Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, December 06, 1797, Image 4

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    A peifon well acquaiated with I T
thichcory bo'.i.-.sVen | pgg
"Bianyyearscngigedinbiirinefslorh.mfJ! anci.othcr , p u ij[;,.j
would he gla.! to be employed, either as ..11 an O;Fk
or faflor ; or in polling books ; ,j- je p ur
accounts ;or in executing any other kmc. 0. writ- q 0 lim ;
ins, in French or Englilb. _ (Jandio
A note addressed to J. A and left at this o.Tice, Hc flat
will H -unaually attended to. this co}
wtr I cictr. w
— 7* ~ may pi
To the Inhabitants of tke United any of.
States. nth
SINCE of medicine, none has ev- jjy
er proved so uftenifhingly eflicacVoun, so u 1-
verfatly eftecmed, or to which the afflicted wnn «
Kheumatifras,. Gout, Rheumatic Gout, Lumbago,
Palsy, Sprains, Bruises and Chilblain", may look j .
for relief with so much confidence, as
Whitehead's ejfence of Mujlard.
This extraordinary Medicine very soon affords
the wifhM for relief, " even to the ?ged in cales
we most desperate." For these fubftanual reasons j
it is patronised by all ranks of people in England. C
From the gicat number of communications con- j.
flantly received by Mr. Johnston, he is underlie /
ntce(Tity (in laying tbent before the world; ot a- \
bridging their contents; the following lettters (al- :
rhoogh curtailed) are so very important, and the s
fter.atures so very refpeiftable, that he conctiives he L
fTould be doing injuUice to Wbittbead'i «i £
MufiurJ, were he to withhold them from puDlic in-
IpeSion.' '
—— ntv
J.etter from Mrs. Mflls, Hou'ekeeper to the Duke - ,
of Cumberland.
, S ; r) Nov. 1, 179 J. For e
A mio'ft inveterate Rheumatism and Lumbago -yi 2
(occcafioned by laying in a damp bed when at ; Book
-, in the suit of Her Royal. Highness the | ftr
Dtitchefj of Cumberland) k?s affliflld me eighteen lto
yeari. I have employed the firfl medical gentle- Jo
men m 1-ondon, and (although 1 derived no tene- gc
fit) am bound t« acknowledge my gratitude to le- j a
vera! of the nobility, who knew my depU>rab.c tl- j ndi ,
tuatio.i, and humanely sent mc their pbyucians ; 1 d
have aifo tried most advertised medicine:. At . chin|
lenp tl , fir, after eighteen years eicrucianng,
tenure, a few bottles of your Wbiuhtad, E/.nc
tf Mvjkr.i, hsve. I thank God, reftorec me to the P
meUimable blessings ot heajtli and peraiane.'-t cafe.
Yours, mech obliged,
No. i34,Jermyn-areet,St. James's. S. MILLS frort
Copy of n lettcr from G. Counttfs,cfq■ Cajtain of Obi
I lis Maiefty'B Ship the Dedalus.
c| ri Spithead, Nov. 8, 179S*
As"l expefl to fail in a few days, I bc gT° u , w '!'
immediately -forward me a d.zen of IfWW'
M.ncc of MuPori. It -gives me confiscable fatit- -H
---faSion to mfprm you, I have myfelf experienced ftati
its ffood cffeAs, and have in frvcral lnftaiKes ot two
Rhcumatifms, Sprains, and Eruifes, witnessed i.s of ti
aSanilliing efficacy. 1 think you would on
your «>wn interest by appointing it to be fold at oc l
Portfnjoutli, and all other feapJrts ; for you may /
reft afiured, when this invaluable fpdcific becomes g y£
t generally known, not an Officer in Hia Maje y s
tlavy will gi'to sea without it. ing
"Yours, &c. s dav
G. COUNT£96. y ll
A fever* flroke t,f the Palsy, fix months ago, de
pr.ved me- of. my fcecch, and the'uXeof one fide, ,
In this Iffpei-a:e situation, WUuUats Effect oj ,
Mujtvd. wa, Vfry flrongly recommended, and,
thank God nsfucecfsfully applied. By perfevenng ij
in its use a ftiort time, I was completely .restored L>
and continue to enjoy the full ?nd .ufe of L
my faculties, although near eighty Ph
No. 14, Aribella-rew, P-imlico.
* » Mr. Francis has held a public fitnatton st Tt
the Guildhall 'in the city of Weftminiter, many
years, an 1 U well known te the generality ot the v
refpe.slab!e inhabitants. 1
> oh
Letter from A. McCan El'q. Capt. of the 60th re- no
fiment,dated Fort George, Guernsey, lr
Sir Jan. 4s 1797 .
Uf'warcs of bve years pad 1 have been affiled
with a mott violent Vlhenmatv: Affeflion in my
hea I, v. Uh has baffled the bill of the most cm.-
nent P'nylieians; Tome months since \ was 'nd"« d
to try your lVhitsbcad's ZJfence ./ Mujtard 1 am
Low happy to inform you, it has done me effenua
fer vice, and I think it ncceffary tq -dare, no other
medicine ever gave me »he/mall«Ji degree ot rebe .
