Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, October 23, 1797, Image 3

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    •r are they in the habil3 of feeing and cc
1 versing more with the people at large th
\ ether citizens ?
Has nature invested them with great
sensibility or higher endowments ? If fhel:
they rauft be inanifefbed in private as w.
as in public lire—look then at their priva
lives. Are they more corre& in condui
more virtuous, less felfifli, less attached
their private interests, less palfiocate less r
vengeful than other men ! If they be res
ly laperior beings, they ought to, give 1
some fallen —their mere word is not cnougi
Impoitors 111 religion always come to m«
in the of iuperior fanftity, and civ
impostors in that of superior patriot!fnji
but the people have never believed in tl
one or the other without tating the fruits <
bitternef? and repentance. "No—belie*
them rot—their hands are not clean; the
hearts are not purs. Their ways are to
crooked to be right. Never would a tru
patriot excite a foreign Ration to make wa
upon his country, or openly juftify it whe
made. Instead of taking up his pen to jui
tify it, he would take up his sword to rept
it. Never would a true patriot use detep
tion or propagate falfliood among!}: the peo
pie for any purposes benevolent .to them
It cannot be a good tree that brings fort!
these fruits. When a great people are it
the tranquil enjoyment of civil liberty bet
ter defined arnj more amply fectired thar
jthat of any other people on earth—with a
remedy for every right, a redress for every
wrong, a cure for every grievance— and all
this under a government of their own institu
tion, equally open and acceptable to all
without diftinftign or privilege to apy
the who takes pains to alienate the af
fections of such a people from such a govern
ment and to excite them to ( a change, can
not mean to deal fairly witb them. Let
the people then beware how they give to
men their confidence or admit the poison of
their dodlrines.
However it may be mingled with things
sweet to the taste and served up in tempting
velTels obsequiously, presented, its baneful
efTedl is not less fatal. However it may
Court their taste amidst incantations to liber
ty, or in its firft draught, exhilirate the spi
rits with a gentle intoxication, its after op
eration is on the Mood where it corrupts the
ma V. and invades the feat of life. The dis
ease has already disclosed symptoms fatal in
their tendency. Those who are infefted
n:ed to change their regimen speedily, and
thole- who are found to avoid the atmofp'here
whose malignant vapors communicate the
corttagion. Let the people ill (hort with
draw their confidence where it is abused,
and fuffer it not to be diverted from where
it isjuftly due. A true American can be
long v to but one country, and that is his
°wn—-can lovfr but one government, and
that is the one the people have made
The writer of this neither pofTefiing nor
reeking any office of diftinftion, aspires only
to the character in the above sense, of
%Ije ffiasette.
- J —r~ "
Council-Office, Whitehall,
33d June, 1797.
The lords of his majesty's most honorable
privy council having had under (Swifidera
tion a repqrt of his majesty's advocatj attor- 1
ney and solicitor general 011 the petition of
John Montgomery and a representation of .
Simon Cock his agent, and papers aVCompa
iiying the fame, requesting the entry at the
port of Liverpool of the American (hip A- f
rnerica, Alexander Smith, mafter,from New-' \
York ; nrtwithftanding it has been objeft- c
ed to, on the grounds of the master of the f
said ship not poffefling all the qualifications "
of an American fubje£t ; lam commanded 3
by their lordships to transmit a copy of the 1
said report to you for the information of the f:
lords commiflionefs of his majesty's treafu- t
ry, and lam to fignify, that the lords of the I
council-agree in opinion with his majesty's si
advocate, attorney and solicitor general, that c
a British- fubjeft cannot so divert; himfclf of
the ehara&er of a British fubjeft by being t(
naturalized or beepming a citizen cf any k
foreign state, as to entitle him to be con- pi
fidered, in th'is country, as a fubjeft of such pi
foreign state under the laws of navigation, m
And their lordftiips are further of opinion, fil
that for many reafohs it wonld be very con- te
, trary to the interest of this country to admit vy
such a claim : yet as this ,is the firft cafe, pi
withrefpeftto the United States of Ame- tii
rica, in which a claim of this nature has di
been brought forward, their lordships do not ri<
think that it would be proper to take ad- lai
vantage of the forfeiture of the said (hip.&c.
