FOR SALE—by the Sußsca'iisas, , An elegant assortment of Madrafs HANDKERCHIRFS, by 'he bale, I ' WILLINGS & FRANCIS, ror at. { Peun-Ureet FOR SALE, BY THE SUBSCRIBERS, Madeira Wine, firft quality, in pipes , Madeira Wine, New-York quality, in pipes Lisbon WINK, in pipes CLOVES and > , . . a . , . . v NU VMFGS \ °f t " e l* tc^im P ortatlon » boxes Spaniih Woo!, in Bales, suitable for Hatters. Willings ss° Francis, Penn-ftreet, No. »i. Nov. ti • w3cstf FOR SALE, 11 the subscribers, No. ai, Penn-Oreet, The Cargo of the Ship Ganges, John Green, commander, from Bengal, CjmfJiiflg cf Baftas, of various qualities & prices CoiTaas Pllnjum Clotlis Sjnalu suzz.y do. Hiimbunjs Charconna Dorea BHe'Cloth Tanjibs Chinti aiyS Calicoes Mulmuls Checks • GUighaa-.s da. ■ Guzzenas Bandanno;s Guriahs Sillerfoy Piniafcoes Choppa Romals Sf>oty do. Giilie Ro:nali Pel flans of various colours Mock Pulicali » ipo tons ?UGAR 90,000 lb. PEPPER. Willings C3 5 Francis. The Piece Goods C Of the Ganges are nov/ open and cxpofed to falc «t that conimodious ttore the north wtft of f Market an>i Fourth Hreet. hov. to. LAW D'lN G, #fom on board the ship Cleopatra, Samuel Newell, commander, ff«m L«ndon, 60 tons oT the best clean Rufiia HEMP 60 rafksof bottled BROWN STOUT. F or£a!e by the iubferihers, No. ai, Pcnn^lreet. z Willings & Francis. Pel. t. d Just arrived. From Pcrt-au-Piir.ce, and for Sale b/ the ftitferi bcr-i, No. ix, Penn-ftreuf, 6*Z 1 31 tierces ( Prime Coftee jl3 barrels f 11II1C ( 646 bags J t Wirings & Francis. < - oa. » < FOR SALE, fir ' Jcfeph Anthony ss* Co. j No. Si Chefsut Street, : A cargo of choice Ecurdeaux Bra»dy, ill and ad i proof, just la;ided ( ijo bales of Bour'jon cotlon of a Aipcrior quality i y do. Surat, do do A quantity of heavy blaclc pepper in bales Bourbon Indipo of the firft quality _ High proof Jamaica Ipirits Old London particular Madeira wine /In pipes & i do. market do ( qr. caflcs. 1 New England rum in hoglieads Genuine Holland Qin in pipes ) . Claret in eaf. s Jpeimsceti candh's and ftrain'd oil Prime Boston beef t Choice Halifax Salmon in barrels and half barrels t>o. Herringindo do Best Bgfton Machartl in barrels of the fall fart. New-ErglantJ t-jw l ; *«n A few tons of Russia cordage . Rufiii feather beds Clovtr and Timothy feed in :aCc» a L?ng whale-boon ( p No i, a, and 3, Boflon fail due-k a t A few chells firft quality Hyson tea | Carolina rice in whole and half tierces and .. of Dutch hollow glass ware. NjTemher 8. daw. NOW LANDING, At South-street Wharf, 7he Largo of the Ship Concord\ Captain Thompson, from Bit a via. About 300 tons firlt quaU'y Java Coffe»(th« whole having been felecled) • 80 tons Java Sugar, in. canillers and bags 10 logurcs of old. Arrack Nutmegs, Mace and Clsvcs J FOR SALE BT K PFTER BLIGHT. {) IVho also offers For Sale, £ Just landed from Ihip Amity, from Jamaica. 0 40i bllds Jamaica Sugar, and jj 170 do. do. Rum. novemhfr d6w 3 Idancing SCHOOL. ! WILLIAM M'DOUGALL presents his most refpe.ilful compliments to his form er employers and the citizens in general, ,-!» d re turns his most grateful thanks, for the'very bountiful encouragemeuV-he has experienced for these twenty-five years past, takes this opportu nity df informing them, that his school will be open'd on VVednefday the jjd instant, at his Elegant Ball Room, in South Fourth-Street, between Chefnut and Walr.ut-ftreets. To begin at 10 in 'lie moi*ning for young ladies, and 6 in the evening for young gentlemen. Praftifing Balls will commence on Tues day, 6th December, and be every Tuesday, during the season. Nov. 17. aawtf. j. Mnfical Inflrument ManufaElory, \ 16/, Arch-flreet. n TO THE LOVERS OF HARMONY. ai HARPER, s INFORMS his friends and the public, that he has ® now ready for sale, a few of his new invented, and much admired fide board Piano Fortes, with ' Pedals, patent l'well, fonopahant and French harp flop, which for feuftbility of touch, brilliancy of tone, Gmpiioity and durability of conilruition, the faperiorrty of flatters himfelf, afingle tri al Will conv'uice the unprejudiced judge- As they | are manufactured imder-bi. immediate mfpe.lion, ] of the vi'ity be•- feafotu'd materials, he can fell on \ R rcafonable terms for Cash, lnftrumsuts repaired, | ' 3 tuned, &c.. i tc N. B. Second hand Piano Fortes taken in ex- ac ehange for new. w novtmber 13. 