Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, September 09, 1797, Image 1

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    cf tijz and Philcidclphici Baity Advertiser.
'-■ musk ijst. j
Stated Sales
'For D R r GOODS.
( Forenoon—Edward Fox, No. j6,
y,, n Aj J south Front-flreet,
" J J Afternoon—Footman & Co. No. 65
(_ South Prmt street.
f' Forenoon—John Connelly, Old City
) Auuiion, No. foui'h Front-street.
J ) Afternoon—William Shannon, No.
C 183 High-street. 1
Wedtiefdaj [ A '^ r 3enfon, No. 74
• south Third-flrcet.
ThurfAaj \ Fnrenn.n—Edward Fox.
( Afternoon —John Connelly.
Friil v ( Forenoon—William Shannon.
"J 5 Afternoon—John Connelly;
SntH<~day Afternoon—Peter Benfon.
United States, 1 „
Pennsylvania Diftrift. J
IN \pucfuanCe ot a writ to me directed from the
honorable Richard Peters, Esq. f\idge of the
£hftriel Court of the United States in andfor the
Pennfjrlvsnia Diilri<S, will be exposed to Public
Sale, at the Merchants'Coffee-houfe, in the city of
Philadelphia, on Mondat, the eleventh*day of
September next,nt 12 o'ctock at noon,
The BrlganUnt, failed the
liSffl MARIA,
"i"With all andfingular the tackle,ap
d'ik'StiSat parvl and furtiiture Js they now are ;
the- fiid firigantine having been condemned to pay
Mariners wajres. See.
W«. NICHOLS, Marjhal.
Mnrflial's Office, 7
August 2Q, 1797. j
N B. The Inventory may he seen at my O (See
>~«!b '"THE Copper Rrttomed Ship
1 F A VOKI TE, John
Thompson, Wider, now at
Bright'* wharf, and will be rea
' A dy to take in on Monday next,
part of hec cargobeing engaged
and resdy to go on board. Thefhip is so well
known, that it is needless to describe her. She
is note- in rompleat order. For Freighter Paf
fagr, please to applv at Mr Jeremiah Warder's,
Compting lloufe, No. 12, North Third street,
■or to the M after on bord.
August 30.
On board the said Ship, Swedilh Iron, alTorte 1/
Hollow and Window Glass, Demyjohns, Wrap-"
ping Paper for Sugar Refiners, Rugs of I & 2
Quality. Please to apply as above.
White Havanna Sugar.
1401 boxes of very fupcrier quality now difch.arg
-7 r hhds. \ ing from tke ftiip Hamburgh Packet,
a Walnut Stre«t wharf—and forfale by
Philip Nicklin if Co.
N. B.
# THE Blllp
Hamburg Packet,
Silas Swain, Master,
Sale, or Charter.
Aug. 24. eotf
r T , HI Commifli ners of the counties of Ly-
JL coming and Northumberland, have given
notice that they intend to proceed to the sale of
lands, for the arrearage of taxes, on the 7th of
September next.
The different printers in thi» eity will
render an essential service to a great number of
individuals by publilhing this notice.
"Aug. {B.
BR ETA ONES in cases
German Checks in do.
©old and silver Watches
Window Glass 10 by 8
Glass Tumblers in cases
Linseed Oil in calks, &c. See.
George Per/nock,
O 1
103, High-Strut.
J»iy 5- u 3 aw
IF Tbbov O'Hara, who fomeyears lincekept
School at the Nine Brjdges, Queen's County, Eas
tern Shore, Maryland, be living, he is hereby re
minded to call on, or write to, the Rev. Amhrofe
Marihal, near Warwick, C.cil County, Eastern
Shore, Maryland, from whom he Will receive in
teresting information.
