Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, December 21, 1797, Image 1

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Stated Sales
T Forenoon—Edward Fox, No. j6,
/ outh Front-ftrett,
) Afternoon—Footman & Co. No. 6<
C South Front-ftrcet.
r Forenoon— Jolyi Connelly, Old City
Tuefelayl . r Au^lon > No. 73 f.ut'h l'ront-ftreet.
) Afternoon-r-William Shannon, No.
C 18.1 High-flreet.
TTedxefJay J Af '"noon—Peter 3enfon, No. 74
C south Third-ftrcet.
. Thursday V Forenoon—Edward Fox.
I Aft-ernoon—John Connelly.
' Friday I Forenoon— William Shannon.
J Afternoon—John Connelly.
Saturday Afternoon—Peter Benfon.
Marshals Sales,
Unitud States, 1
Pennsylvania DiflriA. j
BY vrtue of a Writ of venditioni exponas, issued
out of the Circuit Court Jof the United States
in and fw the Pennsylvania Dilii ift of the Middle'
tnrcuit, and to me diretfed will be fold at public
lule at the Marshals Office iii Race Street No 117
on Sat orday the 30th day of December infl." at ii
V'f r " ~00n ' Uvo e 'cg»nt engraved Copper plates
ut Shilcefpeare, one plate of Harmony, Bartolezzi,
one p ate of prudence, do. one plate ot nieeknti'i, do
one plate of beauty, do. and one plate of Harveft
homc do—.Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Tiiflrain Bampfylde Freeman, and
' John Nicholfon, Merchants, trading unier the firm
of Fiveman and Company! J
And to be fold by
William Nichols, Mar/hal.
Marshals office 1
December ifrth 1797. | dtf
Marjlial's Sales.
United' States, 1 .
Pennsylvania Diftrift, j" <
1) Y virtue of writs of venditioni exponas, issued
J. J Out of the diltria court of the United States, and
to me direfled, will be fold at public Sale at the mer- I
Chant sCoffee.Houle, in Second (Ircet, on Wednelday
tne 27th day of December inft. »t 6 o'clock in the
evening, a|] that piece or pjreel of meadow ground
fituste, lying and being in the township of Paffyunck,
aitd ciunty ot Philadelphia, on the road leading tor I
State Ifljnd Ferry, containing about fifty.four acres J
and three perches, whereon are erefted a two story
brick Messuage, out houses and-» barn ; also one on
tner trail or piece of meadow giound, (kuate in the
"Jv! tQwriOiip and coun'y, and nearly on the ospofite ®
fide ofthefaid roadtothe said Terry,containingHxteen a
crCs& threequarterst alfoamcffuageortenementand lot V
or piece of ground fuuate on the north fide of High
flreet, between jth and 6th streets, in the eily of Phi
-1 adelphia, containing in fronton High flreet, thirty
three teet. and in length or depth two hundred feet,
bounded east by property of Hannah Pemberton,
north by South alley, weft by property of William
Bell, and south by High street atorefaid.
Seized and taken in execution as the property of
Heftry Seckel, and to be fold by
William Nichols, Metrjhal.
