Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, September 28, 1797, Image 2

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THE Pqrr who may find it
diftanc-, tn make ufeof Mr. Hunter's truly me
ritorious offer, will be fupflied with medicine?—
f»'\ barley, oatmeal. See. hy ap- lying at the
fubfcribcr's store. No. Murket-flreet.
Tnfurance Company of the Srate |
of Pennsylvania.
THF. Office will be kept ufitil further notice at j
the School House in Germantown. The
Ccfripany still retain the room in Chefnut, above!
Seventh flreet, wbere a person will att.-nd to re
ceive and give an r wcrs to applications, every day
frurh to iihtil i o'clock.
Sept I-j. djtlawtf j
Bank of North America,
September Sth, 1797. J
ON Monday /lext the Notice' for all Notes or J
Bills payable at thisßank.which fall dueonthnt !
and the enfuinjj 6 days, will be served on the Fay- J
rrs: And the like Notices on every Monday, till j
the further ordersofthc Directors.—Persons wish- 1
ing to deposit iSitcs or' Bills for Collection, which
are to fall due within the week, mud tfcemfulves
undertake to give notice to the Payers. dtf
- The Health-Office "
I. c rrwjovd to the City-Hall, and is kept open ;
ri?'*and day, where person? having bufiri'fs jnay J
apply. Ww. ALLEN, Health-Officer.
Sept. 4. dtf !
NOTIC K. * .
l THF. Offices of the Department of War are for
the pr sent removed near to the Falls of the Scuyl
kill, on the Ridge Road.
Sep'emhcr a■ dtf ;
i'he Inhabitants of the DiltridJ;
of Southwark,
A RF. informed that a Coacheeis provided, to be
jl. - kept at the Conflables' office, the north east
earner cf Front and Almond streets, where the
friends of those sick persons who deflre to be re- j
moved to t{>< City Hospital, arc requested to males j
appUratiwi—Alfo, a Heart: will be kept in readi
ness for the removal of the dead.
N. B.— The Poor, who wijh to remove to the
Tents on Schuylkill, may tie furniAed with orders
hy applying «s above. A*p. 39
Fir sale or to be let on ground-*
' rent,
J valuable Lot trf Ground ;
OITUATE ot the north-eift corner of W«I-
O nut and Fifth streets, fronting the State-
House square. This lot is fifty-one feet front
on Walnut street, and one hundred and thirteen
feet and an half on Fifth street ; there are at
pret'ent two small two story brick houses, and a
number of small tenements thereon.
Alfa, for Sale,
Two three story Brick Houses
With convenient (lores,, wharf, &c. situate on
Water-Areet, between Mulberry and Saflafras
streets, containing in front o» Water street fif
ty-four feet, and continuing that breadth east
ward nine:y-fivc fest, then widening to the
south thirteen feet fix inches, l'hefe houses j
ave the convenience of a public alley adjoining
on the north fide, and are a very defirabte situa
tion for a merchant, flour fa<nor,or others who '
may have occasion for storage of goods. This
property will be fold on very reasonable terms ■
forcafh. For further information apply t» the '
July 31. m&ptf !
The Subscriber has for Sale,
A»large assortment «f India Muflirw, (
cmrfr a n <i fine
India Cal'.oes
Seoty Romalls <
Blue Cloths and Checks ;
Bandanna Handkerchiefs
Blue red and Gilli Handkerchiefs
An invoice of Irilh Linens and Sheetings, well '
f a(Tortcd
A box of Diapers J
Silk Umbrellas ;
Two boxes ef fine Spices, cociining Nutmegs, ,
Mace and Cloves
Black Pepper of firft quality
Eifl India Ginger * s 1
Java Sugar
A quantity of Madeira Wine ]
Ditto of Gin
Roll Brim {lone .
