jamaica, • ")
St. Vincents > RUM.
and Bengal J
300 calks RICE, snd
A parcel of ship bulging RED CEDAR. '
O&. 27.
Chocolate and Mustard,
of a Tuperior quality manufs<£lured,
GINGER 3.nd Pepper, ground ;• shelled or
pearl Barley ; Philadelphia Porter, Betr,
Alt and Cyder ; Taunton and Burton Air ;
London Porter ; red. Port and XJlbou Wine,
suitable for exportation or heme consumption.
The highest price given for Muilard-Seed.
Also far sale, A quantity of Bocking and
common Baizes, a variety of colors; a bale of
Fultiauj, Shawls, &c, for file by
No. 98, south Front-ftreef.
kov. 27. nu&th.t.rj.
Canal Lottery—No. 11.
WILL commence drawing Moijday, thezoth
inft. Tickets for Sale in this Lottery, at
Seven Dollars, at Wm. BLACKBLJRN's Lottery
and Brokers Office, No. 64, South Secosd-lu-eet—
Tic Vet 9 iu the Schuylkill Bridge Lottery,, at Ten
Dollars, where check books are kept lor rcgifler.
ing and examining in th.*fe, the City of Walliing
ton, No. 11. and Paterfoß Lotteries, and informa
tion where tickets may be hai in most of the Lotte
ries authorifsd by law in any of the States of the
N. B. The bufinefi of a Broker, in buying and
felling all kinds of Public Stock and Securities,
discounting Bills and Notes of Hand, sale of
Lands, Houses, &c. &c. will be duly attended to,
mvember IC. 5 '
ot Vocal and instrumental Music,
ETURNS hisfincere thanks to the Ladies and
Gentlemen, from whom he received a very
liheral encouragement fiwee his re&fctice "in this ci
ty, andrefpe»slfuUy informs his friends and the pub
lic generally, that, in confequeoce of the rtiqueft
of some of his friends, he has opened a Mu&cal
School at his house in Spruce Street No 174, where
he will teach or the Piano forte, Violin &c. &c.—
He deems it unneccffuTy to enlarge upon the ad
vantages the learner will derive from an inflituti
on of this kind; he will only fay, that attention
and zeal are much excited in an aflVmbly, where
numbers are in pursuit ofthefvne obieil. His *
arrangement is such, that an iaterference of the
the different fexe* will be avoided, Thote Ladies
andGeutlamen who cannot make it convenient to
attond at his school, he will wait upen at their
houses. A p| lications will be thankfully receiv
ed at hit houffe, where his term* and further parti
culars may be known.
Dec. 7. *jweod
N O T I C E.
AI.L persons concerned are hereby notified,
that the fnhferiber intends to apply for a re
newal of the undermentioned loft certificates of
Stock in the Bank of the United States—He for.
warded them under cover of a letter addressed to
John Anfley.of London, by the ship Bacchus, capt. ,
George, which left this pert in June last for Lon
don. But that (hip having been captured or. her
paflage and fentto France, the above letter and iti
clofures have failed in their destination.
Thret certificates, viz
Nos. 26325, 26326, 26327, each for
four (hares, dated January ift, 1797, and '
iflued in the name of Henry Grace, of Tot- '
tenham Highcryfs, Great Britain.
Philadelphia t neventber 8. 2aw 6 w
For Freight cr Charter',
,f To any. Poflt n Europe,
" S % 0 R K ,
ONEhund: ed :.r';ifcrty-OB<
. V l ' J tit Hr»- • and wctHmJl, *ad faih faft.—
'i For tfrtns afply to
'' Joseph Anlhory o 5 Co.
fAnary ij §tw .
n 4-1 * s JET
n Nicklijs' & Griffith,
At their Store 03 Walnut SireStU'h^rf— ;
+ 58 hhds. of Jair.J/ca Rum
' Madeira VVittt in pipes and hh<js.
, Tentriffe do. in pipes
Old Port do. 111 hfcds.
Imperial Tea in quarters and eighths of thefts
Sail Cant'ali, No. 1, to 8
Dimities, Ginghams, and Muflinets, in paefca
-1 ges suitable for the Weft India market
, Nails aijbrted
! Black quart bottles
- Queens ware 111 hhds. and crates
Yellow ochre dry in calks ;
1 And at New-York, on board the
t ' ftip Diana, from Liverpool, expa£te<l round
as loon as (he navigation is open,
c Fine Liverpool Salt
• Coils
3 Spanifli Hrovrn
, Venetim Red
Puiple Brown PAINTS
Patem white AJiN 1 *
■ White leftd<
Red lead
_ pojeothar vitriol
ibundles Sheathing paper
vSeawiiwg twine
e Ship Diana,
e For Sale-or Chapter.