and are even of opinion, that, under all the ka
circumstances of the present cafe, the said m;
ftiip America should, according to the re
quest of the memorialist, be permitted to E:
enter her cargo at the port of Liverpool:
I am, however, direfted by their lordships ab
to desire, that a copy of the said report may am
be transmitted to the commissioners of his dai
majesty's customs, and that they may ba in- of
formed, that after such notice a like indul- abc
gfence will not again be granted: ' dej
I am, See. ner
Geo. Rose, Esq. bri
To the Lords cf his Majeflfs mojl Honorable fen
Privy Council. .** cau
IN obedience to your lordships' order of
the 16th inft. referring to us the petition of
John Montgomery, the representation of "'P'
Simon Cock, and papers accompanying the
fame, to yoar lordships' order annexed, aud ct
requiting us to eonfider thereof, aud report, ror
Alexander Smith, therein namiid, is "
te be cbnfiderea, according to the trufi con- er c
ftrucltion of his majefty'sorder in couscil of .
id corn the 11It May, 1797*, f or regul.tin* the
,e f rade between Grear-Britain and the terri
tories. belonging to the United States of
greater America, as a fubjea tf the United States ;
inehas of America, and- whether he is entitled to
>s well be master of a ship belonging {o the said U
juvate nited States, trading: to this country,' and
[f' to , con,L ' r on f| i c h fliip the benefit of the said
hed to order in council: We have considered the
r< :" lal ? Vipers so referred to us, and we are of
" real " °P ,nlon > that Alexander Smith, being- a na
ive us tural born fubjeft of his majeftv, and not
ough. having been admitted a citizen of the United
men States of America until the 6th day of IVfay
civil 1796, cannot be considered, with refpeft to
tin?— this country, as- a fubjea of the United
"• r 1 33 t0 entltle hini to be ,
aits of a{h,p belonging to the United States, tra- 1
eheve to this country, and to confer on such ]
their ship the benefit of the said order in council
-e too | -We apprehend this point was submitted to
J true ; the opinion of fir Philip Yorke, in 17,2, i n
e war ; the cafe of. a Scotchman, who had .been
when , made a burgher of Stockholm, and was the
0 juf-. master of a Swedifo ship, navigated with
repel • Swedrlh mariners ; and that he thought thi°
ecep- would not entitle the Scotchman to be con
,Pe°-1 fi . d «ed as a Swede in Great-Britain, his na
hem. j tive country.
forth I Ail which we humbly submit to .your
re in lord/hips' consideration.
very 19th June, 1797. • | j.
d all _
htu- Trenfury Chambers, June, 1797. M
1 all gentlemen, ' a A
T Having laid before the l6rds eommiffion
eaf- era of his majesty's ireafury, a letter from R,
ern- Mr Fawkemsr, inclosing, by the direftions 'Ai
can- of the lords.'of his majesty's most honorable
Let privy council, copy of a report of a report
: to of the advocate general, and the attorney
nof and fohcitor general, on the petition of John
Montgomery, and a representation of Mr.
;ngs Simon Cock, his agent, requesting the entry
ting at the port of Liverpool, of the American R:
eful "up America, notWithstanding it has been j ;
tiay objefted to,'on the grounds of the master of ' In'
ber- the said (hip not pofTefiing all the qualifica
fpi- tions of an American fubjeft : lam ]
op- commanded by their lordships to transmit
the copies thereof to you, and to direst you to
dif- govern yourselves accordingly,
' ln I am, &c.
* ed o . ge6rge rose.
Jnd Commiflloners Customs.
