Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, December 15, 1797, Image 4

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    A farm for sale, L
IN Perth Ambay in the fnte of Newjerfey> i t
of four hundred a.*res, including a proper „
proportion of meadow, of arable and wood c
land, and Ml ir.scih : There ;s on the pren.ifcs, a
a /ood apple orchard, and a variety oi other
fruit trees, it is well watered with springS and
brooks, it is bounded on two fides wirh navi
gable waters and has a good mill site, itsntuj
tion is healthy and pleasant, commanding a
view of the navigation of Perth Am boy arid its
environs, and sonvenient to the finplt an.-)
oy/lers in their prope.r season, it abounds with
natural manure fr«<m which, with the ad\ mta- ]
(?es of the fait marsh by applying the hay tiiere- :
from to the keeping of liock, may at a '.mall i
expense, be enriched to a great degree ar.d ren- l
t)?r«d one of the firft grazing farms in the ftise , 1
it is well calculated for a farmer or a gtntre
man's feat, having several eligible sites for
building. This farm will be fold together or
divided, as mav suit a purchaser, at private
I'aie, or if not fold, will be set up at public auc- '
tiou on TueiHay the nineteenth day of Decem
ber next, at the houl'e of Roiert Rattoone, inn
kefper in Perth Amboy, at eleven o'clpck in
the forenoon. Any perl'on inclining to purchase
m;y view tlu; premises by application to John
or Matthias Haljtei « 'Perth Amboy, from
whern or from the Hon. Jonathan Dayton, Esq.
speaker of the house of representatives of the
UoUaI States now in Philadelphia, from Mat
thias PtVliamfon,jun. efq. or Mr. Samuel Smith
at Eliaibeth-Town Furthjr information may be
obtained, —and who are pofTefl'ed of maps of
the fanie.
Perth Ambpy, Nov. 16, *797-
Salisbury Estate.
THE Subscriber, propoGng to contrail hit bufi
nefj, offers this Ettite for (ale, on moderate 1
terms. On it are one Blast and three Air Furnace',
* compete Boreiijg Machine, and a very good grift
Mill, with two pair of lionet i alio a good Forge, all
in perfcfl repair, at ate all the Water Works conneft
ed with tlufe v#tious branches. The Air Furnatet
were lately built for the purpose of calling Cannon
for this State. —There are about two thouLud acret
of Land, one half of which is under wood, the other
very fine arable Land, producing the bed Hay ar.d \
failure. The Cannon lately minn'iclured there,!
fully provet the excellency of the naetal, which is
luperior to any in thit country, and probably, equal
to any in the world ; for not one of fixty-nir e guns
lately made, allhrugh some of the 24 were' bored
into3l pounders, have failed ou proving. The fru
ition very eligible, particularly for this branch of
manufacture, and a place of arms lying in the (late
V 1 Conne£lieut, and only 30 miles from several land.
i.,«s 0.1 the Hudson's river, and having every advan
tage that can refu't frem a plenty of water ilfuing
from 1 large natural pond, very near the Furnace,
and which ma/ be converted into a variety of other
ufeful purposes. The purchaser can be accommodat
ed with all itie lloek and utcnfilt, and have polteffion
oner ticlois the firft of June next, and preparation
may be made in the mean time Tor going into Blast im
mediately there»fter, for every pait will be delivered
in good order, with some coal, Ore, &c. &c. For
t{im-, apply to Mr. Jofpph Anthony, io Philadel
phia; Oivid Brocks, Esq. one of the Rcprefentativet
in Congress lor thit ; Mr, D-vid Wateiman, 00
tfcprem.les, or to the p ootietor in New-York.
Ijy. 3 ».wtf
House and Lots, in BorderitQwn.
r ~pO BE SOLD, a harndfome two story House.
