By this day's Mail. BOSTON, December 4. From Hamburg, Sept. 9. "A ytffd departing fVr your of Am rica, cffordsiYJO fcti -opportunity to a-'vif you of thfc ftatc of flus market. Weft India produce i". a? prt'jcnt (filing at high price# ; which there is every rdjfnn to believe will at last maintain, if they do not A;>rf The store of coffee and ftigar here, is by, 110 means ccnfidcrable, which alone is a reufon lor the high prices to continue even Ihould peace tyke place \ K lt this fince the new alteration 1 in France > is vfty doubtful. Whatever may at last he agreed lipen by the Furopea;: powers, it feemi that pence will cftntinue between Fr.*rtceand Ame rica, The former no longer molcftij our fliips when they ate provided with the required papers ; and our underwritflrn no longer objeA to insure them at the usual premiuir?, from five to fix per cent, all rifles. In confluence of the irtcreafed demand for cotton it ha* risen to 55 and 60 and is expe&ed to keep up.—People begin now to hold their indigo, imagining a rife will (hortly take place : For to bacco there is little sale ; the prices however hold, aujjJ as autumn advances, no dcul»t the demand will fncreafe." Capr. from Cape Frrncois, informs, 3 decree had rafted the authority of that ifl ar.d, forbidding their privateer* to take any \nic tfc'nn vessels, nbt hound to a r< bel porr. C -, .pt. H. >lfo irforms, that an eoHurgd was to take phure at Cape Francoi«, about the 20th OA. oft of the failing of some frigates with dlf parchc-Sj f«r Ftance.. » The flup Grand Turk, from Canton, captain Magee, v»as> fj okc on i hurlday laU, loleaguesto the eaflward ci Cape Ann, having 101 l three of the crew, and in want of pro«f:on*. A pilot boat was.difpotched on Saturday nvoriting,. to sup ply an tnnbls Wm tQgo to Paris; but this also was so moder ate,, that man, it is observed, was obliged to travel in an Apostolic manner, on foot. LONDON, Oft. 5. Paris—General PichegAi was completely sick of travelling in a wagg6n, before his em 'barkation at Rechfort. He thought it hard that as he had once led an army, he (hould now travel as part of the baggage. The fate of the French generals is rather hard. After running, for a (hort time, A very brilliant careef, they are either banithed, prifeaed, or difmifled. It is the property of tyrants to become suspicious of their a gents. Accounts from Manheim mention a dread ful accident during th/military evolutions performed before the archduke Charles, near Schwetzingen, on the 20th ult. when, notwithftading the precautions taken, thir ty-fix privates and an officer were taken to the hospital with little hopes of recovery. The Imperial army at present encamped in Carniola, Frioul, Carinthia, and Tyrol, consists of 109 battallions, 68 detached com panies, and 96 of cavalry. The artillery of reserve forms a park of 137 pieces of cannon. It is a fa& not generally known, that the fatal ball which (hattered the arm of the brave Sir H. Nelson, likewise wounded his son-in-law, lieut. Nefbitt, in his left arm, who was (landing by him : notwithstanding which, he heroically took out his handker chief and tied up the wound of his noble re lative, and after by the means of his right hand, threw him over his (houlder, and car ried him on shore. Sir H. Nelson being very diminutiveinftatHre, rendered the brave aft more easy. We understand the of the admiral ty have promoted lieut. Ne(bitt, who is the son of lady Nelson by a former husband, to the. rank of master and commander. Extraft of a letter from Plymouth, Oft. 2. «The French privateer L'lndien, was taken on Sunday the 24th ult. within a few hours fail of Bourdeaux, by and Phaeton frigates, which (hips have also re captured the Adamant, and (hip and barque Chatham. The Adamant and fliip Chatham are arrived here with L'Unite frigate, and the lark is hourly expefted. The Ameri can (hip is also said to be retaken. The captains of the Antigua and Albion are ar rived here in the privateer, but their vessels have not been retaken, though there is a probability that it may yet be the cafe, as the Phaeton is gone in pursuit of them. The (hip Chatham has loft nearly all her fails in a gale of wind, and all her crew aflPfaid to have died on the passage, except the captain mate and two seamen. Arrived also the f:ip Sarah, captain Til/lone, from the We:l- I n dies." It appears from the following extraft of a letter from Alderney, of the date of 30, thit the French have not- yet abandoned the wild and chimerical idea of inva.ding this ; country or Ireland, and that a new expedi ; tion is fitting out at Brest for that purpose., j We have little