We l> yht Aki reward. AN a-T'-.y fron-1 the fubfciil-er, an indented |\ Servant Girl, 'r.'.med Naxct " Nn'.'.RsuN, a- J ijont twenty year* of age, snort, thick set. ysrfon, wuHftcrt black hair i badon whert fiiewtt.t&way, A n ilatV • -llico gown, an old black fi!k Bo.it, anil a t>l;ick fur hat. Whoever will ficur j Jail girl, an J ■" y'-ji ink'rmntion thereof to t.V.e iob/cribcf, No. 2, Ciecnletf alley, or -to the office of this Gazette, tl {hnll vecsivt -above reward. ,i: Ali pcrl'ons are forbid Inrboring said girl, ak u t' ey willba dealt with as the law direds T MARY ANDERSON-, IJ, B. said Girl is from Ireland, ar.d lias been u ■ thi»- . Just Received, From Batavia (via Providence) a few Boxes of &picci, coniifting of Nutmegs, Cloves and :.tace For sale by KILLINGS & mJXGIg, Pcnn flreet. May I Davis's Law Book Store, No. 319, High-Street. GEORGE DAV IS, BEING busied for fgmc time yaft in prepara tions' for removing into h s prr!cnt 1 been under theneceiStyot pollp ninguntil thfs day informing the gentlemen o.'the Par generally thro" the UaittJ States, that his fprirg importation of law bonks is now arranged and ready for lale, on tcrinsthat he trtifts will *utitlehini to the like pra frtence he has experienced for Wveral years pait. Catalogues, combining the moll varied collet tion ever imported iato this country, are printe-1 and Will be delivered on application. , June 17. ' taw 6w City Gommijftoners'' Ojfice, . Jtwe »», 1797. IN purfuanre of an ordinance from the fele£l and common councils, pallid the Ijd day of May last, appointing the city cisrrimiffionert, and prtferihing their duxits, fe<3ion 9th, NO TICE IS HEKEBY GIVEN, That the city is divided into five diftrifls, each to be under tf»t fuperintendance of one of the city commifficners, whois to be individually responsible fo* - the clewilineT. of the fame,»and are as follow. Driftridl No. 1. From the fonth fide of Ce dar-street, to the north fide <>f Sptnce (treet, un dtulie fuperiptendeoce of Nathan Beys. i. From the north fid* cf Spruce-rtreet, to the north fide of Walnut-street, under the iutendcnce ef Hugh llob*rts. 3. From the nortji of Walnut to thefouth fide of under the lupenntendenee of Joleph Claypoole. 4. From the north fide of High-street, to" the north fid.* of Mulberry street, under the fuper intcndrncc rf William Moulder. j. From the north fideof Mulberry-ftrcet to thetiorth tide of Vtjie-ftreet, under the fuper intertdence of Nicholas? Hicks. The cleaningof High-llreet to be in commot. A fiated meefing of the city commifiion ers is held at the Old Court House, in High ftrcet', every Tuesday evening at 5 o'clock Julv t4- eoim Stands for Draymen, Zs\\ Jit purfwtnet of an Ordinance from thtSelefi and Common Councils,bearing date the lid day of« Jtprll, 1797. providing for the appointment of City Commi//foKerj, i?e. He ft. the 1 stb. r J'HE following places are fi*ed upon by the i said City Commilfionarß for Stands for Crsynen and their Horses. In Vine-flreet, eallward of Front-street, on both fides. Saffyfras, High,Chefnut .