,ntiji >in 1 ihmim.l . Hy tliis day's A-iailT" : ' NEW YORK, September 26. The Chemical Mufcnm, of the Co'.We of New York has been lately enri>4|-d with an extensive collraion of Mirfervals,' d. do p.itioa of Mr. Samuel O.wens, late"of Be!- 1 l ift, now < x f this city. Thus the gjneroli ty of emigrants from Eyrope, tends to pro riot,-the progress of arts, and' fentencts in .the Uuited. States. O.i Saturday night last; between the lfr»urs of nin-t; and ten o'clock, a f}re broke out near Bcekman flip—it was entinguifted, before it did any further damage than con suming a back building. 111 the neighbour hood of Mr. Schermerhorn's (hip chandlerv itore. ; A Memorandum of papersin a che/l foundin the cabin of the wreclt'd schooner " At ( latitic 9/ Bcflon," vir. I/iit of Avei y Little's Notes- March 2stTi, '94, 231. cs. 6d 3- 4 d, Calvin Lewis, George Little. Sept. 27-th,93, 41, iis. id. W.Lewis, Ma T '94. ravn Exceiient Bourd'eaux Brandy ■ 3c)itto > C!.r. :in cafe* ' * « Just leccivcd, a:;d for Ky v>oi\ Leech. illy I ,t*g. 2f. - -.awe: prim Xf3e NFSn \y evsmnq, 13°f~\ Tu^/o / bunals for 24 /w*, £/,.% ytjlr roli- da y at ""on. P 1 ?" Tliird Prtfljvfcrian » . »m St. Mary's Charch r 0 Swedes I 0 the Qerni:»n L\rhercan o r roke • Pb'tor's Field 0 , bed, f'»rf Spiral* I 4 > x r con- 4 )ur " ' 1 9 ~~S lery * FJrw of theft from the city, *f One from Can-ptoum. idln * I 1 * 1 At- . Philadelphia, Augujl 24, 1797. Ala meeting of a few citizens, it was fuggettcd, tliat, in consequence of the pre- Ivin va^ln g calamity, a number of poor persons, many-os whomhad families to support, would tvis, W3nt the common necessaries of life, unless a fund be provided for their relief, . Wherefore, it was agreed to promote a fub ard P 1 ' 011 or the ufc of such as might be in 1 in afliftance, and had no other means of -to procuring it. It was also agreed, that Dr. die, Wlll . lam White, Dr. Nicholas Way, Na •eat ' thaniel Falconer, John Connelly, Samuel i'ot >ates > a "d Caleb Lownes fhonld be a com mittee to procure fubferiptiong for the a ho- hove P ur P°fe> and that Samuel Coates fliould be Treasurer, to receive the money, and pay test to the o, *dcr of the said committee, or any one of them.' t Signed by order, Caleb Lownes, Secretary. :vi- -At a meeting of the committee held at to the city-hall, the 25th September 1797 ; ]e . present Nathaniel Falconer, John Connelly, ble Caleb Lownes, and Samuel Coates, Stephen in- Gjrard was chosen a member of this com to mittcc to- supply the vacancy occa/ioned by or the death of Df. Nicholas Way. Publifh ce cd by order of the committee. as CALEB LOWNES, Sec'ry. (e- Those persons who have the care of sick in in need of afliftance in Fourth flreet, and k- to the eaftvVard thereof, are requested to ny a PP I y to John Connelly and Stephen Gi ai rard; and those who have the care of them in to the westward thereof, are desired to call on n- Caleb Lowues, who will attend to their iir cases. I > a- It is hoped the printers of the several 1,1 in newspapers will publish the above. •h . . | ft APPOINTMENT BY AUTHORITY. < y The President of the United States ha* J ! appointed John Read, jun. Esquire, of f j the city of Philadelphia, Agent for the i United States, under the 6th article of the ' ; treaty between the United States and hi. > " Bntanic majesty, vice Charles Hall, f , Esquire, declined. F d HONOR AMONG THIEVES. v Two