August 4. mwStffw
HEREBY give notice, that they have disposed
of the property assigned to them for the securing
the payment of the note*, acceptances, cn
dorfements given by Edward Fox, for the use
of the said James Greenleaf; and the holders of
fucli notes, acceptances, and endorsements, are
hereby notifyed that the fubferibers will fettle
with them for the amount of (heir refpeflive
tlai.ns, both principal and interist, at
any time before the zcth day of Oilober next;
after which day, the holders not Applying, will
be excluded, agreeably to the terms of affign
jnent. \
Applications to be made at fouth-eafl corner
of Dock and Second streets (the Dock-street
fide), between the hoars of eleven and one o'
tlock every day, Sundays excepted.
Henry Pratt,
Tho. IV. Francis,
John Miller, Jun.
John AJhley, ,
Jacob Baker.
Philadelphia, August 18, 1797. d
The Inhabitants of the Diftri<2;
of Southwark,
A RF, informed that a Coachee is provided, to he
jT\. kept at the Cotjftables' office, the north ealt
earner of Front and Almond ftretts. where the
friends of ihofe sick pi rfons who desire to be re
moved to the City Hospital, are requeilcd to make
appliiation—Alfo, a Hearfj will tekept in readi- ,
nei's-for the removal of the dead.
N. B.—The Poor, who wi(h to remove to the
Tents on Schuylkill, may be furniflied Vith ordec»
by applying as above. A«5.19
This Day Publifried,
And to be fold by WILLIAM YOIJNCi, corner of
s Second and Chcfnuf llrccts,
Price of a l)olitir t
Obfcrvations on certain Documents
S, Contained iv> No. V and VI of
" The History of the United States for
5 the year 1796,"
In which the c'l w- or 6Hc ui.atio>i ugainll
Late Sechstarv of the Tr ( asur, is I'ULLY
4 Tills publication prel'ents a ccncife ftateinent
of she base means pra<flifed by the tk<
■U N nitcd States to asperse the c'haraelers of those
persons who arc considered as hostile to their difor-
fchemes. It also contains the cor
r.fpondence hetween Mr. Hamilton and Messrs.
Monroe, Muhlenhurgh and Venable, on the fub
je<st of the documents alorefaid, and a (tries of let
ters from James Reynolds and his wife to Mr. Ha
milton, proving beyond the possibility of a deubt,
c that the connection between him and Reynolds,
c ; was the refuh of a daring confpir.Aqy on the pari
: c of the latter and his alTociatcs to extort money,
i Cs* A dilcount of one thir l from the retail price
: v.'ill be made in favor ol wholt faje purchaser-, for
( cash. Orders to be addressed to Mr "¥o»ng.
AU S UJI is.
The Norfolk Mail STAGE.
; '"PHIS Stage starts from the GEORGE Tavern,
1 i. at the corner of Second and Arih Streets, in
Philadelphia, evi-ty Tut/day, Tbvrfday, and Satur
day, at 1 o'clack, in the irorning ; arrives at Ho
ver the firft day, at Snowhiil the second' day, at
Northampton Court Hodfe the third" day, and on
c the morning of the fourth day the paflengcrs find
a fafe and comfortable packet to convey them to
Norfolk. .
> A packet leaves Norfolk for Northampton ferry,
5 every Tuelihy, Thurf lay and Saturday, and the
t Sta£ start,' from this ferry for Philadelphia', every
_ Mon«ay, Wcdpefday and Friday jjputs up at Snow
( Hill th - firft night, at Dover the ad night, and ar
j t ives iu Hiiladelphia in the evening of the third
1 &i y-
Thediftance on this rout«, betwaen Philadelphia
and Norfolk, is to miles less than on any stage route
between those places.
* Too much cannot be said in fnvor of the road,
' which is most excellent indcod. The proprietors
•willingly engage to return the whole fire to any
passenger, who, after having performed :his route,
will fay that he ever travelled in a stage for the fame
I rdiftance, so good a road in America.
. f August 11. dim. eotf.
I Philadelphia, istbjuly, 1797.
NOTICE is hereby given, that feparMe pro
posals with sealed covers will be received
at my office until the t levenfh day of September
next, to furnifh by contradl the following ar
ticles for the use of the Army of the United
' States in the year 1798-
First CpntraA for
8 Sergeants coats "J
1 Musicians, do. |
10 Sergeants veftj V Dragoons.
i»6 Privates coats
116 Privates vefti J
64 Sergeants coats
3* Musicians, do.