Marlhal'B Office, 7
December 15. 1707. f
December rt dtf
To be Sold at Public Vendue,
llf not before disposed of at private falc) X
/jN Monday the firfldayof January next, at fix Sp
V-/ o'cfock in the evening, at the Merchants' Co
ffee Hoafe, in Philadelphia, Tweoty-Six Thoo&nd hu
Seven Hundred and Eighty acres of LAND, in the gr<
TJtate of New-York, betv/een the northern bounds Wi
©f Pennfylyania and the Su'quehanna, now, or late fag
in tht townships of Hamden and Warren, and coun
ty of Montgomery. One foarth of the parcVafe
money to be paid at the time of sale ; for the residue ►
credit of one, two and three months, will be gircn,
on good feturify. ,
ec * 4* t
To be Sold at Public Vendue,
(If not before disposed of at private fait)
ON Monday the firit day of January next, at fix
o'cloek intheevening, atthe Merchants' Coffee A
House, in Philadelphia, Forty Thousand Nine Hun- I
dred and Thirty.Nine acres of LAND in Green I !Jl
county, Commenwealth of Pennfylvania,on tha Wa- I ®
tcrs of Fish and Wheeling Creek, and teu Mile Rup. I ™
Thtfe lands are'fertile, well timbered and abound in I
coal; they wcVc U!d ten years ago for 53 per aire,
patented eailv in 1787, except 3.700, which were pa- I
tented in 17Q3 ; the greatest part of them were fur- I A
ytyed iA 1783. Rbi
This traft is between the Ohio and Monongahela, I I
veryconveiiicnt to water carriage—aWut 19 milesfrom I
the town of Waihington, and from 1410 16 from the I
villages of Greenfburgh and Wheeling. One fourth I
of the* purchase m>mey is to be paid at th. time of I
ft!* ; for the rehdue a credit of one, two, and three |
months will be given, on interest and good security. I
Dec. 1. l3tawtj. I
|t lAHCE rAtcti ot I *'■*
Scantling and other Lumber, b ° a "
Suitable for House Building ; I p
Alfoa quantity of Stone & Bricks, I,oai
I am ready to enter into contra&a for the a- I
bove articles—a reasonable time may be allowed I ni
for preparing them j and cash (hall bepaid either j
ift advance, or upon their delivery, asfmay he a- j i
greed on.—Apply to the Subscriber, House-Car- I '
pentler, Lombard-street, No, s.
"John Crean. j.
December i<j. dt. I
Out of the fubferiber's office a large blue I Sails
clothcloai,ha\{ worn. Theinfideof the Collar I Pass:
is faced partly with scarlet velvet and partly
Avith scarlet cloth, and it has a silver hook
and chain as a failening. A fnitable reward I
will be paid for restoring it.
No. in South 3d Street. I Hav<
Dec. 16. diwj
BY virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court, I
will be exposed to Sale, on the 16th current, I
at 9 o'clock, a. m. at the premises, a small frame I
Houle and Lot, fitirated on the corner of Bpruce I
and Eighth streets, fubje<Sl to an annual ground 1
rent of fifteen pounds, late the property of An- I
thony I.tbeck, deecafed. I
MAKOARE r LEBECIC, Adminijlratrix. I
December j6. |
A Front Room, suitable for an I may i
Office or Counting house, with a large Cellar. I
.Any pcrfon who may rent the abdVe, may (if re- I
ijuired) l>e accommodated with Board and l.odj*- 1
ing in the fame house. Enquire at no. 180, South !
Front, near Pine street. | jfe
Decanbtr 13, 33W3W , J novt
For Savannah, in Georgia,
The Ship ARAB,
t> ,"'' HOMAS Donohui, Matter, .
Ready to fail—Can accommodate a few
o. 6s For Surinam and Curracoa,
Citv THK brio
irret. George Waihington,
No. Josh Divntux
. . Mailer.
074 For Freight, or Piffage, apply to
No. 46 Walnut, or 33 Botk-ftreet,
Who has a fiu Boxes of
Bloom and Mufcacel Raisins, and
Gin in Pipes.
December 18. * 2t
For Savannah,
(To fail on or before Sunday, the 24th inft. unlets
prevented by the ice)
ITued The fad failing Ship
Ti' Swift Packet,
i!>lic Patrick OribbeD, Master.
117. T TAS excellent accommoda
t 1 a ll fioni for paftengert.
1 f For Freight or paflage, apply to
22 i, N. iff J. Frazier,
'•do n0.95, south Front flreet.
"k" avt f or Sfl'i received by the Ja'td /hip,
the New RICE, in whole and half tierces.
?" d December 16 d lw
On THURSDAY next, the 10th inft.
At the Tontine Coffee-Houfe in Neiu-Torlt,
3/, Will be Sold without reserve, tile
Burthen two hundred and nine*
ty tons, a remarkable fait sailer,
built, and well found.
