Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, June 23, 1797, Image 4

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    #W;ES'U3SCtUBEft having bf'tn appointed by
1 the Envoy h*traordmaiy aod Matter rleiu-
Wrtiaryof hi» Biitannic MajcAy, General Agent -p
lor »;i.rtine Brilith crrduo.f, and f*b f.rr.cuW »- r
*t»U a» they may fpcciklly in proiecuting an( j
iheir claims More ihe commifl»9fle»* for c*i ryir.g in- an j
to effeft the fttoh article o! the Treaty c( &*.<>* Cftrr- f , r
nricaidXaiiiutioriktutcnkis BrUunnft A qcjty «»3 m (
thf United States •/ America, hereby gives nonce that thc
he has opened his ofti eat his house the! foutfi J* s'tfc
corner ot Chefnut and hfth ftrcew. Philadelphia,
where he is ready to receive *ll claims or inductions j>
lor claims with the vouchers and documents theiedt,
tor rtie burpofe of bringing forward the fame agree
ably so ihe rules and orders which thc boaid Way
think proper to prescribe. r a
And as it will be for the interest of all concerned, hy
that the levera! claims be so itated, and fupporc- irr
cd, as to prevent the delay which would arise from po
the necefiity of obtaining further information, or ad- ch<
dit ion a I ntatena)f|from pexfonsrefiding at adiftance, pis
Ihe general agent thinks it his duty to add, (for the a ll
direction chiefly of thofe f who, not having employ- ne
ed agents, may leave the prosecution of
their claims to his charge and management) that all
such claims ought iji particular to set forth
ift. The proper defciiption and fitnation of the
creditor or claimant, end original debtor, respect-
Jd. The date Or nature of the original contrast or
tiebt. _
3d. When, in what manner, and to what « tcnt »
the creditor or claimant w*s prevented or impeded,
by »lie provision, operation or defect of law, the
deci(ion» and pra&ice of Courts, or leilraint of txe
cuticm, from recovering payment of the debt ia
'qucfiiort. ' /a • j
4th. Thc loss and damage incurred or iultained,
in con sequence of such impediments, whether the
fame may have arisen from the infolveney, of /
fituatieo, or death of the debtor, the loss of legal
remedy frdm lapse of time, or othercaufes impairing gj
she value and lecurity of the debt, which would not
ii&ave so operated if fdeh impediments had notexilled.
And sth The particular grounds and reasons on
vtfiich the claimant maintains, in the teims ©ft »e
treaty, that •« by the ordinary course of judicial pro-
ings, the creditor cannot now obtain and actual *y
have ?nd receive full and adequate compensation lor
the losses and damages so fuftaiued.
The general agent thinks it his duty further to ug-
reft that the several claims ought to be accompanied
and lupported by the affidavits of the claimants duly
sworn and regularly attested, both as to the exuience J
of the debts claimed, and such other circumstances T
as may be within their own knowledge relpettivcly. 1
And wherever the claimants in (fating the nature ot i r
their evidence (which must in every inlfance be the tl
best of which thc cafe is capable) have occalion to
iefcr to the testimOny of witnel£cs» it will be proper
to apprise the general agent of the names and places
of residence of such witnesses and the faftsto be elta-
bliQied by their testimony. u
Wm. Moore Smith. c \
Philadelphia, June B.h, 1797* im
Traits of Land, 1'
IN thc county of Glynn and state of Georgia, a
will be fold by public sale, at eight o'clock 0
011 the evening of TueMay the 17th day ot June p
next, aMhe Merchants Cofice-Houfe in this ci- n
ty, unlel's previously disposed of by private sale. it
ift. 7COO acres on St. Simons Sound at the
confluence of Frederica and Turtle rivers, ad- R
joining the commons ofthe town ofßrunlwick,
originally granted to John llowellj and withia
6 i- lies of the Atlantic ocean.