1)6 Sergeants vests
19s Woolen overalls Artillerifta
191 Line* overall* &
936 Privatescoata Engineer!.
1 936 do. vests
1871 Woolen ovwalls
1871 Linen do. <
144 Sirgcantscoats
7a Mulicians, do.
a 16 Sergeants VefU
43 a Linen overalls
431 Woolen do. Infant-flf.
1893 Privates coats
189 a do. vests
3784 Woolen overalls
3784 Linen do. i
ContraiSl, fdr 1188 Sergumti fcirts
11816 Privates do.
12600 Socks
ad Contrail, for a 7a pair leatherbreechts
3d Contract, for 17a pair boots
psirfhoes, No. 1
Bcoo pair do. No. 1
4th Contrail, for 1031 Artillenfts and Engi
neers hats
a 108 Infantry do.
136 Dragoon caps
The whole )o be delivered at the city of Phila
delphia, via.
One fourth on or before the 1 jth day of Fe
bruary r.ext.
One f»Urth on or 1 before the 15th day of A
pril next.
The remaining hilfon or before the 15th day
of June next.
The articles are to be agreeable to such pan
terns as (hall he direfled by the Seeretary for the
Department of War.
Payments to be made as form as the article
(hall be delivered, and pa fled infpCiilion.
TENCH FRANCIS, purveyor.
Young Hyson Tea.
40 chests of a superior quality—Alio,
ico do. of Hyson,
Imported in the WoodropSims, and for sale by
the fabferibers, corner of Second and Pine
street. ,
C. Haigbt.
June ai. eotf
Imported in the Jhip Pigou,
And for sale by John Morton, No. 116, South
Front street,
Hyfnn '
Hyson Skin Cf EAS
Young nylon C
Imperial J •
April 26. eotf
Chocolate and Mustard
Manufactured as usual,
Ginjrer and Fep'per prourid
Shelled or Pearl Barley
BhiladelpHia Porter, Beer, Ale and Cyder
London Porter
'l'aunton and Burton Ale
Red Port and other Wines, eithe bottled,
or by tile pipe, quarter-cask or gallon—suitable
for exportation or home tdnfuniption—
tor Sale by
John Haworth.
K0.98 fo-Hh Front street
By John Fenno, N 3 ' iip Cbejnut Street
Higgins' Specific
V hR fincc this disease mide fach ravages in tTiis
-J city and New-York, the author has turned h
attention to its causes and care.—The result of his
enquiries has convinced him that the region why so
few persons recover from its attacks, are freni ita
not being well underftaod, and the consequent
wrong method taken to cure it. He' is perfiiaded
that the excefiive blecdigns and mercuritl reatment
of the Faculty is highly injurious, and that the on
ly rational mode of treatment is by theufe of prop tr
acids. Convinced of this he offers his Sfififc as a
eert.iin r«medv,if used according to the direction'.
To be had ih bottles, at one dollar e-,ch, cf the
inventor Geo. HigyJnj, Cherry street, two doors a
bbve Ninth street, (late manager of Jackson and
Go's Medicine Warehouse, London)by J.Lc
tlanc, No. li 6 ;W. Griffith, No. 177, <T. Pea, u, No.
if, South Third ftrert, T. Stiff, No. 55, New ilreet,
near Vine flreet, and J. Sal.j, No. 36, Race llroet.
Aug. >5. tuths jt
"RAN- A W A Y,
C>N the ill. inft. from the Subscriber, an
' apprentice lad, named Kendal Merrill,
abotiT tweoty .years of jge, by trade a Tailor,
and hid about fix months to fer've. Any per
fou who will apprehend said run away, so that
he may he ictiirntd to the Subscriber, will
receive a handfume reward and reafonible
Sept. 7. ro. » 3 t.
City Commiffoners Office,
August 29, 1797.