1 am with regard, yours, &c. «c.
Cap.- 60th Regt. __ A. McCAN, W
August, 179 5 :
Mr. Middleton, ef Chefterfield-ftreet, St Ma
ry le-bone wasfo severely afflia«d with the_Rheu
matic Gout, as to be unable to move :* my bedfor
fixmonths; his l.mbs were enormonfly fwelkd a"d
at length ftom ixceffive pam became quite black.
. In this ri.ftrefiing situation he J« ,n " ad o
your ivbiubtad's of Mufard\ th- esseS far
exceeded the most t'anguine cpeAat.on his pam c
was immediately alleviated, and his limb, returned f
to their natural colour ; bis appetite restored, and c
in a very short time he was enabled to eave his bed 1
and walk with crutches; and by a few weeks per
severance, was completely restored to the full cp- ]
P his son. repeatedly !
called as he got better, on Mr. Jchnfton, and de
clared that his life was utterly defpairtd of.
Refpe&ed Sir, Nov
Paffme by a croud, in, the fifth month of her
pregnancy, my wi!e received a dreadful blow on
Lr fid--, which apparently destroyed the life of the
infant; after the most fkilful, and
various rcmedie, for two months, ffie ft.U found
the symptoms increafeto an alarming
ri-i'T of biood —fhortaefs of breath- and other dif
, aJeeabk circumstances appeared ftom so violent a
hiu.fe, afforded only the fatal appearance ot her
fpeedydiffalution. Ajfr»endto whom I reland
her fad Cafe, having experienced great benefit from
your Whitehead't Efcncof Mujlard, kindly P re . fe "'"
id me with a bottle ; to my unspeakable fatisfac
tion, it fpedily relieved her from pain ; a lecond
bortie has removed every difagreeablc ymptom,
and with the most heartfelt gratitude I iMormjoa
we have ie happy prolpeft ot her long continuing
•**» Hrri™™" stsuoca.
Whitmore's row, Haxton.
It is prepared (only) and fold, in Pills and in a
Fluid state, at one dollar each box or bottle, by
R. Tounston, Apothepry, no;*©, Grick street,
Soho, London ; and is all.) fold
mcnt, whole sale *nd retail, by G. SH AW , UT Lo.
no. li 9 , Chefnut-ftreet, Philadelphia who have
iuft received a large quantity, per the William
Penn, and to whom, persons desirous of vending,
are desired to apply.
IVbiHbc"?* Ejfence of cures
Chilblains aud common Rhcumatifms, on the ftrlt
or second application, and often removes the most
violent Sprains and BruiteS, in two or three cays.
CautJ— A Certificate is paftpd on fcottl,
and box, and to prevent the danger of counterfeit,,
another certificate is aifo figaeabyG. Shaw &Co.
° f Juaw' &S''have also imported by the William
Pe „n a quan'ity of Gov,land'* Lotion-for the face
and skin—Balsam of Honey for coughs. a.Amas
a" 1 consumptions -Church's Cough Diops, and a
variety of other Patent Medicines.
i-.t!*pr "i C .
r HOM AS K Ai- q ana
PRESENTS h'nrcfp'efl to hisFritnds, arid the IV theS
Public in general, iaformsthem that hetasop-ftn UAM Atl
an Office, athishoufc, No- 28. Sp/ucc lire /I, or feir C trm r '
:he purpose of tranfaAing bulin-J.s in the line cl maJe> h :
Go.nmiflion and Agency, bhek reft
(landing claims in any part ot the public n .1
Ho fiatrcMli.mfeif, that from bis wng "[ ld - c - / r.ot pay a
this count, y and a.general knowledge ot i,, h.» - - Any pcrf[
Cic«, will he found worthy the nonce o. thoft who ;
may please to eorfide to him the management of
any of their concerns. . . away at tl
Is- B. Security given where retuurc i. and lodgi
llthmoi4_ * _ him agWi
FOR SALE, chargesp
By the Subscribe*, at his Store, No. 75, South
A general afforunsnt of China
4.. Ware A <
Mack and coloured Sattins
Do. do. L*teflrWg« /V ~
Do. d# Handkerchiefs x f-
Do. do. sewing Silks
Imperial Jind Hyson 1 east
Long and (hort Naskeens
Quick Silver, in tub«
Holland Gin, ia pipes A fev
Adored Olafs Ware, in cases pieces of
White and brown. HavannaSsgars, in boxes and fom
MoUffas, in hoglhcads i cola: e in
St. Croi* Rum .md sugar, in do. and din
l.ondon particular Madeira V ine
Sherry and Malaga Wines, ia quart-r calks
Red, yellow and pale Barks, in chcfts
Logwood, &c. &c. ' * At tb
I-tufcfcw , _ JOSEPH SIMS._
For Sale, by the Package,
For ca(h, or good notes at sixty or ninety days,
! \iz. Lifbo
; Book and Jaconet MuQins plain | Tene
I stripes, and Checks I ( \(p orte J i„ Sherr
do. do. Tamboured f packages. Porl
do. Ladies handkerchiefs, & | r Affot
gentlemen's neck do. J > fttb
Jaconet chin'zmuflin for home and the Weft v -
India market, I'u'd.crtt and linen handkerchief*, jamt
for do. do printed do. do. common purple and
' i chintz (hawls.