X vyith the Lot QP it il erected,
about ttoe piicliile of the beautiful aixi healthy
Village of SariUmqwn. The bmie is forty two
feet front, and in neat order. The lqt contains
one acre, and i» one hundred feet on the main
Itreet, and extends with the ferae breadth to back
fyiet. Also, * Urge Lot, containing pearly tour
acres, f<jpaxat<;d frojn t;hg fcy back llrpct
* One third only of tfce purchase money will be re
quired upon executing a deed, and for the re
mainder, such credit will be given as ths purchase
er may chufe. This property Will hp fold freo •-
all incumbrances, and an indifputaole title givei'.f
For further particulars enquire either of Dr.
William Burnes, reading in Bordcntown, near,
the premises, who will shew the fame, or of
Conveyancer, no. 144> Market-street.
f December a. jawtt
Real Estate for Sale,
A PLANTATION, in a healthy and good 0-
jfi. tuition on Chester Creek, in Middleton
Township, Delaware County, containing 1191
acret, upwardt of JO acres of which are wooJ
land, well timbered ; the remainder plough land
and watered meadow-r-of the latter, many more
acres can ba made a( a small eipence. There are
op said premises, a good orchard of heft grafted
fruit, a fioufe, with a spring near the door, a frame
barn with ftablicg under, and a log tenement ou
one part of said place. Any p?rfon inclining
to purchrfc, may view the premises by applying
toWu. Pennbli, on said farm, and know the
tsrms by applying to Jonat ban Pennell, in the
borpugh of Ctcll^r.
November 11. 3* ee( *
To be fold, t
ing 6 acres and 40 perches, with a neat two
Aory brick House and Kitchen thereon, an apple
Orchard, &c. situate on the Irish trail lane, in the
towrifhip of Moyamenfing, about one mil- from
the city of Philadelphia. Further particular* will
be made known upon application at the office of
improvements upon this place, for tallc and
el-gunce, Hand unrivalled.
December T. .
All Persons who are indebted to
the estate of William Hevsuam, fen. of Phila
delphia, deceased, are requested to make speedy
payment; and th«fe who have any demands a
gainst said eftat .', will please to present them, pro
perly attested, to the fubferibers.
William Hey (ham, 1
Robert Hcyjham. > Executors.
Francis Bowes Sayrc, j
n,vernier (~ *aw 4 w
Latest London and Dublin Editions.
H. y P. RICE, Booksellers,
No. 16, South Second, and No. 50, Market street,
HAVE jull received by the hte arrivals from
London and Dublin, their spring importa
tion, confiding of a variety of the latest and moll
approved Books, which,added tothofe alrea
dyoll band, forms the moftextenfive colledlion ev
er offered for sale in this country. They theiefore
be"- leave to notice, that from the nature of their
conneflicnsin Dublin, they are enabled to (elllriih
«ditiont (as they have hitherto done) at the very
lowest prices. The following are among the latell
Vef-y jua'rs Reports in Chancery, i w.s.
Peake's Cases at Nisi Priii-; ; Ridgeway's Reports
in the time of Lord Ha-rdwicke ; Floyer's Probers
PraSice in the Ecclesiastical Courts ; Barton's
Trent ifc on a Suit in Equity; Tidd's Praflice of
the Court of King's Bench in Personal Aaions,2
parts complete ; Ward's Law of Nations ; Cruise
on Uses ; modern Reports, I* vols. London edi
tloH and P.Ricr catpedl receive ty the firft ar
rival froiA New-York the 6tli vol. complete of
Durnford and Fad's Reports, the id part of Gil
bert's Law of Evidence by Loft, andanumter of
new publications.
June 36.
A pcrfon well acquainted with
book-keeping wnohts^een
many vears "ligag-d inbnfinefstor
be to be employed, either as an agent
or la dor ;or in posting hooks ; ftatini* \infetcled (■
accounts ;or in executing any other kind wf writ- t
ing, 111 French or
A note addrelfcd to J. A. and left at ti is ofiu'e,
will be punduaDy attended to. £
november 30, , 3awtf (
—. j
Thomas Randall, 1
PRESENTS his refpeib to his Friends, and the
Public in general, informs them that he has opened ,
an Office, at bis house, No. Spruce tlreet, for ,
the purpose of tranfailing bufmels in the line ol j
Comnaiirion and Agency, rents and out- |
(landing cbims in any part of the Uqited States.—- .
