; ilerermtned to enjoy as loijg as they can. * They know that a fwte of tranquillity wquld not juftify-any undue and arbitrary ms afttrcs to overawe and prevent a free eledtion of re presentatives—the); are feniible of the inju ries the people have fnftaiaed by men ailing iiithename'of liberty—they feel justly ap prehthfive of national resentment—When peace takes pk every thing in his : power for the good of his country. The ■ fame day general Laveller, colonel Roderic, I and another commandant were arretted, and t were to be tried; in a few days. , It is fupppfed that general Touflaint has, by his spirited co;idu£t and the discovery of Santhonax's plot, saved all the white inha bitants on the island from being massacred. The general.has also allured them that in a few days he would lay the whole of Santho : nax's plan before v them. Conjpftures were • various as to the rout whiph Sanihonax had taken ; but it was mostly expe&ed he would i go to some' Spanish fettlpment. , —. CHARLESTON, Sept. x S . Gold Ncuu far cur Mfr chants. We learn, that thp Collector has iflued orders fion of the-trade of this pert Mr. llatnilson, the Riitifb eonful at Norfolk, h.is ordered two (loops of war from that Ra tion, to change their cruizing ground, and to cruize the months of Sep:ember and Oitober,' hetweep'lit. 34, and jo. A variety of report. were yesterday in circu lation relative to the capture of the Grouper ; it wa» too good news .to he true j. in tracing the reports, wl- found th« to be the mnft correifti Cap'. Allboy, of the Harlequin, from Ber muda. ) days ago, lit, 29, 43, fpoke.tha priva teer fchr. Dunmore, of New-Providence, moun ting ia fix pounders, and 8j men, on a cruize (>S da' Soot from Naflau. The captain of the Du«m"B>e fiki that he Fame purposely to meet with and take the French-privateer Le Grouper. It will he glorious spurt for two pirates to en gage each other. SAVANNAH, Bept. n. Arrived fchr. Peggy, capt. Duncan, 11 days from Philadelphia. Came passengers, Abra ham Baldwin, Esq. member of congress for this Rate, and Mr.Jafen Hopkins, merchant, of Philadelphia. NOTICE. THE Pilots are ordered to bring no vef • fels arriving from PHILADELPHIA, higher up than Cockfpur.nor q»it any they board, un til r Health Certificate he granted. M. BURKE, Heeltb-Officer. Xfte (gazette, PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY EVENING, September 30. Total of lurials for 24 hours, ending yester day at noon. Secrnd Prdbyterian I O Third Presbyterian o ' j Scots Prefbyti rian » o St. Mary's Church 3 I Free Qusksrs* o 1 German Lutherean 1 . o German Reformed o I Methodist* I O Potter's Fraid o I Citjr Hofpttal* 7 o KenQng'.cnf , I I '5 6 * Four of theft from tbt city. It is plcafing to fee science and federalifm every where progrefiing hand in hand. Disorganization has ever found few abet tors amongst men of learning. Shew me an ene*y to the'laws and the constitution, and I will immediately Ihew you a fool or a villain. Princeton, September 27it, 1797. —Thil diy being the anniversary of the commence ment in the college of New Jersey, the board of trustees, and the faculty of the college, met the senior class at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, in the publip hall, from whence they went in proceflion to the church. The business of the day was introduced with prayer by the president. Then fol lowed the exercises of the young gentlemen who were candidates for degrees. 1.. A Latin salutatory oration, on the connexion between piety, virtue and sci ence, by Charles Fenton Mercer, of Vir ginia. 2. An English salutatory oration, on the caufesof the negleft of the Greek and Latin languages, by Peter Le Conte, of New Jersey. ' 3. An oration on the origin and improve ment of language, by Frederick Beafley, of North Carolina. 4. A debate on the following question : Is it probable, from the prefeut slate of society, that modern eloquence will rival the ancient ?—Richard Ruilv of Pennsyl vania, respondent—Alexander S. Kerr, of Pennsylvania, opponent —George Troup, of Georgia, replicator. 5. An oration on the excesses .of the French revolution, by Henry W. Edwards, of Connecticut. 6. An oration on the mythology of Greece, by Abraham Harrifcin, of New Jersey. 7. A debate on the following question : Whether any, and which branch of the federal government is likely to become su perior to the others ■—Dennis D. Reed, of Pennsylvania, refpondent—Mathew La Rue Perine, of New Jersey, opponent— Aaron Loe, of New Jrtfey, replicator. 