The above goods entitled to drawback on ex
' sortition. Also a few scotch camkricks and an Cc't
1 affurt.nent of muslin by the piece. AWe
' f The whole of the above being a consignment »Di«
from the manufafturers ir. Britain. Bin
. To be seen at William Blackburn s i>,.tt
f Ofiice, No. 64, South Second Street.
Nov- 6. » wlf : ■ 5
• Notice.
npllE Stockholders of the Bank of the United Alf»
- 1 States, are informed that according to the from
d statute of Incorporation a general Election tor .
>f t»entv five Uireflors will be heldl at.the Bank -
sos the United States in (he City ot Philadelphia,
;t on Mpnday th? firft day of January next at ten lnipi
it o'clock in the forenoon. . . lhif
Y And pursuant to the Eleventh fe«flmn of »ne sale
=s B ve Laws tiie Stockholders of the fai l Bink bet'
'• arc hereby notified tb afiemble in general Meet- i„g
inc it the fame place cm Tuesday the feconn
day of January next, at five o'clock in the L-
S " veniwg. . .
Bv order of the Board-ofdireaors,
5- ' G, SIMPSON, Calhier.
iV Second fundamental Article. ,i
'f Not more than tpree fourths of the Direfkor*
1 i in office, exc'ufive of the President, shall be e-
JU legible tor lbs next fucreedin'g year, but the
:d, Oiredlor who fball be President at the time of an _no
of Elrflion may alwaytbe re-ele<£led. •
Philadelphia, nov. 18. 1797- ftE
wrm c e. i N c
»t To holders if JAMES G'REENLEAFs prop
ny ,a? 4 EDWARD FOX's Engagements land
he TN confequenee of many having been prevent- ago
led, from late unavoidable circuinllances from fruil
obtaining their Certificates, agreeable to former broc
re " notice. The Trustees now inform them, tbey gabl
are ready to iflue the fame to those who may ap- tion
97 . ply within fixtv days, at No. 8 Chefnut Street, v»ev
te and those who do not, will be confidercd as re- env
linquifhing their claim on the Aggregate tund oyfl
",'i provided tor their payment. nati
!, w ' JOHN MILLER, JUN.' exp
LIT, ntwmker, aj- t » th&flm -
French Circulating Library. di v
la- f a"
leu- JOSEPH E. G. M. De La GRANGE, tioi
[for No. Jio Walnut-street, bet
,a"d TNFORMS those who wilh to racur to the only ko
ack. X means of becomsnjj perfect in the French Lan- tht
try guage.that he has jutl opened his Libraiy, con- ni:
far fifting of upwards of 1150 volumes, the bed cal- or
pain culated to afford either ufeful inftruftion, or plea
rned sure. The conditions, together with a catalogue fp (
and of the Library, may be seen at every book-feller's jji
bed in town. . . , tht
per- n. b. All translations from and into the I rencn, at
1 cp- Edglifh and Spanish Languages, execiued with ac- Qb
curacy and dispatch. eolm nov. 15-
fll For Sale by the Subscriber,
White Plattillas
Brown Hollands
795. White Sheetings
f her DowlalTes
w on Silefu bordered Handkerchiefs
if the Striped Siimoufes
rying Black Ribbons, No. 3 and 4 2 ,
bund Olafs Tumblers, and Looking Glafies, in
spit- in cases, &c &c. A
rdil '- George Pennock.
november 6. eod 3 w ! V
:latad FOR SALE, G
tisfac- 2s, the corntr of Chefnut and Front streets, |
ptom A large quantity of Clocks and . c
a you' W&tchis. 4lfo, a general assortment of Tools,
inuing Eiles and Materials, cokfilling of Clock Movfc
maits, eight day and thirty hour hrafs pinions
OCK; and large work ; Bulls, clock and watch Dials,
Springs, Hands, Glasses, Punice Stone, Emery,
Rotten Stone, Cat Gut; bench, (land and tail
id in a Vices; Turns, Pliers,Chains,Seals, Keys, &c. &c.
