Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, September 07, 1797, Image 4

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"l"\ AN awny from the subScriber, an indented J (
?V Strvknt Girl, named Nancy .4 a- „
tout twenty years of age, fiiort, thick Set person,
with fliort black hair ; had omwhen (he wrtit away,
titlark calico gown, an old black fllk cloak, and a
hl*ck fur h?t. WKocvrr will ftcure laid girl, and '■
!vc irilormation thereof to tke fubicriber, No. a,
GretnV' f allry, or to the office of this Gazette, t
{hail receive the above reward. <
All prions are forbid harboring girl, as i
they dealt -with as the law direfls
N. B. ?aid Girl is from Ireland, and has been i*
tins vountrv but a Aort time ; (he wasfent to th»
work-houi'e for mifconduift, where <he was taken
lick and removed to th« city-hofpitil, from which
place iwe made her efcspc.
AvyyP 30. eon
io be l'old at Public Vendue,
To the hfgheft bidder, at the house ®f Mr.
William" Evans, the Sign of the Indian
CKieCUj m the city of Baltimore, on the 45th
day of Oilober next, at 11 o'clock, A. M
About levin thousand acres of land,
the property of William Bell, of Philadelphia,
lying between UeifterVtown and Weftminftcr,
commonly called Little Winchester, (the turn
pike toad runs through a confutable part ot
these lands) the tra& begins about 1.7 miles
from Baltimore, within a few hundred yards
of laid Keiller's-town, and extends to the dis
tance of about twenty-three miles from Balti
more, and li«s on the main falls of Patapfico
river, from three to fodr miles thereon. Will
lie fold in trails of one hundred and fifty to
three hundred acre. There is a large propor
tion of meadow! and wood Iftnd on eat* trail,
Some of. them highly improved, with txcelleut
buldisgs and fine grrfs.
A tra& of ( feven hundred acres of
land, called Clover Farms, within five miles of f
Bladerfhurg, elleemed very good for Grass.
R, hard Ponfonby,of Bladenlburgh, will Ihew
this land to any person inclined to purchase.
A tra& of land of about three hun
dred and thirty acres, within about two miles ,
and a half oi the President's honfe in the Fede- ,
ral City. It is nearly all wood land, and a fine
high profpefl, fro.r. which may be fcen the
city of \\ affiihgton, Bladenlburgh, Alexandria
and a part of George-town, and many miles
down the Potomac river. Mr. Richard PouSon
by, of Bladenfburg, will also flaew this land.
' A liberal credit will be given for the greatest
part of the purchase money. ihe terms will
be made known on the day of Tale.
M.-.v 8
Juftß eceived,
From Batavia (viaProvidetie.)
a few Boxtsof Spices, confiding of
Nurroegs, Cloves and Mace
for l'ale by '
way 30
Davis's Law Book Store,
No. 319, High-Street.
BEING busied for fume time part in prepara
tions for removing into his j>r«!'ent house, has
been under theneceflity of podponinguntil this day
informing the gentlemen of the Bar generally thro'l
the United States, that his spring importation of
law books is now arranged and ready for lale, on
terms that he trulls will tntitlehim to the like pr«-
ffcence he has experienced for fcveral years pad.
Catalogues, combining the mod taricd collec
tion ever imported i/ito this country, are printed
and will be delivered on application.
June ay. 6w
City Comnrijfiontrs' Office^
June tl, 1797.
IN pursuance of an ordinance from the felefl
and common councils, pal Ted the aid day of
May lad, appointing the city commiflioncri,
and prescribing their duties, feijlion <)th,
That the city is divided into five diftri<sU,
each to be under the fuperintendance of one ®f
the city commiflioners, w hois to be individually
relponfible for the-cleanlirefs of the fame, and
are as follow.
Driftri6l No. I. From the South fide of Ce
dar-ftrret, to the north fide of Spruce-street, un
der the Superintendence of Nathan Boys.
2. From the north fide of Spruee-ftreeJ, to
the north fide of Walnut-street, under the Super
intendence of' Hugh Roberts.
3. From the north fide of Walnut to the south
fide of High-street, under the
Joseph Claypoole.