Brig Amazon.
B The late firm of Phlip N ieklin & Co.
- is now changed to
e January 1. eodtf
I For Savaniah,
' , —The fail Tailing (hip
Patr,ck Cribben, Master,
' lying tie firft wharf below
Market Street —has handsome ac
' commodations for pa(fcnger<—Fer freight or paf
-1 apply to the Master on koard, or to
N. is? J. Frazer,
No. 95, Soath Front Street.
Who have on hand, and for Sale,
Prime Rice, in whole and half tierces, Georgia
and Carolina Ip.dige, MolafTes in hhds, Teneriffe
' wine, See. See
December 27
For Amflerdam,
r ;J, John M', Master ;
WILL fail in a few days, the
| greater part of her cargo being
- ready. For freight offifty tons cf Coffee, or paf
lage, apply to the master on board, at Walnut
ftrcct whuif, or to
Who is Landing, out of the said Ship, from Bour
dcaux, and Por Sale,
Glaret in hhds.
White Wine in (Quarter calks
X'tiret in cases, of a superior quality
Sauterne, > Wines in cases
Luuille, )
Prunes in boxes
novem'rtr 24.
For Sale or Charter,
Will carry about moo barrels, and
is ready to take in a cargo. For terms
apply to
Pragers & Co.
No. 151, Second-ftrcct.
Who have for sale——prime St. Croix Sugar and
Rnm, Lifbon, and TerieriflQj wine.
November 7. dtf.
For Savannah, in Georgia,
Captain Chisholm,
A new vessel, with excellent
accommodations for passengers 1
Sails on the loth of December. For Freight or
Paflage, apply to ROSS t3" SIMSON.
Who have to difpqfe of %
A small invoice of GLAUBER SALTS
INDIGO, and a parcel of HOLLY WOOD.
November 18. $
A LL persons indebted to the estate of Peter
■L V GiH, late ofthe Diftrl<fl of Southwark, de-
Geaffdi are reqUelled to make immediate pay
ment to either" of the Subfcrihers; and thofc
who have any demands againfl said estate, are
requested to "bring in their accounts duly aUefi
ed to.
Phibd. 'an. 16. 1 708. *i>w4w
Wm. Young's Book Store,
No. sa, Second Orect, the corner of Chefnut itreet.
REPORT of the Committee of the House of
Repr<ifentatives of the United States, appoint
ed to prepare and report Articles of Impeachmrr.t '
against WILLI \M BLOUNT, a Senator of the
United States, impeached of high crimes and mis- '
demeanors, made in pursuance of a resolution of 1
the House oF Representatives, authorizltig the said '
Corrimirtee to fit during the recsfs of Congress, and '
inflruvfling thjFm to enquire, and, by all lawful 1
" means, so diicovcr live whole nature and extent
of the offence whereof the said William Biouttt
«• (lands impeache.i, and who are the parties ~nd
'* afCociatestherein."
Printed by order ofthe House of Rcprcfd.iai'ites.
December zo. §
For Londonderry,
William Whitten, m^i)e r .
tSsSLmm A good viiTd, has the
greatef (Xirt Hi lur cargo on board, aoti will fail as
05 f®o»
~ tiort Is nrade. a W caifcs WSITV Iftiglt!
for which, and paflage, apply o lie Captain, at.
Cuthicrt's wharf, or the luMcrihers,.
John Sijri/i,
- I Laiiden'uerger'n wiwif, or
George Hit Jon,
No. 25 iouth 3d Street.
Frelh Fruitsand Wine,
By tfie hrig Johanna, capt. Thieflen, arrived at
Marcos Hook,
s iooo calks fine Bloom Raisins
300 Boxes } , - A
a- r y do. do. do.
d .lOQ Jars )
120 Hsdf } fine Muscatel do.
100 Boxes lemons
too Jars grapes
100 Kegs of figs
g 7 Bagsfoft Jhell'd almends
60 Bcxea Jordan almond kernels
a a Red Catalonia \Vinr
21 Hog.T.eads j
50 HogtheaJ,-) , w
atiO Qr. calfcs J W,ne
too Qr. c»(!-s fine Mountain do.
3<r- CJr. celks Cqlemenar do.
Apply to
' Edward Dunant,
N )■ 449, South Trout ftireet.
Who will Frciglit or Charter,
The Jaid Briganlinc
Being a Dane of about 293 toils
burthen, loj^any port in Europe.
