F7?E DOLLARS REWARD. V> AM away from the subscriber, an indented IV Servant Girl, named Nascy " nderson.i a- Jt bout twenty years of age, short, thick set person, with snort black Hair ; had ou when ihe went away, A 'a dark calico gown, an old black 61k cloak, and a Hack fur ha ; . Wb.ocvrr will ftcbre said girl, and "* J,-- i:,!,«rniauW thereof to the lubicriber. No. 5, !. f alley, or to the office of this Gazette, thai lliall r-'c ivc the aboy-reward. _ < diti All \ J'fons are forbid harboring said girl, as tra tli-v will bp dealt with as the law direfts I"!; MARY ANDERSON, ft N. B. Stiid Girl is from Ireland, and ha* been it J tins country but a ilicrt time ; ihe was Imt to tho work-hcufc for mifconduft, where fte wai taken sick ami removed to the eity-hcfpitil, from which cl. ce (he nvde her ef.ape. AwfiiQ. " n ' To be fold at Public Vendue, To the highest bidder, at the house of Mr. William Evans, the lign of the Indian Queen, in the city ,of Baltimore, on (he 25th J-.y of Oiifober next, at 11 o'clock, A. M Ah&ut iVfven tiionfand acres of land, the pnawrty of William Bell, ef Philadelphia, •jy ß g I jtv/eea Ueifter's-town and Weltminfter, commonly called Little Wincheder, (the turn pike road rims through a confiderabie part ol thtfe lands) the traa begins about 17 miles froin Baltimore, within .1 few hundred yards, of l'jid R jitter's- town, and extends to the dis tance of abtjut twenty-three miles from Balti more, and lies on th' main falls of Patapfico river, from three to lour miles thereon. Will lie /fold in traflsor one hundred and fifty to three hundred acre. There is a large propor-1 t n t>f meadow and wood land on each | 1 >ine of them highly improved, with excellent j buildings and fine grifs. Also A trail of fevqn hundred acres of ry Uild, called Clovrr Farms, within five miles of K[ Uladei fhurg, eft'eemed very stood for C.-ifs. Richard, Pou fen by,'of Blader.fburgh, will (hew ,d e this land to any person inclined to purchase. la also, »> A tra£t of land of about three hun-j tired and thirty acres,, within about two miles and a half ot the Present's house in the tede- ■ _ ral City- It is nearly all wood land, and a line hi'-h profpe>ft, froa which may be fcen the city of Walhrngton, Bladenlburgh, Alexandria and a part of George-town, and many miles down th- Potomac river. Mr. RiAard Ponton- N by, t of Blaclenfburg, will also stew this land. . A liberal credit will be given for the greatest j part of the purchase money. Ihe terms wid • t j be made known on the day ef lale. 3 ] May 8 wpn, | d ' just Received, j* Prom Batavia (via Providence) e a few Boxtfsof Spices, confiding of Nutmegs, Cloves and mhc for sale by WILLINGS& FRANCIS, F Pennftreet. j ( May ;o E ' Davis's Law Book Store, t ' , No. 319; High-Street. ? GEORGE DAVIS, ° Being buficd for some time past in prepara tions for removing into his prafent house, has £ been under theneceflity of poftprninguntil this day j informing the geutlemen of the 3ar generally thro the United States, that his spring importation cf. f law books in now arranged and ready for (ale, on terms that he trusts will entitle him to the like pre- _ fptence he has experienced for leveral years pall. Catalogues, combining the niofl varied colltc tion ever imported into this country, are printed and will be delivered on application. June ZJ. 6w | City ConimiJ/io tiers' Office, j Jure 11, 1797- | IN pursuance of an ordinance from ihe felefl ' and common councils, pafled the aid day of May fall, appointing the city commiflioners, and prescribing their duties, feilion 9th, notice is hereby given, That the city is divided into five diftrifls, each to be under the fuperintendance of one of the city commiflioners, whois to be individually relponfihle for the cleanliness of the fame, and are as follow. DriftrUSl No. i. From the south fide of Ce dar-street, to the north fide of Spruee-ftreet, un derthe fuperintendenct of Nathan Boys. z. From the north fide of Spruce-llrect, to the north fide of Walnut-street, under the super intendence of Hugh Roberts. 