Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, December 05, 1797, Image 4

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    FOR SALE— by tilt Suß:e»'B.-ils,
An elegant aitortment of MadraH;
HANI)kERCHIEFS. by the bale.
nnv ?, t. $ , I'enn- reet ;
FolT SALE, r ~ c
. BT 'THE i USS C/'IBERS, •'
Madeira Wine, tirft quality, in ;
pipe, c
M.i ;l ■ir.v 'A'ine, New-York quality, in pipes „
NUTMEGS'} ofthe I,tea i m P or,atlon ' in I>ox -' s
Spanish Wool, 111 Bale«, fuitiblefor Hatters.
Willings & Francis,
Penn-ftrett," No. it.
Nov. 1. wScstf j
"""" FOR SALE, ' v
by the No. U, lVnn-flreet, j
The Cargo of the Ship Ganges, \
John Green, comman;!er, from Bengal, 1
Cmfijliig of '
Baftas, of various qualities & prices (
Coffacs • Furjum Cloths
Sartaht 6uzz y do.
Jl!i*iihums Charconna Dorea
"i'.f Cloth
Chintz aotl Calicoes MulmuW
Mamaodys Checks , j
Maharagongej Patsa Hhkfl.
Oiu^ha.i:« fv?ulmul do.
o'r',i.*iVas Bandanno.'s
Gut'rahs Siflcrfoy
. Pinialcoes Choppa Romals
■Salgatchys S "0» y do. i
Gillie tvomils Persians of various colours j
Mock I'alic'.ts
200 tons SUGAR J
99.000 U>. i'KpPER. ; ,
Willings & Francis. , i
The Piece Goods
Of the G are ttow open and cxpofed to fide st
that commodious llore the north iftd corner of
Mark's and Fourth 'lrifet. !,r) '■ ''
L A A! D 1 N G, |'
From on thefhip Cleopatra, Samuel Newell, j
commander, fr«n\ Loudon, 1 t
60 tons of the belt clean Rufiia t
Hr.MP 1 ' !
60 raftsol bottled BROWN STOUT.
For Safe by thi l'u'bfcribers, No. 21, P«nn-ftreet.
Willinzs Ss 5 Francis. \
OaHtl d ;
jalt arrived,
From Port-ainPrince, and for Sale b/ the fflbferi
bers, No. 11, Penn-ftreet,
6 -.2 hogficads,")
81 (prime Coffee
J33 barrels (
646 bags J i
Willings b 5 Francis.
\pft. 2S. i_ '
Joseph Anthony Co.
No. 5. Chefnut Street,
A cargo of choice Bourdeauxßrandy, ift and sd
proof, just landed
250 bales of Bourbon cotton of a superior quality
9 do. Surat, do do
A quantity of heavy black pepper in bales
Bourbon of the firft quality
High proof Jamaica lpirits
Old' London particular Madeira wine /In pipes &
do. market do qr. caflcs.
New England rum in hogftitads
Genuine Holland Gin.iu pipes
Claret in e*f s
Sperniicctr candles andftrainM oil
Prime 3dfton beef
Choice Mali fa:; Salmon in bvrcls and half barrels
I>y Herring; in do do
Bed Boston Mackarel in parrel® of the fall fare.
New-England t-»w l : H«n
A few tons of Ruifia cordage
Ruilia father b-ds
Clover and Timothy feed in 2alks
Long whaJc-bpne
No 1, 2, and 3» Bodon fail duck
A few che!ts firit quality Hyson tia
Cirolina rice in whole and half tierces and
An m>oice of Dutch hollow glass ware.
N.«emhtfr 8.
At Suuth-ilrect Wharf,
The Cargo of the Ship Concord\
Captjin Thompson, frcm Bitavia.
About tons fir.l quali : y Tava Coffee (the
whole having been fsleiled)
8a tona Java Sugar, in caniders and bag,
13 I enures of oi 1
Nutmegs, M ice and Clows
Who also offers For Sale,
i u fl lr.nJed from ihip Amity, from Jarmica.