Ill; 15,000 acres oil the head waters ol a
branch of the great Ottilia, originally .granted
to Ferdinand O'Neal.
id. 50,000 acres oh the waters ofthe.ittle
Satilla river, and of Buflaloe and Alexanders J
Creeks ; the great Satilla road pafles through
these lands, which were originally grailted to
Ferdinand O'Neal. . e
4th; 50,000 acres on the great Satilla river,
which are also interfered by a branch of the
little Satilla, and were originally grated ten f
Thomas Spalding. h
It appears by authentic certificates from - y
Thomas Davis, surveyor, and from Major £
Hopkins now residing in Philadelphia, that thc „
body of these lands are not thirty miles irom t
the ocean, and principally .within tide water)
that the Alatamaha is njvigable for boats and
rafts two hundred miles above, and for large t
veilels within ten miles of them ; that they are c
chiefly firit rate pine lands, producing timber ,
equal in quality to any in the state of Georjta,
pofTeffing the fame advantages of navigation.
The abovementioned certificates, together with
the patents, drafts, andether papers refpeiting -
the title, which is complete and unincumbered, ,
are in the poffeliion of the fuhferibers and may
be seen by applying to Benjamin R. Morgan, at
No. 41 Mulberry Street. The terms of pay- (
ment will be one third calh, the remaining two
thirds in good negotiable endors d notes, paya- (
Ule in three and fix months after the sale; a
conveyance to be made to each purchaser on the .
payment of that moiety of the notes received
from hint which becomes firft due.
Philadelphia, May 31. »797- eodtf '
Georgetown Bridge Company.
Ext raft oi an ait passed by the Legislature of
the state of Maryland on the 19th December,
1 791 , entitled, »An ad* for eredting a bridge
over Potowmac river.
«• Jlnd be it enaSed, that the said direflors or
any two »f them ihall and may require any sum
or sum« of mon«y in equal proportion from each
and every proprietor, as may from time to time
be neceflary for carrying on the building of said
bridge ; and after giving three months public
notice, it (ball and may be lawful for the direc
tors to sue for and r«cover in the namo ot the
company such unpaid requilition, with all costs
and charges incidental thereto, and legal interest
thereon from the time the fame Ihould have
been paid: And the-jegledl or refufal to pay any
luch requisition afrcr public notice (hall have
been given at least for three months in all the
newspapers herein before enumerated, lhall have
the effedt to forfeit alt preceding payments made
on the (hare or shares so neglefled or retufed to
be paid ts the use and benefit of the company,
mation of such of the stockholders as have not
complied with the requisitions heretofore made
—t'hey are as follow : On the ift November,
"1795, io dollars, on the loth May, 1796. 4«
dollars ; an the »oth July, 1796, 40 dollars ; on
the ill September, 17*96, 40 doHars, and on the
ift November, I 79 6 » 60 dollars. Caution is
now given that after the expiration of the time
limited for the continuance »f this advertife
meut (three month.) the law will be carried
Into rigid stod complete effedl againlt all aelin-
N quents. .
By order of the Direttors,
WALTER SMITH, Trtafurer.
Georgetown, May 1, 1797-
WHEREAS myMrife, Mary Smith, has
abtconded from my bed and with
o«t any just canfe, this to forewarn all persons
from trulling her on my account, a* I will pay
110 debts of her contrafling from the dite here
June io.
Bologna Saufa^es,
Tn be fold »t No. 199 South Fiout-Sirff.
4 April io' eotf
| .11 1
The CorhmifTioners „
FOR carrying irita efTeil the T WJiNTY-rtftfiT
Article of the Treaty of Frlendlhip, Linuts, p./
and Navigation, between tils Catholic Majesty *-
and the United States of America, hereby gWe in- |j rK
f-rmatlon to ail thejvin concerned, —That,.
in order tp terminate aU difference?, on account of
the lefles (\illaincd by the Citizens ct the th itcd pnl
States, irt confc4 u ° l,ce their Vefllls apA Car- fen
goes having taken by the hit Catli- thc
olic Majcfty, during the lite War between Spain fth
1 and FVancc, that they are ready to deceive (att?4ie eili
| Office, between thc teh and one o'Mock, Qi
| daily) all complaints and applications, authorized re s
hy the said Article, during EicdTfecK Month 3
trom the day of the date hereof, andjrhat they have j
power to examine all such persons as some before
theiri, jnoath or touching the com- ni(
plaints in question, and also to receive in evidence,
all written testimony, authenticated in such man-
ner as they (hall think proper to require or admit. £
By Order of the Cotamiffioners,
Secretary. Th
C mmiffioners Office, Ao. 1091 Mulberry
reel, Philadelphia, May 1 ;/£, 1797-
20—$4 w
New Hat and Hosiery Store.
