Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, June 13, 1797, Image 1

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    of m x»» Philadelphia Daily Advertiser.
Numbs a 1486.]
For Sale,
The fine and remarkably faft
Virginia and Philadelphia
Burthen about 100 tons. For terms apply to
Rofs Iff Sim/on.
June i». dtf
For St. Thomas,
Ann and Mary,
• * yM'jg* Captain Bui IS j,
WILL fail in.ten days, for
freight or passage apply to ,
No. 2-21, South Front street.
June 9. diot
*rrk- For Sale,
V3QaE&£I«&o TI tKe . ct (, ; n fl. at t ' ae Coffee-
House, at 7 o'clock. P. M, as ihe came from tea:
(he is known to be a faft sailer. Any particular ml
formation may be had cn application to Capt. Bing
bjin on hoaid said brig, at MclT. JclTe and Robert
Wain'# Wharf, to John Plankinhora, or Thomas
Scewait. Inventoty to be seen and terms of pay
m#i.t to be made known at th« time of sale.
June 8. "* tf
For London,
'JAMts 'Josiah, Majler.
WILL fail with all convenient fpced. For
freight orpafTage apply to
"JeJJe y Robert Wain..
May .9 r > 5
For Sale,
7he cargo of *he brig Enterprise > Captain
J.angdun jrom Bourdeaux, no to landing at
Morion's tuharf
consiting or
5»4 hhds. of Claret 2 .
aI7 cases of ditto . xi "S
100 cases of Sweet Oil .
11 o pipes London proof 7 '5 «
10 pipes 0/Hollandjiioof 5' D * ANDY ' W -o
Apply to
Wharton & Lewis,
• No. 115, South Front St.
Said Brig,
WILL take a FREIGHT for
the Weft-Indies or Enrope, fails
burthen about fifteen hun
-3- barrels, is in complete or
der, and will be raady to receive a cargo in a
sow days
Apply as above-.
May 24 $
For Sale or Charter,
Benjamin Church, Majler.-
W}} ahout 280 tots burthen. En-
TJ-zquire of
Jeffe & Robert iValn-
May i 6 |
JohnTarris, mailer.
A GREAT part of her cat go is engaged, and
(he will fail in ten days. For freight or pal
fage apply to capt. Tarris, at Willing* ,& Francis'
wharf, or to GURNET & SMITH.
May 2j 5
For Freight or Charter,
To any part of Europe,
Swedifh Ship
Alexander Magnus,
Capt. Carl O. Ehsman, ' -
A BOUT 350 tons burthen, in .this port; aid
JU . also the Daoilh Ship FREDERICK JULIUS
KAUS, of 450 tons, now lying in Hampton Roads.
May 26. tuthf^t
For Freight or Charter,
i Brig Fame,
A ftrorig, excellent veffcl, has been just (heathedand
teady to receive a cargo. She will carry 2,000 bar
rels has good accommodations so passenger*.
Apply to
Capt. Knox, or to
Kearny Wharton.
Jace 6. 6p
This Day is Publiihed,
4hi fold by H. I. Kam mirer, jun. No.
34, North Third-fired, also, by Mr. Hsn
jtr Swstrzsx, No. 85, Race-fired,
(Price l*alf a Dollar neatly bound)
The Man of real Sensibility ;
Founded m Fall.
(J3T The cltgant Edition of the Elements tf Moral,
ity, 1a two volt, illustrated with twenty copper*
y,«tn, may also be bad at above, price, fall bound
and gilt, two dollars ar.d fifty cents.
H St I. K jums. have on band a quanty of No. j
•nd * Writing Paper.
June 8. „ eojp
A Qaantity of excellent Old and New Hay to had at Peel Hall Farm on the Wifiahickon
Road, about 2 miles from the City.
I""e 8 • §6t
Window Glass,
Of Superior Quality, and cheaper than any other in
the City—
o? rjßious sizes,
f":om 8 by 6 to >g by 14,'
By the fmgte Box or Quimi y, mav be bad at the
S oreof the Subfcribcr:, corner of A.ifc and From
fames C. & Samuel IV. Fisher.
Philadelphia, Joe 9, 1797.
A Quantity of Brandy,
Flit ST & id proof,
Gin, of 4th prfcof, in pTp°s
Jamaira Spirits, 4th proof, in Hhds
Old Hock, in .cases of 40 dozen earh
Glass Tumblers, in pints and fealf-pinr*
Window Glass, in boxes, of different filtfs
Harlentifs, inftrk*.