:U, by * # * Apprentices Wanted. (
flreet, november 3. ]
The History of Pennlylvania, i
, have Bv ROBERT PROUD, ;
illiam Ty now in the prtfs, and will be
ndiii", i" witb all convenient expedition, bv ZtCHA-
v ° rx all Poulson, jun. N#. 80, Chefnut-ftreet,
Pliil(id«lphia, wheie subscriptions wil.l continue
to be. received, and at the Philadelphia Library,
according to the printed proposals, until the
cures w prlt j s i-eady for the fubferibers.
heftrll lulv 2awtf
le mod r>
; days. Window Glass,
crfcTu Of Superioa" Quality, and cheaper than any other in
. „ ' iheCitv-"
...... fiom Bby 6 to 19 by 14,
V r 3m By the Rngie Sox or Qnantuv. may be had al th.c
r l ' fto'f of the ijubfcribeis, cornel ot Art* and tronl
aild B rC "' James C. V SamuelW. Filher.
wjt Philadelphia, June 9, 1797- "jiwmwfit
Aix Cents Reward. i
RANAWAY, December | 7'J al w
theSubicrioer, an indented boy, eamed V il
kj am Aston, aiout J f«et, 6or 7 inch's I«2'> yvjj j
fair cermplrdtio!!, heavy brows, f:ealn '";ck, 4*
male! Had on he went awaj, a blue coat-e, ."V
W*ck rrft.-bittf Ihili' to caution the ■ ' •
public n.t to credit him on my account, as vul 1
not pay any debts of hii contratfjngaft.-rthis date. jflea as.
Any perf-jn harbouring him, or employing him, cben, t
to the utmof* rigour ot the law ; tloorv a
all rpfcfcfr's ot vcffels are cautioned not to £tk<S n«« good v.*;
, away nt tftcir peril; Any person apprehending hull this j>la<
and lodging him in jad so that his mafcer may 5 : , - man sii
him agrint fca'-l receive the above reward and no j rt y to it
charges paid by ' acrofsti
John Harper, of one
No, 67, Arch Street. To
rfce.. 4 - ■ __ _ Vav
A CompTirTg House to let. ■. -
AMofl convenient Comptinj House is now fpr 1' 01' 1;
hire on RoIVs wharf, direftly over the arch.
Far teruiJ, »p?#y 10 „
Samuel Bred, jun.
No. 89, south Third street. n(j|
Where may Ic had, House
A few bales of Ravens Duck, and about 100 0 n Wa
pieces of fiout Canvass ; a fntall quantity of Mace, fce( an
and some high oroof Brandy ; Sherry W,ne,Cn«- .
cola:e in boxes, Window Glass of various, iizes | jumbe
and dimenfiont. Dec. *' ■ e ?° t
SanrneT"^iVi'iers Fiftier, l'v
AtthcirWarehoufe.No. j 7 , Dock Street, a frefli water
assortment of Woolen and other goods, fuitablc to Itreets
'he l'eafon, received by the late arrival! from Eng- ty-tou
, . ward
land. r t
Thi have also fir Sale, lou til
Lilbon -) avct
IZ T ;% fln pipes,hhds. and qur.rter casks-
Port Wines, 3 v may h
Afibrted queen's ware in crates, &c. yrope
roth mo- 23d. dXW3taw 3 w v for ca
, lames G. Es? Samuel W. Hfher, i )n "j|
No. 13, cottier of Arch and Front streets,
H/vt tOR SALE, And 1
1 Cqrton Md worded Heflery in trunk», assorted Cai
A'ifew hales ted, \v)iite r and yellow flannels cit'
t 'Ditto futt-*otnall Ne\
Ditto l'ulltcat fillt ditto
s Djitto I'ondichtrry and Madrafs ditto
Ditto Gurrahs \ ' ' ' ®y
Bengal black J u
4qoo pieces Nankeens, and
Few cherts bed riyfon "1 ea
d Alfu —MOQ boxes bed London Window Glass,
ie from Bby6, to t-tfby
, r Ware, aCforted, which they will dispose of cheaper
t, than any in the city. *r T
, novemher ,8. * awtf H
n imported (via New York) on the sch
fhit> Hero, from Madras and Calcutta, and for on S.
,c fab by the fublcriber, at No. 61, Chelaut street, and
between Second and Third Streets, the follow
t - ine articles . . ,
id Maharagonges Charcbnna Ddreni argi
E- Chinti and Calicoes Dacca worked muflms D
Gillis Romals Bandaimoes JJ
Nillas & Penliafoes ' Chafla Romals A
Blue cloth Hair ribbon writ
MullMullhar.kertKiefs Palerrtpores <nea
Patna do. Banares Opium
Lesser Cardiftium Seeds. the
h c ; Samuel Wilcox.
an november ay tuths4W BOi
; A f-aim for ialc, b l_
IN Perth Ainboy i# the Rate of New-Jcrfey,
1 of four 'hundred awes, indyaing a proper ' rr
proportion of meadow, of arable and wood X
land, and Wt raarQi: There is on the premifts, PT,i
nt- a nood apple orchard, and a va/iety of other day
om fruit tree,, it i. well watered *ith fpnng. and ver
ner brooks, it is bounded on two tides with navi- No
icy gable waters and haj 4 good mill site, its fitua- the
ap- tion is healthy and plealjnt, commanding a at.
