Just publiflied, And to be Told at the Bcokftores Of 11. (Sf P. y>tj Rice, No. 50, Mlrket-Rreet 1 J. Ormrod, No. 41, Chtfnut-ftreet, and W. Young, \ , i-orner of Chefnut and Seeond-ftieeti, An accurate System of Surveying; "T IN WHICH IS CONTAINED, . I. Decimal factions, in a plain, concise, , e , , ditu anHca. y manner* trar at The extraflion ef the fouare root. 3. Plain trigonometry, re Angular and ob- lique. t 4. An exaft method to cast up the contents ef lands. , j. Field surveying. The whole being performed without the use of scale and compares, on a table of logarithms. 1 In which is given some account of the variation of the needle, and the causes of its attradlion. By SAMUEL MOORE. Anenft t. ""'l* .Georgetown Bridge Company. ExtraA of an a<£l pafFed by the Legislature of the rtlte of Maryland on the 49th December, 1791, entitled, " Ah ail for eredting a bridge over Potowmac river. And be it enabled, that the said direflors or iny two »f them foall and may require any sum or sums of money in equal proportion ftom each antl every proprietor, as may from time to time be neceflary for carrying on the building of said bridge ; and after giving three months public notice, it fliall and may be lawful for the direc tors to sue for and recover In the name of the company such unpaid requisition, with all costs *nd thai ges incidental thereto, and legal interell thereon from the time the fame (bould have bec-n paid : And the negleft or refuf.il to pay any such requisition after public notice ihall have been given at least for three months in all the ' newfpapersheiein before enumerated, (hall have r y the efTeA ts forfeit all preceding payments made ; on the share or Ibares so negleAed or refufed to ] bo be paid to the ufc and benefit of the company." I dc illation of such of the ftocEbolders as have not lai complied with the requisitions heretofore made ' m —they are as follow: On the ift November,, j795, 10 dollar!, on the loth May, dollars j an the 40th July, 1796, 40 dollars ; on | the ift September, 1796, 40 dollars, and on the , ill November, 1796, 60 dollars. Caution is now given that after the expiration of the time limited for the continuance of this advertise ment (three ihonths) the law will be carried into rigid and complete effeA against all delin- N queiits. By order of theD'^eAors, WALTER SMITH, Trtafunr. '' fjeoryetowny May 1, 179f. rawjra j, Just Received, b' From Batavia( via Providence) * few Boxesof Spices, consisting of ■Nutmegs, Cloves and («ace For tale by '' WILLINGS &FR ANCIS, Ptnn.flreet. nay jo its Davis's Law Book Store, ' No. 319, High-Street. j GEORGE DAVIS, BF.fNG busied for some time past in prepara- 1 tions for removing into his prfffent house, has been under thcnecelTity of poftponinguntil this day ' informing the gentlemen ot the Bar generally thro' the United States, that -his spring importation of law books is now arranged and ready for lale, an terms that he trusts will entitle him to the like pre freence he has experienced for leveral years past. Catalogues, combining the mod varied collee tion ever imported irttp this country, are printed and will be delivered on application. Jnne 37. 6w City CommiJJioners' Office, June n, 1797. 1 IN pursuance of an ordinance from the feleft . and common councils, palled the aid day of May last, appointing the city coirnniflionert, and prescribing their dutiea, fcAion 9th, >OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the city is divided into five diftriAs, each to be under the fuperintendance of one of the city commissioners, whoistobe individually rclporifible for the eleanlinffs of the fame, and are as follcw. DriftriA No. 1. Prom the south fide of Ce dar-street, to the north fide of Spruce-street, un der the superintendence of Nathan Boys. t. From the north fide of Spruce-street, to the north fide of Walnut-flrcet, under the super intendence of Hugh Roberts. 3. From the north fide of Walnut to thefouth fide of High-flreet, under the fuperintendenee of Jolt>h Claypoole. 4. From the north fide of High-street, to the north fidir of Mulberry street, under the fuper intendenee of William Moulder. 