Copperasi / . .
White Lead f ,llhhds
& Spanilh Brown J
For Sale by
January 4
Rofs & Simfan,
Have for Sale,
St. Domingo Cotton,
Superiot Qld Lilbwi Wine in Pipes
Excellent India Market
"TenerifFe Wine,
In Madeira Calks
A few Quarter Chefls best
Fresh Hyion and ) . _
Ilyfcn Skin j TEAS
Muscovado Sugars ill Hogflieads, and
CoiTee in Tierces
March 7. |*|
Houlhold Furniture.
NOW felling by private ials, No. 17 Pock
ftreet—confiftingot chairs, tables, loot'.inj
glaffes, bureaus, hand and fire irons, bedsteads,
feather-beds, carpets, bedding, window curtains,
bed and table linen, kitchen furniture, &c. The
whole in good order, and has only been a few
months in use. ,
The sale to continue daily 'till the whole is fold.
J""g i . §
St. Übes Salt.
3000 bushels St. Übes SALT, for sale by
Philips, Cramond, & Co.
June ii. 3t
Richard Bayley Ss? Co.
Late John Whitesides & Co.
No\ 136 Marlet-Jlreet,
HAVE received per the Ihips William Penn and
Star from London, a large and fafhionable af>
fortment of the following articles : viz.
Chintzes, and printed Cottons, of the newell
Furniture Dimities and Chintzes
Ginghams, plain and figured,
Muslins, printed and embroider'd
Do. tambour'd, plain, check and ftrip'd
Do. tamboured, of a very superior quality
Fine Book, Jaconet and Decca Handkerchiefs
Dimities and muflinets
Damaik table-linen, in setts and in the piece
Diaper ditto in Cloths and in ditto
Holland and Ruflia Sheetings
Loop'd Hollands and Irish Linens
Lpng Lawns and Cambrics
Sartins and Silks, plain and figured
Ribbons and Gloves
CTapes and Gauzes
Straw, Chip, and Paper Hats aad Bonnets, new
Fancy trimmings, &c.
With a variety of articles in the Linen-Drapery
and Haberdalhery line.
May za § lo t
Printed Calicoes.
No. 8 Cbefnut'Strect»
Have for Sale
.FIFTY TRUNKS aeatJy assorted, very low on
ihort credit.
March 6. * §
PennfylvaniaPopulatipn Company.
NOTICE is hereby given to the Share Hold
ers, that a further afltffinent of nine dol
lar s is levied on each Ihare, payable as follows/
Six Dollars immediately, and
Three Dollars on the iltof July next.
Which they are requested to pay to the Treasu
rer of the Company, at the Company's Office,
No. a, North Fourth-street, agreeably to tbe
times above mentioned ; and they are further
informed, that on their negle&ing to pa the
fame as above direAed, the fevera (forfeiture*
will be exacted.
By order of the Board,
SOL. MAKACHE, Treofurer.
May j7, djot
Just Arrived,
In the schooner Dove, Captain Paul, from Sr
Thomas, and for sale by the fubferiber.
Muscovado Sugar in hhds- tierces aad barrels.
St. Croix Hum in hhds.
And Laguira hides.
Imperial, Hyson, and Sherry and Malaga
Hyson Skin Teas. Wines.
Yellow Nanketna. Holland Gin in pipes.
Canton Cloth. Do. Cheese. I
Luteftrhigs. Do. Glass ware.
Silk Hankerchiefs. China Ware.
Sewing Silk. Window Blinds.
Cottoh in bales. .Rheubarb.
Peruvian Bark. Quickfiktr, &c.
May aad. di4t.
Grattan and Comp.
D Efpe&fuMy inform their friends, thit they have
IV importeJ from London per the (hip Star, a
large afibrtmeat of
Which is now opened for {ale at their HoUse, No.
19a Market-street.
Also, a new afToituient of ready-made gentle
men's linen, lhiits from a dollars each to 8 dollars,
&c. &c. &c.
Ladies and gentltmen are accommodated with
beard and lodging a: ten Dollars each.
Those Gentlemen who have their own private
lodgings, may be accommodated with dinner only,
by the week or month .
June 5 it
The Subscriber,
Determined to retire from btifinefs, invites all
wl.o have any note, bill, bond or acceptance
of hi., now due, to call fur payment i and those
who wi(h to anticipate may receive the money
at * reasonable ttilcouut.
