Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, November 17, 1797, Image 4

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    Clocks and Watches,
Of everv defenption* opening fur Sale, by
At his New Shot, Comer of
ALSO — :
An extorsive and general aliortment if
Tools, Files, and Materials.
( frtcr. Mftvement3 an-1 Clock Dials, day I
an-.t tl'irtv hours call brass, forged work aud Pin- 1
ion-, r. ;'s aKd Hands, Cat Gut, ferew and draw j
l'l-.itci, Turkey Stones, Pumice, Rvaitt] and Rot .
te'i : f 'jn-.Hprings and GUdss, Chains Keys, Seals 1
&c. Ac. Soring .and Handing Clocks.
'Q.5t. 17. ■ eotf
For Sa4e, by the Package,
For cafn, or good notes at sixty or ninety day*
t?Oio',t and Jaconet Muslins plain ]
ftr.pcs, and Checks I y\(fortfd in
rio. do. Tamboured j- k e3 .
do. Ladies handkerchiefs, & |
gentlemen's neck do. J
Jaconet chintz mi»flin for home and the YV eft
India market, Pullicote and linen hindktrchletj.
for do. <!o printed common purple and
chiniz Iha^'ls.
T-'ie aiiov* goods entitled to drawback on ex
portation. Also a few scotch cambricks and an
aQ'oi tnent of tnuflin bjthe piece.
The u- ide dftfte 'above being a consignment
■from t!ie manufailiire.s m Britain.
To he seen at William Bi Ackburn s
0*?"e, Nn. 64, South Second Street.
. N>v. ,6. _ "wtf
By THff suuscßtßCss, No, it, Penn-ftreet,
Thi Cargo of the Ship Ganges,
T ohn Green, commander, from Bengal,
Coy fling of _
Baftas, of various qualities & prices
Coffaes Punjunv .Cloths
Sarails Guzz y do.
HirWhujns Charcorna Dorea
Blue Cloth Tanjlbs
Chistz and Calicort Mulmuls
Mamoodys Checks -
Mnharagonges Hhkn*
Ginghams " Mulmul do.
OliZacnas Bandanno«i
Gurrahs Siflet/oy
Piniafcoes Choppa Romals
Salgatchys Sooty do.
Gillie Kotrfah Per Cans of variouaeolouri
Moclc Puiieats
aoo torts SUGAR
96,000 lb. PEPPER.
Willings y Francis.
The Piece Goods .
Of the Ganges arc now open and expo/cd to Me i t
that commodious ilorc the north weft corner of
Market dnd Fourth l>reeti. nov >
L A N U I N U,
iFrom on hoard the Ihip Cleopatra, Satfiuel Newell,
commander, frem Lontlop»
~60 toos of the best elban 'Russia
6orafk.of b6ttled BROWN STOUT.
Tor by the fuf>fcriberi, No. 21, Penn-ftreet.
. Willings b 5 Francis.
oa. 31. d
]aft arrived,
r»om Poi asd for Sale by the fubferl
. hers, No. at, Peim-itfeat,
6'* hbgfneads,*^
Kitietccs C p r i m e Coffee
523 barrels (
646 J I
Willings & Francis.
0«. iS.
- , m~ tjrr.
Madeira Wine, firlt quality, in
Madeira VVitae, New-York quality, in pipes
Lifhon WINII, in pipes
NUTMEGS 1 } ofthe l4tea !n
Spanish Wool, in Bales, fuitahle for Hatters.
Willings Francis,
Penn-ftreet, No. 11.
Nov. 1. wftstf
ANY person having raw Silk of American or
European produce, may hear ©fr a pUr
chaser who will givq a liberal price for the fame.
Application to be made at the store of Robert
Lewis, j f . No. 70, Pine Street wharf, any
time before the nth of January next.
Nov. io«
' From Marseilles.
Ofthe Swedilh barque GnflaTtis Ado!phus,from
Marseilles, of the following articles,
is difchjrgiiig at Mr. Latimer'a wharf, and for
sale by the fubferibers
BRANDY,, well flavored, of i, 3 & 4th proof
Claret, in hoglheads
Pitto, in cases
Frontigniac Wine, in cases as jo bottles
Olive Oil, of a superior quality, in balkets of 6
and, ib bottles
Dry Vcrdigreafe
Writing Paper
Umbrellas (Silk) of 18, 30 and 32 inche«
Long and short white Kid Gloves far Women
Silk Stockings
Handkerchiefs, in imitation of Madrafi
Artificial Flowers and Garlands
Ostrich Feathers
Scented Hair-Powder and Pomatum
Manna io forts*
Cream Tartar.
