of tije anb Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. Number 1629 j SALES BY AUCTION. Stated Sales For DR r GOODS. ( Forenoon—Edward Fox, No. ss, Monday! south Front,Jlreet, Afternoon—Footman Sc Co. No. 6f C_ Snath Front-Arret. f Forenoon—John Connelly, Old City Yuefday< u<£li° n , No. 73 fout'h Front-street. Afternoon—William Shannon, No. (. 183 High-street. Wttotfa \ A ' r tern °°"-P e ' er a « nfon . No. 74 - ( south Third-ftrcet. Thursday \ Fox. C Afternoon—John Connelly. Fridav \ Forenoon—Williara Shannon. J 5 Afternoon—John Connelly. Saturday Afternoon—Peter Benfon. Real Hftate for PLANTATION, in a healthy and good si- X tuation on Chester Creek, 111 Middleton Townfliip, Delaware County, containing 1191 acres, upwards of 50 acres of which are wood land, well timbered ; the re mainder plough land and watered meadow—of the latter, many more acres can be made at afmall expence. There are on said preraifes, a good orchard of heft grafted fruit,a house, -with a spring near the door, a frame barn with (tabling under, and a log tenement on one part of said place.——Any person inclining to purchase, may view the premises by applying 1 to Wm. Pennbi.l, on said farm, and know the ' terms by applying to Jonathan Pennei.l, in the ( iiorough of Ctelter. November 21. eod REMOVAL, Maurice Moynihan, INFORMS his friends and the public, that he has removed his Store of China, GUis, Queens Ware, and Dry Goods, from No. 81 NortS Se cond, to No. 71 North Seventh Street, north east corner of Cherry Alley, where he solicits the fa vor ofhis former customers. N. 8. Crates put up with c»re at the {horteft notice. November 3. dtf "FOR SALET" By BENJAMIN CLARK, No, 55, ths corn-r of Chefnut and Front streets, A large quantity of Clocks and Watches. Also, a general assortment of Tools, Eiles and Materials, confiding of Clock JVlove ments, eight day and thirty hour brass pinions and Urge work ; Bells, clock and watch Dials, Springs, Hands, Glasses, Pumice Stone, Emery, Rotten Stone, Cat Gut; bench, (land and tail Vices; Turns, Pliers,Chains,Seals, Keys, &c. &c. * 9 * Apprentices Wanted, november 3. ' f&tutf For Sale by the Subscriber, White Plattillas Brown Hollands White Sheetings Dowlafles Silesia bordered Handkerchiefs Striped Siamoufes , Elack Ribbons, No. 3 and 4 Glass Tumblers, and Looking Glass««, in in cases, &c. &c. George Pennock. November 6. eodjw FOR SALE, A Team of five excellent Horses, with a Waggon and Gears. The Horses are all young, true to the draught, and capable of hauling as great a weight as ( moft in the coun try. The Waggon and Gears arc strong, and in good order. Apply to ROBERT GREEN, Weft Town, Cheller county, or*!o Thomas Fijher, No.'l4i, S. Second Street, Phila elphia It mo. i, eod;w. Samuel 6c iviiers J^'ilhcr, ARE NOW OPEKING, At their Warehuufe, Ho. 17, Dock Street, a frefli assortment of Woolen and other goods, fuitablc to the season, received by the late arrival) from Eng land. 77'fv have also far Salt, Lilbon F £s >hhds. quarter calks- Port Wines, J Assorted queen's ware is crates, Sw. lothmo-»3d. dtw3taw3w. This Day Puhlifhed, And to be fold by WILLIAM YOUNG, torner of Second and Chefnut streets, Price 3-Bths of a Dollar, «• Observations on certain Documents Contained in No. V and VI of " The History of the United State* for the year 1796," In whieh the charge of speculation against ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Late Seckitart of the Treasury, is FULLY REFUTED. WRITTEN Br UIMSSir. This publication presents a concise statement of the base means pra&ifed by the Jacobins of the United States to asperse the chara&ers of those persons who arc confideredas hoilile to their disor ganizing schemes. It also contains the cor respondence between Mr. Hamilton and Messrs. Monroe, Muhltnburgh and Venable, on the fub je& ef the documents aforefaid, and a (cries of let ters from James Reynolds and his wife to Mr. Ha milton, proving beyond the poflibility of a doubt, that the