Inventory to be Teen on board, at the Old Slip. t
or at no. 178, Pearl-ftrett, New, York.
led December 16 »d;t
H For Amlterdam,
? F A R,
to J o *"* WCctlloK, Matter;
cs WlftL'fail in a feW day*, the
lf y greater part of her cargo being
0 . ready. For freight of fifty tons of Coffee, or pas- *
he fa S«. apply to the matter on board, at Walnut'
ite flreet wharf, or to
ot Who '•» Laftding, out of the laid Ship, from Boar- j 1
'j l deaux, and For Sale, 1
',y Claret in hhds.
:t, White Wine in quarter calka
n ) Claret in cases, of a superior quality
m Fantiniac, } N
Sauterne, V Wines in cases I
°f Lunille, ) »
Prunes in boxes cf i
november 24. C ag
• —Z_ ui
For Londonderry, de
_ ' . th
s UK ET t I? 1
t William Whitt*n, Matter. "
■ c -' '■" A strong good veflel, about two „
il hundred tsns, to fail with all convenient speed, a
e great part of her cargo engaged—now lying at
s Willing and Francis'swharf. tor freight or pas- _
e sage, apply to the captain, or
Lant/enitrgtr't tvbarf.
, Who wants to Charter.
A Vessel of about three hundred tons.
nov 18. §
For Sale or Charter,
! fjmkj GOOD HOPE,
1 (TgsSM Wi;i carry about 1100 barrels,and
yJoTSfflj is ready to take in a cartro. For terms
apply to r
' Pragers & Co.
• j 1 No. 151, South Second-street. „
Who have for falc—prime St. Croix Sugar and c
Rum, Madeira, Lisbon, and Teneriffe wine.
November 7. dtf. "
For Liverpool,
The copper bottomed Ship u
Hamburg Packet,
Captain Silas Swain. HT
A Lar * c P ro P orci on of her
' x\. cargo being ready to go on on
board, is expe&cd to fail on or about Sunday, the w f r '
3d of December. this
For Freight or Pafiage, apply to the Captain on j
board, at Walnut-street Wharf, or to M ar
November »l. § f]
For Savannah, in Georgia,
Sally Butler,
Captain Ch is holm,
ncw vessel, with excellent
acconynodations for paflengcrs-
Sails on the loth of December. Ft>r Freight or
PafTage, apply to ROSS ts* SIMSON.
IVbo have to of y
A small invoice of GLAUBF.R SALTS
INDIGO, and a parrel of HOLLY WOOD.
November 18. 5
Rundle & Leech, no
Have received, and have for Sale, at no. 9,
Walnut ftrtfet,
Liverpool and St. Übes SALT
Do. bed house COAI.S __
Queens' WARE in cases, aflorted YY
Bourdeaux BRANDY of an excellent quality c
Do. CLARET-incases, do.
THFY save also -"sick,
Burthen 115 tons, in excellent condition, and "
may be sent to sea with little expellee or delay.
November 16.
By John Fenno, N° u 9 Chefnut Street.
a ' For Charlcfton,
; r -y\r"' u < ■ w '"rt p er <,tt,
a 11 wke Freight on very
a, O | ow terms, and fail tlie iirft
opening. Apply to the mafhr on board, or to
i, Jos. Anthony & Co.
petember .8 j
Fresh Raisins.
eet A S " " rg8 ' ln( l «ow landing
> -i Xat Chefnut flreet wharf, from thefloopYa
rico. capt. Haflrell, confifjing of ICegs, Boxes and
and Ja«- A few Jars of excellent Grapes, and sacks
of oft ftielled Almonds.—s— Apply to the Maftcr
on board, or to
2 Jos. Anthony & Co.
Occember 19
jnlels Phili? V Co.
have FQR SALE,
At their Stores on Walnut street Wharf,
Savannah Sugars j vvhiteandbrown
er. 15 hhds. Jamaica do.
loda- Jooo pieces of broad Nankeens
Impem! Tea, in quarters and eighths of chests
Qurtkfilvfr in tubs
r adeir ,? W,nt '"n P'pe» and hogtheads
m Teneriffe Wine in pipet
shit Port W,ne in bogflicads
P> Sail Canvass, assorted, N». Ito 8
w Mancheftcr Cioor!,. confiding of Dimities, •
Muflmets, fhickfctts, C«duroys, &c
ft. 200 crates q, sens' Ware, alTorted 1
)r [ t Nails, assorted
' Black quart Bottles
Yellow Ocre in caiks "
A quantity of writing Slates, slate Ink Stands, &c.
ine. 100 quarter Calks G u » Powder
fer, Ibex lay,, a lf o fi r SAI.E or CHARTER,
Thefhip MOLLY, burthen 340 tons, a I
lip, good vessel, and completely fitted.
t Th( brig AMAZON, burthen 1300 bar-
rels, may be ready for sea in a few days.