Mordecai Lewis. j
Awuf! 11. aawlm j
At a Meeting of the Board of )
Property, June 6, 1797, ]
Present John Hall, See'ry. < t
Francis Johnfton, R. O. > oflandoffice
Dan. Brodhead, S. G j
Nicholas Bettinger, } 1
Vtrfiu > I
Samuel Cunningham. J e
In this cafe the proof of service of notice be- ]
ing inefficient, Itisordered that notice begiv- f
tn in one of the Philadelphia and York newfpa- ,
pers weekly, for at leift eight weeks to the
heirs or assignees of Samuel Cunningham de
ceased, to atftend the board on the firft Monday
in November next, to shew caul'e why a patent
fcould net iflue to Nicholas Bettinger for the
land in question. \ ■ ■ i
IA true Copy.)
Secretary of the Land Office.
Aug. is- *iawßw. c
1' An elegant House in Arch Street. c
TO be let and entered on immediately a large t
and elepant house at the Corner of Arch and t
Ninth Street. There are two drawing rooms a
and one dining room—the largest is 31 feet by
*6 —and two are so conn«£led by folding doors
as to make but bne. Also, five bed rooms, be- n
fijfes sin the garret, well ftsifhed for fervsnts. e
There are stables and a coach house, with evry a
convenience for a family. Enquire at No. 29, f
in North Seventh street, or at No. 218, Arch j(
Street; a
Aug. 15.
BRETAONES In cases n
German Cheeksin do. It
Cambtjf k , b
Plattillas _
.Cold and silver Watches
Window Glass 10 by 8
Glass Tumblcrsin cases C
Linseed Oil in casks, Ac. See. r
George Penned,
103, High-SireX. -I
Jnly J. 3 aw
t. n
Window Glass,
Superior Qumlity, and cheaper than any othei (n
the City— ei
From Bby 6 to 19 by <4, c ]
Dy the single Box or tjuami'.y, may be bad at the
Store of the Subscriber!, corner of Arch and Front-
James C. & Samuel W. Fijher.
%\)t dsasette»
: PHI L t A DELP nIA ,
An Ordinance authori/ing the Mayor to lor
l j row money in anticipation of the taxes of
j the present year, and for other purposes.
J WHEREAS great numbers of the in
ef. habitants of the city of Philadelphia have
e at present removed into the cuuntry, by
-! reason whereof the taxes eolleft
r;,ed in due time, and it is neceflary that
j money (hould be immediately procured for
- : the purpose of pitching, paving, repairing,
j lighting and watching the city.
it therefore ordained and enafled by
r ! the citizens of Philadelphia in feleft and
; j common councils aflembled, That the May"-
si |or of the city be and he is hereby authorised
_ and empowered to borrow, on the credit of
(1 the corporation, from either of the banks
5 in the said city, any sum or sums of money
not exceeding ten thousand dollars—one
thousand dollars whereof'fliaU be applied to
n ; the repairing of unpaved Weets, in addi
r j tion to the sum already appropriated for
j that, purpose—and the remainder of the
money so to be borrowed, is hereby appro
priated for the purpose of hiring patroles,
[ and effe&ing such* other measures as the
Mayor (hall deem neceflary for the protec
, tion of the city, during the exiftirig cala
: m ity, and in anticipation of the taxes of
the present year, towards the completion
of such objects as have been heretofore di
c rested by an ordinance, making appropria
• tions for the year one thousand seven hun
[ , dred and ninety-seven. .
, ; Enafted into an ordinance at Philadel
phia, this twenty-sixth day of Sep
j ( L,c ") tem ber, one thousand seven hundred
and ninety-seven.
Preft dent of Common Council.
President of Sclcß Council.
The following is from a correspondent :
" I observe that the editor of the Aurora
is at open hostility with you. I wish that
in the paragraph wßch appears to have in
curred his wrath, you had substituted people
for ting ; for certainly no nation have been
so completely tricked out of their own (i. e.
rights) as the French."
The former is a very natural wish, and
the.latter a very just remark. But the rea
son why the one exprcflion was not adopted
rather than the other, was, on acequnt of a
belief, that the only means by which tie peo
ple could again, in any degree, be restored
to their own, is through the medium of the
restoration of the king ; and becaufc this is
believed to be the wish of nine-tenths of the
people of France, tho' prevented from being
exprefled witn its due force by the art and
villainy of the other tenth. And every
man will coincide in this opinion, who, from
having attended to the French revolution,
has seen, as every such man must have seen,
that all the leading measures of the revolu
tion, m. «11 >«« J>een efEed«4-
against the opinion of a solid majority—by
art, by chicanery, deception, and by terror.
