Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, September 13, 1797, Image 1

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    <Sa?rtte «„ t mKttrs fitmte,«. Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
iT>Fg J 5 (J 4 ]
Stated Sales
-Fo>- nr r gvo ns.
c Ft-CBOon—Edward v Fux,' No. 56,
. Mania r Frnwf-ftr^t,
, • ) Afternoon— footman & Co. No. 6j
C ooutli Front llreet.
( portnaou—Joliu Old Cltv
" AuAion, No. 73fout , ';i iront-fl.-jet.
J Afternoon—p?i!liam Shannon, No.
V. High-ftrcet.
Wataefiuj \ detifon, No. 74
} south rhiril-flrctt.
rtjwfdjy J Y'renoon— izaxyard cox.
X Aftetnoon—John Connelly.
'Friday < Fofcnoerf—Williaii Shanriox
5 Afternoon—John Connelly.
Saturday Afternoon—Peter Benfon.
r l tip CoDper Bottomed Ship
' ./ FA VOIUTF, John
p..- yjjM gv I homf»k, Milter, now at
Bri E ilt * s wharf, and will be re.i
-t o "t,ke m on Monday next, |
part of bar cargo being engaged \
and reidv to go on board. The )% is so well is ne*dfcf» to Sh
is now in eompleat order. For Freight or P.ifl
%E- to applv at Mr Jeremiah Warder's
Compiling. floufj. No. 11, North Third street.
or to the Mafti-r on bortl.
Acguft 30.
On hoard the fiicj Ship, Jjwedilh Iran, afiVte'l
Ilolloa, and IV mtlow G Us«, Demvj\»fcns, Wrap
ping Paper fir Sugar Refitfen, Rugs of 1 8l 1
(quality. Pleale to apply as above.
White Havanna Sugar.
1461 oxes >of very fup(,ty now difelurg
l.hds. ) ing from the fliip Msminfgh Packet
at Wuluut Street wharf—and forfale by
Philip Nick/in & Co.
N. B.
Han Packet,
® ILA * Swain, Matter,
For Sale, or Charter.
Aug. 14. eotf ]
Commifliuners of the counties of Ly-
X coming and Northumberland, have given
notice thjt they intend to proceed to the sale of
lands, for the arrearage of taxes, on the 7th of
S«ptembf'r next.
O" T'f different crinters in this eity will }
render an efiential fervlce to a great number of ,
individuals by publilhing thiynotiie. t
Aug. 18. t
German Checks in do.
* Cambrick
Gold and (jlver Watches
Glafu, 10 by g
Gidf*. Tumblers in cases
Linfceil Oil it* c«lk% &e. S'c.
George Pevnock,
103, High-Street.
l U V . 3aw
IF TnEny O'Hara, who some year* ftnee kept
School at the Nine Bridge:-, Quetn's County, Eas
ter:» Shore, Maryland, be living, he is hereby rc
minded to call on, or write to, the Rev. Ansbrofe
Marshal, near Warwick, Cecil County, Eastern
Shore,' Maryland, from whbm he will receive in
terefiing information.
HERKftYgive notice, that they have djfpofed
of tile property assigned to ihe.n tor the securing
thp payment of the note', acceptances, and»en
dorfenents given by Edward Fox, for the use
of the said James Greenltfaf; and the holders of
such notes, acceptances, and endorsements, are
hereby notifyed that the fuhfcribera will fettle
with then; for the amount of rtfpeiftive
eliiins, both principal and interest, at
any time bifore the icth day of Oiftober next; T
after which dav, the holders not applying, will
btextluded, agreeably to tilt terms of assign
ment. br
Applications to be made at south-east corner
of Dork and Second flreets (the Dock-street P r
fide), betwcfii the hoars of eleven and one o'
•lock every day, Sunday excepted. of
Henry Pratt,
Tho. IV. Francis,
John Miller, Jun.
John AJhley,
<k Jacob Baiter.
Philadelphia, Augufi 18, 1797. d
The Inhabitants of the Dillridt
of Southwark,
RE informed that a Coachee is provided, to be
jTj. kept Conftables* office, the north east
earner of Front and Almdnd streets, where the
friends of rhufe sick persons who desire to be re
moved to the City Hospital, arc requeftcd to make
application—Also,' a Hearse will be fcept in readi-
Clefs for the removal of the den J.
