Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, November 23, 1797, Image 2

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    " RV,ON"nci:LIGENCb. j££
iv> ''72 XiSfc" !Ks«
the subsi quint exphfion of the ] Wo^,ilS
It appears that the volcano bad bun m a mo,I ,
violent fermentation previous to that event.] „ Rc
FRANCE. Kcvo'tut
Sitting of Augull, 3°- , , rors u i,
lStvr.irdi, in the name of the committee o
«Vic mfiruaion, made a report on tHt cc e- Nat
it ion of the ift Vendemaire of the 6th yea. , , (
the annivrrfary of the foundation | f, iat ar;
ii t . He moved, that o* that day the
of both councils fhaUmakea pec p dare t<
events so fortunate and so glorious. The fpeeeh £
of Bernardi was ordered to be printed. « M
DEBATE. ON the „ j t
j;; rke(
—Theri is fold, »t the door, of .he CD V ; r ,
l-rrell,' a p»Ai?Hlct mtitulcil» D*d*rauan to
,ny Cc,,jntw*ts, and WfnM lumM
Wof l he Council ps Five Hundred. lon tlonill
i r ,«„t > cin scarcely uerfuade myfclf that one ,), e [ t;
of our cvlleague* could proceed to fach excefks. yoßrn
Yon nuy judge of the nature of this pamphlet , empt
,n * tribu "p frol ? P" nift
W'.ichliberty is totally b.aniihed It is to trench upon i
r, y?«s to the whole nation, that I speak. I ven a
SSCt cp«c«l my sentiment. ; 1 (hall pub lift meafu
"r •1 , , fear With whatsoever compLi- the au
'r r/' Si". -** •» *55 8
rTartL <ns, may proceed to the tribune, boast of rh.
In,r. jo'l-.ce Snd »nd y
„f t v, e t which they fry a. e daily rtter
ed arr. nlk the body, " W "i* nounc
Counci of hundred, it M notorious thai
th- ' '.fl.itivf body, and particularly the C out -
S-ffcle<* held ««£ f J They
the enli ■ httned piind., not only whet
of Europe. It .is known, however, that there Cmil .
»,e in both Council! some honourable excepti- t , nce
r thing
What was our fitpation before the.firft of o{ th
N Prairial—that is to fay before the arrival of .he du la
New Third- and what is it. now ? It is noton- i, ut ,
ou'Tand all France will .ttrft it, that before ..
theVirft of Prai'rlal, our fituauort was every day Jean
the WW.OI rr« ' w hich seemed dai- •• Tl
!rsl««.J-r' i T;: if
which -pp-ired so near to in that it could no
efeape.Covered with glory id the ey». of a can.
'v naUonf| the posver, most determined
foliclttdpeace; commerce feemedto relume its
■routed aflivity ; foreigners "ring' M '
their confidence in our government, by bring
in K their catuals into France ; the public funds q
had risen to a height which exceededourmoft
sanguine hopes ; national property w« eagerLy
pnrchafed. Scarcely, however, had the fir# of
Prairial, the hirbingtf of [Gr,
revolutionary plans, arrived, when the pu l ic A
fund, fell almost to no value ; foreigners w th- M3[
drew their capitals, and trade every f
t iuflr- '; the tribunals In general teftified the t
raoS revolting partiality ; public admimltrators tril)
n.flefled their duty ; the oegociation. tar peace /
assumed a languid and tedious charadler , the t nh
envies of the republic difjfcyed th.mfelve, «
with audacity, ahd"diflVobled not their hopes f cy<
the national property «' despised, aod.its pur- by
' chafers profcrihed—Public «ra*q\nli'y » "owe- )
y^ rw -rJh're difteibed ; perfonallafcfy .. endan- j »
Et red • a cruel incertitude, whisk every
day increafcs, has taken poi.iffion of ev.ry
W'haf name can be gi,.-» to thofc men who ,
>ave lu'l the impudence to excule in ,he Tl>'l
- nnsl, revolt and alTaffinat.on »nd-ho
have even given the fijnal for confofiorl and
carnage? Infamous-men! all who ha'ire
their aid to ? f -MMh ihe repuhl.e, ,
fuffered for it, they have outlawed. I "/* vie * lib
ing the accounts of their fitting., doesl there p- pi ,
pear a word whicK is not a c.use of a.arm to re- r( .,
. publicans ?Is there a word ,«^ d X J
. ford erconragemen? to royalty ? Of ail the Uw,
and t»l=ns.of liw»; which have been proposed j fll i
and fug<-cfted brthefe conspirator., there is not 1 t ,„