JnJl Imported, llr
In the flip* William Penn and Star*, from I. on Jen, and
now opening by ne
AT his new Hat and Hosiery Store, No. 134,
Market street P
An elegant alfortment of lilk, cotton ani thread
Silk, cotton an! thread Gloves >
Pantaloons, Ike. &c. i 1
Likewise, ahandfome alTortment of men s, wo
men's, and children's-faihionable Hats, fuitablcfor
the Season.
A cenfiderable quantity of low and middle priced
Hats assorted in cases, intended for country stores
May 2}. taw
O Efpeftfully informs the Citizens of the United
IvStates that he will make Machines for Spinn- . 1
ing Hemp, Flax, Tow, Cotton, Wool, m.inufac- >'
turing Twines, and weaving, by watar, on the '■
moll reasonable Terms.
A ManufaiStory on this principle, he flatters
himfelfwill meet with very general patronage, as
the Machines will be made and delivered, complete
ly furnifhed, /vr.Spindle or Piece ; nor will any
chargebemadefor his Patent Rights,but Liberty will
be given to the Purchaser to use them ; the great
inconvenience of employing Workmen in the erec
tion of them will be avoided,ind theperfon wishing - 1
to extend them will be able exactly to calculate the "
expcnce. He engages to set them to work, and a|
alio inftruit or caule to be inftru<aed, any person ci
or persons, in any part of the Union, who may t!
purchase these Machines, in their principles and
method of ereaion, such purchafcrs paying travel
ing expences.
For terms, application may be made at No. 74 d
. Market Street, Philadelphia.
* *lt ii requested that all letters may be peftpaid.
June 10 *6t-
Mu/tcal Injlrument Manufactory, <
No. 167, Arch-Street. g
HARPER, harpsichord, grand, portable grand, f'
fidvboard, pier table and fijuare piano forte
maker from London, returns thanks to his friends g
i and the public, for their liberal encouragement, g
and hopes that by his assiduity and attention to ev-
ery branch of his business, to merit a continuance
I qf their favors. Piano fortes made on the newest .
and m'oft approved plans, with pedals, pateßt, 11
fwcll, apd French harp ftoj), which he flattei s r
himfelf will ue found on rrial by unprejudiced 0
1 judges, to be if not superior to any import- t
ed, and twenty per cent cheaper. Any inftru c
ment purchased «f him, if not approved of in c
1 twelve months, he will exchange. e
' N. B. All kinds of Musical instruments made, >
: tuned, and repaired with the great eft accuracy, 1
' dispatch, and pn the most reasonable terms, lor (
ready money only. I
~ ' c
Second bind Piano Fortes taken in exchange.
I May le. .
For Sale,
» ♦ 7
f That well known place, called Vandegrift's
t F F R R Y,
- rvN Neftiaminy creek, 18 miles from Phila
-0 \J ladelphia, on the New York post road,
- containing 74 acres and 94 perches. Upon the
a premises are a large two lUry stone house occu
e .pied as a tvern, and a good one story stone kit
d chen, a large frame (table with a good threlhing
floor, and some out buildings—also a well of
good water, and an excellent ice House. On
this place is a most elegant situation for a gentle
man s feat, commanding a view of the Nelham
iny to its jumftion wiih the Delaware, and thence
- across to the Jersey Ihore. It has the privilege
of one half the toll received from the bridge.
,r For terms apply to the Snbfuriber,
' Vay 24. 3tawtf,
To be fold at Public Vendue,
or To the highest bidder, at the house of Mr.
m William Evans, the lign of the Indian
:h Queen, in the city of Baltimore, on the 15th
ne jay »f October next, at 11 o'clock, A. M
Asout seven tboufand acres of land,
lic the property of William Bell, of Philadelphia,
lying between Reiller's-town and Weftminftcr,
II e commonly called Little Winchester, (the turn
pike road runs through a ccnfidsrable part of
these lands) the traft begins about 17 miles
,ve from Baltimore, within a few handred yards
"y of laid Reifter's-town, and extends to the dif
ivt tance of about twenty-three miles from Balti
:^c more, and li«e on the main falls of Patapfico
lve river, from three to four miles thereon. Will
Lt * e be fold in trails of one hundred and fifty to
1 *JS three hundred acre. There is a large propor
'■ tion of meadow and wood land on each trail,
rlot some of them highly improved, with excellent
l^e buildings and fine grifs.