20S lihds. Jamaica Sugar, and
170 do. do. Ruin,
november 23. _ d6w
WILLIAM M'DOUGALL presents his
nioft compliments to his form
er employers snd the citizens in general, and re
turns his most grateful thanks, for the very
bountiful encouragemeut he has experienced for
these twenty-five years pall, takes this opportu
nity of informing them, that his school will be
open'd 011 Wednesday the 23d inftaut, at hi»
Elegant Ball Room,
in South Fourth-Street, between Chefnut and
Walr.ut-ftreets. To begin at 10 in the morning
for young ladies, and 1 i in the evening for young
gentlemen. ,
0- Praftifing Balls willcommenee on Tuel-.
dT>', 6th December, and be continued every
Tuesday, during the season.
Nov.' 17. " wlf -
Mitftcal Inflrument Manufactory,
167, Arch-street.
harper, '
INFORMS bis friends and tha public, that he has
now ready for sale, a few of hi* new invented,
and much admired fide beard Pi,mo Fortes, with
Pedals,patent swell, fonopahant an 1 French harp
ilop, which for fenfibiHty of toacb; 'bitHprfcy of
tone, simplicity and durability of conllruCtion, the
fnperiprityof flatter«fhimfelf, » fmg'f tri
al will convince the unprejudiced judgrt—-/Vs they
arc manufaflured under his immediate isfpeihon,
of the v-try be'i fcafoned materials, he can fell 011
reafonablc terms for Cash, liidrum >nts repaired,
tuned, &c.
N. B. second lnnd Piano Fortes taken in ex
change for new.
November 18. I-aw Iran.
MPqrfor is who are indebted to
the estate of William HcrsriAM, feu o Phila
delphia, deceased, are requeued to make fpCedy
payment; and those wbo have any demand* a
gainst said estate, will plcafeto prefeut tSem, pro
p-rly attested, to tbe,fubfcribers.
William Heyfham, 1 (
Robert Hejfbaa. > Executors.
Francis Bowes Sayre, J
novtmier 6. aaw 4w
PilF.SliK'l'S I'.ii refj>?a to hi-. itrfcnd*. aud the
PuMic ill gcisral, in't.rws them that hehasop n/d
an Olfice, at his houfc, No. 8",-Spruce llre-.t, lor
tbe purj>olc of tranfa&ing buiiuefs in the line o!
Co"-.million and Af-rcy, colleiling rents a:i.l uut
•landing claim. in any p*rt of the United S'a cs
He flatters hiinfelf, that from his in
ti:is country and a general knowlcdjjfi of it, his ler
eicei will he found worthy the no ice 01 tllofe who
may pUaie to confide to him the Tianagentent of
any of their concerns.
N- B. Security given where required.
llthmo2.| _ fltawtf
Mr. FR/tNCIS, "
OF ihe New Theatre, refped.ully informs the _
public, that he r.o 'ongcr means to continue I
hi; Dancing School in corjunAion with Mr. Byrne,
but will of en It feparutely early in December, ana
hßpesftilliO receive the accullometl patronage with
which he has been honored, and which it will be
his constant endeavor to deserve
Vrivatt parties may be iuftru&ud at his own
house, No. 70, north Eighth flreet.
November 29. eot^
Wants a 'place,
AS a Wet Nnrfe, a young woman, who can
be well recomm ended. Inquire in Eleventh
street, near Race-street. rtoi>. 27.
*eod 1 w
A Journeyman Hair-Dreder,
WHO is fiber and ileady, and underloads
his business, may have immediate em- ]
ployment, on application to GiiORGE AB- J
BOTT, No. 9, Chefnut-ftreet. Nov. 27. p
eodjw. 1.
Canal Lottery —N*o. 11. ?
