i>v this clay's AT ail. LONDON, Augnft i 2. Extfuticn of threr Mutineers of the Saturn. Plymouth-Dock, Aug. 21. This morn 'ng at fix o'clock a gun was fired from the f!:ig (hip, the Cambridge, in Hamaoze, and t'le Saturn in the Sound, and the yellow fl;l|Jihoift«d on board each of them ; two boats from every ship in the Sound and har bour, with a lieutenant of the navy, and guard of marines, assembled along fide of the Prudent about seven, when the follow ing unhappy men were sent from her into the adnnnii s launch, -viz. Geo, Perrv and John Farrell, feamcn, and Thomas Kenyon marine, and conveyed on board the Saturn, where they remained in fervent prayer till about 20 minutes before twelve o'clock, •when the fatal' gun fired, and they w(tc launched into eternity : they behaved with great penitence and composure, and begged to shake hands with capt. Doughs, which he complied with in the most feeling manner. The (hip's company of the Saturn were ve ry much affefted at the awful ceremony ; the bodies after having hung the usual time, were taken down and conveyed in coffins to the naval burying ground for interment James Dixon, feamcn, and John Evans, cor poral of marines, fentenccd to be hung in ; chains, were not executed at the time, as it is reported the sentence remains for the opin- j ion of the twelve judges, whether the mar- | tial law extends as far 33 hanging them in chains. | STATE PAPER. The disputes between Austria and Pruflia t upon the fubjeft of the seizure of the ci- c ty of Nuremburgh not being yet finifhed, a it may be gmtifying to know the opin- si ion of his Britannic majesty, in his quali- t ty of co-estate of the empire, upon the t cause of this dispute. jj Letter of his m.yefly the king of Grcat-Bri- n tain, to his majtjly the Emperor. " The letter which your majesty has been pleased to write me,of the 7thSeptem ber last year, relative to the occupation of ir the Imperial city of Nuremburgh, the de- t. pendencies of the fiilhopric of Eichftadt, u and of the equestrian order in Franconia, I pi consider as a precious monument of the fen- I. timents ofjuftice and paternal solicitude, by which your majesty has evinced hew much you have at heart the preservation of the ionftitution of the empire, and the exaft ob servation of its capitulation 6f eleftion, a ni circumstance that must contribute to your de highest honor. I received this letter with a no sentiment of refpedt equal to the grtrtifudc fta whioh the gracious confidence of which your lat majesty thus gave me a proof had inspired ; an accordingly I felt myfelf called upon to be- de flow my most serious attention upon the th objeft there mentioned, and to weigh it tit with the most lively interest. arc "Your majesty is perfeftly acquainted the with the sentiments which I entertain with of regard to the support of the system of the thi empire, and the confederation due to its int laws, as well as the invariable difpofitioas anc by which lam ltd constantly to contribute oui to that objeft every exertion in my power. I could not overlook the importance and ex- A. tensive consequences of the eTent in quefti- div on, and I caunot but applaud the dignified Bu wisdom of the measures which your majesty Ab has adopted. Your majesty has exprcfled a the desire to know my opinion and my thoughts Th upon this fubjedt, and requtfted my inter- pre pWition with the king of Pruflia. lam reg persuaded in faft, that the electors of the acc Empire, now with his Prnflhn majesty, in len! the present purfue the course ove that is most proper, since full of confidence tert in the sentiments and mode of thinking of 3 o ! this Prince, they- have good reason to con- arm elude that his said majesty will leave justice . vrea its free course, and will prefer to every thing ' offu th,e maintenance of the lawful possessors in cf c the enjoyments of their rights. lam con- i the vinced therefore, that I comply with your I dive Imperial Majesty's intentions in fending to reafi his majesty the king of Pruflia the letter, a hap copy of which Ido not hesitate to annex.