September 17. fo| f
"School Books and Stationary.
No. ?1, Second-Oreet, corner ef Chefnut-ftreet,
HAS now ready for sale, a very large aliort
ment of Engtifb, French, Latin and Gresi
SCHOOL BOOKS. Also, fach elementary books
or Science, as aye generally read in the academies
and colleges throughout tha United States.
Sheridan's Di&ionary, the ikth edition, in one
large vol. 8 vo price 3 dols.
Ditto, large unio prica I dol 75 «ts.
Ditto, common, price I dol. JO cts.
All forts of drawing, packing, printing, and
writing Paper ; Bookbinder's Boards, Paftefto irds,
sheathing and Hotting Papers; printed Blanks,
blank Books, Wat, Wafers and other articles, ef
the be.t quality, ul'ed in the counting house, or
Catalogues of a mifcallaneous colleilion of
BOO'vS, with tke price of each affixed, to be had
fcy inquiring as abov«. Oa. i^-3aw6w
Law books,
Latest London and Dublin Editions.
11. & P. RICE, Eookfcllers, ,
No. i6,south Second, and No. 50, Market ftrcet, j
HAVE jult received by the lite arrivals Ir jm y
Lonrion and Dublin, theii iprice imports- 1
tion, confuting of a variety of the latsfl and nvoft i;
approved law Books, whic'a added to t'lofc alrea- J]
dy on hand, formstbfcnioft extenfivi colledlkm ev- jj
er offeredfor f*'e in this country, They thcitfoi* j j.:
beg leave to notice, that from the nature of their j
connefilicnsin Dublin, thry are enabled to felllrilh £
editions (as they have hitherto done) at the very £
lowest prices. The following are among thflatelt a
publications. _ F
Vefey, jun'rs Reports in Chancery, 1 f
Peake's Cases at Nisi Pritis ; Ridgs*vay's Report* (-
in the lime of Lord Hardwieku ; FLoyer's Procters ;
Pra&ice in the Ecclesiastical Courts ; Barton's y
l'rtatife on a Suit in Equity ; Tidd's Praiftice of
the Court of Itiruc's Bench in Personal Adtions, 1
parts complete ; Ward's Law of Nations ; Cruise
on Uses ; modern Reports, I* vols. London edi- . T
tion. 1
H. and P. Rice expefl ta receive by tl*: firft ar- |
rival from New-York the 6th vol. complete ot
Purnford and East's Reports, the 2d patt of Gil
bert's Law of Evident© by Loft, anda number of 1
new publications.
June 16.
"The History of PennlyTvania,
IS no>v in the press, anil will he published,
with all convenient expedition, by Zt-CH A
RIAII I'oulson, jun. No. 80, Chci'nut-ftreet,
i'lirltidelphia, where fubferiptions will continue
to be received, and at the Philadelphia Library,
according to the printed' until the
work it ready for the fubferibers.
July 18. ' lawtf
j And soT Ole try THOMAS DOBSON, at the
Stone House, No. 41, south Second flreet,
Cenfifting of a variety of MifeeHancous Pieces for
the itiftru&ion and amusement of YOUNG PER
SONS—SixVolumeihandfrirtuly printed and bomnd
up is two volumes, price Two Dollars.
The variety and Mcellence of these pieces we
such, that the book needs only lo be known to be
univcrfally elteeitied ohe of the moll valuibU pub
lications th t can be put iiit# the kands of young
" Delightful talk to rear the tender thought,
Te teach the young idea how to (hoot, .
To pour the frefli idfirudlion o'er the mind,
To breathe th', enlivening fpirit,and to Ix
The generous purpose in the glowing bread."
Augud 14. mwf4w
By THOMAS DOBSON, at the Stone Hcrufe,
No. 41, fauth Second Urcet,
Letters and Conversations,
Between several Young Ladies, on improving and in
tereftitig Tubjeftß.
TMTlflated from the D«tch of Madame it Camion
with alterations and improvement*,
Printed onfine paper, andnratly ituml,
Price one iMar.