-nd Walnut-fttreets, of Front-llreet, on the no.'th fide only. Mulberry-street, south fide frsm Front t» Third-ftrect'. Front-llreat, east fide from Vine-street to filfrith'. alley. Front-ilreet, fram to Black Horfeal- Icyto Ilamilton'6 (lores, east fide. ' • Water-ftt'eet, weft fide from the north end of Stamper's or Moori-'s stores to Pine-street. Penn-ftreet from Pine to CeJar-llreet, welt fide. Drawbridge, north fide, east of Fronf-flreet, Spruce, Pine and South streets, nftof l'rojf street, south fide. • Doak-ftreet, between Walnut-street and the flag stone cruffings, east fide, opposite George Orklev's. ' Seeond-ftreet, between SafTifras ayd Vina ftretts, weft fide. Fil'tli-ftreet, call fide from Jo Mul berry flreet"!. from Third to Fourth-ftrcet, eall Me. No dray or horse to stand w'iihin tec ftet of any pump. s'f.n ns for hac::xet coaches. Ptne-ftrett, north fide from Fourth to Fiftl) fliec*";. lufth-ftrietj between Clicfnut and Walnut streets, well. tiarth £ie, between Third and Fourth streets. July if. raw&fim A Literary Treat. jujl pttbllfbed, hahdfomefy printed on zvriihig paper, price I dollar, • A new edition of that popular ami entertaining work, writitled HPHE FORESTERS, an AnWican ¥»ie ; being i. u i'cqu:! to the hitlory of John .Bull, the Clo thier—ln aferiesof letters to a IriencT, with the ad- & .IkloTi of tv\o letters, alluding to recent political truncations in Amcris:*. The following extra& from the Clavis Altagori.ra, (hews the principal ehara&erschat sec introduced: John Bull* thr: Kingdom of England Hi> Mother, the Church of iingtefcd His Wile, the Parliament Hi& Sifter Peg, the Church of Scotlasd His Brother Patrick, Ireland Lewis,theKingdom of France His Miilrelfe, rJie OM Constitution Hi: new Wife, the .National Keprefentation Lord Struts die Kingdom of Spain J'icholiis Frog, the Dutch Repuoiic J The Franks, the French Republic r ;1 The the United Stares of Am«ri< a ~~ Robtrt Lumber, N* w-Hampfhire It John Codline, Maflachufetts 3 - * Humphrey PlowfWe, Connecticut Roger Carrier, Rhode hi and 4 c Peter Dull Frfcg, New-York Julius Caesar, freyf-Jerfey William Broadbrita, Pennsylvania til Cafljmar, Delaware th Walter Pipewood, Virginia bt Hi# Grundfon, George Washington , / Petfir Pitch, North Carolina m , Charles fadlgo, r -nutk Carolina b< George Triifty, Georgia . et Ethan Greenwood, Vermont Hunter Longknife, Kentucky th BJack Cattle*, Negro Slaves \\ Rats,, Speculators Ic Mother Carey's Chickens, Jacobins fq Jy* This popular and entcrtairingftitiricalhifto- t\ ry of America is attributed to the Rev. Dr Ebl- si' knap, it haiagreat (hare as originality and a- j w bounds with genuifte humour. It is continued j tl* down to the present time, and charadterifes those l '.late paliticsl transaCtions which have caused so muck uneaCnefs in America. • ir SoM by H. and P. RlCß.'Bookf.ller, No. 15, t l South Second Stitet, and No. 50, Marke* ftaeet. June ih. 5 LAW BOOKS, Latefl London and Dublin Editions. H. Iff P. liICE\ Book/tilers, No. 16, Sccorld, and No. 50, Market street, L iH AVE just reiciTed by the late arrivals from C London and Dublin, theii fpriuvf import a- a tion, confiftiDg of a variety of the Utett and most approved 1 aw Books, added to those alrea dy 011 hand, forms the most extensive collection ev er offered for fa'e in this country. They thei efore beg leave t-o r.otia*, that from the nature of their 1 connexions in Duo!in, they arc enablad to felllrifh editions (as they have hitherto done) at the very f loweff prices. The follotviug are among the lauft c publications. 