one wh?rh does not eithei dtreflly attack the qu
conllituUon, or tend to deftroyit. fP ,r " and,t ' 1,0
for-e I need not repeat what is generally
known —The c«. duil of the romrrnUee of si- th
nance,-the recall QS the emigrants of the Lower
Rhine, of Toulon, and of the Western Depart
ments, are so m.-ny violations, as »
criminal, of the conftitutianal afl. The recall J
n f the tranfportod priests is another atil, wmch
accords wiUi iht spirit of the conft.tuti- m
01s nor with the powers whieh it gives to the V
,r « fl H^ e the°d!ftaffiou on the liberty of worfnp h ;
a libertv which was eftaMMhed before th. am- r
val of of the new third, and *h!ch was d
difpoftd to attack, *uy otner '°"P e ' j
rate, m the Republic a great movement aga.nft tl
L Republitfind it. inflation.? l a
uy. other effect ? O ftame of human kind ! Let e
those lp echi s that are daily uttered, and which #
breathe the ieotiments of the fifteenth century,
be' read, in v.hich the fpenkers have dared to
advance that all must be eflablifneJ which has
bern abolilhed by the nation—those speeches
which have transformed the Gouncil of Jive «
Hundred into a Council of Bigot,, "nd rencered
them the deriHon «t ,Europe -Let those fpeeeh- ,
rs be read, which paint vengeance and affilnna- ,
tion as something very natural, -md wh.c.-have (
transformed the Council of Five Hundred into
an Arena of Cannibals. Let those cr.eoffury
be remembtred which have been direfled a
g-ainft the men who hive had the courage to ,
freak of prefervlng the .-public, of
focal order, and of the executing the laws f«r
the protcilib of perfons.-Le those writings be
perused which daily preach up Counter Revolu-
Ln and death to RepuUicans.-Let it be re
collefle'd by whom they boafl to be protcflio
and difTeminated —And every one #l.l be con
vinced that Royalty, infamous has its
agents in the Leg'.AatQrc 1 The Traitor, fit
t!l " The Republicans complain wiih bitternds,
they are every where proscribed, under the
appellation of Jacobins and AnarchifU.
«' Some troops were put in motion. Ihe
' Conspirator. (for crimina. s fomctimes tremb e)
felt that they wanted an armed force. 1 hey ir
ritated the Citizens agamft th* SoU.ier.; an.,
they created a force, the ot jeA of yfh'ch cannof
be dfii'hted. Brave Grenadiers defended the
Republicans on the 13th Vendemaire*. feme
Grenadiers also defended the throne on the 10 1.
ofAuguft. Measures have been taken to dis
miss the former, and to re.nftate the latter, rh if
is the execution of the plan ot the Agents
Royalty. The Gendermarie ftdl offered a gua
rantee against the affafTißation ol Republicans.
Thcv were diffolvcd, and their new
L combined, that no Officer who h" fcrved n
the Revolution can be admitted. Ih » too is
he phP of the agents of Royalty. The report
of the crimes of the Conspirators at last reached
our armies. Their indignation soon hurst forth
It was impudently proposed to declarethem cri
minal; but this was not yet quite convcmen.,
and thev are pardoned for this time. Frave ar
miesl humble yourselves I you have been par
doned; but if you trespass again, you w
tain'y be decimated—your genertju. battalions
'• will be difto'v -d. Brave S-'Vii'i's ! yots-esjica- of llie it
led to eujuy the Laurels of .viilo'rv—rciurw to 0 f :lufe
your homes, a«d you will find tint thtre If, pro- () ' ia;is ? '
1 vided for you," contempt, insult, aud death.— ' |. ; 3 r
j Enquire of your co Made*, whom uenonrjb.e [
j woutuli have recvlled totluir fairitlies, how they noir.u <u
! have been treated. . ot ti.o e
" Repuhlic.iis! it is propo'fe 1 tf> create j | arc thoU
' Fauquier TiUville to perleciite you, and a ; have'lof
! Revo'iutionsry Tribunal to judge you. ! jhoft to
" How criirunal, huw ho'l ibje a e the men t j le ma f[
who have prepared and inftij.ated the new hor- r
r . rors which I have described I ' ,*
1 " Brave Warriors, ltejrublieens, Burcliaiets trouc v..
" !of -National Domains, fa thful Funii>ionarie», tion.