WILL commence drawing Monday, thezoth £
in IK Ticket, For Sale in till. Lottery, ar '
Scicn Dollars, at Wm, BLACKBURN'* Lottery x
and Brolterj Olfice, No. 64, South Second-flreet— e
Tickets iu the Schuylkill Bridge Lottery, at Ten t
Dollars, where check books are kept lor regiflcr- I
ing and examining in theft, the City of V alhing- j
ton, No.ll. and Paterfo* Lotteries, and inlorma- f
timi where tickets may be had in mod of the l.otce- t
rics authorifsd by law 111 any of the States of the (
Union. i
N. B. The bufinef of a B»okbr, in buyingand ,
fellir-g all kinds of Public Stock and Securities, |
difcountiig Bills and I.'otcs of Hand, l'ile of (
Lands, Houses, &c. &c. will be duly attended to, |
november 15. , § t
No r ICE.
THE Stockholders of the Bank of the United
States, are informed that according to the
flatate of Incorporation a general Eleflion for
twenty five Dire<slors will be held at the Bank
of the United States in the City of Philadelphia, j
on Monday the lirlt day of January next at ten
o'clock in the forenoon.
And nurfuant to the Eleventh of the
Bye Laws the Stockholders of the said Bank (
arc hereby notified to aflemble in general Meet
ing at the fame place 011 Tucfday the second
day of January next at live o'clock in the E- .
By order of the Board of dire&ort,
G. SIMPSON, Cashier.
Second fundamental Article.
Not more than three fourth* of tne Direflors
in office, exclusive ef the President, (hall be c
tagible for the next fuecteding year, but the
Diretflor who (hall be President at the time of an
Eletilion may ahvayjbe re-elc<fted.
Philadelphia, nay.. 18. 1-797. ftE
~ rTo T~i c e.
To holders of JAMES GREENLEAFs
atul EDWARD FOX's Engagements
IN confcquenee of many having been prevent
ed, from late unavoidable circumstances from
obtaining their Certificates, agreeable to former
notice. The Trustees now inform them, they
are ready to issue the fame to those who may ap
ply within fixtydays, at No. 8 Chefnut Street,
and those who do not, will be confidercd as re
linqtiifhing their claim on the Aggregate Fund
provided for their payment.
arvrmber, 23. tuth&fim.
French Circulating Library.
No. no Walnut-street,
INFORMS those who wish to recur to the only
means of becoming perfect in the French Lan
guage,that he has just opened his Li»ra«y, con
fiding of upwards of 1150 volumes, the bell cal
culated to afford either ufeful inftruiflion, or plea- ,
sure. The conditions, together with a catalogue j
of the Library, nny be feeu at every book -feller's !
in town.
n. b. All translations from and into thi French,
Engliih am. Spanish Languages, excited with ac
curacy and dispatch. coir.i .mi>. 1t ■
For Sale by the Subscriber,
"White Plattillas
Brown Hollands
■ White Sheetings
Silelia bordered Handkerchiefs
Black Ribbons, No. 3 and 4
Glass Tumblers, and Looking GlaflTes, in
in cases, &c. &c.
George Pennock.
November 6. eod.iw
" forsaleT"
No. 55, th: corner of Chefnnt and Front streets-,
A large quantity of Clocks and
Watches. Also, a general aflortment of Tools,
y Eiles and Materials, coafifting of Clock Move
ments, eight Hay and thirty hour brass pinions
and fVrge work ; Bells, clock and watch Dials,
Springs, Hands, GlalTes, Pu.nice Stone, Emery,
Rotten Stone, Cat Gut; bench, and tail
s Vices; Turns, PHer?,Chains,Seals,Keys, &c. &c.
Apprentices Wanted.
November 3. f&tutf
f ~rhe Miftory of Pennsylvania,
Jg now in the press, and \» ill be pttblifhed,
with all convenient expedition, by ZfcriA
„ riah PiiuxsoN, jun. Ne. 80, Chelnut-ftreet,
Philad»phia, where fubferiptionr, will continue
'' to be received, znd at the Philadelphia Library,
. iccofdinp to the printed propcials, until the
work is ready for the fubferihers.
