Canal Lottery, 1 No. 11. Scheme of a Lottery, , Auilioriied by an aft, entit'td, "anaS to j enable the Prefideni and Managers ol the Schuylkill and Sufqueliannah n-ivig«ioo, to <• rajfe, by way of Lottery, -t!* e sum tif I oui Hundred Thousand Dollars, for the of completing the works, in il.eir a v is »»l incorporation mentioned." . Dollars l 1 Priie of twenty thousand dollars, 20,00® 5 I of ten Thousand dollars, 10, coo ' 5 of four thoul'and dollars each, to be paid to the pofftlTors of the five numbers firft out of the wheel on the lad day's drawing, at which time tfieie shall not be lefa than 500 numbers un drawn, 20,e00 ! 10 of two thousand dollars each, 20,000 , ao of one thousand dollars each, 20,000 43 ef five hundred dollars each, 21,500 100 of two hundred dollars each, 20,c00 100 of one hundred dollars e»ch, 10,000 320 odfifty dollars each, n,oco of five dollars each, 147»5°° 30,000 Tickets at ten dollars each. 300,000 Six dollars for each ticket will only be de manded at the time of sale AH prizes shall be paid ten days after the drawing is fmilhed, upon the demand of the pofieflor of a fortunate ticket, fubjeit to a de duction of fifteen per cent. Such prizes as are not demanded within 12 months after the drawing is finilhed, of which public notice will be given, Ihall be considered as relinquiflied for the wfe of the Canal and applied accordingly. At a Meeting of the President and Mana gers of the Schuylkill and Sufquehanna Canal Navigation—and the President and Managers of the Delaware and Schuylkill Canal, Resolved, That Joseph Ball, John Steinmetz, Standifh Forde, Francis Weft, James M'Crea, John Miller, jua. and William Montgomery, be a committee to arrange and direa the mode of disposing of the ticket! 1 which committee (hall deposit this money in bank, to be carritd to the credit of an account to be opened for the Lottery. We the Commiflisners appointed by the Go vernor to superintend the drawing of the Lot tery, inform the public, that the tickets are row rolling up, and that the drawing will po sitively commence on Mondaythe 29th of May next. Frederick KM, /fames /{fh, Hjeorge Budd. Philad. A prill 7, 1797- 2aw # Tickets at fix dollars each to be had of the managers, or at the canal office, near the bank of the United States. For Sale, TWO LOTS OF GROUND in Kensing ton, on the south fide of Hanover-street, containing thirty-fix feet in breadth and one kunrlred and sixty-seven and a h-vlf feet in depth to a twenty feet alley For further in formation enquire at No. 37, Arch-fireet. Ma,rch tB. eodtf TO BE RENTED, And may be enteied upon at any time, THATforcibleand wellimprovedwaterworks on Brandywine, three miles from the town of Wilmington, in the state of Delaware j CONSISTING OK A large, convenient Slitting Mill, In complete 6rder, having several pair of rolls and cutters of every size. A large, Stone Merchant Mill, Having three pair burr stones, boulting works, corn kiln and every other necelTary apparatus. A Saw Mill, In the best orddr, and a pair of timber wheels. A Smith's Shop and Tools. To'accommodate the-fe works there is a large commodious stone dwelling house, kitchen and wash house and a number of dwelling honfes for workmen, with gardens adjoining ; two large stone stables, two stone coal houses, and a coop er's (hop, with meadow and pasture grounds. If the tenant chufes he may have the oppor tunity to purchase an excellent of five hor ses, waggon, coal carriages and bed, with a stock of coal in the coal houses fuffieient to ma nufacture three hundred tons of iron.— Apply to RUMFORD fef ABIJAH DAWES, No. 7, South Water-street. For Sale, At the Ofljce of the Gazette of the United States, No. 119, Chefnut-ftreet, The lajl Report of the late Secretary of the Treasury; b»ng a bripf hiiiory of the state of financial c-oncerns of the United States. The Proceedings of the Executive of the United States refpeifling the western in fur region : Containing many faiCls and cir cuinflances no where else to be found, jo cents. The Letter of Mr. Pickering to our minister in France. 371-2 cents. An Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of the United States for the year I7 ? J - A tew copies of the volume for 1794 mJ y be had to complete fe:ts. D'ivernois' account of the Revo lution in Geneva. 