•et, view of the navigation of Perth Amlwy and i.s
re- environs, and .onvenient to the fined fifh artid ■
ind oyliers in their proper season, it abounds with
natural manure frem which, with the advanta-
gesofthe fait marlh by applying the hay there- H|
rom to khe keeping of stock, may at a laaall
expense, be enriched to a great degree ar.d ren-
dered oneofthefirft grazing farms in the lUte ;
it is well calculated for a farmer or a gentle- an
'im. man's feat, having several eligible iites tor bc
building. This farm will be fold together or
divided, as may suit a purchaser, at private w
sale, or if not fold, will be set up at public auc w
tion on Tuesday the nineteenth diy of pi
ber next, at the house of Robert Rattoovc, inn- w
only keeper in l'erth Amboy, at eleven o clock in di
Lan- the forenoon. Any person inclining to purcliafe _
con- may view th£ premises by application to jom
cal- or Matthias Hal/led at P.rth Amboy, from
plea- whom or from the Hon. Jonathan Dayton, blq.
og" speaker of the house of reprefentilives of the
llcr ' s United States now in Philadelphia, trom Mat
, thiol miiiemi'off, jun. efq. or Mr. Samuel Smith
ench, at Elizabeth-Tciwn further information may be
;h ac " obtained,—and who are pofTeflTed of maps of s
IL~ the fame.
Perth A,Aoy, Nov. 16,,7,7. _ fodtißn
FOR SALk, tr
Joseph Anthony & Co.
No 5. Chefimt Street, |
A cargo of choice Bourdeaftx Brandy, id and id .
proof, just landed
. ,(o bales of Bourbon cotton of afuperior quality
:s » o do. Surat, do »!"
A quantity of heavy black pep per 1 11 bale.
fc. Bourbon Indigo of the firft quality (
I3W High proof Jamaica lpirits
Old London particular Madeira wiae? In pipes &
do. market do qr. cafksl
k "» New England rnm in hoglheads
Ireets, Genuine Holland Gin in pipes
and Claret incaf s
Tools Spermaceti candles aftd drain d oil
vrnvr--' Prime Bodon beef'
unions Choice Halifax Salmon in barrels and half barrels
Dials Do- Herring iu do do
Miierv Be(l Bodon Mackarcl in Darrelf of the fall fa»e.
id tail New-England tiw l »«n
cc ; &c . A few tons of Rulfia cordage
Ruilia feather beds
- Clover and Tirnothy feed iu jaiks
iLliL— Long wha'c-bmic
la, No 1,4, and 3, Bodon fail duck
A few cheds firii Hyfon tea
iilifhed Carolina rice in halt tisreesand
tCH A- A" invoice of D H tch,fioUovr glass ware.
'-street, November 8- y I
sntir.ue aoo W tr?bl of choice Si. Do-
ST3: . mngo CO
,w,f "* "" bt james VARI^
3thcr in Walker 8c Kennedy,
jVo. 73, South Front Street,
d the 100 Hoglheads of prime Georgia Tobacco,
d Front- Also,
5P Pipes of Bonrdeaux Brandy,
(her. 10 Pipes of old Port Wine
mwhf Odl. 17. l^tf
For Sale, "
'Thai willhor.T. piece, called s
Nelhatoiny creak, 18 miles from Phila- has remov
ladclphia, 011 the Nevy York pojt road, Ware, an'
containing 7,4 acres and 94 perches. Upon the cond, to 1-
ureinifes are a large two itery stone houle occu- corner ot t
i.ieil as a tvefit, add a gbod one story stone kit- vm M °' hls '
cben, a large frame fbUe with a good threftm? a
floor,> and fif&c out bcMings—'tfo a well of
good water, and an excellent ie# house. On
this place' is a tnoft elegeht fitiution fora gentle
man s Oat, commanding a view of the Nefham
jnv to its aiih tl:e l)elawate, and tiiciKC •
: zcvoU to the Jcrfcv .fiiore. It has the privilege
of one half theTbll received from the lu'idge.
For terms apply to'ihe Snbfct'ilW, '•
j Way, -44- ' aCrcscan
Fax 1 sale or to be let on grbuild- c«Mt,a>
rent, barn witl
Avalmble Lot of Oromd ; to'pwcL
SITUATE on the north-east Comer of \\ ai- fQ ,j
nut and' Fifth lireets, fronting the State- crms B
House square. "This lot is fifty-one feet front to h
on Walnut street, and one hundred and thirteen B nQVcm
feet and an half on Fifth street ; there are at
present twofmail two story brick house., ..da fHK
number of to all tenements thereon. , lier vi n ,
A!/o, for Sal', int
Two three story Brick Houle§ th r at
With convenient stores, wharf, &c. fituaieon diforck-r
Water-llreet, between Mulberry and SafFafras fcortly c
streets, containing in front on Water street Cf- several 1
ty-four feet, and continuing that breadth eatl- ftipplies
ward ninety-five feet, then widening to the Robert >
south thirteen feet fix inches. These houles John D
ave the convenisnce of a public altey adjoining Aeia u
on the north fide, and are a very desirable fitua- Iriltbei ■
tion for a merchant, flour faaor,or others who Alex S,
m»vhave occasion for storage of gOods. This Jacob i
uroperty will be fold on very reasonable terms Ozuen i
f or oHi. For further information apply to the Keppelc
■ . . A Jam :
> ngsr,i. mscw.f jmi
—- 111 "'. " * b'e»jami
Jujl Pabli/hed, oa.