3. From the north fide of Walnut to the south fide of High-street, under the superintendence ot Joseph Claypoole. 4. From the north fide of .High-street, to the north fide of fyjulbei-ry street, under the super intendence of William Moulder. 5. From the north fide of Mulherry-ftrcet to the north fide of Vinc-flreet, under the super intendence of Nicholas Hicks. Tliecleaningof to be in common. .£s* A ftatcd meeting of the city rommtfiion ers is held at the Old Court House, in Hijjb ftreet, every Tuesday evening at j o'clpck. July 14- fo ' rn . Stands for Draymen, 13c. In purfuanee of an Ordinance from tbeSelefl and Common Councils,bearing date tie nd day of jtpril, 1797, providing for the appointment of City CommiJJioners, i7V. Sect, the \stb. r-pHE following places are fixed upon by the X said City Commiflioners for Stands for Draymen and their Horses. In Vine-flreet, eaflward of Front-street, on both fides. SafTafras, High,Chefnut and Walnut-fttrects, eastward of Front-street.on the north fide only. Mulberry-street, south fide frsm Front to Third-street. Front-ftre«t, east fide from to Elfrith's alley. Front-street, from opposite to Black Horse al ley to Hamilton's llores, east fide. 'WaterVlieet, weft fide from the north end of Stumper's or Moore's (lores to Pine-street. Penn-llreet from Pine to CeJar-ftreet, weft fide. Drawbridge, north fide, east of Front-flreet. Spruce, Pine and South streets, eilt of l'rout street, south I'de. Dock-street, between Walnut-street and the flag stone crossings, east fide, opposite George Orkley's. Second-street, between Sattifras and Vine streets, welt fide. Fifth-ftreet, east fide from Chefnut to Mul berry streets.. Saflafras-ftreet, from Third to Fourth-llreet, '" No drav or horse to stand within ten feet of '"lrjyhs FOR HACKNEY COACHES. Pine-street, north fide from Fourth to Fifth 'F>l'th-ftrfet, between Chefnut and Walnut streets, weft. . , Branch itreet, north fide, between xhird and Fourth streets. July 14. mwfcfim A Literary TfeAt. ( Jujl jwbiijhed, han/lfmmly printed on waiting paper, price I dollar, A r.ew edition of that popular and entertaining ~ work, entitled "PHF. FORESTERS, an American Talc ; being PC !. a fjquel to thahiftcry of John Eull. ttie Clo- A thier—ln aferiesof letters to a friend, v/ith the ad- 5c ca dition of t\* o letters, alluding to recent political traniiflions in America. The following ejctraA from the Clivis Allegorica, I Ihew6 the principal chancers that are introduced: John Bull. »heKingdom of Knglind His Mother, the CI urch of England His Wife, the Parliament His Sifter Peg, the Church of Scotland His Brother Patrick. Ireland Lewis, the Kingdom of France His Mistress, the Old Coiiftitution His new Wife, the National Rcprefentation Lord Strut, the Kingdom of Spain 4 Nicholas Frog, the Dutch Repu 1 lie 1 ' ~ The Frank*, the French Republic *J> r The Farefters, the United States of Amerita Robert Lumber, New-Hamplhire 16,5 John Codline, MalTachufetts 5 .> ; Ilumphrey Floijvfhare, Conneilicut Roger Carrier, Rhode I (land sc,a Peter Bull Frog, New-York Julius New-Jerfey N WUUam Broadbrim, Pennsylvania tity Caffimar, Delaware the 1 Walter Pipcwood, Virginia V but His Grandson, George Walhington A Peter Pitch, North Carolina mon Charles Indigo, Sou(tk Carolina he r George Trully, Georgia ets. Ethan Greenwood, Vermont T Hunter Longknife, Kentucky the] Black Cattle, Negro Slaves Wal I Rati, Speculators iele: Mother Carey's Chickens, Jacobins fqua .JjT This popular and entertaining satirical hifto- two ry of Amstica is attributed to the Rev. Dr Bbl- fibh kNap. Tt hasa great (hare of originality and a- w h( bonnds with genuine humriur. It is continued thc.i ; down to the present time, and charaAerifes those L o t late political tranfa&icns which have caused so be r muck uneasiness in America. ing | Sold ky.H. and P. RICE, Bookseller, No. 16, the South Seeond Street, and No. 501 Marked ftject. I c June 16. _ § j 1 LAW BOOKS, - Latest London and Dublin Editions. H. & P. RICE, Book/eller s, No. 16, South Second, and No. 50, Market street, I n HAVE just by the late arrivals from Gil London and#Dublin, their fpritj impoj-ta- an j tion, confiding of a variety of the latest and mod approved I.aw Books, which, added to those alrea- I dy on han'l, form® the mod exteoilve colle&ion ev er offered for sale in this country. They thei efore beg leave to notiix, that From the narure of their "1 conne cha- C - riAH PouusnN, jun. No. 80, Chefnut-ftreet, Philadelphia, where fubferiptions will continue c ' to be received, and at the Philadelphia Library, P according to the printed projKifals, until the P ! work is ready for the fubferibers. July 18. ' iawtf |j - - - * Printed Calicoes. 0 If JOHNMILLER, Jun, & Co. e y No. 8 Cbc/nnt Street, d Have for Sale FIFTY TRUNKS neatly afibrted, very low on > (hort credit. !- March 6. _ _ ? ' 0 Richard, and James Potter 1 r . HAVE removed their Counting House to No. ! 45, South Fifth-ftrcet. '' Lancaster, Harrijburgb Carlijlc, \ ie Shtppenjburg and Sunbury STAGES. :o r . public are reijujfted to tske notice, that JL the partnership which has far fomenme fub n filled between Mathias Slough of Lancaster, and William Geer, i now diffolvcd : hut, not as M. [j. Slough infmuati .to the public without just cause ; as will more .fully appear by a letter on the fub je& fiom M. Slough to W. Geer, dated the ac)th - ■ December lad. a recital of which is not now deem ed necessary. Any gentleman who wiflie3 to be j more circumstantially informed of the merits of ' f this business, by applying to W. Geer may have the perusal ef M. Slough'.- letter, and then can be °* at full liberty to determine whether or not W. Geer is not perfeflly juflifiabie in attaching him . felf to any other person in the prosecution of the or Stage conveyance from Philadelphia to Shippenf urg, or any other place. on Now from tb* liberal and generous support the public were pleased to confer on the firft effort in ts> this buGnefs, William Geer, in conjumaion with ly. Messrs. Reily, Weed and Witmer, is determined to toprofecute and carry it on, with every eare, at tention and dispatch that a zeal to oblige the pub to lie can pofubly exert. The above company, who are amply provided al- with carriages, horses, and every appurtenance to render the paflage seise and commodious, inform of thof« wno wilh to patronize and encourage the undertaking, that they ran take their feats at George Weed's, the (ign of the White Horse, Market Street, Philadelphia, on'every Monday and Friday, to proceed to Lancaster, Harrifburg, Carliflc and Shippenfburg. The fare as hitherto established. ' , For the further accommodation of the public, a Stage will start every Wednel'day from the house r £ e of S.amucl Elder, in Harrifburg, Vrrive at Sun bury in Northumberland county, every Thursday, ine and return from thcoce and arrive at H;irrifburg every Saturday, lo that palfengers dedined for Lancafteror Philadelphia, may proceed os Mon et, " 1> " WILLIAM GEER. I.ar.caller. Jan. z), 1797- of N. B. T bis Line of Stages starts from tbs I house of William Ferr»c, in Lancaftcr, on every Tuesday and Saturday morning at 6 o'clock, pro fill ceeding to the westward; and Irom the house of j Mr. Samuel Elder in Harrifburg'every Wednci iut day morning, on the fame evening arrives at Pa trick Cochran's m Shippenfburg, and returns nd from thence on every Thursday; performing ihe some routine