12 1-2 cents. April 3. § Erfkine's View of the War. JUST PUBLISHED, By ROBERT CAMPBELL & Co. No 40 Sou. h Second P.reet, [Price 31 Cents J A View of the Caitfes and Confluen ces of the present War with France. By the Honorable Thomas Ekskinc. May 1 s § To be fold cheap, T0 close an adventure» 7 Bales Bafias 2 ditto Coff-s Apply at the Store cf Merdecai Lewis, May 16 «oiw A Nfcw Work. PROPOSALS For (Waiting and publilhing, bv fubfcriptioo, The J History of Pennsylvania, ° i N Norlh-Ainrrica,/ftom the infliction and r( 5 liltlcinent ot" th.;t province. rnder the firft propfi- eror and governor* William Pin n , in 1601, till after ihc year 174®; vwith • AN INTRODUCTION Refpefting the Life of vv . PENN, v Piior 10 tlieg ant of that Province, and the reli- o pious Society of the propie called Quakers; with the ji FIRST RISE of the NEIGHBOR! NGCOLONIfcS, mere particuiaily or WEST-NEW J c.R$£Y, and the a Settlement of the DUTCH and SWEDES on DEL A- g WARE. > c To which is added, A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE SAID PRO- [ VINCE. And of the general (late, in which it flourifhed, J principally between the years 1760 and 1770. The * whole including a variety of things, ufeful and i»- J lerefting to be kfiown, refpe£tiug that country in early '<■ tvme, &c. With an ?ppendix. t Written principally between the years iy]6ind 1780, By Robert Proud. 1 " Pulchrum ejl beuejacere reipublic x, etiam bent dicer c haud abjmdum ejl, vet pace vel bello clarum fieri licet*' 1 £al. Catalin. , MSedcum plerique arbitrentvr res bellicas majorcs ejfe aujm nrbanas, minuenda efl bote opinio.*' Cic. Off. (Entered according to law.) WILLIAM PENN, the great legislator of the Quakers, (in had the fuccels of a con quer or, in eftablifhiog and defending his colony, a inong savage tribes, without ever drawing the sword ; the goodness of the most benevolent rulers, in trea ting his fubje£ts as his own children ; and Che tender iiefs of an universal father, who opened his arms to all mankind without diflinftion ot fe6t or party. In his Republic it was not his religious creed, but per sonal merit, that entitled every member ot society to the protection and emolument of the State " RJfay on Toleration, by Arthur o*Leery. CONDITIONS. I. This work will be printed in two o&avo vol umes, neatly bound and lettered, both in sheep and calf, for the choice of the fubferibers; on paper simi lar to that of the conditions, as publi/htd in the Subjcrip tion papers. li. The head of William Penn, handsomely en graved, will be prefixed to the firft, and a map or (ketch of Pennsylvania, and the parts adjacent, to the second volume. Ill* The price to fubferibers will be four dollars and an half in sheep, and five dollars in calf; —one dollar to be paid at the time of fubtciibing, two dol lars on the delivery of the firtt| volume, and the re mainder on the delivery ot the lecond. v IV. When one thousand copies are fubferibed for, the work will be out to press and fmilhed with all convenient expedition. Subscriptions will be received by Zachariah Poul fon, jun. Priuter, No. 80, Chefuut-ftreet, and at the Philadelphia Library in Fifth-ftreet ; by Isaac Col lins, Printer, and Joseph James, Merchant, New- York; by John P. Pleafianisaad George W. Field, Moichants. Baltimore; and by other persons both in town and country. February 18* tu&f Laws of the U. S. SWIFT's EDITION. Just Publijhed,\ Price 6 dollars, 3 vol. nmo. Sold by W. Young, Mills and Son, H. and P. Rice, M.Carey, R. Campbell and Co. Laws of the United States, From tlx commencement of the Federal Govern ment to the end oj the lajl Sefflon of Con gress, which terminated Mtrch 3, 1797. r l ''HIS edition, published under an order of X Congress of the United States, has many peculiar advantages. In the former one, each volume had a separate index, which rendered > the reference in all cases, difficult and trouble -1 some, and in many almost impossible. The in dexes were, moreover, very injudicionfly com piled. On the contrary, in the present edition, t there is one copious, luminous index, com . piled by Zephaniah Swift, Esq. referring to all the volumes, and compriling in itfelf a com plete digest of all the laws of the United States. May 3. w&B7t 1 _ m Venereal Complaints, "PUNCTUALLY attended to in every stage of Jl that disease, without the ufc of mercury or . restraint of diet, in any cafe recent and simple. on ] application at No. 113, Chefnut-fcreet, opposite 5 the United States bank, or at No. 170, South Wa e tcr«ftreet, between Spruce and Pine-ftaeets, where he has opened an office lor the better accommoda tion of his patients. But in Lues Venerea confirmed, Do&or Morgan pledges himfelf, that no fyltem of cure (however specious) can be effe&ual without mercury, and 1 that all the known rules of practice for these two " centjiriespaft, and united experience affirms, that 3 any substitute for it is but nugatory, and any mode of pra to John Barker Church and accompanied with powers of transfer to the Subscribers. In the months of C&obcr and November lalf