July 18. i.-.wtf_
~ Of Superior Quality, and cheaper t'nao any othir in
) r the City—
From Bby6to f9 by !4,
Ry the finale or Quantity, may be had at tbo
(lore of the Su'olcriberi, cornet as Arch ami front
liieet. »
James C. *jf Samuel W. bUher.
, Philadelphia, Juneg, 'jlwmwftf
James C. tif Samuel \V. luiher,
Cotton and worst jd Holierjc i;i trunks assorted
A iew bales red, white, ami yellow Flannels
Ditto PulUcat silk ditto n \
Ditto Pondicherry and Madrafi ditto
Ditto Gurrahs n
Bengal Mack TarT. ties
4000 pieces Nankeens, and
Few cherts bea Hyson Tea
•d{f° — boxts bed London Window Glnfs, n
from Bby 6, to 19 by 14—and 15 lihda. Glass 1,1
Ware, afiorted, which they will dispose of cheaper
than any h the city- o:
novcmber *>B. _ °.a'.vtf
Imported (via New York) on the
ship Hern, from Madras and Calcutta, and tor _
sale by the fuWsri'itr, at No. 61, Chefntit street, i
bctween and l'bird Streets, the follow
ing articles ,
A'iaha agoqgej CKarcnnwa Dorens
Chintz and Calicoes D*cca worked muslins
Gillis Roma'.s Kindaunoes
Nillas & Penfiafocs Cliafla Uomals j.
' Blue cloth Ilair ribbon 0
MullMullhankerchicfs Palempores j.
Patna do. Banares Opium
Lefler Cardimum Seeds.
Samuel Wilcox.
' novetufcer 17
A farm for sale, }
IN Perth Amboy in the date of New-Jersey, j]
of four hundred ii-res, including a proper (
proportion of meadaw, of arable and wood v
land, and fait marsh : There is oil the premifts, j
a good apple orchard, and a variety of other
fruit trees, it is well watered with springs and 0
brooks, it is bounded on two fules with navi
gable waters and has a good mill site, itsfitua- r
tion is healthy and pleasant, commanding a
view of the navigation of Perth Amboy and its £
environs, and ionvenient to the fined fifh and
oysters in their proper season, it abounds with
natural rnanur? from which, with the advanta
ges of the fait marsh by applying the hay there
from to the keeping of dock, may at a small {
expense, be enriched to a great degree and ren
dered one of the firft grazing farms in the date ,
it is well calculated for a farmer or a gentle- }
man's feat, having fjveral eligible sites for
! building- This farip wilt, be fold together or
divided, as may fult a purchaser, at private
sale, or if not fold, will be set up at public auc
tion on Tuesday the nineteenth day of Decem
ber next, at the houfc of Robert Rattoone, inn
keeper in Perth Amboy, at eleven o'clock in
the forenoon. Any person intjining topurchafe
may view the premises by application to John I
or Matthias Hal/led at Perth Amboy, from
whem or from the Hon. Jonathan Dayton, Elq.
speaker of the house of representatives of the !
United States now in Philadelphia, from Mat- 1
thias Williamfon, jun. efq. or Mr. Samuel Smith i ;
at Elizabeth-Town further information may be
obtained, —and who are pofleffed of maps of
the fame.
Perth Amboy, Nov. 16» 1797-
25 —eodtiSD
By the Subscriber, at his Store, No. 75, South
A general aflortmsnt of China
Black and coloured Sattins
Do. do. Lnteftrisgs
Do. • d*». Handkerchiefs
Do. do* sewing Silks
t Imperial and HyfouTeas
Long and (hort Naakeens
Quick Silver, in tubs
Holland Gin, in pipes
AiTorted Glaf6 Ware, in cases
White and brown Havaona Sugars, in boxes
Molasses, in hogfticad*
St. Croix Rum and Sugar, in do.
London particular Madeira Wine
Sherry and Malaga Wines, in quarter cafe»
Red, yellow and pale Barks, in chcfts
Logwood, &c. &c.
««/. 7.—tu&f 4 w JOSEPH SIMS.
From Marfcilles.