N. B.— The Poor, who wifii to remove to the
Tents on Schuylkill, may be furniflied with orders
by applyirjf? a! ove Auj 29 ; Yii]
Imported in the lateit'arrivals from
Amfterdani and Hamburg, ;and forfale by
B. £3° J. BOHLEN,
Jt large ajjerimenl of fine French Cambrics,
PlarilUs Russia mdDutch (ail'cleth
B-ittannias Writing; post, and print-
Rouaues ing paper Q
Brown Holland Dutch calf skins
Checks anS llripes Prime madder
Tieklenburgs Shell'd Barley
Oznihurgs Looking glafTes
"White ductings Hollow glass ware
Diaper Slates
Brown rolls Coffee milk
Umbrellas Brifs kettles
Hair ribbons Scythes and draw knives '
Black and white laces '£ovs assorted in boxes ' nr
Ucft Holland Gin in pipes
LondWi jdc:ra VVi;ie
J4. jn&thtf
Tkit t'*..., T),l 1 . " ' '' 1 ' ' 'n 11 ''
This Day Publifhcd,
And to he fold by WII.Ua vT VOU.n'G, corner of
Second and Chefnut streets,
f rict yZlh if a DJ!:,r,
Observations on certain Documents
56, Contained i:. No. V jb I V[ of
" The History of the United Stat»s for
the year 1796,"
In which the emu »: <>» aeiinft
, ■ Latc S«CK£TAtr of til- rstAsui, is rULLY
,0 - HEFUrSD.
wrlt rs u nr v/msf. ir.
74 IT 1 "!" P nblici s tioa prrfents a conc.le ftateraent
of the base means pradifed by the Jacobias of the
United States to afperfc the characters of thofc
psrfons.who arc co-iidered as hostile t« their difor.
gatuzing lchemes. It also contains the cor
respondence between Mr. Hamilton and Mcffr..
Monroe, IVluhlenburgh «nd Vcnab'.e, on the fub
je<a of the documents alorefaid.aud a furies of let
ters from James Reynolds and his wife ti Ah, Ha
!IP nvlton, proving beyond the poflibility of a doubt,
that the connection between him and Reynplds,
was the result of a daring eonfpiracy on the part
'1- of the latter aid his associates to extort mensy,
:t > | A discount of one third from the retail price
' d 1 will be made in favor of for
ell cas 11. Orders to be addrciTed tJ Mr. Yo»sa.
■>*: Auvufl 25.
if- —:: -
" s The Norfolk Mail STAGE.
'"PHI J Stage starts lrom the GEORGE Tavern,
A- at the corner of Second and Arch Streets, in
Philadelphia, cy-.ty TuM*y, Xbm-jJay, and Sttur-
I'l day, at 3 o'cjock, ia the irorning; arrives at Do
-- ver the lirft day, at SnowLill the second day. at
z Northampton Court HouJ'e the third day, and on
the morning of the .fourth day the palfengers' find
a fafe and aoinfortable packet to convey thorn to
. Norfolk. _
A patket leaves Norfolk for NArtharaptoa feiry,
every Tuetd ly, Thurf lay and Saturday, and the
start' from this fenry for Philadelphia, every
'> Moii.'ay, Wodnefday and Fri lay ;iput;aup at Sno\v
Hill thefirft night, at Dover the ad night,and ar
rives in Philadelphia in the evening of the third
rhediftance on this route, between Philadelphia
and Norfolk, is So miles lef> than on any stage route
between those places.
Too much cannot be said in favor of the road,
which is most excellent inde«d. The proprietors
willingly engage to return the whole fare to any
__ palfenger, who, after having performed this route,
will fay that he ever travelled in a stage for the fame
distance, so good a road in America.
D August 11. dim.eotf.
J" Philadelphia, ISth July, 1797. ]
VTOTICE is hereby given, that fepante pro-
J-v polals with fejled covers will be received
at tny office until thee levenfh day of September
next, to. lurnilh by contract the following ar
ticles for the use of the Army of the United >
. States in the year 1798. t
First Contradl for t
8 Sergeants coats ") C
2 MuQcians, do. | i
10 vests Dragoons. c
126 Privates coatt j i
ii 6 Privates vcfts ' J <1
64 Sergeants eoats
32 Muftcians, do.
96 Serjeants vests t
J 9* Wo len everslls Artillerists e
192 Line* overalls & ~
936 Privates ronta Engineers. i,
936 d». vests c ,
107 a Woolen ovwalls r
1872 Linen do. tl
14.1 Sergeants ccats «
72 MuGcians, do.
216 Sergeants vests
43a I.inen overalls
4.H Woolen do. 1. Infantry.