C / e r firAfefiioiS nf an pafled in the lat c
the feflion of the Britifti Parliament confirmatory of
th- this order, Kin the following wofdj.: "Be itenac
ed, . ■ V'?', rliat aRC ' may be lawful to iraport
into this kingdom, direflly from any of the terti
l. J. or .', eS ° f theUl "'«<l State,of America, in Brink
- Juilt (hips or reffels, owned, navigated and regif C
his tcred according to law, or in (hip, built in the tor
, n d countries belonging to the United S*>tet of Ame- u v •
* ny of or in *l'P» taken by any of
lor ""P s or veflW, of war belonging to the govern
ment or any of the inhabitants of the said United
y S, " as ' having commilTions or letter, of marque
and reprisal from the government /if the said Uni
ted . t-itet, and condemned as lawful prize in any " lcrc
T °V rt " C Admiralty of the said United States of i
which condemnation proof (hall be given to the
(atisfatfion of the Conuriflioners of His Majcfiy's M
Customs, or any four or more of them, in that old,
part of Great Britain culled England, and any three those
jCrmorrof them in that part of Great Britain call- merit
ed Sect and, ar d owned by the fuhjefls 01 the ftid and (
—. United States or any of them, W -wbtrtrf ibt m.-Scr ved -
a:.idUbrtc fan-lb, <.ftbimariners at tejjl arc fuljtli, ,j the those
• jmd Unlud Sutti, any goeds merctundize eomp
the growth, produfiion rr mariufadhire of the said
United Statfi, which are not prohibited by law to G A
be imported from foreign com tru-s, ;ind to yitcr ,
and land such good-, wares, up- r
j e on payment ol the duties, and fubjeel to the con- '
ditions and liereina'ter mentioned, anv '
law, cudom or usage to the contrary, in any wife,'
r- notwitbftanding. r
3 f 0 | Sht P
as Extraa of a Utter from Li/bon, dated Juruß
J - 2 6th, 1797.
Ie " A detachment from Admiral Jervis's B r :~
l- fleet, under the command of admiral'Nelfon 1
r- was sent on an expedition against the illand !
t- Teneh'ife, coniifting of the following s*hr
e /hips : Theseus 74, Culloden 74, Zealous ; y /r ' r
s 74, Leander 50, Sea Horse 3S, Emerald j Calcu
d 38, Terpfiichore 36, and Fox, .i4guris.— Jloop
e This morning accounts were received of the Qa
e failure of said squadron in attempting to take <wl o 'a
- the iflar.d. The admiral 101 l his arm, capt. Am/le
e Bowen of the Terpsichore killed, the Fox one c
s funk under the batteries, the captain and Tcxei
t crew drowned, about 80 in number, 250 of Dei
f men drowned in the furf I'n landing, 5 lieu- tl
r tenants, other officers and a number of men tured
killed, about 150 men landed, who took p or > t
■ possession of the town of St. Cruz and held to tbeir
1 poflxflion several hours, but no reinforce
. ment being sent from the ftiips to their as- spoke 1
, fiftance, were obliged to capitulate, the
• terms granted were that they ft6uld retire f r , irl
: with all the honours of war to. the landing unknot
• place, where the Spaniards ,afliiled in get- Q n ,
ting them on board their /hips. This expe- was „
dition was sent in eonfequence of several very for Mt
rich Spauilh fiiips having tarried there and
landed their cargoes of money chiefly. /L„„
" Admiral Jervis still continues the bloc- Netv-C
kade of Cadiz, with the fleet underhis com- others 1
mand, consisting of3o fail of,the line."
Extra?! of a letter from Alicant, July 1, '97. p
"I ! 1 trade we have nothing new : such • y
abjeft dulnefs was never experienced before ; yy,,
and this must be chiefly attributed to the ny,p -j.
