rl'E dollarsreivard. RAN away from the subscriber, an indented Servant Girl, namad Nancy "Anderson, a i?out twenty of age, short, thick set person, Xv.th fbert black hair shad on when fi old black"silk cloak, and a \ l»ck fuf hat. Whoever will fteure said girl, and pve-information thereof to tkc fubfetiber, No. 3, Greeivleuf alley, or to the'oflice of this Gazette, iha'i r- ccivc the abuv- reward. All njrions are forbid harboring said girl, as they will,be dealt wi*h as the law dire&s MARY ANDERSON, N. B. Snid Girl is from Ireland, and.has been i» this country but a short time ; flie was le nt to the wafrk-houfc for mifcondu&, where he was taken f;ck and rcsv.oved to the ci-ty-fiofpit&l, from which place Hie made her escape. ■ con io be fold at Public Vendue, To the hi|;heft bi'lder, at the ho life of Mr. William Evans, the sign of the Indian Queen, In the city of Baltimore, on the 25th d:iy of OiSloher next; at 11 o'clock, A. M A boil 1 seven thuufand acres of land, property of William Bell, of Philadelphia, lying between Reifler's-town arid \Veftminfter, coAipnonly called Little Winchester, (the turn pike road runs through a conlidara'ote part of theft land; ) the tratTl .begins about 17 miles 1 from Baltimore, within a few hundred yards ; cf f_i:l Uaifter's-tpwn, and extends to the dif- , tance of Jbout twenty-three miles from Balfi- ' more, arvd lies on t*he main falls of Patapfico | river, fro in three to four miles thereon. Will : he fold Jn tracts of one hundred and fifty to three hundred acre. There is a large propor tion of ineadow am*! wood laud on each tra&, foitie of them highly improved, with excellent buildings and fine gr«\fs. At so A of seven hundred acres of l md, called Clover Farms, within five miles of Dladexiftiurg, esteemed very good for Grass. 1 Richard Ponfonhy.of Blidenlburgh, will (hew this land to any person inclined to purchase. also, A tract of land ®f about three hun dred and thirty acres, within about two miles and a half o the President's house in tin; Fede ral City. ,It is nearly all wood land, and a fine ; high profpeil, from which may be fcen the city of Waihingtou, Bladenlburgh, Alexandria and a part of George-town, and many miles down the Potomac river. Mr. Richard Ponfon- I by, of Bladenfburg, will also If.cw this land. j A liberal credit w ill be given for the greats II | part of the purchase money, ihe terms will be made known on the day ef sale. May 8 warn A Just Received, From Batavia (via Providence) a few Boxes of Spices, consisting of Nutmegs, Cloves ana wace For sale by mLUNC-S &* FRANCIS, , Penn- street. May 30 d(f Davis's Law Book Store, No. 319, High-Sireet. GEORGE DAVIS, BEING buiied for some time past in prepara tions for removing into his profent house, has been undln a Tories of letters to a friend, witli the ad dition of two letters, alluding to recent political tfvinfai£\ions in America. The following extrad) from the Clavis fliews the principal tnatarc intr.iiduced: John Bull, tjrt Kingdom of England His Mother, the Church of EngUcd His Wife, the Parliament His Sifter Peg, the Church of Scotland His Brother Pat* ick, Ireland Lewis, the K/ngdom of France His Mistress, the Old Con ft itu tion Hit new Wife, the National Lord Strut, the Kingdom of Spain Nicholas Frog, the Dutch Republic The Franks, the French Republic The Forttfters, the United States of Ameri< a Robert Lumber, New-Hampfliire J«?'in Codline, Massachusetts r Humphrey Plow (hare, Connedicut Roger Carrier, Rhode Island Peter Bull Frog, New-York Julius Casfar, New-Jerfty Wil)iam Broadbrim, Pennsylvania Caffimar, Delaware i Walter Pij>ewood, Virginia His Grandfan, George Wafkington Peter Pitch, North Carolina Charles ludigo, south Carolina George Tnjfty, Georgia Ethan Greenwood, Vermont Hunter Longknife, Kentucky , Black Cattle, Negro Slave* Rats, Speculators / j Mother Carey's Chickens, Jacobins I & T his popular and entertaining satirical hifto- j 1 ry of Amorica is attributed to the Rev. Dr