« r » Also,
A tradt of seven hundred acres of
t h e land, called Clover Farms, within five miles of
j s Bladenlburg, esteemed very good for Grass.
mc Richard Ponfonby.of Bladenlburgh, will Ibew
!f e . this land to any person incliaed to purchase.
ied ALSO '
lin- A traft of land ®f about three hun
dred and thirty acres, within about two miles
and a half of the President's house in the Fede
ral City. It i« nearly all wood land, and a fine
high profpeil, from which may be fcen the
—" city of Walbingtcn, Bladenfburgh, Alexandria
and a part of George-t»wn, and many miles
down the Potomac river. Mr. Ricbard Ponfon
3ns by, of Bladenlburg, will also (hew this land.
A liberal credit will be given for the greatell
:rc " p lr t of the purchase money, ihe terms will
be made known on the day of sale.
!_ May 8 w 3 m
C O T T t) N.
A few ba'esjuil arrived, for sale by
No. 55 North Water Street.
June 10. eot^'
Boarding School for yotmg Ladies. I
TV /rKS. GKOOMBRIDGE with much pleal- I
IVI ure and refpeft, return, her sincere ac
knowledgement tor the liberal encouragement
she ha# received during four years rclnlchce IB
Philadelphia J and assures her friends and the
public, so fir front intending to dt-cline her
school, (he has made a superior arrangement for or
the more convergent accommodation of her f or
Tcholars.—Every branch of ufcful and polite
education is particularly attended, to by Mrs.
Groombridge and masters excelling in their
refpetfive p'rofffiions.
Corner of Spruce and Eleventh Streets.
June sth, 1797. Jimftf
The GtuMion is perfeAly healthy ; and made Ar
iriore agreeable by an txtenfive garden and lot
ot ground adjoining the hoitle.
An elegant House in Arch-street.
TO be let and entered on immediately, a large and
elegant House at the corner of Arch and Ninth-street.
There are two drawing rooms and one dining room
—the largefl is 31 feet by 26—and two are To con
nected by folding doors as to make but one. Alio, T
five bed 100 ms, beside five in the ganet, well fmifh- 1
ed tor (crvants. There are ftablci and a coac house, jjy
with every convenience for a family* Enquire at No.
29, in Norrti Seventh-street, or at No. 218, Arch-
Also to be rented for the summer season, a small
neat house and gaiden about 3 i-a miles from the
city, with (tables and coach house, Enquire as above.
June 6. Baw 3 w
Pennfylyania Population Com
XTOTICE is hereby given to the Shareholtj
i> ers, that a further assessment of fifteen
dollars is levied on each share, payable in the
I following instalments —viz.
One quarter immediately.
One quarter on the ill of June.
One quarter ou the ift September.
One quarter on the ift Dec. next.
Which they are requested to pay to the Trea-
I surer of the Company at the Company's Office, _
No. S3 north Fourth street, agreeably to the
I limes above mentioned ; and they are further f
informed that on their negletfting to pay the 1
lame as above directed, the fevsral forfeitures 1
dire£tcd by the Conftitutioii, willl be exited. L
By order of the Board, v
May it § lm v
Notice. f
I A LLperfons indebted to the Estate o£ Sarah ti
-ZjL Marshall, deceased, are requested to make it
immediate payment, and those that have demands fj
again 11 said estate, are desired to bring in their ac
counts properly attested forfettlement, to either of
I the fubferibers. Christopher Marshall, Jr.
Caspar W. Haines,
Abraham M. Garrigues,
I Administrators to the Estate of Sarah Marlhall,
j deceased. June 3 aaw3w
A valuable three (lory Brick House ;
I QITUATE in Lodge alley, next to the bank of
I O Pennsylvania, the lot on which it stands, to-
I gether with the vacant lot adjoining, which ex-
I tends to Goforth-ftreet. The house is about 50
1 feet in front en Lodgealley, and about 41 feet
in depth, the adjoining lot is about 96 feet
front on Lodge alley, and 42 feet on Goforth
' street, being a street which leads from Chefnut
[ street and Carter'»<*lley into Dock-street at the .