21 w2rnn. All I'erfcns r cices will be fou:id st-ui'thy the n.) ice ot thola who may plcale to conliJe to him the management of any of their concerns. s K- B. Security given where required. Ilthmo 24 j.taw.f D A N C I N G. Mr. FRANCIS, OF the New Theatie, r»fpedt.ully informs the public, that he r.o '.aqger r-wans to continue hi. Danciug School in coi'jur.ilion with Mr. Byrne, but will open ir. feparateiy early ill December, and hepesftill :o receive the accustomed patronage With which he hhs been honored, and which it will be his ccnftant endeavor to deserve. 5 Private parties may be inllru&cd at his own hp'ufe, No. .70, north Eighth Greet. noreniber eotf Wants a place, AS a Wet Nurfc, a young woman, who oan bewell recoftmnended. Inquire in Eleventh street, near Ract-ftreet. Nov. 27. •eodi'w A [ourneyman Hair-Dretfer, WHO is sober and steady, and underftande his bufineii, may have immediate em : ployment, on application to GE<3UGE AB -1 BCiTT, No. 9, Chef«ut-ftreet, nov-i 7. codiw. Canal Lottery—No. 11. WILL commence drawing Monday, tne 20th ind. Tickets for Sale in this Lottery, at Seven Dallirt, at Wm. BLACKBURN's Lottery and Brokers Office, No. 64, South Second-street Tickets in the Sch'ylkill Bridge Lottery, at Ten Dollars, where check books are kept lor register ' ing and esaaii.ting in these, the # .ty of Walhing -1 ton, No. 11. and Palerfon L»tteries, and informa tion where tickets may be had iu 1110 ft of the Lotte ries authorifad by law in any of the States of the I Union. "N. B. The business of a Buoitsa, in buying and felling all kinds of Public Slock and Securities, difcmintng Bills ajid Notes of Hand, falc of Lands, Houses, &c. &c. will be duly attended to, by Wa, BLACKBURN. November 15. § N 1) T I C E7 TTIE Stockholders of the Bank of the United States, are informed that according to the statute of Incorporation a genera! Election for twenty five Directors will be held atthtljank of the United States in the City of Philadelphia, on Monday the firft day of january next at ten o'clock in the forenoon. And ouffuaat to the Eleventh feflion of the Bye Law* the Stockholders of th« said Bank arts hereby notified to aflemble is general Meet ing at the fame place on Tuesday the second day of January next at live o'clock ill the E vening. By order of the Board of directors, G. SIMPSON, Calhier. Second fundamental Article. Not inore than three fourths of tne Directors i(i office, exclusive «f the Prelident, lhall be e- Ugibje for the next luceeeding year, but the Diretflorwlio (hall be President at the time afan E|eiflion ilwa/ibe re-elefled. Philadelphia, nov. tB. 1797. ftE NOT J G E, To holders of JAMES GREENLEAF's and EDWARD FOX's Engagement! IN confequcnce of many having been prevent ed, from late unavoidable circumftantu fr«ai obtaining their Certificates, agreeable to former notice. The Truflees now inform them, Ibey are ready to iflue the Tame to those who may ap-. ply within Gxtydays, at No. 8 Chcfnut Street, and those who do not, will be ctfnfidercd as re linqu'.fhing their claim on the Aggregate Fund provided for their payment. HEtfRY PRATT, THC MAS W. FRANCI, JOHN MILLER, JUN. JOHN ASHLEY, JACOB BAKER. nrvtmber, 23. tuth&fim. French Circulating Library. JOSEPH E. G. M.De La GRANGE, No. tio Walnur-ftreet, INFORMS those who wi(h to recurto the only means of becoming perfeS in the French Lan guage, that he has just opened