dangers of navigation from the privateers,
of which we have no less than fix hovering b' an J
about this neighbourhood, carrying on their t ~
depredations against neutrals, who are ge- Calfl
nerally, not to lay ahvay*,"condemned upon j o q „,
one pietence or other ; and ail American on 11" 2
brig, loaded with Brandy at Valencia for / '
Malaga kas (we are informed) jutt received fa s
sentence of confifcation, snip and cargo, be- Pt\/r
cause the bill of lading, of which the captain 1 p
was bearer, was uot signed by I ii :felf." J
William Smith, Esq. Mi'nifter Pie- rJ Q
nipotentiary from the United States to the 'q £
Court of Por'.ugal, arrived at Lilbon the
2cth August, after a pal Tare of 27 davs 11 •
from the Capes of the Delaware." ' 7 ,T "
. 1 this port
" A Former StuJ* of D, . R u Jl r ,nd oilj- T/; j
er communicali ut: 3 omiiied thh i>ay shall appear 0 f Savcn
terri- From zift to 2id Oa. in the
|es of Admitted, fmce lail report, ,
3tate g ' Betsey Lewis, opposite pofcofHce' Front
cd to street.
'd U- Died since last Report,
» f.;j when admitted I ' loflr W-g ill previ
-1 , I
1 the Elizabeth White, 2.6 th ult. g day,,
ire of '
a na- Remaining lafl report 5 ,
not Admitted since j
nited _ j
May .
ft to Discharged None
'"-ted Died i , j
such Five of whom are dangerous.
r,ei '- Interred since last report,
d to From ?ity and suburbs * s
! » in Ht'fpital f :
jeen . j
1 'he Total . f
"j 1 . 1 " Stephen Girard.
this (Signed) CalTlß Lowves.
" on " John CON*NELLv.
our From 2zd to 23d of Oft. in the mom.
Admitted lince last report : ,
. James Farrell, Biddle'u alley.'
Difeharjed lince l»ft report, ]
John L' llis, admitted 4th ult. 1
Jofiah Holmes, izthinfl.
Jo'nu Scott, arth <
97. Mary M'Carty, 7 th 1
Axelina Smock, 7th
om Jvemaining last Report . 53 f
m 3 Admitted since,
' ,rt . • 34
ey D:fcharg.-d -
hi) Died o 5
en j Six of whom are dangerous,
of ■ Interred in City Hospital burying ground ''
:a " since last report :
ni From the city and suburbs 2
lit From the city hospital o 1 is
to , _ to
\ Total 2 t!l
Stephen Girard,
(Signed) Caljb Lownes,
John Connelly, of
t c Published by order of the board. m*
of JOHN MILLER, Jun. «
f Col. Postletw aite, is chosen Sena- !n !
Ie tor for Cumberland county, and we learn,
J* by a majority of 400 votes.
d . 1 4Ll• I^ paper of the I 9 th of Au gtf ft fays, "On
,c WC a " lce^ant and heavy fall
j. oWram ; our Irish aftrouomcrs arc of opinion that L.'
there is a Uak in the moon.**
y eu
>1 I
ie AJloniJhiug Mujical Powers. &u
s Miss D Heknard, at iiv« years frc
it oIJ, plays on the f'iano Forte, to the admiration of a n<
re thole lfcilled in ffitt/lc. She executes on this inftru.
1- merit the Ba'tle of Prague, thefonatas of Pleyel ha ]
d and de Nic«lai ; different airs and the mofl app ro . to
r ved variations, besides the oivTa : anion- ot h crt "it
*■ th ° r « of O'lphigenie. 'She likewise sings i 0 a r
e eompanying the Piano-Forte. " the
r 1 ' tro
r ARRIVED, days, ""'i
| Ship Enterprise, Norru Hamburgh 84. At
1 Mhlly, Hodge Havanna ' a -
Commerce, Simmons, St. Bartholomews Th'
Brothers, Henderfon, Amjerdam 82 to 1
Brig Gov. Brooks 9 Baxter, Petit Guave " Hrl
Betsey and Peggy, Stran, Op»rto 58 bou
: Mercury, Rockwell, Port au Prince
', Sehr. Experiment, Callcndar, tiavanna a"w
■ Arrived at the Fort—Ship Ganges, Greene, wer
j Calcutta ; Brig Jane, Vanfife, Cape Francois;
Jop L'Efpaire. L'Hi rondel, Yort-aiuprince.