! horse market. The house confiftj of ten lodg-
1 ing rooms, with fix fire places, two dining
| I roonu, one of them forty feet in length, the
other about thirty-four feet, each containing
I two fire plac.s, two parlours and a large kit-
I chen, with extensive cellars und(p» and garrets
I over the who Is, a privilege of a vacant lot
I ef ground to the eastward between this house
I and the bank, a pump of excellent water in the
, I yard, a handsome piazza fronting the vacant
, I lot, and a frame stable and dwelling house on
r I Goforth-ftreet. The premil'es now rent for
I 1 8 per annum. To t>e fold clear of allin-
I cumbrances.
I For terms apply to "John Clement Stacker.
April to 3awtf , J
I For Sale,
1, Three-story brick House, ,
And Lot of Ground thereunto belongings 1
' I Arch, above Seventh-street, being a high, plea- £
IJL fant situation and g®od nfighbourhood. The said j
£ I house is twenty-fix feet in frout by 48 feet in depth j
I and a piazza twenty feet in depth, and 2 story kitchen j
•n I withpantries 31 feet in depth, in the piazza there is a
z- ] commodious stair cafe with mahogany railing, and
l- l there is also a back stair cale; said house isfrniftird
:e lin a complete and modern (tile, with marble
I chimney pieces, stucco cornices, mahogany doors,
3 I &c. The said tot is 381-2 feet in biesdth, about
1 300 feet in depth, and has two fronts; on said lot
I is a large brick coach house and stable, well finifhed,
] and plaiftered, a pump of good water in the yard,
I and about the premises there are many convenicncies
I t®o tedious to enumerate.
I The above property will be fold clear of all i«i
r# I cumbrances, and the terms of payment made e*fy to
in I the purchaser.
th I For further information apply to
No, 144, South Second-flreet.
J une 9' fm<wZ<u> I
"f Venereal Complaints,
es "pUNCTXIALLY attended to in every stage of
I 1 that disease, without the use mercury or
'f" 1 restraint of diet, in any cafe recent and simple. on
ti- 1 application at No. iij, Chefnut-ftreet, opposite
co I the United States bank, or at No. 170, South Wa
ill I ter-flreet, between Spruce and Pine-ftaeets, whiNre
to I he has opened an office for the bitter acconimoda
jr- I tion of his patients.
ft, I But in Lues Venerea confirmed, Doflor Morgan
:nt I pledges himfelf, that nofyftem of cure (hpwevtr
I specious) can be effeitual without mercury, and
I that all the known rules of praflice for thete two
r I centuricspaft, and united experience affirms, that,
I any fubftitu'.e for it is but negatory, and any mode
°f I of practice to the contrary mull be futile and de
»fs. I ceptious.
ew I Nevertheless, he undertakes, however compli-
I cated the cafe, to effeil a cure without inconve-
I nicßcc or injury to the patient's constitution, and
I in time not generally experienced or expeiSed.
U^ s I NB. Regular attendance at the office in Water
jeS j street . from the hour of nine o'clock in the morn
•e" 1 ing until One, and from three o'clock in the even
ing, until seven bnt any ohertimeat his dwelling
f. e house, in Chefiiut-Xtreet.
sr.l j-" M
on- I
Poft-Office, 23d May, 1797.
te ji | THE Mail for B.liimore will be doled at this of-
I (ice every morning (Sundays excepted) it half
I o'clock.
1 | The Mail for Boston will be dosed every day
! (Sunday s excepted) at i a o'clock noon ; and
I The Mail for Frederica, Milford, Clowes, Daufco-
I rough, Delaware, Horntowu, Accomack Court-Houfa
> .nd Northampton Virginia, will be
| closed every Monday morning it lia.f past 7 ° clock.
". May 33.
Chocolate and Mustard
Manufaaured as uf««l» J*.