daily as in its fccur ircui Fhijai'el -1 phia. City of Washington. J Fro S C. Ii E M E Of the Lottery, No. 11, For tbi Improvement of fke federal C/iy. A raagnificeiit" IweJliog-bonfiJ »o,o66d- 1 ditto 5,000 & cam j.ooo 10,000 1 1 do. 5,000 each,are - 10,000 •* xo do. 1, - *«o,ooc 10 do. joo - - 10,000 W 00 do. 100 - • 10,000 360 do. 50 - ■ io,ooe I 400 do. J5 - 10, oop | ( 1,000 do. ac> - ap.ooc > - a 15,00© do. «£> - r5»,00c i *6,739 Prizes- Pel Blanks. drr 50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollars, 400,000 jj;i UtI N. B. To favour those viegro man by rm name of DICK, about twenty-five years of age, the and five feet nine or ten inches high ; by trade at a carpenter, and is a very lively brilk work- He» man. His countenance h very good —When Jay spoken to, he converles with ease and conO lrS» dence, and is pretty sagacious. I purchased :rto the said fellow ot* Mr.Dubney Minor, in whose name he has advertifed in the Uichmond I,IC » r.ewfpapeis. During his lall runaway trip (lalt u^c fujcnftier Jhe was amployeda corifiderable length . un " of time, by some person near Dumfries, from ' which circumstance, I he has taken l | another irothern route. 1 forewarm all perfous from giving him employment, of any kiiid whatever, and cnaflersof vefieUand other £j from carrying him out of this state. The above re ward will be given if he is taken within forty 1 miles of this city; and an additional sum, in erv proportion to the distance he may be Hrought, ro _ or the trouble and expence the apprehender may c f beat, in bringing him to this place. b b AUG; DAVIS. pT- N. B. His apparelas of the usual negro kind, ins but he had more c)oaths than is cuitomary lor the them to toolTcfs. . _ 1- > A.D. f Riclinnftd, June Hj 1 797• Will be Landed, From on board the {hip A&ive, Capt.Er.Aiß,frem Hamburgh, So baits white Ruflia clean Heuip L. ! 1 cr.Svs Clever Seed For Sale by , ( . Thomas Herman Lcujjcr, NorthFi/tfe flrjet., No. 34. tub Tune r6. '' ailt William Blackburn, „' h LOTTERT and BROKER'S OFFICJ| "c No. 64 south Sefcond-flreit. ' " g TICKETS in the Canal Lottery, No.'ll, which " a commenced drawing the 29th May, FOR " a SAJ..E. The price of tickets will rile in propor- " t tion is the dnwing advances, particularly on ac- « count of the five firft drawn tickets, prices of ti c four thousand dollars each, on the last day ol it i drawing. " 1 Cheek Books kept for examination and regifler- j ing, in the Canal, No. 1, City of ">Valdington, No. „ £ a, and Paterfon Lotteries. < Also, tickets for sale in the Schuyl'.ullbndge and „ f Perk.omen 3ridge lotteries, which will begin u drawing im the course of the f«miner. The business of a Broker in all kinds of Stock, Bills, Notes, Lands, &c- &c. tranfa&ed with the ' utmost actcntion. ! June 2 tu&f ag' Erfkine's View of the War. pn iuST PUBLISHED, in. By ROBERT CAMPBELL 2c Co. No 40 South Second ftraet, [Price 31 Cents] A View of the Cau/es and Confequen- ~ ces of the prefsnt War with France. By the Honorable Thomas Erskine. May is § ( L STATE TRIALS. g Sold by W. Yoong, Bobkfeller, No. J*, South Se- | tri eond-ttrtct, tb The Pennsylvania State Trials, j VVI CONtaining the impeachment, trial,and acquit- ! tL al of Francis Hopkinfan, Judge oftbeCourt of tl Admiralty, and John Nicholfon, Comptroller Gen- 1( eral—ln one large 8 vo. vol. Price, in boards, 3 ~ dollars. ,[ W. Youkg has for sale, a general afTortmentof Books. Also, Stationary, retail and bythe pack •ge, well and entitled to the drawback if axparted. July 7—* J ■ eti THESUBSCRIBER having been appointed by tic the Envoy Extraordinary and Miuilier Pleni potentiary of his Britannic Majesty, General Agent to* affiding Britilh creditors, and luch particular a ger.ts as th«y may Ipecially authorize, in profesuting their claims before the cammilfioners for cart yi.