He flatters himfelf, that frorp his long refidance in
this cpuntry and a general kiu>wledge of it, his fer
cices will be found worthy the notice of those who
may please to confide to him the management of
any of their concerns.
N- B. Security given where required,
nth mo 24 3tawtf
By the Subscriber, at his Store, No. 75, South
A general assortment of China
Black and coloured Sattins
Do. do. Luteftriugs
Do. da. Handkerchiefs
Do. do. fewing^iilks
Imperial and Hyson Teas
Long and fliort Nankeens
Quick Silver, in tubs
Holland Gin, in pipes
Assorted Glass Ware, incjfes
White and brown Havanna Sugars, in boxes
Molafles, in hoglheait
St. Croix Rum and Sugar, ip do.
London particular Madeira Wine
Sherry and Malaga Wines, in quart-r calks
Red, yellow and pale Barks, in chcfts
Logwood, &c. &c.
7—-tn&f4w JOSEPH SIMS.
For Sale, by the Package,
: For cash, or good notes at sixty or ninety days,
1 *'?■
Book and Jaconet Mullin, plain
stripes, and Checks • AObrted in
do. do. Tamboured \ _ lckaeea .
do. Ladies handkerchiefs, & | "
gentlemen's neck do. J
Jaconet chifiu mvflifl home and the Weft
India market, Pnllicote and linen handkerchiefs,
for do. do printed do. do. common purple and
chinfz lhawls.'
The above goods entitled to drawback on ex- -
portition- Also » few scotch camhricks and an
aflortment of muslin by the piece.
The whole of the above being a cnnfignm«nt
from the manufa<9urers in Britain.
To be seen at William Blackrurn's
Office, No. 64, South Secpnd Street.
Nov. 6. aawtf.
THE StogkhoWera of Bsuk of thf United
States, are informed th* ?cc»rding to the
Aatute of Incorporation a general Eltdlion fur
twmity five Dire<£lors will be hold at the Bank
of thf United States In the City of Philadelphia,
on Monday the firfl djy of January next at ten
o'clock in the for»n<?on.
And purfuaot to the Eleventh feilio» of the
Bye Lj ws the SlockhoWerf of th* fdiii Btnk
arc'herjby notified to alTemhle in general Meet
ing at the fame pljce tm Tuesday the second
day of January next at five o'clock in the E
By order of the Board nf directors,
G. SIMPSON. Caftiier.
Second fundamental Article.
Not more than three fourths of tne Ofrecflors
in office, exclusive of the Preftdent, (hall be e-
Isgible for the next fucoeeding year, but the
Direflorwha shall be President at the time of an
Eledlion may alwayjbe re-eledled.
Philadelphia, nov. 18. 1797- f tE
~ noTTc e.
To holders of JAMES GREENLEAFs
and EDWARD FOX'S : Engagements
IN consequence of many having been prevent
ed, from late unavoidable circumftancesfrom
obtaining their Certificates, agreeable to former
notice. The Truflees now inform them, they
(ire ready to ifiue the fame to those who may ap
ply within sixty days, at No. 8 Chefnut Street,
and those who do not, will beconfidercd as, re
linquilhing their claim on the Aggregate Fund
provided for their payment.
November, 13. tuth&fim.
WTTT ice.
THE partnerfcip between Jobn Instone and
James Bacon, under the fipm of Intone and
Bacon, i« this day dilTolved by mutual consent.—-
Jfcti-pcrfon? who stand indebted to said firm are
reqaefted to make immediate payment of their
• refpeSive accounts, to John Skyrin, on Landen
burgtr's wharf, who is duly authorised to receive
the fame ; and all p?rfons having any demauds a
gainst the said firm, are defied to tiring ip
accounts immediately to him for fettiement.
John In/lone,
James Bacon.
November 10. eodtf
To be Sold,
A Valuable Plantation,
OF upwards of One Hundred Acres of Land,
well watered, in a healthy situation, about
seven miles from this City ; the buildings may be
made to accommodate a large family, at a mode
' rate expense, and poffeflion hyd in a few weeks-.