5. From the north fide of Mulberry street to the north fide of Vine-street, under the fuper intendenee of Nicholas Hicks. The cleaningof High-street to be in common. 0" A stated meeting of the city commission ers is held at the Old Court House, in High ftreet, every Tuesday evening at 5 o'clock. July 14. eoim Stands for Draymen, Iffc. ■ln pjrjuante of an Ordinance from theSeUfl and Common Councils,bearing date tbe lid day of April, 1797, providing for tbe appointment of City Commissioners, £sr. Sect, tbe 15th. '""pHE following places are fixed upon by the J. said City Commissioners f«r Stands for Draymen and their Horses. In Vine-street, eastward of Front-ftrect, on both fides. t Safiafras, High, Chefnut and Walnut-fttreets, eastward ot Front-street, on the no. th fide only. Mulberry-street, fauth fide fr»m Front to Third-street. Front-ltreet, east fide from VineHtreet to Elrrith's alley. , Front-street, from opposite to Black liorle al ley to Hamilton's stores, east fide. Water-street, weft fide from the north end of Stomper's or Moore's stores to Pine-street. - Penn-ftreet from Pine to Ce Jar-street, weft Drawbridge, north fide, east of Front-street. Spruce, Pine and South streets, eall of Front street, south lide. _ Dock-llreel, .between Walnut-street and the flag itone croffiugs, east fide, opposite George oSecond-ftre-jt, o Second-ftre-jt, between SalTifrat, and Vine llreets, weft fide. Fifth-ftreet, east fide from Chefnut to Mul berry streets. _ , _ SafTafras-ftreet, from Third to Fourth-street, * a No dray or horse to stand within ten feet of ""STANDS FOR HACKNET COACHES. north fide from Fourth to Fifth Fifth-ftreet, between Chefinut and Walnut n.ftli betwwn Third and A Literary Treat. jfujl fublijhtd, handfomtly printed On wiring paper, price I dollar, A new edition of that popular and entertaining work, entitled THE FORESTERS, an American Tale ; being Ft a sequel to the history of John Bull, the Clo- A thier—ln a series of letters to a friend, with the ad- k c dition of fn o letters, alluding to recent political tranfaAions in America. The following extraA from the Clavi* Allegorica, shews the principal charaAers that are introduced: John Bull, the kingdom of England His Mother, the Church of England His Wife, the Parliament His Sifter Peg, the Church of Scotland His Brother Patrick, Ireland Lewis, the Kingdom of France His Mist.-ess, the Old Conllitution His Hew Wife, the National Rcprefentation Lord Strut, the Kingdom of Spain Nicholas Frog, the Dutch Republic '» The Franks, the French Republic 'S> The Foresters, the United States of America Robert Lumber, New-Hampshire *6> John Codline, Maflachufetts 33> Humphrey Plowlhare, Connecticut Roger Carrier, Rhode Island 5o» Peter Bull Frog, New-York Julius Cxfar, New-Jersey 1 William Broadbrim, P«nnfylvania titj Caffimar, Delaware the Walter Pipewood, Virginia but His Grandl'on, GeoTgeWaftiingto« j Peter Pitch, North Carolina mo Charles Indigo, South Carolina be George Trulty, Georgia ets Ethan Greenwood, Vermont Hunter Longknife, Kentucky the Black Cattle, Negro Slaves Ws Rats, Speculators fell Mother Carey's Chickens, Jacobins fqu This popular and entertaining fatirieal hifto- tw ry of America is attributed to the Rev. Dr- Bii-- fib j KNAF. It hasa great flure of originality and a -1 bounds with genuine 1 humour. It is continued the down to the present time, and charaAerifes those L c late political tranfaAions which have caused so be much uneasiness in America. * inj Sold by H. and P. RICE, Bookseller, T». t6, t hi iouth Second Street, and No. jo, Marke' ftjeet. be Junea6. 