The whole of the above veffeltts be seen at *
Walnut flreet Wharf. j mm. 10.
Wanted to Charter,
A Britilh v.ffel, fifteen hundred
• tW ° t^lou^an< ' ® vc hundred bar
ul Peter Blight,
Choice Red Port Wine in pipes and hoglheads,
)r . a ? d old Lo »don Particular Madeira, fit lor imme
diate use, in pipe*. A
December 10 <ilw
~ FOR SALE, at "
Wm. Young's B»ok Store, A
No. .(i, Second street, the corner of Chefnut street, Q,
REPORT ml tho Committee of the House of H
Reprufentati vee of the United States, appoint,
ed to prepare and report Articles of Impeachment
again ft WILLI KM BLOUNT, a Senator of the
United States, impeached of nigh crimes and mis. Ni
demeanors, made in pursuance of a resolution of G(
the Houft Of Repreftntatives, authorising th« said CJ
Committee to fit during the recess of Coogrefs, and Sp
infttuaing them «to enquire, and, by all lawful p r
" means, to discover the whole nature and extent cb
" of the offence wh.reof the Tald WlUiam Blonnt
, Q " Hands impraehe.i, and who are tlw Jartits and Be
a " affociatestherein." / Nc
lt Printed by order of the Houft tf Refrefintatives. A
C_ December ao. § Ru
From on board the ship Farmer, lying at Harper's
Wharf, N °
Claret in hhds.
Ditto in cases
Sauterne Wine in do.
For Sale, apply to
John Whiteftde & Co.
Nb. 138, S aUtet--ftKi;t.
Also, on band, „
Bourc'eaux Brandy in pipes
1 Fine old Antigua Rum • p
s A few cales of Clarel, of a superior quality, ,
november 29. §
Landing this day, of '
j From on board th« fchoontr Two Friends, Dan- tiot
lei Crawley, Master, taV<
. RUM, &
George Ldfimcr & Son.
uovemher 9. J
James Sff Richard 3&hh,
TAKE the liberty of informing their friends such
and the public, that they have removed their .u,
llore to No. 54 n South Front Jlrtit, next d«*>r to Ed- ,| lc .
ward Fox's Auilion Room, where they have at t (, e
this time for fale,a large and general affor(rnent of | t
European Iff Eafl India Goods, cons
Many of which are just imported in the Clothier, very
William Peon, &c. Sic. ted ;
Oifl. ty. $ into
At South-street Whal-f, r
The Cargo of the Ship Concord\ Hucc
Captain Thompson, from Hitavia. '
About 300 tons firft quali-y Java Coffee (the ■
whole having been feltflcd)
80 tonß Java Sugar, in canifl.rS and bags
10 legurcs of old Arrack |.
Nutmegs, Mace and Cloves J
IVbo also offers For Sale, q c
Just landed from Ihip Amity, from Jamaica. \
20® hhds Jamaica Sugar, and D;
170 do. do. Rum. q;
november 13. d6w Di,
—— ' -s Dil
Canal Lottery-—No. 11. J 0 c ;
r ? ;'- " Fei
WIIJ- commence the zoth JSj
inft. Tickets for in tills Lottery, at from
Seven Dollars, at Wm. BLACKBURN's Lottery "- are
and Brokers OlEce, No. 64, South Secofld-ftreet than a
Tickets in the Schuylkill Bridge Lottery, at Teh nOl
Dollars, where check books are kept lor register- i4~
ing and examining in these, the City of Waftiing
| ton, No. 11. and Paterfon Lotteries, and informa- Pay
[ tion where tickets may be haifin mod of the Lotto- ehand:
: rres authorifad by law 111 any of the States of the ed'tioi
'Union. Chcfn
N. B. The business of a Broker, in buying and
felling all kinds of Public Stock and Securities, Or 1
difcounti-.g Bills and Notes of Hand, sale of ,-p.