Bsl- , knap. It hasagrsat Chare of originality and a botinds with genuine humour. It is continued 1 down to the present time, and chara£lerifcs those late political tranfa&ions which have caused so much uneasiness in America. x Sold by H. and P. RICE, Bookseller, No. 16, louth S«cond Street, and No. JO, Marke' (laeet. June 36. § LAW BOOKS, Latest London and Dublin Editions. H. & P. RICE, Booksellers, No. 16, South Seconi, and No. 50, Market street, HAVE just received by the Wte arrivals (rom London and Dublin, their, spring importa tion, confiding as a variety of the latest and most approved 1 aw Books, which, added to those alrea dy on hand, forms the most extensive collection ev er offered for sale in this country. They theiefore beg leave to notiije, that from the nature of their conne&icnsin Dublin, they are enabled to felllrifh editions (as they have hitherto at the very lowed prices. The following are among the latest publications. Vefey, jun'rs Reports in Chancery, 1 v_l«. Peake's Cases at Nisi Prius ; Ridgeway's Reports in the time of Lord Hardwicka ; Floyer's Prefers Pradlice in the Ecctefiaftical Courts; Barton's Tr. joo ■ - • 1 - ro,ooa > 10 do. c,t - - 10,000 4-.0 do. - 10,000 1,000 do. 10, - 30,000 15,00.- 46. *0 - rj 9,000 PHjfes. 33,361 Blinks. ?o,oco Tickets, Dt>llari, 400,000 N. B. Tofivour thofewho may take a quan tity o; Tickets,the prize of 40,000 dollars will be the list drawn ticket, and the 30,000 the last but on 1 : Aiil approved notes, feeuring payment in either mor.ay or prizes, in ten days alter drawing, will be reieived for any number 11 #t lefsthan 30 tick ets. This Lottery will afford an elegant specimen of thepnvaitc buildings to be ertiled in the City of Walhington—Two beautiful deligos are already leleded for the entire fronts on two of the public squares; from thefedrawings.itispropofed toereft twoc-ntreand f oi»rcorner buildings as l"6on aspof fible after this lottery is fold, and to convey thent, when complete, to the fortunate adventurers, in the nunner described in the scheme for the Hotel Lottety. A nett of five per cent, will be made to defray she neceifary expenses of print ing, Sic. and the surplus will be made a part of the fund intended for the National Univerftty, to be ertcled within the city of Walhington. The real fecuritiesgiven for the paym«nt of the Prizes, are h,'ul tiy the President and two Diredl ortor the B»nk of CoUiwbia, and are valued at more than half the amount of thelwttery. sjmueL BLODG£T. .5, Tieketsmay be had at tbc Bank of Colsr.i-1 bia j of James Weft & Co. Baltimore; of, Peter Gilman, Boston ; of John Hopkins, Richmond ; and of Richard Well', Cooper's Ferry. mwf From the Otfrgo Herald. CAUTION. WHEREAS a combination of men in tM. county have undertaken to enrich th«m felve»,by fabricating titles to fundr/ valuable tra&« of land, the piopertyof gentlemen living in New York, Philadelphia, London and Paris, for which tracts of lend large funis of money have been paid to thofc fraudulent men, by innocent purthafers • It is therefore just that public information should be given, to the end, that the injured may foekre drefs while the men have property, and are to be found. Those who have been discovered are Tru man Harrifon, Joseph Witcomb, said now to re side in the county of Saratoga ; Thomas Kelly and several others who go under fictitious names. It is supposed that the binds offered fcr sale on those fa bricated titles, are at least worth fifty thousand' doliars. Such as we have a ;aken another riotheni route. I forewarm all perfous from giving liim employment, of any kind whatever, and maftersof veflelsand others, from carrying him out of this state. The above re ward will be given if he is taken within forty miles of this city; and an additional l'um, in proportion to the diltance he may be brought, or the troublf and expence the apprehender may be at, in bringing him to this place. AUG; DAVIS. N. B. His apparel Was of the usual negro kind, biithe had