Part «f the purchase-money being paid, a reafon
abte credit will be allowed for the remainder.
Enquire of the Printer,
november 3 mwfrf
. No. 55, the corner of Chefnut and Front ftrests,
• A large quantity of Clocks and
" Watches, jiifi, a general alfertment of Tools,
' Eiles and Materials, co«#lHn j of Clock Mort
-1 ments, eight day ard thirty liour bras* pinions
' and work ; Bells, clock and watch Dials,
Springs, Hands, dalles, Puaiice Stone, Emery,
Rott«n Stone, Cat Gut; bench, (lani and tail
' Vices; Turns, Pli.-rs,Chains,Seals,Keys, &c. &c.
*#* Apprentices Wanted.
3 november 3. fftrtntf
f The Hiftorv of Pennsylvania,
Ig now in the press, and will be'publifhed,
with all convenient expedition, by ZtCHA
riah PooLSoN,jun. No. 80, CKefnut-ftreet,
• Philadelphia, where fubferiprions will continue
to be received, and at the Philadelphia Library,
• according to tbe printed proposals, until the
work is ready for the fubferibei a.
July 18. ' aawtf
Englifli Grammar,
The second eMail, wisb improvtr.MU, 1
ADAPTED to tlie differ«nt classes of learnWi ;
with an apftendix, containing rules, ft,i 6b- '
fervatioJis for a.Tilllng the more advanced indents
to write with perspicuity and accuracy,
" is "a publication of much merit, and fully
anfwets the profeflions in the Title. IJieappen- c
di* contains fane of the bell rules for writing e-'
legantly, and with propriety, that we recollect to>
have seen."
Month'? Review, July 1796. q
" This Grammar is, e" many accounts entitled
to commendatory notice, its matei ials have been
carefully and judiciously iele&ed ; its arjangement ~
is diftinifl and well adaptrd to the purpole ot in- 0
ftru&ion and its expreflioH is simple, perfpicurtns.
and accurate, occ."
See the char alter at, large in the Analytical
Re-view, Juij T
Englifli Exercises,
Adapted to the Grammar lately publiftied by
Lindley Murray, of exemplification of
the parts of speech, inftancesof salsa orthography, (
violations of the rules of fyncax, defects in punc- k
tuation, and violations of tke rules refpe<sling 1
perspicuity and accHracy, deficned f®r the beneiit c
of private learners, an well as for theufe of schools. f
" Wfi hrave heen much pleased with the perusal y
of tliefe Exercifeat. They occupy with diftinguifti- i
ed excellence a most important place in the fciencc
of the English language; and as such, we can
warmly recommend them to the Teachers of
Schools, as well as to ail those who are desirous of
attaining corre&nefs and precision in their native
Monthly Review, July 1797* 1
The above Books are for sale at Jos e pll 3c Ja me s
Crukshanks book store, No. 87, Market street. f
December I. 3tavvaw.
N O T I C. E. ;
Al.k persons cdncerned are hereby notified, ,
that the fubferiber intends to apply for a re
newal of the undermentioned loft certificates of |
Stock in tke Biulc of the United States—He for*
warded them under cover of a letter addrdfed to
John Anfley,of London, by the {hip Bacchus, capt.
George, which left this port in June last for LOll
- But that ftiip having been captured pn her
passage and fenttti France, the above letter and ln
clofures have failed in their domination.
Three certificatev v ' z -
Nps. 26325, 263/6, 26327, each for
four (hares, dated January I ft, 1797»
issued in the name of Henry Grace, of Tot
tenham Highcrofg, Gr#at Britain.
Philadelphia, novemier 8. 2aw6w
Wanted, to Hire,
j\ Large and convenient HOUSE, in or near
ft. the centre of the city—for which a generous
rQOS vfll be given; to be taken for a year, or on
more for a longer term. Inquire of th« Printer.
Oft. 17. ' eotf
A Compting House to let.
A Mod. convenient Compting House is n<iw for
hire on Rofs's wharf, direciiy over.the arch.