' ' good Citizens, in th< name of the Eumflions ing deft
s I that are eutrufted to me, in the name of the du- ments,
, ties that the Nation has imposed upon me, 1 de- tQ
h clare to you—yos a-s betrayed " Theva
fSivntd) "BWLLETJL, 1 n f\^
" Member of the Council of Hundred " £ " rlL
« It is of importance to ascertain, whether this pity »n
paper really proceeds from tho pen of him wl o is the soli
marked out as its author ?Itis of importance to £ || war
IC enquire, wfcethct a repref ntative of the people is r>j r ; n cr
ro at liberty to diffufa so much of the poilon cf ca ■
lumny againA h's colkaQ,uc», and the whole pa-
I 1" tlonal renref;ntation ? This is a manifctlo against nave m
,e the Ugifiative K.dy. Who will r«f|i«a yo V , ii. their fj
:i - your members set the people an example of con- t >, v
ct tempt ? You owe ito yoor Own dignity to lnfliit Rev y er
upon the writer of this pamphle- ao exemplary
m punilhment- I move that this address, whith I lay
:h up-n the table, be ritfered to a committee of fe- ploits
I ven, which lhall b« direfled to propose to you tk« during
ifh measures of police which ought to be taken against qp ? w<
s i- the author-" ( were t
;ie Sume members—■" Agreed." Dar t a
of The printing of Dupiat's fpeeeh was-moveo. f . .
,j n Hardy.—" There exists in the republic a sac- gaintt
, r _ tion which would usurp every power. Its exsf- means
be tense was doubted when the intrepid Lonvet de- t h<
nounced it at the tribune of the convention. Ro- j r
befpifCTe then had the majority of that assembly ,
' on his fide ; Bailleul then voted with Louvet ' 1
, a They were* both proscribed. 1 (hall not examine i hey
whether we do not now find ourfelvct exactly in a wilh t
cre fimilarfituation, Every thing announce* thw exiT- n g w
tince of a royal and anarchical faAion. Every
thing appeats to be tending to promote the view^
of of this faction, and to overthrow the republic. I I,c
the dc. lart, for my part, that I am entirely of Bnl- not b
ori- leuPs opinion.** * Ciplei
ore « n< i j also," exclaimedTallien, Benta.w le. eglyn
day Jean de Brie, Tons de Verdun, and several others m j
dai- •' There exists in'thithouf. a roya'.ift confpuacy. £
iiefs —fMurmurs.] v ? ,
not Tilien—" 1 deelare it to *ll Frame— ropub.i- b'ldy
all cans cannot express their opinions freely inthi«tr.- weak
ft us hunal without infolted." its to
e its "It is true," exclaimed a number of voters. w ;f e
[Ufy " Let Tallien be silenced I Down with him!—
in J. (A has) ciied several others-
A call of order from all fides. *'?'
a Great agitation appeared in the tribute A it I ill l
" 1 member who was there uled the term Briy<l. And
1 y f Jean de Brie darted from his place, and point-
°, ed out a the author of the inluit.—
[Great agitation.] •
1 !"' c Andre protcfted to his colleagues, thattheyoung tion.
man had not used the word Brigand. .that
lan - fean de Brie—" I heard it-" soldi
I the Here the tumult became more violent in the j
ltors tribune. | UVI
icac. j\ metTcDger deGred she members to leave the
the tribune. , f ~ ar ™
elves <• A black collar has g«t inr:o the tribnne, laid a nd
pes, several membel 4 —" The diiluibaacc is occasioned "pj,,
pur- I by htm," Jtal
IW <•- Eellegar'de, "PSot de Verdun, and feme other
idan- ' members, wi re for bavins 'h® person with the
vrrv ' Hffi '"ttar taken into w,:l
, ycr ' Cadroy—'* / ouid you insult him becaufc he —t
. wears a black soiUr ? ' the
who Andre'de h L-ste, and WiUot—'' Wc also
wear black collar'" . '
V The tumult Increaftid. Separate altercauons °ti|
" t<ro k place in ever, corner the hall. The Pre- refl
, fident put on hi, hat, snd order wasfomewhat t h a
', I;nt eflahliHied. not
have Hardy continited—" I Repeat it : There is no
viev " libcitjs of fpeeeh here « you have fufferedl to I e
" e a P- proposed to you, after a perfidious and fallacious
tore- JeTort, the establishment «f a Counter-revolution- Ita
at as- ar y tribunal in paris ; and it is still under difculT- cO ,
Slaws jeh, whether this outrage (hall be given to the con- p r ,
posed I Hiiution after so many others.—You would havo
is not 1 ,!,e Snccre republican carried before a Royal Fou
k the ouier linville.—Yes! there exists a royalifl.fac- nil
nd its tion in thisalTembly There are traitors amongst us res
crally Andre, and Job Amy—" Name them I Name m
of si- them !" an
vower Hardy. " I (hall name them when th« C r;
c P irl " proper period arrives—when their confpira- wl
'recall cy is ckvcloped.—{Di/lurbance.)—'They ed
which would subvert the government, that they mi
ftituti- might advince themfelve. and their friends. „c
to the With regard to 'the question befsre us, I n e
claim for Bailleul the liberty of publishing w
j,i. sentiment. in the manner he has done.— at