And to be had of Messrs. Dobfon, Campbell,Rice,
3 Gary; aDd the ether pi icipal fiookfellers in t\c
c^y»Pr * ce olie dollar, twinty-fure cents,in boards, _/
Yicwi, of the Origin of thfe
Tribes and Nations of America.
June ac. [[— every ]
School Books and Stationary, to
W. young, j A^;
sr No. tz, Setond-flfeet, otrn r of Cliefnut-dreet,
HAS now ready for fjJc, a very hrge aflort- W i:h 1
ment of French-, Latin Creek
e SCHOOL BOOKS. M, such elementary books
or on Science, as are generally reafl in the acaflepjies _
;t, and colleges throughout the United States. ( f\ 1
'Sheridan's Diftionary, the filth edition, in one o(]n(
largjcvol. \o price 3 dols. D f h al
ins Ditto, large 12 mo price 1 dol, 75 cts.
Ditto, common, price 1 dol. 50. cts.
All fb £ ts of, packing printing, and
writing Paper 5 Bookbinder's Boards, Padefco-rds,, Wen
sheathing and blotting Papers; printed>,■
blank Boolis, Was, Wafers, and other arucfes, of
the bett quality, used in the counting lioufe, or n
publK °^ai,g U( . s of a mifccllaneous colleilioivol; IIDJ
[ BOOKS, with the price of each affixed, to be had,
Uy inquiring as above.
ey, The Norfolk Mail STAGE. IVin
per 'VpiHIS Stage ltarts from the GEOAGr. Tavern,
'°d i at the corner ol Sefcotad and Arch Streets, in u. (
Fes, -philidelnhia, Vvcry TiuJZiv, TburfJiy, and
her Jnt, as ( o'clock, in the ir ormng; arrives it Do-.
ind vtr the firft day, at Snowhill the feebnd day, at.
ivi- Northampton Curt House die third day, and on,
ua- the morning of the fourth day the paffengcrs finu |
g a a fafe and comfortable packet to convey them to-. OIW
il]i N °Apackct leaves Norfolk for Northampton ferry] Pin
■1 every Tuesday, Thursday and .Saturday, and the
Si.J from this ferry for Philadelphia, every, j
Mon.'ay, Wedneflay andF.iJay ; puttup at Spow'
Hill the firft wight, at Dover the ad night, and ar-i
® rives in FhiUdelphia in the evening of the tlurd!
ite ; Thediftance nil this robte, between Philadelphia try
ule ' and Norfolk, is So'miles lei's than on any stage route £
tor between those places ; and
■r or Too much ca-hnot befaid in favor of the u f u
va te w hich is most excellent indved. '1 he proprietors atl
auc- willingly engage to return the whole fare to any!
:cta- paifengcr, who, after having performed this route, thc
inn- will fay that he ever travelled in a stage for the fame,
■k in distance, so good a road in America. nv:
:hafe Angult n. | f«t
K City of Walhingion. 01
iiu/- Of the Lottery, No. H, m
Imith For the'lmprovement of the I' City, '
ay be Amagniricentdwellir.g-houfe 20,0Dodcl!ars,
'P» of Sc calh 30.000, are io.doct
1 ditto 15,000 & ea!h 45,00s 40,001-
1 ditto 15,000 I* calh 15,000 30,00cj
8D 1 ditto 10,000 & clfh 10,000 30,000
* 1 ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 lojonr ca
i ditto 5,000 & cash 5.000 10,000 m
1 calh priie bf 10,000 w
2 do. s,oooeach, ire a • ro.oou ; r
ind id | j 0 40. 1,000 - - io,oot t j
JO do. 500 - - ">' oon *
(10 . 100 - - I0 ' 000
. ■ . . 10,000
4.10 do. 5°
. ~ . . 10,000
400 uo. 15
J ' „r, - 30,000
Itooo no.
. . I c®,ooll
I5»ooe do. 10
ipes &
16,W9 Prizes.