AMIDST the tide of modern Romances, paulftng
talel of retraerdinary dittrefs, or of deljierate or
artful villainy, which " harrow up the foul," and
wl»i«Ji it urribll'Wftft' the honor of yoang ladies *>
be of, "tlfislittle bo«k corfias forward »o so
licit notice, where, in a variety of incidents, not m
eceding the bounds of real life, the proper, b ««ulc
elegant and natural dignity and importance of the Femak
ebaraAer ii exhibited in an intrrelling point of view,
andprefentsrxxmplei of real and attainable exeel-
The publißier was fomuch pleafcd with the pertr
f»l, th*t he was pcrfuaded he should do a plealpg
f«v1»«to thi community "by feuding it «» o tirca
larwa. Aiguft 14 —mw4w
Ail laying Duties on Stamped Vellum
Parchment and Paper.
A FEW copies of the above aft may be had a)
he Office of the Gazette of the United States, Na.
119, Chaftiut-Areer. July 19.
The Partnership,
UNDER the'firm of FREIVIAN te" Company,
is dissolved by mutual consent. All persons
having any demands against the said House are de
sired to render the feme to T. B. Freeman ; and
those indebted to the House are desired to make pay
ment to him—By whom baCnefs will in future be
carried on,at hisStere, Mo. 39, South Front-street.
Aumjl ?. eod4w
Richard and James Potter
HAVF. removed their Counting House to No.
45, South Fifth-ftreet.
August X. W&f6t
LancaHer, Harrijburgb Garli/le,
Sbippenjburg and Sunbury
THE public are requefltd to take notice, that
the partnership whieh has far some <m« fnli
flftcd betweow Mathias Slough of Lancaster, abd
William Seer, is now difTolved: bst, not as M.
Slough infinaatesto the public without jnft canfe ;
as will more fully appear by a letter on the fnh
jefl/rom M. Slough to W. Seer, dated the »9ti
December last. a recital of which is not now deem
ed neceflary. Any gentleman who wiihes to be
more cirenflaftantiaily infarmud of the merfcs
this business, by applying to W. Geer may have
the persrfal of M. Slough's letter, and then can be
at full liberty to determine whether or not W.
Geer is not perfectly juftifiable in attaching him
felf to any other person in the prosecution of the
Stage conveyance from Philadelphia to Shippenf
urg, or any other place.
Now from tbe liberal and generous support the
public were pl»afed to confer on the firft effort in
this business, William Geer, in conjun&ion with
Meflrs. Reily, Weed and Wi'.mer, is determittad
to prosecute and carry it on, with every care, at
tention auddifpatch that a zeal to oblige the pub
lic can poflibly exert.
The above company, who are amply provided
with carriages, horses, and every appurtenanee to
render the passage fefe and commodious, inform
those wnu wish to patronize and encourage' the
undertaking, that they can take their feats at
George Weed's, the sign of the White ,Horf«,
Market f Street, Philadelphia, on ersry Monday
and Friday, to proceed to Lancaster, na/rifburg,
Carlisle and Shippenfburg. The fare as hitherto
For the further accommedation ol the public,
' a Stage will flart every Wednesday from the houffc
of Bafnucl Rider, in Harrilburg, arrive at Snn
bury in Northumberland county, every Thursday,
1 and -return from thence and arrive at Harriiburg
' every Saturday, so that paflengers dedined for
Laneatler or Philadelphia, may proceed on MOll
I.anca!ler, Jan. 17, 1797-
N. B. This Line of Stages ftarta from the
lioule of William Ferrec, in Lancaster, on every
Tuelday and Saturday 6 o'slo.k, pro
ceeding to the westward; and lrom the houfu of
Mr. Samuel Elder in Harrifhurg every Wednes
day morning, on the fame evening arrives at Pa
trick Cochran's in Shippenfburg, and returns
from thence on every Thursday : performing the
fame routine daily as in its tour ireni Philadel
phia. *> wf
Thomas Herman Lt«rrr.a, '
North I'iuh street, corner of North alley, No. 34,
I^XCELt.Er: Tred Eonrdeaux Wine incafesasd
-J boxci, (j x y Ca rs old
Whitr Graves Wine in cailcs
r>iklcnburj?s El
RuHia Sail Cloths m '
Ravens Duck a:1
■Cas Linen ,
Hessians ' R ;
Diaper and Tabic Cloth Vl
Empty hags
Csramdn German Clokh
An afTortmentof black coloured Ribbons
Fine German I.aces
About twelve tons Kuffia clean Hemp
Clover Seed <j •
Italian Soap, in fmallbores, for family ufs
Window GUl's Aus; 19 —law
~tenT£iffe WINE. 't
L ANbING at Walmtt-flreet 'wharf, TENEa tr
IMF IE WINE, of en!cell»Bt (juality, in pipes an^
half pipes, for file by JAM-ES YARD. f u
o<9. to. »«8t go
Will be Landed, °] o
From on board the (hip A dive, Capt.Elair,from m
Hambu»gh, Vt
39 bales white Ruflia clean Hemp m
1 cailts Clover Seed /
For Sale by v
Thomas Herman Leuffer, p.