* irrl " Dare you violate th. liberty of the pref. ? I hs
rn one' da not oppose the printing of Duprat's «no- V e
against tion. You have ordered <» ma«y dangerous h(
had a- and ufelefa speeches to be printed, that the a l
1! Let evil i« beyond all remedy ; but I oppose the y,
which appointment of a committee. Do you wi(h rt
mur V' to know what the public will think of this e i
r 'V" committee? I wiU tell you, though it is h
leeches not yet formed. It ii, that the dec.l.on ,s n
of Five made the moment the members ailcmble.— I
•ndertd They are all of one opinion, and that opi- t(
fpeeeh- n i o n is well known. Fifteen hundred com- t l
(Tafiina- m j ttefg Br e formed *f 130 members, and the n
cb have fentilßentl 0 f these priviledged members are
' nto perfedly well understood. We know what e
?LaZ refolutionstheywill propose langbefore they v
rage to ascend the tribune, (f«W murmur,.) I k
itaining move the Order of the day. t
laws for Dumffard—" Acomplainthas been made c
tings be j n th ; s Tribune, of the want of liberty in a
Re ; olu this afiembly. The Speaker has been heard r
rottAed to an e»d. I require no other proof of your r
be con- tolerance' and of your patience. It isppos t
, has its fible that a member fhcsuid speak, not only t
itor. fit with vehemence, but wi}h the moll m.uhing j t
audacity, against the majority of an ]
tternds, b , t0 w hich the greatest refpedt is due tA t
iider the f countC r-revolution has been de- j
. The nounced to you ! Yes, there exists such a ;
remble) system ! Miserable men, whom no expert- ,
'i hey ir- encc can cure, may still wish for the ancient :
rs; and re gimen.—That some, as contemptible tor ,
h cannot f u Hy as their want of resources, may
ided the w[(h t<J e n a bli(h the Throne, I doubt not ;
Vi f /Z but that these persons fhonld be confide, ed
n tod f- a powerful and menacing fafl.on
tier.This we ought to dread, is what I cannot con
gents of ceive. Is there not a plan to miilead us ?
ed a gua- j 8 ; t no t probable that this clamour is raittd I
üblicans. to vc il the real and only royal ift faflion we ,
< ! rn,4 ' i °" have to fear—the party of Orleans ? I
served in (| „ yj t not be to t he manoeuvres 01
he re'port this party that «e fhottld attribute this '
I reached continued fyftetr of calumny agamft the .
irft forth Wiflative body, of defamation against it*
them cri- members, those efforts to cunanic the ar- ;
nveniont, mief , an( j t0 stimulate them to turn their j
rrave -"- viftorious arms against their country j a-|
rwillfer' gainlt their fathers, their brothers, their j
J lion, children, who compofc the national guard .
of the interior ? are the authors that no a
of these liftfe' intrigues— cj tliefe horrid f.jiounces.
plans ? They are ihofe whose deep and re- j medium
pose is continually interrupted by the moll ) fame me;
horrid and bloody fpeAres—by t'«e fliades * cy ; and
of tl'.ofe whom th«y have massacred. They j ufeiefs.
are those vsHiom remorse tortures, and who < tionaty f
1 have'lofl all hopes of pardon. i. hey ar* fion amo
' those to whom the terrific recollection- of the revol
the mafTacres of September will not allow friends c
repose, and whojwifli to bury their own lirous oJ
, troubles in an universal disorder and defola- publiear
, tion. They are those who have run, spread- Whatey
' ing deftruftinn throughout all the depart- no faifb
" ments, and who have cauftd so mu» h blood march i
" to flow under the axe of the guillotine, ficed;
They are those who, gorged with rapine, remorse
. enriched by tbi fpdto of their vi&ims, dif- pulse of
s phy an i'lfolent aWd fhameful luxury,, whilil lalli
is the soldiers of the country are in the great- cil to f:
0 eft want, wbilft the llogkholders are ex- felf. [
■® piring with misery, whilst the bofpitals re- veral.]
main without funds. They arc those who couucil
ft bave made the revolution merely fubjeci to be cont
ii their fpeeulations and ambition. They are perfion
tho.e whose former offences excite them to which (
new crimes. They are extremely anxious much 1
\ that our brave arm'es, whose brilliant ex- er, in t
«- ploits alone supported the national honour ality-a;
during their infamous tyranny in the inter j- Mie
or, were partakers of their crimes, as if they, ,T
were to ereft, by their own force, a ram- with t
part against tlieir own conscience, and a- citiren
IC , gainst the general hatred. They use every being
tf- means to deceive tbe direftoi jf; who would delibei
ic- be the firft objea of their attack, because not de
iris the constitution and the government » Iha
' they are anxious to,overturn and deflroy. verbal
ine They caress them to affafiinate tbem. They, (hould
wish to mislead the public mind, by colour- .