Of the Swedish barque Guftavus Adolphus,from
Marseilles, confiding of the following articles,
is discharging at Mr..Latimer's wlurf, and for
sale by the fubferibers
BRANDY, well flavored, of 2, 3 & 4th proof
Claret, in hogsheads
Ditto, in cases
Frontigniac Wine, in crfes »f 30 bottUs
Olwe Oil, of a superior quality, in balkets of 6
and it bottles
I Olives
. j Almonds
. ! D»y Verdigreife
Writing Paper
Umbrellas (Silk)
! Taffcties
Long and (hort white Kid Gloves for Women
Silk Stocki> gs
Handkerchief), in imitation of Madras*
Artificial Flowers and Garlands
Oftrjch Feathers
Scented Hair-Powder and Pomatum
wi forts
Cream Tartar.
September *7. eot f
For Sale, by the Package,
For ca(h, or good notes at sixty or ninety days,
r, Book and Jaconet Muslins plain
{ lliipes, and Checks •. A {Tor ted in
do. do. 1 ambonred }■ nack . o . e i
'■ do. Ladies handkerchiefs, & I 0
gentlemen's neck cio- J
' s Jaconet chirttz muslin for home and thf .Weft
I' India market, Pullicote and linen handkerchiefs,
j[ for do. do printed Jo. do. common purple and
1 chintz (hawls.
The above goods entitled to drawbatk on ex
portation. Also a. few fcotchcambticksand an
aJTortment of milfl'm by the piece.
The whole of the above being 1 consignment
from the manufaiSkurcrs «» Britain,
d, To be seen M William BlAckbvrn's
O.Tice, No. 6<, South Second Street,
t, Nov. 6. -.a^tf.
Ie 400,000 weight of choice Sft. iJo
it v lingo
rovrmber ax. '* !Ct
in Walker & Kennedy,
No. 73, Front Street,
ha 100 Hogsheads of prime Georgia Tobacco,
it- ALSO,
50 Pipes of Ronrdpati.x Rrantly,
io Pipes o.' old Port Wine
Oa. 17. ia,wti
For Sale,
Thai rvrilh\own place, called VjsozemrT's
e I- R R Y,
ON Nefhaminy creak, 18, miles from Phila- ha 1
ladelphia., on the New York post road, W
containing 74 acres and 94 pert-Ire". Upon the coj
pi c-mifeo are a large two ltory done house occu- coi
pied asatvern, and a good one dory done kit- vc
chen, a large frame ft»b!e with a gor-d threshing
door, and fomc out buildings —also a well of 110
t;ootl water, and an excellent' ice Hoyßt., On
this place is a nioft elegant fitujfion fora gentle
man's feat, commanding a view of the Nefham
iny to its junction wiih the Delaware, and thence f
across to the Jerfty (h<>rc. it lus the privilege I
of one half the toll received from the bridge.
For terms apply to the Sn''ici ibtr, CI
Vav 24- 3 taw if. 311
For sale or to be let on ground- ™
st.valuable l et of Ground ; 011
QITUATE on the noi th-eift corner ofWWa- t0
0 nut and Fifth ftrc-ets, fronting the State- 10
House fqtiare. This lot is fifty-one feet front (
on Walnut flreet, and one hundred and thirteen u
feet and an half on Fifth street j there are at
present two small two (tory brick houses, and a
number of small tenements thereon.
Also, for Sale, m
Two three story Brick Houses
With convenient flores, wharf, &c. situate on j;
Water-ltreet, between Mulberry and Siirafras n-,<
dreets, containing in front on Water dreet sis- fe
ty-fonr feet, and continuing that breadth ead- fu
ward ninety-five feet, then widening to the R
south thirteen feet fix inches. Thel'e houses J,
ave the convenitmcc of .public tlky adjoining j A
011 the north Gde, and ate a very desirable fitua- ■ H
tion for a merchant, flour fa<Hor,or others who ; A
may have occasion for storage of goods. This j J
property will be fold on very reasonable torms O
forcalh. For further information apply to the K
July 31. m&wtf J
Jujl Published,
And to be h»d of McfTrs. Dobfon, Campbell,Rice, ~
Cary, and the other pricipal Bookfcllers in the
city .price one dollat, twmty-five cents, in boards^
New Views of the Origin of the
Tribes and Nations of America.