convidts, not long fine* rrleafed from ' f prifcn, had amaiTed, by diligence and close c ■ t application, while confined, a considerable jj e l Um Hlone y» which was made a common h 4 ftoik. b . . By joint consent, the money was deposited a J ,n 'he hands of a tavern-keeper, and one wa« h to wait at the tavern until the othfcr called b , i for him with a horse and chair, whicfi he • 1 ' r ' ad at , fomeslillance back. When this lau _ ter arrives at the tavern, he enquires of the d landlord for his comrade—and is told that « he is off!— but what was bitterest of all, i s tnat the money also was gone off with him ! 3 Ihi thief was an " exclusive patriot," \ _ and an inveterate and incorrigible democrat. ( t The above new instance (which is founded: 6 , on faft) of the thorough depravity of a Jaco- ' ' bin's mind, holds out a very ufeful moral to ' 3 those. who would not wish to learn, by bitter ! experience, that txclu/ive patriotic in what- . - | ever walk of life, are ccnclujive knaves. ' n It is not true that Drs. GofTe and Wal- 0 i lass are aboOt to draw their quills in defence of the system of blood. This is interrefting fll formation to those who are pofli-fled with Al a dread of venefeftion—as from the known talents of thcfc eminent profe(Tor3 of the healing art, it is probable that if they once I entered with vigor into the controversy, every opponent would be silenced by found 1 argument;—or have his mouth flopped by a I threat of profecuticn ! | Sc * pri It is not, I believe, recorded in Gil Bias T1 that Sangrado ever threatened perfecutiuu r ' c or prosecution to any one who ridiculed his ot lunatic doctrines. He had probably under-; ne! (landing enough to know, that it woiild on-i ft° ly encreafe the general contempt, orcxecra- Sti tion, against him. her Autem, 10/igo ex intcrvallt, venit alter Sj-rrraJo ; hat Sta im txfurgurt injuria, tr.fiicitia, belli ; ' (In tncdicina infunt brec omnia villa J f i j " moriuntur fopuli vtne/.dicne p ' Et c.ntagUnt. tentat obvdvereprelum. ( The science of medicine bears a very near resemblance, in mod leading points, to thht Shi of politics. ■ In both, hercfies neyer fail jo Bri produce the worst of consequences. In the forn-, - ;hey tend to the difTolution of tie body, and in the latter tp rhat of the body [politic. Ought they not then, alike.to'be hunted down, by all those who value either life, or happiness in life ? Tin i c No department, perhaps, of hnman ccco- I nomy has been more frequently or more 1 ruddy aflaulted by innovation and abfuld { fchemerj than the theory and praAice fcf Che medicine. One confolatign remains to lis, 1 however,thatarampantquack now finds foipe tun resistance apd opposition to his ftarjc-majd, bun raving attacks upon reason and experienced— S Arid however this circumflance may irritate Cha the empiric, the imprefiion made upon the I world, by his irritation and hit threats, wfill H. illy tend to promote the propagation of his S principle. vani CITY HOSPITAL REPORT, Fremthea&'ji to 27th Sept. in themormng. Adnitted, lisce last report, * Elizabeth Pullman, Front, 3 doors below 1 South street. .