his Library, con lifting of upwards of 1150 volumes, the best cal culated to afford either ufeful inllru&ion, or plea sure. The conditions, togethsr with a catalogue of the Library, may be seen at every book-feller's tyi town. n. b. All translations from and into the French, English and Spanish Languages, exectted with ac curacy and dispatch. eoim nov. tj- For Sale by the Subscriber, White PlattUlas Brown Hollands White Sheetings Dowlafles Silesia bsrdered Handkerchiefs Striped Shmoufes Black Ribbons, No. 3 and 4 Glass Tumblers, and Looking Glades, in in cases, &c. &c. George Pennvck. November 6. eod^w FOR "SALE, By BENJAMIN CLARK, No. 55, the corner of Chcfnut and Front streets, A large quantity of Clocks and Watches. a general assortment of Tools, Giles and Materials, coafifting of Clock Move ments, eight day and thirty hour brass pinions and f«rge work j Bells, clock and watch DiaU, Springs, Hands, Glasses, Punice Stone, Emery," Rotten Stone, Cat Gut; bench, stand and tail Vices; Turns, Pliers,Chains,Seals,Kfiys, &c. &c. Apprentices Wanted. November 3. f&tutf The History of Pennsylvania, Br ROBERT PROUD, IS now in the pvefs, and will be pirhlifhed, with all convenient expedition, by 'Zhcha- . RIAH PoulsoN, jun. N»r 80, Chelnut-ftrert, ! Philadelphia, where fubferiptions will continue to be received, and at the Philadelphia Library, according to the printed propcfals, until the work is ready for the fubferibers. July rB. aawtf Window Glass, Of Superior Quality, and cheaper than any other in che City— OF rjRIOUS SIZES, From 8 ny 6'to 19 by 1 4, By the single Box or Quantify, may be had at the ftorc of the Subscribers, c.ornei of Arch and Front ftreu. j'jmes C. y SamtelW. Ei/hcr. Philadelphia, Juneg, 1797. <)lwmwftf llicct, James C. y Sarnud W. Fi'ilier, AT Timix STOKE, No. 13, corner of Arch and' streets, Hdf B FOR SAISy ' Cotton and worded iu tr.m!;s, afforjed • A few Jjales red, white, and y>- lo'.v^f iainelj Dittojfutt rotsall Hindkercl.i » Ditto I'ultieit fiTk ditto liitto Psndieherry and Madrafa ditto Ditto Gunahs Bengal Mack Tafietics 4000 pieces Nankeens, and ' Few chelis bell Hylon Tea Alfa —1500 bojees belt, London Window Glass, fcpm Bby6,to 19 by IJ hhds. Glass Ware, which tfiey will dispose of cheaper than asy it| the city. novenilier <8 WVtf Imported (via New York) the ship Hero, from Madras and Calcutta, an'd lor sale fyy che fubferiber, at No. &I, Chel'i;ut tlreet, and Tjiird Streets, the follow ing> . Chareonna Dorcns , C'Mntz aif'J Calicoes Dacca worked luuflins Gittij Romali fsndaunoes Killas &. Peufiafoes x Chafla Ram ah Blue cletK Hair ribbon _M ull Mullhankerchiefs Palempores Patua do. Banares Opium LeiTer Cardimum Seeds. Samuel Wilcox. novemher 17 tut!i"4w A farm for sale, IN Perth Amboy in the state of New-Jersey, of four kumlred i -res, including a proper proportion of meadow, of. arable and wood land, and fait marlh : There is on the premiles, a good apple orchard; and a variety of other fruit (frees, it is well wattred with fpvings and brook?, it is bounded 011 two fides with navi gable waters and has ajgood mill site, its situa tion is healthy and pleasant, commanding a View of the navigation of Perth Amboy and its environs, and tonvenient to the fineft £(h ?n<4 oyflers in their proper fealon, it abounds with natural manure fr«m whit!i,,with the advanta ges ot the fait marsh by applying the hay there from to the keeping of flock, may at a expense, he enriched to a great degree and ren dered one of the firft grazing farms in the state , it is well Calculated for 3 farmer or a gentle man's feat, having several eligible sites for building. This farm will be told together or divided,.'as may fyit a pnrchafer, at private sale, or if npt'told, will be let up at public auc tion on the nineteenth day of 1 .'ecem ber next, at the house of Robert Ratlattie, inn keeper in Perth