4. From the-north fide of High-street, to the
north fide of Mulberry llreet, under the fuper
intendenceef William Moulder.
5. From the north fide of Mulberry-street to
the north fide of Vine-street, under the Super
intendence of Nicholas Hicks.
Thecleaningof High-street to be in common.
£s■ A flatcd meeting of the city comraiflion
ers is held at the Old Court House, in High
ftreet, every Tuesday «vening at 5 o'clock.
July 14. eolm
Stands for Draymen, &c\
In purfuanee of an Ordinance from thcSeleft and
Common Councils,bearing date the 2id day of
April, 1797. providing for the appointment of
City Commijfiontri, <Je. Seti. the 1 stb.
r \ ''HE following places are fixed upon by the
JL Said City Commissioners for Stands for
Draymen and their Horses.
In eaftward of Front-ftretft, on
both fides.
Saflafras, High,CheSnut and Walnut-fttreets,
eastward of Front-street, on the no.-th Side only.
Mulberry-llreet, South fide Sr»m Front to
Front-ftrest, call Side from Vine-rtreet to
Elfrith's alley.
Front-street, from opposite to Black HorSe al
ley to Hamilton's stores, east Dde.
Water-street, weft fide from the north end of
Stamper's or Moore's stores to Pine-street.
Penn-ftreet from Pine to Ce Jar-ltreet, weft
Drawbridge, north fide, eafl of Front-street.
' "Spruce, Pine and South llreets, east ofFrowt
flreet, South I'de.
Doek-ftreet, between Walnut-street and the
Sag ftonc croflings, east fide, opposite George
SeconH-ftreet, between SiuTifras and Vint
fireet 1, well Side.
Fifth-ftreet, east fide from Chefnut to Mul
berry llreets.
Saffafras-ftreet, from Third to Fourth-llreet,
east fidt-
No drav or horse to stand wiihin ten feet of
Piiwftreet, nortli fide from Fourth to Frith
between Chefnut and Walnut
ftrcets* weft.
Branch-llreet, north Qdej between Third and
Fourth llreets.
July 14. ■
A Literary. Treat.
jiift piibl'ijhcd y handsomely printed on writing
price I dollar,
A new edition of that popular and entertaining
work, entitled
'"pHE FORESTERS, an American Tale ; being
1. a fcqucl to the hillory of John Bull, the Clo
thier—ln afcries of Utters to a friend, with the ad- 5
(lition of twor letters, alluding to recent political
tranfa<£V.ions in America.
Th*.following extra#, from the Clavis
ihtws the principal characters tha: introduced:
John Bull, the Kingdom of England
His Mcither, theChurchof knglind
His Wife, the Parliament
His Sifter Peg, the Church of Scotland
His Brother Patrick, Ireland
Lewis, the Kingdom of France
HjtMiftreft, the Old Conflitution
His new Wife, the N;uional Rcprefentation
Lord Strft, the Kingdom of Spain
jMichoJas Frog, the Dutch Republic
The Franks, the French Republic 1
The Ferefters, the United 'States of Ameri<a
Robert Lumber, N*.'w-Hainp(kire I
John Codline, Maflachufetts i
Humphrey Plowihaie, Connecticut
Roger Carrier, Rhode Island $
l>eter Bull Frog, New-York
Julius Cafar, New-Jersey
William Broadbrim, Ponnfylvania t
Cailimar, Delaware tl
Walter Pipewood, Virginia b
His Grandson, George Walbington
Peter Pitch, North Carolina n
Charles Indigo, Soutk Carolina h
George Trusty, Geergia e
Ethan Greenwood, V ermont
Hunttr Longknife, Kentuclsy c
Black Cattle, Negro Slaves \
Rats, Speculators 1
Mother Carey's Chickens, Ja«ol>ins f
This papular and entertaining satirical hifto- t
ry of America is attributed to the Rev. Dr. Bel- f
knap. It has a great lhare of originality and a-
bownds with genuine humour. It is continued t
down to the present tinae, and charaAerifes those ]
late political tranfa&ions which have caused so }
much uweafinefs in America. i
Sold by H. and P. RICE, Bookseller, N®. 16, t
South Second Stiect, and No. 50, Marke* ftjeet. [
June 26. §
Latest London and Dublin Edition!.
