fV/t DOLLARS & WAkD. AN away from the fubferiber, an indented ,i\_ Set Vast' Girl, named Nancv a lont twenty years tjf age, fh.ort, thick set person, with Hiort blackTiair ; had on when flie went away, a dark calico golwn, an old black fi!k cloak, and a Mack fur hat. WfcoeVf? will ftcure (aid girl, and give ir.lorrnation thereof to tbe fubferiber, No. 2, ■Gteen'ear alley, or to the office of this " Gazette, /hall receive above reward. ' All p'-rTon's are forbid harboring (aid girl, as Ihey wiji be dealt with as the law direfls MARY ANDERSON, N\ B. Said Girl is from Ireland, and has been ia this country but a (hort time j ftie wasfent to the ivork-houfe for mis conduct, w here fr.e was taken fi'ck and removed to the city-hofpitll, from which place (he made her escape. Jurufl 30. CO It Io be fold at Public Vendue, To the liigheft bin, tr, at the house of Mr. William Evans, the sign of the Indian Qyeen, m the city of Baltimore, oa the 45th day of Of aOeut twenty-three fnile»-from Balti rtlore, and lies on the main falls of Pataplico river, from three to fo\jr miles thereon. Will be fold irf"tra<£ls of one hundred and fifty to three hundred acre. There is a large propor-. tionof meadow and wood land on each traiS, some of tbcro highly improved, with excellent buildings ind fine gr:fs. jUO A trad of feren hundred acres of land, called Clover Farms, withttt five miles of Bladenfhurg, esteemed very good for Grass. Richard Ponfonby, of Bladenfburgh, will (hew tliis land to any person inclinfcd to purchase. stso, A trad of kind of aboUt three hun dred and thirty acree, within abput two miles and a half ot the President's house in th« Fede ral City. It is nearly all wood land, and a fins I'gV profpcfl, fron. which may be fcen the city df Washington, Bladenfburgh, Alexandria snd a part of George-town, and many miles dqwn the Potomac river. Mr. Richard Ponfon of Bladenfburg, will also flew this land. A liberal credit will be given for the greatest of the purchase money, she terms will made known on the day »f sale. May 8 wj«n Just Received', From Batavia (via Providence) a few Boxes of Spices, confuting of Nutmegs, Cloves and uacc . For sale by U3LLINC-S& FRANCIS, Pcniv street. »fay JO dlf JDavis's Law Book Store, No. 319, High-Street. GEORGE DAVIS, BEING bnlied for some time past in prrpara (ion» for removiag into his present house, has been under thchecefiity of poftpuning until this day informing the gentlemen of the Bar generally thro' the United States, that his spring importation of law bonks is now arranged and ready for (ale, on terms that he trusts wilL entitle him to the like pre frteuce he his experienced for Mveral years past. Catalogues, combining the moll varied collcc tion ever imported iito this country, are printed and will be delivered on application. June a 7. 2aw 6w City Commijjioners' Office, 4 June 22, 1797. IN pursuance of an ordinance from the fetinl 1 and common councils, pafled the 22d day of May last, appointing the city commissioners, and prefcrihing their duties, ftflion 9th, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the city is divided into five diftrifls, each to be under the fuperintendance of one of the city commifiioners, whoisto be individually relponfible for the cleanliness of the fame, and are as folloiw. Driftriooo 15,000 do. 10 - I5»,ooo 16,739 Prizes. 33,361 Blanks. » _______ __ •• 50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollar*, 4-00,000 N. B. Tofavour those who may take a quan tity of Tickets,the prize of 40,000 dollars will be the l* st drawn ticket, and the 30,000 the last but OKI : And approved notes, securing payment in either monsy or prizes, in ten days alter drawing, will be received for any number not less than 30 tick ets. j. i This Lottery will afford an elegant specimen of the private buildings to be ereiSed in the City of Washington—Two beautiful defigps are already (elected for the entire fronts on two of the public squares; from these drawingsitispropofedtoereel two centre and r our corner buildings,as foonaspof-> fible after this lottery is fold, and to convey them, when complete, to the fortunate adventursrs, in tlie manner described in the feheme tor the Hotel Lottery. A nett of five per cent, wilt be made to defray theneceffary expenses print ing, &c. and the surplus will be made a part of the fund intended for the National to be eiecled within the city of Washington. The real feeuritiesgiven for the paymaot of the Frizes, are held by the President and two Direct ors of the Bank of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the amount oi the lottery. S4M>!EL HLODCET. .