. May 22. »Uw.
J)oAbefter, ncarßofloii, tjth May 1797.
By John Fen no, N 0- ii c) Chef nut Street.
THE co-par nerfhipof WiHiamYourtgt fohri Mills,
and John Miiij jun. Bookiellers and &ati<jners, yn-
Cr j* a- ' * Yonng. MiiJs Son, is (bis
day dmoJved by niuiual consent. Aljpe» indebted
to rhe cop4rfnerftjio are Payment
to W iliiam thofe havingdemands are de
? to produce their accounts for fetclemeat.
William Toung,
John Mills,
yohn Mills, fun.
Philadelphia, June 6IH, 1797.
W. Y O U N G
Contiaues the boolcfclSni; and Itaticni'y bafltlefs at
the uTual place, wbolefale and retail, wherf- he kas
uov a v* y large afforu&enrof .
IVriting and Printing Papers and Booh,
Of which catalogues with the prices affixed' aie de
livered gratis-
A person well qualified in the book felling and sta
tionary bullaefs. Applications will be received till
the firft July next, at No. 52, south SeCofld-ftreet,
corner of Chefnut-ftrect.
June 6. *d7P
Just Received, ;
From Batavia (via Providence) N
170 Sacks of Java CofToe of firft quality
200 half sacks do. do.
a few Boxes of Spites, consisting of
Nutmegs, Clqvesaad Mace
Yor sale by
A* a y 3° dtf i
For Sale, a new threeJlory Brick
AT the Merchants Coffee House, on Friday
next, the i£th inll. at half part 8 oVlock
in the evening, will be fold by Public Vendue,
a genteel thrqp story brick Hdufe ; it is pleifant
ly situated on South fide of Arch Street, the
fourth house above Fourth street. .1
It may be viewed any time before the sale*'
Terms are, one fourth in approved not£s b"F,
60 days, and the refidueif required .may remain
fevuu years, an security and interest annually.
Soldclear of all incumbrances, and immedi
ate poiTcffion may be given.
Further particulars will be made fcijown at
the time of sale, dy
Richard Footman Co.
June 12. dst
Pennsylvania Population Com- J
pany. <
NOTICE is hereby given to the Sharehold- 1
ers, that a further afieffment of fifteen 1
dollars is levied on each share, payable in the 1
following instalments—viz. 1
One quarter immediately. .'
One quarter on the tftof June. 1
One quarter oil the jft September. 1
One quarter on the ift Dec. next.
Which they are requested to pay to the Trea
surer of the Company at the Company's Office, .
No. 53 north Fourth street, agreeably to the <
times above mentioned ; aud they are further i
informed that on their negleiHug t© pay the (
lame as above the several forfeitures 1
direfied by the Ccnftitution, wilU be exaited. <
By order of the Board, ;
M *y '< jim f
To be Sold,
A large and convenient
Three Story Brick House; •]
SITUATE a\rhe north-east corner of Arch ancf "
i'ourth-ftreets. It contains eighteen rooms— 4
and is in every refpedt well finited. For partxeu- i
)ars enquire of '
M. Keppele, I
No. 138, Chd"nut- r treet. f
May 31. j f
Etfkine's View of the War. [
No 40 South Second street,
[Price 31 Cents}
A View of the Causes and Confequen- r
ces of theprefent War with France. °
By the Honorable Thomas Erskini.
M -*V '-T $
Maurice Moynihan, (
No. 81, North Secondftreet, f
A few doors above Arch-flreet,
INFORMS his friends and thepublic.that ke has
for wholesale or retail, on the lowest term 3, a
geneial assortment ef Queen's Ware, gilt and cut
tumblers, plain and flnwered quart, pint, half pint
gill and half gill do. cxa<st measures, decanters and
wine glasses; gallon, half gallon, quart and pint
bowls, and china in sets and, separate ; pocket
bottles : Schuyikill and Jersey country quart and
half gallon bottles; Dry Goods, &c. &c.
N. B. Crates put up with care at the shortest no- ; r
>ice. ,
May 11. dtf
HAS just imported from Rotterdam, via St.