North Fifth fhrcet, No. 34. r
Tune 26.
And immediate pojfejfion given, '■
ACunvetrient well fitulked Brick Tenement, "
with a cook house and other om hoafes,fitu- /
ated is a pleasant part of the berough of Wiljning- "
tan, in the State of Delaware—The lpt of gl"oaud '
has forty feet froat an Weft-dreet, and extends i
through tl»e square to Pallurt.-ftreet, on which is '•
ereSed a liable aud tarriage hoofc. '
Wilmington, Aug. 30. '
Imported in the Jhip Pigou, ,
And for sale by John Morton, No. Il(, South >
Front-fireet, <
Hvfon '
Hyson Skm 17 a c '
YaOf.gHyfonr*' CAa '
Imperjal J '
April 20. eotf
F«r l'ale or to be let on ground- '
\ncduable Let of Ground ;
SITUATE on the north-eiftcorner of Wal
nut aid Fifth ttreets, frohtiiig the State-
House ftjuare. "Tlfta Ift is fifty-one feet front
on Waluat. street, and one hundred and thirteen
feet and an half on Fifth ftreet 1 ; there a*e at
present two small two story brick h6Uf«», and a
number of fjnaTl tenements thereon.
At/i, fir Sale,
'IVo three story Brick Houfe<
. With eoflvenk-nt fibres, wharf, fcc.'fituate ••
Watfcr'flreet, between Mulherry and Saffatrss
streets, containing in front on' Water street lii
ty-*fobr frtt, and continuing that breadth east
ward nirie:y-*five feet, then widening to the
south thirteen feet fix inches. These houfet
ave the convenience of a public alUy adjoining
on the north fide, and are a very desirable situa
tion for a merchant, flour faflor,or others who
may have oCtafion for storage of goods. I his
• property will be fold on very real«n»ble tSnms 1
, forcofh. For further information apply Co the
. printtr.
July -3%. m&« tf
And pojjffion given imnteduitclyj
A LARGE two llorf brtck Houfe,handfomely
Gtuated in Piinceton. Thareare four rooms
and a large infrj on euh floor, and five rboms in
the garret, a range of back buildings jl feet in
length, and a piazza of 57' feet, There iA a pnmp
m the yard, an excelleut kitchen garden, at the
farther end of which are a carnage house and two
(tables, one of which is new, 44 feet long, with
flails ill the two stables for 17 horses. The heaW
thiaefs and pleasantness ot its situation, and the
I number ef genteel and agreeable families in and
n*ar the town, render it a durable retreeat for a
I gentleman from the city. Thecotnmodioufnefs of
the house, its central polition, and the lasgenafs of
: *he (tables,mak»it,every way fultahlefor a tavera,for
which it has always been confiderd as a capital
(land. Icqtlire on the premises, of
Princeton, Ang. 15. —diwaa-wtf
City of Waihington.
Of th« Lottery, No. 11,
For the Improvement of the Federal City.
A magnißcent'lwtlling-hoUfe ao,ooodollars,
1 3t calh 30,000, art .50,00*
1 ditto ij.oao & cast 15,009 40,00 a
J 1 ditt4 15,000 & cast 15,000 30,000
'• 1 ditto ia,ooo & cafti 10,000 »0,000
; 1 ditto 5,000 Ac cash 5,000 io,ooo
1 ditto 5,000 & caOi 5,000 ao,doo
■' 1 cadi prize of ro,ooo
1 da. 5,000 each,are • 10,000
r 10 do. - * to,ooc
IS do. foo - • 18,000
00 do. *OO - * iojW
ajo d». S -3 " " 10,000
400 do. ®5 " ' 10,000
e 1,000 do. so - »0,000
15,000 do. 10 - rj»,oo<>
e 16,739 Prices.