Tunc fto. *6t
—i— » c
School Books and Stationary. &
W. Y O~U NG, *
No. ti, Secontl-flreet, eornc-r of Chefnut-ftrect,
HAS now realy for sale, a very large aflort- y
rnent of Engli/b, French, Latin and Greek
SCHOOL BOOKS. Also, such elementary books -
on Science, as are generally read in the academics
and colleges throughout the United States. £
Sheridan's Bidionary, the filth edition, in one v
large vol. 8 vo price 3 dols.
Ditto, large 12 mo price I dol. 75 «ts.
Ditto, cojimon, price I dol. 50 cts.
All forts of drawing, packing, printing, and "
1 writing Paper ; Bookbinder's Boards, Pasteboards, '
(heathing aad blotting Papers; printed Blanks,
! blank Books, Wax, Wafers, and other articles, ef
the best quality, used in the counting house, or
public office. ■
gT Catalogues of a mifc«llaneout colkAion of •
BOOKS, with the price of each affixed, to be had
by inquiring as abovo. OA. 24. —3aw6w j
The Norfolk Mail STAGE. j
Stage starts from the GEORGE Tavern, j
1 at the corner of Second and Arch Streets, in .
Philadelphia, rveiy Tuesday, 'Thurflay, and (
day, at ? o'clock, in the n orning; arrives at Ik)- '
ver the firftday, at Snowhiil the second diy, at
Northampton Court House the third day, and on
the morning of the fourth day the pai'cngcw find (
afafc and comfortable packet to convey them to •
A packet leaves Norfolk for Northampton ferry, 1
every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and the (
Stage starts from this ferry for Philadelphia, every
Monday, Wcdnefday and Friday; putsup at Snow .
Hill the firft night, at Dover the ad night, and ar
rives in Philadelphia in the evening of the third
Thediftance on this route „between Philadelphia
1 and Norfolk, is lo miles less than on any stage route
1 between those places
Too much cannot be said in favor of the road,
which is most excellent indeed. The proprietors
willingly engage to ieturn the whole fare to any
passenger, who, after having performed this route,
will fay that he ever travelled in a stage for the fa.'.ie
distance, so good a road in America,
i Anguft 11. dim, eotf.
City of Walhington.
Of the Lottery, No. 11,
For the Improvement of the Federal City.
Amagnificeutiwelling-boui'e ao,ucodollars,
it calh 30,000, ire jo.oo:
I 1 ditto 15,000 & eifh 2j,00e 40,000
1 ditto 15,000 & cash 15,000
1 ditto 10,000 & cafl) «0,000 10,000
1 ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 10,00 c
1 ditto 5,000 & cafr 5,000 10,000
1 ca!h prize of »o,oot>
idoi 5,000 each, are ■ 10,000
1: <to. 1,009 - - :o,ooc
io do. 5 00 "
00 do. Ino - - 10, oho
100 dp. 50 " ■ .
400 do. J.t - " l0 ' 000
1,000 do. 10 * 20,000
15,00© do. 10 - »s».°°°
'» i6)709 Prize
-33,261 Blanks.
50,000 X ;c kst». at Eight Dollars 400,000
N. 3. Tofavour thofc who may take a quan
tity of Tickets,the prize of 40,000 dollars will he
£t the L.AST drawn ticket, ancithe
i, but one : ...
d And approvednotcs, fecurinj paymert in cithfr
mon*y or prizes, in ten days alter drawing, \vid
he received foi any number not lcfiithan tic.t-
II This I.ottery wilt afford an elegant fpccimen o!
thtJprivatS buildings to be erciled in the City ol
Waihingtoia—-Two beautiful designs arc alieady
> lel'Af-d for the entire front, on two of the public
8 squares; from these drawipgf it ispropofed toered
t .vocentreand r our corner soon aspof
_ flhle after this lottery isfold, and to convey them,
7- when complete, to the fortunate acTti.turtrs, in
the manner described in the fchcmc for the Hcte!