January 19. *3teod
iJIBL a m 1 a b l e '
W D. C. Tillinghast, Master,
). For Amjlerdam,
CAN take in about 4c tons of goods to complete
her cargo. Shfe is intended to (ail the firft
opening far freight or paflage apply to
the mailer on board, at Bright's wharf, or to
Jeremiah Warder.
January 1 8 3t.
t The Subscriber
INFORMS thofi whom it may interest or con
cern, that the Judg.s of the Ceurt of Common
v Pleas have appointed Monday, the tiventy-ftxlb day of
i February next, to hear him and his Creditors, at the
Court-house in this city, on the fubjeA of his peti
tion for the benefit o£ the Insolvent Law—and
that their attendance is desired.
Philadelphia, j fan. 16. cota6thF
•" v To Be Sold,
AGREEABLY to the lad will and testament of
William Heysham, deceased, and poffef
(ion given immediately, a valuable property inArch
street, between Third and Fourth streets, confift
injpof the house, Np. 107, withthelot 011 which
it is ere<sljed, a liable, and other improvements.—
The house is 10 feet front, and contains ten good
apartments. The lot is of the fame brendth as the
e luiuf. and 209 feet deep, with a well of water and j
g n veijy capacious walled ciflern, both with pump< J
in go«p The liable stands on the rear of
> theT'jt and will accnn)modatc sous liprfes and a ccr
rirge. This property enjoystfle pevp«twal privilege
of a 26feet court; andan alley, ij feet wide,extend
ing to Cti«rry Street. Its central position and the
advantages it poSTijff.s withrefpeil to free ventila
tion, render, it well worthy the .attention of any
perft;n wishing to poSefs an eligiblcprcjierty in Phi
Fo" further particulars enquire at No 8?, Vine
or > Ailing Executors.
Fkancis Bowss Sayrs, )
January* tl §
W. Haydon,
Delineator of Drawing—from London,
(Where he has studied several years under one of
tha mod eminent masters in t at feieuce)
TNFORMS his (riend", that he has re-commcnc-
J. eri his private tuition.— Terms, as, Six
s Dollars per month, for attendance three times a
week. Likewise, all kinds of Ornamental Paint
ing, fruit, flowers' &c, taught on tlie above terms.
•W. H. flatter? himfelf his terms will be partieu
j larly advantageous to tfiofe that employ him, as
he makes no additional charge if there are two
pupils in one family.
A line direilod to W. H. left at the office of this
Gazette, will be immediately attended to.
Janujry 9. §2w
C 3* The owners ofthe Brigantine
Mercury, William Urol, master, captured by
t a Spanish privateer and fold at Ceuta'in laftDe
. cetnber, may receive interesting information ref
r peifling her, by applying to the Department of
* * The Printers in the sea-port towns of
the United States will render a service to the
concerned, by inserting the above in tberr news-
P : T*rs. Jan 3.
Landing this day,
From on boasd tjr« schooner Two Friends, Dan
id Crawley, Master,
Jamaica RUM,
George Latimer Is? Son.
November 9. $
To holders of JAMES GREENLEAFs
and ED IVARD FOX*s Engagements
J TN consequence of many having been prevent-
JLed, from late unavoidable circumftanres from
* obtaining their Certificates, agreeable to former
. notice. The Trustees now informthem, they
are ready to iflue the fame to those who may ap
, ply wiihin sixty days, at No. 8 Che/giit Street,
j and those who do not, will be cotilitlercd as re
j linquilbing their claim on the Aggregate Fund
j provided for their payment,
December d6ct
IN this City, an Sunday Noremfcrr 16. 1*97»
a red Morocco Pwket book, cunuiii>iij» S
notes of hjndta Read & Pi*ri«, as fojluwi,
John DufUrld'e, Cor 441 dollars 73 cents.
Willimi M'f.lvvs '
fistltfe «yfiy « J-Z '.*>'■
John Dqalu {1 ■ 90
j l>.iiw.".rd Clayton's 60
Do. ?o
Do. 27 ,
7n)in Frown's £.106-15-11
One 10 dollar Bink of l'^nnfylvanianote—aa or
der upon WaltLrFrsr.kliniEfq in favorcfCiii.L-i
Read, and sundry other papers that can re t»t p»
afe but to the owners. Payment of the h.'.
notes cf hao.i being (Hp'd, a reward ot '*c : .ry
ihall be to the jitrfuu or persons ..
tug OM pocket book wiili tlie a'orriWid cbrti 1: j->
Read and Picrie, No. 65, Cbefnut dtreet and r,o
quc.lions aflced.
January 19 "ced^t.
War-Office of the United States,
January tbe \J!> i 798.