Far terms, «pply to
Samuel Breci, jun.
Nij. 89, foutb Third street. t
Where may be had,
A few bales bf Ravens Duck, and ahout »oo
pieces of ftoutCaiftrafs; 1 frn»H quantity of Mace,
and fnmc higk proof Brandy ; Sherry Wine, Cho
coU'.e in bi>x«s, Window Glass of various Czes
and dimenfwos. Dec, i—eo6t
Samuel & Miers Fisher,
At thtir Warehouse, No. 47, Dock Street, a frelh
affortmcnt of Woolen and other goods, suitable to
the season, received by the l»te arrivals from Eng
land. . '
Tbey have also for Sale,
Sherry"an<l f ln P'P"' kh^5 ' a " d l ulrter c^s
- Wines, J
AlTurted queen's ware ia crates, &c.
loth mr ijd. jw.
j James C. & Samuel W. Fisher,
No. J3, corner of Arch and Front streets,
USfrl fax SALE,
Cotton and wortled Hosiery in trunks, affbrte4
A few bales red, White, and yellow Flannels
Ditto futt romall ,
Ditto Pullicat fillc ditto
Ditto Pondicherry and Madrafs ditto
Ditto Gorrahs
Bengal hlack Taffeties
4000 pieces Nankeens, Mid
Few chcfls best Hyson T«*
AHfo—lsoo boxes best London Window Glass,
from 8 by 6, to 19 by 14—and i f hhds. Glass
Ware, assorted, which they will Aifpofc of cheaper
than any in the city.
noyember sB. .^awtf
Imported ( via New York) on the
(hip Hero, from Madras and Calcutta, and for
sale by tin fubferiber, at No. di, Chefsut street,
between Second and Thjfd. Streets, the follow
ing articles .
Maharagonges CKarconna Dorens
Chintz and Calicoes Dacca worked muslins
Oiiin Rpmah Bandannoes
Nillas & Pcnfiafoes Chafia Romals
Blue cloth Hair ribboa
Patna do. Bpjiares Opium
LeiFerCardimum Seeds.
Samuel Wilcox•
november 17 tuths4w
Joseph Anthony & Co.
No. 5, Chcfnut Street,
* A cargo of choice B©urdeaux Brandy, ift and id
proof, just landed
* is<9 bales of Bourbon cotton of afuperior quality
9 do. Surat, do do
; A quantity of heavy black pepper in bales
Bourbon Indigo of the fi'rft quality
High proof Jamaica ipirits
Old London particular Madeira wine ?In pipes &
do. market do C qr. ca&s.
New England rum in hogsheads
Genuine Holland Gin in pipes
, Claret in cases
Spermaceti candles and ftrain'd oil
Prime Boston beef
» Choice Halifax gabion in barrels and half barrels
Do. »Herri do
5 Best Boston Mackaret in barrels of thofall fare.
New-Ei>gland t »w l : »«n
< A few tons of Ruilia cordag-c
' Rufiia feather bedit
Clover and Timothy feed in .jaJJcs
Long whale bone
No 1, a, and 3, Boston fail duck
Alfew chests firft quality Hyson tea.
Carolina rice in whole and half tierce* and
An invoice of Dutch hollow glass war t.
» N ivcsnbcr 8.
, 400,000 weight of choice Sft. Do
mingo COtFEE,
November 12. diot
For Sale,
• r E
That %veilkft'jivn place, coiled VANDEGRifj's
FHU',, k
ON Ncflfa'miny creek, 18 miles from Phila
ladelphia, on the Neve York port road, -j,
containing 74 acres and 94 perches. Upon the •"
4>remife»afe a large two (l«y stone houle #ccu
pied as a tveri), and a good one Aory Hone kit
chen, a large frame liable with agyodthrefliing
floor, and l'ome out buildings—alio a well of
good water, and an excellent ice House. On r\
this place is a moll elegant situation fora gentle
man's feat, commanding a view of the Nefham-
iry toitsjundtion wiih the Delaware, and thence G ,
across to the Jerfty shore. It has the privilege G
of one half the tollreceived from the bridge. pi
For terms apply to the StiWcriber, a
Vay ,24- jtawtf, ivi
For sale or to be let on ground
Atpaltuible Lot of Ground ;
SITUATE on the north-ealt corner of Wat
nut and Fifth streets, fronting the State- |
Hoafe square. This lot is fifty-one feet front
on Walnut street, and one hundred and thirteen
feet and an half on Fifth itreet ; there are at
present two small two ltory brick houses, and a
number of fms)ll tenements thereon.