H. & P. RICE, Bookfelleri,
Ne. 16, South Second, and No. 50, Market llreet,
HAVE just received by the lite arrivals Irom
London and Dublin, their Spring importa
tion, confiding of a variety of the latefk and moll
approved l aw Books, which,added to those alrea
dy on hand, forms the most eitenfive colleftion ev
er offered for Sa'e in this country. They thei efore
beg leave to that from the nature of their
connedicnsin Dublin, they are enabled t» Sclllrilh
editions (as they have hitherto done) at the very
lowed prices. The following are among the laud
VeSey, jun'rs Reports in Chancery, 1 vols.
Peake's Cases at Nili Prius ; Ridgeway's Reports
in the time of Lord Hardwickj ; Floyer's Probers
Practice in the Ecclesiastical Courts; Barton's
Trsatife on a 3uit in Equity Tidd's Practice of
the Court of King's Bench in Perfena] A&ions, x
parts complete ; Ward's Law of Nations ; CruiSe
on Ufea ; modern Reports, 11 vols. London edi
H. and P. Rice cxpeft t® receive by the firft ar
rival from New-York the 6th vol. complete of
Durnford and Eall's Reports, the id part of -Oil
' bert' of Evidence by Loft, and a number of
new publications.
June 16.
The History of Pennsylvania,
Ig now in the preSs, and will be published,
with all convenient expedition, by ZtCHA
MAH Poulson, jun. No. go, CheSnut-ftreet,
Philadelphia, where Subscriptions will continue
to be received, and at the Philadelphia Library,
according to the printed propoSals, until the
work is ready for the fubferibers.
July 18. liwtf
' Printed Calicoes.
No. 8 Chefnut-Street,
Have for Sale
FIFTY TRUNKS neatly aliened, very low on
Ihort credit.
March 6. §
Richard and James Potter
HAVE removed their Counting House to No.
, South Fifth-ftrnt.
August ». w&f6t
Lancaster, Harrijburgh Carlijle,
Shippenjburgand Sunbury
THE public are requested to take notice, that
the partnership which has f.r Some time sub
sided between Mathias Slough of Lancader, and
William (Jeer, is now dissolved : bat, not as M.
Slough inSinmates to the public without just cause ;
as will more fully appear by a letter on the Sub
jedl from M. Slough to W. Geer, dated the 19th
December lad. a recital of which is not now deem
ed neceliary. Any gentleman who wilhes to be
[ more circumdantially informed of the merits of
C this business, by applying to W. Geer may have
P the perusal .f M. Slough's letter, and then tan be
at full liberty to determine whether or not W.
Geer is not perfe&ly jndifiahle in attaching him
: Self to any other person in the prosecution of the
Stage conveyance from Philadelphia to Shippenf
urg, or any other place.
' Now from tb« liberal and generous Support the
public were pleased to confer on the fird effort in
, this business, William Geer, in conjunftion with
• Messrs. Reily, Weed and Witmer, is determined
> to prosecute and carry it on, with every care, at
tention anddifpatch that a zeal to oblige the pub
) lie can possibly exert.
The above company, who are amply provided
- with carriages, horses, and every appurtenance to
render the paflage fafe and commodious, inform
f those wno vvilb to patronize and encourage the
undertaking, that they can take their feats at
j George Weed's, the Sign of the White Horse,
Market Street, Philadelphia, on every Monday
and Friday, to proceed to Lancader, Harrilburg,
Carlisle and Jjhippenlburg. The fare as hitherto
For the further accommodation ol the public,
* a Stage will dart every Wednesday from the house
L of Samuel Elder, in Hairilbdrg, arrive at Sun
bury in Northumberland county, every Thursday,
• and return irom thence and arrive at Ha-rilburg
every Saturday, so that passengers deftined'for
* Lancader or Philadelphia, may proceed om Mcn
Lancader, Jan. 17, r?97-
' N. B. Thii LiriC of Stages Harts from the
heufe of Wiliiain Fcrr®c," in Lancallcr, on every
Tucfday and Saturday morning at 6 o'clock, pro
-1 seeding to the weStwarcf; and from the house of
Mr. Samuel Ijlder in Harrilburg every Wodnef
day morning, on the fame evening arrives at Pa
trick Cochran's in Shippenlburg, and returns
( Irom thence on every Thursday : performing the
fame routine daily a> in its (our from fhiladel
City of Wafliington.