1 Vefey, jun'rs Reports in Chancery, i t Peakc's Cases at Nisi Prius ; Ridgeway's Reports t in the time of Lord H*rdwicke ; t'loyer's Probers j I Pra&ice in the F.cclefiaftical Courts ; Barton's | 1 Treatise on a thiit in Equity; Tidd's PraAiee of « the Court'of King's Bench in Pcrfoual A6tions, 1 j parts complete , Ward's Law of Nations ; Cruise \ on Uses ; modern Reports, I* vols. London cdi- i tion. " i H. and P. Rice expedl t® receive by the Grft ar- 1 ' rival from New-York the 6th vol. complete of 1 , Durnford and Baft's Reports, 2d part of Gil- ( P 'bert's Law of Evidence by Loft, and a number of new publications. 1 June 16. The History of Pennsylvania, , By ROBERT PROUD, Ig now in the preft, and will be publiflied, with all convenient expedition, by ZttHA - RiiH Poulion, jun. No. 80, Chefiiut-ftreei, Philadelphia, where fub&riptions will continue to bt received, and at tfie Philadelphia Library, I according to the printed proposals, until the . work is ready for the fubferibers. July 18. lawtf Printed Calicoes. f JOMNMItLER, Jun. & Co. r No. % Ghi-Jhut-Streit, 1 Have for Sale FIFTY TRUNKS neatly aflorted, very low on' . (hert credit. March 6. § , Richard and James Potter HAVE removed their Counting Houfc to No. 4j, South Fifth-ftrc«t. i, uguft %. • wSiffit j LancaHer, Harrijburgh Carlijle, e Shtppenjburg and Sunbury STAGES. 0 _ ' j t HE public are requffted to fr.ke notice, that L the partnerlhip which has f«r sometime sub ! fifted bctweo 1 Mathias Slough of Lancaftcr, and William Geer, is now ditto Sited *. not as this hufinefs, M iliiam Geer, in conjunction with y• Messrs. Reily, Weed and Witmer, is determined !• toprofeeute and carry it on, with every care, at tcution anddifpatch that a zeal to oblige the pub to lie can poflibhy exert. . The above company, who ari amply provided 1- with carriages, horses, and every appurtenance to render the paCage fafe anvl commodious, inform 9 f thofu wno wiib to patronise and encourage the undertaking, that they can take their teats at George Weed's, the sign of /the White Horse, Market Street, Philadelphia, on every Monday and Friday, to proceed to Lancaster, tlarrifburg, _. Carliflc and Shippenfburg. The fare as lnthtrto ellabliftied. For the further accommodation of the public, e a Stage will ilart every Wednesday fcom the hcufe of Samuel F.lder, in Harrifburg, arrive at Sud bury in Northumberland county, every Thntfdayj' 1 13 and return from thence and arrive at every Saturday, so tkat pafrciigers>"deltined for Lancafteror Philadelphia, may proceed o* Mon k WILLIAM GEER. Lancaftcr, Jan. 27, i*97- u B. Thi§ Line et Stages starts from ths hau/e William Ferr*, in l.ancnftcr, on every I'uefday Saturday morning at 6 pro- c coding to t.he weft ward; and from the house of Mr. Samuel fei.Aer ijn Harrifburg every W§dnef day morning, on the fame evening arrives at Pa trick Cochran's in Shippenfbv.! , and returns d front thence <-n every Thursday : ] lame routine daily as \ll sour from l hi)?del phiai nnvf City of VValhington. SCKEME Of the Lottery, No. H, Far the Imtrivitoent of the federal City. A 'n"ig:u¢dweHii3g"h-auitt ICjOG-odullars, 6 cilh .10,000, are j0.r.00 t dittu iSjUOO & cal* 35,000 40,00* I ditto jj.opo & caih 15,000 30,000 1 ditto 10,000 & calk 10, poo ao,ooo 1 ditto f,aoo & ' 5,000 10,000 1 fiitto t,i>oo « j ,000 io,poo . I ejtft) prize'of Jo,o<;o ' 1 do. 5,000 e"h,are • jcyioo 10 dQ. 1,000 - - 10,001; jo do. coo - - jo.ooo ' . 