they were forwarded to us by Findlay Ban - natyne and C». of London. Both of the (hips it appears from the public prints have been carried into the Weft-Indies by the French and condemned, from which it is appreh.nded the papers zrc destroyed. Steps hive been taken to the improper transfer of the absve (hares. Gabriel Wood & Co. March 31. Advertisement. WHEREAS I am informed that two bonds given by mc to Stoekley Donelfon in July in the year i/95> or about fix thousand one hundred and ten pounds Virginia curren cy each, have been tramferred by the said Do nelfon and others, and that it is intended to ot fer the laid bonds for fa!e at i I think it ray duty to infirm the public, what the cireutnftancei are under which .the said bonds were given, and l«*ave those who are in poif.iuon of them, or to whom they may be offered, tp judge of the probability of their being paid. In June 1795, Samuel Love, Jofiah Watson and myl'elf entered into contrail that I should go- to the S. Wcftern Territory (now the ltate of Tennessee) for the purpose of making a .pureliafe of lands in that Country; the terms on which the purchase was to be made, were defined in our agreement, and fifteen days by Imputation were given fcid Samuel Love and Jofuh Watson, after I should inform them of any purchales I should make to determine whe ther'they woold be partners in it. J made a purchase of lands of the said Stock ley Donelfon but not on the terms, to which I was limited by the said agreement with Samuel Love, Jofiah W-itfon and myfelf— and although the purchase exceeded in price, and was not on the credit agreed on, I thoaght the bargain a good one, and supposed Samuel Love and Jofiah Watson would join me in it. I there fore signed bonds for the payments, in the fame manner as I should have done, if I had been cer tain Mr. Love and Mr. Watson would have ra tified and confirmed them ; because I did not chufeas I meant to give them an option ot tak ing part of the said lands, to become solely re sponsible for the payments, if they should de termine to accept my offer of part. On my return those gentlemen i efufed to be concerned at all my purchase, and as I had received the deeds jointly in our names, they when re quested immediately conveyed to me, to that 1 flood wholly pofTefTed of the lands 9 and solely responsible for payments. At the time I made the purchase of Mr.. Do nelfon, I informed him with whom and in what manner I was concerned, and that Mr. Love and Mr. Watson becoming responsible for the payments, depended entirely on themselves. The purchase I made was to the amount or upwards of 70,000 dollars, one thousand dol lars were paid in cash, fix thousand dollars in fiity day bills, and upwards of twenty thou sand dollars in goods the fall following the pur chase. The two ibonds above alluded to were given, one payable in O 180 Crates queens ware, well assorted, • 10 Tons sheet lead, Nails assorted, fiat and fhirp points, : London particular and Madeira Wine in ; India market > pipes and hhds. , 30 pipes, 10 hhds. Teneriffe Wine, 1 10 choice Port ditto, 31 calks yellow paint, 7 boxes 12 bundles writing slates, 1 box ink-ft&nds & note prtffes, Sail canvas assorted No. 1 a 8. May 4. dtf NOW LANDING, From on board of the lliip GEORGI- BAR r CLAY, Capt. Charles M'Alester, from Calcutta, the following GOODS, viz. Coffas Punjum Cloths Hummums Gurrahs Guzeenahs India Calicoes |S Emertics Cotton Checks Mamoodits Mulmuls ( Sahans Red and Blue Bermgou hkfs Tickeries Patna do. Jollas Eantipore do. Carridairies Plain, flriped and flower ed fine muslins Maragunges Ginghams n Baftas, various forts Taffeties h Sattln Romals Bandanno red hks. ALSO, 300 Casks Sugar 40 Boxes do. 165 Bags do. 70, 000 lb. weight heavy black Pepper j 40,05t) lb. weight Ginger 20 Tons Hemp in Bales g Pipes East-India Spirits r S For faleby PHILIPS, CRAMOND & Co. ;; May 4. *L. ° To be rented, 0 A of STORES on Morton's wharf. Pof- XJL feflion may be had immediately. Enquire of KEAxNY WHARTON, 1 109 South Water-ilreet.' May 1 f Notice is hereby given, f OY order of the Board of Proprietors of the IJ Eastern Oivifion of the State of N«»v-Jer fey 1 hat a Dividend of Rights of Location Jon * their vacant lands, will be ma(le at their nsxt slated meeting, which commences on the third Tueiday in May next, being the fiiteenth day of - the month ; of which all jerfons concerned ar# >s defircd to take notice. JAMES PARKER, It Perth-Amboy, March 13, * 797- $ RcS'r !j : • " notice. s TF JOSEPH WESSELS, formerly of London, 1- A who came passenger in the ship Faflor, to Philadelphia, in the year 1794. will apply at ft No. 1,7 Mirket-ftreet, he will hear of fome -11 thing