- 27 :. ' EPz btth White, Sosth, nesr Third street. fjhr- Mar y ead . George's, near Plumb street.' -Andrew Ki'dflc)-, Fifth, « few dears north \ of Chefnut street. , Win, Chsrlet, Dock street, adjoirimg Pole's 1 auft.'on room. Polly Matthews,. China Faflory. Mary Carfv.el!, Vernon, between South and Snip pen street. Discharged since last Report. Jack, (a mulatto) admitted I 3th inft. Eloped, since lafl; report. John Bathurft, a&nitted J2th inft. Died Hnoe last report. '• when admitted I pre was •<,, I v,OUiit oadniiflion. pre- „. ar L s ' ? e " n ' S ' 23d ' 2 days, ans lc^ard Jones (black mid ITlan ) 2 5 th * 7 days. life '' ■ ' Remaining last Report -m Admitted ikicc, : In ?: fch " r s cj ■ uel ' 4 ■a- Remain inHofpital, j Convalefcentsu ] u Six of whom are dangerotu. ' ln y I"*.crred in City Hospital burying ground ' since last report : From the city andfuburbs c From the city hospital 2 at _ Total 7 7 . OT EP H B GIRARD, j ' (^g n ed) Caleb Lownes, ' , ' - John Connelly. 1 Published by order of the Boarcl, 1 b" Wm. Montgomery, flj. Chairman prottm. ; twenty sixth day of September inft. died, Capt. YViluam Heyiha m, of this city, J ck ,n tfce 77jh yettr of his age.—ln him were uni't nd ' a b t>-ith a raind to con lP re ' ,e " i,v ; e i ar eneigetic. Warm in the .• ca "'f ot jne liberties of mankind, he flood for •>- ward among the earliell afferters of Ameriran m freedom- and though an Enghfhman by birth, Jn «f relisted ihe illegal encroachments of that P ,; r country with an exemplary zeal, to the grrat * I detriment of his private fortune. Equally dif , v tinguifhed f#r the benevolent affeflions, he was 1 | uniformly the friend of the diftrefled ; nor was it by words alone that he fought to pour balm U into their wounds: his house and his purse were f" I ever open to reliev* thei neceflities. He sup- si ported a tedious and painful illness with a forti- tude which ft.roogly charaderized the man. and « r ' ca . r , n rtfi »" ,t,o " to the divine will, heauti- a ic fully illuftratcd the infinite importance of «lie- \ le ion 1111 the hour of death. Bv this affliflW «- r vent his children are deprived of an ifTcdionate 'i P ar « nt . his numerous friends of a cheeful com- * pamon, and the public of a truly honest man. 10 . r , „ yjUCK DOCTOR, * 2 A foohlh, Kile fellow at i hearing t that . phyficianhad obtained g,<*t wealth and a r credit by the ftle rf feme plft., undertook to J t' make p.ll. h.mfelf and t. fell them. He admini- /" (tered the lame pill to all persons whatever j and n by chanoe they sometimes l'ucceeded, his name A btcamc famon . A countryman called on him In, d and defiredto know if his pills would enabla ou lg him to find an ass he hai lately loft. The quack d bade him swallow fix pills. In his way home, the operation of the pills obliged him to retire mte a wood, were he found his ass. The clown in cotdequencr, spread a report, that lie knew a B e tloftor who fold pills that would recover//toW L t ■ cat tit. j- c f' j n ! -PRICES OF STOCf?, th ' Philadelphia, Hth Srpt. 1797. p(, J 6 J?cr Cant. 16/8 I «per C.«>» [V* th ! IWerred 6 |»er Cent. j x r. 'IBANK United Seated, 'ig per ct adVanc*. thl r ' inn % , vnia, n jja aci - : North America, 46 j B . Pj Infi.rance Co. N. A (harcj 45 to .to do. ,1 PennfvlTat)ia, par COURSE OF EXCHANGE. ln On London, at 30 days par fd at 60 days ' - (, 5 P a at 90 days h r e Amtterdam, perKildcr ® , 40 roil \ . g oda y 5 M 4» CAZET7£ MARINE LIST. PctkT of Philadelphia. The Swedish barque Jupiter, captain " Schales, was lately taken by "a French f : privatjer and carried into a Spanilh port. ®, R ' The Jupiter brought to this city the An.e rtcan