Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, September 14, 1797, Image 3

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    who lv« tranfmiu ,-d to' mo tlic inclosed Wt
teis and jfap-ra, which are copies of origin
als he iept ti> rnc at Torbav, which did not
arrive therfe till after I had quitted the an
La Pomone, at sea, July 18, I 797.
'My Lord,
I beg leave to acquaint your lordship,
that in obedience to your command, I con
tinued off Uflrant with his majefty's-fqnad
ron under my orders, confuting of the fol
lowing vessels, (La Pomone, Artois, An
ion, Sylph and Dolly cutter) until the 16th
instant, when hearing the report of many
guns to the southward, I flood round the
weft end of the Saints, and at day break
in the morning of the 17th, I a
frigate, with a ship, corvette and brig, hav
ing fourteen fail of vessels under convoy, in
Hodierne bay; eight of which were cap
I art sorry to add, that the (hip, corvette
and brig escaped round the Penmarks, and
the frigate, by cutting away her malls, and
being otherways lightened, ran on shore ;
a brig laden with ordnance and naval stores,
came to an pnehor near her, where it was
impoffibfc for the Anfon and Sylph to fol
low. The brig, however, was funk, and
the frigate (La Calliope) much darpaged
In her hull by the (hot of the above ment'-
oned ffiip, whose officer's and men behaved
with the greatcft zeal and aftivity, which
inducts me to hope that the enemy will not
be able to get her off, a3 the wind soon after
changed to the south weft, with a great
swell upon the beach.
I was obliged to burn La Freedom, a
large ihip armce en flute, laden with squar
ed timber, as the enemy had run her on
shore at high water, and the crew, with
their wounded, got away in their boats.
I have inclosed to your lordship a lift of
• the vessels captured and deflroyed on the
17th mftant, with a return of the wounded
on board his majesty's brig Sylph.
I have the honour to be, &c.
[A lift of eight vessels, of different de
scriptions, (one of which is a transport la- '
den with a large anchor, 6ooolbs weight,
a purehafe crane, flour, bread, beef, pork,
brandy, soldiers' cloathing, &c.) taken— 1
of two destroyed—and one (La Calliope 1
frigate) run on shore, and a return of five 1
seamen and a marine, belonging to 'the I
Sylph, wounded in engaging La Calliope, ;
—here follow.] 1
. i
La Pomone, at fta, July 24, 1797.
My Lord,
I have the fatisfa&ion of acquainting r
your lordship, that I had an opportunity of
feeing that La Calliope republican frigate, 1
of thirty.fix guns and two hundred and fifty
men, that was left on shore on the 17th by
the Anfon and Sylph, is totally destroyed, t
having separated in the midship body, and fl
part of her funk. The crew are encamped C
near her bo fate such storeS as may be driven v
on shore. S
I am particularly indebted to captain c
White, of the brig, who having an- ti
chored with springs on his cable, within n
pistol shot of the said frigate on the above 2
day, for some hours kept up an incessant t
and well directed fire, which was at every p
convenient opportunity returned by her. tl
I perceived likewise the wrecks of La b
Freedom, armee en flute, laden with tim- o
ber, and the brig with ordnance, which a
were driven ou shore the fame day and de
stroyed. 1
I have the honor, &c. A
The right hon. Lord Bridport. C
The following dispatches have been received at
this office, by E. Nepean, Esq.