Of the Lottery, N T o. 11,
For the Improvement of the Federal City.
A magnificent dwelling-lioufe io,ooodoHars,
Se caih 30,000, ire 50,000
1 ditv & caflt 25,00© 40,009
1 ditto 15 jOOo si '.afn 15,000 30,000
1 ditto 10,000 ft ca'Ti 10,000 ao,ooo
1 ditto 5,000 £< ca!h 5,000 10,000
x ditto 5,000 cafti 5,000 10,000
1 cash prize of 1-0,006
1 do. 5,000 are • xo,ooo
io do. 1,000 - - 10,00 c
.io do. 500 - * 10.000
00 do 100 - • 10,000
do. 50 - - to,ooo
400 do. 15 - 10,000
1,000 do. jc - 30,000
*5,009 do. is - i5»,ooo
9 Prizes.
*6l Blanks. ,
50,000 Tickets, at Eight iJollan, 400,000
N. 3. Ti: favour those who may take a quan
tity of Tickets,'he prize of 40,000 dollars will be
thp l ast drawn ticket, and the 30,000 the last
but onz :
And approved notes, securing payment in cither
monsy cr prizes, in ten days alter drawing, will
be received foi any number not less than 30 tick
This Lottery will afford an elegant specimen of
the private buildings to be err died in the City of
Washington—Two beautiful defiggs are already
leleited for the entire Irontt on two of thepublk
squares; from these drawings it ispropofed to erc&L
twocantreand 'ourcerner buildings, as foonaspof
fible after this lottery is fold, and to cenvty them,
when complete, to the fortunate adventurers, in
the manner described in the scheme for the Hotel
Lottery. A r.ett deiu&ion of five per cent, will
be made to defray the necelfary expenses of print
ing, &e. and the surplus will be made a part of
the fund intended for the National Univerlily, to
he erefled within the city of Waftnngton.
The real fecuritiesgiven for the paymaot of the
Briies, are held by the President aud two DireA
ors oi the Bank of Columbia, and are valued at
more than half the amount of the lottery.
Tieketsnaay br-had at the Bank ot Colum
bia ; of James Well & Co. Baltimore; of Peter
Oilman, 3ofton : of John H«pkin», Richmond ;
and of Ricfcard Wells, Cooper's Ferry.
Frim die Otfege Herald.
WHEREAS a combination of men in thu
county have undertaken to enrich th«m fabricating titles tofundrj valuable trails
of land, the property of' gentlemen living in New
York, Philadelphia, London and Paris, for which
traAs of ltnd Urge fumsof money have been paid
to those fraudulent men, by innocent purchasers
It is therefore just that public information should
be. given, to the end, that the injured may seek re
dress while the men have property, and are to be
found. Those who have been difcovsred aire Tru
m3n Harrifon,. Joseph Witcomb, said now to rc
fidc in the county of Saratoga ; Thomas Kelly and
several otheri who go upder fiilitious names. It is
supposed that the lands offered fcr sal« on those fa
bricated titles, are at lead* worth fifty thousand
dollars. Such as we have adtual knowledge of are
as follows : Lots No. II and la, Otfega patent,
thousand acres each, the arflual property of William
Dellwjn, now of London ; lots No. 58 and 64,
fame patent, thousand acres each, the property of
Mr. Chaumont, now of Paris, and James Averill
and others, ot this State. There is some grounds
to suppose that the lands of Richard Wells and
Charles Wharton, of Philadelphia, are under their
management. —The Printers will do well to give
this a place in their papers, as well to caution the
public against purchasing those lands, as also to de
prive those men in future from imposing on indivi
dufifs, which their education and address have en
abled them t«do heretofore. Witcomb has been
a IhopkeepeV of some note in this eountry.