The French have pretty plainly shewn, by
a&ual and horrible experiment, that they are
wholly unfit for, and cannot sustain, a free
government, in any tolerable degree. And
a speedy re-eflablifhment of a king, can
alone prevent the renewal of those bloody
scenes of and carnage which have
already desolated that thriving empire.
In this view every philanthropic mind mud
heartily pray for the event.
Who this king may be is a matter of
very little consequence, so that he be not a
log or a tiger ; let it be any body but the
foi-difant Louis XVIII. whose principal aim
seems always to have been to get as far as
poflible from the reach of that " villainous
thing called gunpowdet."
[Many other reflections here present
themselves : but a prefTnre of various em
barraflments prevents, at present, any further
enlargement. As the progress of things in
France will, in all probability, repeatedly
renew the fubjeft, the opportunity cannot
be considered as gone by.]
Trcnflatedfor the (N. T.J Gazette,
From a worl written by Lovis-Ab£l-Bet?-
sor-Rtiaur,called the " Te/lament of anE
leSor of Paris."
It was published immediately after the
conflict between the people of Paris and the
conventional army, on the fubjeft of forcing
the present constitution down thelthroats of
the people, notwithstanding their weighty
and just abhorrence of that part of it which
fays that two thirds of the members of the
new body shall be taken from the old butch
ering convention. Its.analogy to the char
after and views of the direC ory who is the
foul of the terrorist party, will apologize for
its translation and pnblication at the present 1
awful and interesting crisis.
"Of all the feourges, which hell has vo- j
mited on the earth, since its existence, it is
neceflary to be destitute of sense not to al- ,
low that the tuoft terrible, fatal and execra- :
ble, is the revolutionary government. It is <
precisely what the prince of latin poets ap- 1
peared to prtfage to future generations in
this celebrated verse, wkich paints in true (
colirs what is* or rather what would be the 1
revolutionary government of the French."
Monflrum. " There never was a pheno- f
menon more monstrous than this atrocious J
invention, this hideous child of frantic crime. (
It is neceflary to have seen it to have belier- ]
ed in its existence. It is not only out ef na- 1
ture and againfl nature, but it is out of the '
class of things which it is poflible for man '
to conceive out of nature and againfl na- '
ture." t
Horrcndum. " The horror which it was ,
capable of inspiring and which in eifeft it %
did infpice, was such, that we cannot think
of it without (liuddering, and Our posterity
a thousand years hence will hardly have cou
rage enough to pronounce its name. I
have seen whole families tremble as from a
violent fit of the fever and ague, shiver in
all their fall into convulsive motions,
■ iven when talked of before them. If it nfi s
pofllble to aflemble in one single frame, eve
ry horrible thing that the 1 world has pro
duced since its creation, this chief-d'cetivre
■ ugliness and deformity would be less
(hocking than the single idea of the revolu
■ .tiopary government. It alone has made more
enemies, irrec#ncileable enemies to
than every thing that could otherwise have
> been deviled to hasten her deftrudliou." »
Informc. " All that the perversity, de
pravity, and pride of the wicked could invent
of what was absurd, ridiculous, udforme'd,
extravagant, flioicking, revolting, that
the jmnlenfe Aore4ioufe of human follies
could offer of inconceivable atrocity in silli
ness, in extravagance and ih stupidity, it* far
from coming up to the revolutionary govern
ment. For who government, fays abftnee
of revolution ; and he who fays revolutionary
government, fays trfyfraaion of every kind of
government, and fays even much more ; /or
it fignifies, in ever)' sense of the words, the
organization of disorganization, the systema
tizing coldly all foi« of crimes, and draw
ing up a plan of chaos. It is the-ne plus
ultra of folly, ignorance, and ferocity ; and
heaven no doubt has been willing to fee how
far human natnre could bear away the palm
of infamous-cruelty over the infernal spirits."