at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Any pc&bn topurchale rtwjCVif.v the premises by application to John or Matthia: Halfted at Perth Amboy, from whom or from the Hon. Johu./.an Dayton, F.fq. fpeakrr us the house 1)f reprefeftutiv* of rile United States now ill Philadelphia, from Mat thins ff r or Mr. Samuel Smith at Elizabetli-Tomn further information may be obtained,—and who are poflefild of maps of the feme. Perth Amboy, Nov. 16, 1797. i? —eodtißD FOR SALE, By the Su(jscri»er, at hU Store, No. 75, Sooth Water-ttreet, A general affortmsnt of China Ware Black and coloured Sattins Do. do. Lutefttisgs Do. d». Handkerchiefs Do. do. sewing Silks Imperial a "d Hyson Teas Long and (hart Naakeent Quick Silver, in tubs Holland Giti, in pipes AiTorted Glass Were, in cases White and brown Havanna Sogers, in boxes Molafl'es, in hogn. 7.—tuScf 4 w JOSEPH SIMS. From Marseilles. THE CARGO Of the S wedilh barque Guflavus AdoVphus, from Marseilles, coTiflfting of the following articles, is dilcharging at Mr. Latimer's wharf, and for sale by the fubferibers BRANDY, well flavored, of 2, 3 k 4th proof Claret, in hogflieads Ditto, in cales Frontigr.iac Wine, in cases as 3obottl»s Olive Oil, of a superior quality, in baskets of 6 and 1 a bottles Capers Olives Almonds D»y Verdigreafe Writing Paper Umbrellas (Silk) of 18, 3c and 31-inches Taffeties Long and (hort white Kid Gloves for Women Silk Stockings Handkerchiefs, in itpitation of Madiafs Artificial flowers and Garlands ' Ostrich Feathers Ribbons Perfumery Scented Hair-Powder and Pomatum v Manna in forts Cream Tartar. BENJAMIN MORGAN & ROBERT ANDREWS.' September 27. eotf For Sale, by the Package, For caihj or goodilotcs at sixty or ninety days, viz. Book and Jaconet Muslins plain Y stripes, and Checks j , .. • ' , 1 t u j I Aflortfd in do. do. 1 amboured f , do. Ladies handkerchiefs, & | P "^ cs " gentlemen' 6 neck do. J Jaconet chintz muffin for home and the Weft India market, Puilicote and lir.en handkerchiefs, for do. do printed common purple and chintz (hawls. The above goods entitled to drawback on ex portation. Also .1 few fcotchparabricks and an airortment of muslin by the piece. ThS whole of the above being a consignment from the manufacturers in Britain. To be seen it Wilijam BiACK-bvrn's Ofiicd 94 perches. Upon the. premitei area Urge two ltory (lone house occu pied as a tvern, and a one ltory Hone kit chen, a larg;e frame liable with a good thnefhing floor, an:.* some out buildings—also a welf of good water, and an . excellrnt ice House. On this place is a iituition for a gentle man s ftit, commandUig'a vievv of the Nefham iny to its junction A'iihthe Delawaie, and thence acrol's to the Jerfcy (hurt. It" the privilege of one half the tolhx-ceived fron. the bridge. For term's applv to the .bti, MORDBCAI LEWIS. Vay 24. juwtt. ale dr to be let on ground- J rent, Lot of Ground y SITUATE on the uorth-eift corner of Wal nut and Fifth ftrects, froiiiiig the S'atf House square. This left is fii'ty-pne feat fiont on Wa'tiat Itreet, and dnehtwdred and thirteen feet and an half on Fifth fl.eet ; there are at present two small two llory brick honfes, and a number of small tenements thereon. Also, for Sale, Two three story Brick Houses With convenient ftorcs, wharf, &c. fituateon Water-ltreet, between Mulberry and Safl'airat llreets, containing in front on Water ftre-rt fif ty-four feet, and Continuing that breadth eaft wafd nine;y-five feet, then widening to the south thirteen f;et fix inches. These houses. ave the convenience of a public alky adjoining on the fide, and are a very delirable litua tion f'or a merchant, flour sailor.or others who may have occasion for (tjragc of goods. This property will be fold oh very reasonable terms forcafh. For further information apply to the printer. . 