Alfa, far Sale,
Two three (lory Brick Houses
With convenient itorca, wharf, &c. situate on
Water-street, between Mulberry and Saflafras p
streets, containing in front on Water street fif
ty-four feet, and continuing that breadth east
ward ninety-five feet, then widening to the
fourh thirteen feet fix inches. These houses -
ave the convenience of apublic alley adjoining
on the north fide, >nd are a very defirablc situa
tion for a merchant, flour fadlor,or others who F
may haveoccafion for llorage nf goods. This
property will be fold on very m ;fonable terms
forcalh. For further information apply to the
July 31. m&wtf
ynjl Publijhed,
And to be had of Messrs. Dokfon, Campbell,Rice,
Cary, and the other pricipal Booksellers in fie
city,price on a dollar, twinty-fivc cents,in boards, j
New Views of the Origin of the
Tribes and Nations of America.
.Jane ac. *6t
School Books and Stationary. ;
W. Y O~U NG,
No. 52, Second-flreet, corner of Chefnut-ftreet,
HAS now ready for sale, a very large assort
ment of Englifb, French, Latin a;•■</ Greek
SCHOOL BOOKS. AIJ». fucb elementary books
on Science, as are generaliy read in the academies
and college* throughout tha United State*.
Sheridan's Dictionary, the filth edition, in one
large vol. 8 vo. price 3 dols.
Ditto,large II mo price 1 dol. 75
Ditto, common, price 1 dpi. 50 cts.
All forts of drawing, packing, printing, and
writing Paptr ; Bookbinder's Hoards, Pasteboards,
iheathing and blotting Papers; printed Blanks,
1 bUnk Books, Wax, Wafer*, and other articles, »f
1 the best quality, used in tie counting house, or
public office,
gr Catalogues of a miscellaneous collection of
BOOKS, with the price of each affixed, to be had
by inquiring as above. OA. '24. —3aw6w
The Norfolk Mail STAGE.
THIS Stage starts fsom the GEORGE Tavern,
at the corner of Second and Arch Streets, in
- Philadelphia, evtry Tuefiay, ThurJVay, and Satur
day, at 3 o'clock, in the iro.-ning ; arrives at Do
ver the flrft day, at Snow.&l the second day, at
Northampton Court Houle the third day, and on
the morning of the fourth day the palfengcrs find
a fafe and comfortable packet to convey them to
A packet leave's Norfolk for Northampton ferry,
every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and the
Stage starts from this ferry for Philadelphia, every
> Mon Jay, Wednesday and Friday; puts up at Snow
Hill the firft night, at Dover the id right,and ar
rives in Philadelphia in the evening of the third
j The distance r.n this route, between Philadelphia
and Norfolk, is So miles less than on any stage route
between those places.
Too much ca-nnot be said in favor of the road,
which is most excellent indeed. The proprietors
willingly engage to return the whole fare to any
paffcnger, who, after having performed this route,
will fay that he ever travelled in a stage for the fame
diftance,/fo good aroad in America,
i, Anguft n. ilim. eotf.
r City of Walhington.