1893 Privates coats £;
1892 do. vests
3784 Woolen overalls
3784 Linen do. J '■
ill Contraii, for 1188 Serg.zsts shirt's
11816 Privates do.
12600 Socks
ad Contrafl, for 27 a pair leather breeches
3d Contract, for 272 pair boots
4600 pairfhoes, No. 1
Bcoo pair do. No. 2
4th Contrad), for 103 a Artillerifis and Engi
neers hats
2108 Infantry do.
136 Dragoon caps
The whole to be delivered at the city of Pliila-
J delphia, riZ-
One fourth on or before the ifth diy of Fa- '
bruary next. "
One fourth on or boforethe icth day of A
pril next.
The remaining half on or before the 15 th day 1.
of June next.
The articles are to be agreeable to such pa»- j.
terns as fhalf be directed by the Secretary for the
Department of War.
Payments to be made as fson as the article g'
111 all b« delivered, and passed infpe£lio.i.
entl itliSep.
Young Hyson Tea. I
40 chests of a superior quality—-Alio,
100 do. of Hyson,
Imported in the lVoodr,op Sims, and for sale by
the ftibfcribers, corner of Second and Pine
flreet. /
C. Haigbt. E*
June 21. _ eotf A
Imported in the ship Pigou, v 1
And for sale by John Morton, No. 116, South
Front ftrest,
Hyson A
Hyson Skin Ctjpiq
Toting Hyson f ' —=
Imperial J iK\
April 20. eotf
1 1 - 1 r^"~
Chocolate and Muitard
Manufaiftared as ,,'j
Ginger and Pepper ground '
Shelled or Piarl Barley
Bliiladelphia Porter, Beer, Ale and Cyder ;i
London Porter '
Taunton and Button Ale
Red Port and other V/ines, eithe bottled,
or by the pipe, (juarter-caik or gallon—fijitable cotl
&r "cstVJi"tatioa or home loiifunri'itioii—
i- o ' u * ma
• fcor Saie by
Jotfl llniunrth.
Ne. >)% foath FrWrfthst j J
By John Fzmo, N fc 119 Cbefnut Street.'
ro f ,^' ve Dollars Reward.
S T™ fuhfcr ' : " ;r ' s i - , - vcl in S N>aic, in ftiefnufr-
I , A rCC '' ""j* •P cll f«me time since Fri
f.,r c \y. aml piundercU of prop. sty, the viae of cannot ss yrt be afcertainco. The ruLUer.
-pined ad*, flion by Vltwkuig open a window fcut
-1 ter (.1 the .y of the back pan of the house
and afterward. „-ccd_A every lock therein.
-"V " c,Vt ' ttWiird *'« ufc pj»d for th t refturation
. of tu !, property a» tfety may have .aken, cr pro
pwt.orab'y f, r any pgtt a pV'.feeUtmn
■nt 01 penonw f.rfwi concerned to convK-t.on
if< S 'P ; Htf
l o s~, ;
/" fY J the Pilff>unlt KoaJ ' K'-we» the piue Bail
k. y l an '' i , t '', c cL 'y< I /'wling Piece, with a bras.
. ha/rel and filvtf on the plate oi the butt ate
-t- the letter. "Jamaica, Q__ 99 "-ar,d cn the barrel
near tho lock *• Londcu" and the Tower ftacip
't. Whoever will return the aid piece to 'join
• al th = %n of the Blue Ball on the Paffyuak Road
or the office »f this Gazette, fliaU receive a reward
of Four French Crowns,
« _Hept. j*. j » 3 j
Notice is hereby Given,
rHAT agreeably to an aft of Coogtefs the
United State, of America, paifed at Phila
n. .klshia, tic. ißtii day of May, ; 79 6 ; layiuffdu
lu t.»» on Carriage., for tie conveyance of perfoiM
which lhall be kept by or for *iy person, far his'
■*" or fc er ow " ole, or to let out to hire, or for the
" conveys:» of pafferger.,, the several duties and
" j rates following, tp v*it :
For and upon every Coach, 15 dob.