lif " ing with royalifm whatever shade of differ- witho
;r!r ence there might exist. in our opinions. c
Frenchmen, judge of your reprefentntives, Oilea
til- not by vain declamation, but by their prin- them
ciples of morality. Behold who are your
calumniators, and who we are. Some men, hone,
er :, misguided by tW love for the puhlic good, procu
T ' 9 omplain of the weakness of the legislative Mani
b!i- body—Well ! I regard this pretended as a I
trs- weakness as its true force ; it is a proof of on th
its love for ptaee. Let it continue to make tee,c
wife laws and the members of the gov- Aden
eminent, riotwithftanding the folicita- B r,ci
tipns of the wicked and malevolent who the
A stimulate them, will support each other. mciiE
And permit me since they have here furnifh
ed me with the opportunity, to juflify my- the"
felf from an execrable and horrid imputa-j the i
,ung tion. They have every where reported that ■ D
.that I had applauded the mafTacre of our i }
soldiers at Verona, and you approved this lutic
the impious and abominable sentiment. They forti
the have said, that I had denounced the brave com
army of Italy and its illustrious general, bavi
said and that you had displayed the fame hatred, tect
oaed The motion that I made on the affairs of Ha'
Italy—all those who have heard it, know it, er a
ii the potwithftanding the odious conftruClions ing
whis'h some persons have, fought to give it I n
"e he —this motion, I fay, was only relative to dou
the official correspondence, to the conftitu- the
a tiwial coramunicatipn, which txifls, or the
[•inn, ought to cv.rft, between the executive di- cur
Pre- reftory apd ;he legislative body. I said at but
:what that time, and I repeat it, that war could iho
not be declared, that a treaty could not be cin
,s "J° concluded, without your participation.' wa;
Iciou! Most certainly, the general of the army of out
tit ion- I Italy a&ed very properly in profiting of a ma
ifcuiT- conftituticnnl article, when the blood of bra
t con- p renc hneii was made to flow, to take a just Bu
1 Kou' vengeance. Should I then have blamed
iftfac". him, I, who, as soon as his mauifefto, ter
gftus! reached us, exerted my voice to the utmoll |b<
Name in approbation of his courageous conduft, jly
and which speech you, as it were, confe- o
n th' crated, by ordering it to be printed ? And j lea
fpira- who more than my felf and you have render- tir
They e d justice to our vi£lorious armies ! How lie
tbey many times, on my propoling it, have you mi
iends. not decreed the glorious testimony ? Behold, th
us, I nevertheless, how they accuse us—under th
ilhing what vain and futile pretexts they calumni- pt
me.— ate. us. Representatives of the people, Ito
:fs ? I have perhaps with too much warmth and re
's«no- vehemence repelled the injuries which they I
jerous have heaped upon us, but I have not been m
iat the able to restrain my indignation, and I owe nt
afe the you a free declaration of my fentimcnts, I in
iu wish return to the queflion. I agree on the lib- fc
jf this erty of opinion, to the principles 1
1 it is fyy Hardy ; the forming of a com- ti
ifion is mission ; but I move, when our colleague, tr
ble.— Bailleul, shall return, that he be fummoaed a
it opi- to this tribune, to declare if he be the au -
i com- thor of the pamphlet which you have de- 01
md the nounced ; which I cannot believe. 11
>ers are Thihaudeau —" If I were aware of the
v what existence any faAion or fadious persons
re they within this assembly, I would denounce them
•f.) I by name at this
to fay, that he is' a coward who wouid a£l n
n made otberwife. ,It i 3 not by vague accusation f
erty in »gai{ift the majority that the minority will e
n heard recover their influence ; it is not by recrimi- 1'
of your nation againfl the minority that the roajori- 1
is pof- ty will repel fueh attacks. Put an eud to
lot only this difcufiion, by which neither theroyalifls,
lfulting | nor the partisans of Robtfpierre can be either
i affem- punished or torrefied. It is by the laws
ue? A that we should judge of the legislative body: 1
>een de- it is the nation who (hould judge them. <
such a But, in speaking of a royalist conspiracy, I
experi- they bave accused me, lam a man, and as
ancient such, alive to every injury, and desirous of !
ible for repelling them. , They have spoken of a fal
ls, may laciotos anij infamouj. report, at the conclu
bt not ; fion of which I had proposed the cftablifh-'
nfidered ment of a rfcwputio/isry tribunal: however ,
i which confcioM lamof my innocence, I have con
riot con- fidered myfelfi as alraofl convifted of having
lead us ? made tbe horrible proposition, when I find
!s raised ■ myfelf accuftd by men so verfewin the bufi- I
Jtion we |,nefßof revolutionary tribunals. —:( /i laugh.)