connexion between him and Reynolds, was the result of a daring confpiraey on the part of the latter and his associates to extort money. A discount of one third from the retail price wilYbe made in favor ot wholesale purchafcrs, for cash. Orders to be addrefled to Mr Youn«. AugvH 25. " DANCING. M*. tf Mm. B TRN E, Of the New Theatre, RESPECTFUL l 4 Y inform the Ladies and Gen tlemen of Philadelphia, that Mr. Bvrne's Academy will commence on the I ft, and t Mrs. Btkne's on the ad o£ December next, november ao» Wanted, to Hire, A Large and convenient HOUSE, in or near the centre of the city—for which a generous rent wfll be given; to be taken for a year, or on more for a longer term. Inquire of ths Printer. 17- * co "' PHILADELPHIA: TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 28, 1797. For Anifterdam, r4sr F A ER > J OHN M'Co-llom, Master ; WILL fail in a few days, the ,^:>^-*= ** i * part of her cargo being ready. For freight of fifty t»ns nf Coffee, orpaf %e, apply to the master on board, at Walnut ftreet wharf, or to JOHN SAVAGE. Who is Landing, out of the said Ship, from Bour deaur, and For Sale, Claret in hhds. White Wine in quarter calks Claret in cases, of a superior quality Fidntiniac, } Sauterne, > Wines in cases Lunille, ) Prunes in boxes november 24. $ For Liverpool, v~«e. The copper bottomed Ship Hamburg Packet, Captain Silas Swaik. A Large proportion of her u _£x cargo being ready to go on board, is expeAcd to fail on or about Sunday, the 3d of December. For Freight or Paflage, apply to the Captain on board, at Walmft-ftreet Wharf, 6r to PHILIP NICKLIN & Co. November a 2. § FOR LONDON, THE SHIP 1L I A M PENN, James Josiah, Master. THE ftitp is now taking on board her cargo, and will fail in all next week. For freight or pafTage apply to the captain, or to Jeffe sis Robert Wain. nov 11. For Liverpool, The Ship k&rk&L CLTH ° 1E R ' P 1 Nathaniel D. Gardner, mafler, fail about the 15th \ y inft. For freight or pas sage apply to the Captain, at Vanuxem's wharf, or to JAMES OLDDEN, nov. 3. dtf No 41, N. ¥ront-ftreet. For Londonderry, THE BRIGANTINE SUKET; William Whitte*. Master. A strong good velfel, about two hundred tons, to fail with all convenient speed, a great Ipart of h«r cargo engaged—now lying at Willing and Francis's wharf. For freight or pas sage, apply to the captain, or JOHN SKYRIN, LartJrrtkerg»f*» wharf Who wants to Charter. A Vessel of about three hundred tons. nov 18. § For Savannah, in Georgia, THE SHIP Sally Butler, Captain Chish>olm, ncw vessel, with excelleat accommodations for Sails on the ioth of December. For Freight or Paflage, apply to ROSS bJ* SIMSON. J Who have to difyofe of A final) invoice of GLAUBER SALTS INDIGO, and a parcel of HOLLY WOOD. November 18. § For Hamburgh. The Brig MARY, Peter York, master, I Lying at Ruffel's wharf, near Fine ) 'fyjft street, is now ready to take in a > Cargo, and will fail in wn days. For Freight, or Passage, apply to GURNEY & SMITH. November }/>■ dtf For Sale or Charter, GOOD hope, 'waraPGl Will carry about iaoo barrels,and is ready to take iif a cargo. For terms apply to Pragers C 3° Co. No. 151, bouth Second-street. Who have forfale—prime St. Croix Sugar and Rnm, Madeira, Lisbon, and Teneriffe wine. November 7. dtf. Wanted to Charter, To one port in Hifpaniola and back faft failing Vessel, of the bur then of 6 or 700 barrels. For terms, apply to Benjamin Mo*gan,No. 170, South Front street, or to ROBERT ANDREW'S, No. 86, South Wharves. nvuember 10. § For Charter, THE ship ■OAT John Bulkley, Samuel Volaris, Majler. lIS vessel is built of live oak an( j c cdar, of about 30C0 barrels burthen, and ready to receive on board a cargo. Jeffe Iff Robert Wain. oa. 31. L For Sale or Charter, The fall failing brig Brothers, Lying at Gurling's wharf, an excellent lingle deck'd vcfle], burthen about 1600 barrels —not twelve months old, and in compleat order. For terms apply to the master on board, or to Jojepb Antbiny Iff Co. nor, diw. By John Fennto, N O, iip Chejhut Street. the ship COM M ERG E, Captain Riciiard Wai3tcoat, From Liverpool is now discharging at Hamilton's wharf, near the Drawbridge, where owners of*gool 17 —4 W ROSS y SIMSON, HAVE FOR SALI, A few bales Baftas, CofTas, and a quantity of Bengal COTTON Bongal SUGAR, in bags and boxes Jamaica, "J St. Vincents, > RUM. • and Bengal j 300 calks RICE, snd A parcel of (hip building RED CEDAR. 