0 upou evvry CI nriot, ndui»,
up>s every Pos Chawot, I; dol».
'• upon every Po» Chaise, m dols.
upon every r'iaetoo.with or witliout top,
1 ■ 9 do's> - y '
upon every Qoachee, 9 dol».
' upon other Carriages, having pannelwork
above, with blind., glaffcs or curtain.,
9 dols.
* 1 upon f»ur wheeled Carriages, having fra- i
med pods and u>pt with steel fpriogs, 6 \
I doli..
upon four wheeled Carriage., with wood
e%vr iron fprjnfs or jacks, 3 dolt,
upon Cnrricles with tops, j dols.
' »pon Chaise. with tops, 3 dols. 1
upon Chair, with cops, 3 dels. i
upon other two wheel topcarriage., 3 dols. t
upon two wheel carriages, with ftcel or 1
iron spring., 3 dol.. {
For and upon all other two wheel carriages, a dols.
upon every four wheeled cirriage, having c
framed polU and tops, and reding up- t
r on wooden spar», 4 dol.. f
The ColleAors of the Revenue for tho 6rft Sur- J
• of the Didria »f Pennsylvania, will attend f
daily, until the 30th day of September n.«, for
the puipofe of receiving the duties on Carriages, at F
Germantown ; at the house of Danifcl St. Clair,f-.fn, ,
in the County of Montgomery; and at the house
of James Chapman, Esq. i* the County of Buck.;
of which all pcrlont poffrfTed of such Carriage, are
desired to take notice.
Notice is also given,
TO all retail dealers in Wines, and foreign dif
tilkd fpirituou. liquors, that licences will ke grant
ed to them ; one licence lor carrying on the busi
ness of retailing of Wines, in a Iffs quantity, or
in lef. quantities than thirty galian»—and one li
cence for carrying on the business of retailing Spi
rituous liquor* in Ufsquantities than ao gallons, at
the fame t:rae and at the fame piace., by the offio
ers legally anthorifed to grant such licences
Infpcilor of the R;venite cf the firft fur.
vey of iSe Diflri&of Peanfylvacia.
Offi.e of Infpedtion at ")
Germ>ntow, latff Sept. J79?. /
Utksfliip America, James llwinfc, mailer, from
Brown Hollands ~
White Piatillas
Coarfc Linens r -
Looking Giafles "> .
Class Tumblers j » rafu *-
George Petmock.
Augvfl 14. j aw
An elegant House in Arch Street. q
TO be-let and entered on immediately a large
and elegant house at the Corner of Arch and
Ninth Street. There are two drawing r >oms
and one dining room—the largest is 31 feet by
aut ' f wo are so by folding doors
sto make but one. Also, live bed rooms, be
des in the garret, well fia-ifhed for servants. .
There are stables and a coach house, with evry J
convenience for a family. Enquire t|»No. 29, th
m North Seventh street, or at N«. 218, Arch «o
Street. co
INFORMS his friend" and the'public in general
that he has removed from No. 129, corner of
Arch and Fourth, to No.-roj North' Front, be
tween Arch and Race llraets. 1,1
Rofs & Simfon,
C Hfigflieads, A
Excellent Coffee in < Tierces', and
C Barrels. Prp r
I A fmull parcel of nice cocoa in bags
A few puncheon* Jamaica fpirita, fourth proof
Superior Tencriffee wine, old and in Madc 'ra pipes
An invoice of jewellery and hosiery t« be fold by
the* package
A few hampers bfllEnglWi ch*ef«.
J u 'y »7- dtf. ; n ,
Insurance Compatiy cf North America, cn
Stockholders in this company are here- * le
A by iiii'm met), that, puiTuant to the fifth F el
clsitfeof their Charter, and"it-Ae request of a ' n
" Number cf Siackholders, who, together, are
proprietors of Six TKoufjpd Shares, and up- ' an
wares,'a-geilml meeting "f 'he Stockholders
will be held 2t tiie Company's Office, on Mon
day the 25th day ot Septetnber next, at n
o'c|oc.k, n. M. for the purpose of filling up a
vacancy in their Direction ; and taking into _7
fuch Regulations or Bye La'-vi as E:
may be preluited in conformity with the Char
ter of Inct>rpor-..tion. 1
JjIV za, w&ftSa^
d. N O T I C E.