citizens redeemed at Algiers; was fro, soon after laden with at the public stores Oli, near Arch-street, with timber and naval ai stores, feut by the government of the U»ited States to the Dey of Algiers, and was on her pafTage thither when (he fell into the n ™ hands of the French. The ship Molly, from the Havanna, and Uml brig Planter, capt. Hawkins, from St. Tafl Croix, are arrived at Wilmington. \ Lonj iilk New-York, September 26. " al ! JKRirED. f Days Ship Fame, Nicholas, Nantz 62 Brig Francis, and Amelia, Simpfon, Perf Bourdeaux Seen Iphigenia, Thompfoij, Port-de-Paixzo s,Ta n Seaport, Andrews, Tortuja 30 Crea Fjriend ship Turks Island 18 rri ? un S» N. Caroling 7 c The following is a lift of American veflels ■— captured and brought into the port of Nantes, from the 31ft March lafl to the 12th July. TNf Ship Rainbow, Smith, of and from wils .Charleftot), bound to London. the ci The Rainbow was the fir ft that was cap- r-licd turcd—fhe has been condemned by two tri bunals. Ct 'i v = Ship Charlotte, Kindray, of and from hym Charlellon. bonnd to Bremen. Sh BrigTuno, W a 'l c er, of Portsmouth, N. the c; PI. from Charlellon, bound tcl Hambri). ujovc Ship Hebe, Lindegrin, of and iiiora Sa vannah, bound to Lanca&e/. " cu^ , r Sf VP Confederacy, Jenk., 0/ New Y Ol ,r ® r China bound to Hambru. Ship Oneida, Sherry, of and from Ne elow bpuiid to London. Sltip Brifeis, Breath, of and from Ne reet. *oi k, bound to Atnfterdam. reet. Ship Light Horse, Haff, of New-Yor onh from Bristol, bound to New-York. Brig-American Hero, M'Dongal, ofar ale's froni New-York, bound to Cadiz? Ship Mercury, Keown, of Philadelphi from Ncrfclk, bound to Bremen, and Ship Bacchus, George, of and from Phi adc.phia, bound to London. Brig Mary, Holmes, of and from Bud or bound to Naples. Brig Catherine, Carmeau, of Newbury inft. port from Alexandria, bound to Rotterdam , Schooner Sally, RufTel, of Newburyport p re . from Salem, bound to Bilboi. ion. Brig Nelly, Bart is, of , f rom Mar bjehead, bound to Lisbon. None of the others have tried yet, but 1 is expeded, ia consequence of the Rainbov „ bcil) g condemned by the second trib#ial 57 ' llat lht fials of the other ships will be bro'l *8 forwa rd very fliortly. - Eunice, belonging Falmonth, MatTa 65 chufetts, bound from Liverpool to Phila delphia, wss taken 7th July, and brought in 20th. a 4 The Jupiter, from Charlellon, bouud to - Bremen, capt. Henry Mongds, last from Altona, 61 r Sh lS Fame ' "P' 3l '" N, ' c hols, 61 days from Nantes, with 30 pafTengers; spoke on nd the 18th Sept. the brig Fortune, of Wells, out 4 day., bound to St. Bartholemews, lat. 40, 26, long. 64, 16. Brig Seaforth, capt. Andrews, 32 days I from Tortola ; spoke Sept. 1, the brig Grace, from Baltimore to St. Domingo, D) lat. 27, 00. 17th Sept. spoke fchr. capt. Brower, from Cape Ann to St. Do • ° U ' t kt ' 40. 06. Sept. 21, ship from R. Island, bound to Havanna, 130 miles N. W. by N. from R. Island, out 30 hours. Provisions dear in Tortola, and very plenty in St. Thomas's, ft. y, ExtraS of a letter from Captain James, H* ' "f >c flip Brifeis, dated at Nantes J/' l2 \r a ", J , re " ived 'M'> Fame, r . Captain Nuhols, arrived at this port yrjler in day, from that place. 