-g is to effeft the sixth article ot the Treaty of Amity, Com merce and Navigation between hit ltritannic I'ajeJly and r I the United States of America, hereby gives notice that he hat opened his office at his house the foutli east hi corner of Chefnut and fifth flroets, Philadelphia, tl 1 where he is ready to receive all claims or inflruflions t J for claims with the vouchers aud documents thereof, (a for the purcofe of bringing forward the Tame agree- | ably so the rules and orders which the board may think proper to prescribe. _ And at it will be for the interest of all concerned, that the several claims be so Dated, and support- tl «d, as to prevent the delay which would arise from f< " the neceflitydf obtaining further inlormation, or ad- j< ditional materials,from perlons reGding at a diElance, t s the general agent thmhs it his duty to add, (for tbe • direction chiefly of those, wly>, not having employ- 1 ed particular agents, may leive the profecytion of : their claims to his charge and management) that all , such claims ought in particularto I'ctfprth— i I id. The proper description and fitnation cf the - ~ I ereditor or claimant, and original debtor, refpeft f i ively. 1 ad. The date andnature of the origins! contradloc s debt. j 3d. When, in what manner, and to what extent, J the creditor orclaimant was prevented or impeded, ) f by the provision, operation or defeft of law, the r C 1 decifionsand praftice of courts, or restraint of exc- 1 5 | cution, from recovering payment cf the d»bt in a question. 4th. The loft and damage inourred or fuftatned, 1 * in consequence of such impediments, whether the c n ftme may have arisen from the nifolveney, change of ] situation, or death of the debloi, tbe loss of legal ( it remedy from lapse of time, or othercanlesimpa'ruig j n the value and security of the debt, which would tint j [- have so operated if such impediments had not exilled. ( Andj'h. The puticul'tr grounds and reasons on j which the claimant maintains, in tlve terins of the r- treaty, th«t "by the ordifMry course of judicial pro j the creditor einr.ot now obtain and atinaHy , l have and receive full and adequate coaipenfation" lor 1 the loftes and damages so fuftaiued. The general agent thinks it his duty further to fug "i* geft that the several claims ought to be accompanied and supported by the affidavits of the claimants duly sworn and regularly alteßed, both as to lik exiflence 'T of the debts claimed, and such other circumstances as as may be within their own knowledge r#lpe£lively. °f And wherever the claimants in dating the nituie of ltl > theil' evidence (whichmuftin evcryinflance be the ice bed of which the ease is capable) bavc ocrafion to refer to the tellimouy of witnefTes, it will be proper toapprifsthe general agent of the names and pisses re of refidcnce cf such witnelleiand the fa&sto be cila if- blifhed by their teilimony. h- Wm. Moore Smith. Philadelphia. June Bth, : 1797. d ob For Sale, °f That well known place, called VanDKQt.it j'i ' at F F R R Y, P" Nefhaminy creek, '8 hhlcb from Phili he 01l the New York poll road, u " containing 74' acres and 94 perches. Upon the ,°" premises are a large two ftoty stone hrrnfe occu "e pied as atvern, and a good one story flone kit ' \ chen, a large frame liable with a good threlhing i e * floor, and fomc out buildings—also a well of " n j good water, and an exfcelient iee House. On on this place is a moll elegant situation f'ora gentle his man's feat, commanding a view of the Nefham ffi- iny to it 3 junflion wiih the Delav. aie, and thence across to the Jcrfty shore. It has the privilege of one half the toll received from the bridge. For terms apply to the S.tibfcriber, MORDECAI LEWIS. Vav 14. .itawtf. er) COLUMBIA HOUSE tSe Boarding School for young Ladies, ge, -« ffl-RS. GROOMBRIDGE