IN pursuance of an Ordinance of the Select and
Councils, pafled the lid day of May lad
Propoi'als in writing will be receive ifiy the City
ComanOioiicrs for one month tram the ift of Sep
tember next, for lnting to rent 011 leases for one
year to commence the firlt day of January next, the
IcHowirg public property of the city—
The wha r f and landing on Vine Street,
Also on Salfafrus,
And High Streets,
Chefnut and Walnut Streets, Draw Bridge, with
tin Scale &nd Fish Houses, Spruce, Piiie and Cedaf
The cellar under the City-Hall.
The Tavern at the middle ferry on Schuylkill,
with the lots contiguous thereto, (except so much
thereof as shall be occupied by any buildings creat
ed for the use of the Collector of the Tolls, or be
neeiflary for the toll-gates.)
! *ng. 3 ) jtawim.
And pojjcjjton given immediately,
ALAROi'. two (lory brick Houfe,haudfomely
situated in Princeton, There are four rooms
and a Isrge entry on each floor, and five rooms in
the garret, a range of back buildings 51 feet in
length, and a piazza of 57 feet. There is a pump
in the yard, an excellent kitchen garden, at the
farther end of which are a carriage houfeand two
stables, one of which is new, 44 feet long, with
Qalls in the two stables for 11 horses. The heal
thiness and pleasantness of its situation, and the
number of genteel and agreeable families in and
near the tcvrs, re/i Set 3 a dcflrable retreeat for a
gentleman from the city. The commodioufnefs of
the house, its central pofitlon, and the largenefj of
the stables, make it every suitable for a tavern, for
which it has always been considered as a capital
(land. Inquire on 'he pretnifes. of
Prinatton, Ang. ij. 29—dtwaawrf
80 Dollars Upward.
LAST night the shop of the fubferiber was op
ened, and several articles taken off, viz. a
common black leather pocket book, containing two
twenty dollarnote* of the last emiflion of' the Pchn
fylvania Hank and a number of locfe papers—
one pinchback watch with a carved cafe, ar.d fix
filver ones—one of these a French watch, original
ly made to tell the day of the month, but till ", part
of the works had been taken out—the figures on the
dial plate were left—Another was made by Love
1-nd, London, the number 3113 ;athird wj< mark
ed on the dial plate as wcl as theinfide. Amber,
New-York. No further particulars are r> collect
ed. Whoever discovers the thief, or thieves, so
that they may he prolecuted to convidiiMi and the
property recovered, shall have the above reward.
Forty dollars wilt be paid for the property alone,
or in proportion for any pr.i t of it.
Jv B. All watchmakers are rcqueiud to scop
he above watches it offered for iale.
Frankford, Augu/t 19.
A u*r. 21. eofo.
I* the ship America, Jame« Kwinj, tnafter, from
Brown Hollands ,
White Piatillas
Coarfc Linens
T apes
Looking Glaflis 11. r
Class Tumblers j " Cafea -
George Pennock.
Augufl 14. 3aw
An elegant House in Arch Street.
TO be let and entered on immediately a large
and eltvant hdufe at the Corner of Arch and
Ninth Street. There are two drawing rooms
and on? dinitigroom—the largest is 31 feet by
26 —and two are so conneifled by folding doors
as to make but one. Also, five bed rooms, be
sides 5 in the garret, well finifhed for fervantt.
There are stables and a qoach house, with evry
convenience for a fan ily. Enquire .it No. 29,
in North Seventh Ilreet, or at No. 218, Arch
Aug. 1;. ■
INFORMS his friends and th? public in general
that he has removed from No. 1151, corner of
Arch and Fourth, to No. lOJ North Front, be
tweeh Arch and Race ftreetis
July 2». 2aw4w
Rofs & Sim/on,
Have for sale—
Tierces, and
A (mall parcel of nice cocoa in bags
A few puncheons Jamaica spirits, fourth proof '
Superior Teneriffco wine, old an l in Madeirapfpes
An invoice of jewellery and holiery t© be fold by
the package
A few hampers best Enchecf«.