Lands, Houses, <Scc. &c. will be duly attended to, 'ha
by Wm. BLACKBURN. ' No.
To holders of JAMES GREENLEAF's
and EDIVARD FOT S Engagements
Pcrotts I a c ° nle 1" fr ' ce ot many having been prevent
n vlrv , • m , a,e UN '" i^bl ' f ircumftance S from
be iJI T°T ifiCateS ' t0 fo ™er
or to lot, - ce ' The rruftt-cs now inform them, they
are ready to issue the fame to tliiife who may ap
c P T'r <U >' S ' at No " 8 Chefnut Street,
—L- "J'nofe who cto not, will betor.fidercd an re .
linquiftiing their cliim on the Aggregate Fund
provided for their pavmefit.
r " !ls JOHN ASHLEY,
,after _ JACOB BAKER.
December 15. d6ot
•* t notice? '—
- THE Creditors of the Estate of f/alter
Stewart deceafrd, are rcquelted to meet on
Monday next at 6 o'clock in the eveoing
' _ at l City Tavern—The business upon
whlch the Y are to deliberate being of great
importance they are requested not to fail to
lt give their attendance.
Dec. 15.
As coachman, a black Man, who can produce
the bell recommendations. Enquire of the prin
ities, Dec, ,6-djt -
& c . landing, ;
From on board th« ftip Cleopatra, Samuel Newell,
commander, from London,
60 tons of the best clean Russia ,
&c hemp J
60 raiksof bottled BROWN STOUT.
For Sale by the fubferibers, No. 21, P«nn-ilroet. c
, a Witlings Francis. "
OA. 31. j '
ar ' Just arrived,
, at From Port-au-Prince, and v for Sale fcy the ftfbfcri-
i l ers > No. ax, Penn-ftreat,
u4J e ]
*> {Prime Coffee j
ar " 6 46 bag. J A
Willinvs Ss* Francis.
OA. *B. 0
4s, Jofcph Anthony & Co.
IC " No. $, Chefnut Street,
A cargo of choice Bourdeaux Braady, xft and ad *
proof, just landed "
tjo bales of Bourbon cotton of a superior quality
9 do. Surat, do do «
A qujtitity of heavy black pepper in bales f
!t < Bourbon Indigo of tbe firft quality
of High proof Jamakalpirits
nt OU London particular Madeira wine /In pipe. St Nil
le do. market do C qr. caflu.
New England rum in hogfheadi
Genuine Holland Gin in pipe. r, 1
'd Clam in oafe.
'<l Spermaceti candles and ftrain'd oil „ a
ul Prime Boston beef ~. 0 ..
at Choice Halifax Salmon in barrels and half barrols
n j Do. Herring in do do
Id Bell Boston Mackarel in barrels of the fall fare. H l'
New-England tuw l : »«n 3
>• A few tons of RafCa cordage J
\ Russia feather beds °. t
Clover and Timothy ffced in jaiks
's on g bone
No I, i, and 3, Boston fail duck
A few chef!', firft quality Hyson tea _ ,
Carolina rice in whole and half tierces and
An invoice of Dutch hollow glass ware.
November 8. t i, w t0 J
— —f L all ]
New-Theatre, re<l
December 11, 1797.
THE JManagfrs particularly request tbe con- £
currence of the public in the abolition of a '
cuftova, Which has hitherto obtained, of giving a
'• way or cKfpofing of RETURN CHECKS at the °PP|
Theatre. ,n
They are aware that gentlemen are unconfeioro u' A
of any wrong done to the interest of the inllitu- R •"!