1 . .00 no. ipo - :o,poo , i to do. j-j - - 10,000 400 do. IS - - ll>,0 da. .ifi • .... . . - 150,000 . "7- ' V ' v? V'i*-- > - ti Blanks. ( Jc,odo Tickets, at E:§bff Bollari, 400,000 i N. B. Tofavour those vho may take 4 quan tity of Tickets, .hi prize of 40,00 a dollars will be the: la9t drawn the 30,000 the last but one : And as proved note s, fecuribg payment in either money or prizes, in ten days 4ter drawing, will be receixed sot any number not lei's than 30 tick ets. This Lottery will afford an fpecimen ef ! 4 the private buildings to bfe erc&ei in the .City of Washington-—Two. beautiful defies a*e alteady icle&cd for the entire front; on tvo of the public squares; from these drawing* it isjropofed toeredl two centre and f our corner bwildlngi.as soon aspof fible after this lottery is fold, and ta convey them, when complete, to'the fortunate adventurers, ia ' defcribed in the fchemefor the Hotel Lottery. A nett dedu&ion of five per cent, will be rfiudeto defray theneceflary ezpenfeaof print ing, 3cc. and the surplus will bemade a part of the fund intended for the National University, to be eroded within the city of Wallington. , The real fecuritiehgiven for tlw payment of the i Ptiaes, held by the Prefidenr and two Direct ors of the Bank of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the amount of the lottery. S AMUEL BLODGJST. # § # Tieketsmay be had at the Bank of Colam- Li*; of jumes Weft & Co. Baltimore; of Feter Oilman, Bcfton ; of Johi Hopkins, Richmond ; and of Ricfcc.;J Welle, Cooper's Ferry. mWf From the Ot/ego Herald. CAUTION. W HER PAS a combination of med in this county have undertaken to enrich th*n»- ftlves,by faUricutiiig titles tofunc'r/ valuable traAs of laud, the property of gentlemen living in New Yoik, Philadelphia, London .ma Paris, for whioh tra&» of lend large funis of money have betin paid I tp those fraudulent,men, by innocent purchaser* • It xs therefore just tnst public information fliould be given, to the end, thai the injured may ferk re- ; dref* while the racn have property, and are to be found. Those who have bean discovered areTru m n Harrifou, Joseph Witcomb, said now tore fide in the county of Saratoga ; Thomas Kelly and | several other! who go under fi&itious names. It is supposed that the lands offered fcr sale On those fa bricated titles, are at lcworth fifty thousand j dollars. Such as we have a&ual knowledge of are [ as follows ; Lots No. II and 12, patent, thoufanJ acre* each, the aClual property of William 1 Dellwyn, now of London ; lots No. 58 and 64, fame patent, thnttfknd acres each, the property of ! Mr. Chaumcnt, now of Pari?, and lemeaAverill and othew, of tint State. There is lome grounds to suppose that the lands of Richard and Charles Wharton, ps Philadelphia, are under their management.—The Primers will do well to give , this a place-in tJicir papers, as w«U to caution the public against purch»Rng thcue lands, as also tt> de prive those men in future from imposing on indivi du*f», whicn tneir education and address have en abled.them to do heretofore. Witcomb has been | a shopkeeper of some note in this couiKry. The following affidavits will fct in a clear point of view tha wickcdnefs ol thole men,which when the public have perufid, will induce them to ea cufe the intnference of