July V/. 4tf.
Imported inthefhip Manchester,
Benjamin Sh.ewell, Mafler,
From Bourdeaux, and for sale by the lu icriber,
No. ir Walnut Street.
Bonrdeaux Brandy
Irish market claret in cases Entitled to
Medoc wine, in do. " Drawback.
Sauterne, do. do.
Thomas Murgaireyd.
Sherry Wine in pipes and quarter caffcs
Rota do. do.
Pimento in bags
4000 bufhela Liverpool fait.
Aug. 24. tut&stf.
A PERSON OF INGENUITY, lattly arrived
-'•"L from Europe, wishes to find hare a place in
the quality of a Dire&or of a Glafs-houfc, Chryf
tal of all kinds, having particular rat-'ans for the
conftru<it;on ol the kilns, pots, &e. and p«ffelfn: g
likewise tht articles used in the Glals houses c.f
Ei gland anr! France, havlng'w«rki;d a Jwg while
in m«ft of thciu. Every exertion will 'i' made to
render the mar.ufa&opy deserving of public appro
hatiot;— He, who willit's to speak to him,will £nd
him it No. 27; Front-ftiect.
Aagufl' 24. » 4 t
F«r sale or to be let on ground
valuable Lot of Ground ;
SITUATE on the noith-eift corner of \Va!-
nut and Filth streets, fronting the State-
House square. This lot is fifty-one feet front
on Walnut street, and one hundred and thirteen
teet and an half on Fifth street ; there are at
present two small two story brick houses,
number of iYcall tenements thereon.
Al'o, for Salt,
T\vo three story Brick Houses
With convenient flores, wharf, &c. Gtuate on'
Water-street, between Mulberry and Saflafras
streets, containing in front on Water street Gf
, ty-fou» feet, and continuing that breadth east
ward ninety-five feet, then widening to the
south thirteen feet fix inches. Thcfe houses
ave the conveniance cf a public alley adjoining
on the north fide, and are a very desirable situa
tion for a merchant, flour fa<flor,or others who
may have occasion for storage of .goods. This
property will be fold ori very reasonable terms
torcafh. For further information apply to the
July ■jt. m&wtf
The Subscriber has for Sale,
A large aflortment of India Muslins,
coarse and fine
India Calicoes
Sooty Romalls
B'ue Cloths and Checks
Bandanna Handkerchiefs
Blue red and Gilli Handkerchiefs
An invoice of Irilh Linens and Sheetings, well
A box of Diapers
Silk Umbrellas
Two boxes ©f fine Spices, cotaining Nutmegs,
I Mace »nd Cloves
Black Pepper of firft quality
East India Ginger
Java Sugar
A quantity of Madeira Win#
Ditto of Gin
Roll Brimflone
Mordecai Lewis.
Avrrvjl 12. 3awim
Cedar Shingles. \
THE fubferiber has a quantity of 3 feet Cedar
Shingles of> a superior quality, for sale at 13
dolkrs p»rthoufand.
William Hallo'well,
No. 193 North Third-Jlrsel.
July 27. eol2t
Notice is hereby Given,
r PIiAT agreeably to an a& of Congress «f the
X United States of America, pasTed at Phila
delphia, tfee 28th day of Ma/,
ties on Carriages, for the conveyance of perl'ons,
which (hall be kept by or for any person, for his
or hev own nfe, <»r to let out to hire, or for the
conveyance of pafferigers, the several duties and
rates following, to wit :
For aad upon e\ery Coach, 15 dels.
upon every Ctariot, 12 dels,
upon every PolVChariot, 12 do,'#,
upon every Post Chaise, i» dols.
upon every Phaeton,with or without top,
9 dols.
*pon every Ooachee, 9 doK
upon othx*r Carriages, pannelwork
above, with blinds, gla/Tes or curtains,
9 dols.
upon f®ur wheeled Carriage?, having fra
med posts and topi with steel iprings, 6
upon four wheeled Carriages, with wood
erv or iron springs or jacks, 3 dols.
upon Curricles with tops, 3 dols.
upon Chaises with tops, 3 dols.
upon Chairs with tops, 3 dols.
u i. on other two whetpi top carriages, 3 dols.
upon two wheel carriages, steel or
iron springs, 3 dols.