—- 'lonp Nothing can be mote agreeable to me than thei to have it in my power to demonstrate upon repe enery occasion to your imperial majesty the etitire and sincere confidence which I repose C in you, and thus to teftify the high regard io, with which I constantly am, &c. hen« (Signed) " George Rex." whi< St. James's, Feb. 7, 1797. RY, [The letter from his Britannie Majesty adju to the King of Pruflia will be given to-mor- Rep row.] lette August 24. By the Hamburgh mail, arrived this mor ning, bringing accounts from Vienna, down Y to tfie sth, it appears, that the rumors of pany the Cgning of the definitive treaty of peace, of C are, entirely void of foundution. The mar- INC quis de Gallo's fecrttary had been sent to cers Udino ; but the marquis himfelf was still at es, f Vienna. er di An article from Mentz.pf the nth,fays, excel the Anftrian army was never upon a more T refpeftable footing ; many regiments are a- Com bove their complement, and several of the towa battalions are arrived from the hereditary ef- ordei tates. Ten thousand of the new levies in O Hungiiry are also expefted, and the redoubts failui lately conftrofted about Ulm, may be look- friga ed upon as so many citadels. atter The Paris papers which arrived yefter- the 1 day, contain no information on the fubjedt I this of the negotiations at Lifle< and with re- pose fpeft to those of Udino, nothing certain ap- ed b pears to have yet transpired ; some of the week papers assert, that the report of the con- T1 clufion of a definitive treaty of peace be- dicat tween the emperor and the French direftory we li i» premature ; while others fay, that the Sund direftory have received intelligence of that off a important event having taken place. of th' The report refpedting the ctffion of Man- ed in tna to the emjieror, is contradifted. The handl vigorous military preparations now making, adjl'fl both hy France and Austria, diminith the —Ol hopes which were generally entertained of prosj an approaching various accounts' from Italy, that the pro grefa of the negotiation on both fides is intimately connected with the present tranf aftions in tne interior of France. urn. . The terms of the treaty concluded wjth norn- Portugal have been ratified by the iegifiative " ,e conncils. The committees appointed to - aid examine this treaty are dated to have had Pan interview with Talleyrand Perigord, the two mmifter for foreign affairs, before they made : their ''''Port, in the course of which they m "l exprefTed their-furprife to him" at the peace e oi with Portugal having preceded that with now- Great Britain. The minister is said to have in o answered, that it was in pursuance of the an system adopted by the direftory to detach "yon England from the other eoalefced powers- Til tHat notwit ' l ft an ding the difficulties r t'" which he had to surmount, he dTd not doubt of being able to treat definitively *««• with that power. tvit.i We are still in the dark as to the articles of this treaty with Portugal. Though it was confirmed by the councils, it was in ner - close assembly. ve Letters received yesterday by a capital n y ! house in the city, state, that a great part me ' °/ the - Spa ni ill army, which occupied the s 0 lines of St. Roche, and the encampment at Algeziras, had marched for Cadiz, to .or- protest that city and the arsenal from the [ ln aflaults of the Englilh fleet. :t Th e fame letters state, that the English 3111 7 .5* taken a new and advantageous po >ar- fition at the offing of the harbour of Cadiz. 1 111 A packet from the admiralty has been sent over lately, by a fl;(g of truci?, to the" present administration for the affairs of the , United Provinces of Holland, announcing, , that if the Dutch privateers, who are in- / deed little better than piratical marauders, c ed, are not immediately recalled, the Dutch , fifhing boats, and other veflels concerned m c 1 the lefler channels of traflick between the he two countries, will be immediately prohi- j . b ! ted all the -ports of the British domi- /, r '- nions. t 118 NEW-YORK, Odtober 26. - m- A company of artillery, under the corti- ') of mand of lieutenant Marfchalck, failed yef e- terday morning, for N. Brunfwick, on their '1 It, route to Pittfbargh, from whence it is ex- I pedled they will descend the Ohio to Fort n- MafTac. ■ 'j BOSTON, Odtober 20. I 1 _ MIIITAHY EXHIBITION. 