Capt. Henderfon, of the ship Brothers, C
- 9 arrived here on Saturday morning from fror
Amflerdam, was bakrdedthf IJI of Augufl ly tire
one of admiral Duncan's squadron, off the tad
Texel ; and on Saturday week, off the Capes prin
of Delaware, by capt. Cochran, of the Thetis, to ]
who treated him politely ; the Thetis had cap- thei
turcd the schooner Telegraph, belonging, to this the
port, from the Havahna, a few hours previous of S
to ibeir boarding capt. Henderfon. tion
After capt. Greene failedfrom Calcutta he C
spoke the ship Swift, capt. Depeyjler and the fleet
Hip capt. Moore, going up the river, both tinu
from Aew-Tork. Afljip from Salem, name ture
unknown, had also arrived. mere
Capt. Dobel, in a ship belbnging to Boflon. but 1
was embargoed at Calcutta, after clearinr out duce
for Manilla. " /
■ The fbip Old Tom, and another ship with vve fl
passengers, from Londonderry, are arrived at that
New-Cafle. The ship Eagle, and several Strei
others vessels hi the river. on a
Neif-Tork, OS. 21.
Ship Pigou, Sinclair, Liverpool Cork 58 thofi
America, Smith, Liverpool ' 66 Med
The mate and three men belonging to the
ship John and Phoibt, which fame time ago I
was taken hy a French privateer, and re-taken It
by an English frigate, and given tip to the cap- lie fp
tain, arrived here in the Pigov. nefda
Cafft Smith in the■ Ship America, arrived town
lafl evening in 66 Jays from Liverpdol, spoke from
on the 30 th Augufl, the ship Sally of and from Cong
A r . London, lat, 50, long 26, 30. aut 18 mi lit'
days, b'jund to Hamburgh. Sept. 5. spoke rily c
ship Martin, of and bound to Norfolk, out 24 when
from Falmouth. A'
Oct. I fpoke ship Belvidere, capt. Ingra- fidera
ham ,off Nantucket Shoals, hound to N. York,in Phila
60 fathom water, lat 40,09. ) to ret
Capt. Ingraham told Capt. Smith, that Jive for tt
-lays before he fell in with a ship, the captain of larcit
which informed h'm that thejhip Draper, cf depri'
his port, was taken ly the French. Sub ft
7 heJbip Diana, Capt. Frederick Bolton, comir
7 Savannah, on htfrpajfage frtrri Liverpool, to will li
)avarmah, was taken ly the Frr.ech and after THE .
S hj he>r „Msf l *<by'>V>ast,4e» ly
f* c f ta " ; , ***** Wr, tod-arrived a! Ty
rant Z! *', l ! ' , OJSL *W»>- Obtain
frcl W i a '" r ° r
Zb ™ 7 *' ? har W° n > ¥on that
coqjt. -J he above it formation is receivd bv
sr S'" ? r >r - °/ th f c,j ° on "-
,OCe - f *}h> frcrn Savannah, -who fell in with the
inp Genet, ofNorflk, in la!. 36 Ion? 75,
days out, watered-tool the cyew out and
33 them to this port.
{ We are credibly informed that the Belwdere,
7 WY n F aham '- frm Lon,l ' n W" &*>-
34 lori, has put into Rhode-I(land
I S;^ ( - Crd ; 7 '?T Vd 6a Pt'
, V'" 1 ' I. 0 " 1 L| wpoo) ; hut by*fdrvtrary
•53 r £" l ° P ut into Cove <tf Corl-,
acd (ailed from thenae Z2 d August, conse
quently nothing- new. Sept. s po k e
- . TT ng t from Ph;b delph; a , bound
i to Hamburgh, out 17 days, all well, lat.
j f, 2 ' , 4 ?' I°"Z- 42. io. Same day spoke
f the bn s p a las t . m%>
4 bound to New York, with paffengen-, out
40 days, all well, h '
Sept. 20th; spoke the fh.'p Harman from '
- nomas, bound to Brcm-en, out 20 '
days, all well lat. 43, 46, l ong . C+> ? ,
Gaober 2d, spoke the brig Lyon, of- <
'• Portland, from Boston, bound to Surinahi, ]
out 4 days, lat. 40, 12, long; 64, 33. 1
Oaober S fpok£ a brig from Norfolk, I c
lo.™ 66°, 2 f "• OTt 4 d ">-*' « <
Capt. Sinclair, on his paffagc, was board- t
ed by many English frigates, who ticqted i ?