The following affidavits will fct in a clear point
of view the wickedness of those men, which when
the public have pernfed, Will indues them to ex
tufe the interference of Wm. COOPER.
Otfego, July aßth, 1797.
1 Thomas Kelly, of the County of Otfego, hav
ing been led into an error, by John Witcomb and
Truman Harrifon, of the fame County, to sign a
deed to them, for lot NOl 58, Otfego patent, whieh
was the property of William T. Franklin now Mr.
Chamont's aud others ; and further the said Joseph
and Truman did persuade me to do this against my
inclination, which was made out on the icth day
of November, 1793, or f«t back two years so as
to bring it to that time ; and further the naim ps
Pardon Starks to that deed was a fiAitious namo,
there being no such perlon there. To this I make
voluntary oath. THOMAS KELLY.
19th July, 1797.
On the :9th July, 1797, came personally before
'me, Thomas Kelly, the fuhferibcr to the above af
-1 fidavit, and made solemn oath that it contains noth
- ing but thr truth.
1 FLIHU PHINNF.Y, Justice of the Peace.
On the tßthjuly, *797, came before me Jacob
; Kibby„a person by me well k»own and worthy of
- good credit, who on his solemn oath did fay, that
1 two,of the parties obovementioned ap
plication to him this doponent, some time in the
- winter of 1796.r0 make them a deed for two tho«-
f sand acres of land in the Otego patent, and pro-
E mifed this deponent a fharc of the profits, on the
- sale of said lands, for his so doing ; and they
madeapplicationfcVeral times for the fame purpoie,
which fervtcas this deponent as often refufed, de
c claring to them that he had no right to lands, and
- could do no such thing ; which daring attempt on
this deponent's integrity he had related anong his
" friends several times, previous to making this affi
-1 davit. JACOB KIBBEY.
1 Sworn before mc,
1 ELIHU PHINNEY, Justice of the Peace.
- Aug. 3■ lawyw.
Thirty Dollars Reward.
i Tj 1 LOPED from the service of the fubferiber,
3 X_i on the 19th instant, a negro man by the
1 name of DICK, about t wen w-five years of age,
c and five feet nine or ten inches high ; by trade
t a carpenter, anil is a very .lively brisk work
, man. His countenance \s very gootl —When
1 spoken to, he converses with ease and confi
> dence, and is pretty sagacious. I purchased
0 the said fellow of Mr.Dubney Minor, in whose
name he has been advertised in the Richmond
newspapers. During his last runaway trip (lail
c fummer-J he was employed a considerable length
of time, by some perfpn near Dumfries, from
' which circumifante, f conjeflure, he lias taken
J another nothern route 1 forewarm allperfons
from giving him employment, of any kind
whatever, and maftersof veflels and others, from
tarrying him out of this slate. The above re
ward will be given if he is taken within forty
miles of this city ; and an additional sum, in
. proportion to the diitance he may be brought,
_ or the trouble ar.dexpencc the apprehender may
r beat, in bringing him to this place.
' b 6 AUG; DAVIS.
N. B. His apparclwas of the usual negro kind,
8 but he had more doaths than is customary for
: them to polTefs.
Riehmnd, June l '9j'
Will be Landed,
From o& board the (hip Atflive, Capt. Bc.Ani,from
20 bales white Ruflia clean Hemp I
2 calks Clover Seed .
For Sale by
Thomas Herman Leuffcr,
North Fifth street, Ko. 34. t
Tunc 26. £ 3
William Blackburn,
No. 64 south Second Preet. 1
TICKETS in the Canal Lottery, No. 11, which '
commenced drawing the May, TOR *
SALE. The price of tickets will rife in propor- <
tion ns the driwing advances, particularly on ac- <
count of the five firll drawn tickets, prizes of 1
four thousand dollars each, on the last day of <
drawing. 1
Cliecli Bcdks kept for examination and register- <
ing, in the Canal, No. 2, City oI VVafliington, No. ,
2, and Paterfon Lotteries.
Ajfo j uickets for l'ale in the Schuylkill bridge and t
Perk omen Bridge lotteries, which will begin
drawing ?n the course of the fttoimer.