I I have bow only to fay, that if I have pcr
uvres of , million tp speak in this difcufiion, I hope to
ute tliis prove that rfy plans contain nothing but
ainlt the . what is conft/tutional and necefiar);; and 1
jainft its declare, that if in my report, there be apv
; the ar- thing perfidious or fallacious, it belongs to
irn their me, it is I who am responsible for it 5 and
ntry j a- whatever it contains that is good or praiie
ts, their worthy, is the produftion of the whole com
ial guard mittee, As to what cencerns B*ill:eul, I
that noatter.tfon can fee paid to it: lie ™ e . .
.nounces a royalist conspiracy throtigh the vicinity
medium of tfce preft : one might, by the place t
fame means, denounce a contrary confpira- now cit
ey ; and that perhaps will not be entirely cation:
i ufe'efs. If there if- exist a counter-revolu- pro mil'
! tionaty faction, it is,that which sows dm- The
! fion amongst the fir ft and the boft friends of war rai
the revolution ; it is that which divides the bers w
friends of the republic, it is that which is de- ing tht
firous of promoting the deftru£tion of re-
publicans by the hands of republicans.— infurre
Whatever party may triumph, I will be of was t<
no faftion ; the conqueror will not fee me but th
march under hi, ilandard. I (ball -be' facri- ordere(
ficed ; I know it j 'but I shall die without march,
remorse ; I fcall only have followed the ira- which
pulse of my coufcienee." —-( ripplaufc). of l ' ie
Tallica—" I ask permission of the coun- Turke
cil to fay a few words . with refpeft to my- er to t
fclf. [" Tbe order of the day," cried fe- as the
veral.] It is a matter which concerns the fideral
couucil, that one of its members should not the dil
be continually the vi&ipi of the most foul as- Gn
perfions. I am ignorant of the motives place
which can induce them to attack me with so urn is
i much bitterness and :nve£tive. I have nev- as it \
• er, in tlWs tribune, made use of any person- of Jo:
r ality-againft my colleagues." (
Madier—" Against me." Tl
Tallien—" lam continually reproached ed th
- with tbe maflacres of September. Know, dor o
. citizens representatives, that at that peripd, burgl
being secretary of the commune, having no impo
deliberative voice in the council, I dared ntcef
e not denounce there that hoi rid butchery . and«
t if I had not been censured in the process- ferva
r. verbal, and sent hWk again to my bureau, I defti
y (hould have perished the vi£tim of afTaflins. confi
r- At that disastrous epoch, without orders, set o
r- without any official character, I pursued pleni
s. those furious wretches who were gone to
s, Orleans to seek new viftims ; I harrangued R
a- then* at Lanjumeau ; I endeavoured to the i
jr make them return ; I was thrown from my Em]
n, horse, and in danger of losing my life. Made com
d, procurer of the commune, in the r.bfence of offic
ve Manuel, I defended Chenier, denounced pe£\
ed as a Moderc. I ordered the seals to be pat fort
of on the papers of an infurrcftionil commit- upo
ke tee,of which the atrocious Marat was pre-1 fine
, v . fident. I saved the lives of Madame St. witl
:a- Brice and Madame de Tourzel: I went to kno
ho the prisons, though under the most horrid witl
er. menaces ; and those who were confined Edj
(h- there, owe to me their liberty, and perhaps 1
iy. I their life : A member of this council was of j
ta- the uumber of those whom 1 releafcd." I
iat ] Debonnicres —" latteft the faft—lt is I. J
Mr i Tallien. -"lam aecufed of having revo
his lutionized Bourdeaux. If I have not bees
ley fortunate enough to save this important I
avc commune from all the revolutionary horrors, j
jal," have I not H ewnthe greattft courage in pro- j
•ed! testing the unfortunate Perrin Granval ? |
s of Have I not been denounced as the support- I
r it, er and partizan of modcratum, for not hav- J
ions ing destroyed the commerce of this town ? j
eit I might have committed some errors, no J
; to doubt ; I fflight have been hurried away by I
jtn- tbe ardour of some principles ; ,1 might, in j
or the National Convention, perhaps, have con-1
di- curred»in the death of some real patriots ;
dat but such was our fate, that Republicans j
nuld (hould die by the hands of Republicans ; a I (
tbe circumltance much to be deplored, but al-
tion.' ways attendant on great revolutions. With- I
y of out doubt, I have much to expiate ; and j
of a mure than any other person does the remem- I
d of brance of the past affeft and torment me.