more cloaths than is cuflomary for them to po/Tefs. AD. Richmond, June 11, 1797* \Vill he Landed, ! Ffom onboard the ihip A&ive, Capt.Blair,from Hanv'urgh, 20 baks white Rtiflia clean Hemp a cafkb Clover Sera For Sale by Thomas Herman Laffir, North Fifth (Ireet, No. 34. Tune i, William Blackburn, LOTTERY ah» BROKER'S OFFICE No. 64 fenth Second l>rect. TICKETS in the Canal I.otter 7; No. 11, which commenced drawing the 29th May, I f OR SALE. The price of tickets will rife in propor tion as the driwiqg advances, particularly on ac count ©f the five firft drawn tickets, prize* of four thousand dollatcs each, on the last day of dfawing. Check Books kept for examination ii:g, in the Canal, No. City of Washington, No. 4, and Paterfon Lotteries. Alfo r tickets for sale in the Schuylkill bridge and Perk:omen Bridge lotteries, which will begin drawing in the course of the summer. The business of a Broker in all kinds of Stock, Bills, Notes, Lands, &c- &c. tranfa&ed witty the ufmoft attention. June 2 tu^f Erfkine's View of the War. JUST PUBLISHED, By ROBERT CAMPBELL & Co. /- No 40 South Second street, [Price 31 Cents] A View of the Canfes and Consequen ces of the present War with France. By the Honorable Thomas Ersicine. May is y § STATE TRIALS. Sold by W. Young, Bookseller, No. 51, South Se cond-flfeet, The Pennsylvania State Trials, CONtaining the impeachment, trial, and actjuife al of Francis Hopkinfon, Judge of the Court of Admiralty, and John Nichollon, Comptroller Gen eral—ln one large *8 vo. vol. Price, in boards, 3 dollars. W. Young has for Tale, a general aflbrtmentof Books. Also, Stationary, retail and by the pack age, well allotted, and entitled to the drawback if axparted. July 7 —* r HE SUBSCRIBER having been appointed by the Envoy Lxtraordinat v and Minilier Pleni potentiary ol his Britannic Majefly, General Agent ioraftifting Briiifb creditors, and such particular a gents a* they may specially authorise, in profecutiag their claims before the commiflionersfor carrying in to effctt the sixth article of the Treaty of Amity, Com merce and Navigation between his Britannic MajeJly and the United States of America, hereby gives notice that he has opened his office at his house the south east corner of Chefmit and fifth Greets, Philadelphia, where he is ready to receive all claims or infiru&ions for claims with the vouchers and documents thereof, for the purpose oi bringing forward th£ fame agree ably so the rules and orders which the board may think proper to prescribe. And aa it will be for the interest of all concerned, that the several claims be so dated, and support ed, as to prevent the delay which would arile frOra the necelfityof obtaining further information, or ad ditional materials,from periods residing at a diltance, the general agent thinks it his duty to add, (for the direction chiefly of those, who, not having employ ed particular agents, may leave the prosecution of their claims to his charge and Management) that all such claims ought in particular to set forth— lft. The proper defcripiion and fitnation cf the creditor or claimant, end original debtor, refpeft ivcly. ad. The date andnature of the original contrail or debt. j 3d. When, in what manner, and to what extent, the creditor or claimant wis prevented or impeded, by the provision, operation or deleft of law, the clecilionsand pra&ice of courts, or reflraint of exe cution, from recovering payment of the debt in question* 4th The loss and damage incurred or sustained, in confcquence of such impediments, whether the fame may havN arisen from the infolveney, change of situation, or death of the debtor, the loss 6( legal remedy from lapse of time? or othercaufes impairing the value and (ecurity of the debt, which would not have so operated if such impediments had notexiiled. Andsih. The particular grounds and reasons on which the claimant maintains, in the terms of the treaty, that M by the ordinary course of judicial pro ings, the creditor cannot