§. Tickets may be had at the Bank ol Colom bia ; or James Weft & Co. Baltimore; of Pfter Gilman, Boston ; of John Hopkins, Richmond ; and of Rickard W Cooper's Ferry. mwf Frem the Ot/rgo Herald. CAUTION. WHEREAS a combination of men in t}» county haTe undertaken to enrich th«m felves,by fabricating titles to fundr/ valuable trade of land, the property of gentlemen living in New York, Philadelphia, London and Paris, fqr which traits of lend large funis of money have been paid to those fraudulent men, by innocervt purthafers • It is therefore just that public information should be given, to the end, that the injured may seek re dress while the men have -property, and are to be found. Those who have been discovered are Tru man Hdrrifon, Joseph Witcomb, said now to re side in the county of Saratoga ; Thomas Kelly and several other! who go under fiflitious names. It is supposed that the lauds offered for faleon those fa bricated titles, are at lead worth fifty thousand dollars. Such as we have adual knowledge of are as follows : Lots No. II and It, Btfego patent, thousand acres each, the a&ual property of William Dellwyn, now of London ; lots No. 58 and 64, fame pßtent, thousand acres each, the property of Mr. Chauriiont, now of Paris, and |ames Averill and others, ot this State. There is some grounds to suppose that the lands of Richard Wells and Charles Wharton, of Philadelphia, are under their management.The Printers will do well to give thi»a place in their papers, as well to caution the public against purchasing those lands, a 6 also to de prive thoie men in future from imposing on indivi dual, which their education and address have en abled them to do heretofore Witcomb has been a fhopkecper of some note in this country. The following affidavits will fct in a clear point 9f view tin. wickedncfs of those men, which when the public have perused, will induee them to ex cuse the interference of Wm. COOPER. Otfego, July i3th, 17 J7. , I Thomas Kelly, of the County of Offego, hav ing been led into an error, by John Wiuoinb and Truman Harrifon, of the fame County, to sign a deed to them, for lot "o. 58, Otfogo patent, which was the property of William T Franklin now Mr. Chamont's and others ; and further the laid Joseph and Truman did persuade me bo do this against my inclination, which was made out on the 10th day of November, 1793, or fef back two years so as to bring it to that time; and further the name of Pardon Starks to that deed was a fictitious name, there being no faeh perlon there. To this I make voluntary oath. THOMAS KELLY. 19th July, 1797- ' - On the ipth july, 1797, came personally before roe, Thomas Kelly, thf l'ubfcriber to the above af fidavit, and made solemn oath that it contains noth ing but the truth. EiJHU I'HINNEY, Jufticc of the Peace. On the 18th July, >797, nau before me Jacob Kibby, a person by me Weil known and worthy of good credit, who on his solemn oath did fay, that two of tht parties abovementioned did make ap plication to him this deponent, some time in the winter of 1796.t0 make them a deed for two thou sand acres of land in the Otego patent, and pro mised this deponent a (hare of the profits, on the sale of said lands, for his so doing ; and that they made'applicationfcveral times for tj}e£ame pnrpole, which services this deponent a» often refufed, de claring to them that he had no right to lands, and coulddo no such thing ; which daring attempt on thisd»ponent's integrity he had related