with much pleaf lde IVi ure and refpeft, returns her fincerc ac tk? knowledgement for the liberal encouragement :en she has received during four yt-ars refidcnce iw Philadelphia ; and ajfufep her friends ami the jublic, so far from intending to decline her ol " e lchool, Ae has made a fuperibr arrangement for >nd t jj e convenietit accommodation of her last lUiolars. —Every branch of ulef'il and polite S'k is particularly attended to by Mrs. om Groom bridge and mafttrs excelling in their cn refpetSlive profrlTioni. onii Corner of Spruce and Eleventh Streets ir '4 June 5 th, 1707. (Jxmfrf om The fituatiun is perfefll>" healthy ; and made re " more agreeableby an extenlive garden and lot rt .y of ground adjoining the hoi'.le. ht" Juji Pitblijhed, My And to be had of Messrs. Dol-fon, ell,Rice, Gary, and the other pricipal Boolcfcilers in the city.price one dollar, twinty-fiv.e cents,in aotirds, nd - New Views of the Origin cf the '° r Tribes and Nations of America. Ey IiENJAMIN SMITH BARTON, n.fi. June jo. Lt No. i P i. Bifir'tfl of Pcna/jki«Mii, to oik : r ]3E IT that on the .13 fifteenth (Uy of June, ui the twenty fi-fl year fit the In dependence of the United l-tatcs of Amenta, Jam' s Woodhous', of the faiil diftriel, hath denofited in this office the title of a bo. k, the right whereof he claims as author, in the words following, to >vit : " The Young Chemist's Pocket. Companion, " being a Difcripti- n of a Portable Labaratory, " containing a rhilofopliica! apparatus, and a " great number of CJiemical Agents, bv which " any person may perform an er.dlefs variety of " amufirigand iiiftrtifling Experiments, deCs..n ---" ed for the use of ladies and gentlemen, and " intended to promote {he cultivation of the " Science of Chemistry in the United States of " America. By James \Voodhouse, M. D. " ProfelTUr of Chemistry, in the University of " Pennsylvania. Prefidtnt of the Chemical So " ciety of Philadelphia, &c. " At present every thing that is rot denomi " dated Chemistry, is but a small part of a lyf " tem of natural knowledge. Prteftly on Air '* In conformity to the afl of the Congrefsof tM United States, intituled, " Anafl for the encour agement of Learning, by fecuringthe copits of maps, charts, and books to the authors and pro prietors of fuchcopies, during the times there in mentioned." SAMUEL CALDWELL, Cierkof the Biftrnfl of Pennsylvania. July 18. djt—wstf No. 18 8. Diflritt of pennsylvania, to wt : (r si ) ~R En REMEMBER, that on thc K • ■) twenty sixth day of July, in thc fcwen ty second "year of the independence of the United States of America, John Fenno, of the faiddif - | tridl,hath depofitedin this office the title of a the right whereof h claims as proprietor, in the words following, to wit— " Observations on certaia documents contained £■ " in No. V. and VI. of " The thc Unit j " ed States for the year 1796," in which the charge " { " of speculation, against Alexander Hamilton, late * Secretary of the Treasury, is fully refuted— £ " Written by himfeif," In conformity to the a<& of the Corgrcfs of the £ Ucited States, entituled, An a& for the encour agemtnt of learning, by feeuring the copies cf maps, charts and books to the aurhcrs anrf propri etors of such copies, during th» timet therein men- Y tioned." SAMUEL CALDWELL, Clerk of the Difrift of Pennsylvania* ~ July 17. _ ' wjw Public* Notice is hereby given, d at June term, 1797> a petition wa* >t X presented to the Court of Common Pleat, ft held it Yark Town, in the State of Pennfjdva a, nia, at the initance of James Short, praying 18 i the Court to supply a loft deed made by a cer • tain Andrew liickenluber, to Hugh Morrifon, ®" James Morrifon, and John Sample, executora to Hans Morrifon, deceased, for fix hundred v. acres of Land, situate in Menallea ■t. townOiip, in the county of York •• —All