Ginger and Pepper ground clu
Shelled or Pearl Barley Stai
Bhiladelphia Porter, Beer, Ale and Cyder
London Porter put
Taunton and Bwiton Ale . . , j by
Red Port and other Wines, eithe bottled, b(j(
or by the pipe, quarter-caflc or gallon—fuiuble un<
for exportation or home confumptioß f cr i
For Sale by am
John Hawotth. , out
No. 98 south Front street.
May 18 . tl, 4 w
Imported in the Jhip Pigou, fpt .
And for fate by Joljn Morton, No. 116, South V¥ j.
Fronfc-ftreetj fta
Hyson Skin C T EAS
Yowij Hyson (
Imperial J
April 20. rot s "
HAS just imported from Rotterdam, via St. /
Thomas, and for file on rea foiuble terras u
by the package
Platillas Royal
Haerlem arid German linens „
RoueTis i>
Poll and Pro Patm Paper «
\Vafers «
Quills ■>
Oziers for Hoops, in Bundles '•
Coffee Bags "
He has also for Sale, "
Best Red Clover Seed
Old Madeira Wine, fit for immediate use „
Teneriffe Wine of firft and second Quality „
Coffee in Bags and Hoglbeads u
Jamaica Spirits «
Conneflicut Turpentine Soap <•
Window Glass «
Two Trunks of best Patent, Silk and Cattw "
Hosiery "
April 18. 4® w
r —— «.
PennfylvaniaPopulation Company.
NOTICE is hereby given to the Share Hold
ers, thit a further affeffnent of nin f, dol
lars is levied on each share, paytble as follows, p
Six Dollars immediately, and
Three Dollars on the ift of July next.
Which they are requefttd to pay to the Treasu
rer of the Company, at the Company's Office,
No. S3, North Fourth-street, agreeably to the j
times above mentioned j and they are further jj
informed, that on their negle<£ting to pa the Q
fame as above directed, the fev«ra I forfeitures
will be exacted.
By order of the Board,
SOL. MAKACHE, Treasurer. r
May . djot r
For Sale, c
ON board the (hip Molly, John Frost, master j
from Liverpool, laying at Walnut-street wharf
6000 bushels of fine ftoved Salt,
And QUiiBN'S WARE, well assorted,
ioo Boxes WhiteHavanna Sugars ,
Imperial and > T £ #
Hyson )
17 tubs Quicksilver
a chests Bandanno Handkerchiefs
A few chests Matiehefter Goods well assorted
in corduroys, thicksets, ginghams, mufliuets,
dimities, &c. a Trunks black sewing filfc,
180 Crates queens ware, well assorted,
10 Tons sheet lead,
Nails assorted, flat and sharp points,
London particular and ') MadSira Wine in
India market J P'P" an<l hhtts.
30 pipes, 10 hhds. Tctitriffe Wii»e,
10 pipes choice Port ditto,
31 calks yellow paint,
7 boxes 12 bundles writing dates,
I box ink-stands & note presses,
Sail canvas asserted No. I a 8.
May 4. dtf
Lancaster, Harrijburg Carli/le,
Shtppenfiurg and Sunbury
THE public are requested to take notice, that
the partnership which has for some time fiib
-1 lifted between Mathias Slough of Lancafler, and
William Geer, is now diflolved but, not as M.
- Slough inGnuates to the public without just cause ;
1 as will more fully appear by a letter on the fub
-1 je6t from M. Slough to W. Geer, dated the 29th
1 December last. a recital of which is sot now deem
-3 ed necessary. Any gentleman who wishes to be
j more circumstantially informed of the merits of
this business, by applying to W. Geer may have;
c the pernfal »f M. Slough's letter, and then can be
'J at full liberty to determine whether or not W.
t Geer is not perfectly juftifiable in attaching him-:
[ felf to any other person in the prosecution .of the
l' Stage conveyance from Philadelphia to Shippcnf
s Mrg, or any other place.
Now from tbe liberal and generous support the
L- public were pleased to confer on the firft effort ip
o this business, William Geer, in conjunction with
Messrs. Reily, Weed and Witroer, is determined
to profecutc and carry it on, with every care, at
tention and dispatch that a zeal to oblige th& pub
lic can possibly exert.
The above company, who are amply provided
with carriages, horses, and every appurt«nance to
render the palTage fcfe and commodious, inform
thofs wno wilh to patronize and encourage the.