Thomas, and for sals on reasonable terms
by tlte package
PUtillas Royal
Haerlem and German linens
Post and ProPitrii Paper
Oziers for Hoops, in Bundles
Coffee Bags ~
He has also for Sale, ,
Best Red Clover Seed
Old Madeira Wine, fit for immediate use
Teneriffe Wine of firft and second Quality
Coffee in Bags and Hogfiieads r
Jamaica Spirit's
Connecticut Turpentine Soap 1
Window Glass j
Two Trunks of best Patent, Silk and Cotten n
April 18. 4aw
ABOUT 200 ton 9 of freight, for any port
in Spain, or the Mediterranean in a neu
tral boitom. Enquire of JAMES YAI!D
Jun* 7. ? t
For Sale,
s ' ' I 'HE unexpired time of a likely Negro
i- Girl, about to yearsold, who has upwards
j of II years to i'erre. —SJbe is of a good temper,
and very imart, iciive and ufeful in a family. .
Apply at No. 147 South float, or 35 Uatett
ftr;ct. June 10 —'mwSf
The sale of 40931 1-2 acres o 1
Land on the waters of Whealing and Filhing
Creeks, in Walhington county, advertifcd for
15th inft. 13 postponed :o a future day, of which
due notice willbe given, if a fate.does
( not take place.. 3t
1 jjt ——. —1 ■■ t.— ——-
Port-Office, 23d May, 1797.
ai for Baltimore will be closed at this of- I
ficr every morning (Sundays excepted) at half past 7
The Mail for Boston will be clofcd every day
(Sundays excepted) a* 12 o'clock noon and
j The Mail-f6r Frederica, Milford.'CJowes,
rough, Delaware, Horntown, Accomack Court-House
' and Northampton Court-Houic, Virginia, will be
closed every Monday (nocning at half part 7 o'c\>ck.
May e 3 . * l£t
(•Neatly bound and lettered, price 2 dels. 15 cts.)
No, 48, Norih Third Street,
Ihe Adventures of Telemachus.
French and Englilh, % vols, itrno.
AMONG the books which daily.fall :sto the
ha«.ds of the y®uth of both lexes, none
have a higher claim to their attention than Tele
machus, the njsft interesting lessons are here
conveyed in the vehicle of an 1.-.terelling Poem,
replete with the fintli touches ef the true pa
thetic, and embelifhed with all the graces of a
beautiful ityie. The fatat effciflf of indulging
the passions are exemplified in the molt linking <
manner ; and the happiness attending inno
cence and virtue painted in the livelicft colours, j
Whatever can incite to virtue or deter fcom ■
yifce ; whatever can enlighten the underltand- i
' ing, charm the imagination, and improve the
heart, is to be found in this interesting work.
Being a eomplete Geographical .Dictionary, '
containing a full and accurate account, alpha- '
betically arranged, of all the countries and ill- j
ands in the known world ; ihowing their lati- t
ude, foundings, and stations for anchorage ; 4
with a particular description of the feveralßays, ,
Capes,' Channels, Coves, Creeks, Currents, „
Gulfs, Harbours, Havens, Lakes, Oceans, Ra- „
ces, Rivers, Roads, Rocks, Sands, Shoals, «,
Sounds, Straits, Tides, Variation of the Com- «
pass ice. Together with a particular relation «
of the ihape and appearance at sea, of the feve- •<
ral Headlands, Isthmuses, Peninsulas, Points, <1
, Promontories, and whatever is of use or impor- «<
tance to the Master, Pilot, Commander, or "
Seaman ef any (hip or vfcffel, in navigating the "
watery element. •<
Also Comprehending "
Ample Dire&ions for tailing into or out of the "
.different Ports, Strait?, and Harbours of the "
four quarters of the werld ; and for avoiding "
dangers on the various and extended coafls j in j
whielv*iore than twelvethoufand diftiaifl names "
of places, are treated of Ind explained. With „
a correal set of Charts, i vols. Bvo. price 6 dols.
3v the Uev. JOHN MALHAM,
gjf This has been pronounced the most ufe
ful and the cheapest book publilhed in America.
June 0- dtf.
Boarding School foV young Ladies.
MRS. with much pleas- ~~
ureand refpetfl, retains her finccre ac
knowledgement for the liberal encouragement
Ihe has received during four years refitlence in p,
Philadelphia ; and iifures her friends and the lc
public, so far from intending to dtclinr htr p
school, she has made a superior arrangement for
the mdfe convenient accommodation of her tc
scholars.—Every branch of ufcf'il and polite m .
education is particularly attended to bjr Mrs.