[tfgens. "It was a coloiTus of deformity,
an enormous mass of absurdities and abomi
nations of every kind, an ( immense pyramid
ofxrimes of evfry fpecies,of which the regis
ters of hell could not contain the simple
nomenclature. This dreadful colossus ap
peared to have one foot on one hemisphere
of the globe and one foot on the other;
like the famous coloflus of the island of,
Rhodes, between whose legs pasTed ships of
the line. It extended, its rapacious hands
to every thing it fofye&ed to be hofleft and
virtuous u rider heaven ; its steeled claws
would plunge themfelves|into every thing }
stab, as we may fay, the two worlds to des
troy them at the fame time. Its open
mouth threatened to swallow the univcrfe ;
and its empoisoned breath vomited a deadly
plague over all the furface of France. It
was a ghastly horrid wolf, whof« ferocity
would not have spared any living bein-", if
heaven, touched with companion for poor
fuffenng humanity had not finally fupprefTed
the violence of his rage."
Cut lumen ademptum. "In effeft, the in
stant that xhe revolutionary government took
existence in France, was the epoch the most
dark of our history; the fun enlivens no
more the territory of France, but with a
brightness fictitious and precarious. The
father of light appears to bury himfelf with
us in an eternal night; or rather, be concen
trates himfelf in the sphere of his immortal
rays, and hides himfelf from us, the better
to isolate as from-all natures works. All
the splendor, all the brilliancy of the universe
was taruifhed ; every thing died with the
reaftnr of m«« t <*ci-f thing difapp«ared
with bis happiness ; all was destroyed ; the
most noble portion of humanity perished ;
and'the foul, which ennobled our existence
plunge'd itfelf in the fight of its nothingness.
He who created the revolutionary government
'acquires imprescriptible right* to the exe
cration of his cotemporaries, to the sovereign
contempt of posterity and to the never-end
ing punishments of eternity. Sis name
(hall be consigned to the bloody and livid
history of barbarity. This monster, the
day of his creation said to the French na
" Frenchmen, to prove to you how much
I despise you, and to. give to you an idea of
the pleasure I feel in humiliating and vex
ing you, I am going to command anarchy
in the name of the law, folly in the name
ofreafon, atheism in the name of God »and
you will obey! You will applaud «hc !"
" Every thing I hive said as the revolu
tionary government I have thought and still
think ; I have felt and still feel. But, how
ever energetic my manner of exprefiing my
fclf may appear to you, it falls short of the
reality ißafmßch as the reptile is below the
eagle ; and when I shall be in pofTefljon of
Pandora's box, should I open and exhaust
it, there would not go out of it a monster
more hideous and infamous than the revolu
tionary government."
Such are the monsters and such the order of
of tiling* which our American diforganizers
still continue to idolize, notwithstanding the
flood of truth that is daily pouring from the
peiw of elegant French writers on the Crimes
of the Jacobins. They are unwilling that the
truth ihould appear, and stigmatize as Royalists
all the humane men who feel an abhsrrence at
the enormities committed during the revolution.
Not a writer in France on thecondu& of their
Jacobins but fays, he wants words to
the feelings of hoirorand indignation which a
recoiled icnjof their butcheries excites. Of
twenty papers printed daily in Paris, only two
or three take part with the Directory and the
Jacobinic members of the Councils, all the reft,
to the number of seventeen or eighteen are on
the fide of the great body of the people who
deleft anarchy and its abettors, and wifli for
nothing so m»ch as peace, order and good gov
ernment■ As a proof of the final] number of
prints wh'ch favor Jacobinism, we shall
adduce the authority of the patriotic Bathe,
Freneau and Co.*whofe papers fay "that of all
the prints we have quoted, his (Louvet's) is
the only one decidedly on the Republican, or
what is termed the Jac(4»in fide of thequeftion."