Wm. COOPER. Otfego, July aSth, 17*7. I Thomas Kelly, of the County of hav ing been led into an error, by John Witcomb and Truman of the fame.County, to sign a deed to them, for lot No. 58, Dlfcgo batont, v. hich • was the property of Willi-.m f. Franklin now Mr. Chamont's and orhers; and further tint said Joseph and Truftian aid perluademe to do'this against my inclination, which was made cu; on the icth duy | of November, 1793, or set back two years so us to bring it to that time ; and the namu of Pardon S'-arks to that deed was a si Aitioua namt>, 1 there being no facto perlon there, 'to this I make voluntary oath. THOMAS K.ISLLY. 19th JuFy, ! 797. On the 79th July, 1797, came personally befoVp me. 'flinmas Kelly, the fubfenber to she above as *■ ftdavit, andmade solemn oath that it contains noth ing but th«;truth. >1 ELIHIX PHONEY, Jufticc of the Peace. On the s-ame before me Jaeob "> Kibby, a perlcn i>y me well ki.osfh ami worthy of good credit, who on his solemn oath did fay, that 1 two f»f the psrtie* abovementioned did make ap - plication to him th~s deponent, some time in the wiflter of 1796 ,to r. ahe them a deed fcr twothou f find acres of land in the e mifed this-deponent a fharc ©i the profits on the » sale of said lat!d«, £or h;s so doing ; andthtt they madeapphcation several times for the fame purpo e, - which (Vrvices this deponent as often refufed, de e claringto tht?m that he had no right to lands, and coulddo no such thisdaponent's integrity he had related among his e friends several to jaaking this atti -1 davit. JACOB KI2JBEY. !i Sworn before me, J I*LIHU FHINNEY, Just ice of the Peace. jli/g. lUV/4W. Thirty Collars Reward. d T?LOPED from tiic fcrviee of the i'ulfcriber, 0 X-j on the 19th inft.-.nr, a nfpro man by the 1 name of DICK, about twcnty-Cve years of age, t and five feet nine or ten inches high; by trade t a carpenter, .yid is a very liveiy brill; u-ork '■ man.. His countenance is very ',-ood—■ When 7 spoken to, he tanneries -with ease and eonfi >> dence, and is pretty fagaiious. I purchai'ed 0 tKc laid fellow of Mr. iiubtity Minor, in whole name he has been advertised in the Richmond newfpaper-. Duringhfi» runaway trip (lalV " fumnier jhe was employed a couli-krable length by fomsDumlrits, from ' which aircumftaticf, 1 <:onjei?lure, h e taken '' another nothern route, I forewarn all pe»l\.us from givmg him ertlploytnent, of any kind whate. er, and maflersof vtfTcl.and ethers, fronj carrying him out of this flats. The abcTn: re ward will be !sveil if fit is taken within forty rnik-s of thi» city ; and an additional l'uni, in ' proportion to the distance he may be broegbt, . or th< trouble and e*{>Sce the apprehtnder may r be at. in brinirlns him to (hisplacc. AUG; DAVIS; N. B. Ilia appitrclwas of 'ul'ual ntgro kind, S bijthe had more cJoaths thania cuftomaiy for ■ them to poflcli. AD. . j RtfihtKmd, June iij i797> Will be Landed, From om board the Active, Cant.Bt.Aiß,front H-amluugii, 20 baits white Uufl>a cfiran Hemp » ! 1 calks Clover ieeiA I'or by Thomas Herman Leitfp.r, North Fii'ik No. 34. t Tune - William Blackburn, LOTTERY and BROKER'S OFFICE ' No. 64 lcuth.Second (rrrrt. ( 1 in tie Canal Lottery. 11, wl ?