™ Pol.tely._The ship Peggy, capt E j. ! v
hcott, of Philadelphia, from' Hamburg),, j a
went round the Black Rock for Liverpool, o
33 Q3 ty 29th of Jul y> in batfaft. |n
~ % tHis da-'/'s jMuTI.
" at. J
s n I>a P cr; b y'l>C Pipou, to ;he 19th cf
- a^!?i tCm -'T »>*««—l> following are
Me articles v;orfh attention.
!9 ai
DUBLIN, Augutt 15. I
The officer, of the reve-u.. from the Jugbefcto
~3 the lowed, are now preparing a.«d malting returns
of the amount of their /efpedive salaries and per
quintet, m confcquenre of an order from eavern
nient. What tan be the defigu in giving this order I
is yet unknown.— But as there isa law in Ent*ianJ
to tar all officers abovo jol. a year, one (hilling in
the pound, it is not ; mpoflible but our adminiftra I
t'on intends to propose a fiiniiar measure in this
kingdom. I
It 18 computed that the friaries an ! perquifit.s i
of the different offices and place, in Ireland, a- hr
mount to Boo,ocol, which at is. in the pound, will I
raise 40,00e1. a year without the lead affetlin? the
poor. 0 I
Augujl 16*
A Privy Council was held yesterday at the Caf- •
tie, when a Proclamation wa* iftued for proro<*tt* -r-,
,n a °cw Parliament to the ad Sept. next.
, I inl
v BELFAST, Augvjl n.
On Tuesday lad, 1768 guns, 141 gun barrels, I thi
, P'l"". 68 old swords and blades, 39 pistols, be
j 544 bayonets, < fwiveli, r carronade,. 2 halberts, I l
( and 1 pike ftaftt, were brought into the artillery
barrack dore; and on the following day, 106z I
guns, 3H bayonets, pikes, 3? broken swords,
3 halberts, I carronade, a swivels, 1 iron gun, a I
Run Mrrels, 33 old pistols, and 6 pound fliot, all
s from the county of Down, were si To brought in I (
f and lodged in the fame place. 1 0 f
On Wednesday fe'nnignt, a melancholy accident Th
1 :appeoed near Ardara : A number of people went lat t
. to the neighboring llrand for the purpof; of fiih
s ing fttand eels, in which they were so closely in
. tent, that they were uneipeaedfy fur»ounded .Uy
tile tule, and, seven were instantly drowned five
ps whom we hear have left families ,
I On Saiurdsjr evrninf lad about 7 o'clock, the f
troaps of the garrison of Londonderry, "were un-
der arms, for rhe purpose of wimefling puniffi- j
menf to heinflitfled upon a countryman, from the I >
of Stranorlane, for having admin f- I
tered the United Irirnmen'- oath to * soldier of the fl
Aberdeenfiiire fencihles. He was apprehended in rem
that c and the fnil- having been fully proved a- j
gainst nim, he to receive 700 lathes. I 1;
Fhe troops were dr-.wn i:p upon the Ship-Qnay, I
to Which place the culprit was marched from the f
guard houf', by a party of the military, where a- I
bout 500 having been infiiaed. he was enpoled T
round the line apparently dead ; after which, hav J lle
ing foru.Tvha' recovered, he was cani.?doff I '
a bier to 'he hofpiral—Gr at numb rs of p oplj j S '
wera afTtmbJedand«inJp.-tiEve icene. j
BOSTON, O&ober 16. j Ii
Capt. Rich, arrived here on Saturday, j n 'S t '
from Li/bon, 4© days, authenticates the en
tire accounts received at Norfolk, of the at- '
tack; on Santa Cruz; and adds, that the Ch
principal part of the squadron, had come in
to Li/boti to refit, before he failed; that
their main objeft was to capture, ordeftroy j
the four Spanish 74's, lying under the forts
of Santa Cruz town; but that the expedi- I
tion failed. 0
Capt. Rieh aflures us, that the British j
fleet, under Lord St. Vincent, still contin- r
tiivues to blockade Cadiz; that fomc over
tures had been made to the Admiral by the
merchant* to remove this bar to their trade
but they were not fufficiently valuable to in- ' ANI
ducean acceptance of them.