1, " " '^ e 1 May was captured by a French lt privateer of this place, mountiug 16 guns, eom it mandedby Dutajh, where I txpeh to be detain s- edat leafl three months ; andfinally condemned. [» There is at present in this place fifteen Ameri n can fbtps and brigs bound either to their own e f° rlt °r»«"ral This day saw a gentleman jJ° m r S °' "f ormf d me there was in that j. place, several Americans condtmed, two of d which belonged to New- Tori the brig Fox, and - a ship ihlewife, in L'Oricnt, /lip belonging to - ri W : r ° rk > bound f or Bourdeaux, under the t l°l'P !c f of not having our articles signed by the - tr , ench minifUr, and Juflice of Peace. I was laien ,n long. 15, 6. IV. lat. 48, 30, N. and ■ Wa \ trca ' eJ v fy >" : when I was taken from on board with my people, the officers belonging I t/jc /" "V"'"- plundered my cabin oj all the 0 Jtores not so much as leaving me any fowls, ■ or tea The ship Rainbow, of Char Man ■1 haj teen condemned, by two trials, and has ap e pealed a third time to the high court at Paris, , but I believe to little effeS. The Spaniards tale « our vejjels and condemn mojl of them!" r Bavtimor*, September 23. 1 Arrived oa Saturday, fchr. Dorchester, 1 th ' 34 days from St. Jago de Cuba. •' th «" re ' br 'g Patriot of tTus port, and a lchooner of do, name not recoUefted, to fail 5_°. r . 6 da y s * Sailed in company with ! the Dick and Nancy, Leund to Philadel- ; ph'a-fpoke brig Governor Brookes, bound to Philadelphia, from Petit Cuave : | the c»ptam«ind mate died on the pafTage, aind left only 4 men—tapt. Booth offered them two navigators, but they- would not accept of tham ; lat. 32, 50, north. Capt. Booth failed from St. Jago de Cuba, Ang 10, in company with capt. Lillbridge, 1 in the Dick ; and capt. Barnet, in the K-l.oontfr Nancy, belonging to Philadelphia parted with them off the weft end of Cuba." Left in the port above mentioned, brie O ronooka, capt. Frank ford of Philadelphia. From Marseilles, THE CARGO °o hc l - S y di ' h bar( l ue Guftav "» Adolphus, from Marfedfes, cor.fifluig of the following articles, isd'fch.rgmg at Mr. Latimer's wharf, and for hie by the fubfcubcri BRANDY, well flavored, of a, 3 & 4 th proof Clirtt, in hogiheads 3itU), in cafcj ~ Fruntigniac Wine, in cases ef 30 bottles Olive Oil, ot a superior quality, iir baskets of 6 and bpttles Capers" • Olives •ilmonds Dry Verdigreafe - Wriiing Paper . Uml.re.las (Silk) of a«, 30 and 3 s inches Long and short white Kid Gloves for Women Mlk [ Handkerchiefs, in imitation ofiladrafs Artificial Flowers and Garlands Ostrich Feathers Uibbons Perfumery Scented Hair-Powder and Pomatum Manna in forts Cream Tartar. BENJAMIN MORGAN & ROBERT ANDREWS. September a 7. eotf 1 homas Armat and Son, 01 OF PHILADELPHIA, TNFORM their cudomers agd the public, they A have removed a part of their merchandize to Wilmington : Atfo, they have their (tore open in s t.ie city. At either place their friends ran be Tub- n C plied, and their orders carefully attended to By the C umfecrland, fr, m Hull, they have re ceived a handsome a(T» ri m-nt of ai ticks, suitable to the approaching frafon ; and cxp*4 to add to it hy other fall ships. Should the" ficknefj-frevail in die central part of J u the city, rhat branch of their business will be ts luovrd to '' 1 he communication by polt is open and fc* guiar as ufuai. icpt. It. tW I K SHINGTOV TE-RT, TL New- List op Psiits and B ,nks laad clay's 'Rawing-— Sc New Na. Dolt. ho. D •/,. jVo. i)„/ 271» ii 7 rs .10 22341 , 9 y„ 'ork, * 93 3°9 23225 10 224 i« 754 10 13450 5 o\v 7030 19243 10 74g hal, 7i6 3u 10 485 7 6 7 fo't 4SO 10 4*7 4 5 1i0 JSo 10 989 , J 43&2 g 47 (Ta- 10 * 9I2J 393 46068 ila- Q t! ' 7J 427 47388 , . 