, undertaking, that they can take their feats at
0 George Weed's, the sign of the White Horse,'
)r Market Street, Philadelphia, on every Monday
,D and Friday, to procsed to Harrifburg,
te Carlisle and Shippcnfburg. The fare as -hitherto
eft bliihed.
lC For the further accoAmtdation of the public,
a ~ a Stage will ft art every Wednesday from the house
in of" Sarou' l Elder, ih Harriiburg, arrive at Sun
bur- ill Northumberland county, every Thursday,
, an d re turn from theoce and arrive at Harriiburg
every Saturday, so that passengers destined /pr
at Lancafteror Philadelphia, may proceed on Moh
'ee d * s - WILLTAM GEER.
Lancaster, Jan. »7, 1797-
li- N. B. This Line of Stages ft arts from tha
e- house of William Ferroc, in Lancaster, on every
nd Tucfday and Saturday morning at 6 o'clo;k, pro
ceeding to the westward; and from the house of
ir- Mr. Samuel Elder in Harriiburg every Wedncf
n- day morning, on the fame evening arrives at Pa
n- trick Cochran's in Shippcnfburg, and returns
ng from thence on every Thursday : performing the
fame routine daily its tour from Philadel
phia. " rwt
ANY person desirous of information refpefl
ing this nevr conftruition, way obtain it
1 7 without delay by application pr. Vtter, or »tfc
erwife, to John Stickney, merchant of Worccf
*ay ter, (Massachusetts) who will make known
the many advantages arising from this manner
' of building, and upon application he will either
lU | ) S vend a patent right, or atteudptrfonally to su
perintend the building of any Uidg? required.
t June 10, 179.7- *eojw.
The Commissioners
TTOR carrying into effedf the sixth article of the
Jl'treaty of amity,commerce and navigation, con
cluded bet we \1 his Britannic majesty and the United
States of America, on the 19th day of November,
1794, having this day conftitutcd their Board,
pursuant and"agreeably to the said treaty, do here
by giye notice, that they are ready to proceed to
business accordingly ; and they desire that all claims
under the said article (which so far as the fame de
scribes the cases thereby provided for, is hereunto
annexed) may be lodged with their Secretary with
out delay.
They further desire that all such claims may not
or.lyXtate in what manner the fcvcril cases come
within the description of the said article, but alto
fet forth .he nature of the evidence by
which the claimants refpeAively undertake tsfub
ftantiate the fame.
Extrad from the said article,
" Whereas it is alledgcd by divers Eritilh nier- .
« chants and others hi', majefts's fubjeSs, that I
•' debts to a confid. rable amount, which were bona
" fide contracted, before the ftill remain
" owing to them by citizens or inhabitants ot the
" United States; and that by the operation ol va
" rious lawful impediments, since the peace, not
'• only the full recovery of the said debt» has been
" delayed, but also the value and fecunty thereof
" have been in feyeraf instances impaired and jdT
»' ened, so that by the ordinary course of judicial
" proceedings, the Britilh creditors cannot bow
" obtain and a dually have and receive full and
" adequate connpenfation for the losses and datna
« ges which tney have thereby fufiained : It is a
" greed that in all such cases where full compenfa
" tion for such losses and damages cannot for what
'i ever reason be a&u illy obtained, had and recei
" ved by the said creditors in the ordinary court:
" of justice, the United States will make full and
" complete compensation for the fame to the said
« creditors: but it is diftincftly understood, that
11 this provision is to extend to such losses only as
" have been occasioned by the lawful impediments
« aforefaid, and is not to extend to losses occa&on
" ed by such insolvency of the debtors or pthcr
" cairfes, as would equally have operated to pro
" duce such loss, if the said impediments had not
« existed •, jior to such losses or damages !i» have
" lieea occasioned by the manifeft delay, or negli
<• or wilful omission of the claimant.
By order of the Board, j
Secretary. '
Philadelphia, Commiflioners' Office,
No. 3 feuth Sixth-street, May 29,
1791- J 6—<>""
A Cow Stolen
FROM the owner at the corner of Ninth
and Arch streets. She is a deep red
brindle with some white, about ten years
old and very gentle. . The person who se
cretes her had belt turn her out, as, if legal
■evidence can be obtained, he may expedl a
rigorousprofeCution. TWO DOLLARS
reward will be given to any person who will
deliver the Cow, or give such evidence a
gainst the person keeping her, that he may
j be convi&ed of the faft. Apply at
No. 21^,' Street.
