Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, October 27, 1797, Image 1

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    of tf,e ™ Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
Number 1602.]
Stated Sales
( Forenoon^ —Edward Fox, No. ss,
. Monday' &uth I'ront-ftreet,
J Afternoon—Footman & Co. No. 65
C South Front-street.
r f" Forenoon—John Connelly, Old City
Vtmfdaii< AuJlioji, JJ». 73 foutfo Fron*Arett.
J Afternoon—WiUb® Shwuion, N>,
C 183 High-street.
Wednefdaj \ Af i eft °°"~ Pe l er No. 74
J \ lcruth Third-ftrcet.
Thurfdai i Fo 'eoooa—Edward Fox.
my I Afternoon—John Connelly. ' I
Friday \ Forenoon—William Shannon.
5 Afrernoon—John Cornell/.
Saturday Afternoon—Peter Benfon."
s wifc Packet,
N Patrick Gnbbin, Mafler, J
32^'NOW lying at Smith's wharf, !
above Pace-llreet. !s haudfome-I
1y for passengers, and will fail on
Saturday, sSthinii. trr freight or pafTage, apply
to rhe JVlafter en hoard, No. South Frynt- l
fireet, or of the fubferifcers, at Franhford. ' I
A r . C5 3 y. Frazier.
;o - <!«Bth j
For LONDON, " f
Expired to fail in all the relent month—A
ftw tons of Goods are wanted 011 Freight, and
v. -U I'?? tak<v on moderate terms, if speedy appli
cation is snade. Apply to
Seter Blight,
Back of his new buildings, Dock-street.
Oft. 19 * . -<$ ■
For Freight or Charter,
The Dani/h Brig
Abel Catherina,
Burthen about 160 tons. \
1 HIS vessel is now ready to receive on beard a \
cargo, and may be dispatched to any port in Eu
rope or the Meditsfrranean in eight days.
* A ?tb t° tJ* Captain on board, or to thefubferi- 1
ber- JAiaES YARD. \ '
1 9. diet
For Freight or Charter, i
S U K S Y, ;
Isaac Vredenburg, Master ; 5
NOW lying at Clifford's whart, and in compleat 1
drder to recetoe a cargo. For terms please to ap- c
ply the Captain an board, or
John Sijrin,
No. 81, Arch-street.
2000 wt.of double refined Saltpetre
600 wt. cf F F Gua Powder
300 barrels of Herrings
bufheU of Timothy Seed (\
150 cafe* of Claret, firft quality ft
jAnd a 'quantity of Sherry Wine.
Sept. 29. ritf
Antigua Rum,
JUST arrived at Wilmington, Delaware
State, and now landing from on hoard tha
Bri|» A.*live, William William:, Milter,
One hundred hhds. 3d & 4th proof,
And for Sale by
jthu HoHingfworth G" Co.
■ Wilmington, Sept. 21. fltf
•WjKag-fcT" N. B. The above Brig,
the Irig GAYOSO, are
vfr f° r Sale or Charter, and ft
now ready to receive a cargo
on board, it Wilmington. Apply as above.
An elegant Hoitfe, in Arch Street.
TO he let and entered on immediately a large
and elegant houl'e at the Corner of Arch and
Ninth Street. There are two drawing rooms _
and one dining room—the Lirgefl is 31 feet by
a5 —and two are so comi&iled by folding doors •
is to make but one. Also, fife bed rooms, be- 2
fides 5 in the garret, well fijiiflied for fervanti. g
Ticfe »re flftbles and a coach hobfe, with evry r{
BOBvenience for a family. Enquire at No, 29, m
In North Seventh Areet, or at Wo. jiß, Arch t j,
A>ig. ij. aawjy.
Chocolate and JVluftard ,
Manufaflured as uflial,
•G(fi«er and Pepper ground
Shelled or Pearl Barley 'J 1
Bhiladalphia Porter, Becr, A!e and Cyder
Londort Porter
Taunton and Button Ale 0(
Ked Port ain> other Wines, eitbe bottled,
«r by the pipe, (juarter-caffc or gallon—fuilable w
fcr exportation or home confumptiou—
For Sale by
yobn Haworth.