Villi de Paris, CtJiz, 5,
SIR, m
I litffire you will acquaint the lords commifTion- m
er» of th« admiralty, that the TerpGchore, with of
the Thunder Bomb, having a detachment of artil- [Jj
lery 011 board, and the Urchin'gun host, Irom Gib- r
raltar, joined oil the id init. and the night follow- c
ing, rear ad > iral Nelson having made his difpofi- ca
tions, the bomb, coverfd by the gun boat, launches, pc
and barges of the fleet, was placed near the tower de
of San Sebaflian, and fired some (hells into the an
town, when an attempt was made by the gun
boat aid launches of the enemy to carry her. P r
The rear admiral, who is always present in the an
mod arduous enterprises, with the a [Mane- of an
feme other barges, boarded and carried two of the ad
enemy's boats, and a Urge launch of one of their w
fhips of war. with the commandant of the Flotil
la. In thiafhort conflict 18 or 10 Spaniards were P r
killed, the commandant and several wounded ;he "
aniK men made prifonert; the reft swam alhorq. th]
Thi« spirited a&ion was performed with inconfi- JJfl
derahl# loss on our part, as per enclosed—'l killed 0 j
and lo wounded.] 'the launch of the Ville de Pa
ris was funk by a raking shot from the enemy's °P
gun beats ; but by the a<3ive intelligent mind of un
tapt.Troubriige, got up yesterday morning, and so
repaired on board the Cullo ten. his
Rear admiral Nation's actions speak for them
felvcs, anypraifeof mine would till vjry short of
his merif. I ain, Sir, yqur inoft obedient humble
ft-rvint, J. JERVIS. H<
Evan Nepean, Esq. ma
sir, Tbefeus, July 4, 1797.
In obedience to your orders, the Thun
derer bomb was placed by the good manage
ment of lieut. Gourly, herprcfent command- pr<
er, aflifted by Mr. Jackson, master of the the
Ville de Paris, who volunteered his able 10
services, within 2500 yards of the walls of ant
Cadiz, and the shells were thrown from her twi
with much precifiam, under the dire&ion of ing
lieut. Baynts of the royal artillery; but un- ■ tro
fortunately it was soon found that a large i are
mortar was materially injured from its fer- j Uli
viees ; I therefore juded it proper for her to ! pol
return under the protection of the Goliah, j feffl
Terpsichore and Fox, who were kept tjnder | fid;
fail for that purpose, and for whose adlual thr
service I feel much obliged. 10,
The Spaniards having sent out a great Ma
number of mortar - gun boats and armed W<
launches, I dire&ed a vigorous attack to be Ka
made on them, which was done with such try,
gallantry, that they were drove and pursued
tlofeto the walls cf Cadiz, and iraift. have
fufFcred confiderablc loss j and I have the <
pleafurt to iufoim two mortar- Bri
let- boats and ao armed launch remained in our
£in-- poffeflion.
not I feci myfelf particularly indebted for the
an- fuccefsful termination of tlw contefl to the
gallantry of capts. Freemantle and Miller,
the former of whom accompanied me in my
7- barge, and to my coxswain, John Sykes, who
in defending my person, is mod severely
up, wounded, as was capt. Freemantle, slightly
011- in the attack : and my praises are general
ad- ly due to every officer and man, some of
' whom 1 saw behave in the molt noble mart
in- ner, and I regret it is no> in my power to
3th particularize them. I must also beg to be
my permitted to express my admiration of Don
the Miguel 1 yrafon, the commander of the gun
'ak boats, in his barge ; he laid my boat along
i a fide, and his refinance was such as to honor
ay- a brave officer, ißgfthe 26 men being kil
m led, and himfelf and all the reft wounded.
ap- Not having a con-eft lift of the killed and
wounded, I can only state that I believe 6
tte are killed and 20 wounded. I have rfie hon
nd or to be, fir, your obedient Servant,
e ; Sir John Jervis, K. B.
Copy of a letter from the Earl of St. Vin
ol- cent, commander iri chief of his Majesty's
nd ships and vefftl employed on the Coast of
ed Portugal, to Evan Nepean, Esq.
ti- Ville de Parts, off Cadiz, July 9.
Ed Sir,
eh I enclose, for the information of the
ot Lord s Commiffionersof the Admiralty, let
er ters I have lately received from capt. El
at phinftone, of his Majesty's ship the Hama
dryad, and the hon. Courteney Boylf, com
a mander of his Majesty's ship the Kangaroo,
ir- relating to the capture of some of the ene
in tny's vessels.
th Mr Loud,
I nave the honor to inform your Lord
of ship, that on my passage from Plymouth,
le with thf Boyne transport un der my convoy,
:d in his Majesty's sloop Kangaroo, on the 22d
inft. 1«. 26. deg. 25 min. N. long. 7 deg
-12 min. W. I fell in with and captured,
La Surprize French lugger Privateer |of 47
tons, 6 guns, a-'d 48 men ; had been 6 days *
!- out of Crofic (entrance of the Loi're,) and
t, made 110 capture.