Lottery. A nett deduAioa of five per cent, will
be made to defray the necefTai y expenses of print
ing, &c. and the surplus will be made a jiqrtcf
the fund intended for the Nati3n:il Umvcrlity, to
" be creeled within the city of V- afhington.
, The real fecuritiesgiven for the payment of the
Prizes, are held by the Prefidcnt and two Direct
ors of the Rank of Columbia, and are valued at
more than half the amount ot the lottery.
§ Tiekersmay he had at th - Bank 01 Colsm
i,i, ; - c f James Weft & Co. Baltimore; of Feter
tpilmar., Boston : of John Hopkins, i Richmond ;
6f and of 'Aichatd Wills, Cooper's Ferry. «nwf
Maurice Moynihan, <
INFORMS his friends and Ae public, that he '
has removed his Store of China, Glals, Queens
Ware, and Dry Goods, from No. 81 North Se
cond, to No. 7i Norjh Seventh Street* north east
corner of Cherry Alley, where he foiicits tie/a*
vcr of his former customers.
N. 3. Crates put up with care at the fliortcft
November 2. ____
Real Kltate for Sale,
/J) PLANTATION, in a healthy and good si-
L tuation on Cheller Creek, in Middletox >
Town&ip, Delaware County, containing
acres, upwards of 50 acres of which are wood
land,, will timhored ; th« remainder plough land
and watered meadow—of the latter, uiany autre
acres can be made at a small expence. There are
on said premises, a good orchard of best grafted
fruit, a house, with a spring near the dpor, a frame
barn with fl ibling under, and a log tenem»nt on
otiepart of said place. Any person inclining
to purchase, may view the premises by applying
to Wm. L'f.nnbll, on said farm, and know the
crms by applying to Jonathan Penni'll, is the t
1 0 rough of Chciler.
H novemf'er %I. j'teod
Philadelphia, 08. 13.
THE fubferibers inform their friends and cufte- 1
mers in town and country, that their (lores are row
open in the city, and others are daily opening, and
that from the present appearance of the prevailing
disorder have reason to hope, their friends may
fhorrly come «o the city with perfect faf.ty. By
several lst« arrivals, numbers have received frefk
fupplie; of GOODS.
Robert Smith iS> Co. P. IV. Gallaudet Us Co.
John Davis & Co. Sitgreanes ijf French>
A'till Smith, George Dob/on,
Wiltbcrger and Smith, Thomas Ryerfon,
Alex Bit/land and Co. T. R. JTardtnberg.
i Jacob Sperry and Co. "John Smith and Co-
Owen iif Jona. Jones, 'Thomas Orr,
Keppele & Zantzinger, William Barker fe" Co. '
Adam Znntz'.Kger, Armat iSf Snit.
John Fries, J. Miller, jun. and Co.
Benjamin &J. John/on.
o£[. 14
Paper Hangings Manufactory,
No. 70, Chefmit-ftreet,
Wbure he his for Sale,
AVERY extensive flock, of every colour, and
of the moil approved, suitable for , y
• every part of a house, with great variety df bor- t
d*:rs to suit,
A handsome assortment of the mod fafhionahle
Silver Grounds London and Paris Papers, and
very best pain Green and plain Blue,
With Panncl Papers and a rich variety of Bortftrs.
November I. eo6t
A Team of five excellent Horses,
with a Waggpn and Gears. The Horses are all
-young, strong, true to the draught, and capable
of hauling as great a weight as most jn the coun
try. The Waggon and Gears are strong, and
in good order. Apply te ROBERT GREEN,
Well Town, Chelter county, or*to
Thomas Fijher,
No. 142 f S. Second Street, Philadelphia
ti mo. 2, ecd3w.
imported inthefhipMANCHESTER,
Benjamin Mafter,
From Bourdeaux, andforfale by the £uWcriber,
No. ii Walnut Street.