No. 9S sooth Front fireet? A
HEREBY give notice, that they havedifpofed »
a(the p*operty assigned to then) for the securing •"
the payment of the nbte=, acceptances, and en
jdarfaments given by Edward Fox, for'theufe
jof the fa'nl James Greenleaf; and the holders of ar
such notes, acceptances, and endorsements, are
hereby notifyed that the fubferibers will fettle
toitli them for the amount of their refpeclive
tlaims, both principal and interest, at
»ny time before the 10th d»y of Qtflober next;
after which day, the holders not applying, will
he agreeably to the terms of dilign-
Bvent. •
ApplicMtonj. maik at south-east cprner
of Doqk 4iwf Second" streets (the Dock«Areet
fide), hetween the feours of eleven lad one o'
•lock every tky, Sundays excepted.
Henry Pratt,
v '7' ho. W. Francis, In
John Miller, Jun. '
i John AJhley, * '
■ . Jatoh Baker.
Philadelphia, August *B, 1797. d
1 LANDING at Walnut-Ilreet wharf, TENE- (
BIPFE WiNE, of excellent qujlity, in pipes and Bui
half pipe:-, for iiile hy 'JAMUS YARD. ell,
O.St. >o. eoßt £
Choice St. Croix Sugar and Rum
Madeira and Teneriffe Wine
For Sa c by
. James Yard,
No. —, South fuurtli-lireej;.
6, —? a,<; <tnv
From Marseilles,
et. Of the9w»d.ioi iJartjus GiuTavus Adolphuj,frotii
T -, f Marseilles, confining of the following articles,
is discharging at Mr. Latimer's wharf, and for
74 sale by the fuMcrihers
BRANDY, well flavored, of s & 4th proof
CUret, in hoglheads
Dmo, in cases
Frontigniac Wine, in cases sf 30 hoitles
Olive Oil, of a superior quality, iu balketsofi
and 1 a bottles
Dry Verdigreafe
j Writing Paper
; Umbreilas (Silk) of 18, 30 and 32 inehee
rf . I TafTeties
e ' {■ Long and Ihort white Kid Gloves for Women
Silk Stockings
Handkerchiefs, in imitation of Madias«
Artificial Flowers and Garkiuds
Ostrich Feathers
_ Perfumery
Scented IJair-Powder and Pomatum
'Manna in forts ' '
Cr«aaj Tartar.
September 27. eotf
d The Norfolk Mail STAGE.
" nPHI6 Stage fcaru from the GEORGE Tavern,
JL at the corner ol Xeco«d and Areb Streets, in
Philadelphia, every TutfduyyTburfJay, and Satur
. day, at 3 o'clock, io the irorning ; arrives at Do- I
ver the firft day, at Snowhill the second day, at '
Northampton Court House the third day, and on I
the morning of the fourth day the paffengora find "
a fafe and comfortable packet to convey them to
. Norfolk.
A packet leaves Norfolk for Northampton ferry,
every Tuefdiy, Thurflay and Saturday, anithe
( Stage starts from this ferry for Philadelphia, every a
Monday, VVednelday and Friday ; puts up at Snew '
Hill the firft night, at Dover the ad night, and ar-
rives in Philadelphia iu the evening of the third '
1 day. . e
Thediftance on this route,between Philadelphia
and Norfolk, is So miles lei's than on any stage route I
between thofs places.
Too much cannot be said in favor of the road,
which is most excellent indeed. The proprietors
willingly engage to return the whole fare to any
paflenger, who, after having performed this route/
will fay that he ever travelled in a stage for the fame
distance, so good a road in America. C
August ft, dim.eotf. •'
Window Glass,
Of Superior Quality, and cheaper thaa any other io
the City—
From 8 by 6 to 19 Wy 14,
•By the.single Rpx or Q«arMi'.y, m«y be had at the .
store of the Subfcrtbers, corner of Arch and Front- v
ttroct. bl
James C. & Samuel W. Fijher.
Pliil Mrlphia,
• Ung St wmwftf / w
Cea'ar Shingles. e!
THE fubferiber has a quantity of 3 feet Cedar ni
Sliingles cf-« superior quality, for sale at 13
dollars p«r thousand.
William Ha Howell, /
No. 193 NoPth Third-Jlreet.