33,161 IVaaks. j
' L
50, ogo Tickets, at Eight Dollar., 400.00" ;
N. B. To flvour those who may take a quail- 1
barrel, tity of Ti.kets,the prize »f 40.000 dollars will a ,
the last drawn ticket, and the 30,000 the 1
: aK, but one : * ■ 1
And approvednotcs, fecuwn-g payment in eithe 1
inoiisy or prizes, in ten days alter drawing. w. ; l 1
bc received foi any number not lefsthan so tiJ.-
et This Lottery will rfferd en elegit specimen of
che private buildings-to be ertflcd in the City ol
Wafhw«ton—Two beautiful"defigns
ieleAed'for the entire 1 routs on two of the public
fqdarcs; from theft drawittgsit ispropofed tae«<*
d2W twoccntreand 'ourcon-er buildings as foonaspol-
'fible after this lottery isfold, atidto un\ev,
f. Do- when complete, to the fortunate *
the manner dtlcribed in the fchemc lor the l¥
Lottery. A nett deduflion of five per cent. v. ill
be made .0 defray the ueceffary expenses of print,
RD. inff, &c. and the f orplus will be made a pair of
d-ot the fund intended for die National UraverCty, Jo
be erected within rhs city of Waflungwn. *
•ny. The realfecurititsgiven for the payment ol tie
9 Brizes, are held by the President and two
ors of the flank of Columbia, and are Valued at
- more than half the amount of the lattery.
§ Tickets may be had at the Bank ot Colom
bia ;of lames Wed & Co. Baltimore ; of Fete*.
Oilman, Boston ; of John Hopkins Richmond -
irfwtf wHi of Richard W*«e, Cooper's Ferry. mwf
R E M 0 V A L.
-Maurice Moynihan, '
INFOkMS his friends and the public, that he j
has removed his Store of China, GUi6, Queens
Ware» and Dry Goods, from No. 8l North Se
cond, to No. 71 North Sev<"Jth Street, north, catl
corner of Cherry Alley, where he solicits the fa
vor of his former c vitamers-.
N. B. Crates put up with care at the {horteu
novemher 2,. ""
Real Estate for
A PLANTATION, in a healthy and good ■Si
tuation 011 Chester Creek, in Middleton
foWrtCnp, Delaware County, containing
acres, upwards of 50 acres of which are wood „
l?nd, well timbered ; the remainder plough larju
and watered meadow—of the latter, uiany more
acres can be made at a small expen<H?. • There are
on said j.remifes, a orchard of heft? grafted
fruit, a jiwrfei with ai'pring near the door, a frame
1 am with (tabling under, and a log tenement oja
cne part cf said place.—-—Any person inclining
to purchaffi, may view the premises by applying
to on said farm, and know the
crms by applying to Jonathan PensiKLl, io tha ,
L torough of Ckefttr.
1 B novcm?>er at . 3 t cod .
1 Philadelphia, 08. 13.,
THR fnbfcriber* inform their friendsand cu4o-*
iners in town arid country,that their {lores are npw.
Ojpen in the city, and others are daily opening, ind
that from the pfefttot appearance of the .prevailing
r» disorder have reason to hope, their triends may*
s ltrortly come to the cky with perfect faf ty. By
several late arrivals, numbers have received ftefti
r- supplies of GOODS.
e Robert Smith & Co. P. W. Gallaudet cT Co.
s John Da-vis ss* Co. Sitgreahes ifj French,
g Keill Iff Smith, George L'obfoh,
i- lf r ittberger and Smith, Thomns Ryerfon,
,0 Alex Bijlund and Co. T. R. Hardenberg.
is jacob Sperry and Co. John Smith and Co'
is Ozuen Jona. Jones> Thomas Orr f
ie Kep-pelc & Zantzingcr, iVtlliam Uarher Co.
Adam Zantzjiger> Thomas Armat & Son.
Johh Fries, J. Miller, jun. and Co.
~~ Be"jamin &J. Jobrfon. ( :
o<st. 14 • - r
J». Paper Hangings
it No. 70, Chefnut-ftreet,
iVhee i hi Ins for Sok, , J ;
\ VERY eitenfivc flock, of every colour, ami
XS, <>T the m'crft approved pattern!, fiiitable for f
every part of a lioult, with great variety of bor
, del s to suit.
; A handfoaie aKsrtm nt of the niofl
j Silver Grourttife London and ParU Papers, And
r '' very best p'ain CrCt'i; and plaiti Blue,
>rt " Wi h Paonel Piper-e and a lkh variety <Ji liordtw.
rcd Never-'.tfr 1. eo6t__ ,
tfes FOk SiiLE, 1~~ l ~~
A Tearn, of five excellentHorfes,
with a \Vsggon and •' Woffes are all
on<; yoling ftrrihg, tnv to rhe draught, an:) czpablc
of hauling as jreat a -trtight as tnoft in the coun
try The Waggon and Gears are l!r<lr»g, anil
and in order. Apply to ROKEtiT GREEN,
~ Weft Town, Chetier county, or».:o ;
iifalj Thomas Fisher,,
■ ef No. Ml, S. Second Street, PhiU'elphia
> n mo. -i, <"d3W.