a 33,361 Wanks.
d 50,»oo Tickets, Jt Eight Boll*», 400,000
" N. B. Tofavourthofcwho may take a quan
tity of Tickets,the prize of 40,000 dollcrs will be
d the last dratvn ticket, and the the tAST
o but on* :
n And approyednotes, fecuaing payment in cither
c money or prizes, in ten days alter drawing, will
t be received for any number not less than 30 tick
■> ets.
y This Lottery will afford an el«gant specimen ef
[> the private buildings to be crtiled in the City of
0 Wafhingron—Two beautiful designs are already
(el(<sted "lor the entire fronts on two of the public
: » squares; from these drawings-it ispropofed toereS
"t twocentreand r ourcornerbHildings as foonaspoA
1- frble after this lottery is fold, and to convey them,
r, when complete, te the fortunate adventurers, in
g the manner dafcribed in the fcheniL for the Hotel
r Lottery. A nett deduaion »f five per cent, will
1- be made to defray the necessary expenses of print
ing, &c. and th L - surplus will be made a part of
the fund intended for she National Umverlity, to
be erected within the city of V" alhington.
t The real fecuritiesgiven for the payment of the
y Bri2es, are held by the President and two Diretfl
ors of the Bank of Columbia, an<".lre valuedjat
>f more than haif the amount 01 the lottery,
1 - .§, Tickets may be had at the Bank of Colr.m
>s Ida ; of James Weft & Co. Baltimore ; of Feter
e Oilman, Boilon : of Joht" Richmond :
t- and of Richard W^l Coot er ; Ferry.
Jin. 55, the corner of Chefnut and Front ftr'eets, o p,
A large quantity of Clocks and ti»a
Watch?*. Also, a general afTbrtmerrt ol Tools,
Eiles and Materials, coafilling of Clock Move- c
relents, dight day and thirty hour bral's pinions cv
and forge woffc \ -Be'.U, clock aad watch. Dials, "I
Hands, GlafTcs, Punice Stone, Emery, c
Uottcn Stone, Cat Gut; bench, oa«4 and tail
Vice*; Tuftis, Pliei*#,Ch'.ins,Seals,Keys, &c. &c.
Apprentices Wanted. '
novembei* 3. fflctutf 1
• , -
The Philadelphia > Aifwn, and 1 uzkerton
proprietors big {eetve to inform the public { that si
X. they have cjlabljbed a Stage between Philadelphia, Bt
Atjion, Batfto, Hamptonj Speedwell, andAXirttba Fur
nace y JVailing River Jlit ting mill, and the town <f 'Tuck
erton, in New-ferfey, to go once a weei, at: J areprovi
, with good horses, a comfortable carriage, and a care
ful driver, for the conveyance of the pi ail ,passenger s, aitd
goods. The will fiart every Thursday, at IO
u clock, A. M. jrorn Mr. Daniel Cooper s Ferry, and
lodgo that night at Joel Bodire*f, at Longacoming ; and I
on cn Friday, at 6 o*clock, P. As., arrive at Gtich E
vans' s, ikieeper, in Tuekerton, dif ant from the city 54
miles, (from tba Atlantic 6, and from tb: Eaf.