;, I have further to inform your Lordship,
- that on the 3d inft. Cadiz bearing E. by S.
e distance 27 leagues, I fell in with and cap- 1
e tured La Purriffma Cfinception, a lugger
e sent out from Cadiz with a King's officer, \
, and 9 men, under orders to cruize for a
brig from the Havanna, having dispatches
for her.
I am, &c. i
r The right hon. the lord of St. Vincent. r
, Hamadryad, in Gibraltar Bay, July 13, 97,
r Sm, ' '
In obedience to your orders, I proceeded
, to sea on the 29th of June, light airs and a
1 strong current set us a little to the eaftwa.d f J
1 On th# 30th I fell in with 2 Xebecks, one of
1 which we took, and the other, which was a !*'
Spanish privateer, we drove on shore ; the
1 crew of the former made their escape. As- u
. ter feeing her fafe into Gibraltar, yesterday c;
morning, I stretched across to Ceuta, and at
2, A. M. I fell in with and captured L'Ac- ' r
tion French cutter privateer of 6 guns, cop- cl
pered, and 30 men. I have anchored, fir
the fok purpose of putting the prisoners on
1 board theprifon ship, and getting my people f t
. out of the prize, add fliall weigh again in In
a few hours. B
I have the honor to he Sec ' N
Admiral Sir John Jervis, K. B. p.
Copy of another Letter from the' Earl of St.
Vincent to Evan Nepfan, Esq. Ja
Ville de Paris, off Cadiz, July 10.
St K, >'t
I desire you will acquaint the Lords Com
miflioners of the admiralty, that Rear Ad- p'
miral Nelson ordered a lecondbombardment an
of Cadiz, on the night
the dire&ion of Captain Bowen,of the Terp- co
fichore, capt. Miller of the Theseus, and 0 f
capt. Waller, of the Emerald ; and ap
pointed Mr. Jackson, master of the Ville WJ
de Paris, to place the Thunderer, Terror, ftf
and Strombolo, and |the bombardment 0 f
produced considerable eneft in the town, and ku
among the (hipping. Ten fail of the line, jj) j
among them the ships carrying the flags of a h
admirals Mazzaredo and Gravina, having
warped out of the range of (hell with much p r
precipitation the following morning ; and it
is with great fatisfadlion I inform you, that <J U
this important service was effetted with very
little loss on our fide—[3 killed. 11 wound- t of
ed.] The Rear admiral meditated another JJe
operation on the night of Saturday the Bth,
under his own diredlion j but the wind blew c j u
so strong down the Bay, he could not get hln
his bomb vessels up to the point of attatk in Tli
time. W ed
Mr. Hornfley, mjfta's mate of the Sea at . g
Horse, distinguished himfelf in a very re- I me;
markable manner. j u -
RATISBON, July 12. „ t }.
Already the Auftrians are making great r p l
preparations to open the campaign against i t , n
the Piuflians. A cew corps, confiding of q 0 ]
10,000 men from the armies of the Uppir
and Lower Rhine, who were cantoned be-
tween Franckfort and Heilbron, are march- <j er
ing into the environs of Wunburg ; the p tv
troops encamped in the Upper Palatinate t ] iei
are reinforced; the fortreffes of Ingolftadt, j y ( ;
Ulm and Wurzburg, are fortifying with all '
poflible dispatch, so that the Prulfian pof- j;
sessions in Franconia are surrounded on all
fides. The Pruflian cabinet, forefeeing this t,
threatened danger, have marched a corps of
10,000 men, who are now in the Duchy of
Magdeburg, in the circle of Franconia.— ~"
We are allured that the celebrated general
Kalkreuth is going to that part of the couli- A
tiy. • ' and
— been
BOSTON, September 9. A
immediately on its being known by the D<W
British commanding officer, on the Ameri- A
our can ftat/on, tint a Preach privateer waron
the coast, he. dispatched two sloops of war
the in quest of her.
the A trial of a very intct efting nature is he
ller, fore the supreme judicial court now fittinc.