anxiety refpefting the result of such an attempt : " We are_ at this moment well guarded. Sir Richard Strachan is expefted every hour from Spithtad in the' Diamond, to join thtj other (hips of his squadron off this island ; the Flora, eapt. Middleton ; Svren, capt. Goffelin ; Pearl, capt. Ballird ; Cormorant, capt. Searle ; Camilla, enpt. I.arkin ; and the Serpent, capt. Buckle. The Solebay, capt. Poyntz is also expefted. The French have unrigged their frigates at Havre, and fenttheir seamen to Brest. On the 31ft of August, no less than 25 chafle m_ rees which we supposed to be gun-boats, came out of Cherbourgandeaufedusfomeuneafinefs, but they tooktheirroadquietlytowards St.Malo, and we have since information, that they car ried the seamen from Havre to Brest, where there is an armament fitting out with all ex pedition, either for England, or Ireland. FHere is now in Cherhoug Road a corvette, two luggers, and only one gun brig in a state of but they will not move while the frigates keep off Cape La Hogne." Ri er 'Wcrulri use hie He.iv'n {us thundt.* ; And proud :7'.an, 1 1 , . Dreft in a. lirtle hyef antharhjni 1* And m-oft ignorant of \*J] it he's moftafliH-'d, r Hisfrbifs rfTeiieei lik -in aHcry /\^e, Piays fucli t'ant alt'ek tricks before Jiigh Heav'n, As make c-'.» Ang<*'. > weep. GAZETTE MARINE LIST. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. Arrived at Marcus Hool- The fchr. Good Intent* Potter - ) r Sloop Dolphin, Dikes i n . , rom , —-- Sally, Potter \ R.chmond The Ship South-Carolina, from Charles ton, Germon, has got up to Maraus Hook. The Ship Thomas, Holland, from hence to Amsterdam, was fpokcOft. 6, 15 leagues W. S. W. from Scilly all well. A letter from Captain Boyd, of the Jhip Superb of this port, dated ft he 24 th ultimo, in lat. 38, long. 75, 20, mentions his hav ing that day fell in -with the Britijh frigate 7 bet is, Captain Cochrane, -who had ordered the Superb for Halifax ; fbe wax from the Htiiatina, bound to Hamburgh. 7he Superb is one of the, vefftlt, seen in poJfijfv,ns of the Thetis, ly Captain hahiree, the ether zucs the Diana, arrived at Nevf- Torl, (fee our paper of the 7fb unjlarti,) . The folio nuing Br 'fUfj Jbips of ailing agninft the combined naval forces of Francs, fpaiii, and Holland, exclusive of 21 others em ployed as guarj-fhips. prifon-Iliics, bofpital and receiving irlps. ; NF.W THEATRF, j V. ill efpcn TI J.i CV'JSJVIS-O, Oetenihcr iij V It!/a Coahc Of £a «, called rol3in Hood • Or, Sherwood Fore/i. t rksidexts in 7uz Ponns-T. I Robin Hood Ml- Dar'i-v Little John Mr Wig.xil Sc3rlet Mr Francis ,Bowman Mr Warrell Archers, Me fire. BliflVt.T. Warrell, Doftor, Lafferty, Sully- &c. Alkn-n-Dale, Mr Warrell, jtjn. Stella Miss I,' Eft range Shepherdesses, Mrs Harwood, Mrs Dodor, Miss Anderfon, See. VISITORS TO THE TORF.iT. Ruttekin Mr Bernard (Being his firft appearance in Philadelphia) Friar Tuck Mr Warren EfKvi n Mr Mar/hall Clorinda Mrs Warrell t Anette Miss Milbourne Angelina Mrs Oldmixon With the original Overture, by liaimgartcn. I'hc reft of t!?e Music and Accompaniments. compo sed by.Shield, with additional'airs hy Mr. RcU ni«rle. Tho which will be added, a Comedy, in two a&s. called. the lyar: Old Wilding, - - -Mr. Warren Young Wilding, - Mr. Bernard Sir James Elliot, - Mr. Warrell, jr. Papillion, - - . Mr. Mar/hall Servant, - - Mr. F. Warrell Miss Grantham, - Mrs. Francis Miss Godfrey, - - Miss L'Eftrange Kitty. - - . Mrs. Do&or. Box. on? Dollar ; Pit, thr:r quarters of a Dol lar ; audG-alleiy, half a Dollar. £5" The doors of the"l'h l -atr« wi'l "ppco at five, and the curtain rift: precisely at fit o\i \x. Places (or the Boxe« to be t ifcen ar the Office iti the front of the Theatre, from io tiii a o'clock,, aui from IO till 4 on, the days of pcformmce. *1 icke's to be had at H. and Rice's book-jtor.% No. jo Market-ftre«>. an* at the Ofllcs adjoining the theatre. VJPAT / New Aileinbly Rpom, South Fourth Greet, be;wecn C'Kefnut'Tmt V/ainnt fireets. Mr, FRANCIS, OF THE NIW-THEATfI^, RESPECTFULLY informs hisfcholars and the public in general, that bis Academy for Danc ing will commence, for the season, on Thursday, December n, at the above ELEGANT ROOM ; When he hopes to receive the continuance of their accustomed patronage, which it will be his uure mittmg endeavor to deserve. The days of teaching for hit young pupils are Thursdays and Saturday-', from 5 o'clock in the titernoon till 6, and from 6 till 9, for those of a more advanced age. As an accommodation to those living in this vi cinage, Mr. Francu intends to inftruit a small party of children on Wedncfday and Friday after noons, at his house. Di(lin