Yetftrange otclf! ihefe conjiftmt gentlemen ,
after the candid acknowledgment above quoted, .
fay, that the faflion in this country are ransack
ing the French Royalist publications, wfcich fay
they, are few in number, to bluft the charafter '
of (he whole Kevolotian, and fligmatiie ihe '
French as naturally cruel or malicious.—Of a I
number of pamphlets written in France on the /
Revolution now in my poffeffian, there is not ,
one but exprefles in language of manly indigna- ,
tion the horrid crimes of the Revolutionary Co- ■
•vernment. Tl*t the Ar.tifederal Jacobins a- 1 us should wish to throw a veil ®ver the j
mortalities committed in France during thei-Re- '
volution is not surprising, wh« we cuaCder. t
l their attachment to ev.-ry fpe.-ies if Revolution
r in Govern writ, which is never made araonj; a
_ people like the Am*ric»ns, bnr' at :h.e ex
r pence of industry, morality, and every facial
virtue. 1
1 Whit man who has the smallest claim to vir
) tue and philanthropy, but mull dread the tnift
, distant attempt at innovation in in efta'nllfhed
s order of things, efpeehl'.y i* a country like
1 this, where as much freednfo is enjoyed as ii
compatible with the object of mankind in the for
mation of government ? What a fouice of pleas
• ing_ gratification Hoes the purt patriotic hofom
! derive from a view of the great and f^dden
■ change wrought in the minds of the gr»at body
; of the peopk of the United States, from the
, depredations and ins ilts coinmittedhy the French
. nations on the perl'ons and property of our fei
low-citizens ? What an heart cheering convic
tion does it not excite of independence of
the hulk of our countrymen to foreign influence,'
; whether British or French ? When the Britilh
, I were committing outrages on our persons and
i property, how did the bo'oin of nine-tenths of
, J the people of tWis country beat with manly in
.; dignation at their
are doing the fame (although more unprovok-d)
j the fame general sentiment of execration against
■ i them animates our viktucus patriotic fel
' ! low-citizens. Hide your heads ye tools of far
r eign intrigue and faiflinn, whether British o r
<" French, the people of America are too wife to
. be the dupes, too good to be participators in
, yqur wicked schemes against their country :
They are determined to be independent, to feel
sand I hope, soon to chastize) injuries and in
■ fults offered to their ellow-citizens, whetjierby
Englishmen or Frenchmen Although there
are friends among us, blindh- attached to for
eign influence, still the great mats of the p-ople
"of these states have giver, a clfar proof of their
wisdom, humanity and patriotism, in their de
cided detestation of the views dilplayed ky the
two great powers of Europe, in their unjust
conduft towards each other, and towards {his
country, un-.ler diametrically oppoiite cirenm
ftances. When a powerful combination existed
against Franqe, and she wis likely to become a
prey to her ambitious and powerful enemies,
how did the citizensof America in general fym
patbizein her situation, and feel with transport
. every viflory ohtaired by Frenchmen ? Now
, that France is become the opprefiing and not
the oppreflcd nation, how different are our feel
ings—they are totally changed with the change
of circumfUnces in rerpe/t to the contending
powerj. We have by the w:r in Europe, and
theoppofite situations into which the belligerent
powers have been thrown, learnt the infiruflive
lefTen of the danger to which.we are exposed
from a definition of the balance of power a
broad. Let us profit by,our dear bought expe
rience, and not ttuft to the insidious profeffions
of friendfhip proffer; d us by any European
p»wer whatever ; let ui choose good, quiet,
impartial, honest men administer our na
tional concerns, and trusting with generous con
fidence to their patriotism we shall
ever be happy, united and free.
From the NEW-TORK GAZETTE, tic.
Meflrs. M'Lean & La'{ig.