my Five very reipeSable citizens of the ({land
vho of Nantucket, are ifidi&ed of having rob
rely bed the bank of that place, in June,°i 79c,
itly of about 20-,'faoo dollars. The trial eame on'
ral- onThurfday, continued-Jrefftrday, and will
Sos ngt probably be concluded until Monday,
an- The public mind is much etigaged in the
to 'oufinefs ; and the iflue anxiously waited for.
be t
)on PROVIDENCE, Sept. 9.
r Un 9" W eiln e(day lall \ris celebrated the anni
mg velfi, ry commencement of RfcoVle tfland Col
no,. 1 ** proet flional train was formed as ufu
... al, and at I« o'clock moved to the meet
ing house. The ' following, cxtydjfet, after a
prayer by the Piefideni, ;
n C 'l-ORKNOON.- \
: 6 Tr.Jirumcntal (/lujfc.
>n- . '• Salutatory addreiTcs, and an oration on
independence—by Jaines l?rvin.
jt 2. An intei mediate oration on independence
—by John Simmons.
3. An intermediate oration, on the advanta
ges resulting from the study of hiftorv-bv Na
in- than Holman,
jr's _4- An oration, on the importance of cdnca- 1
Q £ tion to the union eft reptiblican governments—
by Richard George.
Pseal Mujic.
5. An intermediate oration, on the present
prosperity of the Uniflfd States—bv John Bald- i
he win. • 1
;t- 6. A difieftation on war—bv Horatio G.
fj. Bowen,
ia . 7. A iifpute on thii queflion : « farther it
n _ <wotdd be more adventageons for mankind, if
theearthfiould produce her fruits fpentanetuf
' If." —between Liberty Bates and Nathan Ca
e- ry.
8. An oration on the love of glory—by Abi
jah Draper. '
d- 9- A poem—by Paul Dodge.
| 10. A dilTertation nn the profpe&s of Ame
rica—by (Horace Everett.
Y' it. An oration, on the infallibility of the un
derstanding— by John Sabitl. 1
J" Vacal Mnfic.
d, 12. A (Cfrertarir.n, on jhe pleasures of ima
ginatiort —bv Francis Howard,,
* 13. A dialogue The world's],(fatfiauz"—
id between Liberty Rates, Paid Dodge, Franeis
tlowaid, Samuel Ervin, and John Wither-
14- An intermediate oration, 011 the Irne of
5. power, considered as a principle aiJlion—by
J- Calvin Park.
;r 15. All oration, on the ne-effity of maintain
r ing the dignity of the United States—by Jarius
' Ware,
s Injirumcntal Muftc.
t. An oration on the advantages of mental
improvement-—by Drury Fairbanks £
t. An oration, oh the indignities offered A- i
menea by France—by Samuel Ervin.
3. A dispute, on this queftien . " J) oej she ]
light of nature afford evidence that God will
pardon fin?" —between Abel Richmond, Will
iam Collier, and Joseph B. Cook.
1 Vteal Music.
a 4- An oration, on oratory —by John Wither
f 5■ A conference, on education—between Ho
ratio G. Bowen, Horace Everett, Drury Fair
bank, and Jarius Ware. I
6. An oration, on- the neceflity ps political
union at the present day—by Paul Allen, jun. 1
candidate for the second degree ->
t 7- An oration, on the propriety of introduc
. ing thefcience of jurifprudeme into-a course of
_ clafiicsl education—by Sarotic-r W. Bridgham,
candidate for the lecond degree.
l r c;a! Mu/ic.
The degree of bachelor in the irti was con
ferred on the following young gentlemen, A
-1 lumr.i of the collepe: tierljamin John
Baldwin, Liberty Bates, Horatio G. Bowen, p
Nathan Cary, William Collier, Joseph Bullein
Cook. Paul Dodge, .Abijah Draper, James Er
vin, Samuel Ervin, Horace Everett, Drury
Fairhsnk, Richard George, Nathan Hofman,
Frjncis Howard, Job Morton, Calviu Pirk,
Abel Richmond, John Sabin, John Simmons, oi
Jan us W/ire, and John Wftherfpoon."" Yc
'1 he degree of matter in the irts „as confer
red on the following younj; geftlemen, Atumni
or'.the college: Jeremiah Bailey, Ssmtter W.