06i. 27. § - Landing this day, From on board th« schooner Two Friends, Dan iel Crawley, Master, 80 hhds. and, T amaica RUM, ji pipes y J ' FOR SALE BY George Latimer iff Son. uovember 9. § For Sale, by the Package, For ca(h, or good notes at sixty or ninety days, VIZ. / Book and Jaconet Muslin* plain stripes, and Checks . Assorted in do. do. Tamboured uac t aee , do. Ladies handkerchiefs, & gentlemen's neck do- Jaconet chintz muslin for home and the Weft India market, Pullicote 2nd linen handkerchiefs, for do. do printed do. do. common purple and chintz (hawls. The above goods entitled to drawback on ex portation. Also a few fcotchcambricksand aa assortment of muslin by the piece. The whole of the above being a consignment from the manufacturers in Britain. To be seen at William Biackburn's Office, No. 64. South Sccend Street. Ns>v. 6. "wtf. Sale of aft elegant Country Seat AT AUCTION." On Wednesday evening next, the 29th inft. at the Merchant*' Coffee-houfe, WILL BE SOLD, AN ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT, contain ing 6 acres and 40 perches, with a neat two llory brick House and Kitchen thereon, an apple Orchard, &c. fituatc on the Iriih trad lane, in the township of Moyumenfing, about one mile from the city of Philadelphia. Further particulars will be made known upon application at the office of the Philadelphia Gazette, or at the Auction Room of the fubferiber. The improvements upon this place, for taste and elegance, Hand unrivalled. John Connelly, Autfr. November ag. dts A farm for sale, IN Perth Amboy in the state of New-Jersey, of four hundred at-res, including a proper proportion of meadow, of arable and wood land, and fait tnarlh : There is on the premises, a good apple orchard, and a variety of other fruit trees, it is well watered with spring? and brooks, it is beunded on two fides with navi gable waters and has a good mill lite, its situa tion is healthy and pleasant, commanding a view of the navigation of Perth Amb»y and its environs, and convenient to the fined fifli and oysters in their proper season, it abounds with naiura! manure from which, with the advanta ges of the fait marfli by applying the hay there from to the keeping of ltock, may at a small cxpenfe, be enriched to a great degree ar.d ren dered one of tfle firft grazing farms in the state , it is well calculated for a farmer or a gentle man's feat, having several eligible sites for building. This farm will be fold together or divided, at may suit a purchaser, at private sale, or if not fold, will be fe« up at public auc tion on Tuefclay the nineteenth day of Decem ber next, at the house of Robert Rattotne, inn keeper in Perth Amboy, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Any peri'on inelining to purchase may view the premises by application to John or Matthias Halted at Perth Amboy, from whom or from the Hon. Jonathan Dayton, Esq. speaker of the house of representatives of the United States now ill Philadelphia, from Mat thias kf r i/liamfon,j\iii. efq. «r Mr. Samuel Smith at Elizabeth-Town further infermation may be obtained, —and who are possessed of maps of the fame. Perth Amboy, Nov. 16, 1797. 