*. ( -.1 eommenceil drawing the 20th May, FQxC « SALE. The price of tickets will rife in propor- « tion \ns the drawing -idvanfces, particularly on ac- « count of the live firfl drawn tickets prizes of < four thousand dollars each, on the iaii day tof < drawing. * • Books kept for examination and regifler- < ing, in tlie Canal, No. 2, City of V;'aldington, No. , 2, and Paterfon Lotteries. Also, tickets for sale in tiie 3cliuylkill bridge arsl < Perk omen Bridge lotteries, whicli will begin i drawing i» the course of the fumnier. The bulinefs of a Broker in all kinds of Stock, Bills, Notes, Lands, &c- &c-. with the i utmoti attention. 1 J-une z tuSff * Erflciae's View of the War. 1 JUST PUBLISHED, i By ROBERT CAMPBELL & Co. Nd 40 South Second street, fPrice 31 Cents] A View of the Cau/es and Confsquen css of the present War zvith France. By the Honorable Thomas Erskine. May 15 - $ 1 STATE TRIALS. Sold by W. Yoong, BooScfcllcr, No. j*, South Se eo*d~llrecf, The Pennsylvania State Trials, CONtaining the impeachment, trial, and al of Francis Hopkinfon, Judgs of the Cowrt of Admiralty, and John Nicholfon, Comptroller Gen eral—ln one large 8 vo. vol. Price, in boards, 3 dollar^. W. has sale, a general affortmeotof Books. Also, Stationary, retell and by the pack ege, well and etui vied to the drawback if asserted. Jaly 7-—* r HE SUBSCRIBER having been appointed by thp Ilp.vov fc.Ktraordiuiiy aad Mieifter Pleni potentiary of ni» Britannic Majety, Genttsl sgont lo* aflittmg Britilh creditors, aod loch particular a gtntsas they may lpttially authorize, in prij/ecut.»g i their claims before the for carrying in- | to tfTeft the sixth artiale ot the Treaty of jfrnity. Coot- j mine and X'jvigation fietwtSK hij ArttannK A 'ajtJty and the United States of hereby noucc that he has opened hisoffue at his houfc tke lomh eafl corner of Chefnut and fifth fl>ects t Philadelphia, where he is ready to receive al! claims or ioit; udiou«» | for claims irh the voirehcts aud documents thereof, i for the purpose of bringing forwlfd the faine agree ably so tke rules and oiders wt!ck the boaid rn«y , think proper to prescribe. And at it wil| be tor the interest of all aoMCcrfied, that the fevaral claims be so Hated, and support ed, as to prevent the delay wbich wc'uUl from the necellity of obtaining turther inioraiation, or ad ditional materials,from periods rofiding at a di&ance, the general thinks it his ducy to add, (for the direction ehieily of those, w'no, not having employ ed particular sgants, may le*ve the prolecuiion of their clktins to i.u charge and that all such claims ought i« paiticularto fct torrh—" ift. 'i'hepioper defeription and Gtuaiion of the eacdiior or olaiiuant, eud Original debtor, rcfpe&- I ively. i d. The date andaature of the original contract o* ! debt. 3d. Wltm, in whfit manaer, and to what extent, the creditor or claimant w»» prevented or impeded.- by the provision, operation or Ueleit of law, the dccifiopsand oratiice of or icdraiAt of exe cution, from recovering payment of the debt iu que 11 ion. Ath Tbelofaand damage ineurrcd or sustained, in confeCjuence of foch whether the ! lame may have arisen from the infolvcney, change ot situation, or death of thcdebtoi, the lof* of remedy from lapie of time, or be elta biifhed by tncii teil.mi.ny. Wm. Moore Smith. Philadelphia. Tune B.h. 170?. d For Sale, That well known place, tailed Fjudzoßilt's fFRIV, ON Kclbamifiy crctk, 18 miles from Pnila ladelpbia, on tbe New York poit ro>tl, containing 