5 LAW BOOKS, Latest London and Dublifi Editions. H. & P. RICE, Book/filers, . No. IS, South Second, and No. 50, Market street, bi HAVE just received by the hte arrivals irom G London and Dublin, their fprfng imj>orta- at tien, conllfting of a variety of the latest and moil approved Law Books, which, added to those alrea dy on hand, forms the mod extensive colle&ion ev er offered for sale in this country. They theiefore beg leave to notitx, that from the nature of their Jfl connexions in Dublin, they are enabled to fell IrisH • * editions (as they have hitherto done) at the very f« lowed prices. The following are among the litcft o publications. Vefey, jun'rs Reports Ih Chancery, » ti Peakc's Cases at Nisi Prius; Ridgeway's Reports t in the time of Lord Hardwicka ; Floyer's ProAers I PraAice in the EccfefiaftiCal Couru ; Barton s fe Treatise 011 a 9uit in Equity; Tidd's PraAice of d the Court of King's Bench in Personal AAions, 1 f parts complete ; Ward's Law of Nations ; Cruise r on Use» ; modern Report*, u vols. London edi- f tion. " H. and P. Rice expeA t» receive by the firft ar- f rival from Ncw,York the 6th vol. complete of t ,> Durnford and East's Reports, the id part of Gil- < bert's Law of Evidence by Loft, and a number of ; n nitv publications. 1 . June 16. The History of Pennsylvania, : d By ROBERT £KOUD, Ig now in the jyefi, and will be publilhed, with all convenient expedition,- by Zicha- 1 riah PoutsnN, jun. No. 80, Chefnut-ftreet, Philadelphia, where fubferiptions will continue to be received, and at the Philadelphia Library, according to the printed proptfals, until the 3 f work is ready for the fubtcribers. . July ig. "wtf Printed Calicoes. '• s of JOHNHILLER, Jun. & Co. ly No. 2 Cbefnut-Street, id Have for Sale FIFTY TRUNKS neatly allorted, very low on e- (hort credltr n- March 6. $ to Richard and James Potter :r- HAVE removed th«ir Counting House to No. 45, South Fifth-ftrcct. th August 2. w&f6t of -/ 11 : ———— —- Lancaster, Harrijburgb Carli/le y J" Shippenjburg and Sunbury t0 STAGES. :r- '""yHE public are requcfted to take notice, that JL the partnerlhip which has far some time fub >n. fitted between Mathias Slough of Lancaster, and m- William Geer, is now diilolved: bat, not as M. ■h- Slough infinuatesto the public without just cause ; as will more fully appear by a letter on the fub jeA from M. Slough to W. Geer, dated the 29th December last. a recital of which is not now deem ed necessary. Auy gentleman whs wilhes to be , more circumstantially informed of the merits of " f this business, by applying to W. ©eer, may have the perusal of M. Slough'* letter, and then can be °f at full liberty to determine whether or not W. Geer is not perfeAly jaftifiable in attaching him fclf to any other person in the profeeution of the Stage conveyance from Philadelphia to Shippenf urg, or any other place, on Now from tbe liberal and generous support the public were pleased to confer on the firft effort in ets, this business, William Oeer, in conjunAion with »ly. Meflrs. Reily, Weed and Wi'mer, is determined to to prosecute and carry it on, with every care, at tention anddifpatch that a aeal to oblige the pub to lie can poflibly exert. The above company, who are amply provided ; a l_ with carriages, horses, and every appurtenance to render the paflage fafe and commodious, inform j a { those wno wifo to patronire and encourage the undertaking, that they can take'their feats at George Weed's, the sign of, the White Horse, Market Street, Philadelphia, on every Monday and Friday, to proceed to Lancaster, Harrilburg, Carlisle and Shippenlburg. The fare as hitherto ' OHt eftabliihed. For the further accommodation of the public, a Stage will start every Wednel'day from the house )r ß e of Samuel Elder, in Harrilburg, arrive at Sun bury in Northumberland county, every Thursday, Hnc anc l re t urn from thcuce and arrive at Harrifburg every Saturday, so that passengers destined for lull Lancaster or Philadelphia, may proceed cw Mon eet, dayS " WILLIAM GEER. I.ancafter. Jan. 27, 1797- ; of N. B. This Line ef Stages ftarta from th« house of William Ferrae, in Lancaster, on every >• Tuesday and Saturday morning at 6 p'cloik, pro ifth coeding to the westward; and from the houfc of Mr. Samuel Elder in Harriiburg every Wednrf inut day m or n in g> on anae evening arrives at Pa trick Cochran's in Shippenfburg, and returns and from thence on every Thursday : performing the fame routius daily as in its lour frcsa Philadel □ phia. mv.'f City of Wafliington. SCHEME Of the Lottery, No. 11, Far the Improvement of the federal City. A magnificeatdwclling-houfe 20,000 dollars, & caih 30,000, are 50,000 I ditto 1 ditto 15,000 8c cafti 15»°°° 30,000 I ditto 10,000 & caas soon as pos sible after this lottery is fold, and to'convey them, when