1 so b- _lt is with pleasure we embrace opportu- I ° J a nities of engaging the attention of our rea-I. jr ders to the military spirit and aftivity, which I a now, in a flattering manner, pervades our | 1c state. We wifli to preserve the fire of emu-1 Ca ' ir lation, which is lighted in many breasts ; I J' ; and afford those just tributes of praise to the J "- dtferving, which, shall convince *them that I le their merit is discerned, and the public gra-1 it tit\ide excited. Pacific as we are, soldiers I are neceflary to us, in -the present state of J d the world ; when alternately the ambition I h of kings, and the repacity of demagogues, I e threaten our Israel. Soldiers,. who, from J s interest and principle, are resolved to obey I s and protedl th« cotiftituted authorities of I e our country. At Lynn, on the nth inft. at 9 o'clock - A. M. the fifth regiment, of ift brigade, 2d I -= division, paraded, under the command of col. I 1 Burnham, and was reviewed by maj. gen. bee r Abbot, accompanied by other officers of i the divffion, and gentlemen of refpedtability. Fr( s Ihe exercises were executed with veteran I ' - precision. The evolutions performed in a I i regular and exaft manner. The arms and • ■ accoutrements were complete, and in excel- I j 1 lent order. After the forenoon duty was j Frc : over, the officers partook of an elegant en-1 ' : tertainment prepared for the occasion. At I Frc : 3 o'clock, afternoon, the drum beat again to I arms and a frefh variety of military manoen- I : vres, which eftablifhcd the charafter of the I Fro 1 officers for military genius aud knowledge I ,ef discipline, were exhibited. About dark I I | the soldiers were difmifled from the parade, I 5° i diverted themselves of their military habit,! W. reaflumed the civic garb, and retired to their I Lai happy mansions ; which God fend they may I S. 'l°ng enjoy without th« necessity of using I Can their mn(l repel envious aflailants. I Jofi! I Mar Capt. Trott, from Liverpool, in long. I l 5 > 10, fell in with (hip Union, 25 days from I hence bound for Amsterdam, on board of I C which was the Hob. ELBRIDGE GER- J< RY, one of the envoys extraordinary fori H adjusting our differences with the French I Froi Republic, from whom captain T. received I O lftters for his family and friends. I C 7 - J< MILITARY. v I R Yesterday the Independent Cadet Com-1 Ci pany paraded to commemorate the capture Fi of Cornwallis's army by the brave WASH-1 F enr ING'PON, in conjunftion with the offi- I Fi cers of the King of France.—The exercif- ty> 1 es, firings and evolutions, were such as ev er diftinguilhed this refpeftable corps—truly on « 1 excellent. The ferviccs of the Qnincy Independent Company have been patriotically tendered Tl towards completing the 80000 Minute Men fobui ordered by Congress. at no On the 26th ult. when we announced the failure of the fecoad effort to launch the A frigate Conftitntioß. we stated, that further denoi attempt to launch her was deferred to about ty be the 19th of Oftober. The correftnefs of W this information, we have reason to sup- celebi pose will be soon verified. It is not doubt- gintii ed but the frigate will be launched this fubje< week. their The following circumstance, strongly in- a wot dicative of the delicacy of the age in which learnt we live, took place in the Green Park on celeb Sunday last. A sudden pufl of wind blew porta off a lady's bonnet, but the fair one, aware I c i ne 1 of the impropriety of appearing bear head- Tl ed in public, immediately removed the ofco] handkerchief which covered her neck, and I adjusted it to her head by way of turban, j W —Old himfelf much pleased at the I Rcpr proapedl. v (E»g- Paper.) los th s - h 7. MELANCHOVY OCCIDENTS.. : pro- On the 7th irtjl. Capt. If trig who had prcvi- L-s is ouflyfailed from Welflectfor