A IX those who have any claims againd the
L A. eitate of Juksj Cole, Unibrtrlla Maker, kite"
utw will apply within a month from the date
ri- j!, 1 " 0 *- Mrs, Cole, at the south eatt-corner «f
0 f SJ-" Second streets, for their arrangement,
sr. ■ ®." "*" demands are not Lnt in befeie ,thc
at- ex l'' rst '<"l of the abovementioned time, they v.-i'l
J. not he allowed, as his property will be difpoled of.
in! !ie '' t l 9- 'II
on Imported in thefhip Manchester,
„ UiNjAMiN Shew el i, Malltr,
in. ' om Bourdeaux, and for faje by the
No. ti Walnut j&t eet.
Bonrdsaui: Brandy
Irish marfcet clarct in cases / Entitled to
iH Medoc wine, in do. f Drawback.
l[t Sauterne, do. do. J
ri: Thomas Murgatroyd.
P' Sherry Wine in pipes and quarter casks
j* Rota do. do.
•d Pimento ip bags
4000 bulhels Liverpool fait.
Aug. 24. tut&stf.
A PERSON OF INGENUITY, lauly arrived
from turope, wishes to fird here a place in
the quality of a Director of a Glass-house, Chryf
e tal of all kinds, having particular ait aits for the
conftru&ion of tKe kilo*, pots. &c. and possessing
- ;: kcw iJ ;j tlie articles nfed in the Cials Aou'fci. of
i, gland and France, havipg worked a long while
s in n:»tt of theci. fcvery exercicn will be made to
e render the manufafiory deferviffg of public appro
;i katioa—He, who wishes to fpcak to him, will find
him it No. l-';out-2ie«t.
Amruft 14. •.(
Pjt lale or to let oa grouijii
, A valuable Lot of Ground ;
SITUATE on the iiorth-eiftcorner of Wal-
Dut and Filth streets, fronting the State- 1
c House square. This lot is fifty-one f>et front
, on YYa'mus flreei, and one hundre'd and thirteen *
ieet and an half on Fifth street ; there are it
present two small two ilory brick house., and a
' number of iinail tenements thereon.
Alfa, for Salt,
Two three story Erick Houses '
With convenient floret, wharf, &c. fituare on '
Water-street, between Mulberry and SaiTafras v
streets, containing in front on Water street Of- j
ty-four feet, and continuing that breadth cast- c
ward niritiy-five sett, then widening to the u
south thirteen feet fix inches. These houses a
ave the conveni«nce of a public alley adjoining a
on the north fide, and are a very desirable fitua- It
tien for a merchant, flour fa<3or,or others who
may have oceafion for ftoraje of goods. This si
property will be fold on very reasonable terms f<
for cash. For further information apply to the Is
J u| y m&wtf
The Subscriber has for Sale,
i A large assortment of India Muslins,
coarfc and fine £ t
India Calicoei c .
Sooty Romall*
B'ue Cloths and Check* g
Bandanna Handkerchiefs
Blue red and Gilli Handkerchiefs
An invoice of Irilh Lineus tnd ihectiogs, well
A box of Diapers
Silk Umbfella*
Two boxes ef fine Spiciw, coiaining Nutmegs,
Mace and Cloves'
Black Pepper of firtt quality m
East India Ginger fe
Java Sugar ea
A quantity of Madeira Win* ' th
Ditto of Gin .01
Roll Erimftune e
Mordccai Lewis.
AupiJ} 12. 3»w7m Lc
I 'l . - ■
Cedar Shingles.
r | !, HE fu'ifcriber has a quantity of 3 feet Cedar J .j'
X Slungles cf a superior quality, for sale at 13 1
dollars ui*r dioufaud.
William IMloivdU in
No. 193 Nurtb Third-Jirut. "J,
July 17- eoi;t n .