- tion by thispraiflicc, from a general, though mis- ' c
taken idea that Checks ai-e the reprefentatlves of a
right to so many feats in the Theatre, during an
Evening'* Entertainment, atid transferable at will;
when in faijl, they were never intended- as more 1
than hhm by which the Door-keepers are enabled
to a (certain with the It-alt trouble to ihe furtin, th ( t B.
liey ticmftlva have been before in the I'hcatre, or Ja
paid for their admission.
, Independent of the injury the Managers sustain, an
' such a praftice encourages a croud of i'dj>e boys and 3c
other difordcrly ptrfons to surround the doors of A
the Theatre, to the corruption of their moral* and O
. the great annoyance of the Audience. ~
It has also been the fouroe of two evils of no in- CI
considerable magnitude; one is, that fomctimes
, very improper company is by these means admit-
ted ; and the other, that owiu <to Checks pafling C
into dilhbneft hands, tliey have bet-n frequenaly . 1
counterfeited to a large amount for the purposes of . ' 6
Sale. 1 r Lorn
This ftatenient will, it isrefpeiftfully hoped, in- lulU
dticethe Public to difcouragc such a traffic : and
the exertions of the Managers will, if thus afli lied, y, \
easily prove adequate to its entire abolition comi
December 13 lw
James C. £sf Samuel VV. Filher, na
N0.513; corner of Arch and Front streets, * m F
Cotton and worsted Holiery in trunks, aftbrted s3f 3 ' 1
A few bales red, white, and yellow Flannels ? et
Ditto futty romall Handkerchief in ß
Ditto Pullicat silk ditto
Ditto Pondicherry and Madrafs ditto
Ditto Gurrahs , (
Bengal black TalT. ties '
4000 pieces Nankeens, and *
Few chests best Hyson Tea
Alfo —ijoo boxes best I.ondon Window Glass,
from 8 by 6, to 19 by 14 —and 15 hhds. Glass
are,- afTorted, which they will dispose of cheaper
than any iri the city. " nov
november »8. 3awtf
Alphabetical Lilt of Duties, A T
Payable by law on *ll Gobds, Warts, and Mer- w i t ], a
chandize, imported into the United States—latest voun<r
edition, to be fold by JOHN ORVIROD, no. 41. „f
Cftcfnnt-ftreet. Dec. 16-d
TO BE SOLD, ~ i^goo.
Or Exchangedfor Property in the Country, Welt'
That three (lory Brick House,
No. 157. north Third street. Apply at the of
fice ef riiis tf»«ette. uov. 29
>AP D A e L aW , are a " d Sch "y'W» Canal.
A >hr >7" meftin e cf ,he Stockholders of
nts f- * th e Delaware and Schuvlfeil l Canal ;= » i.
event " thi ft ' hCi A ° fficC int Vnh of
' tV " m ann D , £CClnll£r > at 6 P. M^reciVely
wmtr of Mrfuunaß . a " CHdai,f(: 15 on raattai*
& 5^«5a535255/s:
££ 3fc»A«daS§
Fund P tt S PP l' of wa:cr in'" tKo fame S
SMITH, **,.
T~r ltfth
fS » lnlurance Company
T HcSifln f i! ,B ' e htrreby notified, that an
X i.le6tion for thirteen Direflors to serve for
M C y r r ' T' bchM at lhj company', Office on
th£ d « hth da ? ° f January neat, at 'xl
D «™ J™' w - FIS "E R .
Ipon o AjiftTDdhTßankiNote;
Teat tLiaw ,hc United States - *«M «« Sa
il to and tL H tWee " the BaMll o{ <*>= United State,
to and the Horse market—lf an honest person hi»
thev (h'in 11 1 W ir taVe " W th ,lle Pri:ucr hereo *}
they (hall be fytnrffemc-l} rewarded.
i)t - c "' mbcr n. eodJc
d»ce i>ank of North America.
ri °" 1 7 flli _ Stoc!lt i"Mcrs are her«hy notified, that an
wilf h"h M tWC 'r Direaors ' the °nf«i„g vear,
w.ll be held at the Bank on Monday, thslth of
January nett, at ten o'clock. ' «
[fia - r D^ mbw "- ' -~i*n.r
Delaware and Schuylkill Canal.