Pin.obf Irani- I a! Billings {Jptc Point, to tale on board lallafl Unfortunately in his eargernefs, io complete the w »th I business he overloaded the Mofcs boat, with lative I which they were transporting the baliajl to the d to I "Jcffel, and after getting a jhort cltjlanre from had I the shore, fhefilled and funk, by which acci , the I dent Cap!. King, Messrs Brown, Ward, nade I Smith, and Son,,and a person belonging to Pen thcy I obfcot were drowned. A woman pafftnper, leaee I who■ was\wi'n;fs to the d'flreffitig fight was a with I lone on board the vessel til./ the next dny_, when have I the long cerdinuan.ce of lip veffil, exciting notice, the I a boat came to her, and the Female was taken on ' tach Ifhore. ltien I MILITARY EXF.RCt&E. not I. . A M ' ! »<"-y correfpoiidcnt hat g&cftifs the fub velv I ncw and «sm,: close column." to I Ireland, «' Secure arms." the I F,eet at 'he Nore, "As you wire." I Loyaiifls, " Steady." lifh I SirF - B - f ' & Mr.Surt, " Sbutpans." ' I Delegate*, « %uick march." P°-I Democrats, " Halt, &c. &c." I -=z^— : f n PITTSBURG, OStoher 22. , j It is reported, with a -view to injure my j e I '"t'reft, that I refufed to make a publication in 1 '.£> I t^e itt fi ur Z Gazette for Mr. Lucas previous ,n " Ito our late eleHtiw. I think proper to fla,te the r ®> j only conrerfaticn I had with Mr. Lucas on I c h I the fuljel7, which I believe will convince every ,n I cand;d person that the charge is groundless. ( On Monday week preceeding theeleSion, Mr. [' I Lucas called and informed me, that he wished n '- Ito male a publication in Saturday's paper / j r( Pj' the paper was greatly taken up I with n fang Utter from Mr. Pie,leering, Secre- S I t"ry cf State, to the Spanish minifler, and that S Jhe mufl make his piece Jhort —I mentioned a half column or theralouts for it. Mr. Lucas then I x I I'/ 1 faying he would bring it on IVednefday 2 rt I corning at 10 e'clack, and Iprtmifed to give j P I it a place.—From that time until IVednefday j F I lafl, which is two weeks after, the time that he \fp 'I was to bring his piece, I never seen him, and I P I how I could refufe his publication, lam at a Ith I loss to know. I m , That, as an Elector of Allegheny county, IJ ati I °PP b f'd Mr. Lucas's re-election to the assembly, I Jpt lr I lrue —'hat I will oppose him, whenever any \fot i candidate offers that I think better qnalifitd, is I e l nal h "rtain—and although it is my earnejl I ' I " Ml fb, and has always been my fludy, to conduit I t m J paper with impartiality, yet I glory in exer- \phi cl f ,n g> independently, any right as an American I citizen, that lam entitled to. r JOHN SCULL. oSober 20, 1797. I Shi ' Scl PHIL A DEL PHIA, . j FRIDAY EVENING, Octobfr i 7. . I Th« following further donations have I ( , I been received by the Cotnmiflioners, viz. I cha f I Dolls. I and , From Jame» McHenry, Se-1 C 1 crttary at J 5° I c «i [ I Jacob Beninghove 10 I [?. M | I Robert Haydock (additional) 12 I Benjamin Price 20 ; From certain inhabitants of Ab-1 upo ington, from Tho. Barnes, jr. J 11 7° has I From certain inhabitants of the"} I 'oft; I Borough cf Lancaster, by i 720 04 1 I Paul ZaHt2inger J I I From a number of citizens now in Lancaf- j p re ", ter, viz. • tht , 1 hilip Wager 50 dollars ; Samuel Hayes man I 50 ; Aaron Levy 50 ; Michael Keppelc 50 ; him J VV. Barton 50 ; Hyman Marks 20 ; Geo. wfr ' I Lauman 20 ; Henry Miller 2C ; Benjamin | IS. Barton 10 ; Aaron Joseph 5 ; John I a ""' I Carrell 14 j.S. Gottfhalken 9 ; Isaac Roufh J5 ; Elizabeth Helm 20 ; Mrs. Rhea 10 ; ed. I Joliah H. Anthony 20 ; James Furze 5 ; I pot; I Mark Kaennel jf ; ca(h 3, iocents r j do. I w ' ne I 15 ; Chriltopher 'Marshall (additional) 20; J ™? n Joseph Hutchins ic ; John Singer 20. Cafli (by col. James Read) 20 ' I Jonathan B. Smith 30 I t hou Tfrael Pleafaots 25 I givei I From Manham townfllip, Lancaster co. I The Owen Jones 20 j an d' Caleb Carmalt 20 I cec '' n Jonathan Carmalt 20 I Richard Rundle ico I Crook Stevenson 20 I day/ From Caspar Wiftar, fenr. by George j Franl Pennock, 40 bushels of potatoes. her. From Manham township, Lancaster coun- ty, 12 barrels flour. I hpnni By the hands of Joseph Bringhurft, jun. one bundle of ne\y cloathes for women. I WII Edward Garrigubs, Sec'ry. A The number of burials in the city and vann; suburbs for the 24 hours ending yesterday follo\ at noon, was 7 adults and 3 children. 