7 » July jr. m&wtf Jtijl Publi/hed, And to be hVi of Mefirs. Do\\fon, CampbelI 4 Ricc y ; and the othtr pricipal Uookfcllcrg in t'ie city,price one dolar, tvnt ty-five cents,in boards, New Views of the Origin of the. Tribes and Nations of America. By IiENJ.\MIN SMITH BARTON, m. d. June ao. M (jt School Books and Stationary. W. Y OTJ NG, No. Serond-ftree*, «ornt-r of Chefnut-ftrect, HAS now ready for sale, very largt: airort ment of Engiyh % French, Latin and Greek SCHOOL BOOKS. Also, such eL-mentary bdo)ps on Science, as are generally read in the academits and collcgQs throughout the United Stater. LATELY PUBLISHED, t « Sheridan's Oidiouary, the fikth edition, in one large vol. 8 vo. priced dols. Ditto, large 12 mo price 1 dol. 75 ets. Ditto, common, price 1 dol. jocts. s AU fortt of dwiwing, pr.cking, printing, and writiog Paper ; Bookbinder's Boards, Paileboards, (heathing a»d blotting Papers ; printed Blanks, blank Books, Wax, Wafers, and 6ther articles, ©f che belt quality, used in ti'.e counting house, or public ofSce. Catalogues of a miscellaneous colleAion of BOOKS, with the price of each affixed, to be had by inquiring as above. 0&. 24. —3aw6w The N orfol k~M a 11ST AG E. THIS Stage starts from the GEORGE Tavern, at the corner of Secuid and Arch Streets, in Philadelphia, cvny TutfJay, Tiurflay, and Satur day, at 3 o'clock, ja the rrorniug; arrives at 1 lo ver the firft day, ,at Snowhill the second day, at Northampton Court Hqule rhe third day, anil cu the morning of the-fourth day -the paflengcrs find a fafe and comfortable packet to convey them to • Norfolk.. J A packet leaves Norfolk for Northampton fcirj-, every Tucfday, Thurfiay a/id Saturday, and the Snje starts from this ferry for Philadelphia, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday; puts up at Snow Hill the firft •ight, at Dover tbe »d uijht,lind ar rivevin Philadelphia in the evening of the tHird day. Thediftance nn this route, between Philadelphia ani Norfolk, is So miles less than on any stage route between those places. Too much cannot be said in favor of the road, wkiclv is most excellent indeed. The proprietors willingly engage to return the whole fare to any passenger, who, after having performed this route, will fay that he ever travelled in a ftagefor the fame distance, so good a road in America. Anguft n. dtm.eotf. City of Walhington. s che-m:e Of the Lottery, No. 11, For the Improvcin»nl us the Federal City. A magnificentriwelHng-houfe 10,000 dollars, 3: calh 30,000, are sO,OOO 1 ditto 15,000 & 1 ditto 15,000 Ht cash 15, oop 30,000 1 ditto 10,000 & ca(h 10,000 >O,OOO . 1 ditto s>ooo oc caiii 5,000 10,00 c 1 ditto 5,000 Sc cai 5,000 10,000 1 cadi prize of ' to,ooo 1 do. 5,000 each, ire • 10,000 10 d'J. 1,000 - - io,oqc 10 do. 500 - - 10.000 00 do. i f 'P - - 19,000 100 els." 50 - - 10,000 400 do. 15 - ■ 10,000 i,000.d0. 20 - lotifx 15,000 do. la - 158,000 15,7.3# Friies. f J3,a6l Blsnka. 50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollars, 400,000 N. B. Tofavonr thofewho may take a quan tity of Tickets,!he prize of 40,ooodollars wjill be the lost drawn ticket, and the 30,000 the last but one : And approvednotes, fecu*ing payment in either moHty or prizes, in ten days alter drawing, will be received foi any number not lets than 30 tick ets. Tbis Lottery will afford an elegant fpeclmen of the Private buildings to be ertited in the; City of Walhington—.Two beautiful designs are alreaiiy leleiSed for the entire front* on two of the public squares; from these irawisijsit ispropofed to ereol two Centre and c oHr corner hwildine >as foonaspof fihleafterthis lottery is fold, and to convey them, when complete, to the fortunate adventunri, mi the manner deferibed in the scheme f6r the Hotel Lottery. A nett deduction of five per cent, will be made to defray thcneceffary c,\prnfes of prir:- mg, &c. and the surplus will be made a part .of the fund intended for fthe National