Just received, by Wm. GiurriTns,No. i?7,SouiK e '
Second-flriict, u frefh lupply of
Genuine Bal/am of Honey, "
A Medicine invented by the late Sir John Hill is
V. (who knowledge as a Botanist procured hinj qu
the appellation of the Lir.nxus of Britain) and i$ fu
•onfidercd in England a? a certain cure for the above th
complaints; it is alio cf finguUr elHcaoy in the to
Hooping Cough, eia
It may also be had retail of W. A. Stokes, No. cii
61/ South Second street, and T. Siiff, 55, New- /hi
street, in bottles at 75 cents each. an
Wm. Griffiths having observed the happy e£* an
fedl of the medicine, (leveral cases of cures hav- to
ing come within his own knowledge) and the great at
demand for it has induced him to order a largfc he;
fuppiy, a part of which he has just received. ve
■^ u Z u fi 3» of
At a Meeting of the Board of ft"
Property, June 6, i/07» a ."
Present John Hall, ?ee'ry * '
Francis Johnlton, li. G. Coflandoffice
Dan. Brodhead, S. G j • ' lil
Nicholas Bettinger,
•vrrfus >
Samuel Cunningham, j
In this cafe the proof of fervict of notice be
ing infufficient, Tt is<vdered that notice be giv- "
cn in one of the Philadelphia and York newfpa- ' uc
pert weekly, for at leail eight weeks to the | or
heirs or assignees of Samuel Cunningham de- tJ |
ceased, to~atttend the'board on the firlt Monday <
in November next, to fllew caule why a patent eVt
fhoulJ not ilTiie le Nicholas iiettingei for the go
land in quetlion. has
(A true Copv.) ■ diri
j; >HN HALL, ura
Secretary of the Land Office.
Aug, it. ' ?iawßw. I
Excellent Bourdeaux Brandy
Kitto ditto Claret {b cases
Just received, and for Sale by
Ran Jit Isj Leech.
Ay., 21; a.,»itf J
Thomas Herman LfUFFEk,
the North fifth flroct, corner of North alley, No. 34,
ate ■*-, - V, HAS FOR SALE >
- XCELLEN r red iiourdeaux Wine in cstk* ani
• » 4 ooxes, fix. years old
■ vV hite Graves Wine in calks
"Y; TicWlelibirg,
V 1 1 Ruflia Sail Cfoth«
°' - Raveus Duck
5 U'jT Li»en
'Diaper and T Me Cloth
Empty ba»s
2r > CViunon German Cloth
Ail affortmentof black coloured Ribbon,
fine German Laces
to About twelve tons Russia ck-.a Hemp
Clover Seed r
Italian Soap, in foull boxes, for familv ufa
Window Glafi Aue 4 0-Mw
And ,»r Me l.y THOMAS DOBSON, at the
otone House, No. 4,1, south Second flreet.
CoiOiftuig oi a variety of Mifoell.neous Pieces for
aaiuftment of YOUNG i'r.R
---_ SGNS Six Volumes handfoMclypriuteiand bound
;d ur> ia two volumes, price Two Dollars.
j n The variety and excellence of thsfa pieces we
f. •uch, that the book needs only to be known to lie
le efleemed one of the nioft valuable pub
<r ''cations tn t can be put into the hands ci >
pmfons. ' *
le delightful talk to rear the tender thiu^ht,
u to teach the young idea hew to flioot,
K 1 o pour the frelh inftruAioa o'er the minj,
d reptile ri: enlivening fpirtt.and to Hi
The generous purpose in tKfc glowing breafl."
- . A( *y u!t *4- mwl 4 w
' ) THOMAS EOBSON, at the itoue Houf®,
No. 41, south Second (lre«t,
Letters and Conversations,
Between several feunyr LatGu, oh improving and vv
terefting fubjefts.
* Trauflated from the Dutch of Maimu it Cumfox,
wnh alterations and improvements,
1 Printed onfne paper, andneatly Uuud,
fria one Mar.
AMIDST the tide of modem Romances, paintinw
. tales of extraordinary distress, or of desperate or
i artlul villainy, which " harrow up the Ion!," and
whici it would be lor the honor of young laiics u>
be ignorant of, this little book comas forward to fe
ll'" notice, where, in a variety ef incidents, net «-
' ceeding the bounds of real tif., the proper, b<*aufs
; clerant and natural dignity and imporhait of the Ftmalt
1 dare Her is exhibited in an interesting point of view,
andprefenta examples of real and attainable excel!
The publi&er was forauch pleafsd with the pern*
lal, that he was persuaded he (hould do a plcafing
service to the coramuaity by fending it in o circu
lat'°n- Anguft 14 —mw^vv
To Majiers and Pilots bringing uf> Vejfels
from Foreign Ports to this Chj.