i just But why do men who fat by the fide of Ro- j
imcd befpierre—why do men who praised and flat- I
Ifefto tered him in their writings, attribute to me
mod the crime of an error of which they equal-
lu£t, ' ly partook ? Have we not then done enough 1
onfe- i of mifchief ? Is it not time that we should
And j leave off calumuiating each other, and ex
nder-' tinguifh every passion but that for the pub- j '
How lie weal ? I solemnly declare, I never per
. y OU mitted any denunciation, any accusation I
hold, that was not indispensable, and on which j
under tbe fafety, nay the fate of the Republic de-1 ;
,imni- pended. Is it necefTary that I fbojld reply
>le, I to what has been said of my luxury > The
i and realfcftis, I pofTefs nothing, not a sous. I
they I bave the misfortune to be married to a wo- =
t been man who his a large property ; but I have
owe nothing of my own—l have no fear of be- I
iitß, I ingcontradifted. If it were necefiary once I
ic lib- for all, to reply to the calumnies with which |
opted>jl am overwhelmed, this is, I hope the last I _
i com- time I shall have occasion to appear In this I'
rague, tribune, to oscupy your time in fpeakingof ;
neaed my fclf. -■ I ,
,e au- The Council closed tbe difcufiion. The
vc de- order of the day was adopted, on the print- J
ing of the speech of Duprat.
icrfonl FRANCKFOIIT, Sept. g. ■
■ them Last night arrived here the lady of gen.
ite not Hoche with her filler, and gen. Dcbclle the
ild a£l husband of the latter. Gen. Hoche him
ifation felf arrived here this morning. The form
v will er favored us with printed copies of the fol
•crimi- lowing official dispatch which a courier
iiajori- brought yesterday to gen. Hoche.
el ,d to Paris, 18th Frudidor (Sept. 4)
yalifts, in the afternoon.
■ either " Last night the troops gave the iignal
le laws for combat ; the exasperated inhabitants of
body* the fuburba were in arms.. The infpeftois
icm.— of the hall, were arretted, and secured in the
piracy, temple. Not a drop of blood was spilt;
and as 250 deputies afTemblcd in the hall of the
ous of Odeou, and at this very moment the deliber
>f a sal- htions commenced. The grenadiers ofl|ie
conclu- legislative body and the corps of vetcrlns
f invalids) are now filing off before tbe exec
owever utive direftory, and return thanks to it for
ve con- having saved the republic. Cartfotr has
■having made his escape during the night ; Barthel
n I find emy concealed himfelf in his lodgings. Ihe
he bufi- conspirators gnash their teeth with rage, and
laurh.) the republic itands triumphant."
15 v 'P. Barras.
ive per- ....
hope to The general in chief of tht army
ling but of Sambre and Meufe. _ ' „
• and 1 The republican troops exprefied the molt
•'be auv lively jov at this intelligence, and repeatedly
iongs to lbouted, the republic forever! lofig Uve
it ; and Hoche !
oie"com- VIENNA, September 6.
illieul I Gen .'Buonaparte was not at U dine bj r
tlie 28th of lad /south biU &e it ».-d in its
vicinity at the castle of Pafleriarw, .at which
place the imperial plenipotentiaries havealf®
now established their The nego
ciations are faft drawingtoa conclusion, and
promise the moll happy result.
The contradictory reports of peace and
war mutt be chiefly afcribcdto the ftockjcA
bers who by this means succeeded in mak- V
ing the funds alternately rife and fall.
Accounts from Hungary state, that the
infurreftion army [the Hungarian militia]
was to leave their camp to be diflaanded
but that all the men belonging thereto were
ordered to keep in readiness to
in cafe of necefiity, to the place to
which they shall be directed. The militia
of the counties situated in the vici,nity of
Turkey, have received orders to draw near
er to the Turkish frontiers, partly, it is fafd,
.is the number of life frontier troops is con-
Ifidcrably decreased, and partly becaufc of
thcdiltempers prevailing in Turkey.
Great changes are expected soon to take . -
place in our administration. The dire&ori
um is to be suppressed, and the old system so
as it was at the commencement of the reign
of Joseph 11. will be rr-eftabli(hed.
September 13.