WHEREAS frauds havr been in
m^bbtuinin: Warrant* Jor Bounty Lands, due
to the Qffie: rs and Soldiers of the late Contirwmai
Army, by the produ«3ion of forged inftmnitnts.
To check in future fuck i-npofitions, it has been
thought av'vifeable ; that all persons, having claims
Cor bounty landfe, whether in tfieir own right, as
rcptefeutative, or by virtue of any inftrumenC
«r <taed of truster. !>e required t.o forward their
r*fpe«i!ive cJairus to the War Office, on or before
the firfl day o« January 1 799 111 order rhat such
claims nay be du'j exarxipirj, adjured and deter
mined upon.
To fub.'Untiatefn;!i cairns, a flriA obfervanceof
th. rules heretofore ifTtie<l from the War OlJice will
he indifpcnfaMe ; and in addition to what is require
ed by the laid rules, that certificate of the -acknow
ledgement of a Deed 69 Power of Attorney, mult
also set forth the place of rcftdence and occupation
of the claimant or perion making such acknowledg
ment ; and when the pioof of personal knowledge
is by a witness or witnefles, thrir place or places of
residence must be set forth in like manner*
JAMES MUENRY, Sec'y of War.
Jan. 7. d6w
French Circulating Library.
No. lie Walnut-street,
INFORMS those who wi(h to recur to the only
means of becoming perfect in the French Lai.
guage, that he-has jufl opened his Libras y, con
fining of upwards of 1500 volumes, the best cal
culated to afford either ufeful inftrudion, or plea
sure. The conditions, together with a catalogue
of the Library, may be seen at every book-feller's
in town.
n. a. All translations from and into the French,
Englilh and Spanilh Languages, exec urea with ac
curacy and dispatch. eoim «». \£.
To Cabinet Makers, Joiners, &c.
Cavanagh & Hearn,
Pine-flreet, near the New-Market,
"O ETURN thinks to their friends and the
AV public, for their liberal encouragement,
and hope, by their unremitting attention, to
merit a continuance of their favors. The Part
nerlhip between them and Joseph B. Barry, has
bet 11 diflolved by mutual consent. Cavanagh
and Hearn have jtrft received a quantity of St.
Doiningp and Honduras Mahcgony, which they
intend t.» fell on very reasonable terms* for cad;.
Orders from the country moll punflually txe
! cutej. Vineers of ?,ll kinds cut as usual.
Jan. 15. 2aw4W
And all disorders of the Breajl and Lungs,
Church's Cough Drops
Is n medicine unequalled by any other in the world.
" I hereby certify, that I have been cured of a
mpft levere Cough, C<s}d, and violent pain in my
by taking only a few doles of Dr. Church's
Sail Maker, Spriicc street wharf, Philadelphia.
From a London Paper.
Having been recently restored from the brink of
the grave, by your invaluable medicine, 1 think it
my rimy to make this public acknowledgment of
f a ®e» for the benefit of others aißidled with a
linear complaint. I had been afHidled with amo ft
dreadful alihma for about twenty-three year*. I
never for years got any reft, my cough was so
troublefoire in the night; and used to discharge au
almost incredible quantity of glutinous matter
from Qjy lungs ; and my breath wasfo exceeding
short that I could not walk across my room» Pro*
vicient»i!y hearsng cf your Cough Drops, I took
them ; and, through taking I am now,
bJelled be God ! restored to perfedl health. My
cafe is well known to the members of the Ebene
zer Chapel, in Lincoln's-lnn-Field, of which I am
also a member ; and any of them will gladly fa
tiasy any inquiry concerning the truth of what I
lay. 1 am, Sir, yonr grateful servant,
No. 3, Smith's-court, Great Windmill ftrca,
f Witnefn,
N. Langworthv, jun.No. 40,
Pultuey-ltr«et, Golden-fquar*.
Are prepared and (old (only) by the inventor and
lolfi proprietor, Dr. James Church, at his Medi
cine Store, No. I South Third-flreet, next the Mar.
ket, Philadelphia; ani by appointment, at New-
York, I y Mt.Trs. staples and Co. 169 Pearl-ftrect
and Miss W'edman, m WiUkm-lircet.
Dr.criui,». may beconfulted every day, at his
offic-!, 158 South Front-flreet, Philada'phig
J ,nusr y 9' 3 aw.,w
All Persons
Having any demands agamft the Estate of the
late Captain George Irvviu, are reqistfled to
brmg in their accounts pioperly attelted, on or
before the firft day ot January next tnfuipi
and those who are indebted to said estate are so
licited to make immediate payment to
SAKAH IRWIN, Administratrix
mv. 19 jiQ7
Tin Plates,
Pir =» n«r Fiith street.
December id. Iv/