> June 9. taw3 w
THE Xubfcriber having sent by the IhipTNancy,
Capt. Perry, the following certificates of the
United States bank stock, to wit :
No. 46,005, to 26,014, inclusive, for three
(hares each—and tfce said vessel having been cap
tured on her intended iroyag* to England, which
j will most probably occasion the loss of the said
certificates, gives this public notice,
'' That he shall apply at the proper offices f«r a re
newal of tho»i, and that means have been taken
to prevent any improper transfer.
Henry Philips,
No. 114, South Front-ftrfet.
June I. sawfiw
Houfhold Furniture.
NOW fellipg by .private lale, No. 17 Dock
ftreet—confifting©> cliairs, tablci, looking
glafies, bureaus, hand and fire irons, biedftcadi,
leather-beds, carpets, bedding, window curtains,
bed and table linen, kitchen furniture, Sec, The
Whole in good order, and has only been a few
months in use.
f The sale to continue daily 'till the whole is fold.
June 2 $
To Let,
THE BUILDING now occupied by the Ban*
or the United Statu. For terms en.
>- quire of Edward Garrigues, No. 39, Cherry-ikroet.
id N. B. Also a Urge, convenient Cellar in a good
1. situation : Apply as abeve.
t; June 15 cot s
■h City of Washington.
of. Of the Lottery, No. 11,
" For the Improvement of the Federal City.
' A magnificent dwcUing-houfe^jo,oca dollar!,
& cafli 30,000, ire
le 1 ditto 15,000 & cast 25,006 40,00*
f ! 1 ditto 15,000 & r,a(h J5-,oQ» jo-,000
I ditto 10,000 & cast) 10,000 »o,»eo
ie' 1 ditto 5,000 & eafh 5,000 10,000
i(i 1 ditto s,cpo & ca(h 5,800 10,000
th 1 cash prize of j 0,000-
•d » do. 5,000 each, ire • 10,000
it- 10 do. 1,000 - - 10,090
b- 30 do. 500 - - ic,eoo
00 do. 100 - - xo,ooo
ed 200 do. 50 * - 10,000
to 4<po do. 25 - ~ j 0,000
m 1,000 do. 2® • 20,000
15,00 c do. to • 150,000
e ' '6,739 Prizes.
p a J 33,*61 Blanka.
rto 50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollars, <8o,oo»
afe NB- Tofivouc these whs may take a quan
■ tity of Ticket!, the prize of 40,000 ioliars wUI he
• the ia st drawn ticket, and the 30,000 the last
i J' hut ON* :
And approved rotes, fecurir.g payment in eitfcf'
)n monsy or prizes, in ten days alter wilt
he received sot atiy.nuobcr not less than 30 tick
This Lattery wil> afford an elogant fpccimen.of
theprivate buildings to be criifed in tKc City »)'
' IWalliingtou—Two beautiful designs we already;
tT y leleded for the entire fronts on two of the public
r0 " squares; from these drawing- it ispropofed toereci
° twoccntreand f our corner buildings as toon as fvlt
,c( fible after this lottery is.(old, and to copvey them,
"' i ' when complete, to the fortunate adventurtre, ia
m ' the manncrdefcribed in the scheme for the Hotel
tte Lottery. A nett dedu&ion of five per cent, will
' e '" be made to defray thenet«ffary expenfetof print
' ing, &c. and the i'urplus will be made a part of
7*" the fund intended for the Nutional University, to
** be eiecled the city of Wafiiington.
:dl- The real fecuritiesgiveu Tor the payment of the
I ' l Prizes, are held by the President and two Dircdl
't- ori of the Bank of Columbia, ami are valued at
mere than half the amount of the lattery,
Ncr .J, Tickets may be had at the Bank of CoUun
her bia ; of James Well & Co. Baltimore ; of Peter
fu- Oilman, Bolfon ; of John Hspkin-, Richmond ;
•ed. and of Richard W«ll«, Cooper'; Ferry.