to his advantage. Any inforinatiol re ipedting him wiU be thankfully received. tw& f 4 May la wjm Stated Sales AT AUCTION, For DRY GOODS. rrr i n ( Afternoon—Peter itJenfon, No. ?4 Kit'fd'V \ south Third . ftrcet . Th rt S Forenoon—Edward Fox. ur J V | Afternoon—John Connelly. p ■ , ) Forenoon—William Shannon. n 3 Aftemoou—John Connelly. Saturday Afternoon—Peter Benfon. f" Forenoon—Edward Fox, No. 56, %f j J south Front-street, Afternoon—Footman & Co. No. 65 South Front-street. f' Forenoon—John Connelly, Old City rr, r j J Aucflion, No. 73 foutU l'ront-ftreet. Afternoon—\Villiam Noi 183 High-street. Valuable Lands, &c. in Georgia. On Saturdvy, the first day of July next, at 7 o,clock in the evening, at the Cor fee-houfc in Philandelphia, will be fold by. auction, for a liberal credit, the following estates In the State of Georgia. No- I. A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND, com taining 100,697 1-2 acres, fituafc; in the county of Montgomery, formerly the county of Walhington, on the east fide of Ohaory river, and the waters of the Altamaha, and about one mile above the mouth of Ptndleton's creel:, and in the neighbourhood of M£l creek. The im provements on this trail of land, confifling of the molt complete Grift and Saw Mills in the southern country, having cost at least 20,000 dollars within these two years. The timber is of the fineft quality, and the quantity is not to be eifhaufted. 2. A trail of very valuable land in Franklin county, lying on the waters cf, con taining about 75,000 acres. ... 3- A trait adjoining or near to No. 2, contain ing about 25,00 a acres. 4. "Two millions and five hundred thousand aerei of land, being an vndivided part of all that trail of valuable country, including ifiands, si tuated on the Mobile Bay, Albahama, Tom Bigby, and Miffifippi Rivers, which was grant ed by the State of Georgia to James Gunri, and others, by the name of " The Georgia Compa ny", in fee. 5- Thirty (bares in the TennefTee Company, each lhare being about 10,000 acres, or one four hundredth and twentieth part of the .said Ten nelTee Corapany'c purchal'e, being so much of the trail of country, granted by the State ef Georgia to Matthias Maher and Raehariah Cox, in fee. (Cs* This piecfc of property may, in the op tion of thfc purchaser, or his assigns, be offered to Zachariah Cox, forthe sum of I7s,ooodol larsi in two years from the 31ft March 1126, who is obligsd by his fpeeial bond, to take the fame, if offered to him, at that time, and pay for the fame, within fix months after the expir ation of the said two years. This bond is fold with tne land. By order of Henry Pratt, T. IV. Francis, Jjr , John Miller, inn. w %* e " °f John Athicy, J™" Gr « nlea f- Jacob Baker, Edward Fox, Auctioneer. May 15' mwftS Divertimenti ; Or, Familiar Lessons for the PIANO FORTE. To which is prefixtd, A Ground for the Improvement of young Practi tioners : COMPOSED by R. Taylor, music profeffor, Philadelphia, publiflied this day ; price two dollars, printed for the author, No. 96, Nortb Sixth-street, and fold at Carr's musical repositories Philadelphia and New-Yoik, and Orinrod, No. 41, Chefnut-ftreet ; where may be had by the fame author, a variety of fcrious, comic and paf aoral songs, rondo for forte piano, k-flon for two performer on ot-ic instrument, &c. &c. &c. May 16. W3t .—-—■ Building Materials. THE fubferiber has on hand, and affers for sale at a reduced price for ca With Stock suit able thereto. THE fubferibers, crifignecs of Joseph Meif fon, 1 ffer for sale all the stock of goods on hsnd, lately belonging to said MeilTon, confin ing *f a great variety of liquers, groceries, Any person wishing to engage in bnfinei's as a ■grocer, will have an opportunity of purchafmg the whole of the retail store on reasonable terms, and can immediately get poffaflion of it, at the corner of Strawberry alley rhd Chefnut-ftreet, whii-h has been losgknown as an excellent stand for that line of buflnefs. If not fold in teu days, the whole of that, with a'large quantity of wines, St. Croix and N:w-Eng!and rum, .&r. &c. will be put up to public auition. 1 For terms apply to David Walker, \ Wm. Buckley, or Samuel Keith. * May 10 S To be Sold, A THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSI-, with suitable back buildings, fitotte in Vine-flrtct, No. 88, completely finilhed, and free of ground > rent. It has a neat back yard, in which is a large 3 cittern, and new pump (or rain water—commo t dious cellars are under tie whole, in wbich is a - dry well, bricked up, that will hold ice. J'Uipro - perty is well calculatfd for a buardijig-houl». Foi particulars apply at the prcmif 1. May J ' tthf Friday