The public was several weeks ago inform
ed that Count de CobeifUtl, late ambaffa
, dor of his imp-rial majesty at St. Peters
, burgh, had been appointed to a poll of great
) importance. He ordered every preparation
1 nifceflary for a long journey, to be made,
and eDgaged four cooks and a number of
- servants to attend him ; but the place of his
I destination remained unknown. It is now
confidently asserted that he will in a few days
1, set off for Paris, as his majesty's minister
J plenipotentiary near the French republic,
o ' September 16.
d Reports were circulated this day, that
o the definitive treaty of peace between the
y Emperor and the French republic had been
le concluded ; but this event has not yet been
jf officially n;adc known. It is however, ex
■d pe£ted that the matter will in less than a
3t fortnight be fettled. Yet much depends
t- upon the iffue'of the negoeiatioa at Lisle,
e-1 since our cabinet (lands yet in connection
it. with that of England. It is very well
to know* that France wishes to make peace
id I with us, and to continue the contest with
ed j England alone.
° j 7'retn/Ltrd for the Gazette of the U. States,
„ I From Hamburgh Papei*.
'°* j COPENHAGEN, September 19.
The corsairs of Tripoli, which has declar
,:lt I ed war against the king of Sweden, have al-
I ready taken tkree Swedi(h (hips.
ro " j Letters from Tunis of the 17th July,
j state that the plague has broken out there.
)rt ' I A dragoman of the Danish consulate was a
'aVj I mong the firft vitlisns. 500 Moors have
" * j already fallen viftims to the peftilcace.
b . y v HAMBURGH, Sept. 23.
'J On the nth September the dire£tory
J proposed, in a message, that the emigrants
U ' I who were fhipwrtcked -some time ago, at
" 1 " S j Calais, (hould be transported to a neutral
y I to-rritory. The message was referred to a
j I commiflion.
and PARIS, September 16.
The erdinary expences for the (nh year
p V " amount to 616 millions. Among the rev
gj," "I enues to defray the fame, are noticed, 10
millions contributions of conquered coun
\u\ I tr ' es ' 'S m 'N' ons Batavian refcriptions, &c.
U The iournals are in future to pay aft amp
ouid duty «f,fol per Alert.
The former national lottery of France is
pub ! a ff a ' D t0 re -eftatliflied.
I HAGUE, September 19.
V-°" I A kind of revolution lias broken out in
' de' I a P art t ' le cx ® ert * le 2d battal-
C , , e J ion of the 7th demi-brigade, and a part of
r ,"p, •' I the 2d brigade'has been uddenly debarked.
1C I The i.ft and 3d battalions of the 7th bri-
J ' I gade, were also turned over to the frigates
v „ j and cutters. Admiral de Winter ordered
f be* l^e officers of these battalions, 6n board his
' C I ship, and offered them the alternative of pro
vh'ich 1 " ed ' n S to tbe Weft-Indies, or of giving up
* J a jj j their co:nmiffioiis. Thereupon the officers
j a iked whether there was any ord-tr for their
' f fgoing to the Weft-Indies, and declared that
lif there was, they would obey it. Upon
I which he (hewed them the order, and direc
•„t ~ 1 ted them to explain it to the troops under „
P"" j their command. The coloael went iaimedi-
I ately on board one of the (hips in which
j were 2 companies ; foarce had he begun to
en I sp ea k l ' ,e departure to the Weft-Indies,
w^en the f°W'«r» 6"** t ' ,eir bayonets, and".
, I accused the colonel llrongly as the leader in
form- the whole business. In consequence both
ie sol- companies were immediately set athore, and
ourier a battalion of cKaffeiirs, previously prepared,
with loaded riflts, immediately disarmed
t , \ them. Six of the number, who were ob
' served the moit forward and infolrnf, were
j arretted and threa' :ned with immediate exe
in ' t f 0 f cution, which had .happened to two already,
3e<ftors ft' s not known what took place with tlw;
• n t j ic reft of these two battalions on board the Or
fp jl t . ther (hips.
of the Our minister resident atParre, Mjyer
leliber- ment'o ns > thal so g rea s was tlle confidence
, entertained abroad, of the good success of a
eterans counter-revolution in that letters had
e'exec- been received at Frankfort, directed to tHa
it for daughter of the celebrated Beccaria, in
ot as which the downfall of the French republic,
sarthel- towards the sth of September, was rtat«da»
he unavoidable ; a piece of money was inch fed
and bearing the head of Louis XVIII. with thii
' infcriplion, " Louis XVIII. will pardon,
RAS- when Louit XVI. ffiall be revenged."
jj e mo st At a reafonablc Rent,
jeatedly may be entered on immediately,
live A ,hrcr - ft, ' r >' brick h . louf -' a:ul 1
° new) conta ning two parlour-, a r-.0-i i.
three jood chambers, &c. situated on Pru-lt, n . f
Apply no, r C 3i t Srrrt.
dine b; r novembcr»». j 1