"YTTTHereas sundry infringements have lately been
V V made on the laws of this state for the pre
venting peftilsntial or infe&ious dUoafes, eithen
frpm ignorance or inattention thereto, it is tho't
expedient at this time to publiftf tha following ex
trails from (he law» of sjd April, 1794, 7th a*<i
Bth feilious.
June 6th, 1794,
ExtraS of an all for /tearing the tit} and port
of PhV.aMpbia from the introdußion of feftin
lential and contagious di/ea/ss.
Sect. 7. And be it further enafted, that «v»ry
matter or captain of any (hip or veflel coming from
lea (vefTela actually the coaftu>g trade
t xcepted) and bound to any jiort cr place within
the jurifdidlioncf Penniylraaia.fba 1 ctmfe hi, i'a.'p
or veflel to be brought to anehor.or ot>ervvil« fl a j>
e l in the tircsm of the tiver Delaware, oppofitt ia
the Health-Office on Stau-Ifluid a/orefaid, and
there to remain until ho fiiall have duly obtained a
certificate or bill of heal h from the Refkcct I'hy-
Ccian., previously to obtaining inch certi
n.-ute or bill of lu-alth, any mailer cr captain Ciali
lu.fei hisihip or veiTel to approach neartr than the
said Health-Office to the city of Philadelphia, or
".•all land, cause or fu£fer to be landed, ox fart u-h;;
on shore, at any place or port within thus Com
mbnwcalth, or at any other port or plm«, with the
intent oi being convoyed into this Common v ealth,
any pwfon or persons, or any goods, wares or tner
chamiize, or, if after receiving fueh bill of health
o-certificate, he stall jieglcd Or tefufe to deliver
the lam- to the Health-QflW, such n-.alter or cap
t&i (ball forfe.t ac; p .y, for each and every l'ucli
offence, the fumof hve ntiNDßtb doilars.
Aikl the captain or mailer of evary lhip or vcf.
fel fcallfendafal'e and commodious boat'to bring
the physician on board, and shall ii ( like manner
convey him back to the Health-Office, after he lias
concluded his official examination ; And While he
is making such examination, ir in iafe any subse
quent examination by the Heal:h Officer <sr Con-
I'uking PhyCcian, agreeably to the
thi a6k, the mailer or captairt ffiall expo(e or caul©
to be exposed to thefearth of the Rclident Phyft
cian.or of the Health Officer and Coni'ulting Physi
cian (as the cafo may b») each and every part of thi
fhi;» or vessel, and ihaiKprefent to his v'l-vv each,
and every person or perforson bt»rd;ther;of, and
and lhall al(o true and l'atisl'a&ory answers 'make
to all inch qucilions as the Resident Phyfician,'etc.
at the time of examination (hall aik Relative to tbo,
health of any port or place fr«m which the ffiip or
veflel failed, or has fUice touched at—she number'
of persons 011 board when the fliip or veffci entere j
on her voyage—the numter of persons that have
ftnee been landed or tafceft on beard, and wheu
and whererefpeftively— whatperfoas on board *
f they have been during the voyage, ut fiiall, at.
the time of examination, be infefied with any pc:-
tiientialor contagious disease—and what is the itc
fent Hate i'.nd condition of the persons ou board
with rclpeit to their health or difcifes. And i&
any mailer or captain shall refufe to expose as uforc-v
aid, to the fea'rch of aay of t.he efheers aforcfai !.
nif he fiiall ctneeal anyJtek perjiu, or in any other /xmii*
( er deceive tie proper officers a/orefaid in iit an
uch captain or mallei',for every such offence, shall,
1 forfeit and pay the fWm of fivs mundreo bow
otc r. 8. And if sv.y person ®r persons whatso
ever (the Reftdent Physician, Ac. excepted) shall
go 011 board any vessel, before the mailer thereof
received a certificate of h»alih in the miinec
directed, every person so off.nding, fuall pay the
IT beipg absolutely neeeffary tka-t the foregoing
fecliapa ftiould be pmi&ualiy complied with, the
fubferiber, in eomp.Tmce with his duty, must rx
ail a rigorous ©bftrvance of the lame, or else na
iindat t'Se neccffity of putting the laws in force.
Wm. AIXKN, Health Officer tj tit
P*rt,9f J*'hiladelpbia.
J u! r tijw
\Vclume XII.