Bridgh-im, PauT Allen, jun. John Miles,
P. Little, Joseph Rawfon, John W. Richmond,
and Samuel VV'atfcfn.
The degree of Bachelor in the Arts vvas T
conferred on Horace Birniey, an Alumnus
of Harvard College.
The honorary degree of Bachelor of Arts
was conferred ontthe rev. Clark Brown, of
Mschias. The honorary degree of ma Iter
of arts was conferred on t'hereV. Isaac Bac
kus, of Middlebotaugh. The degree ps
Divinity was conferred on the rev. Hezeki
ah Smith, of Haverhill. The degree of
doftorof laws was conferred on John Adams
President of the United States.
An address was then deliveredto the Gra
duates by the President.
8. An Oration in defence of Revelation, e vi
together with tire valtdi'ftory addreffts—by 0C(
Benjamin Allea. I^.
A praycrby the rev. Dr. con- f] a
eluded the exercises 01" the day, which were i n
highly gratifying to a numerous assembly. fy]
The vocal and iudrumental music (perform
ed with much animatioh and great musical
accuracy, by a circle of ladies and gentle- net
men of the town )ynerited and received the j o r
liigheft applause, and gave a zest to the tru
ly pleasurable scene.
The Corporation, set their meeting on the g o i
7th ihft. appointed Samliel appas/ as
Trustee of the College ; and Benjamin Al" Mr
.len, one of the Graduates, Tutor of the o rt
Colle S c -, , pol
We are allured from thebeilSutVprity, un- to t
der yelicrday'B date, that no^iw^^trfthe
Fever, had occurred at Bristol •; feVid that ]
there is good reason to believe it will whol- ..
ly dilappear in a few days. rhia
J 11 1 111 1 : W c;
Excellent Bourdeaux Brandy
Bitto * dirt 1 Claret jit!' tales . an( j
Just received, and for Sale by • t ), e
Runclle & Leech. b
As. IT. . ,
A Wa CGGN aimed new. with a Frame— "
and a pair of hariaei's collarsj hes never had
been ujrS—price 90 Roils." Five
A Horfe.i6 hands high, seven years std—and a tie!
new chair, with a falling top ana hanuf*—j'jo. wht:
Enrjuire No. 33T, Market-flrect. perf
A'iguft 24. «llw gc h<
•ob. THURSDAY EVENING, September 14.
95, '■
on, Extrafl of a letter from our correfr
' respondent in New-York, dated 12
the o'clock ycjierday.
for. "~\V e have, just received
■ai- London ad\ices to A\yx.
2. s—New5 —New ooftacles arise to
eetts ■, _
r a peace—no hopes of it—
France in commotion—
on, troops are marching from
nce ,the Rhine towards Paris
sla- —Buonaparte has propo
«-'i fed marching to France—
The Dutch fleet, in our
ent last papers, is said to be
a! ° ut - ' _
From the 13th to 14th Sept. in the morning.
-a- # '
Admitted, since last report,
bi- Samuel Ogle—Capt. Allin's
Lyman Cady—Kamerer's, No 24, North
' e " J acob (a/Mulatto)—White Swan, Race
n- ftrcct
Molly Roberts—Gregory's, South-street
John M'Farland—No. 50, Race-street
a- Mapr MfgJone—corner of Water and Chris
~ Margaret M'Elwee—Capt. Moore's, Penn-
George Wilkms—South, between Front
0 f and Second-street
iy J°fcph Arned—Philadelphia frigate, below
•- Rachel M'lntolh—Drawbridge
is °
Died, since last report,
Jane M'Farland, admitted nth
,1 Hannah Jackson, 12th
Samuel Bell, ' 9th
,- Anne Jane Fottrill 4th
'' Remaining last Report r r
_ Admitted fiuce, lc f
Discharged None
Died ' 4 4
j Remain inHofpital, | j fil
t Interred in City Hospital burying ground
since last report :
From the city and suburbs I
f From the city hospital 4
Total 5
Step hen Girard, j
(Signed) Caleb Lownes,
1 John Connelly.
' Published by order of the Board, '
Chairman pro. tem.