per m sons who have any objeilions to make to the ob d- je£l of the Pud petition are desired to attend at e > the Court House, in the town of York, cm the be day of September next, qtherwife the loft 1' deed will be supplied. ° JOHN EDIE, Clerk. July 18. eo«S* a- 30 Dollars Reward. RAN away on Saturday feft, two indented Ser» vants.Gifforrl Dally, a mulatto boy, about j7 d, years of age, a ltim light built active ft llow, can he read and write,five feet l'even or eight pches high, :e- has a heavy countenance; had on a iuftian coatee in and trowfers, a high crowned hat, fins shoes &t. Allan Htllons, a black man, about a 4 years of ■d, age, five feet fever} or eight inches high,a thiek fee he clu nfy built fellow, particularly about the breech"; °' h.id'on a faflor's blue jacktt lined with fwanfeiu, > a ' i dark striped vest, fultian trowfers, high crowned, '"S i hat, cearfe flioes, &c.; each of them had feveral 'jl I fliirts and several other cloathes with them. Thir ' t ty Dollars will be paid for the runaways, or 15 doU j lars for each, ar.d reasonable charges, oh delivering r ' o _ them at No. 54, North Third-street. Py The black fellow is about a year from Lewis l or Town, in the County of Sussex, state of Dels ware, and has the boy with him. ug. July 31. mtu&f.iw g ' Yo'bt SOLD or RENTED, 'A i'AROE 3 Story Brick House, on the JTV South fide of Filbert street, between c ,f Eighth and Ninth, lately occupied astheiSur the veyor General's Office. to The Building is 36 feet front and 35 feet deep, per the lot ric feet deep, with the privilege of a nine ices ix-jt wide Alley extending the whole length of :l^a " the lot, to a thirty feet wide Court for Carriages to turn in. The House is not plastered, and may be turned either into one, or two dwelling Houses. It is suitable for a large ManufaiSlory, or would make a good Tavern. Immediate ) pcfleflion will be given. s Apply to No. 111, Chefnut-Street. Ang.ad, Miifical Injlrument Manufactory, '. • No. 167, Arch-Strect. kit- TTARPER.harpfichord,grand,portable gra»:d y 11. fid:-board, pier tabic and fouare piano torte '."jj. niikir ircra London, returns thank!,to his frici;da ar.d the public, for their liberal encouragement» ar.d hopes that by his atHc-'uitv and attenfitn to ev -1 cry.branch of his tufnefs, ton erit acortinuance ara " cf their.favors. Fiano-fortes made on thi newest cnce and mod approved plans, with pedals, r*tei,?, ' e S e fwcll, and French harp hop, whrch heflstteis e> himfelf will ue found en trial by unprejudiced judges, to if not superior to any import ed, and twenty per cei.t 1 hcaper. Any inllru :f. m ,rt purchased of bim, if not approved cf in. twelve months, he will exchange. N. B. All kinds of Musical Inftrulr.er.ts made, ICS. uncd, and rep&:re. with the greatcll aciurrcy, leaf- dispatch, and on the moll reasonable teini-, uc ac- ready money only. neHt Second Piano Fortes Saken in «x«hange» "e iw May «c ■ &mi'» ' her Forty Dqllars Reward. t lar away from the fubferiber on the fee her lV end day of this inll. July, a Mulatto Man, rl ' te named Will Bowzer, about forty years of rgf, Mrs. f )vt . s ect seven or eight inches high, rather their chunky made ; had on when he went away, a drab colored cloth coat, striped purple trowfers tSi and jacket. It is probable he wiil change hi* cloathes, as he took a number v.ith him. The n;K ' e said fellow formerly belonged to Mr- Charles ' ot Blake of this place j and it is expeired he has made towards Jones's Neck, in the Delawars State. —Any person apprehending the feid fel low, and securing him' so jhat 1 can get him a- R,ce » gain, Cull receive the above rewar i if takea 1 ' i»ot of the county, and Twenty Dollar.■> it in "^ uS ' the countv, and all reasonable charges if bro'fc the korae . ;a . JESSE REED, Queen Ana's County, Maryland. Ct July 3- w^t