Umverfity, to be creeled within tile city of Wafiiingtos. The real fecuritiesjjiven for the payment of the Prises, are held byth ' President and two Diredt ors of the Bank of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the amount of the lottery. SAMORL ISLODGST. ,§, Tickets may be had at the Bank of Colum bia ; of James Weil & Co. Baltimore; of Feter Gilman, Boftrin : of John Hopkins, Richmond ; and of Richard Wells, Cooper's Ferry. mwf R E MOV A L. Maurice Moynihan, INFORM*; his friends and the public, that he has rehtaved his Store of Qhina, Crhijs, Queens Ware, and Dry Goods, from No. 8l North Se , coiid, to No. 7/ North Sjventh Street, north east cornt r of Cherry Alley, where he i'olicits the fa vor of his former customers. N. b k Crater put v.p with cace at the fliortell notire. noveniber z, dtf Real lillate for Sale, A PLANTATION, in a healthjr and good si . tuition on Chester iu Middletoa Delaware County, containing 119'- acres, upwards of 50 acres of which are , wood land, well timbered ; the remainder plough land and watered meadow—of the. latter, many more icres can hi made at a small eipence. There are. on iaid.premiles, n good orchard of heft grafted fruit 1 , a iioufe, with a spring near the door, a frame barn with tlabling under, atid a log tenement ou on;jvjrtof said place Any person inclining to may view the premises by applying to 'Wu, Pknnbll, on said farm, and know the triiis by apfdyingto Jonaiuan Pt.n n cll, ia the to rough of CtcHer. Bnovsmher a. - 3t eod Philadelphia, 03. 13. THE fubferibers inform their friends and custo mers in town and country,that their stores are now open in the city, and othersare a4'y opening, and that from the present app.eacance of the prevailing d'.lorder have reason to hope, their friends may ihorrly coTie to the city with perfed faf ty. By leveral late arrivals, r.ur.iburs have receiveii freftt supplies of GOODS. 1 Robert Smith & Co. P. W. Gallaudet & Co) Jobn poi>is Co. Sitgrea-vej fe? French, Nei.'l lif Smith, George Dob/on, IVililerger and Sjnithj : I boiitaj Ryer/oti, Alex Hi {far d and Co. T. K. 1 'ardinberg. ' tuob iferry and Co. John Smith and Co• Owen a&i of the molt approved patterns, iurtable |or every pan of a haufe, with great variety of bor ders to suit. —ALSO — A handsome assortment of the moUt falhioca6lc Silver Grounds London and Paris Papers, and. very heft plain Green and Blue, With Pamiel Papers an this Museum offers to the view, may hefwn but «annot-be described with full jJ5* Price only I-4th of a dollar. beyt. 2,8. law Davis's Law Book Store, No. 3 10, High-Street. GEORGE DAV IS, BEING buCed for f. me titiie fafi in prcpara. tions for removing into his prtlent houf,-, has been nnilertheiifcelTjtyof poftp<>niogui>tU. Ais day infurmir.gthegentl'enisii of the Bar generally thro' the limited State*, that his fprinjr importation of law books is now am) ready for icilc, on terms that he trusts will sivdtkhim to thfrlibe pri freence he has e.xperiep,ced for ieveral years pall. Catalogues, combining the collie ' tion ever imported this cbwrliry, as t printed and will he delivered on application. June 2.7. law Bolton (JlaiS' Manufadory. 'T"'HE cit.zfns of the llwted States are hereby , I. iiifornied, that til- m*nufa&isre of Window (JJafs is Bow conimsßtedit the Giafi!,Houfein:Bof- It is oee;!!:ft to fay rmy thing of the escellei* quality of the I'cXton pl'.U, ask iifoweil known throus'hout the United States to he in every refpeA greatly superior to anv ever importeJ from Europe. \i will fee cut, to any size commonly used ; and roayV cortftantly had by applying tuCBAHi.ES T. KutFiß, at the c:, Alexandria ; M'Jfrs.TunJtVnd Bmvn, Balt'wicrc ; Mr. Hotiirr ffiw-Tork ; and J\ttfrs. Itud/ia Ij Cuihvin. Hart fort! i Mr.~Scymc& , Szvcnnab ; as: ii-quejled to ttjl 11 the akve once a iveck 6 tiw/j. Icc t§ be <„> - XOardt tlcMJiUr.