Plains 7 miles) are good aezommodationi for tra
vel lets, and where are commodious andfafe pajfjgf boats
provided to convey passengers to Capt. William Ifr or
rington x s house, on Tucker's JJland, adjoin inrng the At
lantic, ivhere are good aeeowmoaations, and a convenient
place to Lathe ; the sportsman zvhorvijbss to regale himfelf
■with foxttling'undfijbing, may at this place be highly gra
tified, there L'iitgviaim off every season of the jear foul
andfjh in abundance^ — The Stage on its return, farts
from the aforefaid C, divans's in Tuckerton, every Tuttf
day, at 6 o'clock, A. M.breskfafs at John Bodiue" s, at
IViading River lodge that night at Longacotning,
and at I 0 slock, P, M. on Wednesday, arrive at the ft
aforefaid Cooper's Firry. It is presumed that no route of
an equal diflanne tvill be less expenftve, or furnifb the tra
VdHer with a greater variety of amusement, as he will
not only have a pUafant fail to the atlantic from J
ton, but have the curiosity of feeing on the road thither a
number of capital furnaces and forges, and one Jlitiing
mill, in complete order, and at work ; gentlemen, too, wlo I
are nuners, cr fadiors, of any of the aforefaid iron -works,
are folieited to encourage and Jvpport this sage (by ipbub I
they can be so rvcll accommodatedJ the continuance of wbieb [
•will much depend on their aid. The rates of passengers p
and baggage are as follows : For a passenger from the
aforefaid Daniel Cooper s,Ferry to Tuikerton, including K
14 lb. of baggage, Two Dollars ; for way passengers
per mile, Four Cents— 150 lb. of baggage equal to a pas
fencer. P oft age of letters, nevfpapers y ig'c. will be c
lagreeably to-law. ,
N. B. The mail croffcsfrom the Old JFcrry.
Tuckerion, Stpt. 08. J«-Zawf
~ThT NorfollTM aiIST AG E. ~
THIS Stage starts from the GEOR4SS Ttvcrn,
at the corner «i Second and Arcl) Street*, in
Philadelphia, evel J Tin/Jay, Thurfity, and Sjtur
jay, at } o'clock, in the trorning ; ari - ire« atT>o- j
"ver thefirft day, at Snowhill the fucond day. at ,
Northampton Coort^Houfe the third dey, and oa
tiirmoraing ofthefourtWday the pafitiigcis (Vad
1 a Cafe and comfortable packet to convey themao .
1 Norfolk.
A packet leaves Norfolk for Northampton feirjr, 1
ercry TVfd>y, ThurMay and Saturday, and the
; 9tajc ftaTtE fr«m-this fenry for Phikdelphii, every ,
• Monday, Wedtiefday-and Friday }{wt»u[f at Jhow
: Hill the firft Bight, at Dover the id night, a«d ar
r!ve» in Philadelphia in the ev-usin j ef the third
> day. v
! The dittance on this rotrte, between 'Philadelphia
j and Norfolk, it to miles Icfs thaa on any ftige route
; between ihofe placet. i
Too Qkoch cannot be said in favor of the road;
which is most. excellent indeed. The proprietors
willingly engage to return the fare to any
palTeugcr, who, after haviagperformed this route,
will fay that he ever travelled in a ftagu for the fame
distance, so good a road in America.
Anptift h. dim.eotf.
i Erikine's View of the \Var.
a No. 40 South Second street,
k [Price it Cetil*J
f A Vien/of the Causes and Gonftquen
» ees of the present War with France.
if By the lles»rable Thomas Buskins.
if May 15 $
Sold b W.Young, Bookfellct, Nt>. j»,So«lh *«-
The Pennsylvania State Trials,
CONtaining the impeachment, trial, and
al of FfancisHopkinfon. Jaiige of the Court of
Vdmiralty, and John Nicholfon, Comptroller «cn
eral—ln one largs 8 vo. vol. Price, in boards, j
W. Youkg has for fale< a general affortißeut qf
Bocks. Also, Stationary, retail and by (he p«li
'» cgc, well afiorted.and entitled to th« drawback if
)# ax ported. July y—'
'• ~ For Sale,
jo That well known plate, called VjiNDeamtr's
jo hut,
30 A-v N Ncfhamiay cr««k, 18 mjles from Phila-
K> V-/ ladelpbia, on the New York poll road,
,1, containing 74 acres and 94 peruhw. Upon the
,c premifet are a large two liory ftotie houlje occu
jo pied as a tvern, and a good one (lory flone Icit
chert, a large frame liable with a gosd tWfiiiqg
,0 floor, and some out buildings—also a well of
jo good water, and an excellent ice House. On
10 tli is place is amo ft elegant situation fora gentle
-5,, man's feat.commantliog a view of the
iny to its junilion with rhaDelawaac, and theime
acrofsto the Jersey (hore. h has the privilege
of one half the toll received from the Uridge.
_ Fpr terms apply to the B»Wcriber,
_ - 3»Jv*tf.
ST Boarding School for young Ladies.
et TV/f GliOOMfllilDOE with much p'leaf
iil JVI are and rtfpetf, returns her f»f>cere ac
k- knowledgemrnt for the liberal encouragement
(he has received during four years refidente in
ef Philadelphia ; and allures her friends and the
of public, so far from intending to decline her
dy school, she has made afuperior arrangemsnt £or
lit the more convenient accommodation of her
febolars. —Every branch of ufefiii and polite
education is particularly attended to l>y Mrs.