1 | 8. An oration nn the American revolu tion and the means, of its benefits, by John Howfon Peyton, of Virginia. ! 9- An oration on happiness, by John ( Vancleve, of New Jersey. I 10. An oration on duelling, by Jacob S. Otto, of New Jerfty. 11. A debate on the following question : Is it probable that the federal government will be permanent ?—William Frazer, of Delaware, respondent—Robert Jackson, of Maryland, opponent—Charles Fenton Mer cer, of Virginia, replicator. 12. An oration 011 the necessity of the United States' establishing a navy, by John Stoopsj of Maryland. j 13. An oration on the danger of foreign influence, by Lewis Hafbrouck, of Mew ' York. : 14. An oration on the mathematics, by ■ Thomas Bayly, of Maryland. I The degree of , Bachelor of Arts was , then conferred on the young gentlemen a bnve mentioned, and on William Agnew, Martin Agnew, Richard Beatty, Daniel Crane, Edmund Morford, and Stephen ( 1 hompfon, of New Jersey ; Thomas Ed gai» Hughes, and John Watson, of Penn sylvania ; John Strawbridge, of Delaware ; Guftavus Brown Wallace, of Virginia ; James Clark, of North Carolina ; and Lau ' rence L. Raven, of the island of Curacoa ; members of the fame class. Messrs. Robert Field, James G. Force, Robert Hunt, Titus Hutchifon, Henry Kellock, Jolin Nelson, James T. Stelle, Lucius Horatio Stockton, Isaac Van Dorn, John Wallace, and Henry Wykoff, alumni of the college, wtfre admitted to their de gree of Master of Arts. The degree of Master of Arts was con ferred on the Rev. John Croes, Reftor of the Eplfcopal church at Sweedlboroiagh, New-Jersey. Samuel Andrew Law, A- M. in Yale College, and Samuel Harrifon Smith, A- M. of the university of Pennsylvania, were admitted, ad eundem in this collegA The valedictory oration on Emulation, was then pronounced by James CJark, of North-Carolina, and the exercises of the day concluded with a prayer by the President. For the Gazette of the United States. MR. FENNO, I have observed, with the utmost regret, in several late papers, a great number of pa-' ragraphs, which were evidently intended to injure a medical character of the higheflt esti mation, both in Europe and America. In desiring you to inferc the following re marks on these paragraphs, I rely on that candor and impartiality, which, at leal}; in re gard to fcientific subjects, oyght to charac terize every.public print. The torrents of abuse which have so a bundantly been poured'on Dr. Rulh, seem to have arisen from a desire of wounding his feelings as an individual ; of injuring hia re putation as a physician ; and of preventing •the general introduction of his mode of prae tice. J}ut the enemies of Dr. Rush may be assured that their vile and illiberal scandal cannot disturb the tranquillity of his exalted mind. In the present instance the tongue of malice will as ineffedtually ftied its venom, as it did at the time when our late illustrious president retired from the chair of govern ment. "JThe objeft of the labours of Dr. Rush is the improvement of the science of medicine. Ht finds an ample reward in the approba tion of his own conscience ; his endeavours havt been crowned with success, and he has added largely to the stock of human hap piness. With a view, probably to injure the re putation of the-Dr. as a medical pra&ition-* er, he-has been emphatically stigmatized by the name of a' quack. With equal proprie ty might we denominate Newton an illite rate pretender to philosophy, or Homer a poetaster. Those feeble attacks which have been made oft our American Hippocrates, can have but little effect in blading or injuring his fame ; like the fhort-ljved ephemero", they are limited to the existence of a Jingle day. The" principles 'of medicine which are taught and promulgated by Dr. Rufli, have been afftrted-by one of your paragraphifts, to be 1* contrary to reaCoji. aud experience." I take the liberty, however, boldly to de clare, that they will* eventually triumph o ver all op'pofition, merely because they are molt ftridly iupported by reason and by ex perience. It isliot a; new thing, that men,, who by their exertions have promoted in an eminent degree, the cause of science and hu manity, are rewarded with detraftion and ingratitude—This is not the lirff time that " truth has been Dr. Har vey's immortal discovery of the circulation of the blood, was long a-matter of dispute and calumrry—He wasabufed and perfect ed 5 but the names of his perfeeutors, like the animals which have paid the price 6f his discoveries, are consigned to eternal oblivion. It