complete, to the fortunate adventurers, in Se the manner deferibed in the fchemc for the Hotel Lottery. A nett deduction of five per cent, will be made to defray the necessary expenses of print- y ing, &c. and the surplus will be made a part of the fund intended for the National UniTerfity, to be ere«j.ed within the city of Wafhingtcn. u The real fecuritieagiren for the payment of the Wm. COOPER. Otfege, July 28th, 1797. I Thomas Kelly, of the County of Otfego.hav on ing been led into an error, by John Witcomb and Truman Harrifon, of the fame County, to sign a deed to them, for lot No. 58, Otfego patent, whieh —* was the property of William T. Franklin now Mr. Chamont's and others ; and further the laid Joseph and Truman did persuade me to do this against my ° inclination, which was made out on the icth day of November, 1793, or set back two years so as to bring it to that time ; and further the Dame of Pardon Starkstothat deed was a fiAitious name, > there being no fach perlon there. To this I make voluntary oath. THOMAS KELLY. 19th July, 1797- On the 19th July, 1797. came personally before me, Thomas Kelly, the subscriber to the above af hat fidavit, and made solemn oath tb®t it contains noth >b- ing but the truth. ind ELIHU PHINNEY, Justice of the Peace. M. On the ißtK>ly, ift 7. osme before me Jacob fe ; Kibby, a person by me well kuown and worthy of lb— good credit, who on his* solemn oath t!id fay, that ?th two of the parties abovementioned did make ap m- plication to him this deponent, some June in the be winter of 1796, to make them a deed for two thou of sand acres of land in the Otego patent, and pro :tve mifed this deponent a share ol the profits, on the be sale of said lands, for his so doing ; and that they W. made application several times for the fame purpoie, im- which services this deponent as often refufed, de the claring to them that he had no right to lands, and :nf- coulddo no such thing ; which daring attempt on this deponent's integrity he had related anong hia the friends several times, previous to making this affi in- davit. JACOB KIBBEY. rith Sworn before mc, ned ELIHU PHINNEY, Justice of the Peace, at- Aug. 3- 'aw4w. üb " Thirty Dollars Reward. ded T? LOPED frofti the service of the subscriber, sto -Hi on the 19th instant, a negro man by the >rm name of DICK, nbout twenty-five years of age, the and ftve feet nine or ten inches high; by trade at a carpenter, and is a very lively briflt work rfe, man. His eountcnance is very good—When day spoken to, he converses with eale and coufi jrS> dence, and is pretty sagacious. I purchased crto the said fellow of Mr.Dubney Minor, in whose name iie has been advertised in the Richmond newspapers. During his lall runaway trip (last :ufc s um mer) he wa» employed a considerable length ', un * of time, by some person near Dumfries, from which circumftancc, I conje&ure, he has taken 7* another nothevn route. I forewarm all perfoDs I or from giving bin> employment, ot any kind whatever, and maftersof vtflcls and others, from carYying him out of this slate. The above re ward m ill be given if he is taken within forty ~ miles of this city ; and an additional sum, in , L r v proportion to the distance he may be brought, , ro . or the trouble and expence the apprehender may 0 r beat, iu bringing him to this place. nef ; AUG; DAVIS. Pa- N. B. His apparel was of the usual negro kind, irns but he had more cloaths than is customary for the them to pofiefs. del- A.D. f Rithisend, June H> 1797' ——Will be Landed, Fioia or board the fuip AAive, Capt. Blair,from Hamburgh, ao baljs white Ruflia clean Hemp L. 1 calks Clover Seed si < For Sale by ' y ' Thomas Herman Leujfer, th( North Fifth ftr_*et, No. 34. tit] 000 , I £ ,oo® Tuns "■ 1_ ,000 William Blackburn, :::: LOTTERY AND BROKER'S OFFICE "< 000 No. 64 south Second flreet. " j !ooe npiCKETS in the Canal Lcterr, No. IT, which " j coo commenced drawing the 29th May, FOR " , ' po( . SALE. The price of tickets will rife in propof- "1 oon tion as the drawing advances, particularly on ac- « j 000 c#unt tJ" ® ve drawn pickets, prizes of « ; ' four thousand dollars each, on the last day ot « ,000 , drawing. " ,o°o