The business of a Broker in all kinds of Stock,
Bills, Notes, Lauds, &c- &c. tranfa&ed with the
utmost a:tention.
June 2 tu&f ;
Erfkine's View of the War. j
, No. 40 South Second ftrect,
[Price 31 Cents]'
A Vieiv of the Caufet and Consequen
ces of the present War •with Frartce.
By the Honorable Thomas Erskine.
May 15 J
Sold by W. Youns, Bookseller, No. J*, South Sc
The Pennsylvania State Trials,
CONtaining the impeachment, trial, and acquii>
al of FraneisHopkinfcD, Judge of tl*e Court of
Admirtdty, and John Nicholfon, Comptroller Gen
eral—ln on« large 8 vo. vol. Price, in boards, 3
W. Young has for sale, a general affortmentof
Book?. AJfo, Stationary, retail and by the pack
age, well aflorted, and entitled to the dxif back if
axperted. JVty 7-— *
rHK SUBSCRIBE R having been appointed by
the Envoy Extraordinary and Miuiiler Plani
potesit'ary of his Britannic Majefly, General .Agent
toraflifting Brivilh creditors, and luch particular a
gents as th«v may fpeciilly authorise, in prosecuting
their daims before the eammiftioners for carrying i*-
lo effeft the sixth article of the Treaty of Amity, Co7U
mcrce and Navigation betwt4n his Britannic kajejly and
the United States of America, htreby #iv«s notice that
he has opened his office at his houjc the south east
corner of Chefnut and fifth ftracti, Philadelphia,
where he Is ready to receive all claims or inliruftions
for claims with the vouehtrs aud documents thereof,
for the purpose of bringing forward the fame agrec~
ably so the rules and orders whicbthe board may
think proper to prefenbe*
And as it will be foe the interest of all €o*««riied,
that the fcveral claims be so itattd, and support
ed, as to prevent the delay which would arise from
the ncceflity of obtaining further information, or ad
ditional materials,from .periods reGdisg at a diitance,
the general agent thinks it his duty to add, (for the
direction chiefly of those, who, not having employ
ed particular agents, may leave the prosecution of
thrir claims to his charge and management) that all
such claims pught in particular to fci forth—
tft. The proper defcripiion and fitnation of the
creditor or claimant, end original debtor, refpe&-
ad. The date andnature of the original contrast or
3d. When, .in what meaner, and to what extent,
the creditor or elaimant was prevented or impeded,
by the provi&on, operation or defetfc of law, the
decifionsand practice of courts, or restraint of exe
cution, from recovering payment of the debt in
4th. Tbelofsand damige incurred or sustained,
in consequence of such impediments, whether the
fame may have arisen from the infolveney, change ot
or death o< ths debtor, the loss of legal
remedy from lapse of time, or othercaufes impairing
the value and feeurityof the debt, which would not
have so operated ii such impediments had notexiflcd.
And sth. The particular grounds sod reasons on
which the claimant maintains, in the terms of the
treaty, that " by the ordinary course of judicial pro
ings, the creditor cannot now obtain and actually
have and receive suM and adequate eompenfation" for
the losses and damages so fuftaiucd.
The general agent thinks it his duty further to fug
ged that the fcveral claims ought to be accompanied
and supported by the affidavits of the claimants duly
sworn and regularly attellcd, both as to the exiftencs
of the debts claimed, and such other circumfUnccs
as may be within ihcir own knowledge refpeftively.
And wherever the claimants in Rating the nature of
their evidence (whiohmuftin every inftanee be the
beftot which the cafe is capable) have occafiou, to
refer te the ttfkimony of witneftes, it will be proper
to apprifathe general agent of the names and places
of rcftdence of fech witnefiei and the fa£hto be eila
blilhed by their teftlroony.
W/n, Moore Smith.