Groombridge and mailers excelling in their c(
refpedtive profi*flions. w
Corner of Spruce and Eleventh Streets. fa
June jth, 1797. £imftf so
Ihe fituatien is perfe<f\ly healthy ; and made
more agreeable by an exterfive garden and lot ll
of ground adjoining the
For Sale, 'J
ON board the Ihip Mour, John Frofl,
from Liverpool, laying at.Waluut-ftrect wharf d
6000 bushels of fine ftoved Salt, c <
And QUr'EN'S WARE, well all ried,
100 Boxes WhiteHavanna Sugars ' v
Imperial and ) ~
Hyson 5 T £A s
17 tubs Qiiickfilver
ichefts Bandanno Hindkerchiefs
A few chests Manchester Goods well assorted d
in corduroys, thicksets, ginghams, mufliuets, ci
dimities, &c. 2 Trunks black sewing silk, qi
180 Crates queens ware, w«!l aiforted,
10 Tons flieet lead,
Nails aflorted, flat and Ib-irp points,
London particular and ) Madeira Wine in
India market ) pipes and hhds.
30 pipes, 10 hhds. Tentriße Wine, hi
10 pipes choic* Port ditto,
31 calks yellow paint, *
7 boxes u bundles writing Hates, u
1 box Ink-fUiids & note prclTei, i?
Sail canvas j (Tor ted No. 1 a 8.
Mty 4. dtf U
Millinery Room, ?;
No. 136 Market Jlreet ol
TAKES an early opporlunily of acquainting ti
her Fn.fnds tha.t lh'. has received by the it
Willum Penn. a variety of NEW MIL- to
LINERY, &c. which Ihe hopes to be able to ol
fticw them in a few day». h
May 18 } ;gt
Bologna Saufa?es,
To be fold No. 199 vx-ifj Fxnt- t-ret.
Aprlto, sot s
i The Commiflioners
"jpOR, carrying int» effefl the TWENTY-FIRST
s -Article of the Treaty ®f Friendfliip, I.imitr,
' aijd Navigation, between His Catholic Maietly
anj tbe Unitedscjt-cs of Amend, hereby givcln-
P- -Urmntiop to ?U Peribps therein oonccrncd,—That,
in order t® terminate all d (Terences, on account of
the losses fulljined by the Citizens of tlie- United
State., in consequence of tWr Vtlfcls and Car
s S oes having b-cn taken by the Subjects of His Cat},-
T ohc Majesty, during the .late War between Spain'
h an( J France, that they are ready to receive (r.t their .
, Office, between tiie honr« of ten and one o'clock;
daily) all complaints and application*,, authorized
by the fold Article, dnring^Ejoulaim
lre» the eay of the dnte hereof, and that they b&v* ;
power to examine all such pcrfons at come before
them, on oath or affirmation, coaching tho ccm
plaints and alio to receive in evidence,
al! wr*ttcn reftimony, iuAentitated in fuck mac
? ner as they fuafi think proper to require or admit.
By Order of the Coaimi/tiiners,
C mmijjioners Office, Ao. 109, Mulberry
net, Philadelphia, Moj ijth, 179 7.
■» *o—itw
1 he CommifHoners
Ir OX carrying into esseS the sixth article of the
treaty of amity, Commerce and navigation, eon
eluded bctwetfi hisQtit-nnic majesty and theUi;ittd
States of Am<.vica,en the 19th day ot Novtmbw,
1794, having this day con (tit v ted their Hoard,'
pursuant aud agreeably to the said treaty, do here
by give notice, that they art ready tp proceed to
hufinefs accordingly; and they defirs that all claims
under (which so faj> as the fane dc
icribes tbe cases thereby provided for, is hereunto
annexed) may be lodged with their Secretary with
out delay. .
They further defirethat all fiich claims may cot
only state in what raann»r the i'everal cases come
within the description of the said article, but alfa
fpeeially set forth t he nature of the evidence br
which the claimants refpeJUvely undertake tsOrii.