Groombridge and m'afters excellinj in their
,B refpeifliveprofeSions.
tcl Corner of Spruce and Eleventh Streets.
111 June ,th, 1797- s lwfrf
u : Thefnuition is perfeflly healtlty ; andmaoe
0 more agreeable by an exter.liva garden and lot
of grt und adjoining the houte.
z ' Publi/hed,
Et Aiyl to be had cf McffrS. Dobfon, Campbell,Rice,
Cary, and the other pricipal Bcokfcllcrs in the
city,price one dollar, twmty-tivc cents,in boards,
n- Iscw Views of the Origin of the
i" Tribes and Nations of America.
Philadelphia,' 03. 13.
I'HE fuWcribtrs inform their frit,til's :mu'cufto
mers in town and country,that their (lores are now ,
open in the city, !>nd others are daily opening, and
that from the present appearance ef the prevailing
disorder have reason to hope, their friends may '
shortly come to the city with perfect faft ty. By
several late an iva!s, numbers have received frdh
supplies »f GOODS 1 .
Robert Smith & Co. P. fV. Gallaudet tff Co.
John Da-vis IIZ Co. Sitgrea-ves 15 French,
Neill iy Smith, George Dob/on,
Wiltherger and Smith, Thomas Ryerfqn,
Alex Jhjhr.iland Co. T. R. Hardenherg.
Jacob Sptrry and Co. "John Smith and Co*
Oiuen iff Jona. Jenes, Thomas Orr,
Krppeh & '/.aritzitto-r, William Barker i'J Co.
Adam Zanfz ngtr, Thomas Armat tS" Son.
John Fries, J. Miller, jun. and C».
Benjamin 13J. Jibvfoa.
Olfl- 14
Paper Hangings Manufactory,
No. 70, Chefnut-ftreet,
IVberc be has for Salty
AVERY extensive stock, of every colour, ami
of the moii approved patterns, luitable for
every part of a houle, with great variety o£ bor
ders to suit.
A handfooie aflbrtment of the most fafhionaMe
Silver Grounds London and Paris Papers, and
very left p.'ain Green and plain Blue,
With Pannel Papers and a rich variety ol Borders.
November i. eo6t
Young Hyson Tea.
49 chests of a superior quality—-Also,
100 do. of Hyson,
j Imported in the WoodropSims, and forfale by
! the fiiWcriber, corner of Second and Pine
I street.
C. Haight.
j november 6. cff»tf
I Imported inthefhipMANCHSSTER,).
Benjamin Shewell, Mafttr,
j From Bourdeaux, and for fa'e by the ftibl'criber,
No. H Walnut Street.
: Bonrdeaux Brandy
j Irifli market claret in tafe# ( Entitled t(*
| Medoc wine, in do. f Drawback.
I Sauterne, do. do. J
Thomas Murgatreyd.
Sherry Wine in pfpe« and quarter eajks
Rota do. do.
Pimento in bags
4000 buihels Liverpool fait.
Aug. 24. tut&stf.
To be Sokl at Public Vendue,
I (If not bnfor* disposed of at private falc) v
I / ~\N Fiiday, the iitrt ot December uext, at fix
. j W o'clock in the extning, at the Merchant*' Cos
' J fee lioufe, in Philadelphia, Forty TbouJand Nina
! I Hundred and Thirty Wine aeres of LAND,
. I now or late in the County of
m-1 I monwealth of Pennfy4vania, and on the witeraqf
1 Trefh and Wheeling Creeks and Ten Mile Run. —
* j These Lands are fertile and well timbered, and were
' 1 uatentecd early in 1787, except 3700 acres or thcrca
-1 j bonis, which w«re patented in i7ga. One fourtb
/ I of the purchase money to be paid at the time of sal*,
- ] f-or tberefiikie a credit ofone,two and three monthly
d I Will be given, on iatertft and good fetnrity.