, n .of imported inthfelhipMam Chester,
had ®ekjami'N She-w.ell, Mafier,
W from.Bouiricau«, and ftrrfale by thv-lubfcriber,
•>!n. II Walnut Street.
Bonrdeaux Biaridy ~j
i/errv J r ;fh market claret in cases ( Entitled to
Medoc wine, in do. f Drawback,
trio. Sauterne, do. J
y, at| Thomas Murgatroycl.
cnuo Sherry Wine in pipes and quarter cask«
i Rota do. 'l®-
feiry,.] Pimento in bags
the .| 4000 bufliels Liverpool fait.
Si A »S- *4- tut&stf- —
fej Peale's Museum.
elphi.i t-r"HIS valnaMe repofHory of the works of Na
loute J[ tlrt . C) f, vrcll calculated to delight the miiid
and enlarge the undcrdanding, is opened'daily* as
road< usual. It° (lands in an airy and healthy Ctuition,
rietori and free from the epidehvic that at prefefit atai«Ss
0 »'••/ tine city ; it may, therefore, ie frequented -witji
route} t hc created fafety.
icfamcl As an A'.:.ufcmcnt, the study of Nature Is the
mod rational and plealljig ■ as a Science, the mod
■orf. fullin-,3 and inflriiaiye. It elevates the mind ;m»l
v 'f, ■ expinds the heart. They
I. tuftrian Ntilurc*t xoorls can Godhinrfaf
" Hold converse
Mapy tnter.-fling additions have lately been
mr.ic to this. Mnftnm : ard the feathered tribe,
Ciii coi taining a variety of the moll rare and beautiful
m &L fuM«a», "is r.ivv very advantageotifly arranged.
" Waxen Figures, of Men large as life (some of them
5 °' 00: ; casts from nature) are here dressed in tneic pr«per
40,001* hiMt< and pbet d in attitudes charaaeriAic of their
nations Here may be seen the North
-30,000 Ame ,.; raa Savage, and the ftavage of South-Ai»>*ri
loioor ta laboring Chinese, and the Chincfe Gentlc
*o,ooo nlin the sooty African, and the Kamtl'chadale—
-10,000 forne Natives .of the South Sea Islands. 1-he
io,oOo immense variety and interefling diveriity which
ic.oot this Mufeura offers to the view, may befeen but
10,000 oannotbe defevibed with full-efM.
10,000 jrt - Price only i-r4th of a dollar.
10,000 Seyt. 18. J ,aKV - Davis's Law Book' Store,
,SSC _ a
BfiING busted for fame time pad in rrepars
tions for removing into h:s p»cfent l.oufe, has
— been under thcneceffity of poftp'.ningtntil t.hisday
400,000 Jnfrfrmingtbe getttlrnwn of the Bar generally thro'
— the United -States, that his fpritig importation of
: a quasi- law books is Bow arranged and ready for lale, km
s will be terms that he trutts will entitlehim tcttlis like pre
he LAST freeue'e he hit for ie"retal years -pall.
Catalogues, Coiftbintug the moll varied coliee
:in either tiori ever imported irfto this country, are printed
ii:g, -will and will be delivered on application.
;,c tick- [une 3.7. . ln ' v
ecimeno! Boston Glais Mznutatlovy.
Ie citv of i r i 'HE xitizens of rhe-Untted States are hereby
e already 1 tint the manufactory of Wim'ow
the public now commcn«.d atrte Glafslloufe in:Bdt-.
:<itoe»e<sk tcm. ■ ,
-.onaspoi; It is reedlcfa to fay any thmg.of the excellent j
vev tiicm. quality of the Bolton daft, as it is so well knovU
ituror ;. ii tiirouyhout the United States eo be in every refpsft
■he Hotel .rreatlyfupei ior to any ever imported frcm Europe,
cent will ° It will be cut to any llzc commonly u'fed ; and 1
sos print- may be cocftantly had by applying to Cbarles If.
a put of ICu pfek, at the G'lafs House. |
verCly, Jo Orders from the diftairt States to be addrefled to
, '.! Mr. Samoeu Go»e, Coutt-ftreet, Eofton.
entofthe Boston, Sept 30, 1797. O 4—4aw6w
,vo Dircit- M'Jfrs. Timothy anU Ma/on, Charlton;
"valued at Hodge and Boylan, Halifax, A". C. MtfrS. WilUtt
cry * and O'Connor, ; Mr. EUii frice, Alt k md.i.i; ;
r, <fcr yieffrs.Yviiit and Brown, JSaUusert; Mr. HvJiH/ii,
"ol Colsro- AV'ii-Tori.; and Mtfrt. Hud/oats' Gma\tw,Jiji. ■
■ of Feter fed; Mr. Seymour, Sa-vannab ; are -nyuJirJ p, infiit
i'chmond ; the above once a weei 6 -weeks. The (n.-yi/J
rv ' aiwf ward*' &e£filtr.