July »7- eout (|
Imported in the Jhip Pigeu,
And for lale by John Morton, No. ni, South at
Front-street, 01
Hyson of
Flyfon Skin (rnxn
Tonng Hyson ' -
Imperial J
April 20. eotf
ALL indebted to th? ellate of Jomn j
Striker, late of Tinnecum Townfllip,
Buck's County, are requeflod to pay off their t - t
rel'ppflive debts j and riiofe havirg any de
mands against said eilate, are delired to bring in ur
their accounts, to co
Sept. 28. «J lawaw
*" Mas. GRAT TA N~
INFORMS her the public in general,
that her house, No. 192, A/larkst-ftreet, wiil con
tinue open during the fieknefs.
Board and Lodging in a Teparate room, TfcN
dollars, in 4 double room, right dollars.
For the convenience those gentlenwn who
have not thair amilies in town, Mrt. Grattau
will reccire gentlemen to dine at haot a dollar
a day. v Augvfl 29. —6t
Jult publidled,
And to be fold at the Bcokftores of H. £s' P.
Rice, No. ?o, Market-street | J. Ormrod,
No. 41, Chefnut-llreet, and W. Young,
corner of Chefnut and S6cotld-11 Feets,
An accurate System of Surveying;
I. Decimal frs&ions., in a plain,
and easy manner.
». The extraction of the square root.
3. Pfain'trigonometry, rectangular and ob
lique. TC)
4. An exaiS method to cast up the contents dai
of lands. the
5. Field surveying. Ge
The whole heing performed without the use in 1
of fcale-and compafles, on a table of logarithms, of
In which is given Tome account of the variation of
of the needle, and the causes of its attrition, def
Auouft I*. MWIW r
Lately Pubiifhed, till-
In nne vol. 8 vo. (price one dollar in boards) fold et '
by WILLIAM YOUNG, corner ef Second and
Chefnut streets, ' n '
A Collection of Papers on .the fubje£t of c f R
Billious Fevers, prevalent in the United the
States for a few years palt. crs
Compiled by NO Alt IVEBSTER, jun.
Containing leiurs from Doflors Seaman, Smith,
Buel, Taylor, Ramsay, Monfon, Reynolcb, Mitch
ell, on contagion, &c. &c.
Sept. Ij. jt Get
By John Fen no, N O, 119 Chefnut Street.
lm Samuel & Mic.-s i'llhtr,
asr yovr ope»"<'•»
A t their Warchoufc, No.' 57, Dock Street, a fre(h
aftortment of Woyien and otbir, fmtable to
Oie leafbn, ficcivej by the.late arrivjl: Uoai Ua-~-
• Wild. 0
Tlkft banc ttlfo for Sal.-,
I-ifiMn --j f
I'eneriffe (
, m Sherry, and (" ■ P'P« s >"hds, apd garter caftr
eB, Port vVines, J
for AfVirted q>j- Cil 's xare in crates, &c.
. lol.i rjo' gjtl. dlw^tawjw.
LET—At a moderate Rent,
The principal part of aHOUSE,
WH HIN a Cwrt dillanee of the C'>ffec-houfe,
. Tt/hiA has beeaoccupied far the laU four month., '
confining of a good dining room and parlour, two
bed rooms and a drefiing room, two garrets, kitch
en, wood vault and cellar, all in excellent order,
fit for the immediate reception of a fnuH family.
None need apply butthofe who are refpegiable and
regular. Intjuire at the office of tins Gaeette.
OA - »4- dtf
, n Red Port Wine.
Just arrived, by the brig Iri,, capt, .Rhodes, from
* » Oporto, z
Reel Porx Vv r ine in pipes,hhds.and quarter cajks
6c cwt. Cork, for sale I>y
Philips, Cra?nond, & Co.
July 2i. * $
Philadelphia, Srpt. zsd, J797.
THE Me'chams who at this time prefer hav
ing their .vdFd/ and Merchandize entered »ti<l
cleared at Cheftcr or Marcua Hook,' —are here
by natrfied, That in compliance with their ile
ltre, and "laon convift.'oq that measure
>, be mutailK* beneficial to them inil to the
a United Ststw. The eullecloi of the cuftams has
- made arrangements to efiaiiiih for feme time
- btanches of the cuflom-houfe at thole plices,
t where every accommodation in his power will
a he given to the merchants. dtw
And immediate poffejfion given,"
, A Convenient Well finilhed Brick Tenement,
with a cook house and other eut houses.situ
, atcd in a pleasant part of the borough of Wilming
, ton, in the State of Delaware—The lot of ground
has forty feet front on Weft-flreet, and extends
j through the square to Pasture-street, on which is 1
erected a liable aDd carriage honfe.