Exjrtft from the fillet article,
" Whereas it is allcdged by divers British mer
" chants, and others his majesty's fubjefta, that
" debts to a confid.rabla amount, which were bos*
" fide contrWled, before the peace,-ftili remain
" owing to then) by citizens or inhabitants ps Ae
" United States ; and that by the operation of
*' rious lawful impediments, "fiace the peace, not
" ®OJy th e full recovery of the laid debts las Seen
" delayed, bat alfolhe value and security thereof
" have teen in several inftances-unpairod and feflV
" ened, so that 6y the ordiftary ceurfe of judicial
- proceedings, tKe Brfrifl. creditors cannot n«v
" °°tain and a&ually have and receive fall and
" adequate compensation for the loffe» an< dama
" ges which tney have thereby sustained: It Ls a
" greed that in all such where full compenfa
" tion for foch losses and damages cannot for what
" ever teafon be aituilly obtained, had and recei
" by the Ikid creditors in the ordinary fcourfe
'• of justice, the United States will make full * n i
" complete compensation for the fame to the 'said
« creditors: but it Udifti»aiy understood, that
this proviuon is to extend to fiicfi losses only as
" h " Te , b s* n ««afioa*d b T the lawful impedimenta
aforc said, and is not to extend to losses occasion
" ed by such infolvcncy of the debtors or other
" causes, as would equally have operated to pro
" " f " cfl '°k> # fiiJ impediments had not
existed ; nor to furfi losses br damages as have
" been occasioned by the manifeft delay, ornczli
«• b eucc, or wilful omission of the claimant."
By order as the Board,
Philadelphia, Commilßoners' Office,
No. 3 fouthSixth-ftveet, May 29,
'W- J 6-§xm
yHE SUBSCRIBER having been appointed by
1. the Envoy hxtraprdinary ar.d Minilter Plem.
potentvjryof his Biitannic Majesty, General Agent
ioraffilting Brmih creditors, and luch particular a
gentsas they may fpeeially auihoriie t in profecutme
their d«ms before ibe Cemmiffiooers tor in
to etf.a the i.xth article ol the Treaty of Amity, Cm
mcrct and hlwcn his Britimic M a „tK aad
the United States 0/ AntriLa, hereby gives notice that
he ha* openfc. hisoftve at his house the foutii east
corner of Chefnut and fifth ftjeets, Philadelphia
where he is ready to receive all claims or inlliufliona
lor claims with the vouchers aud documents thereof
for the puroofe of bringing forward the fame agree!
ably so (lie rules and orders which the board m»v
think proper co prescribe. '
And as it will be for the imereft of all concerned,
that the (everal be so stated,. and support!
td, as ropreveoube delay which would arile fTom
the necefiuydf inlorm»tion, or ad.
ditional malenais,from persons residing at a diltance
the general agent thinks it his duty to add, (for the*
dirttbon chiefly of thof-, who, not having employ,
ed particular agent,, may | f ,ve the ptofecmion of
their ciitmn to his charge and' manage men:} that til
such claims ought in particular :o set toril.—
ift. Thep-oper d,lcrlp.ion aad (i:nat ron of the
ocditor ot claimant, egd original debtor, refpe^U
ad. The date or nature of the original contrast or
3d. When, in what manner, and to what extent,
the creditor or claimant ww pTeven(»d or impeded,
by the. provision, operation or deleft of law, the
decitiont aud pra^lice of courts, or reflraint ot exe
cution, from tecuvciiug payment of the debt in
4th. The loss and damage incurreU or ftflained,
tn confequehce cf such impediments, whether the
fame may have arisen from the mfolveney, chanee of
fuuattAo, or death of the deb lo r, the loss ol legal
remedy from laple of time, or other caufei impairi-12
the value and security of the debt, which would not .
have so operated if such impediments had not exTlted, -
Andyh The pauiculargrounds and rfilons on
which the claimant maintain,, in the terms of the
treaty, that " by the ordinary courfeof judicial pro
mgi, the c editor caiuiot now obtain and aftually
have and receive full ai d adequate compenfatior.'Mor
the loflVs ai.d damages !o fulttiued.
The fe tueral agent think, ithis duty further tdr»z
gtft that the f. vera! claims ought to be accompanied
and tupporied by the affidavits of the claimants rfo'v
sworn and regularly atitiled, btha. to theexiftene«
of .the debts claimed, and fucb other clrcumftoncea
as may be within their own knowledge re(pc£lively.
And iaherevLr the cLiiinants in flattnj-the naturo of
their evidence (whichmuft in be the
test of which the cafe is capable) have occasion to
tefcr to the teftimooy of wit.e(Tes, it wiH be proprr
to apprise the general agent ol the names and places
of relidence of luch witneffe.and thefaftito be ella
blithed by tliait testimony.
Wm. Moore Smith.
Philadelphia, June B>h, 1737. dun
New-England Rum,
In Hoglhcads and Bane's, for&!e by
ezeklul HALL.
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