9 -530 737 > 93 G 5*3 ! a 37* 10 615 36647 10 48209 Ito -■ 79 993 689 J© 7 „6 otn ■J 9 /' s "7' 10 8?7 769 b ll 1 »° 3776 9 83.5 10 , vs 170 574 S 74 io 058 i« 7 ..293 I 0 309 9jß 6 ,? 54 10 995 400 iff lis, 1*343 927 10* -38640 2® vs, 346 ro 123 d day's drawing—September 4. tys 20 ijjoo 10 24919 36141 "ig , 4 ° 2 Si 77 397 ro QO7 27Q00 "7® 676 26241 38510 > 750 10 999 10 576 10 417CS >0- 3538 10 1331 j 66 , 410( , g ' 1 » Z £ 8836® iOJ ro to 4 ? 58 988 462 ,80 R. 4ja 857 ia 291*9 10 905 . 47 X58I« 378 43543 itl i^ B * B 398 682 10 167 16180 lo 500 10 *>6B l«\ 6o» 652 tes *24 940 10 fiß 451,1 7560 10 17973 7e4 I(t r- 960 10 i8 °77 748 10 7 c4 10 997 *® 5Ji 3>oa6 10 46367 10 d 928 9{ s *2390104807210 m , f. 19 t 34445 148 m- 10361 10 »04i8 35270 4,3 IO n " 45° I© 460 4908 a 10 •d. "459 20 545 7I? I4J I# r,- SOJ 43307 g 74 4?4 t;» ~ 747 14269 9°l 824 10 medicines! at ~n T HE Poor who ma y fin d it inconvenient, from qJ" (liuauce, to mate use of Mr. Hunter's truly Hie ,d fitorious offer, will be supplied with medicines— to ru £ ar ! ey a / cc - b y a Pt>!yia 0- O ITT! A Tv al " a u Je lot s GroUnd ' OI J uA l E on the north-east corner of WtU .y and Fifth fleets, fronting the State- It House fqt.arer Thiv lot is fifty-one feet fron» / on Walnut street, and one hundred and thirteen feet and an half on Fifth ftreeyfthere are «* present two finall two story hrick houses, aud » number ot small tenements thereon. dl/D, for Snle, J Jwo three story Brick Houses With convenient stores, wharf, & c . situate sn a ter-ftreet, between Mulberry and Saflafras ltreeti, containing in front on Water street fjf - ty-four feet, and continuing that breadth east. , ward n.r,ery-five feet, then widenine to ths ; | loyth thirteen feet fix inches. These houfrt > ave the convenience of a public alley adjoining i °. n th / north si d «> «>d are a very definble fitua" tion for a merchant, flour fadlor.or others who may have occasion for derate of goods. Thi» property wfll be fold on very realbnable torms , ror calu. I'or further ioformation anplv to th» , printer. s * ' : J"'y -U- . iw&wtf FOR sale; BR£TAGNES in cases German Checks in da« Cambrjck Plattillas Oznabrigs Gold and filvfV Watcha^ Window Glass 10 by 8 Tumblers ia cases Linseed Oil in ccfcs, &c. & c . George Pennoci, T . lo 3t High-Sir** 3^ I I be Sabfcriber has for' Hale, A large assortment ®f India Mufliqj coarse and fi.'fe Tndia Calicoes ; Scoty RoroaJls B ue Cloths and Checks* Bandanna H*nclkerchief» Blue red and Gilli Handkerchiefs An invoice of Irish Linens and Sbtetiagt, affortci y A box of Diapers S'ilk Umbrellas Two boxes of fine Spices, obtaining Nu,ti*«fl», Mace and Cloves Black Pepper of firft quaiitr .- East Ginger Java Sugar A quantity of Madeira Win# Ditto.-of Gin Roll Brimftonc Mordecai Lewis. - 12. Window Glass, Of Superior Quality, and cheaper than sny other td theCitv— OF Famous SIZES, From 8 by 6 to 19 by 14, , By the single Box or Quanti'.y, may be had at the S ore of the Subscribers, comer of Arch and Front, lirert. yaw.es C. cif SamuelW. Fijher. Philadelphia, J.neq, ,797. Red Port ~~ Just arrived, by the brig Iris, capt Rhodes, from Oportfl, Red Port V\ : pe in pipes, hhds and quarter cafe. 60 cvvt. Cortv. U,I (ale by Philips, Cramond, & Co.