a-nong his friendi several times, previous to making this affi davit. (' JACOB KIBBEY. Sworn before me, ELIHU PHINNEY, Jtiftice of the Peace. Aug. 3. iaw4w. Thirty Dollars Reward. ELOPED from the fetvice of the filbftriber, on the 19th instant, a negro man by the native of DICK, about twenty-five years of age, and five feet nine or ten inches high ; by trade a carpenter, and is a very lively brisk work man. His countenance is very good—When fpokep to, he converses with ease and confi dence, and is pretty fagacioys. I purchased the laid fellow of Mr.Dubney Minor, in whose name he has been 'in the Richmond newfpaperr. Jouriog,his last runaway,trip (last fummerl he was employeda confiderablelength of time, by Taiu; pcrfoM near Dumfries, from which circumffamte, I conjeflure, he has taken another nothern, route 1 torewarm all persons from giving him employment, of any kind whatever, and maifcersof veflelsand others, from carrying him out of this state. The above re ward will be given ii he is taken within forty miles of this city; 2nd an additional sum, in proportion to the diiftance he may he brought, or the trouble and ex pej»£e the apprehender may be at, 111 bringing hitn to this place. AUG; DAVIS. N. B. His apparel w as of the usual negro kind, but he had more cloal.hs than is cu-flomary for tiem to poffels. A.D. Richsnsnd, June Hi i 797' , Will be Landed, Frem onboard the (hip A&ive, Capt.Blair,from Hamhutgh, 40 bales white Ruflia clean Hemp a calks CloVcr Seed For Sale by Thomas Herman Leuffcr, North Fifth street, No. 34. Tune t6. £ William Blackburn, LOTTERT jnd BROKER' 6 OFFICE No. 64 south Second street. TICKETS in the Canal Lottery, No. 11, which commenced drawing the 29th May, FOR j SALE. The price of tickets will rife in propor tion as the drawing advances, particularly on ac- i count of the five firfl: drawn tickets, prizes of four thousand dollars each, on the last day ol drawing. Cfceqk Books kept for examination and regifler ing, in the Canal, No. a, City of Washington, No. 2, and Paterfon Lotteries. Also, tickets for sale in the Schuylkill bridge and Perk-omen Bridge lotteries, which will drawing in the course of the furomer. The business of a Broker in all kinds of Stock, Bills, Notes, Lands, &c«- &c. tranfa&ed with the utmost attention. June 2 tu&f Erflune's View of the War. JUST PUBLISHED, By ROBERT CAMPBELL & Co. No 40 South Second street, [Price 31 Cents] , A View of the Caujes and. Consequen ces of theprefenl War with France. By the Honorable Thomas Erskine. May 15 £ STATE TRIALS. Sold by W. Younc, Bookseller, No. 51, South Se cond-tlreer, The Pennsylvania State Trials, CONtaining the impeachment, trial, and acquit al of Francis Hopkinfon, Judge of U?e Court of • Admiralty, and John Nicholfon, Comptroller Gen eral—ln one large Bv* vol. Price, in boards, 3 dollars. * W. Youkg has for sale, a general affortmentof Books. Also, Stationary, retail and by the pack- Age, well aflorted,and entitled to the drawback if axpwted. July 7—* rHESUBSCRIBER having been appointed by the Envoy Extraordinary and Minider Pleni potentiary of his Britannic Majesty, GeneraMgent tarafiifting British creditors, and fxich particular a ger.ts as they may (pecially authorize, in prosecuting their claims before the cemmiHibners for carrying in to effeft the sixth article ot the Treaty of Amity, Com mcrcc and Navigation betmecn his Britannh Aiajtfty and the United States of America, liereby gives noijce that he has opened his office at his honfe the south east corner of Chefnut and fifth ftrrets, Philadelphia, where be is ready to recoive all claims or intiru&ions for claims with the vouchers aud documents thereof, for the purpose of bringing forward the fame agree ably so the rules ?.nd orders which the board may think proper to prescribe. And ai it will be for the interefi of all concerned, that the several claims be so dated, and (upport ed, as to prevent the delay whioh would .ari'e from the necessity of obtaining further information, or ad ditional materials,from perio«»s refining at a diltance, the