74 acres and 94 perches. Upon ftie premitet are a large two i.ury iiene hou'e oitn pied asatvern, and a good one (tory itoiufkit clien, a large frame ftsbje with a good tbreflrirg ' Haor, and foine out buildings—also 3 wt:l of pood water, and an excellent ice House. -On 1 this place is a molt elegant fituat'en for a perltle i man's fer-t, commanding a view of the Ntftam . iny to its jundlion >viib the Delaware, and thence acn fs.to the Jersey (hore. It has the privilege ot one nail ihe toll received froni the bridge. For terms apply to the Strbfcriber, MORDECAI LEWIS; 14. ,?r.iwtf. COLUMBIA HOUSE : Boarding School for young Ladies. ' 1\ /T RS - GKOjpMISHJDG£ with much pleas ! IVI ureand rcfpe.'t, retnrns'her .fincer'e ac ' Unowledgem«nt for the liberal eicourageraeat 1 f'le has received during four years refidensc is ' Philadelphia ; and ai'.bVes her friends and the ' public, fo.far-from intiwKling to decline her : ilhool, flie has mifje^l•Superior by JMre.® ' Grootnbridge and inafi&rg excelling in their 1 rcfofclive pr'ffffions. Corner of Spruce and Eleventh Streets," ' June .sth, 1 797- , 9 nn.'tf ' The fituatie'n is healtly ; ai.jd made CIOIC agreeabkf bv an' extenfivs garden and lot ofgri und tdjeining th» iioufp. Jzijl Publifhcil, ' And to he had of "m* ffrs. Dofcfon, Campbell.Rice, Gary, and the ether ; ricipal Bcokleliei. in t'le. city,price one ddilar, ewinty-Sve cents,in bc.lrcis, New Views of the Origin of the Tribes and Nations of America. By IitNTAMI.N SMlrti BAE.TQN, a. d. Jfufls sc.' • '6t ■3 . No. iSj.' . DjJlriS of nqit : l. 5. 1"S" ® ttiat on (he bte-et.th dsy of Jur.e.'ift-the tjventy fl: fl year of tlie Independence of the United Srstts of America, Jamis Wo6dhous;-, of the h'.id diilrict, haih deposited in thL offiCe-the title of a boc.'c, the right whereof he claims ii author, in the words tolloving, to wit : " The Voting Chemifl's Pocket Co'nip3r.idn, " be-iii; a Dc&ripi'xili of a Portable LabjrjtiJry, '• containing a Philofe.pfcieal apparatus, and a • " jrest number of Chernical A'peots, by.wUich " any peri'on may perform an. ep.dlels variety of " amuliiig and ii.ilnitTting Exceriinent,s, defigt:- " til lor the use of ladies and gentlemen, and " wtenried to promote the cultivation of the " tfcjeiic;.' of Cht'miftry in the United States of " Jrr.uica. By James V/ocdhoijse, M. Jj. " Proleffibr of Cf.etriftry, in. the Uuiverfity of " Peonfylvania, Prcfulcut of the Chemical So-' * cicty or-Philadelphia, ice. . " At prcfent everything that is rot diDomi " nated Chemifiiy, is final! part of a lyf " tem -of natural knowledge. i PiU'filyan Air." In conformity to the a " -W4W Public Notice it hereby given, T""HAT it Junfeterro, 1797, a petition was prefeated to the Court of Comtndn Pleis, held at Yerk Town, ih the St»te of Per.lifylva nia, at the tnlUnce «f James Short, prayiag , the Court to supply a loft deed made by a cer tain Andrsw Hickenlnber, to Hugh Mbrrjfon,' James Morrifon, and John Sample, txecutors to Hans Morrifon, decealed, for fix hundred awes of Lind, ituate in Meiufleu townfeip, in thfc county of York :t— All per. foils wbo biveeny obje&iont to make to the ©b jeft of the ftid petitio* are de£rrd to attend at the Court Heufe, in the town of York, on tbg i, th day of September nixt, orfltarwife the loft deed \HII be fupplitd.