'lof wl I T1 A treatise on fevers, (particularly that j left i denominated the Yellow Fever) has recent- ! Baroi ly been publiflied in India. j si ce j] We hear that it is a joint effort cf two J ceive< celebrated physicians at Calcutta, who, be- ' nah, ginning to write, by accident, on the fame j execu fubjeft, at the fame time, agreed to unite the t their efforts, —and thus conjointly produced j puvpc a-work which report states to be a most j comr learned and valuable performance. The to del celebrated M,Lean, author of several im- tifical portant rlifcoveries in ehemiftry and medi- That cine i 3 one of the authors. efo's The Ganges has brought out a number (hip.i of copies. rived . letter William Edmond, Escii is cli,ofen pital Representative in Congrfifs by th; Freemen 0 f hi of the State of Corine&icut. leave CITY HOSPITAL. ♦ irJvi- From zfith to 27th 061. in the morning. sipped Discharged since laii; Report. Mlafl Unity Dougherty admitted 29th ultimo. •te the Alexander Murray ,or!i rl,. with Henry Lc-flie sth 5 th inft!' to the Died fincolaft Report. J ror ? when admitted. how Im "'S ' 1! P rev '" ticci- ous to admittance. ard, Jnmcs Wood, 2cth in ft. 3 days. Pen- Remaining last Report 2 - nger, ' Admitted linCe, NONE. as a- Discharged, 3 when Died, I Remain inHofpital, jConvakfcent.!3 1 c" on r ' I Sick 10 J 3 One of whom is dangerous. Interred in City Hospital bui'ying ground since lait report : Tub- From the city and suburbs, 2 wlrd From th « cit ? hospital, I Total 7 » J ELECTION. j„ PROG* ESS AND TSIUiIIPH OF FEDEI(ALISM. Richard Smith, is chosen Sena tor for the counties of Bedford, Hunting rorm on al] d Somerset. Mr. Smith's eledtion completes the num ber (fix) annually chosen, to serve for four years. Five of this number are, moll un questionably, Federalists. POST OFFICE. Philadelphia, 03, 27, 1797. C - Letters for the Britifli Packet, my for Falmouth, will be received at this '■o'"s ° ffice until Tuefcla y> the 31ft inft. at the 120 clock, noon. B. The inland t on postage to New-York must be paid. GAZETTE MARINE LI ST ' Ir. , bed PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. V P arrived. days. re- Ship William Penn, Jofiah, . London 63 'at Sch. Triton, Hammond, Wilmington, (Del,J j/f From the Log book of the William Penn. ' is From Lloyd's Evening Pofl, Augujl 18. r _ ft ' Gravefend, Aug. 27. 9 Pafih the Star, Vanneman, from Philajel- fto I phia, and Merchant, Bates, from Boflon. w; n I thi New Tori, Oltober 26. ARRIVED. DAYS I Ship Henry, Bunker, CapeNichola Mole 15 j Schr* Two Brothers, Livingfton, St. Croix 20 I BOSTON, OCT. 20. ARRIVALS, j Schooner Godfrey, Loveland, Halifax, 6 days T" I Brothers, Marvin, do. do. Brig Rangei, Ormerais, egal, 39 do I Ship . >clight, Willfou, Liverpool* 61 do Packet, Trott, do. 54 do. _. I Capt. Wilf.m,foon after leaving St. George's channel, was fallen in with by a French pirate and plundered of all hi« cabin flores Capt.Cormera's, failed iq days after the fchr. J\ Commerce, of this place. Off George's bank, fau- a difniailen (hip (landing to the W.—Capt! Richcame passenger in Cant. C, who went to I Senegal, to procure indemnification for the cap ture and cor.demnntion of a brig he had sent I upon the coast of Africa ; and wear» informed , I has obtatned very liberal corhpenfation fgr his " n , I loss, from the French privateer owner. p, n ' J From Capt. Willi's Log licok. • ten Augufl 18, 1797. In lat. 55,35, N. long. 14, & c W. thefhip Delight, Wilson, was hoarded !