Of the Lottery, No. 11,
- For the Improvement of the Federal City.
r A magnificentdwelling-houfe 10,QOQ dollars,
k calh 30,000, are 50,000
1 ditto 15,000 St cast »5> oO€> 40,000
1 ditto 15,000 & cafti 15,000 30,000
I ditto 10,000 & cafe 10,000 ao,ooo
1 ditto 5,000 & cafli 5,000 10,000
» ditto 5,000 & cadi 5,000 io,aoo
1 calh prize of to.qco
2 do. 5,000
to do. i,.000 - - iOjQdc
ao do. s°o " " 10,000
00 do. 100 - - 10,000
ao© 5° xo,ooo
400 do. 35 * " 1.0,000
l,aoo da. aa - 10,000
ic,oo® do. 10 * ij«,oqq
16,W9 P r ' ze# -
d jj.a6x Rlanks.
y 50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollars, 400,000
N. B. ToCavour those who may take a quan
tity of Tickets,the priae of 40,000 dollars will be 1
Che last drawn ticket, and the 30,000 the Last
i but ons :
And approved netc-s, fecurin£ payment in either
monif or prizes, in ten days attar drawing, will
be received Cot any number not
This Lottery will afford an elsesnt specimen al
1 thrprivate buildings to be in the City ot
Walhington—Two beautiful designs are already
Is {ele&ed for tive entire iront,s on two of the pubiit
-fqilares; Crcuß tbefe isptopofedtuerea
two cetttteand. f our corner toon as pof
tilile after this lottery iAfc*ld, and to cenvcy them,
when complete, to the fortunate adventursrs- ir
the manner defcrihed in the scheme for the hotel
Lpttcry. A nett dednelinn of fine per cent, will
be made to defray thenecefi'ary eapenles ot print
ing, &c. and the futplus will be made a part of
tile fund intended for tibe National UirivcrlTty, to
be erected within th« city of Washington.
The real fecuritxesgiven for the paymaot of tl«
Prizes, are held by the President and two Dire&»
ors of the Bank of Columbia, and are valued at
>• more than half the amount ot the lottery.
,§, Tieketsmay be had at the Bwvk ol Colum
bia ; of James Weft & Cu. Baltimore; of Feter
Gilman, Boston ; o{ Join) Hopkins Richmond ;
and of Richard Weils, Cooper's Feri'y. mwf
ey the subscribers, No. it, Pcnn-ftreet,
Ihe Cargo of "the Ship Ganges i '
John GreeifJ commander, fiom Bengal,
ConftjVtng of
Baftas, of various qualities & prices
Coflaes Punjum Clothe
Sanahs Guzzey do.
Kumhums Charconna Dorea
Blue Cloth Tanjibs
Chintz and Calicoes Mulmuls
Mamoodys Checks
.Maharagonges Patßa Hhkfs.
Ginghams Mules ul do.
Guzzenas Bandannofcs
Gurrahs Siflerfoy
Piniafcoes Choppa Romaja
Salgatchys Sooty do.
Gillie Romals Perftans of various colours
Mock Pulicats
ao© tons SUGAR
90,000 lb. PEPPER.
Willings & Francis.
The Piece Goods
Of the Ganges arc now open and exposed sco sale at
that commodious ilore the north w«ft corner of
Market and Fourth ftr«et. Nov. 10.
From on board the (hip Cleopatra, Samuel Newell s
commander, frem London,
60 tons of the best clean Ruffiti
60 rates of bottled BROWN STOUT
For Sale by the fubfcribera, No. it, Ftun-ftreer.
Willings & Francis.
OA. 31. d
J 11ft arrived.
From Port-au-?iince, and for Sale b/ the fsbfep
bers, No. at, Penn-flrect,
6ji hogfheads,"\
r!^L iercc ? >Prime Coffee
523 barrels f
646 bags J
Willings & Francis.
oa. it. %
. • -
FOR SALE—by the Subscribers,
An elegant afl'ortment of Madrafs
HANDKERCHIEFS, by the bale.
nov. 21. § Psnn-flreet.
Madeira Wine, firft quality, in
Madeira Wine, New-York quality, in pipes
Lisbon WINE, in pipes
CLOVESand f , . , „ „ . . ,
NUTMEGS f °ft" e latelt importation, in boxes
Spinilh Wool, in Bales, fuitablt for Hattors.
Willings & Francis,
Penn-ftreet, No. at.
Nov. 1. w&stf
A Journeyman Hair-DrefTer,
WHO is sober and steady, and underftandt
his business, may have immediate em
ployment, ein application to GEORGE AB
BOTT, No. 9, Chefaut-ftrfet. Nov. 17.
f eodiw.