WHEN a single error in private life is
brought forward by the malignant spirit of
faftion, to tarnilh the charafter and disturb
the peace of the most virtuous patriots A
merica has to boast of, every sensible, deli
cate and liberal mfod is wounded, and im
mediately becomes interested to relcue merit
from the fangs of its merciless, unfeeling
opprefTors. The mingled emotions of pity
and indignation fertcd my mind <jn reading
the defence of Col. Hamilton ; pity at the
weakness of human nature, which in this
refpeft is so conspicuous in that otherwise
great personage for writing the defence ;
indignation at the pitiful—malevolence of
Mr. Monroe who drove him to it, by cru
clljj refilling him a certificate to do away an
atrocious calumny preferred against him by
the infamous author of " the history of
the United States for the year 1796," con
tained in No. 5 and 6, whose envenomed
pen is dipped in the gall of a party, un
friendly to the firft and best chara£er» a
mony us, to our excellent constitution and
its Supporters, and even to our national
honor and interest, when opposed 10 the
present unprincipled rulers of a foreign na
tion who caress with one hand and (lab
with the other. Every generous and can
did mind must feel hurt at the cruel attempts
of Col. Hamilton's political enemies, to
wound his charafter and peace of mind by
daily alledging against him, at a palpable
proof of general moral depravity, a single
circumstance of an amorous nature, wtieh
I do not pretend to jtiftify, but which his
candid though I think imprudent and unne
ceflary confefiion fufficiently attones for.
That mind must have a small portion of
the divine spirit, and be totally destitute of
the god-like attribute of mercy, who, know
ing the frailty attached to humanity, espe
cially in what relates to the operations of the
JleJh, cruelly and unmercifully Condemns to
perdition and infamy a fellow creature, who
has ten thousand substantial virtues to set
against one single transgression, and who,
moreover, has atoned for it by a candid
confeflion of his guilt. When we take a
view of Col. Hamilton's public and private
charter, on a general, liberal, and unpre
judiced scale, what a source of admiration
does it not raise ? what a claim to public
esteem and gratitude does it not demand ?
Unlike his political enemies he is and ever
has been aftively laborious, (to the injury
of his health and private interest) in the
prosecution of meaftires for the honor and
advantage of his country—how many fa
tiguing days and restless nights has he spent
in devising plans and.promoting schemes for
the public benefit ? When very young he
took an early, decided, and uniform part
in the glorious revolution which secured our
independence ; in th<* attainment of that
objeft he was always unfriendly to any fa
crificeß not immediately cffential to securing
the great objedt in view—well knowing,
that to make Independence and Liberty belov
ed by enemies as well as friends, it ivas ne
cejfary to mahe them amiulle, and to divejl
them of all malevolent, sanguinary and revenge- <
ful attributes. When peace was the reward
of a seven years struggle for independence,
what an efFeft had his writings and condu&
in allaying the angry paflions of the zealous
partizans of the revolution,'by recommend- i
tng to them a generous oblivion and forgive- 1
ness of the errors and blindness of those
' who adhrrfd to the fid;.of £, ; «l : > -£h<;
' fame, god-like principle" is uo\v aftifaiTßg
, the people of France, aj appears by the
late proceedings of their true reprefenta
tiyes —the legidative body. What were
his unremitted exertions to draw our coun
try out of chaos and rr.ifcry, by unceasingly
a (lifting in the eftablifhhient of our preftnt
admirable con'ftitution ? How many labori
ous days must he have spent in arranging
the chaotic mass of public debts, and giving
our finance and money operations that sys
tematic and beautiful appearance they at
present poflefs I What a multiplicity of
disorganized objefts came, within the duties
of that important office which he so honora
bly filled, and to which he was Appointed
by one of the best men on earth, from the
high sense he. entertained of his ftrift and
delicate integrity > What has been his con-*
dudt in that dignified and truft-,worthy fta- ,
tion ? Above the fordid considerations of
felf-intereft, his nofcje and difintereftcd foul
was too elevated to avaifitfelf of even those
advantages*" of fpeeulation, which he in
common with others might have enriched
himfelf from, and which hij previous know
ledge of, fully enabled him to accompliflv
\v hat embarrafTments was he not frequently
put to for want of money, although Secre
tary of the Treasury ? How different this
from the condud of Citizen Monroe's dear
and particular friends Delacroix, Truguet,
and Co. !
To delineate the charafter of colonel Ha
milton in private life, to enumerate jhe'ma
ny and great instances of his integrity, hu
manity, and generofny, would, my candid
ellow-citizens, be telling you what you all
know, what you have heard daily for many
years, what numbers of you have experi
enced, and gratefully acknowledge. How
has candor, probity, and industry, uniformlv
marked his profeffional character ?—What
gentleman of the bar in this city, has given
filch general fatisfaftion '—Shall we, people;
of America, (to whom colonel Hamilton
has rendered so many invaluable services)
fufler owr veneration and esteem for hirjj, to
be dnraniflied for one error in his private life?