The sick at the Hospital being in need 0
of lhirt6, ftu'fts and other linens, such bene
volent persons as are disposed to fend any, j'
; will please to leaye l?hem at the City Hall.— 0
Oat ft raw is also much wasted, and will be
thankfully received at the HofpitV, and
paid for if required.
Totals of burials for 24 hours, ending ycjler- r )
day at noun. J '
__ w
St Paul's I,Adults-
Third Presbyterian »
Chr.ft ' 1 Child:
f*t>Mary'« I j
Grrman Lutheran 1
BaptiSs I ' 1
, Potter's fi;.ld I X nl
City Hospital* 8
Total 14 4
* Four of tbafe from the city,
evening,- Manvs M'Gee : His death was _
occasioned i y the/ falling of a spar on his
head, a few days ago, which fraftured his
flcuH. His parents are poor people, and live
in the neighborhood of Pittlhurgh, Penn- laj
fylvania. C.
Major Culhing is appointed Adjutant Ge- th
neral of the United States troops, vice Ma- th
jor Mills deceased.- ' fei
It will be observed that Tallyrand Ps ri
gord is now minifler for foreign affairs in the th:
place of Charles Delacroix, who insulted tin
Mr. Pinckney. Tallyrand has spent a year
or two in the United §tates, and knows our 00
policy. Our expected negociations with hai
France- will.determine whether he is a friend wi;
United States or not.—f Minerva.) * 1 ...
... ' G(
Extras, pfa letter dated Baltimore, Sept. It.
•' We have the yellow ferer worse than Philar'el- ' Jus
phia w en Ifay here.lmean the Point—.there on
\ Wedriefvay 7 died ; on Thursday S.Saturday 15 ;
n:id I believe about 14 in different parts of the city; .
who caught it it the Point—l know of i yeftercay, /
and of 4 who took it on ITiurfday by goiitg to fse
the frigate launched—kmiwiiag the danger I declin
ed being a fpe&jfor." .
° r con
ExtraiS' of a letter frpm a fjciap in £ahimore, "
dated September I*.
"I I diry there is r,o doubt but the fever is as {lre
bad at Fell's Point as in ai;y p?.rt of Philadelphia. 1
five or lix per lens hsve died in town who caught feel
tl.e lever at the. i'oii't ; hut thttre is no instance ing
where it has been crirununicated in town from any den
person who toc-k it at the Point ;at lend this is the sup
general opiniyr. bf the physicians here.*'
-September 12 1797.
the State of Pennfylvama.
HAV TNG been appointed by you to
I. "ny.nto effect th e law f or alleviating the
=== d ' Al "* ffes , of OMffeHow-citizeßs in. this time
,f C , a t y ' at,< * conceiving that the
ejr belt method to pursue is to give publicity to
I 2 our proceedings, as well for the purpose of.
procuring advice in time, as to prevent fun into difficulties: Also, that you and
»d your fellow citizens may be enabled to judge
how far the money appropriated bylaw may
JT. reach, and means may be made life of in
time, to provide in cafe the calamity should
continue; These coniiderations induced the
Board of Comraiflioners to enter into a lefo
lution, that they would Iranfmit to you a
cur lory ftatejnent of their proceeding's wsck
lyi expefting that proper allowance will be
ITI , re fp e <ft to accuracy, arrifing
from the multiplicity of calls of attention
IS VT? member has > to the necessities of
our flittering fellow-citizens.
>- u F ! On J 4th to 9tU relieved two
hundred and eighty four persons, chiefly
- head ot families, with two hundred and six
ty mtie dollars and sixty five cents, besides a
jj- quantity of bread, account of cost not vet
)e About two hundred and fifty men were
relieved by employment north and south on
the roads, and to open the water courses in
Southwark; so as to drain the stagnated
waters off the low grounds, at 75 cents per
day—add to the above, that provilion is to
g- be made, by this Board, for about two
hundred people that have rempved to the
tents, which comramced the 10th instant,
and great increase expefted.—When you
consider .his is but the commencement »f
our business, you will readily conclude with
us, that there is a probability the numbers
and confsqoenlly expences mavijicrrafe, and
probable double itfelf, before' the calamity
f; Your letter of the gtfi inft. ha« been .at
tended to, a conference heM vmh
the supervisors of Roxbury and German
town. At we find it difficult to ob
tain the consent of those men that have sam-
S .. t .° £° so far from ho "ie, but in all pro
bability we may be shortly able te draft as
many single men as will answer the purpose :
that, with every other communication from
the governor, will meet with due attention.