■ Imported in the flaipMAN Chester,
f Benjamin ShewiiiL, Master,
1 From Bourdeaux, and for sale by the lubferiber,
No. 11 Walnut Street.
Bonrdeaux Brandy "1
Irish market clareWfli cases ( Entitled to
, Medoc wine, in do. f Drawback.
1 Sauterne, do. do. J
Thomas Murgatrsyd. ,
» Sherry Wine in pipes and quarter casks
- 1 Rota do. do.
Pimento in bags
t> bulhels Liverpool fait,
c Aug. 24. t»t&«tf
' Peals:'s Museum. "
THIS valuable repoficory of the works of Na
ture, so well calculated to delight the mind
" and enlarge the understanding, is opened daily, as
usual. It stands in an airy and healthy fituatiou,
1 and free from the epidemic that at present afßidls
. s ' the eity; it may, therefore, be frequented with
Y the greatest fafety.
; As an Aivufement, the fludy of Nature it the
c ' most rational and pleating : as a Science, the most
fublinie and infinitive. It elevates the mind and
expands'the heart. They
" Hold cmistrft."
Many interring additions have lately been
made to this Museum : and the feathered tribe,
containing a variety of the most rare and beautiful
fubjefta, is now very advantageouily arranged.
Waxen Figures, of Men large as iif.« (foroe of them
s, calls from nature) are here drefled in their proper
10 habits, and placed :n attitudes ehara<Scri<£tic of their
10 refpe<ftive nations. Here may be fecn the Nortk
-10 American Savage, and the .Savage of South-Ameri
,G ca a laboring Chinese, and the Chinese Gentlc
-10 man—the sooty African, and the Kamtfchadale—
,r, with some Natives of the South Sea lilands. The
0 immense variety and interefling diversity which
10 this Museum offers to the view, may be fecn bat
cannot be described with full effift,
1 £5" Price only i-4th of a dollar.
10 bey*. 48. law
to J
io Davis s Law Book Storey
>0 ' A r o. 319, High-Sirtct.
BEING huCed for some time past in prepara
tion. for removing into hiaprafent houfe,hi' 3
been undec<licn«ceiutyof poftponinguntil this day
"" inforuiiugthe gentleman of the Bar generally tlvro'
the Uftited State* that hisfpring importation <j£
- law books is now arranged and ready for lale, 011
a * terms that hs trulls will entitle him to th»lik«.pre
>e freeace he has expericEced for leveral years past.
>T Catalogues, ooniblning the most varied colluc
lio.-vever imported i«ito thiscountry, are printed
er and will be dcJimered on application.
111 June 27. iaw
Q| Boston Glass Manufactory.
o1 n \ 'IK citizens of the United States are l ereby
| informed, thit the manufacture of Window
!t t G ass is now commeneed at. the Glafi HoitCc in Bcrt
it tor
,f. It is needlefa to fay any thing of the excellent
quality of the Boston Ghfs, as it ii so well known
i r ' throughout the United States to be in every rclpeCt
■el greatly superior to any evrf imported from Europe,
ill It will be cut to any size commonly used ; and
, t '. may be constantly had bv applying to Chahle9
0 f Kbpprr, at. the Glass House.
t() Orders from the difrant-States to be addressed to
Mr. Samoel Gore, Cowt-ftreet, Boston. j
Bofton, Sept 30,1797 O 4—2aw6w
fl. Mrffri. Timothy and Mason, Cbarhjhn ; Mejfrs.
Holge W Boylan, Halifax, A r . C. AlejJ'rs. IVilltti
and O'Connor, Nerfsli ; Mr. Ellis Price, Alexandria ;
Mejfrs.Tundt and Brown, Baltimore ; Air.
New-Tort ; and Mtfrs. Hudson stf" GoodwinJjtfrt
ford; JLV. Seymour, Sava«Mik-*~€rc~rtqacJlcd to inferf
the above once a 'The a:c punts to Le for
r u-ardid to the E«rlor.