I O&oberHS. gawtS^
* To be Sold at Public Vendue, s
I (If not before dtfbofed of at priwite file)
1, | Friday, the rnffc day of December, at jXjt
J v„/ o'clock in the cvemrte, at the Merchants' Cofioio ->
y I Houfc, in Philadelphia, Twenty Six Thoufand'S*-
; I vah ffuodrod and Eighty acres as JLANP, in tL«
I State of New-Yoik, bet-ween the northern bounca
1 of Penafylvaoia and tho Sbfquehanna, now, or late,
I in thetownfbips of ffamdob and Warren, and coun* '
-j ty of Montgomery One ionrih of the uvfchafo
I money i» to be paid at the time of (ale ; for the »•-
I (iduc a credit of one, two, and three months will be
j given, cn interest and good fccurity.
j O&Ute 6. gawtS
Peale's Museum.
j TTHIS valuable rer.ofitory of the -works of Kl
- 1 1. ture, so well calculated to delight the mine!
I and enlarge the onderdacding, is opened daily, to
j usual. It flar.di in an airy and healthy fitnjiioh,
1 and frce from the epidemic that at present liflM*
I the city ; it way, therefore, be fre(jue»t«d n.tii
""I thegreateftfaf«ty.
I A$ an Ainufoment, the study of Nature is th«
I most rational and plaalir.g : as a Sciwce, the mo!t
" I sublime and inflruflive. • It eleratntthe niind and
| expands the heart. Tbey
" li'ltm Nsturt't writ can tLarn, -will GoJ
t~ j ionverft."
of I Many inter-fling additions have lately beea
B " 1 made to 'this Museum : and the feathered tribe,
J I containing a variety of the most rare and beautiful
fubjeif!», is now ver}- advantageously arranged.
I Wa*en Figures, of Men large as life (lome of tham
!>.- casts from nature) are h,ei; drtffed in their prep?*
" habit?, and placed in attitude* charai2criilic of thfk
_ refpeflire nations. Here nay be fsc» the North-
I American Savage, and the lavage of South-Ameii
ca—a laboring Chincfe, and the Chinefc (Sen(i»-
's man the sooty African, and the Karotfchatlale—
with fo'rae Natives of tlx South Sea Iflaudi. F!w
»- I immense variety and interring diversity v/lucl»
d. I this Museum oilers to the view, may Sefecn blfc
'le I «unnotbe described with full effiS.
u- Piice only i-4thof a dollar.
t- I Seyt. jB. Kw
* Davis's Law Book Store,
)n No. 319, High-StrMt.
f C I busied for fame time past in prcpar»-
" 1 AJ tions for removing intohis.profent house, hta
I been under thenecelutyof poftpouinguntil thisd3y
I informing the gentlemen ofthe Bar g/er.eral!y thrn'
the United States, that his fpringimportation us
- law books is now arranged iud ready for Ule, on
~' terms that he trusts will intitlehim to thaiike p«*.
I frcence he has/experienced for lev'eral years past,
g j Catalogues, mam)lining the mofi varied coll> e
lf ' j tioaever imported idto t hie country, are (>rint«4
and will be delivered on application.
c ' 1 June 47.
H Boston Glals Manufactory.
1 'T'HK citizens of the United States are ljerebjr
" I X iAfnrnsed, rhat the m»rufa<9ure of Windo\V
r I (; j; ne w commenced it the Glass House in llof*
ite I
. I tor.
. 1 It is m-edlcfs to fay any thing of the excellent
eir I quality of the Bofw: (il'ia, as it is so well known
| throughout the United States to be in ev<ry rtfpeA
I greatly superior to any ever importeJ from Europe.
I It will he cut to any size commonly used ; and
ue I jjy,y.' o e constantly bad by applying to Cn.tKi.ts F.
[ KufFER, at the Glass House. .
j Order* from the diftar.t States to be aidrelTed to
- I Mr. Samuei. Gorh, Court-ftieet, UoftoM
I Boston, Sept 30,1797 O 4—*aw6w
ce I Mtjfri. Tiiralby ana Ah/on, Cbarleflon 1 Mrjfrs.
} Hedj>e W BviUm, Halifax, N. C. Mefn. WiUeti
',j, j a.-u/ 0' Conner . K'orfsU ; Mr. Ellis Price, Alexandria ;
' I Mefn. TuttJi and Brncn, BdlMcre ; Mr. llof linu
| JJeivY«ri 1 and JtiiJfi'S. IIu.:/ln In, xiart>
. 1 ford; jn'r. .'i-vmcur, HaiuiM-li ; ate rejvefitd to lift*
| .be alove orice a wee* 6 -u'W.iv.
[ ivarutd to the Editor•