• 'As an article of commereial consequence, Cont
we (late, on the authority of Capt. Rich, D{ ,
that American veflels, navigating the 4n<!
Streights, may, at nil times, have convoy,
on application to Admiral St. Vincent, off
Cadiz; whohad frequently declared a readi- °" e
ness to protest the American navigation in 1
tlioft- seas, from the marauding pirates of the .
Mediterranean. Ittlp
NEWBURY PORT, Oaobcr. 14.
It is ever pleaiing to us to notice the pub- A lai
lie spirit of oui; fellow-citizens.—On Wed- Putil
nefday lad the company of artillery in this JH&
town were ordered out, to make the draft 0I "
from them in compliance with the aa of
Congress, requiring 80,000 men from the 'j-*iokl
militia—when the whole company volunta- "Czna
rily offered themselves, to be in readineft Whit
whenever called for. Djapt
At a town meeting on Thursday, in con- ; ow
fideration of the diPtreffes of the poor at j
Philadelphia, a committee was appointed
to receive contributions from the charitable, j
for the relit sos those who by the awful ca- I
lareity with which that city is affliftefl, are Jul;
deprived of the necejfary means of fubftjlance.
Subfcriptioti pspcrs are lodged with she v
committee, and we hope none who are able j u s t
will los« the opportunity of lending to
rus LQRD. " a,
\. " .'i' ,
hen by OA. 4.
f T y~ *' Rre ' «, ly , to ? n "'wrtifemcnt published in tfcii
■upturn JHln y Frederick Troop of
bound X, v .grc l; na, at i
n tint • r e s .! ,turi!a y following. Cjnt. Nclfort
* that informod the troop th- reason oftheir bdij call?
;:d by edt o jje,hfr. and oMI-rvH, tbat« whatever
banner ' le f ** rrmpiples, it wss the duty of cv
ith the f ry - "l«n wlien hp country was inVaded, or called
s,flu- bount'l ■'. rV, . C J l ' S ' t0 , flc £ forward and defend that
'lit and »'Kri iVi ' cral "th-r obfer.vatiom
ro ' t-iffflwSljr hear—and concluded by
r ' ** " tf'Ti of thfe tro.p as were wil.
H'f'i ■t. f "'urn out the moment thev were called on,
Ni-io- i follow him which they am.
_! I 1 ' *"' gratification of a Numerous concowfe
enpt. tain VS ' imi the n ° fa,all of their "P"
Oork, ~ From the (N. Y.) Diary.
ronfe- A cprrefpondent wishes that those per
fpoke lons whose names have been publilhecl at
wind iiHl length ae having been Concerned in pri
, lat. vattera failing under French colours Their'
P°, ke no ' tracing the report to its fourcec, and
üblm pubhihing a denial, supported by, proper
, out vouchers, is a strong proof against them.
i here are men in this city at present,
from whole^ names have been published in a long
. 20 1 or their piratical countrymen ; until
?3 they bring proof to the contrary, they
], of ought to be branded with public execration,
lata, Itisanmdifpenfableduty in any man who
* n ° ws to a certainty of filch abandoned con
folk, net oq the part of his cpuntiymen, to
40, come forward and give tbgm up to the ail
thcrity. The arrival of forte louthern eea
ard- tlemen who wire at Brest, particularly a
3ted Mr. Hooe, of Virginia, and a Mr. Milne,
El- who firft handed the Savannah paper with
-gh, a lift'of Americans engaged in privateering
1001, out o. oreft, will eftablitl), in a decided man
ner, proofs against certain men now in this
city. .