: Wilmington, Aug. 30.
City Commijfioners Offiee, 1
! August 29, 1797.
IN pursuance ofan Ordinance of the Seled and !
, Common Councils, passed the lid day of May last.
Proposals ip writ ing will be received hy the City
Commifiioners for one month from the itt of Sep
tembcr next, for letting to rent on leafea for oce
year to commeneethe firft day of January next, thfc
following public property of tilt tity— '
The wharf and landing on Vine Street, . '
Also 011 SafTafras, 1 J
And High Streets, J
Clicfnut and Walnut Streets, Draw Bridge, with '
tlw Scale and Filh Houifes, Spruct, Pine and Cedar
Streets. i
The cellar under the City-Hall.
The Tavern at the middle ferry on Schuylkill, 1
with the lots contiguous thereto, (except so much
thereof as shall be occupied by any buildings ercit.
Ed for the use of the Colle&or of the Tolls, or be ,
necessary for the toll-gates.) '
An it- 3 jtawim.
LOS T, " 5
OK the Paffyunk Road, between the Bloc Batt 11
and the city, a Fowling Pii'ce, vrilh a brass c
ha; rel and silver fight ; on ths plate of the butt are p
the letters " Jamaica, Q_ 99" —aud on the barrel
near the lock '• London" and the T«wtr (lamp. Cl
Whoever will return the'aid pieceto Jnkn Bennard,
at the sign of the B'ue Ball oti the PalTyuhk Road, a
or the office of this Gagette, shall receive a reward .
of Four French Crowns, 1
Sept. ij. *3t
Notice is hereby Given,
THAT agreeably to an ail of Congrcfi of the It
United States ef America, passed at Phila
delphia, the itfli day cf May,-1796; laying du
ti»s on Carriage!, for the conveyance of persons,
which lhall be kept by or for auy person, fir his rt
or her own use, or to let out to hire, or for the
conveyance of paffcrgers, the fcveral dutio# and
following, to wit :
For and upon every Coach, J j do!?.
upon every Clariot, II dols.
upon every Pod Chariot, 11 dols.'
upon every Poll Chaise, II dols. ■
upon every Phaeton,with »r without top, ni
9 dols. f r
upon every Coachee, 9 dols. re
upon other Carriage*, having pannel work ,JJ
above, with blinds, glades or curtains, Pi
9 dols. iv
upon f»ur wheeled Carriages, having fra
med polls and tops with steel firings, 6 -
upon four wheeled Carriages, with wood-
iron springs or jacks, 3 dols.
upon Curricles with tups, 3 dols.
upon Chaises with tops, 3 dols.
upon Chairs with tops, 3 dols.
upon other two wheel top carriages, 3 dols.
upon two wheel carriages, with ileel or
For and upon all qther two wheel carriages, 1 dols.
upon every four wheeled cirriage, having
framed pods and-.ops, and refling up-
on wooden spars, 1 dols.
The Collectors of the Revenue for the firft Sar-
vcy of the DillriA of Pennsylvania, will attend
daily, until the 30th day of September a'xt, for „
the purpose of receiving the duties on Carriages, at
Germantowu; at thehoufe of Daniel St. Clair,Efq.
in the County of Montgomery ; and at thehoufe
of James Chapman, Esq. iu the County of»Bucks ; L
of which all persons polfeffed of such Carrkges are
desired to take notice. B
Notice is also given, J
TO all retail dealers in Wines, and foreign dif- ]
tilled spirituous liquors, thatlicenees will be grant-
ed to them ; on-; licence' for carrying on tire busi
ness of or! Wines, in a less quantity, or
in less quantities than thirty gallons—and one li
cence for carrying on the blifinefs of retailing Spi- ® Ol
rituous liquors in less quantities than 10 gallons, at 01
the feme time and at thc-fame places, by the offic-
crs legally autho<;ifed to praut such licences. j],
Infpeiior of the Rtvent;e of the firil fut
vey of the lliftriCl of Peticfylvairia.