general agent thinks it his duty to add, (f«£ the dire&ion chiefly of thpfe, who, not having employ ed particular agents, may leave the profeeution of their claims to his charge and management) that all such claims ought in paiiicularto fct forth— lft. The proper description and fituatioo of the •reditor or claimant, end original debtor, refpeft. ively. id. The date andnatureof the original contrail or debt. 3d. When, in what manner, and to what extent, the creditor or claimantjw«s prevented or impeded, by the proviiaon, operation or defe& of law, the decifionsand pra&ice of courts, or restraint of exe cution, from recovering payment of the debt in queftioit* 4th The lofsand damage incurred or fuAained, in consequence of such impediments, whether the fame may have arisen from the infolvcuey, change of fitualion, or death of the debtor, the loss of legal remedy from lapse of time, or othercaufesimpairi «g the value and fccurityof the debt, which wooid not havefo operated if such impediments had notexiAed. And 51 h The particular grounds and reasons 00 which the claimant maintains, in the terms of the treaty, that " by the ordinary course of judkial pro. ings, the creditor cannot now obtain aod actually have and receive full and adequate compensation" for the losses and damages (o fultaiued. The general agent thinks it his duty further to fpg» gefl that the f feral claims ought 10 be accompanied and supported by the affidavits of the claimants duly sworn and regularly aticftcd, both as to the cxiftence of the debts cUimexl, and such other circumftanccs as may be within their ovti knowledge ; And wherever the claimants in fiatingtbe nature of their evidenee (which mult in everv inlkance be the beilot which the cafe b capable) have occasion to refer to the teiiimouy of witneifes, it will be proper to apprifcthe geoeral agent of the names and placec of rcGdence of such witnefTesadid the faftsto be eAa» blifhed by their tedimony. Wm. Moore Smith. Philadelphia, June 8fli« »7Q7' d For Sale, That well known place, called fjU/DEaniFT's nn v, ON Kefhamiay creak, 18 miles from Phi ladelphia, on the New York poli road, containing 74 acres and 94 pe*:hes. Upon the premifcs are a large two licry stone houie occu pied as a tvern, and a good one story stone kit chen, a large frame stable with agoodthrefhing floor, and i'ome out buildings—also a well of good water, and an excellent ice House. On this place is a most elegant situation fora gentie min's feat, commanding a view of the Nelham iny to its juniSlion wiih the Delaware, ffhd thence across to the Jerfcy Jhore. Jt has the privilege of one half the toll received frpm the bridge. For terms apply to the StiMfcriber, MORDECAI LEWIS. May 44. jtawtf. COLUMBIA HOUSE Boarding School for young Ladies. MRS. GRQQMBRIDGE Withnnch pleas ure and refpee found on trial by unprejudiced judges, tp be equal if not fuperiorto any ed, aild" twenty per cent cheaper. Any ipfiru mont purehafed of him, if not approve4of in twelve months, he will exchange. N. B. AU kinds of Musical inflruments niadu, uned, and repaired with the greatest accuracy, dispatch, and on the mofl reafor.abie teria-r, th ready money only. Second bind Piano Fortes talren in exchange. May xc. &n.i. Forty Dollars Reward. RAN away from thi fubferiber 011 the fee onddayof this inlt. July, a Mulatto Man* named Will Bowzer, about iorty years of age, five feet seven or eight inches high, rather chunky made ; had on when he went away, a "drab colored cloth, ceat, striped purple trb« i'ers and jacket. It is probable he will change fiii cloathes, as he took a number with him. The fan! fellow formerly belonged to Mr- Charles Blake of this place ; and it is expeiled he has taade towards Jones's Neck, in the Delaware State.' —Any perfun,apprehending the said fel low, asd securing hiiA so that I can get him a gain, ihall receive the above reward if tak. n dut of the county, and Twenty Dollars if i» the county,' and ail reasonable charges if br» r t hone* JESSE REED, Qu«» Aan's County, JViarvianf'. J"'y 3■ '