~,,,, , |)| u i m
h cf Samuel 8c Micrs Fifhcr,
■are ARE now opening,
* t their Warelioufe, No. z 7 . Dock Street afrefk c f Y/polrn aid o-hcr goods, fnitabic to
lind recaved b >' the late arrival; from iicg
[rns' L;n)( ' ' Tl "'' hav: a! f" f' r S "!',
t ,cr * Teneriffe '
' r . n ~ Sherry, and ( fn P ! P cs >hhds. asd quarter ca&rs*
Port Wine,, )
land 1 *ir t 1 ,
Ailorted queen s ware in crates, See.
V* ■'« h »o-»3J- diwqtawiw.
this A Wet Nurie wanted.
ins A He it itlly u^ Woman, with a young fcreafl of
a- I , f 1 1 t"" Wdl rccnmm - , >dei, may
will «? 1P tC y ln l u,n "e of 'He Printer.
r _°A 2 3.
n.otic e.
'as • Samuel Richardet, 1-efpeafully
-a- r" , ms the & entlemen . fubferibers to the
■Exchange, that on Thursday ness, the 26th
I lnft. it will beopenfor their accommodation.
He begs leave to acquaint his friends and
:ls, I the public, that the City Tavern will also
!*' , bc r f ad 7 for the reception of gentlemen
6z An ordinary as usual at three o'clock.
Is, Oftober 21.
of the City of PKiLAetLPiiM, will be held on
:nt I Thursday n-xt, at eleven o'clock in the morning,
nt at the State-house.
h- j By order,
, n - wlli'a m h. tod,
Cleik of the Seiedl Council.
l. Clerk of the Common Counril
„. n - <t ' x dt*6
he Wanted, to Hire,
/- A Large an.i convenient HOUSE, in or near
i,! entreof the city—for whjcha generout
a 3T be given; to be taken for a year, or on
a- lease tor a longer term. Inquire of th« Printer
v. oa ' I 7' eotf
II no rTcTE ~
;d THE Offices of the Department of War are for
' .-f. pr ' ?' r^ ove<i "«'ir to the Falls of the ScuvV
, n I liiU, on rhe Ridge Road.
, j September 4. dtf
The Healtb-Office
IS removed to the City-Hall, and is kept open
■, night ind day, where persons having bufinrfs may
apply. VV.«. ALLEN, Health-Officer.
Sept. 4- . dtf
e 1 Choice St. Croix Sugar and Rum
n I Coffee
t j Madeira and Teneriffe Wine
y j For Sale by
s James Yard,
No- —1 South Fourth-greet.
OA - d 3 w
JuJl Published, and now Selling,
. Athii No 62, HiVli-Str-'et.
FOR THE, Yt.u 1758 :
, Containing c >mplete and corre.S lids of the Execu
tive, I cgifl.itive and Judiciary^
' DEPARTMENTS of government,
And a variety of ufeful tables, nece/fary to b«
known in every State of' the Union.
Embe'UJkid 'with tiL'o handsome Engravir/njtl
. One of which is deprive of a melancholy seen*
that Occurred during the American war
O 18.
Imperted in the latelt arrivals from
Amfterrlatn and Hamburg, fandforiale by
B. & J. BO^len,
A large ajfer intent of [fine French Cambrics,
I< Rurfja uudDutch iailcloth
H'iitann:a3 Writing, poA, and pri
Ron ants ing paper
Brown Holland Dutch calf ftins
C!:et k-s and ,I!rip«s Prime madder
Ticklenhurgs Shell'd Barley
Czruhurgs looking glares
! V-'hite sheetings H<>llow"gials ware
[ D|ap£r Slates
I3i own rolls Coffee nw'lls
| Umbrellas llrafs kettles >
H.'-iajjibbons Scythes and fir=w knivs*
BlacTand white bees Tovsafforted m boxes
Best Holland-Gin in pipes
Lontion partieifiar \,adelfa Wine
J" ! T >4- ; m&tinf
Excellent Bourdeaux Brandy
Rittp ditto Claret in cases
Just received, and'for Sale by ,
Rundh tf Leech.®
21. sawtf