Office of Infpeftioa at ■> , he
Garmar.tqw, nth Sept. I"87- i l 9
j- Philadelphia, OS. 13.
' THE subscribers inform their friends and cuilo
mfrs iu town and country;that their (lores ar.-. now
efh open in t;u- ci'y. and others are-iafiy opening, and
to that from :k« pf.-fent appearance of the prevailing
disorder" have feiiion to hope, their friends may
ihorily come to tJk; city with perfect faf. ty. liy
several lat.c arrivals, 11 [irube(. have received frcih
supplies us GOODS.
ki . Rciirt Smith & Co. P *" Gallaudet & Co.
Jobn £)av;s Co. '. wi fs is French,
h'&h O .Sitjitfj, George Dobfon,
Wiltberger and Smith, Thomas Kyerfan,
■ — and Co. T. R. Hardettberg.
Jacob ipcrry and Co. John Smith and Co
-7 Ozvt'H iy jona. Jones, 'Thomas Orr,
■ J Kcppele eg" Zentx.Ntg.-r, William Barker iz> Co.
1/ ■ddaxiiiaitfnger, Thomas /lrmat tf Son.
vo ' Y*b* ''J 2 XtffltHi jun. m-cl Co.
:h- Q<9 - ' i
i y r : P bale's Museum.
bJ TTHrS valuable repository of the works of Na-
L ture, To well calculated to deHght the mind
and-enlarge the undfrfiaiiding, is opened daily, as
ufttal. It ftandsin an airy and healtlty fituarion,
and free from the epidemic that at prefect afHifls
the city ; it may, therefore, be frequented with
the greatest fafety.
As an Amufiment, the Rudy of Nature is the
Cf mo ft rational tuid plraring : as a Science, the mod
sublime and inflrutSlive. It elevates the mind and
atpande the Tbey
IVbtm Nature 1 \'jor£j eon ebarm, ni'ttb God bitx/ilf
" Hold converse
Many interring additions have lately been
made to this Mufium : and the feathered tribe,
•- containing a variety ef the mull rare atid fcnrjtiful
il ftibjeSs, is now very udvantayeoufly arranged.
Waxen Figures, of Men large as life (fains oftliem
cads from nature) are here drejied i-« their pn jier
e - habits, and placed in atcitudes ehar;»<aeri&k of tiieir
c refpe-aive nations. Here may be fae» the North
, American Savage, and 'he Savage 6T9outh-Ameri
e ca—a laboring Chinese. and the Chinese Gentle
| man—the sooty African, and the Kamtfchadalc—
j with some Natives of the South Sea (Hands. The
immense variety and intcreftipg diversity whiah
_ this Museum offers to the view may be i'een but
•ennot be deXctibed with full eff^vSt.
Price only I-4th of a dollar.
, Seyt. 18 • raw
; Boston Glass Manufactory.
I ' 1 I HE citizens »f the United States are hereby
9 J iafornaed, that the manufacture of Window
, pl&fs is new commenced it the Glass Houfc in Bos
It is needless to fay any thing of the excellent ,
quality of the Boston Glals, wit isfo well known
throughout the United States toh<; in every refpeft
greatly superior to any ever imparted from Europe, j
It will be cut to any size commonly used ; and
I may be constantly had by applying to Cbarles F. ,
Kuppek, at the Glass House.
Orders from the distant States to be aidreffed to
Mr. Samuel Gore, Court-street, Boston.
Boston, Sept. 30,1797. O4 —aawSw
JVleJjri. Timothy and Mason, Cbarltplon I Jdjffrs. t
Hodge and "Boy lan, Halifax, N. C. Mrjrs. IVillett ,
and O'Conntr, Ntrfalk ; Mr. £llis Price, Alexandria ;
Mejfre. Tundt and jtrown, Baltimore ; Air. Hopkins,
New-Turk ; and ASeffrt. Hud/on t2* Goodwin, Hart- I
ford; Mr. Seymour, Sa<tonnub ; are requeued to insert
the above omce a iveek 6 -lueeis. The auounte to be for- •
warded to tbe Editor.