Philadelphia June Bih, 1797- d
For Sale,
That iv ell known place, tailed
F S R R Y,
ON Neihaminy creak, 18 miles from Phi
ladelphia, sn the New. York post road,
containing 74 acres and 94 perches. Upon the
pretnifcs are a large two ft«ry stone house occu
pied at atvern, and a good one story ftonc kit
chen, a large frame stable with agoodthrelhing
[ floor, and iome out buildings—alio a well of
good water, and an excellent ice House. On
this place is a molt elegant fora gentle
mji't feat, commanding a view of the Ne(ham
. iny to its jundlioo wiih the Delaware, amd thence
across to the Jersey (hore. It has the privilege
of one half the toll received from the bridge.
For terms apply to the Srtb&riber,
y.-V 14- jtawtf.
■ Boarding School for young Ladies.
MRS. GROOMBRIDGE with much plcaf
ureand rsfpeft, returns her o.nce*e fc
' knowledgement for the liberal encouragement
1 (he has received during four years reQdence in
Philadelphia ; and azures her friends and the
' public, so far from "intending to decline her
: Ichool, she has made a fupenor arrangement for
' the more convenient accommodation of her
' scholars. —Every branch of ufeful and polite
1 education is particularly attended to by Mrs.
1 Groombridge and mailers excelling in their
' refpe£live profeffions.
' Corner of Spruce and Eleventh Streets.
' June sth, 1797- Jimfrf
1 The situation is perf?flly healthy i and made
more agreeable by an exter.ftvc garden and lot
of grrund adjoining the
Jujl Pub!i(hcd,
' And to be had of Messrs. Dotfon, Campbell,Rice,
Cary, and the other pricipal Bookfe-iers in the
city,price one dollar, twinty-f. , : rt cents,in lioards,
New Views of the Origin of the
Tribes and Nations of America.
Juiiq »e. *6t
No. 183.'
BiJlriS of Pennfybvanla, to wit :
1. s. |£ E IT REMEMBERED, that on the
-t> fifteenth thy of June, in the twenty
firft year of the Independence of the United
States of America, Woodhousf, of
the said diftridl, hath depolitfj in thia office the
title of a book, the right whereof he claims as
author, in the words following, to wit r—
" The Young Chemist's Pocket Companion,
" beinf a Defcripti< n of a Port ible Labaratory,
" containing a Philofophica! apparatus, and a
" great number of Chemical Apents, by which
" any. person may perform an endless variety of
M amusing and intruding Experiments, design
" ed for the use c>§ ladies and -gentlemen, and
" intended to promote the cultivation of the
" Science of Chemistry in the United States of
" HyjAMKS Woodhouse, M.t).
" ProfelTor of Chemiflry, in the University of
" Pennsylvania, President of tlie Chemical So
" ciety of Philadelphia, &c.
" At present every thing that is not
" nated Chemistry, is but a small part of a fyf.
" tem of natural knowledge.
Prie/lly on dir."
In conformity to tlie a£l of the Cotigrefs of the
United States, intituled, " An ad for the encour
agement of Learning, by fetfuripgthe copies of
maps, charts, and books to the authors and pro«
prietors of such copies,. during the times there-*
in mentioned."
Diftridl of Pennsylvania.
July 18. djt—wstf
No. 188.
DiflriS of Pennsylvania, to ink :
(L. s.) T4 E 1T REMEMBERED, that on the
JLJ twenty sixth day of July, in the twen
ty second year of the independence of the United
States of America, John Fenno, of the said dif
fcri&.hath deposited in this-office the title of a hook,
the right whereof he claims as proprietor, in the
words following, to wit :
" Observations on certain 'documents contained
" in No. V. and VI. of M The History ef the Unit
" ed States for the year 1796," in -which the
" of speculation, against; Alexander Hamilton, late
44 Secreta/y of the Treasury, is fully refuted—
" ( Writvn'by himfeif "
In conformity to? he aSt of theCocgrcfs of ths.
Ucited State?, entituled, " An ail for the encour
agement of learning, by securing the copies of
maps, charts and books to the authors an<? propri
etors of fueh copies, during th« tunes therein men
Clerk of the DiftvW of 2®timfylvan'ta.
Julv 27. W4W
Public Notice is hereby given, !