Shall we, by joiningor even listening to the
tales of his inveterate alfaflin-like revilcrs,
who are to a man the enemies of order, and
the greater part of them the apostles of vice
and villainy, gratify their malevolent and
wicked designs of ruining the reputation and
peace of the Ariftides of America ? No,
■1 enlightened countrymen,'ye are too liber!
•|l7 geneious and just, not to look down
with contempt and indignation 6n the par
tisans of a disorganizing unprincipled fac
tion, in their dark fiend-like attempts to
lefTon, in your esteem, the man, of whose
talents, probity, and reputation, they most
itand in awe. The religion of the friend*
«nd idohzers of Frenchmen offended at an
amour. !—The chajlity of the friend of
ras, Mrs. I allien and Co. wounded at an
intrigue! The morality of the blind de
votees to France, that land of dcbaucherv,
immorality and intrigue, and where lewdnefs
hcenfed and unrivalled reigns, stabbed to the
quick at the carnal connexion with a woman,
the fences of Vvhofe virtue were,
already brdken down. ! The acute sensibility
and delicacy of Gallic Americans put to the
torture, at an affair of this kind, when the
chajle virtuous rulers of republican France
feel a pride in lading Mjjfh diamonds and
brocades their kept miftrefiVs, whom they
accompany to every place of public refWt,
where they attraft the notice, and command
the admiration and attentions of all present 1
What an ufurpatl'on of the holy right of cen
sure !—What a perversion of justice 1 when
uncandid malignant vice, forcing itfelf into
the judgment-ieat of virtue, pronounces its
decrees with partiality, fury and injustice,
condemning as a vice in one country, what
they approve as a virtue in another—Horrid
profanation of every thing sacred.
It is notorious that citizen Monroe and
his partisans entertain and cherish a flrong
attachment, and even adoration for many of
the present rulers of France, whose lewdnefs
is proverbial. I hen why, good citizen Mon
roe, force colonel Hamilton publicly to con
fefs his amour with Mrs. Reynolds, by re
fufing to give him a certificate to exculpat*
himfelf from a charge of a more fcrious na
ture, intimately aumcded with the amour ?
Would you, virtuous citizen Monroe, cher
ami of the Barras, have been as anx*
ious for the publicity of an amour in France?
No, my pure democratic citiaen, you would
not 7°" know you would have been laugh
ed at, and if brought as a crime against your
political enemy, you would be despised as a
rancorous malevolent fool, if not pitied as a
madman. Then why, ye dilbrgaaizers, will
you bring forward, as a crime, in America,
what you countenance and advocate in
I ranee ? Ihe reafjn is, because your morali
ty is local. I hope the citizens of the Uni
ted States will scowl an eye indignant at
your base attempts to blast the chara&er of
one of our greatest and most worthy men,
and that no American of a liberal and h.u
mane mind will patiently hear our most
triad and adive patriots publicly abused for
frailties which the best men in the world may
sometimes be ensnared into by the wiles of
■craft and villainy.
But, I have, in this publication, attached
too much importance to your vile attempts
to injure your great political Opponent bv
fenouOy I'efenting or refuting you*" vile in
sinuations and abuse of him—The best ivav,
and the only one which I (hall hereafter a-,
dopt, and would advise every one tp make
Hie of, who is so fortunate as to be placed
in a iituation to hear thu great crime alledged
against colonel Hamilton, by the admirers of .
French morals—is, sarcastically to obfe.n e,
" Upon my word, the colsnel has > re of
the Frenchman in him. than, before the clif
clofure of this amour-business, 1 had-any
idea of—although he. has not'yet proved
himfelf a modern democratic with
refpeft to money-matter* ; and of course,
not fit to be put on a footing with the Del-,
croixs, theTruguets, arikl many otherhontjt
tdoiS of our American-Jacobins'."