At a Meeting of the Board of j
Property, June 6, 1797, >
' Prefont John liall, Sea'ry. }
Fi incis Johnfton, It. G. >oflandofike (
Dan. Bividhead, S. G. J t
Nirhtrlas BetttngCT, J -
frrfus >
Samuel Cunningham. J
111 this rife the proof of service of notice be- j
ing infufficiont, It is ordered that notice begiv j:
en in one of the Philideinliia ?nd Vork ar.wfjia. [
pcrs weakly, for at ieafj eight weeks to the j,
heirs or affigntes of Jsipuel Cunnmrham de- g
cealed, to atttend the board oil the Ai'ft Monday
in November next, to shew t-aule wh.y a-patent
i fljonld not jfluo t« Nicholas Ufttinger for the
land in question.
( A true Copy.)
Secretary of the Land Office. c<
Aug. 1;. * iawji w. Js
At the Federal Blast Furnace, Z
In Curvet—-for Slitting, Platting, and Railing th
Mii.tL.ti , ja
SEYMOUR'S Patent Rollers.
THEIR, fuperioritj conjijls in being free from _
holes and honey-combed places, utihich are com- K
mo"l]i found in rollers arfl in find, or clqy
moultis. Thrfe patent rollers are raft in iron
moulds, prcuwufly heated, and <wUl be found to
be more dense, so/id end durable than any rollers
heretofore used. Another important advantage
they j have over otlxrs:, is, that the Meets require
no turning, but are immedaitely fit for life, and A
from their accuracy, run with left friilion, and
require iefs water to make therti perform their
'Jjork. They may be had by application to the
Patentee in Plymouth, of Gen. Nathaniel' Goo- C|
•win, qr of \Meffrs. Thatcher and fiaytuard. . I,'
Brflon, Aug. 3t. Sept. 19. §6t. sc
This Day is Pfrbliflied, ur
BY \!e(T. Dobfan, Campbell, Afcc, and the f u ,
other Bookfellcrs, ur]
Price One Dollor and twent>vfiVc ecnts. jj c
Elegant y ptinled on Wovf .pa^er % and Hot- p e
By John T-hnunpfon,
The Constitutions
Of ths fdveral States with each other, and with
that of the United States: exhibiting in Tables,
the promirusit features of each Constitution, and
clafling together their most impertant prpvifions.
under the f'veral heads of admialitration ; with !
Notes andObfervations.
Of SoUth-Caroline, Be
L L. D, artcf member of. the Congress ef the
United Spates. Tr
Bedicated to th» People of th« United States.
N. S. A few Copies printed on ap inferior pa- i
ptr, at j-4lhsof a i Jlar. '
Febrwas 7 6 mwf
Public Notice is hereby given, r j
THAT the Commifiioners for the Diftriit of
Soutlvwark have removed their hall to the house j; L
formerly occupied by Samuel Guff, Chriftijn at in cc(
the corner of Fifth llreet. Osft. a.
Act laying Duties on Stamped Vellum <**
Parchment and Paper.
A FEVV copies of the above ail m; y be had at
he OiKcc of thoOazpfasf the Uuiti'd .States, No f a |
19, Chel'uut-ftr.vtv Jiljr 19. ( er
io- School Books and Stationary.
H ?°- V*' Stconi-flrcet} cnrnir of Chefnut-rtreet,
' n,)W r. aiy for faie, a very large aflbrt-
French, Latin and Greek
ih o<,rtOuL BOOKS, Alji, such elementary books
on Science, as are geacraliy read in the acadenms
'o, aud colleges throughout (ha United States.
- •' i-ATELy rußLisnED,
Sheridan's Dictionary, the flxth edition, in one
large vol. 8 vo price 3 dais.
Ditto, common, price 1 dol. $0 cts.
All farts of drawing, packing, ntinting, and
writing Paper ; Bookbinder's Boards', Paftei.-oards,
n. , , a^ n, S .a*" 1 batting Papers; printed Blanks,
•0. uC lsoo '"'> War, Wafers, and other articles, of
the heit quality, used in the counting hotafe, or
i public office.
CataJbgues cf a miscellaneous colledUon of
BOOKS, with tkc price of each affixed, to be had
a- by. inquiring as.above. OA. 24 (W v6w
.7 U J Pul-'fied, and now Silling,
», % benjamin da vies,
Is At his Book-Storf, No 68, Hfeb-Street,
, FOR THE year I7gß :
Containing complete aud corre& JiiU of the Execu
, £ ive, I eyTffativd and Judiciary
And a variety of ufcfui table?, neccffary to be
known in ever)' State of the Union.