1 HE Motkholders are hereby notified, that the
Managen. lor the enfu.
thffi.ft<l, ■ 5 at the com pa»r's office, ou
wu un^n^''oo'clock,*.M.
_ W I M - MOORE SMITH, See'ry.
December 11. mw&ftdij
cri- Schu y 1 kiltana Sulquehanna Canal.
* Hi. Stockholders are hereby notified, that the
eleflion for Prefidejit and Managers for the enfu-
ISfirtM * hdd , at thc Co "P an >' s °»
the firft Monday in January next, at jo o'clock
Dec - "■ mw&ftiflml'
; (via New-York)
George Dobson,
J( j No. »j, south Third street,
An cxtenfive and general aflortment of
Bcft London mixt Pin, | Galloons and Ferret.
Common do. do. Worsted Binding affor-
Makeniie sfuper,patent ted colours
. M Niedle. Imperial, diaper and
& Nun. Throad no. 6to Thread Tape,
4°, regularly aflbrted White Ed e ine.
rite T V°' BUk a " d coloured Chi
regularly assorted nefe Ribbands
„ , do - Sattin and figured do
r l ?!T e Sills Bl«kVelvetfi.4 toi»d
Coloured do. and Twist Velvet & pelon Sattin.
'Sfaa: tsti **
ttSXiSS" "£J? *»<
t* rt. nd 3 mpk V afr ° rtment of Goods, fu it able
to th. prelent and apprceching- fcafon, at reduced
P *' JDec. 6. dtf
the partnership or
Richard fcf James Potter,
mmuj > c ° nr °nt- All
X person. u.debted to the said firm, are rcqutfted
.to pay the feme t° ei-her of the fubfe. iber,'; and
all perfonshaving any demands agaiaft them, are
requsfted to fend their accounts foi settlement.
Richard Potter,
„ . , Jama Potter.
Deeember 9,
a The Subscriber intends to make
application for rtie tenewal of a Certificate of a Share
i 7A he B a to of t Un r^ s si 7i i 7' rtand ' n^^"-
s havL 4 ' dilcd J u 'y "• '797. <he feme
" Dec. 1. JOHNGR AHA M._
' KOSS iff SIMSON, ~
have for sale,
A few bales Baftas, Coffas, and
1 a quantity of Bengal COTTON
Bengal SUGAR, in bag's and boxes
Jamaica, *)
St. Vincents, C RUM.
, and Bengal j
300 caflts RICE, iod
A parcel of Unbuilding RED' CEDAR.
Chocolate and Ivlufh^d,
of a superior quality manufactured,
O , « d Pe PPer. ground ; fhelfed 0 r
V pearl Barley; Philadelphia Porter, Beer,
A.e and Cyder ; Taunton and Burton Ale •
London Porter ; red. Port and Lilbon Wine,
luiuhle for exportation or home consumption.
The biggie ft price given for Muliard-Seed.
Al J° Jor/ale, A quantity of Booking and
common Baizes, a variely of colors ; a bale of
ruitians, Shiwlfi) &.c 9 for sale by
Na. 98, south Front-flreet
. V' I. -
Imported (via New York) on the
ftjp Hero, from Madras and Calcutta, and for
sale by the lubfenber, at No. 61, Chefnut llreet,
between Second and Third Streets, the follow
ing article. .
Maharagonges Charconna Dorens
Chintz and Cahcoe. Dacca «oAed muflta,
Gilhs RomaU Bandannocs
Nillas & Penfiafoes Chafla Romals
Blue cloth Hair ribbon
Mull Mullhankcrchiefs Palempores \
f at (r a o ,• d °" Banares Opium
Letter Cardtmum Seeds.
Samuel Wilcox,
. nOVCTlber *7
A Team of five excellentHorfes
with a Waggon and Gears. The Horse* are all
young, Urong, true to the draught, and capab'e
of hauling as great a weight as most in the conn
try. rhe \\ aggon and Gears are Hronp, and
m good ° rd «r. Apply to ROBERT GREEN,
vVelt Town, county, or^;o
Thomas Fisher,
No. 141, S„ Second Street,
11 "'?•?» eod-;.
[Volume XII