For and upon all other tw© wheel carriages, 2 dols.
upon every four wheeled carriage, having
framed posts and tops, afcd reding up
on wooden spars, 2 dols-
The CollevSlors of the Revenue for the firft Sur
vey of the Diftri& of Pennsylvania, wiU attend
daily, until the 30th day of September for
the purpose of receiving the duties on Carriages, at
No, it?, in Race or Saffafras-ftreet, in the City of
Philadelphia ; at the house of Daniel St. Clair,Efcj.
in the County of Montgomery ; and at the house
of Tr.mes Chapman, Esq. in the County of Bucks ;
of which all perfonspoffeffed of such Carriages are
dtfired to take notico.
Notice is also given,
TO all retail dealers in Wines, and foreign dis
tilled spirituous liquors, that licences will be grant
ed to them ; one licence for carrying on the buS
nefs of aptaillng of Wines, in a ltfs quantity, or
in less quantities than thirty gallons—and one li
cence for carrying on the hnfinefs of retailing Spi
rituous liquors in less quantities than 10 gallons, at
the fame time and at the fame places, by the offic
ers legally authorifedfe'grant fu.h licences.
Infpeilor of the R' venue of t-hefird fur*
vey of the Dilhict of Pennrylvania.
Office of Infpeil'on it 7 , j T „.
Philadelpbia, 3d Auguil, 1797. i
Thomas Herman Leupfer,
NortJ) rifch ftrect, corner of North alky, No. 34,
EXCELLENT red Bourdeaux Wine incafciasi
boxes, fix years old
A hire Ctraves Wine in cafljw
Rufiia Sail Cloths
Ravens Duck
Bag Liaen
Diaper and Table Cloth
Empty bags
Common German Cloth
11 afTortrrient of black coloured Ribbon*
Fine German Laces
About twelve tons Russia clesn Hemp
Clover Seed
Italian Soap, in small boxes, for family u(V
Window Glals si u(? 29 —~w
And for file by THOMAS DORSON, at the
Stop? H'lufe, No. 41, fouHi Second (lreet«
Confining of a variety of Mifcellancous Pieces Tor
theinftrudion and atufement of Y.OUNC PER
SONS—Six Volumes hamdfomely printed antLhound
up two volumes, price Two Dollars.
The variety and excellence of thefc pieces are
(uch, that the book ticei U only to be known to be
universally esteemed one of the mod valuable pub
lications th t can be pu.t into the hands of youn"
" Delightful talk to rear the tender thought,
To teach the young idea how to (hoot.
To pour tfce frelh inl trudion o'er the mind,
To breathe th' enlivctning spirit.and to fix
, The generous purpofi: in the glowing brcaft."
August 24. mwf4w
By TIIQAIAS DOB \ON, at the Stone House,
No, 41, fout.Fi Second street,
Letters and Conversations,
Between fevc'ral Tevng f.adies, on improving and in*
terefting fubjeds.
Translated from the Dulcll of Madams de Cumlon,
with alterations and improvements,
Printed tnfine pa per, and nukly hound.
Prist 1 •nt dUior.
AMIDST thetide of modern Romances, panning
tales of extraordinary distress, or of defper;te or
artful villainy, which " harrow up-the foul," and
which it would be for th-t honor of young ladies to
be ignorant of, this little b Ciuii corns- forward to for
licit notice, where in ,a v.iriety of incidents, i:ot ex
ceeding the bounds of re.fl lift, the proper, becaufi
efegatt and natural dignity and importance of the female
character is exhibited in an interefling point «f' view,
and presents examples of real and attainable excel
The publifhcr was fomuch pleased with the per«»
sal, thnt he was petfuadeil he should do a pleasing
forvice to the community by fending it Info circu
lation. August 14 —mw4w
To Mqjltrs and Pilots //ringing up P*ejftle
frym Foreign Ports to this City.