> EwjcU'rfiftid ivit'o txvo bandfomc Engravings,
One of is dcpiilive of a mclanchb.y fecne
that occurred during the American war.
1 .Oil. 18. *,
r ——— r
\ Walker 8c Kennedy,
No. H, svmh Front Street,
haVe FOft sale,
roo Hogfljeadis of prime Georgia Tobacco,
1 5° Pipes of Bonrdcaux Brandy,
1 ia Pipes of old Port Wine-
Odt 17. tf
Thomas Herman Leuffer,
North Fifth ftrect, corner of North dliey, No. 34,
EXCELLENT red Hourdsaux Wine in cases and
boxes, fix years old
White Gravos Wine in calks
Ruflia Sail Cloths
Ravens Duck
Bag Linen
Diaper and Table CUth
Empty bags
Csramoa German Cloth ,
An aflortmeijt of black coloured Riibons
Fine German Laces
About twelve tans Ruflia clean Hemp
Clover Seed
Italian Soap, in small boxes, for family us«
Window Glass Aug, 29. —law
Imported in the latefl: arrivals fronj
Amsterdam and Hamburg, and forfale by
B. & J. Bohlen,
l ar gt ajortment of fne French Cambria,
V latillas Ruflia and Dutch fail cloth
Bnttannias Writing, post, and print-
Rouanes ing paper
Brown Holland Dutch calf ikins
Checks and flripes Prime madder
Ticklenburgs ShelPd Barley
Oznahurgs Looking gla«fl*es
Whitelheeting3 Hollowglafs ware
Diaper Slates
Brown rolls Coffee rrwlls
Umbrellas Brass kettles
«:tir ribbons Scythes and straw knives
Black and white laces Toys aflforted in boxes
Best Holland Gin n pipes
London particular Madeira Wine '
«4- m&thtf
WITH an intention to render service, and unde
ceive those Performers, who duripghis abfenee Mr.
Jaymond has thought proper to engage, thinks h
wruld be wrong in hiin not to inform thofc that
arc engaged, that it is withou'his approbation, and
that he will not be in any w4y answerable for Mr.
Jaymond'* engagements.
Alexandria, Sept. 15, 1797. 6t.
Excellent Bourdeaux Brandy
Ditto ditto Claret in cases
Just received, and for Sale by
Rurtdlt & Leeoh.
Aug. It. 2awtf
And for faie by 7ROttdS BOBSOW, at the
Stone Houle, No, 41, foitth Second flreet,
CenGfiing of a variety of Mifeellaneous Pieces for
the inftru<s.ion and amusement of YOUN6 PER.
SONS—SixVolurpeshandfomely printedand bound
Up in two volumes, price Two Dollars.
The variety and excellence ps thfffc pieces as
such, that the book needs only to be knevn to b»
univeffally efleemed one of the most valuable pub
lications th t can be put into the hantJs of young
" Delightful talk to rear the tender thought,
To teach the young idea how to {hoot,
To pour tha fre£h ioftrudion o'er the mind,
To breathe th' enlivening fpirit,and to fix
The generous purpose in theglowihg breast."
August 34. mv.'f4W
By THOMAS QQBSON, at the Stone Uouftf,
No. 41, south Second street.
Letters and Conversations,
Betweenfeveral Lrdiniir.praTing and w
tcrefting l'ubjeits.
Translated from tbe Dutch of Madam it CumUjt
with alterations and improvements,
Priuted •«Jint paper, andnmt/y b*und,
Prue one dvllar.
AMIDST the tide of modern Romances, painiliijg
tales ef extraordinary distress, dr of defper'at# w
artful villainy, which " harrow up the foul," aul
whicli it Would be for the honor of young ladies
be ignorant of, this little book comes forward to [<f
licit notice, where, in a variety of iacidents, cot ex
ceeding the bounds of real lift, the proper, b-caufj
elegant and natural dignity and importance of the Femii/
character is exhibited in an ire-roiling foinr of view,
and prrfents examples of real and attainable cxoel
The publifter was so much pleased with the pen
fal, that !w was pcrfuaded he fbould do a pleasing
ferviau t» ibi cemtaurity by ftsadißj it ki o cir-eur
[Vol vjme XII