now obtain and a£lual'.y have and receive full and adequate co«npcofation M lor the loifes and dsroages lo fufiaiued. The general agent thinks it his duty further to fug gefl that the several claims ought to be accompanied and supported by the affidavits of the claimants duly sworn and regularly attested, both as to the exigence of the Hebts claimed, and such other circumstances as may be within their own knowledge refpe&ively. And v wherever the claimants in Gating Ibe nature of their evidence (-which must in every instance be the bed of which the cafe is capable) have occafioa to refer to the testimony of witnesses, it will be proper to apprifothe general agent of the names and places of residence of such witneflesand the fa&»to be efta bliihed by their teflimooy. Wm. Moore Smith. Philadelphia, June Bfh, 1797.. d. For Sale, That ivell known place, called If andkorift's FIHY, ON Nefhaminy creek, 18 miles fronft Phila ladeiphia, on the New York post road, containing 74 acres and 94 perches. Upon the premifesarea large two story ftsne house occu pied asatvern, and agoodoneftory stone kit chen, a large frame stable with a good threshing floor, and some out buildings—also a well of good water, and an excellent ice House. On this place is a moll elegant situation fora gentle man's feat, commanding a view of the Nefham iriy t6 its junction wfih the Delaware, and thence across to the Jersey fliore. It has the privilege of one half the toll-received from the bridge. f terms apply to the Sufofcriber, MORDECAI LEWIS. 54. i;awtf. COLUMBIA HOUSE BoardipgSchool for young Ladies. MltS. GROOMBRIDGE with much pleaf ureand refpeft, returns her sincere ac knowledgement for the liberal encouragement file has received during four years refrdence is Philadelphia ; and azures her friends and the public, so far from intending to decline her il-hool, she has made a superior arrangement for the mor; convenient accommodation of her fCholars. : —Every -branch of ufeful and polite education is particularly attended to by Mrs. Groombridge and matters excelling in their refpeiJlive profeflions. Corner of Spruce and Eleventh Streets. June sth, 1797. tfimftf The fituatian is perfectly healthy ; and made more agreeable by an cxtenfive garden and lot of ground adjoining the house. Jufl Published, And to be hid of MtlTrs. Dofofon, Campbell,Rice, Gary, and the other pricipal Bookseller* in the city,price one dollar, fwinty-five cents, ip boards, New Views of the Origin of the Tribes and Nations of America By BENJAMIN SMITH BARTON, it. d. June 2Q. \6t No. 183. Dtfiriil of Pennfyluama, to iltii : l. s. "R E IT HEMIiMBEH£D, that on the _J fifteenth day oT June, in the t-wentv »ril year of the Independence of the United States of A mer'ca, J,\Mts Woodhousf, of •the laid diftria, hath deposited in thij office the title of a book, the right wherepf he claims as author, in the words following, to wit : " The Young Chemist's Pocket Companion, " being a Del'cripticn of a Portable Labaratory, " containing a Pnitofophical apparatus, and a " great number of Chemical Agents, by which " any pcrfor. may perform an endless variety of " arr.ufingind inftrufling Experiments, design " id for the uie of ladies ants gentlemen, and " intended to promote the cultivation of the " Science of Chemistry in the United States of " America. By [AMES WocfiHOOsß, M. E>. " of Chemistry, in the Univerfitv of " Pennfytvania. President of the Chemical So " ciety of Philadelphia, &c. " At present every th;ng that is not denomi " nated Chemistry, is but a Imall part of a fyf " tem of natural knowledge. Prirfil* on Jir " In conformity to the afl of the Congress of the United States, intituled, " An ail for the encour agement of Learning, by fit-curing the copies of maps, charts, and books to the authors and pro prietors of furh copies, during the times there in mentioned." SAMUEL CALDWELL, Clerk of the Diftrid) of Pennsylvania. J"'v 18- «jjjt—ws tf No. I 88. Diflr'lß of Pennfyluama, to