may be necessary to add, that in spite of all opposition, the mode of practice pur sued by Dr. Rush is advocated by the most' refpedtablephyficians of Philadelphia ; and, from an appeal to reason and experience, every liberal and unprejudiced mind will be convinced, that it is the most fuccefsful method of treating the yellow fever. / H. • ' 1 Cjf The business of the CUSTOM-HOUSQ, 'will from this day be tranfaSed at Chester for feme time. Sept. 30. Philadelphia County meeting. The Citizens cf the county of Phi/ade 'p'hia are reqiiefled to meet on Thursday the sth of OSober next, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the To ten House in '.he- Northern Liberties, to consult' on proper perfotts to represent them in the next General AJfemlly. Sfpletnber. gc.. , '. CITY HOSPITAL REPORT, From 29th to 30th .Sept. in the morning* Admitted, iince "last report, James Moore—l9B, South 2d ftreet-. Herman Schas—Rivera, baiter, Catherine ft. John Co^kly—do. do. Hugh Dougherty—Corner Walnut and Front street. Unity Dougherty, . do. do. Margaret Patteriun—Northern Liberties, found in the street.. Thomas Morrifor— Davis's Alley, Christian street. Elilni Brady—l96, North Watar street. Lucy Pearles—Peter Cloves, between sth and 6th street, opposite Pine street. Margaret Vantiville—Gafkill ftr. next door to Lamp. John Rowe—l7B, South Water street. Lcdy Carney—ls3, Spruce street. , Hannah Pringle—corner 6th and Lamb ftrt. Discharged, since last report, Samuel Freeman, admitted 26th ult. Tfrael Canfield, ift Esther Rice, i^tl, Mary Shaw, , Charles Mitchell, aoth Nicholas Johnson, 22d Ann Townfetid, 27th Died since last repfcrt. when admitted howJongiick pre vious to admimon. Guy Blakely, 25th 3 days. Tabitha Walton, 25th 1 day. Rebecca Hubbard,2Bth 3 days. Modeftierre (French ' man) 28th 8 days. Remaining last Report 60 Admitted since, 1 3 Discharged >7 Died 4 „ Remain inHofpita], vakfcents^ | fi2 Nine of whom are dangerous. - Interred in City Hospital burying ground since last report : From the city and suburbs 4 From the city hospital 4 Total 8 Stephen Girard, (Signed) Caleb Lownes, John Connelly. Published by order of the Board, Wm. MONTGOMERY, Chairman, pro tem. GAZETTE MARINE LIST. New-York, September 30. arrived. Dayi Schr. Frederick, .Thomas, N. Carolina 22 CLEARED. Ship-James, Brown, Hamburg & Eaft-Indi* * Norfolk, September 23. ENTERED. Brig Democrat, Latham, C. Francois Fanny, Newell, Jamaica Lydia, Miles, Liverpool Sch'r Minerva, Scovell, Bermuda Peggy, Cowper, Cape Francois Saucy Jack, Boggefs, do. Sloop Weftmoreland, Thomas, J?jnaica. CLEARED. Ship Richmond, Simpfon, Dublin Brig Joseph, Leffingwell, Curracoa Sch'r Caroline, Ntwell, Bourdeaux Sloop Bsrmuda Packet, Swan, P. au Prince Lift of American vefTels at Cape Francois, 011 the 29th August, received by the brig Democrat : Sch'r Rebecca, Rogers, 1 r -n n Triton, L, jofßofton. Eagle, Dalton, of fvewburyport. Sloop Hawk, Lanksford, of Prov. R. I. Brig Hunter, Parker, of New-York. Jane Vanfife, Snow Cleopatra, Christie, Sch'r Eagle, Wells, of Philadelphia Bo (ton, Clarke, Molly, Edwards, Snow , Thompson, "1 Sch'r Regulator, Weeks, J- of Baltimore Three Sifters, Martin, J Brig Bill, Gorham, 1 c . Sch'r Polly, Norton, j of Ws(h ' n gton. ■Brig Thetis, Sprigs, 1 Char- Sch'r Hudson Packet, Richardson, j lefton, Sch'r Speedwell, Stariwood, of Newbury port, is at Monte Chrifti/. Lift of Americans taken .and carried into different parts of Hifpaniola : At Port-au-Paix, Brig Rambler, Odlin, of Philadelphia, cap tured August 18. Schooner Alciope, Rice, of do. do. 15th do. Ship Goddess of Plenty, Churnfide, do. do. At Cape Francois. Schooner Nancy, Handlin, of Frederickf burgh captured the 10th August. At St- Jago de Cuba. Schooner Bctfy and Patfey, Durker, of Baltiriiore, taken 27th July. At Monte Chrijlie. Ship Goddess of Plenty, , of Philadel phia, taken Aug. 9. Brig Tully, Stapleton, of Wsfhington. Schooner Fair Amsriean, Rogers, of Bal timore. Thursday arrived the brig Lydia, eapt. Miles, 8 Weeks frCm Liverpool. On the 28th July, off the Mull of Ken tie, fpojie the brig Abigail, Babqock, 30 days from Philadelphia to Belfaft. Sept. 15; lat. 37, 40. long. 74, spoke the fch'r Federal, Long, out 36 days from Jamaica to New York; supplied the Lydia with neffaries. POST-OFFICE. Philadelphia, Sep,'. 29, 179 7. LETTERS for the British Packet,Jx/r Falbicuth, will be received at this Office, until TuefJay, the third of QZiober, at twelve 0 clock, noon. The inlandpflage to New-Turk rr.ujl be paid. dtsd.