THAT at June term, 1797. a petition v.*ai
preffented to the Court of Common Pleas,
held it Y*rk Town, in the State of Pennsylva
nia, at the instance ®f James Short, praying
] the Court to supply a loft deed made by a cer
i tain indriw Hickenluber, to Hugh Morrifon,
James Morrifon, and John Sample, executor*
to Han» Morrifon, deeeafed, for fix hundred
—— acres of Land, fltuate in Menallen
townlhip, in the county of York •• —All pers
sons who have any objeiSUons to make to the ob
jefl of the fiid petition are desired to attend at
the Court Hsule, in the town of York, oo the
jth day of September next, atherwife the loft
deed will be fupplitd.
July 18. eotSj
30 Dollars Reward.
RAN away on Saturday lift, two indented Ser
vants,Oifford Dally, a mulatto boy,abo\it\ 7
years of age, a Aim fight built adive fellow, em
read and write,five feet seven or eight inches high,
has a heavy countenance ; had on a fuftian eoaue
and trovrfers, a high crowned hat, fine flioei &c.
Allan Hellons, a black man, about 14 years of
age, five feet seven Sr eight' inches high,a thick set
clumsy built fellow, particularly about the
h*(fon a sailor's blue jacket lined with fwanikin,
dark ft ripe d vest, fuftian trowfers, high crowned
hat, coarse shoe«, &c.; each of them had several
Ihirts and several other cloathes with them. Thir
ty Dollars will be paid for the runaways, or 15 dol
lars for each, and reasonable charges, oh delivering
them at No. 54, North Third-ftrect.
The black fellow is about a year from Lewk
Town, in the County of Susses, state of Dela
ware, and has taken the boy with him. » ,
July 31. mtuSrfiw
WHEREAS Richard Lakh has been at
tempting to fell a certais rr.efiuageor ten
ement and lot of ground, situated on the south
fide of Vine-fttreet, in the city of Philadelphia
containing in breadth, on Vin«-ftreet. fixteeit
feet, and in depth, southward, seventy five feet,
bounded on the north fide by Vine-ftieet, on
theeafl t>y ground late of Samuel Rhodes and
Sarah his wife, on the south by ground late *f
John Pembeiton,and on the weft by another lot
then about to be granted to Joseph Hulings—
- This is therefore to caution all persons against
purchasing the above described property, the
fame having been mortgaged by the said Rich
ard Lake to William Spade.'
July 14 coiw
Mufual Itijirument Manufaftory,
No. 167, Arch-Street.
HARPER, harpsichord, grand, portable
Gd:-board, pier table and square piano for«e
maktr from London, returns thanks to his friends
1 and the public, for their liberal encouragement,
' and hopes that by his assiduity ahd atfentk nto ev
■ ery branch of his Lufincfs, to merit a continuance
? of their favors. Piano fortes made on tho- rieweft
r and moil approved plans, with pedals, pateat,
fwcll, and French harp stop, which hefl?.ttei*
himfeif will ue found on trial by unprejudiced
judges, to be equal if not fuperiorto any import*,
ed, arid twenty per cent cheaper. Any inllru
~ msnt purchased of him, ii not approved of in
twelve months, he will exchange.
N. B. kinds of Muficul mftruments mado,.
uned, and repaired with the greatest accuraty,
dispatch, and on the moll reai'ynable terms,
t ready money only.
i Second hand Piano Fortes taken in exchange.
Forty Dollars Reward.
RAN away from the fubferiber 011-the fecj
onddayof this inft. July, a Mulatto Man,
: named VVill Bowzer,. about forty years of age,
• five feet fevtn or eight inches high, nather
r chunky made ; had on when he went away, a
drab Colored clrnh coat, liriped purple trowfet.»
and jacket. It is probable he will change his
cloathes, as he took a number with him. The
: said fellow formerly belonged to Mr. Charles
' Blake of this place; and it is expedlcd he has
made towards Jones's Neck, in the Delawai *
State.—Any person apprehending the feid fei
'low, atpcl securing him so that I can get him a-,
' gain, (hall receive the above reward if taken
rtut of the county, and Twenty Dollars if in
' the coun'y, and all reasonable charges if bro't
- home*
Qjtcen Ann's Ctfimty, Maryland.
July 3. - wjt