15 —eodtlßD Yellow Fever and Pestilential Diseases. THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, in one vol. oftavo. By William YoungJ Boolfcller, No. 52, Second street, the corner of Chefnut street, (Price, in boards, 8 7 I % Cents) Neatly printed on fine American wove medium Paper, A V IEW Of the Science «f Life ; On the principles established in the elementi of Medicine, of the late celebrated JOHN BROWN.M.D. With an attempt so correfl some important er rors of that work, and cases in ill ufl rat ion, chief ly fele&ed from the records «f their pradlice, at the General Hospital at Calcutta, Br William Tatmi & Chm. Mkclean. To which is fubjeined, a Treatise 011 the aiSion of Mercury upon living bodies, and its applica tion lor the cure of diseases of indiredl debility Andadiffertation onthe sources of Epidtmicand- Peililentnldifeafes; in whichisattempted topreve by a numerous induction of fafls, that they ne ver aril'e from contagion, but are always produ ced by certain states, or certain vicifiitudes of the atmosphere, by Charles Maclfan, of Calcutta. Nov. ai. $ 121 To Gentlemen who intend /pending the Winter in the City. ROOMS to LET, WITH or without Board—at No. 114, corner of Sixth and Race Streets. The situation agreeable—and vicinity has been free from the late contagion. OA. 2" —d'f To be Sold, A Valuable Plantation, OF upwards of One Hundred Acres of Land, well watered, in a Jfealthy situation, about seven miles from this City ; the buildings may be made to accommodate a large family, at a mode rate cxpenfe, and polTeflion had in a few weeks. Part «f the purchase-money being paid, a reason able credit will be allowed for the remainder. Enquire of th« Printer, november 3 mwftf JuJl Publifbcd, and now Selling, By BENJAMIN DA VIES, At hit Bo«k-Storf, No. 68, High-Street, The AMERICAN REPOSITORY AND ANNUAL REGISTERfortbcUNirED STATES rOR THS V lAR 1798: Containing complete and correiS lifts of the Execu ' tive, I cgiflative and Judiciary DEPARTMENTS of GOVERNMENT, And a variety of ufeful tables, necessary to be known in every State of the Union. Embellifbed ivitb t"i'e bandfome Engravings, One of which is dcpiAive of a melancholy fceoe thfct occurred during the American war. oa. is. _■ lInDJ BTED to the Estate of Joseph John son, of Germantown, in the county of Phi ladelphia, deceased, are desired to make imme diate payment, and those who have any demands against laid estate, are desired to bring forward their accounts to either of the fubferibers. ELIZABETH JOHNSON,') JOHN JOHNSON, Jun. > AdminiftrV JOHN JOHNSON, } Germantown, 10th mo. 27th, 1797* Q&. 31. ft 3 t. FOR SALE, BY THE SUBSCRIBERS, Madeira Wine, firft quality, in pipes Madeira Wine, New-York quality, in pipes Lisbon WINE, in pipes ' importation, in boxes Spanith Wool, in Bales, fuitafcle for Hatters. , Witlings iff Francis, Penn-ftrclt, No. ai. Nov. 1. "• w&stf BEEF. Prime Beef, fit for India voyages, for fate by WILLIAM SHEAFF, No. 16R, High-street. Also, about fifteen hundredweight ofljees- Wax. Nov. T797. dtf. I HOMAS R ANDALL, PRESENTS hi 6 refpeits to hi* Friends, and the Public in general, -informs them that he has vpened an Office, at his house, No. 88, Spruce street, for the purpoj* ©f tranfa&ing business in the line of Commifiion and Agency, coTle&ing rentsand out standing claims in any part of the United Stares,— He flattershimfelf, that from his long residence in this country and a general knowledge of it, hisfer cices will be found worthy the no ice of those who may please to confide to him the manage. went of any of their concerns. N- B. Security given where required. t ith mo 24 3tawtf as* St. Andrews' Society. rHE Members of St. Andrews' Society, will pleaf# to take notice, that as their Anniver sary happens this year on a Fast Day, to be observ ed by an order of the Synod of Philadelphia, to which community many of thr members belong ; it is therefore judged proper to defer the Celebra tion thereof, until Friday, the firlt of ©ecenibcr. at o'EJlers' Hotel. The members are requeftetj to Apply Prime Coffee 646 bags J Willings &f Francis. oa. 28. § For Sale by the Subscribers, Prime Rice in iwhole and half tierces Boui deaux Brandy Tenerijfe Wine Molajj'es Georgia end Carolina Indigo Raitns Duck and one bogfbead ps faiit brujhes. N. Cs* y. Frazer. AY jj, Stnti Front Street. Nov- 1• dim. [Volume XII