TTTHereas sundry infringements have lately bees
VV made on the laws of this (late for the pro*
venting peftil<#.ti*l or infectious diseases, eithen
from ignorance or,inattentio» thereto, it is tho'e
expedient at this time to publilh the following el
trads from the laws of aid April, 1704, 7th' arxl
Bth fedions.
June 6th, 1794.
Extract of an aft for ft curing the city axil pari
of Philadelphia f rom the introdußion of fefli
lential and contagieus diseases.
Sect. 7. And bo it further enadetf, that every
m&ftef or captain of any ship or vessel coming from
! feu (veffi.'ls adually employed n the toa'ftirg trade
excepted) and bound to sny port or place within
khe.jiirifdidiori of Pennfylvauia,lha!l cpufc his ship
or vessel to be broHght to anchor,or othcrwife flay
e.: in the dream of tho rivor Delaware, opposite ta
the Health-Office on State-Island aforcfaid, and
there to remain until he shall have duly obtainad a
certificate or bill of healh from the Resident Phy
sician. And il, previously tc obtaining fucli certi
ficate or bill of health, any matter or captain shall
luffer his (hip or vessel to approach nearer than the
fa id Health-Office to the city of Philadelphia, Or
shall land, cause orfufferto be landed, or brought
on ihore, at any place or port within this -Com
monwealth, or at any other portor place, with the
intent of being conveyed into this Commonwealth,
any person or perfous, or any goods, wires or mer
chandize, or, if after receiving such bill of health
0.-certificate, he (hall ncglcd or rcfufe to deliver
the fame to the Health-Officer, fueh mafier or cap
tain (hall forfeit ann p-.y, for each fuch
offence, theftimof five hundred dollars.
And the captain or mafier of every lhip or ves
sel shall fend a fafe and commodious boat to bring
the physician 011 board, and Ihallin like manner
conv y him back to the Health-Office, after he has
concluded his official examination ; And vhile he
is making such examination, or in cafe any fubfe
quant examination by the Health Officer or Con
futing Physician, agreeably to the d're&ions of
thi- a&, the matter or captain (hall cxpofe or caufc
to becxpofcd to thefearch of the Resident Phyfi
cian,or of the Health Officer and Conluiting Physi
cian (as the cafe may be) each and efery part of the
ship or vefiel, and shall present to his view each
and every person or persons on board thereof, and
and Ihall also true and fatisfadory anfw< rs make
to all such (jueftions as the Resident Physician, &c.
at the time of examination lhall alk relative tp the
health of any pprtor place frem which the ship or
vessel (ailed, or has fincetouched at—die number
of persons on board when the (h.ip cr vessel entered
on her voyage—the number o( persons that have
since been landed or taken on board, and wheu.
and where refpedively—whatperfoas on board—
s they hatfe been during the voyage, or ihall, afe,
the time of examination, be infeded with any' pet
tilential or contagious difeafe—»nd what is the pre
sent state and condition of the persons on board
with refpe<S to their heaith or difeafea. And if;
any master or captain shall refule to expose as afcrc
aid, to the fcarch of any of the officers afore (aid.
11 it he shall cannal any /id person, er in any other man
[tr deceive the proper officers aforefaid in bis an fivers,
uch captain or mafier, for every such offence, shall
forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred bol
Sect. 8. And if nay verfon or persons whatso
ever (the Resident Physician, &c. excepted) lhall
go on beard any vessel, before the mafier thereof
has received a certificate of health in the manner
direded, every person so o(Finding, shall jay the
IT beisg al folutely neccfTary that the foregoing;
fedions (hould be pundually complied with, thu
fubferiber, m compliance with his duty, must ex
ad a rigoroas observance of the fame, or else be
u)ider.the neecflity of putting the laws in force.
Wm. ALLEN, Health Officer of .'/)<
Put u Philadelphia.
juljr 14. Jjvr
[Volume XII