- JOHN EDII, Clerk. Jul} IS. e«iSs 30 Dolkfis Regard. RAN away on Saturday lift, few® indented &er vaati,Cifford Daily, a niulatf® boy.tbout 17 yiirt of a fl/m' light built «Aivc Fil-aW, can read and wrkc,{lve feet {it Ten or eight inches high, hu* a heavy touutcimnw ; liftd 011 a tuituft c.c?tcc and trovvf'-r*, a crowned hat, thic lliodsdkc. Allan Heilons, a blacfc maa, years of age, five feet fever, or eight iaciics u,a iMck set c3u«rf|' bui!? ftllow, particuUrly.abcut tlu v h;:d on a i'aiior's blue jacket lined v, ith fwanfltin, dark striped vest, fuftiau tfow/ein, high crowned hut, ccarfc iuoeti, &c..; each of the:n hid feventi ftjirtsand fevera! ether cWathes with th?in. Thi.r ry Dcf.ars will be paid for the runav/ays, or r,% dol ♦ Ufi» For cr.ch, and chir'f c-j, oa delivering i them at No. 54, North YhifJ-itrett. | i'he black fellow is about a year from Lewis \ Tdwn, ia th?s County qf Suffcx, ltate of*Dela ( ware, and has ukeatiw«boy wiihaiin.- I Jaiy %i. , mr.nsff3^* s To be SOLD or RENTED, 1 A 1.fiß0." 3 Story Brick House, on the ! xa. Som'ii Rile of Frlbcrt, ftrcef, % between Eighth and Ninth,, lately occupied as the .Sur veyor General's OiSct. the Building :s feet f, ont and -Jj.-fcet deep,' the lot no feet deep, with the privilege of i nir.e fee: wide Alley extending the vrlmie lonjjth of the lot, to a thirty feet wide Court for Carriages to turn in. The Ilobie is not j-hiitered, and may be turt(|d eiiher into g Houses. fnsfuitab'e'J'or a large ManufatSory, or would raalte a good Tavtra. Wi>ie&«t« pcffeSion wiii iie given. Apply to No. in, Cht'fiiin-Street..- . 'Aug. 21. , ■ Muftcal lnjh uinent Mantija&ixy, ■ -Ac. 167, Arth-Street. , . HARPER, harpfichoVd pcrtihle er'\*i!, fici>fcoard, pitr tr.Me atid fquwe yraxoioi-'e aiaii x Iron.- Lcndcn, returns ti.anl.s to his itier.ds :h: juljMs, for their libeial cj.couraftmcnt, and He pes that by.hu affii'uity and a'Ki'.iii n to ev eiy hraiich of his bunnefs, toaerit a id ti 'c£ their favors. Piano ftfti »iade on th» ceweit iuoft -appro-red plans, with Jrdali, p*atrtit, fsve'l, atitl Fieuch Irikvp stop-, width iiiciteif will ue fonnd 'n uit4>/ttup*rjucfitihi' judo's, to if nbt furrier to aryinvpor(» ed, and tv,'i;nty .per cent clearer. Any isfltu mmt ptircAaied' <-t I mi, if not 1 in twelve moitths, he V.'ill e*ehjn'»e. 1 * • N. B. it ki.v' i cr AliiCc d m[{nsni«;tß rnitjft, uned, and Tepairea-'.vjth the" Kfea'^ll'tiec«ii«, lor ready i;.oney oniy. if Second h,-.nd Piano l ? orle» tdV;n in excfiafcge*... • May j<. ' ' Forty Dollars Re'wrir'd. - VJ AN-awsy fr.;sn-the lVhfcriber on tl>e : fte i*- onddayof thi'sinjf.fjtifyv a ,1. ujrred VVi'l iiawze.; - , .ifbout forty of five feet- fetrta or etjjlit inciu'« high, ratter Chunky mide ; had 0:1 when he wejt 3«av, a draln-nio'.ed ciotii coat,-ft:'iped puttie trowffrts a** jacket, jt is pi i bihle ha \vifl chii»2< f cbather, as lie took a'uumbeir w.iih .hiii)., ;TKfe lai.l tePow forraftly beicnged to Mi'.-Xiharlcs illakt of this place; and i; is txmcflsfl'Kijfc:* toade towards Jone.i'i J.'ec!:, in the D(;,'viSfer; State. —Any perl', a apprrh«!iiit>g the *Jcl r low, aad feei:riitg hiiu lo that i iiim a -1 yr.it;, thail receive the abovfr reward - if-tafesi Oct of'the county, and Twenty Dollars i£,»j ' the county, and all-rsafoiubit charges if bro't bo'Kiu. JEES'E. REEBf, '■* Q'ees Asa's Cuw.tj, J** ! y..v ' - v V3't .