Bonrdeaux Brandy "1
Iri(h markit claret in cases / Entitled to
Medoc wioe, in do. f Drawback.
Sauterne, do. do. J
Thomas Murgatrsyd.
Sherry Wine in pipes and quarter casks
Rota do. d».
Pimento in bags
4COO bulhels Liverpool fait.
Aug. 24. tut&stf
! Peale's Museum.
1 ' I 'HIS valuable repository of the works of Na
: i. ture, so well calculated to delight the mind
and enlarge the underflanding, is opened daily, as
' usual. It (lands in an airy and healthy fituatioa,
8 and free si om the epidemic that at present alHidls
T the city; it may, therefor ,be frequented with
> the greatest fafcty.
c As an Ar,tufemeht, the study of Nature is the
most rational ai)d pleating : as a Science, the most
fulilime and inflruitivc. It elevates the mind and
expands the heart. They
tl IVbom Nature's works can charm, iffitb God brmfclf
1 " Hold converse."
Many interring additions have lately been
made to this Museum : and the feathered tribe,
containing a variety of the mull rare and beautiful
s fubjefls, now very 'advantageously arranged.
Waxen Figures, of Men largo as life (fame of them
calls from nature) are here dressed in their prop*
habits,and placed :n attitue'es c'larmSterfiiic of tfceir
refpe&ire nations Hero may be fete the North-
Amcricr.n Savage.and the Parage of Sotth-Air.eri
,l' ca—a 1-boring Chinese, and rNe Chincfe Gentlc
-10 man-r-tl.e fouty African, end the KamtfUudale —
" with fonie Natives of the South Sea Iflahds. "1 he
immense variety and i'ntcrefling diveiTity which
,c this jV!ufeura offers to the view may be seen tut
' uannotbe dcfeiibed with full <
'"(> gy- l> rice only I-4'.h of, a dollar.
«i heyt~lß. law
2 Davis''s Lazv Book Store,
,0 No. 319, High-Street.
BEING busied for some time part in prtpara
tions for removing into his present house, has,
~ beetv under thenecellity of poftponinguntil.thif day
»> informing the yentlemnn ofthe Bar generally thro'
- the United States, that his spring importation of
n- law books is now an aitjjed and, wtyJor lale, 014
ii* tcrmsthat he trulls will «ntitlehim to the like pre
■T freencc he has experienced for leveval years psS.
Catalogues, (X-mbiaing the reoft varied
er tionever imported i/.to this conritry, are printed
iU an,d will be delivered on application.
!t- June :;. ■
o! Bojfl'oii Ulals Manufactory.
of ""J 'HE citizens of the Ututcd States are hereby
dy I. informed, that the manufacture of \v inilow
lie G'afs is now commented it the Glass House in Bof
:<A ton.
if. Jt is needJtfa to fay nny thing of the excellent
m, quality of theUofton Glnfs, as it is so well In jwn
in throughout the United State? t6 be in ever- refpeA .
te! greatly superior to any ever imported from Europe.,
rill It will Be cut to any flze commonly ttfrd ; and'
un-ay be conftant'.y had by applying to Cuarlks F.
of Kupfek, at the (ilafs House.
to Orders from the distant States to be addreiled to
Mr. Samuel Goiie, Court-street, Boston.
he Boston, Sept 3Q, 1797 O4—lawOyr
(it- Mfjfrs. Throtl'y and Mason, Charhjlon ; Mrjjrt,
at IJodgl und Boylan, Hatifnx, iV. C Trhjfrs. p? ilicit
and O'Connor, ; Mr. Ellis Price, Alexandria ;
SAeJfrs. Tun it ami Brotvn, Baltimore ; Mr. hcptir.s,
m- Neiv-Tori i aiid A.rjfn. Goodwin, Hart
ter ford; Mr. Seymour, Savannah ; are r.'ijttejled to it pit
j ; the above orce a iveck 6 weeks. Tb: tKccu/it. t$M- jor
wf iiarJe tie Editor.