That the Supreme Being may ihortly put
a period to the exifling calamity, and restore '
health to our afflifted eity, is the earnest
felicitation of this Board
Philadelphia, Bth Sept. 1707.
- 6 per Cent. 16/j?
J i per Cent. 10 /-,
Deferred 6 per Cent. z \r.
BANK United States, IS per ct. adranco.
Peonfylvauia, 21 d„.
North America, 46 do.
j Inlurance Co. N. Ai fharei 45 to 50 do.
' Pennsylvania, par
On London, at 30. days par
at 60 days 65
——— at 90 days
- Amltfrdam, per guilder 40
9° d?ys , 41
Port of Philadelphia.
No arrivals since ouf last.
The barque which was in fight from the
fort, has gone back to Chester.
Is herrhy o-iven to the inhabitants of the Diftri#
of Southwark, that a ir.eetiog will be hc!3 at the
Comroiffioner's room, on Frinay evening the 15th
inft. at 7 o clock o into coniideiation, acl a
dpt meafu-c» for the protection os-he property of
our fellow -citizen* from dating robbers.
S"n(. 14.
Bills on .Aniflerdam, at a <sght exceeding six
ty dsys,and with approved ludorfers, to the amount
jft vo hundred thenfand—J#r-wl,.ch\ fl»
wi Ibe pai!. t the rate of thirty eight cenu a ;nt 1-
d e f —Aj plicat on» to hwnade o George Sioipip; ,
Caihier of the Sank the United States.
Sept. 4.. dtf
• The Health-Office *
IS removed to the City-Halh and is kept open
night and day, where perlons having bulinifs may
-PP'y- Wm. ALLEN, Health-officer.
Sc P' 4 dt f
No I l C K.
THF. Offices of the Department of War are so*
he pr. lent rmiovtj near te the Falls of the Sauyt
lcjii, on ilie Ridge Road. '
September 4.
' Post Of Tics, September sth, 1797. ~
CCj" The Pod Office will be removed to
rnoirow at 3 o'clock, P. M. to Mr. Dunr
lap's Coach house, lath ftreet,between Mar
ket and Chefnut street, where merchants and
others will please to fend fur their letters, as
the letter carriers during the continuance of
the prifent prevailing sickness will not be
sent out.
INFORMS her friends,and the pubiic in genera],
that h-r house, No. 195,, wi!l\on- '
tinue open during the C?kncfa.
Board and-Lodging' in a separate room, Tktt
bollars, in a double room, eight collars.
For the cenvcnitnce of 'these gentleman who
have no» thair amilie. ia town, Mrs. ®rat4ah
will receive 4entlemen to djne at f .1 Dot.LAis
day. yf-
■Just received, by W.m. GRirrrrH»,No. 177,50 V h
Second-ft'rtet, a freih fupplvof
Genuine Bal/ain of Honey,
A Medicine invented by the late gir John Hill
(who knowledge a Botanist j rocured him
the appellation of the Linnaeus of Britain) and is
eonfidered in a? iurta-nnrt r orthe above
complaints; it is al(b of sjiuguiar cfhc3ey in the
Hooping Cough,
It may al o be had retail of W. A. Stokes, No.
6r, South Second street, and T.'Stiff, 55, Ncw
flreet, in bottles at 7j cents each.
VVm, Grifi-itus haying observed (he h-rry tf.
' '' the medic-ne, (ieveral cases of cure-:, hav
ing Cottle within his owe knowledge) and the great
( Jfcr it has induced him to ordi j r a iaite
flippy a part of whichhehas jud received.
' ' J l ' J VVY