>y a Jo Fretjcii privateer of 18 gum and 110 men, 20 of ef~ I them raine nir board armed. Th» officer de- ■* 0 I mandeil fliip's papers They were examined by I him and the crew. Then the Capt and pipers I were taken an board ?nd examined by the Caot ! los the privateer, who said the papers were yery "\T I fair, and delivered them back in a very polite \'\ manner. In the Captain's alifaiie, the hatches agre I were opened, also trunks and lockers,and feareh- cons; led. When they iwiderilood that they had not I got a they began drinking and plundering I wine, porter, fp!rir«, fowls, ducks, pigs, and I many other cabin flores and carried aboard. I When the Capt. returned he found the cabin o- I full of the crew attempting to turn a lady pas- —~ I fengerand her daughter, out of their beds, (al- I though the papers were returned,and permiflion I given to proceed) who were obliged to comply. 'p I The officer examined and found some valuables, -vr I and (hewed them to the men,, but by his inter- I ceding tbey fuffered him to return them. ,Then le I thty quitted the (hip, and in a very difagreeabfe j situation, being plundered of a great part of the j ers w flores for the vo,yag'e. Th y informed tV.at two ;-p day 4 before they spoke Capt. Hammond, ship ; ' OC Franklin,but could not learn what they did with ! '"P I her. Sept. ad, fppkc (hip Sally, of Wifoxffet, | Joseph Holbrook, out 18 days from Liverpool, | rece P bpnnd for City Poiut, (hip leaky. on ' A 1; WILMINGTON, (N, C.J October 12. f A gentleman who arrived intown on Sun- ( day last from. New-Providence, .via the Ha - ( vannah, has favored the Printer with the < followiag information—on the authenticity 1 of which he places the greatest confidence. That on the 20th of August, the day he \ left Penfaeola, he saw an officjal letter from 'J Baron de Carondclet to a gentleman in of fice there, acquainting him of his having re- f ceived by the last courier.from the Havan- ' nah, orders'from his court, to put into full - execution, the treaty between Spain andv . L the United States of America ; for which purpose he had forwarded dispatches to the year 3 commandnnts of the forts on the Mifiifippi, Mifflt to deliver up the poita ;:tid evacuate the for tifications with all convenient difpateh .• vemb< That by tlie fame courier, governor Gay efo's appointment to the Governor-general ship in the Floridas and Louisiana, had ar- Ip, rived ; and previous tp his closing that Ip letter, governor Gayofo had reached the ca- i K pital and was about to enter on the duties |! of his olfice. ■ Baron de Carondflet was to t leave New Orleans on the 16th of §eptem- T 0 Iftr on W . ,! f " b » I ''*' " Su " ce? froin tlle laild V""" 7 ,V eak> ,n » fcak of wind from N. E. and u ne.u Jay went to pieces : two of the 4 confiiV* f 'ninaedJateJy ; the remainder, . jog,of the c»ptain, firft mate, a fail i23 : w r h a - n K f l° rtU ' Sncfli kd> S ot on a '"after, on J wh.ch the captain lived but three day 3; the ound 7r , S cut off by a (hark and expi- DUnd f ° onaf,tr ; The two fiirvjvjnjr men, th« 2tl r? Mr " Svvanfo "' rei!la '"tJ in 2 this dreadful (Ituat.on five days, withont a n} t ling to eat cr drink, when thev wefe ■—[picked up by a veto from Jamaica bound -London, whrch a few days after met with a Owp from London bound to Cl.arlefton, 111 procured a passage. ing- ' 1 University of Pennfy!v t inia. Um " JS? diar M nt f ChOO,S °^Univ 7 '-fiV will be lr %th\n\T r ' the 6tb Nov "^- r ; of un- Take no,t C °" Ce ™ cd ' « "V*<* - By order of the Faculty. WM. ROGERS. Secretf-y. For London; :et, THB SBIP his J A N, at ?* a!l,el M'Phcrfon, Master. nrl blcnrtoM speed—a conlidera nd blc P„rt of her cargo Uing already ea^o-cd. ' or tertns of "eight or Paflage, apply to • fto/s Iff Sim/on. ■T « ross simson; ~~ HAlft FOR SALE, * A revr bales Baftas, Codas, and vs. a Bengal COTTON 63 Bengal S OCA it, i„ bag, and boxe , \) Jamaica, ~s St. Vincents, f RUM. and Bengal \ / , a y "—* <— y <"> Now Landing, ay At Sims| Wharf, from on board the (hip Commerce, or captain Chamberlain, from Port au Prince v 35 hogsheads of SUGAR ' a " do- MOLASSES a, 4 tierces d o _ 1. F °R SALE, FT *' Philips, Cramond, £ff Co. James & Richar^Smitl^ 7 AK J the liberty of informing their friends A- and the public, that they have removed tHeir Jto No. 54, South FrontJlreet', next d«or to Ed ward 10X 8 AuSion Room, where th