Check Books kept for examination and register- « ,00 ° ing, in the Canal, No. 2, City of Wafliington, No. ,o°° J( and Paterfon Lotteries. Also, tickets for sale in the Schuylkill bridge and <( Perkiomen Bridge lotteries, which will begin (( drawing im the course of the fpnamer. The business of a Broker in all kinds of Stock, ,000 Bills, Notes, Land*, &c- &c. tranfaAed with the utmoft attention. ' nan- June 2 to&f a g n Erfkine's View of the War. ™ JUST PUBLISHED, in ither By ROBERT CAMPBELL & Co. "ill No. 40 South Second street, tick- [Price 31 Cents J cn of A View of the Causes and Confequen- ~ ty of ces of the present War with France. ■cady By the Honorable Thomas Ehkink. übl » May is § (1 ere« :—— h p em, STATE TRIALS. £ r», in' Sold by W. Yoono, Bookfeiler, No. J», South Se- tr Hotel coad-ftreet, _ th .will The Pennsylvania State Trials, w print- rf~ioNtaining the impeachment, trial, and acquit- „ art of a [ 0 f FrancisHopkinfon, Judge of the Court of M Ti t 0 Admiralty, and John Nicholfon, Comptroller Gen- (1 eral —In one large 8 to. vol. Price, in boards, j u f dollars. h. i7qT. d Peace. * r 01 ie Jacob For Sale, orthy of That well known place, called Vandegritt's ayi that Flttr, lake ap- Nelhamiay creek, 18 miles from Pbila le in the ladelphii, on the New York post road, wothou- conta | n j n g 24 acres and 94perches. Upon the n " pr °' premises are a large two ftery ftpne house occu ! °. n .L le pied asatvern, and a good one story stone kit curoo'c' c ' len > 1 ' ar ß e f rime * g threlhing floor, and I'orac out buildings—also a weir of inJs and g° o< j fr > an excellent ice House. On cmp't on 'his place is a most elegant situation fora gentle uong his man's feat, commanding a view of the Nelham this affi- iny to its jundlion wiih the Delaware, and thence iBEY. across to the Jersey Ihore. It has the privilege of one half the toll received from the bridge. :e. For terms apply to the Stih^riber, IW4W. * MORDECAI LEWIS. TA Mav 24. jtawtf. btte, COLUMBIA HOUSE nby the Boarding School for young Ladies, sos age, -- GROOMBRIDGE with much pleaf by trade ure and refpefl, returns her ftneere ac k work- knowledgement for the liberal encouragement When (he has received during four years reQdence in d confi- Philadelphia ; and allures her friends and the urchafed pu blic, so far from intending to decline her in whose s c h o ol, (he has made a superior arrangement for ichmond jhe more convenient accommodation of her trip (last s c holars branch of ufcful and polite ile length education is particularly attended to by Mrs. rs, from Groombridge and mafltrs excelling in their !>as taken reipedtive piofeffiona. 1 pcrfons Corner of Spruce and Eleventh Streets, ny kind j, lne Jth; ~9 7. JimXrf ers, from Th? fituatien is perfeftly healthy ; and made ibove re- mor e agreeable by an extensive garden and lot iiin forty 0 f g rnun( j adjoining the house. sum, in —— _ . ' brought, y i lft übltjhed., lder may And to be had of Mcffrs. Dobfon, Campbell,Rice, Cary, and the other pricipal Bookfcllers in, t'le AVIS. city,price one dollar, twuity-five cents,in hoards, jro kind, Views of the Origin of the maiyfor Tribes and Nations of America. A.D. Ey BENJAMIN SMITH BARTON, m. d. June 2«. No. 183. Dt/lriS of Pennsylvania, to wit ; L. s. R E IT REMEMBERED, that on the | D fifteenth day of June, in the twenty firil year of the Independence of the United States of America, Janus WoeDHouas, of the said diftridl, hath deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof he claims aj author, in the wordi following, to wit:— " The Young Chemist's Pocket Companion, " being a Dcfcription of a Portable Labaratory, " containing a Philosophical apparatus, and a " great number of Chemical Agents, by which ' " any person may perform an endless variety of f amuiingand inftrutfling Experiments,defign "ed for the use of ladies and gentlemen, and * " intended to promote the cultivation of the " Science of Chemistry in ths United States of " America. By James VVoodhousb, M. D. " ProfefTor of Chemistry, in the University of •! Pennsylvania, President of the Chemical So- M ciety of Philadelphia, &c. " At prefect ever)' thing that is not denomi " nated Cbemiftry, is but a small part of a fyf. " tem of natural knowledge. Priestly on Air. In conformity to the ail of the Cougrefs of the ( UnitedState3, intituled, " An ait for the encour agement of Learning, by fecuringthe copies of map*, charts, and books to the authors and pro prietors of such copies, during the times there in mentioned." SAMUEL CALDWELL, Clerk of the Diftrifl of Pennsylvania. July 18. djt—wstf No. 188. DiJlriS of Pennsylvania, to B IT REMEMBERED, that on the ' ' X> twenty Cjth day of July, in the twen ty second year of the independence of the United States of America, John Fenno, of the said dif tri&,hath deposited in this office the title ofabock, the right whereof he claims as proprietor, in the word's following, to wit : " Obfervatiom on certaia documents contained > " in No. V. and VI. of " The History of the Unit " ed States for the year 1796," in which th« charge " of speculation, against Alexander Hamilton, late " Secretary of the Treasury, is fully refuted— " Written by himfelf " In conformity to the aA of the Congress of the I Utitcd States, entituled, " An aft for the encour agement of learning, by feeuring the topies of maps, charts and books to the authors anrf propri etors of such copies, during tha times therein meg. tioned." SAMUEL CALDYTELL, Cltrk of tbt Diflriß of Pennfyfrarta. July tj. W4W Public Notice is hereby given, 'T'HAT at June term, 1797, a petition was X presented to the Court of CoMmori Pleas, held at York Town, in the State of Pennsylva nia, at the inflaßce ef James Short, praying the Court to supply a loft deed made by 1 ttr- I tain Andrew Hickenluber, to Hugh Morrifon, 1 James Morrifon, and John Sample, executors to Hans Morrifon, deceased, for fix hundred ( — acres of Land) fitoate in Menallen ' township, in the county of York .'—All per -1 sons who have any objections to make to thitab - jedl of the said petitiot are desired to attend at > the Court Heufe, in the town of York, on the : jth day of September next, otherwise the loft ' deed will be supplied. JOHN EDIE, Clerk. July 18. ' e*tSs 30 Dollars Reward. jn AN away on itoturday last, two indented Sei& , 1 IV vants, OiffordUally, a mulatto boy, abSut 17 , years of 'age, a Him light built aftivefellow, can : read and write,five feet seven or eight inches high, - I hat a heavy countenance ; had on a fuftian coatee 1 I and trowfers, a high crowned hat, fine fhoe6 &c. I Allan Hellons, a black man, about 14 years of > I age, five feet seven or eight inches high, a thick set c 1 clumsy built fellow, particularly about the breech; * j had*on a sailor's blue jackst lined with swanskin, ' I dark striped vest, fuftian trowfers, high crowned R I hat, coarse shoes, &c.; each of them had several 1 shirts and several other cloathes with them. Thir- 1 ty Dollars will be paid for the runaways, or 15 dot „ I lars for each, and reasonable charges, oa delivering I them at No. 54, North Third-street. y I The black fellow is about a year from Lew 1 # „ I Town, in the County of Suflex, state of DeU- I ware, and has taken the boy with him. f. I July )t. mtu&fjw M CAUTION. c 1 "f TTHEREAS Richard Laki'has been at> ;s I V V tempting to fell a certain mefluage or tcn y. I ement ard lot of,ground, situated on thefouth I fide of Vine-fttreet, in the «ity of Philadelphia le I containing in breadth, on Vine-street. fixteea 10 1 feet, and in depth, southward, feve;-ty five feet, " 1 bounded on the north fide by- Vine-street, on " the east by ground late of Samuel Rhodes and I Sarah his wife, on the south by ground late ®f I John Pemberton,and on the weft by another lot I then about to be granted to Joseph Hulings— _ I This is therefore to caution all persons against I purchasing the above described property, the , I fame having been mortgaged by the said Ri(>h< S sard Lake to William Spade. \ SARAH SPADE. I July »4 eoaw tie Mujical Injirument Manufaftorfy, u " I No. 167, Arch-Strict. I T T ARPER, harpsichord, grand, portable grand, 1 IT. fid:-board, pier table and fquate piano forte I maker from London, returns thanks, to his friends I and the public,' for their liberal encouragement, le- I and hopes that by his assiduity and at